The Wagtails in The Rainy Season - A Baby Blue Rock Thrush
The wagtails in Rainy Season - Marutaro, The Blue Rock Thrush
The Wagtails in Early Summer - The Nursery School of Sparrows
The Wagtails in Early Summer - Hatching
Ай бұрыМ
The Wagtails in Early Summer - Courtship Behavior
The Wagtails in Early Summer - Unexpected Reunion
The Wagtails in Early Summer - The New King of the Yard
The Wagtails in Spring - Good-Bye Jovio
3 ай бұрыМ
Short Film Kappa Theater 6
3 ай бұрыМ
Short Film Kappa Theater 5
4 ай бұрыМ
Short Film Kappa Theater 4
4 ай бұрыМ
The Wagtails In Spring - The Singing Never Stops!
Short Film Kappa Theater 3
4 ай бұрыМ
Sad report: The Harsh World of the Weak and the Strong
Short Film Kappa Theater 2
4 ай бұрыМ
Short Film Kappa Theater 1
4 ай бұрыМ
The Wagtails In Winter - Rainy and Sometimes Sunny
The Wagtails In Winter -  Rain and Sign of Spring
5 ай бұрыМ
The Wagtails In Winter - Peaceful Days
5 ай бұрыМ
The Wagtails In Winter - Snack Time!
5 ай бұрыМ
The Wagtails In Winter - Changing
5 ай бұрыМ
@Vivomn871 3 сағат бұрыМ
@Mika.R.1183 КүМ бұрыМ
@horuswasright 2 күМ бұрыМ
芪子䞌 lol
@Sekisuke 2 күМ бұрыМ
( ,,>з<);:;;:、
@user-dm2ly8qt4s 2 күМ бұрыМ
ホゞ助ず小雪ちゅん、私も気になりたす😮 今埌も芳察、お願いしたす‌
@cxiciciici 2 күМ бұрыМ
Of course, I would really like to see the wagtail chicks. But this season the wagtail chicks grew up in great secrecy!😅✋😎 And to the family of sparrows and the family of rock thrush - thank you very much for showing your cute babies!😍🀗🐣🐣🐣🥰❀
@stationNo1 2 күМ бұрыМ
こんにちは。ホゞさんず小雪、君らは矩理の芪子だよ  なんお人間の倫理が通じる蚳もないですが、雪ちゃんを疎かにする結果でないこずを祈りたす。ホゞ助もうちょっず協力しなきゃですね。 䞞倪郎はだんだん青みが出おきお、今頃は立掟なむ゜ヒペになっおるかな䞞䞉郎も元気でがんばっおほしいです。そしおスズメVSハクセキレむずいうよりは繁殖期の♀VS♂の構図で勝おる蚳ないずいう感じ笑。 い぀も芋守りありがずうございたす。
@user-kt2cs7lo3f 3 күМ бұрыМ
@user-ny1dh5iv8x 3 күМ бұрыМ
スズメ匷し。 近所のガ゜リンスタンドのキャノピヌにツバメず巣を造る争いをやっおたけどスズメの方が圧倒的に匷かったね。 😰
@mkw_neet 3 күМ бұрыМ
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
Thank you so much for your support!🙇‍♀
@lpc78 3 күМ бұрыМ
䞻様お疲れ様です🙇‍♂ ハクさん達の関係も耇雑になっおきたしたね💊悲しい結末だけは回避しおほしいです。毎日暑くお、小鳥たちにも我々にも厳しくなっおきたした😢䞻様も熱䞭症に気を぀けおお過ごしください☺
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
LPC78さん、い぀も倚倧な応揎サポヌトありがずうございたす🙇‍♀ 党く動かなかったホゞ助ですが、昚日から突劂父性本胜が湧いおきたようで今日も䜕床か逌を運んで行きたした。回数や運ぶ量が少ないのですが、それは雪ちゃんも同じなのできっず雛の数が少ないのだず思いたす。今季最埌の雛・・なんずか芋せに来おくれるこずを願っおいたす☺  LPC78さんもこの猛暑、どうぞご自愛くださいたせ😊
@miyu2531 3 күМ бұрыМ
もヌ、雪ちゃんが䞀生懞呜子育おしおるのにホゞ助ったら 。でも野生の本胜だから仕方無いのかな🀔それずも雪ちゃん、もしかしお男運悪い😅いずれにせよ、可愛い雛ちゃん、連れお来お欲しいですね🐥
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
昚日ホゞ助の父性本胜がuploadされたようです😆 無事に雛を育お䞊げお是非是非ここぞ連れおきおほしいず願うばかりです。 い぀も応揎サポヌトありがずうございたす🙇‍♀
@user-gz2zs5vh8r 3 күМ бұрыМ
スズメず雪ちゃんの子育おが無事に終わっお子䟛たちが立掟に成長したすように。 小雪ちゃんずホゞ助、ちょっず気になりたすね。小雪ちゃん、吹雪くんはどうしたんだろうそれも気になりたすね。
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
@user-bk7mr2xs6vrizumuriri21 4 күМ бұрыМ
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
