@Dark_Voice Күн бұрын
From these in the Video 1. Nadia 2. Elara 3. LS Jaesa 4. Ashara Zervos 5. Risha 6. Akavi 7. Mako 8. Kira 9. Vette 10. Mako 11. Temple 12. Kaliyo 13. DS Jaesa Reasons are too long for comment section.
@Redneckk81 Күн бұрын
Great video man. Always enjoy seeing your videos pop up in my feed. Love swtor, I always come back to it at least twice a year. But the lack of content as these years pass on is beyond disappointing. Honestly feels like I come back just for nostalgia’s sake. And like you said playing an mmo alone brings down the experience as well. Keep the content coming bro, and it’s cool to see your devotion to swtor!
@AP-te6mk Күн бұрын
DS Jaesa is definitely number 1. Vaylin would be number 2, and Lana can be number 3. 😂.
@NewDealChief 3 күн бұрын
The Smuggler not being last is a travesty lol.
@NoblePlays 3 күн бұрын
Counselor is way worse 😂
@NewDealChief 3 күн бұрын
@NoblePlays Only reason why I rank Consular higher than Smuggler is because you can fling boulders as Consular lol.
@CeaseFaith 4 күн бұрын
Probably only other game that can compare to my swtor time. I'm still pretty sure it's my most played. Something really therapeutic about building and the atmosphere. The new world gets the atmosphere right, too.
@NoblePlays 3 күн бұрын
Yeah I agree. I have been playing it a lot more recently. It’s been good, i definitely have lost track of time 😂
@CeaseFaith 3 күн бұрын
@NoblePlays idk if you play modded or not, but pixelmon is an amazing Pokémon mod for the game. I remember in the early days before, building teams were a thing I'd build for money on some servers. Loved it, plus it was honestly the first time I ever made money off of a game. I'm still so sad I lost my world & at one time, I ran a server for a while. Over a decade of builds and countless hours (probably thousands) of worlds I worked on. I cataloged near the end majority of my builds in one world where I went full on with the pixelmon Mod, recreating gyms, and entire connecting cities. ;( Back up your stuff, haha. I learned my lesson. Ended up losing connection on a Windows update, and it corrupted my windows.
@Ixcez 4 күн бұрын
Late to the party but I have to largely agree with the list, while Sith Inq is probably one of my favorite classes storywise in the game. The romance option Ashara is underwhelming to say the least. It's not that she's a bad character it's just that looking at most other classes the romance option is often the first or second companion so their with you a lot, they are also usually a big or at least in a large part of the story. Ashara on the other hand joins fairly late, her main introduction is mainly done through holograms where she complains about being held back and then she just joins you for next to no reason and after this she has no real place in the story to be honest, she also doesn't seem to have a lot of reactions in conversations either while she does gives +approval or + dissaproval she doesn't really voice her opinions a lot compared to for instance Khem. Another thing is that Sith Inq in my opinion overall have some of the best companions so most people will want to bring the other companions as well which will make Ashara appear even less. So for me at least Ashara suffers from tough competition on who to bring, Khem was honestly before the companion overhaul the best option to bring almost always when looking at gameplay, the other characters are also interesting in their own, she joins fairly late into the story, she doesn't have any integral or really noteworthy appearance in the story either. So basically what I am saying is that her screen time + impact in the game is very minimal compared to some other companions in my opinion.
@NoblePlays 4 күн бұрын
Fair take for sure! I wish she was better, she has one of my favorite voices.
