A dead tank did this to me
3 ай бұрын
@Hirens. 4 күн бұрын
I have more than 300 hours in the game, I've unlocked literally everything in the game including the super store armors. I usually don't take both a backpack stratagem and a support weapon stratagem and ask the other players for theirs when it's off cooldown. The majority of the time people are really nice and receptive and throw the stratagem I need my way. I've had a really great time using this strategy since release. I also have to mention that most of the time I've used the VoIP and even people without a mic gave me their backpack or support stuff.
@zealousdfeat 4 күн бұрын
4 spear eats for the time for 2 eats hmm
@jalontf2 5 күн бұрын
Totally agree with your meta discussion at the end. I think a lot of it comes from the gamer pressure that unless you're playing Level 9 difficulty, you're not valid. If people were to diversify and say drop down to level 4, you can have a ton of fun with goofy loadouts and find something new you might like to git gud at for later, higher diff gameplay.
@Happojee 5 күн бұрын
Its definately not balanced, the fab destroying is simply too much.
@Robert-fr9wl 3 күн бұрын
Oh YES. Nerf this. Buff that, nerf that. Buff this. This is Helldivers 2, not Overwatch 2🤨
@BigSneed404 2 күн бұрын
Ya I kinda agree. Don't touch anything else with it but I think it could do without the base destruction.
@themarlboromandalorian 5 күн бұрын
The fabricator destruction, as I have heard from people who spend a lot more time reading dev posts than I, is an unintended glitch which is something they(devs) plan on fixing/nerfing. Which sucks. Because I'd rather have the EA-Ts anyway due to cooldown timers.
@HumbleRookie 5 күн бұрын
I believe we may have been seeing the same news. I heard about this after I made the video as well and I do hope they keep this "bug" in since I agree with so many other people that it is already a part of the commando's identity. Me personally if the Commando loses that ability to destroy fabs then I see no reason to not use the EA-T or the Spear at that point.
@stuflames4769 5 күн бұрын
I think there's still reason to use it over the EAT just based on numbers. The Spear is a completely different beast. Backpack, reload, and on and on. Thematically it's a little silly for it to wreck fabricators from all sides. I'm fine if it gets nerfed in that way, I get it.
@Robert-fr9wl 3 күн бұрын
​@@stuflames4769 yeah sure, "Thematically silly"🤡. A game/universe where you fight 🐙 cosmic squid snipers , a game where you shoot communist robots🤖 and have dollar-star Tyranids that are used as battery source🔋. Hmm, yes A limited rocket launcher that decimate robot fabs from all directions but yet can't even two a fvcking bile titan is just a TAD bit too "thematically silly". Great. Good job, dev team👍🤪
@stuflames4769 3 күн бұрын
@@Robert-fr9wl ah, the worst argument in fiction rears its ugly head once again. "These things are made up so anything can be made up lol!" No. You want internal consistency within your world building. I'm not saying that the Commando having crazy armor penetration would break the world and ruin the story being told through gameplay, but that doesn't mean it really 'belongs' either.
@esperswish1732 3 күн бұрын
@@stuflames4769 no no he has a point it makes less sense thematically for a rocket launcher not to explode a small building anyway i would argue the EAT should as well.
@sekkuar 9 күн бұрын
I always try to actively offer my stuff to people when they don't have it (or died and lost theirs) and most often than everything else they just ignore it. No matter how many times I ping the backpack and type on chat, seems most randoms are allergic to picking up anything that's not their own.
@craig9365 15 күн бұрын
i play with the bois only one of us goes a shield pack. we share it. why waste precious slots for a silly backpack youll probably die and lose anyway. the three of us is usually at least a sentry, 3 offensive or 2 with a support weapon. we do this all the weapons. oh i got EAT ok give me your second quasar cause im out rn. i always have a quasar. eats are everywhere. its a beautiful thing. sharing is caring. just like voting.
