Q&A and Fireside Chat
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DMing for NEW D&D Players
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Your D&D world needs trees
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LEVEL UP your online D&D
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Make any CURSED D&D item MORE FUN
Honeypotting your D&D players
Great online D&D is possible!
Build better D&D worlds
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No more BORING D&D sessions
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Your DM screen could be BETTER
@risheesharma Күн бұрын
dude looks like Drew Gooden wearing a fake moustache lol
@clipso9061 2 күн бұрын
Call of cthtulu is all about this kind of stuff
@i_seebreadpeople 2 күн бұрын
Back when his moustache was smol.
@grandpajerry764 2 күн бұрын
My dude this stuff is great but quick Q: do you go to a barber to upkeep that awesome mustache or do you do it yourself? Also what’s your hair care routine like if you dont mind me asking?
@TheEthanEdge 2 күн бұрын
ah man i thought it was gonna be something new but i already use obsidian lmao
@thewolfstu 3 күн бұрын
I have in fact made my own dice before, but the catch is that they were 3D printed dice. I'd always love to get a resin printer to try that for that sweeet sweeeeet detail density, but that's far off from where I am now. lol I know peeps who've done resin mold dice beforee.
@Vizeroy9 4 күн бұрын
Remark about Calendarium: It is available in the community plugins list in Obsidian itself.
@jessicaalvis7063 4 күн бұрын
This is how I run initiative in my own homemade ttrpg 😊 it is also how warhammer does it - 1d6 the winner goes first
@kittenwithanax4937 5 күн бұрын
HI! I'm new here; what a dashing mustache! Thank you for this video!
@diginic117 5 күн бұрын
Hey Kelly, I appreciate your ingenuity and passion for the game… it’s really amazing and I’ve been enjoying the content so far… keep it up 🔥
@powerwordspill 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, I really appreciate that!
@kingfuzius6190 5 күн бұрын
where do you get the files for the spellcards? 😮
@voxelheart 6 күн бұрын
I'm about to start GM'ing a TTRPG and this is by far the most useful video I've been recommended. Love the ending bit where you show off your process.
@guilhermebreder6474 6 күн бұрын
2:55 - mine does not look like yours :(
@Keimoj 6 күн бұрын
Beyond Google Drive and Discord channel (and random notebooks e.g.). My latest and most valuable asset is 10 euro children LCD drawing tablet that has 2 functions, draw and delete all. :D
@jeannedz29 7 күн бұрын
Wow, I've been doing cool things with Notion but this is veeeeery cool
@bumblebxnny 7 күн бұрын
i hve to resist the urge to make this since i currently have no in person parties but the obs idea is actually helpful for playing on discord
@user-sz8su6jt5r 8 күн бұрын
you can 100% simulate a second screen through an application of some sort instead of having to buy a device for it. But still a good idea
@unseensounds 8 күн бұрын
Goodbye Evernote I guess!
@shadowvampwolf 8 күн бұрын
I use obsidian portal for a wiki. Just need to hyper link stuff properly and css code images in. Theres not much of an interactive map for free accounts but i find the css image embedding enough haha
@thesaucyfellow5703 7 күн бұрын
How do you make the map work? I’ve been trying for quite a while and nothing ever seems to work
@shadowvampwolf 7 күн бұрын
@@thesaucyfellow5703 i dont use the map the website provides, i make a new page, upload my map which has numbered markers edited on it to an image host website and use css code to embed that image into that page. then i write details on what each marker is suppose to be in the map
@thesaucyfellow5703 8 күн бұрын
I’m having an issue with the map generator where the image dimensions won’t load correctly, I’ve followed everything in that portion of video 100% accurately but it doesn’t work? Any suggestions?
@dragonracers51732 9 күн бұрын
What vtt do you use
@Shadow_Jager 9 күн бұрын
9 page pocket holders save you a whole lot of money. instead.
@Skellybr0 9 күн бұрын
Im currently deciding between OneNote, Notion, and Obsidian for managing Curse of Strahd, a campaign I expect to take the party over a year. It's very tough deciding what to use. OneNote has been good to me in the past, I've been learning about Notion through work, and I just found out about Obsidian today. One thing i really love about OneNote is the formatting freedom. I can place pictures and text anywhere, easily with no fuss. They all seem to have their pros and cons. Obsidian is just so fast and light. Can you make player-only visible stuff like you can in Notion? Please give me you guys advice on which program you like!!
@CoffeeStained 9 күн бұрын
I'm wearing Costco zip-shorts/pants as I watch this video.
@huskytales9839 9 күн бұрын
Hey Kelly, thanks for the video. I'm trying to figure this out, my entire screen is being projected to the monitor instead of just a selection. The players will see everything on my screen, notes, etc. What am I doing wrong?
@WarbearPrime 10 күн бұрын
I am using Campfire. Once setup, you can one click and have it generate a campaign for you to run.