@luciocarvalho4986 4 күн бұрын
Seu vídeo chegou num brasileiro, good job
@NoblePlays 4 күн бұрын
@Kotwurf 5 күн бұрын
SWTOR is one of the best mmorpgs in the world. Stupid mainstream gaming media dont play mmorpgs so they dont know. So thats very cool to see there videos like this on yt :)
@JustaFairyStory 5 күн бұрын
6:21 THANK YOU I genuinely think it’s the people who have played the game since it came out or for nearly a decade that are the most frustrated with it. Which isn’t good, I mean a game shouldn’t alienate its veteran players and I’m sure end game content gets repetitive. However, I’ve been playing this game off an on for 3 and half years, and I find the “game has gone downhill” content frustrating and demotivating, and not super helpful to people like me, who still feel like a newbie despite playing so much. Because this game is dense, there is so much to do and I’ve barely scratched the surface. Yes, it’s important to call out bad leadership decisions, and I’m sure people have very valid reasons to complain, but I also think overall negative content breeds more negativity. If people are super negative about the game, and people start to generally see and believe no one wants to play it anymore, I don’t see how that will drive the people in charge to make better decisions. Maybe it will make them get their act together, but it’s also just as likely to make them do something desperate and dumb
@JustaFairyStory 5 күн бұрын
I also really appreciated your point about Minecraft being probably the most accessible game ever. Yes you still have to pay for it, and yes it has a learning curve if you know absolutely nothing about it. But it’s a game that you can still catch on to quickly, and most importantly it’s a game that all kinds of people want to play no matter their personality, age, or whether they’re even good at games or not
@NoblePlays 5 күн бұрын
We need more games like that! This is the one game that defies the rule “make a game for everyone, appeal to no one” so many games niche down so much that it automatically excludes certain people from playing. Minecraft has basically done the impossible in that regard.
@JustaFairyStory 5 күн бұрын
@@NoblePlays it someone figured out exactly how to rely on the player’s imagination. Anyway I think a lot of people are really enjoying your new videos and the commentary you’re making. Keep it up, as long as you enjoy it too. You seem pretty wise and deserve more recognition.
@JustaFairyStory 5 күн бұрын
I’ve followed you for your SWTOR content but I’ve been getting a lot of those “Minecraft is boring now” video essays and they’re responses recently. So this was a little bit of whiplash, lol. Perfect timing. (I’ve just started playing swtor again after a break) And again it’s the same cycle of we don’t like this anymore, actually wait it’s great. The problem with the new Minecraft updates isn’t that they aren’t doing enough, it’s that it’s a lot, it’s overwhelming, a lot of single players have more important things to do. Sure, nostalgia goggles exist, but just because we’re older now doesn’t mean the core of the game has been lost or that it isn’t still one of the most revolutionary games ever. It’s still a game where anyone can do anything, and still appeals to people from all walks of life. Even people who don’t play games. Nothing can replace those adolescent memories, and that would be the case for any game or experience.
@NoblePlays 5 күн бұрын
Thank for continuing to watch my videos even though I’m not making swtor content. That really means a lot. I just felt like a lot people who do these video essay only focus on negative aspects (and there a lot). But I also feel like some people play games for long than they’re meant to. So it becomes like a weird job and not something to enjoy. I hope you stick around for what I have planned next :)
@JustaFairyStory 5 күн бұрын
@@NoblePlays Minecraft reflects life in that what you get out of it depends on what you put into it. And yeah, so many people take on big projects that they don’t really have time for. Except that, at some point our brains realize “wait, we have so many other more important things to be doing” and we kind of don’t see the point. Because ultimately we know it’s just a game, and so I think video game burnout, for me, as someone who doesn’t really consider myself a gamer, is knowing that there’s a whole life to live. But then I get overwhelmed with real life projects and end up procrastinating playing games. I think there’s also such emphasis on “completing” Minecraft or getting the best gear as soon as possible, when really, it’s okay to treat diamonds and netherite as these rare things you don’t actually need to find immediately to enjoy building your world or trading or exploring. They are important for progression and nice to have, but I think the reason people feel like Minecraft progression is broken is because, it’s not mandatory to have fun. You can take it at whatever pace you want. But the thing is, we’ve found a lot of ways to get around it. If you view those materials as immediate needs, the progression is mostly gone. If you just keep iron as an immediate need and set other goals, you don’t feel nearly as rushed. If you try to exploit is super quickly, we’ll you’re bypassing a lot of the fun of the game. Sure people are into building farms or speed running or optimizing the game as much as possible, and that’s fine. But there’s something to be said for that approach cutting out a lot of the tiny things that make the game enjoyable. In the case of speedrunning, you’re literally bypassing most of the game.
@JustaFairyStory 5 күн бұрын
The paulsouresjr clip hit hard right out the gate man
@NoblePlays 5 күн бұрын
As soon as I was able to find the specific video I got teleported to 2011 instantly 😭
@JustaFairyStory 5 күн бұрын
@@NoblePlays His 2014 attack of the B-Team mod pack play through is a core memory for some reason
@MichealAfton1983 5 күн бұрын
If you’ve seen the leaked images of the Minecraft movie designs, what do you think of them out of curiosity?