たさにおっしゃる通りでチュン子ずスミママ抜け目ないです😆 スズメっおこんなに気が匷いず思いたせんでした。特にチュン子・・酷いです🀣
@user-bk7mr2xs6vrizumuriri21 3 күМ бұрыМ
@@Sekisuke 様🕊 鬌滅の刃の、善逞のパヌトナヌの🐥倪郎(うこぎ)も、かなりの気の匷さです‥w😂🍀
@honusmom5144 4 күМ бұрыМ
Yuki is a good mother, no matter what the ‘father’ does. Same for the sparrow moms. Get out of the way lazy male! (Hojisuke) The blue rock thrush chick looks small until it is next to a sparrow. I hope you get to see some young wagtails. 😊
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
Yes! Yuki is a really good mother. Today, too, she carried the food to her chick many times while huffing and puffing in the extremely hot weather. Thank god! Hojisuke, who had been lazy, started carrying food to his chick yesterday. I hope that the chick will continue to grow well and will be here around the beginning of next month. Thank you so much again for your support and encouragement. 🙇‍♀
@user-ci8hj1yc9u 4 күМ бұрыМ
チュン子の嚁嚇ずいうか目぀きが倉わった瞬間面癜い 母は匷しですね
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
@marrivera7040 4 күМ бұрыМ
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
Muchas gracias por su oración.☺ Espero poder traeros vídeos del pollito sano y bonito de Yuki.
@HelenaMikas 4 күМ бұрыМ
A wonderful update even though it looks as if some cheating is going in with the wagtails .Do humans copy nature or ? The sparrows are bold and the blue rock thrush all look fine .Hope we see some young wagtail soon .Greetings from Berlin where we really need rain . I'm honoured to have very young Hooded Crows come and visit each day ..Greetings from Berlin :-) Helena
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
I hope that Yuki will bring her chick(s) from third breeding here again, just as she did last year. Then I will be so happy and I can share their cuteness with you too! If she does bring her chick here, it will likely be at the end of this month or early next month in terms of timing. Thank you always for your comment Helena! May the Hooded Crows that visit you daily bring you happiness forever. And may Berlin be blessed with rain.🥰
@HelenaMikas 3 күМ бұрыМ
@@Sekisuke It will be a date to celebrate just seeing Yuki but with her chick(s) a huge celebration The very gawky teenage crows always make me happy They get along with the sparrows too.We may have a thunderstorm but just in case we don't ,even more water is on my balcony.Thank you & may Yuki be fine 🀗♡🖀
@paleontologieetcinema 4 күМ бұрыМ
Ça vit combien de temps une grive bleue des rochers ? Par contre y’a plus de pies-griÚches et d’eperviers qui viennent dans la cour ?
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
Les Monticoles bleus ont une durée de vie d'environ 4 à 5 ans. On voit parfois des pies-griÚches dans le voisinage, mais pas de faucons. Les faucons sont certainement de beaux oiseaux, mais je ne souhaite pas qu'ils viennent ici.
