Did Meta Quest just become irrelevant?
Why AI products suck
Ай бұрын
Is new iPad hardware pointless?
why did zuck open up Quest?‽
AI won't replace your phone.
3 ай бұрын
How does Apple stay innovative?
Why did Apple cancel their car?
@ozten 11 сағат бұрын
Great insights! My uneducated guess is that Apple Intelligence platform will be an incremental boost to Apps, but maybe not a break out capability that is a massive opportunity for developers to chase. It will reward entrenched companies that you have already created a lot of data with. The incremental lift will be more brand touchpoints per day and a small lift to active daily usage. If their app icon was on page 5 and you never remember to launch it for example, but it actually has some really useful data or capability that Siri can put in front of the user. Looking forward to learning more!
@helloimedden 12 сағат бұрын
App intents!! That’s the layer that interacts with Siri for app intelligence(and shortcuts and spotlight and other things). For those unaware, apps set up intents like the example giving in the video (edit a video, videochat grandma) and this is who the system can interact and recommend things already today and how intelligence is being “fed” the system and knowledge around what’s happening or should be aggregated for semantic indexing. I bring it up because I think it points to a whole topic about Apple’ Developer Tools and how smart and thoughtful they have been to get here today. Even their mapping API is so thoughtful. I deal a lot with API’s and omg apples mapping is a DREAM compared to googles. Not to mention it’s basically free for small/medium app usage w/ a dev account. I could go on about like each API but if you don’t believe me go read the docs it’s fascinating. Other companies will build the home with all these nice looking rooms mostly furnished but Apple built a grand luxury resort complex and it’s dirt cheap to book a stay. Apple really wanted to build a place for developers to explore and tinker and make it easy and fun and memorable. This makes me want to make a whole video about how we got here. How/Why Apple built a developer paradise. And what that means the future for developers and development in general. When I worked at Apple, we were officially rolling out “Setup” in stores. The idea was if you bought it, we helped you set it up. Seems simple now but no one thought of setup in stores, even internally there was push back on doing it. Anyway one interesting fact from the research/data was that a person buying a iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad would probably never/rarely download apps UNLESS they download “X” amount of apps within 24hrs of owning the device. Then the number of apps they download would skyrocket. There was this graph of the user journey and it had a big dip after purchase and during set up and first time usage. I think you see that big dip with Vision Pro. But developing for Apple. THERE IS NO DIP. It’s like you get in there and you learn a toolkit and then you want to learn another and another. It would just be a straight growth line on the graph. That’s intentional and a huge win that Apple built up over decades. It’s what Zuck will never have for his platforms and prob why he has such a hard on for hating the App Store. It’s what Google will have to be “evil” about to accomplish or you know just kill your API or hardware you dev for. And Microsoft only has API’s because CEO’s make money off them not because they care about developers. Cue “DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS” Balmer clip here.
@michaelcortez6957 17 сағат бұрын
I don’t know about you Austin, but Apple’s software quality has gone down the garbage chute for almost a decade now. The features are top tier don’t get me wrong, I still prefer Apple but I can’t tell you how many times my phone alarm hasn’t rung, how my AirPods regularly disconnects and routes audio from the wrong device, my Apple Watch not syncing with my iPhone apps, and worst of all.. I make reminders and I’m reminded nothing of them. They’re all missed. I don’t remember one time where setting a reminder actually worked for me and I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max. And Siri.. all it’s done is route me to google because it can’t think for itself. I’m sure Apple Intelligence will be better, but I’m not sure if it’ll be good enough to change my mind on Apple Software. The feature is top notch, and Apple regularly comes out with these amazing ideas and new features.. so I’m sure Apple Intelligence is great and better than Siri. But my AirPods for example, has this feature called conversation awareness so it’s supposed to lower my audio when I start to speak, but it lowers audio when anybody around me speaks, when it hears dialogue coming from a tv, when it senses environmental sounds.. I had to turn it off 😭 And no worries on the uploads! Your videos are a lot for me to take in and process haha so I kind of need a breather 😅
@michaelcortez6957 17 сағат бұрын
I don’t know about you Austin, but Apple’s software quality has gone down the garbage chute for almost a decade now. The features are top tier don’t get me wrong, I still prefer Apple but I can’t tell you how many times my phone alarm hasn’t rung, how my AirPods regularly disconnects and routes audio from the wrong device, my Apple Watch not syncing with my iPhone apps, and worst of all.. I make reminders and I’m reminded nothing of them. They’re all missed. I don’t remember one time where setting a reminder actually worked for me and I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max. And Siri.. all it’s done is route me to google because it can’t think for itself. I’m sure Apple Intelligence will be better, but I’m not sure if it’ll be good enough to change my mind on Apple Software. The feature is top notch, and Apple regularly comes out with these amazing ideas and new features.. so I’m sure Apple Intelligence is great and better than Siri. But my AirPods for example, has this feature called conversation awareness so it’s supposed to lower my audio when I start to speak, but it lowers audio when anybody around me speaks, when it hears dialogue coming from a tv, when it senses environmental sounds.. I had to turn it off 😭 And no worries on the uploads! Your videos are a lot for me to take in and process haha so I kind of need a breather 😅
@bradna6 20 сағат бұрын
Love your thought process with these videos. Keep discussing tech (or whatever you want) and I’ll keep listening.
