@FeralVentas 2 күн бұрын
A lotta folks are providing a lot of in-fiction context. Purvan Sul, when first introduced in the campaign 1 which TLOVM is based on, was clowned on relentlessly for having an absolutely silly name. Another character was named After him (as one might do for historical figures) and the character we're seeing here only exists due to the DM's attempt to justify the silly name that the rest of the crew were dragging as "Perv On." That, far more than the badass factor, is probably why Travis reacts the way he does.
@risperdude 2 күн бұрын
Cerrit's son, it seems, idolizes his dad and is in that developmental stage where he wants to grow up and be an investigator and "Eye of Avalier" like his dear old dad. I don't think of Kir as a snitch, he is not trying to get anyone in trouble, he is just playing at being who he sees his dad is. He is, however, just a kid with limited understanding and no real way of understanding more yet.
@OMNIhydra1 2 күн бұрын
Did you hear that they're doing another mini series set during the Calamity? It's gonna be running throughout July, and it's called Downfall. From what little has been teased, it sounds like it'll be following Champions of the God's during the final days of another flying city that was attacked by a coalition of Prime Diety's and Betrayer God's. It's got Brenna back in the GM seat, and I'm already hype AF for it.
@LordAaronus 2 күн бұрын
if you're looking for something more lighthearted after this and you probably will, you gotta look at the regular EXU. it's technically homework for C3.
@wildbronco038 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, animal companions get their own stat blocks. Trinket had his own too in C1, and quite frankly, that's probably (at least) partly how he survived Purvan's Tomb when it killed Vex (since I know you've already seen LOVM S2). If he relied on Vex's stats and rolls, he could've died too.
@lauxantilles 2 күн бұрын
OH THE ALGORITHM WORKED!!! I've been rewatching Calamity recently so KZfaq knew what was on my mind.
@JRDickens20 2 күн бұрын
One cool thing about the description of Purvon here, is that I think Vex and Vax would have really liked him. He’s a ranger, like Vex that’s why he has a wolf companion (a character which probably won’t ever make it into the adaptation), he’s rugged and outdoorsy, and has a thing for black leather and doesn’t play into the fancy smanchy life of these mages, high on their own power. It was here also where we went, oh the Matron has a type lol. I hope someday we get to explore how Purvon came to be the champion, Brennan (I asume with Matt in the background creating lore) made this character into a real person for the first time (in the campaign we only ever saw his skeleton and his wolf, there was no Vax vs Purvon fight like in the animation) that’s why this was so cool.
@JohnSmith-rm1po 2 күн бұрын
There's kindof three ways to dress for an actual-play session. One is to just wear your normal clothes; afterall, your character and all the events take place purely in your own head, so costumes would likely be overkill. This is the standard way of doing things. Another is to fully cosplay as your character, in _full_ in-character costume. This is hit-or-miss for people; it can be immersive for some, but can actually hurt immersion for others (being fully dressed as your character while sitting around a table rolling dice can actually draw attention to the discrepancy between the gameworld and your literal inaction). This is most often done by Critical Role as compared to other actual-play shows/troupes (see: Candela Obscura). The third way, and the one I prefer, is what I call "character-bounding" (named after "Disney-bounding" [worth a google]). "Character-bounding" is when you dress in normal(ish) clothes that _bring to mind_ or _suggest_ the character you're playing. To me, this works best, because at the table you are both yourself and your character, sometimes in a back and forth manner, and sometimes _at the same time._ So the 'bounding look helps unify all of that for you as a player, and for the audience as viewers (is my opinion on it). "Character-bounding" is, as far as I know, a technique pioneered by Dimension 20 (Brennan, Lou, and more) over on Dropout-tv. (I know they have a wardrobe lady on Dim20, but I can't recall her name right now; I assume she deserves most of the credit for the technique.)
@JohnSmith-rm1po 2 күн бұрын
The chains in the intro, which you identified as Brass, are also corroding in a manner similar to the Solar Bow from Vespin's ritual. Might be just a coincidence (the intro graphics would have been completed long before the actual sessions took place), but I enjoy the connection nonetheless.
@JohnSmith-rm1po 2 күн бұрын
Knowing that Cerrit's wife is a brilliant scientist, and that they are... having marital problems(?)... Gives a whole new dimension to the strange dynamic between him and Laerynn (an unease and tension bordering on friendly distrust). I'm by no means saying that anything is going on. Only that there are thematic parallels there, between the two brilliant science-women in his life, and how he relates to them.
@JohnSmith-rm1po 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, _maybe_ the Taxmen are the explanation for the strange fiscal discrepancies in Nydas' accounting... ... But if they were built on commission from the city, I don't think that would lead to Nydas giving off such embezzlement vibes in his first scene. So it's gotta be something else...
