Speed in Video Games
5 ай бұрын
Playing Games With NO Soundtrack
Making the PERFECT Silent hill
Dead Rising 4 Failing Humanity
2 жыл бұрын
Silent Hill Downpour: 11 years later
Breaking the Barrier of Safety
2 жыл бұрын
Automatonophobia in gaming
2 жыл бұрын
This is for me
3 жыл бұрын
Chances of anything
3 жыл бұрын
Phasmophobia in Gaming
3 жыл бұрын
Star Wars and the Uncharted formula
@yaboyfluid9124 2 күн бұрын
As a fellow Brit How dare you say we aren’t familiar with the sea BRITANIA RULED THE WAVES
@edmarklazaro8826 8 күн бұрын
Im scared 😢
@knealiegamesYT 9 күн бұрын
Me personally, I got my first fear of this on video games from Taz 2; the game where you threw boomerangs. There was a section with an underwater spot and a ton of alligators, ever since that I pretty much do my upmost to avoid water sections in games. PS: the achievement in Far Cry 3 that required me to swim 60 meters down, absolutely killed me, I did it with my eyes closed until I heard the achievement pop
@NoobyNubguy 12 күн бұрын
I don’t personally don’t think I have Thalassophobia or megalophobia but subnautica makes me think I do. The massive deep waters, the dark waters, leviathans, and just staring at the aurora gives me chills because of HOW BIG IT IS I’ll say this again. I don’t have megalophobia or thalassophobia, any other image or video doesn’t scare me 99% of the time. Subnautica does.
@link1day 16 күн бұрын
It was scary falling into the ocean in dragon quest builders 2
@user-ll4me6nd5l 20 күн бұрын
I play all games without ingame music and have absolutely no problem. The games for me are better without music and especially the assassins creed games. I feel the music distracts you but for me the biggest thing is that my brain starts fighting with the image in the actual and the image created by music.
@PBxCartix 21 күн бұрын
Is this nga trans?
@SamanthaSaunderz 21 күн бұрын
@@PBxCartix yeah so what
@swisstiger8968 23 күн бұрын
My first moment was in jak and daxter 3 where when you swim to far out a kraken comes to kill you... but that was nothing like how Soma effected me... I love Soma for its visual style of the big deep sea. The story was meh but you went from one water Lab to the next one and always continued futher down. It gave me the facinated creeps. Even tho the story was meh the message behind it was awesome. A "digitl mind" / "living eternaly coded"... ngl that gave me some deep midnight thoughts... I recommend everyone to play it who wants a amazing question with awesome visuals for the deep dark sea.
@JonScatman 26 күн бұрын
That was a phenomenal video. Im a huge fan of Chainsaw and have studied it extensively but you've made points and shown influences I never registered before. Likewise, the Manhunt soundtrack was an awesome choice of background music
@System509 27 күн бұрын
My first experience with thalassaphobia was this one level in Tomb Raider where you have to escape a shark at the bottom of the ocean. It messed me up as a kid.
@esnevip 28 күн бұрын
Why is he wearing lipstick? that's kinda creepy
@SamanthaSaunderz 28 күн бұрын
Trans innit
@thefactoryofchaos Ай бұрын
@albin1862 Ай бұрын
great video thanks
@hedgehog07productions91 Ай бұрын
I got my fear of Thalassophobia from Finding Nemo
@chantellemarie4984 Ай бұрын
"Ah okay cool theyre just tiny fish, i mean theres no chance they put a big- oh yes they did😱😵" the way he said that had me dying 😂 i cam relate to this video to much
@thesmilingman7576 Ай бұрын
7:32 I thought it's so they know who to target since Drayton (the cook) knows that they were supposed to eat Sally and co
@thesmilingman7576 Ай бұрын
And questions Bubba (Leatherface) about if he killed them yet
@thesmilingman7576 Ай бұрын
7:14 the second film calls him Nubbins I believe
@thesmilingman7576 Ай бұрын
6:35 when I first heard it I thought it was important and perhaps the cause of the madness seen in the film
@Matcraft1871 Ай бұрын
my thalassophobia is about the same but a little different... i hate structures, sunken boats and planes and other things like that in the ocean i just cant look at it or go in the sea because i really dont want to see them! the trauma that caused it is the time i went exploring with the submarine on GTA 5 and all in the darkness i saw a big sunken plane right into my face and that freaked me out really bad !!!!
@pinkmate22 Ай бұрын
Why did your passion make me cry?