@Iroh_God Күн бұрын
A video editors cretic. Your title misleads people into thinking your talking about the update. You are not talking about the update. You are giving a history, philosophy, poetry lesson. better title: How Apple is rebranding AI into Apple Intelligence If you make educational content it needs to be highly entertaining. This is boring. I like your general vibe and where your coming from. it just needs to be refined because your asking way way way too much from TikTok brain rot people. Show, don't tell. way too long winded. Retention -1000. 90% filler context. People don't care how smart you are. You sound pretentious, people don't care about context. Cut the fat. Only Necessary information. What works today, examples. You don't understand the editing that would be required to make your script work. You haven't spent enough time studying retention. The script is bad. Nobody has time for fancy flavorful language to lullaby the viewer to sleep with no value except showing that I've read many a book with a vast array of language. Stop that shit. Value the viewers time. Make a poetry channel if you want to express your love of language. This is tech tube. quick. short. brief. fast. Adapt or die. follow the "KISS" rule. Keep it simple, stupid. kzfaq.info/get/bejne/a8qdrN2kzt_Mpqs.html Linus tech tips old video editor understands the game. kzfaq.info/get/bejne/aLmcjaipldO5img.html how its done. but if your trying to do philosophical poetry in tech that is a mountain that might not be possible to climb. Your mixing 2 vastly different fields. Its almost like your forcing opposing forces together with sheer force. tech people won't watch you because your full of hot air. and poetry people won't find you because your talking about tech. This does not work. poetry=long form. tech=short form. its like your trying to force together magnets with the same poles they repel each other. pick a lane. ...I knew i hated your content for some reason. Now i know. Thanks. It was very perplexing.
@2phonesbabyken Күн бұрын
All this makes me sad to see how haphazard & unfocused Google's implementation of Gemini has been so far. In theory, it'd be _even more_ than Apple Intelligence could ever be with the amount of granular data Google associates with you, yet I feel like all it amounted to was an LLM button. Gemini's been a step backwards from Google Assistant for the most part, so from your friend entrenched in the Pixel ecosystem, I'm glad Apple is giving their AI features more time in the oven. I think it shows an actual commitment to those features and how they can enhance your life rather than riding another big industry trend. (Well, save for the AI branding; that's certainly chasing an industry trend considering their ML additions over the years have been just that.)
@BenjiManTV Күн бұрын
…me looking up how to install Apple intelligence
@jeandowning755 13 күн бұрын
A refreshing look at the younger generations viewpoint! Great music too
@GetJesse 13 күн бұрын
Yep. Controls that fit the shape of our hands are easier to use than a flat surface.
@melsto 13 күн бұрын
i find it interesting how there will always be things/tools for specific purposes, even though the PC was in itself a multifunctional tool, with the goal to replace many things like the typewriter or calculator for example, there are now so many things that are in its core just a computer, like the switch in this case. in my mind, this is in a way evidence, that singular purpose tools/devices will probably always be the definitive formfactor, even though you CAN play games on an ipad or pc, the experience is most of the time going to be more seemless and enjoyable on a console. maybe there's gonna be a device in the future, that blends everything you'd want it to do into one device, while being seemless in every way, so i might be talking somewhat nonsense if that happens lol
@gdcolwell 13 күн бұрын
i think it’s telling how he calls the Switch’s physical controls “3D”. makes sense he would use that phrasing since a fully touch interface is his default.
@635574 21 күн бұрын
Zuck said in an interview they have holograhic glasses prototype and theyve shown it to people, everyone is mindblown. And this is what theyre trying to make next after the quest.