@manuvikraman1611 15 күн бұрын
I always go with supply pack and i always share ammo with needed all the time and all the time strangers :)
@kashem425 16 күн бұрын
I always call in extra items regardless if I need it. Never know when someone might need it.
@stevehazim5823 21 күн бұрын
Whenever I bring my shield backpack, I always give it away when it's on cooldown and at evac. It's especially rewarding when you are able to give it to a new player who hasn't unlocked it yet!
@Battle-Panda 22 күн бұрын
I usually don't even wait till someone askes. I just call it in when we waiting on a supply or some OBJ. And mark it. Either take it or don't.
@jcgongavoe337 23 күн бұрын
I got kicked at the last minute of a game for 'stealing' a quasar cannon (the host killed me once but I didn't know), never took other helldiver's equipment unless they specified since then
@HumbleRookie 23 күн бұрын
See I think that is an overreaction considering all of our equipment will come off of cooldown. Plus sometimes you need that weapon while they are dead. We can always drop it after we done using it and they come back. Sorry you got dealt with a bad host.
@chikirin9349 23 күн бұрын
I always drop my shield gens or rovers for the team, that way not everyone has to have a stratagem slot reserved for their backpack, way more efficient
@SilverGuard 23 күн бұрын
if someone asked me for a weapon I would probably give it. thing is, no one asks. I also get the impression that it's considered bad mannered to steal another persons weapons when they die
@GnarledStaff 5 күн бұрын
Yes, it is bad manners to take support weapons when someone dies. They might desperately need that weapon to survive. If they died with it, they could be struggling even with their support weapon and taking it away could cripple their ability to survive. That said, I’ve borrowed weapons in critical moments. I make sure to let them know I’m borrowing it via voice when I do and drop it when the threat lessens or they make it back to me. Sometimes you just need to borrow something capable of taking out gunships.
@oasistemplar7861 24 күн бұрын
I play without the info window on, so I'm sure they probably didn't even see your request.
@lukemehalick370 24 күн бұрын
Most people are decent, but a lot just dont think of it. As soon as they see me give a backpack or get a backpack from a friend, they ask almost right away if theres anyone they can give an item to. I think most people that play want to be him, and once they see someone helping their squad, they like it and copy it.
@mascherteo2965 24 күн бұрын
I've never seen someone ask to borrow someone else's weapons but I did when I was on cooldown and in need but I happen to notice rarely that someone doesn't have a backpack or weapon so I just drop mine if I have an extra
@HumbleRookie 23 күн бұрын
You're my favorite kind of Helldiver.
@GreenLantern.J.S. 24 күн бұрын
In my case and experience, I say 70% do share and 30% not.
@ankereisenman4824 25 күн бұрын
I like to bring the high powered stratagems or mechs or whatever, when I drop in with low level randoms for them to play with.
@Bongwell420 25 күн бұрын
Always give my stuff out, I love the team mates who you go to help and they tell you Im a pro go help someone else who needs it, and as i'm on my way to help someone else the expert is dying lol hmmm and if the same guy kills me 3 times I'm out you don't need my help
@WaveHolder 25 күн бұрын
I actively look what my teammates have and drop my off cooldown stuff if they have empty back or 3rd slot, On the other side, most randoms jjst ignorecme a charge into an enemy base without my spare shield backpack 😂😂😂
@Lilitha11 25 күн бұрын
A lot of people don't see chat, since it is easy to miss. I kind of liked it before where you could have text to voice on and hear everything people typed in chat. Which you can still do, but before you could set it chat only and now you have to set it to everything and it is spamming nonstop any text you happen to see in anywhere on the map or in menus.
@MrScythe1981 25 күн бұрын
Yes Sir Always, i love Dropping Exo Suits for the New guys (Lvl 10 n Less), n shield backpacks as well
@Error-rc9es 25 күн бұрын
people not reading chat will never stop being common. imho if you want even better results, ask in voice chat too, and ask the team in general, if you're not gonna be picky anything is better than nothing.