@NoblePlays 5 күн бұрын
I haven’t seen anything yet. It seems odd that it would be live action, feels like a Chris Pratt movie 😂
@NorthernSpoon 6 күн бұрын
Player since day 1, mainly still here because of the guild I play with and I’m an achievement hunter, still so much to do. Enjoy re going through the stories now and again. Enjoy raiding wish we had more ops to do.
@NorthernSpoon 6 күн бұрын
Player since day 1, mainly because of the guild I play with and I’m an achievement hunter, still so much to do. Enjoy re going through the stories now and again. Enjoy raiding wish we had more ops to do.
@greatday19 6 күн бұрын
What! I was getting ready to read through people's comments, and I did a double-take when i saw there were only 6! Such a polished video, I was assuming there'd be at least a few hundred comments, a few thousand views... Great video! The bit that stood out to me the most was your highlight of Minecraft's staying power, probably stemming from the lack of FOMO and Mojang staying true to the core of Minecraft. I'd never thought about it in those terms... But yeah, like others, I hop on a local server with my friends at least once a year. And every time it feels like a completely new game with all the content that keeps getting added 😄
@NoblePlays 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you liked the video! I hope Minecraft continues to provide an experience that everyone can enjoy. 😊 feel free to send the video to at least one person 😂🔥
@greatday19 6 күн бұрын
@@NoblePlays already shared! 😁
@onyoursix9113 7 күн бұрын
Dang Noble I gotta say your video quality has gotten better since you had this shift. Hope this goes viral! I played Minecraft about 5 years ago, and like you I’ll boot it up once a year and play for a bit. You hit the nail on the head though, Minecraft is for everyone. Not many other games can say that.
@NoblePlays 7 күн бұрын
Much appreciated my friend!
@MichealAfton1983 7 күн бұрын
My best friend and i became friends because we both liked Minecraft so the game will always be special to me Curious on what the movie will be like next year
@NoblePlays 7 күн бұрын
That’s awesome! I love stories like that. I didn’t know there was a movie coming out.
@MichealAfton1983 7 күн бұрын
@@NoblePlays ya, I am a bit worried since it is live action, but judging by set leaks it looks like there putting a lot of effort to make it accurate to the actual games Also Jack black is gonna play Steve and DanTDM might make a cameo in it
@NoblePlays 7 күн бұрын
If you’ve played Minecraft before, how often do you play? What is your favorite thing about it? Tell me below! 🔥
@sausagesenpai9434 5 күн бұрын
Two weeks every year with the bros
@NoblePlays 4 күн бұрын
@@sausagesenpai9434 heck yeah my guy
@jmarshall3150 7 күн бұрын
Theres new games that are more dead than this game. SWTOR is actually doing just fine.
@scoposteve8470 8 күн бұрын
Nah I loved the smuggler so much
@ahmki52298 8 күн бұрын
Lol one day when this game is on private servers it will be more populated and have tons of RP you watch
@RavenStorm332 9 күн бұрын
I was apart of the SWTOR beta and I liked it so I subscribed to the game for a three months then I stopped subbing for personal reasons and when it went F2P I was like "nice I can play again" so I booted up the game and started playing then I noticed that they made it so that if you were a completely free player you couldn't do much like "Sprint" unless you were a "premium" player which you had to pay at least $5. The other thing is that as a free or premium player you didn't have access to the forums at all and had to go to EA's horrible "help" website to get support even if it was just something about the game or if you wanted to look for a group outside of the game. I stopped playing completely after that like I still have characters that are at the mid-point of the game though I think by now my account has been deleted for being inactive for so long.
@user-tq1tt9ll9c 13 күн бұрын
Great product. Live the "get to the point" thank you.
@nukleon4808 15 күн бұрын
My perfect Star Wars MMO would have the scale, content, and progression of Pre-CU SWG, the questing and story of SWTOR, and the combat of Star Wars: Hunters. Also you’ve probably discovered this by now but full-dark Consular is an absolute joke story wise. You literally commit heinous acts and the counsel cheers you on every step of the way. Zero consequences.