@jamiesalmonsculpture8599 21 күн бұрын
Zuck says a lot of bs😅
@claybford 22 күн бұрын
Apple should be celebrated for its strong commitment to privacy! It's why they bowed to pressure to block VPNs from the app store in Russia wait what
@user-fj5ts6sz1f 22 күн бұрын
This channel is like a goldmine. These are the quality contents i’ve been looking for.
@elwire 23 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed your video on the history of IBM and how Microsoft affected IBM’s hardware sales. However, I noticed that you didn’t mention anything about IBM’s OS/2 operating system. Do you think the development and promotion of OS/2 was a desperate move by IBM in response to the competition with Microsoft and the rise of Windows? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this aspect of IBM’s history. Thanks!
@robertoacj 24 күн бұрын
Hey. I know this is off topic, but i've been thinking lately about healthy usage of computers, and that made me wonder about the iMac on Apple's lineup today, as it seems less addictive and more communal, as a family computer. Do you have any opinion on it and if maybe that's the reason Apple keeps it around?
@PersonManManManMan 24 күн бұрын
Good video
@PersonManManManMan 24 күн бұрын
@jwoolson 24 күн бұрын
An operating system is NOT firmware. An OS sits above the firmware layer. Firmware allows the OS to talk to the hardware.
@michaelcortez6957 25 күн бұрын
Growing up in the 90’s and early 2000’s I didn’t know the PC actually started with Apple and not Microsoft, so that was pretty cool to learn! Spatial computing is exciting indeed, but it is the first technology that will physically get in the way of human to human interaction. Mobile computing made sense, since everyone needs to carry around a phone anyways. And the Apple Watch was a natural extension of adopting technology more intimately on the wrist. But if spatial computing is the next era, then presumably people would have something on them (whether headsets or glasses) that would ‘infiltrate’ their vision with digital information. Becoming an actual barrier between them and other people. That’s why I thought Google Glass initially seemed cool but wouldn’t be great if it was the future. And to further prove my point, the Apple Vision Pro as it is right now is a solitary experience. And with Personas, you don’t even see the real person when you communicate through it. It’s too digitized and maybe a bit isolating.
@GetJesse 25 күн бұрын
@mr.s4ndman 26 күн бұрын
@colterwehmeier7258 26 күн бұрын
apple knows trust is hard to earn and easy to lose
@franek.kedziorek 26 күн бұрын
Cool theories, but modern day Apple is on the wrong side here. Just look at their battle with EU about giving up control of their OSs. Apple presents itself as the only right choice in the rotten world of modern technology, but they are not that different from all the other corporations.
@bwhit7919 27 күн бұрын
I’m an iOS developer and I just bought a Meta Quest 2. I have two thoughts on this. First, Meta really doesn’t understand their target audience. They make tech products for non-tech people. Instagram is the social media app that attractive, young, popular people use. Facebook is the social media app that your grandmother uses. WhatsApp is the app small businesses in developing nations use. Why would they make a gaming headset? They’re not just trying to pivot from social media to hardware. They’re trying to pivot target audiences. The Ray Bans are brilliant because they target people that actually use Meta platforms. I can imagine an Instagram model wearing AR glasses, but I can’t imagine an Instagram model wearing a Quest 3. Second, I think Apple has a massive head start when it comes to recruiting developers. Developing Vision Pro apps is very similar to developing iPhone apps. Both use Swift and SwiftUI. If an iOS developer wanted to switch to Vision Pro, they just have to learn a handful of new frameworks. On the other hand, Meta has a massive head start when it comes to recruiting AI app developers. Because they open sourced Llama 3 and PyTorch, AI/ML engineers are familiar using Meta’s tools. It will easily be able to make apps for the Ray Ban glasses. I don’t think the Meta Quest will succeed, but I can imagine Meta winning the AI wearable race.
@sethdavis7073 27 күн бұрын
Why do you think Google was able to take the mobile market instead of Windows like they had previously?
@debugger4693 27 күн бұрын
Very interesting, well explained!
@HenrikVendelbo 27 күн бұрын
Listening to your beginning, Not sure that I buy your arguments on a 5 year timeframe. Secondly perhaps you should compare the Quest with the Pixel, not the PC. That being said I think Apple will do just fine with the release of Apple Vision Air
@nowherebrain 27 күн бұрын
apple doesn't? I don't know if I will ever stop laughing. Apple is the MOST evil & greedy tech company out there...they make nintendo lawyers look like saints.
