Worn Pillars [Codex] | Dragon Age
Spiral Mine [Codex] | Dragon Age
@KtheSongbird Күн бұрын
It does seem like there's a break or distinction between Falon'Din/Dirthamen/Ardruil and Sylaise/June, and later Ghilan'nan. It seems implied that the first three are direct descendants of Mythal and Elgarn'nan and the other achieved or were elevated to godhood later. As for the connection between Sylaise and June, I'm wonder if perhaps June's rise to godhood was like Ghilan'nan. She was a disciple of Andruil and became a god later after a great achievement (devotion to halla, creating halla, creating monsters, whatever the true achievement really was). The way they specified that June listened to Sylaise's lessons and then taught evles how to make things sound again a lot like a disciple (of Sylaise this time) mastering something and ascending to godhood. I think I remember that Minrathous has old elven buildings that are built with lyrium foundations(?) and the Tevinters could never figure out how they did it. I think June may have been a Lyrium weaver or a Lyrium smith. This would account for all his dwarven connections and also why the Dalish don't recognize ANY of his tools. Its because they were made for manipulating LYRIUM. He probably made the Lyrium coffins/lyrium bodies we see in Trespasser???
@alep1010 Күн бұрын
Solas gave us a wagon of horse crap with those artifacts. First, as the veil was created, the elven empire fell. Elves making artifacts to strengthen the veil makes no sense as it did not yet exist and it would be bad for them anyway. Second, activating them has no effect whatsoever. I bet they will help solas tearing down the veil in the next game and that's why he had us running around activating them.
@htaylor9677 Күн бұрын
Waiting till the end of this month or next for a potential November release date is crazy
@Rickus316 Күн бұрын
I’m really looking forward to the character creator for Veilguard - I managed to make a good looking female Ryder on Andromeda so with the improvements and information they’ve shared so far, I hope we can make some gorgeous Rook’s
@sam2761 Күн бұрын
I always assumed this was a given, I haven't spent much time on the internet during my time as a DA fan (since origins), so I am surprised this is just a theory and people disagree with it. To me, it was just how it is lol Solas compliments Lavellan's spirit. I don't have time to get into all the details, but something along the way playing all of these games just lead me to believe everyone has a spirit (except dwarves).
@YurateYurate Күн бұрын
this "Yeah I hope he does" and also Spolas made my day 😂 thank you, i can't wait for more videos about him, about relationships with Inquisitor and other companions etc. Love it!❤
@konzokomo8488 2 күн бұрын
31:36 fade out fade in and then solas is in the family guy death pose
@ladysulevin Күн бұрын
@theaceofdragons 3 күн бұрын
I get what you mean about the pronunciation of June, but I think we can trust Solas's pronunciation of Arlathan.
@DarkKing009 3 күн бұрын
Fate is Inexorable, Solas will betray us again.
@brioche641 4 күн бұрын
It's going to be very interesting in Veilguard seeing how the reality of the Evanuris contrasts with the information we currently have that's mostly from Dalish stories, and also seeing the aspects that do match up where the stories did take accurate inspiration, that's one of my favourite things about real world myths as well when the origins or the science behind them gets uncovered and you can understand how the stories came to be, if that makes any sense - anyway I'm just so excited for whatever we find out in the game!
@LisaplaysGames 4 күн бұрын
Such an interesting analysis! It's such a simple quest and yet there's so many things to take away from, as you pointed out. They're all so subtle and easily missed if you don't really think about it. Solas putting himself in a Hahren/wise elder position when he speaks to Mihris, it makes so much sense. I mean I always took it as him kind of putting Mihris in her place by just speaking fluent Elven to her, showing her that he's more than just a ''flat-ear'', but the Da'len comment never clicked with me like that till you pointed it out here, and I was like ''Damn you're right'' haha. Honestly please keep going overboard with the translations, I'm all here for it. xD Also fun fact regarding the Elven artefacts, in the Tevinter Nights story The Wigmaker Job it's shown that they actually do strengthen the Veil! (Won't go into details in the comments here cause spoilers, just in case) So yeah, if they do end up playing a role in DAV, it probably won't be because Solas' Measuring the Veil quest was part of his plan. If anything, you'd think he would have to go back and de-activate them xD Also also... Dreadflooff. Love that 😂
@Cookie180990 4 күн бұрын
I love that she’s wearing Dalish armour. I don’t dislike the armour we start with, but it should be different for each character.