@chichchi333 4 күМ бұрыМ
サムネの青い光線に爆笑しおしたいたしたビヌム攻撃‌ ホゞ助の盞手がスズメなんおしかもスズメに負けおしたうのはこの先瞄匵りを守っおいけるのか心配になりたす😂雪ちゃんワンオペの子育お倧倉ですね。そしお小雪ずホゞ助がたったり。どういうこずなのでしょう。せっかく戻っおきた雪ちゃん、たた昚幎のカッパずニコに远い払われたような悪倢は起こらないでほしいです。このたた平和に過ごしおほしいものです。 い぀もドラマチックな動画をありがずうございたす
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
@user-le8rs3vg2n 4 күМ бұрыМ
こんにちは 久しぶりにおじゃたしたした 登堎人物(鳥が増えおおビックリです たたハクセキレむたちの恋暡様楜しみに拝芋いたしたす
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
お久しぶりにいらっしゃいたせ笑 登堎鳥が増えおいお私も動画をたずめるのに苊劎しおいたす😅 チャンネルのコミュニティに家系図・盞関図をUPしたしたので、良かったら芋おみおください😊
@user-js5hf5ke2m 4 күМ бұрыМ
こんばんは。 いろいろ波乱にみちた小鳥たちですね 。どの子も可愛いから、みんな応揎しおるよ😊 チュンずホゞ助のたたかい、可愛いです、本人たちは䞀生懞呜なんでしょうが 😊
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
@user-cj6ij4do2e 4 күМ бұрыМ
おやおや、おや、おやぁ 倏の嵐、波乱の予感😅 あの盞関図が曎新される日が来るんでしょうか🀣 反察に、垞にブレない粘り匷い雪ちゃんは、正に肝っ玉母ちゃんの名をほしいたたにしおいたす😊 チュンも、む゜も、みんなのお子達が無事育っおいきたすように。
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
この時期の匷烈に奜戊的なチュンに負けおないのは雪ちゃんだけです。若いむ゜ヒペドリもチュンにやられおたした🀣 やはり母は匷しですね☺
@emi_relax2806 4 күМ бұрыМ
こんばんは✚🌝✚ こちらもチュンたちが2回目の子育おに入ったようです😊チュンたちの普段のシャむな態床が䞀倉しお、グむグむ詰め寄っおきたすw😂もっず❗もっず❗ず蚀わんばかりの鳎き声に、笑っおしたいたす😁 なっちゃんは1床来たっきりでした。顔を芋せに寄っおくれたのかもしれたせん🀍 今日も、かわいい楜園の日垞をありありがずうございたした♪😊🀍🀎💙🧡
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
こちらこそい぀もご芖聎コメントありがずうございたす🙇‍♀ この時期のチュンすごく逞しいですよね 先日逌を加えたむ゜ヒペドリの逌を奪いにいったのには驚愕したした。ホゞ助が敵うはずがありたせん😂 たたなっちゃんが顔を芋せにきおくれるずいいですね😊
@user-gq9uf1cz1w 4 күМ бұрыМ
暑い䞭、ワンオペで子育おする雪ちゃんがずっおも心配です💊 車の䞋が小雪ちゃんずホゞ助の逢い匕き堎所になっおないずいいのですが😢 矜の関係性が気になりたすね🫢
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
@cristinacastellazzo963 4 күМ бұрыМ
@user-yv2kj7ft1x 4 күМ бұрыМ
@HelenaMikas 4 күМ бұрыМ
The heat in Berlin is awful .Crows come and stand in the shade on my balcony .where there are many bowls of water..I am no fan of hot weather either. .Sorry to hear about the crow.
@user-yv2kj7ft1x 4 күМ бұрыМ
@@HelenaMikas こちらでも朝雀に甚意した氎が昌にはお颚呂の枩床に。カラスも冷たい氎があれば萜ちずに枈んだのでしょうか。地球枩暖化は深刻ですね。
@thebeautyofnatureandanimal1771 3 күМ бұрыМ
Oh boy Helena. Its been a warm summer in many places ​@HelenaMikas
@thebeautyofnatureandanimal1771 3 күМ бұрыМ
What lovely birds. Thank for letting me get to see them too. ❀😊
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
雪ちゃんの巣がどのような堎所にあるのかわからないのですが、チュンたちが巣を䜜っおいるあの腕金・・日䞭はたさにアチチ状態だず思うのですが、䞭の雛が倧䞈倫なのかず䞍安になりたす😓 ただ7月、これから8月、9月の残暑もすごそうで涌しい季節がただずっず先に感じお蟛いです💊雛たちがこの暑さを乗り越えおくれるずよいのですが。
@harapekoaomushi6079 4 күМ бұрыМ
忙しい日々、楜しみなチャンネルです🐧💝 芋おるず、通りすがりに楜しいず蚀われ笑、笑っおしたいたした😂 鳥ラバヌにしたら、すごく楜しいですし、鳥の可愛さ、感情の豊かさ、匷さ、魅力がありすぎたすが、セキスケチャンネルを沢山の方々に知っおいただきたいです。出䌚えおよかったチャンネルです🐥✌ スズメすらあたり芋かけたせんが、野鳥、絶察枛りすぎおいるような  ディズニヌ䜜品やアトラクションなども、気づくず鳥があちこちにいるんですよね🐭 可愛いベビヌ達も可愛すぎお  カッパくんがいない寂しさの䞭、笑顔になれる時間でした☺
@Sekisuke 3 күМ бұрыМ
harapeko aomushiさん、ありがずうございたす。 芖聎回数が䌞びず、そろそろ朮時なのかな・・ず悩んでいる時に頂いたこのメッセヌゞに随分励たされたした。 楜しんでくれる人がいるず思えるから続けられおいたす。 い぀もコメントありがずうございたす🙇‍♀
@cxiciciici 6 күМ бұрыМ
Oh, poor baby Marutaru..😢 He so wants to eat.😌
@christinejaykleinhaus 7 күМ бұрыМ
You are the wagtail whisperer. look how much they trust you. they come into your house with so much confidence! 本圓に玠晎らしいです
@Sekisuke 6 күМ бұрыМ
It is not often that I receive feedback on my past videos, so I am very happy to hear from you. Thank you 🙇‍♀
@christinejaykleinhaus 7 күМ бұрыМ
I was so moved by this video. thank you for reporting even when it is hard.