@rcoppy 27 күн бұрын
I’m only 3 minutes in it but is lowkey hilarious you’re diving deep on meta filming your pickup shots with Google Fremont just out frame 😂 I walk by there quite often, the geese and the drawbridge capture the vibe quite succinctly haha
@georgerogers1166 27 күн бұрын
Apple doesn't care either!
@xurtis 27 күн бұрын
Surely by extrapolation the top layer is in fact vaporware
@pixelperfectpravin 28 күн бұрын
Meta Quest is relevent than ever
@Gael_AG 28 күн бұрын
I think meta with rayban was successful also Because meta got rid of its weakest element which is GUI . From facebook to quest , Zuckerberg never hired people who really cared and who had a solid graphic design background And I’m not sure they will win overtime with the over up display on the glasses because I’m almost sure they’ll fail building a simple and elegant seamless GUI
@devilsposterboy 28 күн бұрын
i honestly think jony ive is right about the eyes on the vision pro but it sucks that it ended up being so expensive and not that great on this version. i hate talking to people wearing sunglasses just because i cant see their eyes and it makes it just weird so this would make it a lot easier to be social with the headset on. hopefully one day it can come back in a cheaper and more fleshed out way
@techsuvara 28 күн бұрын
Glad you recorded the iPad directly! How good is it :) Love the discussions, definitely makes you think.
@webjoeking 28 күн бұрын
Perhaps the next level of the hierarchy is the ecosystem. Now at the ecosystem level, it’s a combination of services and sometimes software and firmware (and possibly hardware). Google suite of services, or Apples suite of services starts to be more compelling as a whole rather than its parts. It will be interesting if AI is a platform/firmware, software , services, or perhaps an ecosystem paradigm shift to reboot the whole landscape. I’m sure you will talk aboutVR/AR in the same lens, too!
@uncoverage 28 күн бұрын
whoa, this is unlocking a new level of understanding for me. i've been working on a video about Apple products with the thesis that the real product is Apple itself; that Apple's brand is the most important thing about the company because it enables their "best" users to buy so many Apple products without fear of being let down (too much). translated to your words, it's the ecosystem that matters. and profoundly (the missing piece for me before your comment), the hardware is part of the ecosystem. in other words, the ecosystem can only be as good as the hardware (and business goals) allow it to be. thanks for the food for thought!
@gumstain7755 28 күн бұрын
Truly love your editing style and slower paced videos, seeing you grow since the release of AVP has been fascinating to see!
@uncoverage 28 күн бұрын
thank you so much for the kind words and for sticking around for so long! i'm glad you like slowing down on this channel & i'm excited to see you in the comments again in the future :)
@ozten 28 күн бұрын
Very insightful and clearly argued! "Science advances one tombstone at a time" I think Quest and AVP are waiting for the gen Alpha. After you essay, I am thinking Raybans are a more solid bridge that could possibly get more mainstream Gen Z and Millinial traction than the Quest.
@uncoverage 28 күн бұрын
i've never heard that quote but it's going right into my Zettelkasten 🔥 also, i think you're mostly right about generational change - both in people and in technology. Meta's Ray-Bans are, in my eyes, the current iPod of the AR age. but the iPod never became a computing platform in its own right; Apple just parlayed the iPod's success into the iPhone. the bull case for Meta is that they do the same thing with Ray-Bans and Quest.
@ThepurposeofTime 28 күн бұрын
theres absolutely nothing to worry about. all the tech they made gave them an advantage in fov, UX control and optimization. AR focus is just another way of saying thin and seamless form factor. an AR device with wide fov that can shut out like leakage is no different to the quest really
@uncoverage 28 күн бұрын
that's fair. my title and hook are definitely bold statements, and are probably a bit overstated in the long run. that said, i do think Quest did just move from its best chance of succeeding to its worst chance in a long time.
@user-ky6zc9ot7x 28 күн бұрын
i appreciate your creativity with shots, I think this one is close enough to be cool, the last one i watched you were a little too far away for engagement. Love the content I think if you do an ultra wide shot then maybe not for the whole video, so we can see your face for at least some of it. I understand seeing you is not essential but is more engaging. And the audio is now really working!!!
@uncoverage 28 күн бұрын
thanks for the kind words and for the feedback! you're definitely right - closer is better for engagement & i should use that mindfully to emphasize points/videos as needed. a secret, though, if you're interested - part of the thesis of this channel is that the engagement tactics most people use aren't necessary to grow a KZfaq channel. as it says in my bio, this channel is an experiment in creativity :) excited to continue seeing you in the comment section!