@Deathbringersora 5 күн бұрын
They should release a character creator demo
@LordFoxxyFoxington 5 күн бұрын
I cant wait to see what hair styles we get in Veil Guard, I always thought the ones we had in past games we're a little basic. Also, I couldnt remake my Hawke as he was in DA2 because not all the same hairstyles we're available in Inquisition, which was a bit disappointing. Also, your Latheia is cute, the facial markings really suit her.
@ladysulevin 5 күн бұрын
oh absolutely! the character creator sounds insane... can't wait to spend my first 10 hrs there XD also thank you <3
@masterarash7 5 күн бұрын
Loving the content from you and Ghil, makes the wait for DA:V a little more bearable haha
@ladysulevin 5 күн бұрын
Her content is fantastic :)
@isbammoi3358 6 күн бұрын
aaahhhhh I LOVED this! Solas was my friend first. I played a Lavellan Knight Enchanter who romanced Dorian. His name is Theneras, and he's quite goofy and foreward-thinking, though he greatly respects, appreciates, and loves tradition and history. So he became a fast friend to Solas and really admired him. The more I learned about Solas as I went the greater I loved him as a character. Brillant, tragic, complex, fascnating. This video was SUPER fun! I want the entire series right now!!! rahh!! I'm excited for the video covering the romance, but since you said you may take suggestions, I'd also LOVE one analyzing his character in regards to his party banter with other companions. Especially Iron Bull, Varric, Cassandra, and Cole, as he seems particularly considerate and respectful of them. Such as his banter with Iron Bull on becoming Tal-Vashoth (saying Iron Bull has him), banter with Cassandra on her discovering the truth of the Seekers ("I hope your Maker is worthy [of your faith/of you]"), banter with Varric on several occasions concerning mortality (like the fisherman story), and well, Cole is, there's so much haha.
@silkwormchan 6 күн бұрын
I always kinda read this "companion" dialouge option as my Hawke/Inky just looking at the companion and nodding their head at the opponent direction lol
@Aunwerion 6 күн бұрын
It's definitely Joon Nay and Are lah Thon as far as pronunciation goes
@kalaelizabeth 7 күн бұрын
Great video! I really want to see the scaled one one day
@drazen1972cro 8 күн бұрын
So your weapon of choice would be Sulevin Blady? :D
@ladysulevin 8 күн бұрын
You could not be more right :)
@Laurynhenderson99 8 күн бұрын
Wonderful analysis! Definitely will come back for the next one.
@dominickwilkins2492 9 күн бұрын
11:14 I think the term would be 'clinical'
@Deilmo_ 9 күн бұрын
What I'm wondering is- Mythal is a god of Justice but more than once she is also described with Vengeance, which makes sense. My problem lies in the fact that Elgar'nan is also Vengeance, and it seems strange to have them both be the same "virtue". It made me dig Elgar'nan's codex and it says that he VOWED vengeance against his father. Considering Pride demons can both come from Faith and Wisdom spirits i'm wondering if Elgar'nan was something else before becoming Vengeance. Something like Compassion, Honor or Valor that twisted into Vengeance when the sun burned the earth which would explain why Mythal and Elgar'nan both ended being associated with Vengeance.
@ladysulevin 9 күн бұрын
You know, I have a lot of feelings about Elgar'nan - he's definitely up there as one of my favourites. Hopefully we learn more about him and the others in Veilguard! (I've got a video for him that'll be out... Somewhat soonish?)
@Deilmo_ 9 күн бұрын
@@ladysulevin Can't wait to see it and compare notes! I've landed myself in a rabbithole following that interrogation I had and I'm surprised Elgar'nan's "origins" haven't been questionned more
@mrmoviemanic1 9 күн бұрын
I love your deep dive into this. I also adore the fact you haven't seen Superman. Highly recommend it, especially the 1978 film with Christopher Reeve.
@mrmoviemanic1 9 күн бұрын
I didn't leave Hawke in the fade because of this quote, I left them in the fade because they're a true hero who would give their life to make sure everyone is safe, a true champion.
@bunniewood 9 күн бұрын
i WANT solasmancer talk! For 10 years ive loved him and no one to talk to about it!