@cbrooks2225 Ай бұрын
obviously continue with what you want to do and your art is very impressive, excited to see your progression up until now. but in regards to youtube, i see the algorithm playing favorites with subjects that are broader. like breaking down a game into its different aspects and providing many details into each aspect that makes the game good, bad, scary, thrilling etc. including bits of humor while sticking to the documentary style. i’ve seen you have a good eye for little things in gaming and maybe a touch more emphasis on your thesis would make people want to hear you out. popular franchises can be boring but there are plenty of those games and “sub franchises/favorites” that hold a strong community. i always love hearing what you have to say but sometimes it’s about a topic or game that i’m just not into, not your fault. great channel name, great person behind the story and very talented and i don’t want youtube to forget about or, move on without the checkpoints show.
@Joklhhh 2 ай бұрын
Minecraft is crazy
@ratbastard2708 2 ай бұрын
If "Downpour" had been baked a little longer (fix the damn stuttering and the atrocious combat), I doubt we'd be hearing so much bitching about it. Sure, some of the stupid elements (spike traps? Blade traps? What the fuck is this, "Tomb Raider?") need to go, too, but hey, at least this is better than "Homecoming"... but, hey, what isn't?
@gonzaloortega5481 2 ай бұрын
Amazing video man. Its amazing how you find all those details. Especially the ones with the sun and the moon. Do you think that actually is what the director had in mind? Or something like a genius stroke of luck haha
@Leouiz_Di_Angelo 2 ай бұрын
Didn’t think this was gonna make me cry when clicking on it. Sharks are awesome, everyone is awesome. As much as I fear them I love them. Sharks for trans rights!🏳️‍⚧️
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
Aww, sorry it made you cry, but I'm glad it hits emotionally, haha TRANS RIGHTS ALL THE WAY
@dan_san_vids 2 ай бұрын
We’re still here! ❤ glad to see your genuine love for creativity highlighted in this update. :)
@ancientandbored 2 ай бұрын
Love Silent Hill Downpour? SUBSCRIBED!
@ancientandbored 2 ай бұрын
Just a small thing: Murphy didn't even touch Anne's father, Officer Swell is the one that killed him. Murphy did kill Napier though.
@shreksnow1918 2 ай бұрын
ODST is probably one of my favorite Halos since it shows you a different side of the Halo universe. Bungie did an excellent job with the game’s overall presentation and small to give you the illusion of being a normal human. Sadly, you didn’t actually PLAY like a normal human. It was basically just diet Halo 3. It should’ve been a tactical shooter with a fully fleshed out stealth system (think Rainbow Six mixed with Splinter Cell, but with Halo content). Unfortunately, the “silenced” weapons weren’t actually quiet and would still alert enemies. Bungie also briefly prototyped a leaning around cover mechanic in an early build of 3 that was scrapped because they didn’t feel like it fit with the player being a walking tank. Why they didn’t take that same feature and put it into ODST where it would’ve been right at home is beyond me. Something else they should’ve done was made it so we were fighting Elites for a good chunk of the game, with Brutes appearing in the last few flashbacks and at night. It would’ve added some more enemy variety into the game, and once the two start fighting you’d get the 3 way battles that make Halo so much fun and replayable. Generalkidd has a video showing off what happens when you spawn Elites into ODST, and they’re hostile towards both the player and the rest of the Covenant. The reason for this is Elites are Team Covenant, while the Brutes are Team Prophets. Based on this it’s safe to say that Bungie originally intended to have enemy Elites who’d also fight with Brutes, but sadly due to time/resource constraints they didn’t do this. It would’ve really enhanced the story/gameplay. Imagine how cool it would’ve been to experience the Great Schism from the perspective of a normal human. The squad could’ve then used the ensuing chaos as the perfect opportunity to collect Virgil and escape the city. Bungie should’ve also done more to make the lesser Covenant (Jackals, Grunts, and Drones) feel like your equals/close lessers. The Brutes also inherited a lot of their problems from 3 where Bungie overcorrected on them being broken bullet sponges (prefer that iteration), and forced them to fill the officer slot left vacant by the Elites. Sure, they have the Brutes shields and made you slightly weaker, but like so many other things in ODST they didn’t go far enough. They had the PERFECT opportunity to take full advantage of the fact that ODST was a spinoff, and used that to create a radically different experience that still shares the essence of what makes a game Halo (mainline entries should stay relatively consistent, while being able to innovate and add new content that complements what came before). My 2 ideal Halos would be a remake of ODST that fixes these various issues, and a remake of 2 that gives us Bungie’s original vision (check out Vengeful Vadam’s Halo 2 Uncut mod to get a taste of why we could’ve gotten. Also, watch C3Sabertooth’s videos animating Halo 2’s storyboards. Both are really interesting). By no means am I saying that ODST is a bad game. I’ve had a tremendous amount of fun sinking who knows how many hours in playing Firefight with my cousin. I just think the game could’ve been so much more.