@CrysiCrysis 11 күн бұрын
The potion is a fantastic idea. And that is a wonderful execution.
@nizizumi 11 күн бұрын
Considering my current way of "organizing" is writing notes on random documents and paper, I sometimes just have pages with literally one word written on them and trying to figure out wtf I meant. Anything is better than what I do.
@xXItzcoateyXx 11 күн бұрын
I love this idea! I have one question though - how do you intend players to gain levels in the slot 1 ability? Do they add a dot every time they crit or simply land an attack with the weapon? As they wouldn't have any activatable abilities unlocked yet.
@voltdriver 11 күн бұрын
Just found your channel, and wow I love it. The quality of the videos is high, it's well edited, you are funny and dynamic, there's no filler or beating around the bush, and you don't shove the "like and subscribe" down our throat. I subscribed and I like your videos, you entirely deserve the love. The only thing I could think of to improve, if possible, would be chapters in your video (the little bars in the video control that tells us which section is about what) but other than that, bravo!
@chrismorrison-leeson6406 11 күн бұрын
mate, I appreciate, your effort, your style, your ideas and just being you. Or multiple you's in some vid's lol. Thank you so much, I;m currently going through a painstaking process of developing a small card / board game of the campiagm I have adhoc'd form a one shot that has lasted 2 years, just to show my appreciation of their commitment to the game. This, and all you video's, are very inspring. Inreally do appreciate you mate! Top bloke!!
@chrismorrison-leeson6406 11 күн бұрын
This is also the very first time I noticed the replay-ability of where vid's can be reviewed and I imagine its worth doing some more work on card manufacture wirh ideas of ease of home printing or maker-space printing if possible. Detail would help me in this instance. Hey, thanks for your time brother!
@ghostfaceknuts 11 күн бұрын
Awesome...I am currently using Google Keep, and checking out DMs Guild, but it doesn't function how I'd like. Gonna check out obsidian. 🙏
@escoson555 11 күн бұрын
Why dont you try to build the same type of setting for each different program? That way you can show people the real difference between them. Decent vid but kind useless...
@OutlandStation 12 күн бұрын
Found this video as a "recommend" from something else I was researching. Outstanding video! Love the humor and overall presentation. I've been messing about with 3d design for gaming and action figures for over a decade at this point and I can completely agree - designing a box is hard! I love the intent behind your effort. After 3 iterations, you have likely had some very valuable insights about design changes that would make things work SO MUCH BETTER. At least, that's how MY brain works. Also, thanks for the tip about TinkerCAD. It recently popped up in connection with another program I use regularly (Daz 3D Studio). I used SketchUP for a long time, but I let my license lapse a few years back and was wondering about renewing it. But thanks to you, I'll give TinkerCAD a go. I'm sending your channel out to my gaming group - I know they'd enjoy you as much as I do.
@leventcelik6597 12 күн бұрын
Correction: Obsidian is free but not open source.
@christopherjoachimwallat1429 12 күн бұрын
Very cool ideas, really got inspired. Thanks!
@brianspaulding1783 12 күн бұрын
Your mustache is top tier. Put on a top Hat and you look like an evil villain
@TheGladGolem 12 күн бұрын
Magnificent moustache!
@TotoMacFrame 12 күн бұрын
"They might be onto something with this whole metric thing." As far as I know Liberia, Myanmar and the USA are the only three countries _not_ using it as of today. Yeah. It might be all the other 192 countries might be onto something there. =D Nicely done, cool tips along the way! Hats off for doing it by hand with no power tools.
@BasedEntmt 12 күн бұрын
Dude said install a hundred times over. I’ll stick to my physical notes
@davidkorzelius 12 күн бұрын
I love obsidian! Would’ve changed my college life
@Ashtor1337 12 күн бұрын
@gagglegames 13 күн бұрын
God I hate "THIS APP IS GREAT" then spending time skirting around naming it, for crying out loud. Even if you lampshade it 30 seconds in, title and thumbnail showed nothing and now I'm just angry and don't want to watch your video despite how good Obsidian is.
@tonyb9290 13 күн бұрын
I used obsidian once, as I filled things out it started bugging down and crashing. I think I determined I just had too much data for it
@ca7582 13 күн бұрын
Obsidian is the endgame
@NixTheMouse 14 күн бұрын
i wish i could wrap my head around how obsidian works
@rob3040 14 күн бұрын
I’ve been using Notion for my projects and tasks and research in my professional life for years. As a new DM, a did a quick search and there are already some really great templates for using Notion to manage campaigns. For people who like databases…it’s tough to beat.
@MrPansophy 14 күн бұрын
Hm, I made my box out of an A5 plastic case and some styrofoam deciders. Took me about 2 hours and does the job. I guess it all depends on the minimum requirements.