@wildbronco038 2 күн бұрын
The Schism, which was referenced earlier in this (Calamity) episode, was as war between the gods which led to the separation between Prime Deities and Betrayer Gods. There's a "History of Exandria" video out there, but that's the basic bare bones explanation.
@jungle321jungle 2 күн бұрын
To the Nydas theories I will just say that the Taxmen are something being built for the city. He was contracted to make them. So i won’t confirm or deny anything about him, but those automatons aren’t just being made is secret by him
@wildbronco038 2 күн бұрын
"Gotta get your perv on."
@AAAndrew 2 күн бұрын
Been following your journey with CR since your first reaction to TLoVM season 1. So glad to see you still with these wonderful creators. Looking forward to your reactions to Season 3 when it comes out. And then when you get to see The Mighty Nein, ... it will be epic.
@DiggityBippityTV 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! I'm excited to see what they have in store!
@alexisloveschocolate 2 күн бұрын
Sam is wearing the same shirt as another player, Aimee Carrero, wore during the first EXU campaign (DM'ed by Aabria). It's a fun reference basically
@KaraOni13 2 күн бұрын
i LOVE cerrit’s kids ironic that cerrit is a rogue but he’s raising a snitch lololol
@bayobayo 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for the shoutout, I love that you remembered. ✨Again, I don't know if I'll add anything to this comment thread like last time but your insight so far is on the right track! I'm just gonna continue finishing your reaction and see if there's anything to add here. - Quick fun fact: that slogan, "It's Love That Makes People," is from one of the most pivotal character moments in C2, and even without knowing who the characters are or what story context there was, just listening to that one speech alone is amazing. If you don't mind mild spoilers, just search that slogan on KZfaq. The moment is from C2 E110, and is about a minute long. There have been several fan animations of it as well. I just love that shirt, man. I hope I can get it someday ✊
@bayobayo 2 күн бұрын
Alrighty, had to come back after a while but I've finally finished! As far as your thoughts go, all of them are really good. And dressing up to emulate their characters was definitely something they went for. Some are subtle, some are overt. You're pretty right on the money as well with the anime comparisons (though I'm not as familiar with Bleach lore, the Nagato bit was actually pretty good). I don't think there were any questions that I can answer right now so I'll offer another personal thought. I think what made this campaign so universally loved ( or at least one of the many reasons) was that we knew everyone had to die. Or at least, the chances of survival are slim to none. The Calamity was the apocalypse, and it wasn't just one day either. It was centuries. Only one-third of Exandria was left after it all. So you can imagine what it was like to have it be announced that there was going to be a short campaign with high-level characters, leading to 'doomsday' itself. And the worst part? You slowly start questioning when doomsday will be. What causes it. You know there's a chain of events leading up to it, but for every moment Brennan narrates and pauses, you keep thinking "Is this it??? Is this where they all fuck up???" And it all makes a fascinating story. Reminds me a little bit of what Game of Thrones did but in a more compact way. You know everyone in the story is going to die. The question is how? When?? Why??? And would you like to watch this campaign to find out? Great reaction so far! Keep on keeping on, my guy.
@highlander6557 2 күн бұрын
Purvan did has his name made fun of immediately by Sam, and it destroyed Matt, he just fully missed it when making up the name. They all asked about his armor when his name was dropped, The Armor Vax gets in the show, and Brennan was being a coy Motherfucker like "Why would he have Armor?" because the Vestiges are all created During the calamity and bestowed to champions.
@KaraOni13 2 күн бұрын
adding to this: Vestiges imbue the wearer with the power to strike down the gods (quote from Osysa, female sphinx, during her bestowing of the quest to vox machina), but were created DURING the calamity (which lasted for an unknown number of several centuries). as of right now, where YOU (jo) ARE in this episode, there are no Vestiges of Divergences from any of the total deities (good/prime deities nor bad/betrayer gods). as there is no calamity yet, calamity is coming but not yet here. known vestiges discovered by vox machina SO FAR in season 2 in the Legend of Vox Machina are "Deathwalker's Ward" (matron's armor, worn by purvan first and vax now), Fenthras (vex's fey/faerie bow), Titanstone Knuckles (formally Kevdaks's, now grog's), and Mythcarver (scanlan's tuning fork-sword (it hums to his melodic voice) given to him by Kamaljiori "Kammy" the male sphinx and won from slaying the black dragon Umbrasyl)
@syl20m20 3 күн бұрын
dragon left to kill: white; green and red... Black dead in season 2, blue dead in season 1
@syl20m20 3 күн бұрын
The gun for Percy isn't a problem. The previous one WAS a problem because he made (unknowingly) a pact white the demon to have a powerfull magic/revenge weapon...