@shreksnow1918 2 ай бұрын
(Copy and paste of a comment I posted on another Callisto Protocol video. Just didn’t feel like retyping all that, and a lot of the same stuff applies here. That’s interesting how Callisto is comparable to that earlier game) It’s such a shame that Callisto Protocol turned out to be a dumpster fire. I was really excited to see a cool Dead Space spiritual successor. So glad I didn’t buy the thing, and highly doubt I will (I’ll get into how my ideal version of the game is a radically different game). There’s this really interesting 40 minute video talking about the various connections between Callisto and PUBG (or if you’d rather read there’s this Reddit thread that goes into the connections between the two. I also watch almost everything at 1.5-2x speed, so videos are faster for me. I’ll also tend to have them play in the background while doing something else). Just like everyone else I didn’t know PUBG even had lore, was confused when they announced the game was set in the same world, and was glad when they announced the two would be separated. Interestingly, the story would’ve been much better if they kept the two in the same world. PUBG’s setting has a ruined world where the climate is awful, and there’s resources scarcity where the rich live in luxurious enclaves and oat of the population live in slums (reminds me of Black Ops 4’s scrapped campaign). The only form of upward mobility is to fight in the Battlegrounds that are run by this organization called The Circle that do this to see why some live, while others die. The winner will be labeled “Vir Solitarius”, meaning “solitary male” or “lone survivor” (what The Circle calls Jacob). In it contestants will be given a blue chip at the base of their neck that shows their vitals, tracks them, and extends their lives (huh, sure sounds familiar). Part of their plan in Callisto was to use the prison for a controlled outbreak so an Alpha Biophage who retains their free will can form. When you get the the councils of holograms that one guy will chastise Jacob “for doing whatever it takes to survive”, which doesn’t really work since he’s just been killing zombies and robots the whole time. Based on all of this we can assume that early on they wanted the game to be a brawler where you’d fight your way through other people in a battle royal type situation, while also dealing with the growing number of mutants. Something else that’s interesting is the name of Jacob’s ship is the same as some ferryman from mythology who carries souls to the afterlife. This implies that he would’ve been shipping human cargo to Black Iron Prison, and that would’ve done a good job of explaining why his partner was apprehensive about taking this last job and why the Warden detained Daniel/Jacob having detected no other life signs in the cargo (test subjects). They could’ve revealed this by having there be burned bodies inside hidden compartments in the ship’s cargo. This would’ve been better than having the game treat him like a bad guy for self defense against mindless zombies and transporting something he reasonably wouldn’t have know what it was. By that point any anomalies would be either ignored, or they’d be part of the job. If both of those were kept in the game the moral ambiguity would’ve actually worked, and Jacob suffering a BRUTAL death after staying behind so Dani could escape would’ve felt earned. The game would’ve been far better if they had human enemies in it. I know people weren’t fans of human enemies in DS3, but I’d argue that has more to do with the fact that they were done poorly rather than being bad in concept. Someone on another Callisto Protocol review showed some interviews where Glenn was saying that to make the mutants scary the team tried to make them uncanny and humanoid. The guy on the video said that the reason why humans are scary is because we’re unpredictable and intelligent. He then mentioned Condemned Criminal Origins as a great example of a horror game with human enemies that are scary because they’re unsettling, and smart. That’s what they should’ve done with the other prisoners. For human guards there’s two options. The first is to give them the batons, and when fighting them it’s like a dual where you’ll have to block and parry their attacks. The second type would be guards who have guns, and just like the robot’s guns they’re LETHAL (the inverse is true for them and the other humans. You’d be able to cut them down with ease, but you’d want to save your ammo for the zombies. Those guys should’ve played like the Necromorphs where melee is a last resort you DON’T want to do). All of these would make it so you’d want to use stealth, flanking, and what weapon you’ll use (adding more melee weapons would work for something like this). The contrast would add some much needed enemy variety to the game (not going to delve into what they could’ve done with parasites that can mutate their hosts on the fly because it takes 5 seconds of thought to come up with all manor of crazy forms they could’ve taken that would radically alter how you’d deal with them. If they didn’t want to make anything new there’s a LONG list of other space zombies they could’ve copied. I also won’t touch on horror since so many other people have talked about it already). It’s such a shame what we got was mediocre at best. From what I’ve heard the reason the game’s so linear and has so many vents you crawl through isn’t to hide loading screens. They were so rushed that they didn’t have any time to connect the different level spaces in a way that made logical sense. If the game had combat arenas with plenty of cover/flanking routes, branching paths that lead to the same goal, secrets hidden out of the way, and other stuff like that the thing could’ve had a lot of replayability. I heard that the team was cut down and won’t be given any major games to work on in the future. Hopefully, they can make something good in the future and won’t just become a support studio.