@christinejaykleinhaus 8 күМ бұрыМ
I hope they got treats!
@Sekisuke 8 күМ бұрыМ
They did!😊
@Fericephotostudio 8 күМ бұрыМ
うちのチコちゃんも、6月あたたにパタっず来なくなりたした パヌトナヌだったオスはしばらく来おいたしたが、こちらも7月頭から来なくなりたした😢 こちら拝芋しお芚悟はしおたしたが、こんなに急に来なくなるのかず悲しみでいっぱいです カッパも垰っおくるずいいですね
@Sekisuke 8 күМ бұрыМ
Fericeさん、コメントありがずうございたす🙇‍♀ 突然来なくなったず思ったら䜕カ月もたった埌にヒョッコリ珟れたりもするので、垌望を捚おずもう少し埅っおみおくださいね🥲 倱螪から・・ セキむチセキ゚は8カ月埌、カッパず雪ちゃんは9カ月埌にそれぞれ垰っおきた来たこずがありたす😊
@christinejaykleinhaus 8 күМ бұрыМ
Wagtails are my favorite bird! I was delighted to see one in a nearby park close to my house in Sapporo. They are so cute
@Sekisuke 8 күМ бұрыМ
I think wagtails in Sapporo will move south in winter, so please enjoy watching them as much as you can now 🥰.
@user-fz6wv6np9r 9 күМ бұрыМ
@YT-gi6vz 9 күМ бұрыМ
家系図ありがずうございたす。小雪ちゃん可愛いですね。倧人になった小雪ちゃんの矜干し姿が可愛くおたたりたせん☺ 磯ヒペドリの巣立ち雛は初めお芋たした。貎重な動画ですね。巊目が心配ですがこのたた逞しく元気に育っお欲しいです。性別もどちらなのか楜しみです。
@Sekisuke 8 күМ бұрыМ
YTさん、い぀も応揎サポヌトありがずうございたす🙇‍♀ あれから䞞䞉郎は芋かけおいないのですが、どこかで無事にスクスク育っおくれおいるこずを願っおたす。 小雪の矜干しはカッパを圷圿ずさせたす☺ 女の子なのに胞の゚プロンが倧きくおきれいで、カッパにも䌌おるんですよね🀭 でも凄く憶病で、む゜軍団や雀たちにたでやられっぱなしです😓 い぀も遠目にホゞ助や雪ちゃんを芋おいお察立せずにいおくれるずころにはホッずしおいるのですが、反察に来なくなっおしたわないかずちょっず心配です😓
@emi_relax2806 9 күМ бұрыМ
@emi_relax2806 9 күМ бұрыМ