@Lngbrdninjamasta 3 күн бұрын
U shud look up the non-revised version of the history of Exandria
@KaraOni13 2 күн бұрын
i second this! its vague! theres no major spoilers for this mini series (nor any of the campaigns) besides the fact that calamity does occur, there is no mention of the events of avalir in the history of exandria video! also take notes during it
@Lngbrdninjamasta 3 күн бұрын
@LordAaronus 3 күн бұрын
define irony C3 Sam is a therapist while EXU Sam could have saved the marriage with couples therapy
@miranda4073 4 күн бұрын
Galdric, Purvan's wolf, is a character who didn't make the adaptation from campaign to screen. In the campaign, when they find Purvan's armor, they also find a locket that contains Galdric in it. They end up setting him free in the forests of Whitestone to be a guardian, and Vex starts using the locket for Trinket storage instead. In the adaptation, with so little screen time available, it makes total sense to me that they cut Galdric, because his appearance is so brief and didn't really end up going anywhere. So instead, in the adaptation, they wrote it so Zahra had the locket and gave it to Vex, since the locket ended up being more important.
@JohnSmith-rm1po 4 күн бұрын
I love how, even though you were obviously confused about the context-details of that Purvan scene, you couldnt help but clock the _vibes_ in that interaction. They were trying to son him on some petty shit. And you could just _feel_ it because Brennan (and the others) are just that good at what they do.
@JohnSmith-rm1po 4 күн бұрын
Cerrit's ring glows in the presence of lying. That means that Magister Lacrytia Hollow (Dean of the College of Necromancy) was lying when she said she didn't know if anyone else had succeeded in performing the Matron's ritual.
@JohnSmith-rm1po 4 күн бұрын
First there were just the Primordials, who were local godlike beings originally from this plane. Next, the Gods arrived from another plane, and there were the Primordials and Gods working side by side. And then, there was a disagreement between the Primordials and the Gods. This disagreement led to a sort of civil war; half the Gods sided not with their siblings, but with the Primordials. The Gods who joined the Primordials were known as the "Betrayer Gods"... and now the Gods who fought against the Primordials are known as the "Prime Deities". The Betrayer Gods and the Prime Deities are functionally the same thing, the differences are only cultural and now historical.
@bendon82 4 күн бұрын
Some people play "theater of the mind" where there are no maps, no figures, nothing tangible. It's all in your imagination. However, some classes have trouble with this. Rogues and Rangers benefit greatly from having a visual reference of their surroundings for tactical purposes. Area of effect spells need to know how much space they have. For these reasons, especially with big groups, a map and minis helps a lot.
@dmperri 4 күн бұрын
rewatching this with you is so much fun. i'm slightly emotional actually . there's just something about someone else really investing in and appreciating it just as much. finding your tribe can be moving <3
@DiggityBippityTV 4 күн бұрын
@@dmperri And I appreciate you for being so supportive of my genuine reaction. I know I can go on tangents, and I might ramble. But hey, when my mind is going and I'm excitedly sharing hypotheses, it happens lol. I can't help it. So I appreciate you seeing it all for what it is. Thanks again for the support
@ladydisdain225 2 күн бұрын
I feel the same way! I am loving revisiting Calamity through his eyes.
@richardhealy 2 күн бұрын
The Matron of Ravens is the goddess of Death but also of Fate. I imagine, in my own head cannon, that she knows a lot of people are about to die but not why or how or if fate can be altered. So she taps her Champion. Go to find Vasselheim. Track down this rogue Mage find out what he's up to. So Purvan gets to Vasselheim only to find Vespin Chloras and all his affects have been moved aboard Avalier. So he dials home... I missed him. "Speak to the Septaeirm. Warn them of the danger. " Which is why he appears at the party at the invitation of The Necromancy Wizards (who earlier were dolling out vials of toxic poisons). It'd be like knowing a nuclear bomb was about to go off in a major city but not knowing which one so you search buy when people ask you pointed questions. You don't know where the bomb is hidden. You just have this great foreboding of Dread sent by your Goddess who knows a thing or two about mass Death but you don't know how to stop it.
@OMNIhydra1 4 күн бұрын
Just to clear up some lore stuff, the Prime Diety's and the Betrayer Gods are basically siblings. They came to Exandria a long long time ago and began creating life and taming the elements. Primordial Titans of the elements already existed on Exandria, though. At first there was some conflict between the God's and the Titans, but they reached a truce on the condition that the God's don't give magic to the mortals following them. For awhile things were fine, but when the God's started to give magic to the mortals, it angered the Titans and sparked a war. Some of the gods sided with the Titans, as they saw giving magic to mortals as an overreach, and this war became known as The Schism. In the end, the Titans were sealed away, and the God's who sided with them were branded as Betrayer God's before being locked away in their own planes. The God's who defended the mortals and gifted them magic were then named the Prime Dieties. Essentially, we've got good gods and bad gods, and the bad ones are locked up right now. The Calamity is a second war between the gods that takes place in the distant past of the setting at the end of the Age of Arcanum. By the time it is over two thirds of all life on Exandria will be gone, and the gods will seal themselves behind a Divine Gate to ensure they can never unleash this kind of devastation again. This series is the precursor to this war.