@Birdzlitlehelpr 25 күн бұрын
This was how my friends used to play, at least back when my friends did play. 2 of take backpacks, other 2 take support weapons, so we get 3 slots for other strategems. Works really well
@SweetGambit 25 күн бұрын
With crossplay, I find console players don't check chat often because it's too difficult for them to type
@leeevans4794 25 күн бұрын
Giving everyone a backpack if they can take it makes your whole team better, I like to keep an eye on what the other team have and drop what they might need. If the donator dies and can't get it back, give them your bonus pack!
@EscapeArtist027 25 күн бұрын
The group of regular players i play with have no issues with this. We all give gear out regularly to support for objectives or when somone dies etc. And just regularly litter objectives like seaf stations or exfils sites with extra gear so there's always option's when shit hits the fan. And at level 150 I prerty much never take a support(enless its a particular levle 9 bot missions) I prerfer taking and extra orbital /utility stratagem and useing what i find the field or given by a team mate. Spices it up so i dont run safe bet loadouts to often. Forces me to keep cycling thru and making use of other things in game.
@KillFrenzy96 25 күн бұрын
I've always been doing this with my friends. Only half of us bring backpacks or support weapons. The extra strategems are both fun to have and improve our combat effectiveness.
@MegaDeezus 25 күн бұрын
I miss chats alot when in combat
@Living_Target 25 күн бұрын
I take a backpack and bum a gun from a poi or a friend all the time if I'm not running recoilless, autocannon or spear because 2 reds 1 green is such an insane combo post patch. Or I take eats and bum a backpack later
@terrancecloverfield6791 26 күн бұрын
When people are actively dropping support weapons for you, you know you're playing with someone who is Helldive-certified. They KNOW what's valuable to a team comp.
@Malphorus 25 күн бұрын
Yeah. Getting into helldive is really just a lot of small things. Becoming more efficient in duos, ammo management, drop/breach tactics, ect. BUT that's totally the most important part. Sometimes, you have to be the bait cause everything on you, and it's nice to know you got a teammate that'll snag that obj while you're getting gooned on by bile titans.
@GalladeTheWarrior 24 күн бұрын
Had a guy get pissed at me when I asked him to drop an extra supply pack since I had an open backpack slot
@scamster71 17 күн бұрын
I typically do this when I play. What gets me mad though is what happened to me today.. Dropped in on a game and was calling in my support weapon when a charger comes in, so I had to run. The guy that it was chasing swooped in a took my support weapon, so had to scavenge for one on the ground before I could call in another one.
@NthnLikeCodeine 26 күн бұрын
Please clarify this is on PC because we all know console brainlets would never
@smoldoggy1005 26 күн бұрын
I saw the host kill a guy for taking his hmg. He responded by reinforcing that guy back in and kicking me 😂😂😂😂😂 gaystation players are morons
@oshadow8325 26 күн бұрын
You know its funny I see this video, cause yesterday on Vandalon I offered a guy my spear, just outta nowhere so they could try it.
@ceballos-exe 26 күн бұрын
i had a guy a few days ago ask me if he could get my flamethrower and i gave it to him no issue, no clue if it was you or someone else, but yeah, if you have something that you dont need atm and they ask, just give it to them, its beneficial to everyone and its fun
@PeacefulKnight 26 күн бұрын
This was wholesome. I'm on ps5 and the chat is awful on controller. I just bought a chat pad and hoping that will allow me to communicate better in game.
@TotPocket 26 күн бұрын
I premptively tell people in the lobby that I'll drop them my spare backpack or support weapon if they choose to go without one. I've thrown a laser cannon or hmg at my teammates who only bring a shield gen pack (for some reason) and 90% of the time, they are super appreciative. Most of these games were super cooperative and went smoothly, because those extra strikes my squadmate packed are helping wipe out the problem enemies on the field 😊
@xtxownage 25 күн бұрын
I feel like you may have run into master chief cosplay once or twice
@GalladeTheWarrior 24 күн бұрын
You're the best chief, I often dive without a support weapon since you can find them at POI's
@kairumasamune1992 26 күн бұрын
I think having a fellow diver have the same weapon same as me would be great especially if you are being overwhelmed. You can both assist each other.