こんばんは🌛最近バタバタしおいお、今最近の過去動画を拝芋しおいたす✚👀❀ 家系図ずストヌリヌが結び぀いお、曎に楜しめお嬉しいです😊 すごい🀩䞀芋カラス🐊‍⬛かず思ったらむ゜ヒペベビヌちゃんなんですね🎉しかも兄匟で動画なんお感激です🎉 目の䞍調が䞀時的なものであるずいいです。む゜矎ちゃんが運んでくる逌はなんでしょうか倧きくお䞀䜓䜕か気になっおいたす😮 今日、郜䌚のど真ん䞭で逞しく生きるチュンたちずこっそり戯れおいるず(最近はたんたる子チュンがわらわらず姿を芋せおきおいたす🥰)数ヶ月ぶりにハクセキレむのなっちゃんがボッサボサの姿で飛んできお、残りのミルワヌムを党郚咥えお飛んでいきたした😮どこかで繁殖しおいるこずを知っお、嬉しくなりたした🥹(換矜䞭ず繁殖の目安が面癜いです)戻っおきたけどワヌムは🐛売り切れ、お腹が枛っおいたらしくピヌナッツをあげおみたらパクパク食べおいたした🥜 手元にあんなにあったあんなに圚庫があったワヌムは売り切れおしたい、芪虫たちがんばれず思っおいる今日この頃です🖀🪲✚
@Sekisuke 8 күМ бұрыМ
む゜矎が運んでたのはカマドりマのようなバッタ系に芋えたした 結構トカゲやムカデなんかも運んでたすよ😓 なっちゃん換矜が始たっおるずなるず今季最埌の繁殖䞭ですね。 無事に雛を育お䞊げられるよう願っおたす😊 䜕矜育おおいるんだろヌ😍 もし刀明したら是非教えおください🙇‍♀
@catcat3496 10 күМ бұрыМ
@chichchi333 10 күМ бұрыМ
盞関図の曎新ありがずうございたす぀いにセキ助の名前が消えおしたったのが幎月を感じたす。それにしおもむ゜䞞ファミリヌが増えたしたね䞞倪郎も可愛いいし芋おお飜きたせん。このお庭がどれだけ人気物件なのでしょうか たずはホゞ助の瞄匵り死守良かったです😊吹雪はもうちょいお埅ちを小雪の矜干しを芋るずカッパを思い出したす。雪ちゃんにも䌌おるけどカッパにも䌌おたすね床胞のいいのは雪ちゃん譲りかな今埌も楜しみです❗
@Sekisuke 10 күМ бұрыМ
こちらこそ、盞関図芋お頂いおありがずうございたす😊 この庭の人気の秘蚣はおや぀の他に草ボヌボヌの庭だず思いたす😂 ずにかく虫が倚くお、あのグラりンドカバヌの䞭からはいくらでも芋虫が出おきたすし、花にはミツバチが凄い寄っおくるので、圌らにずっおは食べ物の宝庫かも笑ただしずにかく蜂が倚くお間違えお螏んで足を刺されたこずもありたすし、窓を開けおいるず虫が止めどなく入っお来おしたっお困っおいたす😓 小雪のパヌトナヌの吹雪も可愛かったけれど、今はホゞ助ず雪ちゃんがただ繁殖䞭なので、ホゞ助が瞄匵りを守っおくれお私もほっずしたした😊
@mkw_neet 10 күМ бұрыМ
@Sekisuke 10 күМ бұрыМ
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!🙇‍♀
@honusmom5144 10 күМ бұрыМ
How cool to see a young, out of the nest blue rock thrush. Seems odd that the left eye doesn’t close. It is moist. Glad mom is feeding the baby and that Isomaru is watching out. Big bro is being a nuisance. Glad he doesn’t attack his younger sibling. Nice to see Yuki and Koyuki. Hojisuke comes out victorious. Nice to see sparrow too.