@phantasmrain 2 ай бұрын
Glad you still here, friend!
@mattvee4827 2 ай бұрын
Wow! That’s really great art work! You’re such a multi talented individual! I can’t wait to see where you take the channel 👍
@Rivonar 2 ай бұрын
I honestly really feel this. I've been hitting a bit of a brick wall when it comes to my own work. I've taking time to just make things I actually find fun, and not just focus on my portfolio stuff.
@paweave9562 2 ай бұрын
Did you try to loose some weight?!💀
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
Ohh cheers 🤣
@IjiModo 2 ай бұрын
Cool explosions steal another life
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
It needs to stop!
@Pupppeteer 2 ай бұрын
Your art is unreal!!! The mask gag was pretty dope but sorry to hear you got exploded.
@triplet7788 2 ай бұрын
Found it... let's do this!
@triplet7788 2 ай бұрын
I fear them considering during my childhood, there was.. wow, you just covered every horror movie that affected me. 😅
@triplet7788 2 ай бұрын
I immediately would rage and fight the skyrim vr spiders. Worse is the resident evil vr title and until dawn rush of blood.
@triplet7788 2 ай бұрын
Sadly, I have notifications on. But i got none for these videos. I'll correct this and go back to watch / comment. Do you have a phobia video on arachnids/ spiders? Like the use of it in grounded and other titles?
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
I do! It's on the playlist and one of my favourite
@muhnoodles 2 ай бұрын
Goodto see you're still pushing on! It would be really neat to see how you'd incorporate your art into your videos, I'm excited to see what you'll cook up next :)
@kirstteas 2 ай бұрын
Two sisters draw stuff videos when??
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
@CloudConnection 2 ай бұрын
As a fellow creator who's at his own turning point regarding KZfaq, I completely understand the struggle with making videos that you want to make. Taking time to focus on other pursuits while you figure out things with your channel is definitely understandable. And as a friend who's commissioned you in the past, your art is seriously amazing and I'm happy that it's bringing you joy! Your thumbnails made my videos look way more professional and inspired me to learn more about graphic design and layouts. Whatever the future holds, we'll be here for ya! ❤
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
Awww that means so much to hear ❤️
@mrthickdick2810 2 ай бұрын
I love your content. I enjoy listening to your videos while I play games and work. ill support you no what brother <3
@HoodlieRPG 2 ай бұрын
That *was* a cool explosion.
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
Very haha
@MontyZander 2 ай бұрын
We'll be here when you release your next video! Whether it's a phobia one, or something completely different!
@iammegan6626 2 ай бұрын
Your work is awesome, and I love supporting trans creators ❤
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
Thank you I appreciate that soo much ❤️
@AWF1000 2 ай бұрын
I never honestly thought about how they created the T1000 Prototype until the Robert Patrick reference. The likeness was obviously a resistance soldier. I always assumed Arnie's likeness was a resistance muscle before he was captured to put in camps for orderly disposal.
@tomwangler4146 2 ай бұрын
Assassins creed odyssey… sharks everywhere that attack. I’m scared I can’t do it
@benedikttscherfinger5145 2 ай бұрын
for me the hardest thing in subnautica is the scream of the reaper leviathan. it is so unsettling
@CEOofChairbugs420 2 ай бұрын
Ive been on a huge Texas Chainsaw Massacre deep dive, bingewatching all sorts of vids. This is my favorite one so far and just finished watching it again. Makes a lot of sense and adds more mystery. Also i love that Quote about New England farmhouses because i live in one haha!
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
@CEOofChairbugs420 2 ай бұрын
@SamanthaSaunderz can I use that lil excerpt from the Picture in the House in a lil edit I make?
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын
@CEOofChairbugs420 of course it's not mine it's lovecrafts book 😁
@MattC78 2 ай бұрын
Take a drink every time he says Franchise.
@SamanthaSaunderz 2 ай бұрын