@pardox28 4 күн бұрын
To add to this, before C3 started, CR released a video called "Exandria: An Intimate History | Narrated by Matthew Mercer" where Matt explained roughly the history & lore of Exandria. Since it was put out before C3 & Calamity, it would be completely fine for you to watch & react to before you watch any more Calamity episodes.
@Elliecesa 4 күн бұрын
I dont know if someone told you or you already whatched it, but prior to this airing Critical Role rolled a video retelling the story of Exandria called Exandria: An Intimate History. Very much worth a watch or a rewatch to refresh some stuff
@daxeah8472 4 күн бұрын
So spell level and character level are not the same. At level 14 a full caster like a wizard only has access to 1, 7th level spell per day. They will gain access to 1, 9th level spell at level 17. Max character level is 20, max spell level is 9.
@NatBash 4 күн бұрын
I think what's most important to know when watching that super rude conversation the mages had with Purvan is that, it's not so much that they don't respect Purvon himself, it's that they don't think very highly of THE GODS. And especially so, the Matron of Ravens since she was once a mortal who managed to usurp the previous god of death. Patia herself said in her intro scene earlier in the episode that to her it was basically pointless to be pursuing ascension to godhood when mortals can accomplish just as great of things on their own without having godhood. Which is a WILD statement but it very much embodies a widespread mindset of the people in the Age of Arcanum. Why would someone devote themselves to a god when we ourselves can tap into the same powers they wield without their help? And to be fair, the Matron of Ravens' ascension does call into question just how powerful mortals are compared to the gods, and vise versa, but we just don't know enough about how she did it to draw definite conclusions on those questions. Many of the wizards of this time however definitely saw it as proof they were just a powerful if not more so than the gods themselves. However, it is also worth keeping in mind that their collective hubris has been left completely unchecked for centuries by this point during this prosperous Age of Arcanum. How could one know their own limits when there has been nothing/no one in their way for so long?
@johnbowen2496 4 күн бұрын
Also it is pre war of the gods before she creates her vestige.
@johnbowen2496 4 күн бұрын
This is the warrior that vax faught to get the ravens vestige of divergence.
@johnbowen2496 4 күн бұрын
Celestial is the gods.
@jungle321jungle 4 күн бұрын
Yeah all the mages are arrogant. To them Purvan is laughable to serve a goddess who was once a mortal like all of them especially when they consider the gods themselves pointless. as for the wildmothers embrace- it just referring to the ground. aka they wont land in time
@AAAndrew 4 күн бұрын
The Wild Mother is one of the Prime deities. The Wild Mother’s embrace line is basically, your god will not be able to save you. Actually, The Matron is not fond of necromancy because it screws with the balance between life and death, and interrupts the natural progression, as she talked about with Vax in TLoVM season 2. Enjoying this reaction.
@johnlandon8741 4 күн бұрын
The difference between the prime deities and the betrayer gods will come out a little bit more later. But think of it like this the gods were all one family until some things happened, war occurred and split the deities into those who sided with mortals and those who didn’t In full. So the primes and the betrayers were defined.
@francy_pw3369 4 күн бұрын
consider this: this Purvan is at the start of the calamity, the Purvan in the vision is during the calamity, imagin how many levels he got during all that combat
@NatBash 4 күн бұрын
9:40 I'm not sure where the person talking about levels of magic higher than 9th was coming from, but that's not really in line with how Critical Role treats magic. DnD in general can choose to structure magic like that but in the case of CR in particular, they love to treat magic as abstract and mysterious. Obviously players and standard npcs utilize spells that are broken up into levels for game mechanic purposes, but for other acts of magic happening in the world or coming from super powerful entities (that are not being put into direct combat with the players), those are often not tied to the same logistics and can wield magic in a much more loose manner. CR runs with the general idea that magic can be very unknowable, it is malleable and can, in the right circumstances, accomplish much beyond that of spells. You'll see a lot of great works of magic in this story but it is never going to be called "10th", "12th", "20th level spells" etc. it is simply magic that transcends such terms. This whole comment could entirely just be my own nitpick, if it's easier to understand it by calling it higher level spells then by all means think of it in that way. I'm just letting you know that it might get confusing trying to categorize the stuff that happens in CR that way because they get real wibble wobbly with how magic functions past a certain point in power.