@pesticide363 26 күн бұрын
Iv never had anyone ask for one but I have offered it to people that weren't carrying one
@dakrayus6519 27 күн бұрын
I do this all the time, when sorting loadouts I check to see if anyone is bringing the things I want; a jetpack and support weapon (flamethrower for bugs, quasar for bots) and if they do I'll drop them and bring something else. I'll even ask during loadout phase that I'm doing that. Most people will drop them, I suspect most of the few that don't could well be language barrier based. I even had one guy recently give me his first drop as soon as we landed :)
@qazz6209 27 күн бұрын
I was in a game last night and some guy asked to try someone exo an they spawned in for him.
@C64Commando 27 күн бұрын
I play this exact way. Sharing is the way to succes. Also sometimes ppl all have 500kg, eagles and its just a tad over kill. Ive been playing with full sentry build lately and it is so good :) Then asking ppl politly for their extra support items when they are up again. Im thinking 2 ppl bring support items that they then share with the other 2 who doest have with them. Makes room for other good stuff to bring.
@HeavenOnHigh 27 күн бұрын
about a couple of months ago, i was on the bug planet via random sos signal, but i had the dominator as a weapon, and i against bugs it's kinda hard to play, one diver saw that, called me out, blow himself up with a granite and told me to use his fire shotgun. edit, i randomly just call down my equipment down even though i still have it, and ping it for someone to pick up the community is nice to us, i think we should always pay it forward
@agilagilsen8714 27 күн бұрын
If you’re a decent person and you know what youre doing, you always pay attention to what the others have. And if you see they are lacking utility and you have it off cooldown, you drop it for them unprompted. That’s the only way to play the game.
@moonshxne 27 күн бұрын
agreed, thank you
@AshenJobSnow 27 күн бұрын
Yeah, this is the way. I run the autocannon, the other day one of my teammates died and couldn't pick up his, I saw his AC was still on cooldown so I dropped one for him
@HumbleRookie 27 күн бұрын
100% agree with this. Doing this for fun and now I check to make sure everyone has a way to spread democracy.
@casual_sky2 27 күн бұрын
I dish out shield generator packs like Oprah.
@theredravenger8222 26 күн бұрын
I always do this but then they ignore it ☹️
@Raven5431 27 күн бұрын
Many matches I've brought no weapons and just grabbed the leftovers on the ground. I have ran a mission with both a recoiless and a spear though and never had to worry about ammo. 1 point of advice if you leave any weapons, break the pod so you can see it on the map. Also useful if you want to set up a HMG emplacement I might break a expendable anti tank rifle right next ro it so I can find it on the map later if I need to fall back to that position.
@postman6553 27 күн бұрын
Didn't watch the video yet but someone in chat asked for me to call down an HMG but I hadn't even noticed until his support weapon refreshed and he had called down his own already. Whoops. I don't mind unless I need the weapon myself but sometimes I'll just forget to read chat in the heat of battle.
@ivyny 27 күн бұрын
Nice video bro. Liked and subscribed! I always try to share my Equipment with other divers. Sometimes my Mates die far away and when i call reinforcements at my position, ill also drop my gear so they can have something to fight with when they jump out of the Hellpod.
@GameFuMaster Ай бұрын
IMO, for something that only has a single charge, it really should be a 30s CD. It's effect radius is small, so it wouldn't be OP either. Otherwise, they should give it several charges that each recharge at its current rate.
@zanaduz2018 Ай бұрын
I did like the 110mm before the recent patch, and the changes have made it even more consistently useful! Strafing run and the Gatling barrage are both really good too.