@zean_moore 28 күн бұрын
Where will competition for the Raybans come from? We were teased some hardware by google with the translator glasses and there are the hmd plays from Xreal etc. I can’t see Apple entering this space, but doubling down on the watch as a standalone device, perhaps paired with AirPods for environment inputs (rumored to have lidar, maybe cameras). AI pins and handhelds are both buggy and poor smartphone replacements so I see little pressure from those designs. Curious to hear your thoughts.
@uncoverage 28 күн бұрын
such a great question & I may have to make this into a follow-up. i actually can see Apple entering the space, in line with AirPods, as you mention. looking at Meta's approach with Ray-Bans, glasses would be a great iPhone accessory - especially for Apple Intelligence. as to your point about dedicated AI devices - if you missed my previous video, i cover it here: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/aqePkth0vZPUkZc.html
@futuristudios 27 күн бұрын
@@uncoverage ​ tim cook - though not a designer - made an apt point with regards to glasses, he said he doesn't wear glasses cause he wants to. to me this is indicative of apples thinking and approach, with things that are invasive, they want there to be a cost. "ask app not to track" comes to mind. such permission prompts (like the d3 video of steve saying basically ask the user again and again for permission accountably enforced ( kzfaq.info/get/bejne/q9GPo6-Htriyqps.htmlsi=KgnUeoTdmvnzRJlm ), but also just having to take you phone out and use it's camera vs having already on your face in a confrontation with those you encounter, vis-à-vis glassholes. for the longest time you couldn't record phone calls on iphone until ios 18 announced a like a month ago at wwdc 2024 i think. things like transparency and adaptive mode (and the similar in avp when someone is in immersive mode and it notices them looking at the wearer then parts the immersion to call attention to them to the wearer) are in the same zone of making tech more human. and it's for these same reasons that they've taken the app intents approach for integrating apple intelligence - it's an accountable compartmentalised approach, in keeping with the apple philosophy.
@garrettbc4234 28 күн бұрын
I’ve noticed the same thing. Your the first Ive heard speak on this
@uncoverage 28 күн бұрын
credit to the Vergecast for sending me down the path! kzfaq.info
@Create-The-Imaginable 28 күн бұрын
Facebook / Meta did not help itself when it laid off a lot of its AR / VR people when the Metaverse failed! Accountants were put in charge and cut too deep! Never put Accountants in charge of your company!
@uncoverage 28 күн бұрын
first, agreed at a high level. i am curious though - when did this actually happen? was there some org change previously that i missed? i'd love to cover it if so
@Create-The-Imaginable 27 күн бұрын
@@uncoverage There have been a series of layoffs believe it or not some as recent as 6/19/2024 where Meta Reality Labs employees were laid off due to restructuring. Before that 10/3/2023 layoffs from the Metaverse silicon unit. And before that there were layoffs many times when all of the big tech companies, including Meta AR/VR layoffs, were resizing due to higher interest rates making it harder or more expensive to borrow money!
@GetJesse 29 күн бұрын
Cool video, I like your style.
@uncoverage 29 күн бұрын
thank you & thanks for watching!
@nsawatchlistbait289 29 күн бұрын
What about the nothing phone?
@uncoverage 29 күн бұрын
what about it!
@nsawatchlistbait289 29 күн бұрын
@@uncoverage is it like apple?
@nsawatchlistbait289 29 күн бұрын
@@uncoverage or how does it compare?
@uncoverage 29 күн бұрын
@@nsawatchlistbait289 from what i know, nothing uses modified Android, which means that it likely has similar characteristics other Android phones!
@nsawatchlistbait289 29 күн бұрын
@@uncoverage damn. What about CalyxOS?
@RyanLynch1 Ай бұрын
Apple definitely doesn't care about your ability to fix your own stuff though. we should call them out for that
@uncoverage Ай бұрын
that’s fine. it makes a lot of sense to call them out for something like that. but it is worth asking what the tradeoffs inherent in that decision are
@tonysteele3805 Ай бұрын
How cute, this one guy on the internet thinks a trillion dollar company is his friend. Pat pat. Just keep making your KZfaq videos okay. Good boy.
@uncoverage Ай бұрын
@ActionGamerAaron Ай бұрын
It's less private, less flexible, more expensive and has a terrible workflow when compared with any of my Linux computers.
@uncoverage Ай бұрын
less private - do you have a link to support this? i’d love to cover it if so