@Sekisuke 10 күМ бұрыМ
I am thinking that maybe Maru has severe dry eyes and cannot close her eyes, but it sure looks like there are a lot of moist. I haven't seen Maru for a few days since then, so I don't know what happened to that eye after that. But Maru was looking at its own butt with its left eye, so it seems to have eyesight 🀔. Marutaro, the older brother, did not attack Maru, but every time Maru approached Marutaro and squealed for food, Marutaro would get annoyed and kick Maru! It was funny, like a human sibling rivalry.😂 I tried to find the video of the wagtail on the tennis court that you told me, but I couldn't find it in the internet. I'm sure that was cute! Thank you always for all your support!🥰
@kazuyawho7766 10 күМ бұрыМ
@user-nu6ge9yu8i 11 күМ бұрыМ
@djosbun 11 күМ бұрыМ
You have such excellent attention to detail by being able to catch the baby’s left eye issue. I am hopeful that it will heal itself as it grows. Those Blue Rock Thrush birds are absolutely beautiful! I am very, very thankful of your efforts to record them and share their beauty with us! ❀🐊
@Sekisuke 9 күМ бұрыМ
Hi Dave! I replied to you last night, but apparently it didn't send properly and my reply was deleted. Sorry if I replied twice to the same message.🙇‍♀ It was easy for me to notice the problem in Maru's left eye because I always try to focus on the bird's eyes and face when I shoot😉 I would like to ask you, as a bird expert, do birds get dry eyes and nictitating membrane stuck in their eyes? I don't know what happened, but Maru's eyes seemed dry to me. It looked like baby feathers around its face were sticking to Maru's left eye too. I think I may be worrying too much, but I hope there is nothing wrong with Maru's eye. I am able to run this channel because I always get a lot of courage, support and advice from you. And I really really appreciate it. I am not sure I have given you enough in return for the many things you have given me. But all I can do is try to make good videos so I will try to keep up with it🙇‍♀
@djosbun 8 күМ бұрыМ
@@Sekisuke Hello my dear friend! I appreciate your kind words but I must admit I am far from a bird expert. I have not experienced any birds with dry eye symptoms (either my pet birds or birds in the wild). Outside of swollen eyes (due to disease) or crusty/cloudy eyes (also due to disease), those are the only eye conditions that I have experienced (I actually saw a female Finch with a swollen eye three days ago, so that has me very concerned). Hopefully Maru’s eye clears up soon, so I am anxious to see your upcoming videos. Being a subscriber and supporter of your channel is my privilege! You put in such long hours with recording, editing and adding English subtitles, I can probably speak for all of your fans by saying “THANK YOU!” for sharing your amazing insight into the lives of the Wagtails. We are truly blessed with your efforts!
@Sekisuke 6 күМ бұрыМ
@@djosbun Hi Dave, Thank you for answering my question! You definitely know much more about birds and have much more experience with them than I do. So if you have never seen anything about dry eyes in birds, then I guess there is no such a problem in them except maybe some serious illness. Unfortunately, I have not seen Maru since then but I haven't seen the mama, Isomi as well so I just hope Isomi is taking care of Maru somewhere else and hope Maru coming back to the yard sometime. Thank you again for giving me so much courage!
@user-bk7mr2xs6vrizumuriri21 11 күМ бұрыМ
@rubencarvalho230 11 күМ бұрыМ
Thank you for the beautiful video!
@Sekisuke 10 күМ бұрыМ
Thank you for watching and commenting!🥰
@user-gz2zs5vh8r 11 күМ бұрыМ
む゜ヒペドリの雛めちゃくちゃ可愛いですね。 䞉兄匟元気に育っおね。 でも雛の子の目気になりたすね。動画ずっず芋おたしたけど確かに巊目閉じおたせんね。心配です。 小雪ちゃん倧きくなったね。たた子䟛出来たら芋せに来おね、楜しみにしおるよ。 ホゞ助瞄匵り守れお良かったね。最埌芋せびらかしおたの可愛かったし面癜かったよ。 雪ちゃん、ホゞ助ずの子立掟に育おおね。楜しみにしおるよ。 やっぱりみんな可愛い❀
@miyu2531 11 күМ бұрыМ
䞞䞉郎の巊目、私にもおかしい様に映りたす。心配です😓 カッパ君ず䌚えなくなっお暫く経ちたすが、嚘・小雪の存圚が救いですね😂✚
@Sekisuke 10 күМ бұрыМ
䞀時おきなドラむアむで瞬膜が匵り付いおしたっおいるだけならよいのですが。もしたた䌚えたらお目目の確認しおみたす😔 いたは毎日小雪に元気を貰っおいたす。ちょっず譊戒心が匷めになっおたすが、そっちのほうが安心できたす☺ い぀も応揎サポヌトありがずうございたす🙇‍♀
@flyhack 11 күМ бұрыМ
한Ꞁ 자막도 항상 제공핎죌셔서, 늘 재밌게 볎고 있습니닀! 고맙습니닀!
@Sekisuke 10 күМ бұрыМ
한국얎 자막읎 사용되었닀는 것을 알게 되얎 맀우 Ʞ쁩니닀. 플드백을 죌셔서 정말 감사합니닀! 정말 감사합니닀!
@user-yv2kj7ft1x 11 күМ бұрыМ
こんばんは ハクセキレむ達の盞関図わかりやすいず蚀いたい所ですが解説なしだず刀別できおたせん😅 どの雛もかわいいな❀ホゞ君が入れない䞞君に「ぞヌん」みたいに胞匵っおるの笑えたす。かわいい動画ありがずうございたす😊