jusant is a masterclass in pacing
not just balance
10 ай бұрын
when the wind pushes you back...
contextualizing play
Жыл бұрын
sable is a game about you
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tunic is really good
2 жыл бұрын
i cannot talk to you about the plan
i missed today's wordle
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a short video on sable
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where are all the heist games?
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Chime of the Obra Dinn
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The Abstract Worlds of Tomb Raider
Can Dota 2 Have a Good Tutorial?
Two Point Hospital's Fatal Flaw
@nightmagic191 Сағат бұрын
I'm happy to 100% disagree with you. I've spent endless hours trying to solve those riddles not because they're particularly hard, but because you have to find a way (not THE way, sometimes you can even choose between more right options). Time is the key to solving lots of puzzles here: the boat, the eclipse, the caves,... You are never wasting your time, because your brain is always stimulated to find a new way to apply the methods you've already learnt. If you're looking for an action game, don't even try to play with it: The Witness only requires you to think. If you're looking for a cool game to expand your way to see the reality, then you can't miss this chance. I swear you won't regret it.
@legruntdu94 22 сағат бұрын
Ok, 3am, french speaking english, it's gonna be rough, sorry in advance... I felt you were a bit harsh on the shrines. Your comparaison with Portal test chamber is brilliant, and I think it was how they wanted you to approach it. Here is a problem, you already got the tool, or, we'll give you specific ones to help you, now go and solve it. Having multiple ways to end them is great. Contrary to the first game where they felt redundant (imo) beceause you did not have choices. Here, beceause anyone can approach them as they like, I believe you are the one responsible for your own fun. You want to cheese them beceasue it's possible ? Fine, but don't make it someonelse's problem when it's no longer fun (it's a generic you, not an attack !) More so with TotK than before, the game can be anything you want. So yeah, of course, if the gameplay loop bothers you the 3d time it comes up, sadly I'm not sure you'd have a great time, of course. But just beceause they let something be doable for people who wanted to speed up the experience, doesn't mean you should use it yourself. It's fun to discover a system, find out you thought outside the box, etc. But doing it five, ten, twenty times, by skipping the intended way of having fun, it's on you ? (once again, generic you !!) Like the number of Korok seeds is a testament, saying "you don't have to complete a task to find it joyful", I think they made it clear from BotW that they wanted to fill the world with things to discover for all at any pace. The same I believe, is true with shrines, caves, and many of these "numbers" you're talking about. BUT, with that said, I do feel it's quite problematic to push your players to not do everything, and yet, give them a long and mandatory mainquest delivered like they did. Indeed, in 2024, using "randomly" placed VHS in wrong order to explain a narrative that will have an impact on your feelings toward the game and story, is clearly not the greatest move...
@jonnyducker Күн бұрын
I would say that it's a detective game (detective mechanics) but not a detective STORY.
@tarfarr 6 күн бұрын
this is 2 years later but i just wanted to say that i loved the video
@Oona_Mae 8 күн бұрын
This is a weird take.
@Plat1 9 күн бұрын
enjoyed the video thanks :D
@randomclustermissile8701 10 күн бұрын
There are a lot of good things about the witness, but so also a lot of BAD things about it. You mentioned accessibility which genuinely surprised me cause I feel like NO-ONE ever talks about it. It's genuinely horrible. If you're deaf or colourblind, you just. cannot complete entire sections of the game. if you're photosensitive you cannot complete the mountain, the final section of the game (and the only one that is actively required to finish the game, since for the rest you can choose whichever sections you want to complete). You described the game as arrogant, which in my mind is the *perfect* descriptor for it. Jonathon Blow makes you feel frustrated and stupid. He throws random quotes from philosophers and scientists (read by some great voice actors by the way) that sort of just. dont mean anything. yeah they're contemplative but nothing else. I love the puzzles in the witness but MAN it's just. So tedious. Waiting for that one goddamn cloud enviro puzzle makes me want to rip my hair out.
@scokely 11 күн бұрын
I'm in the middle of the Witness right now, and I spent the morning looking for comments. I'm finding myself getting increasingly frustrated at the puzzle difficulty, and the fanboys of the game aren't helping matters. When I see complaints like yours on Reddit, the general response is sneering along the lines of, "You CLEARLY don't understand this game. But that's OKAY." Many thanks for your review for helping me understand why the game is making me so angry. It's been fun as well, but right now I'm just getting pissed off. It's little things like: 1) How am I supposed to know how many lasers it takes before "something happens" on top of that mountain? Am I literally supposed to climb up there every time I activate one? 2) How would I just know about the audio cues for the mazes? 3) How would I "just know" about the environmental puzzles? There were literally no clues on the outsides of the obelisks, so how am I supposed to know about them? 4) How would I "just know" that the puzzle "plates" could change direction in the treehouse? And so on, and so on. (The sneering is on the way -- "Well, you need to pay attention to the environment, and you should learn from the tutorials, and yadda yadda yadda, maybe you shouldn't play this game if you're that stupid", etc. Yes, I've seen plenty of that. I've also seen plenty of people saying that they spent 8 hours on a SINGLE PUZZLE ... and that's just frickin' insane. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated.
@cosmiclikesminecraft 13 күн бұрын
Genuine question, how would you suggest making accessibility for the sound puzzles, personally I couldnt solve them due to my inability to remember what each tone sounded like, but also, oh well, a set of puzzles werent designed for me, theres no way to make it accessible without just, telling you the tones, and then there is no puzzle
@lunakid12 18 күн бұрын
"The Witness is bad", by internet guy having trouble pronpuncing "et cetera" (1:10), unsure what "semantics" means, and blaming his own impatience on a game all about a patient, slow, attentive approach. OK, checks out.
@VideoGamesAreBad 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for the feedback I'll make sure I pronpunce words properly in future videos.
@cakewithbeans245 18 күн бұрын
I unconsciously noticed the "hold UP and grab-spam" sections of Jusant as breathing times while playing, but now that you've put words on it in my brain, yeah I agree I now remember feeling like this game had perfect pacing
@DarkAlkaiser 20 күн бұрын
Speaking of Mystery Machine, how long before some epic modder makes this a scooby doo simulator?
@unproxv 21 күн бұрын
It's not quite a heist game, but certainly con-related: Card Shark. You learn and perform card tricks to swindle others of money while staying not making them too suspicious, and it feels great when you do them right.
@Jouzou87 22 күн бұрын
I actually kind of liked the Witness - right up until the shipwreck puzzle. That made me go "F this game"
@PanicLedisko 25 күн бұрын
I'm so disappointed in myself, I started watching a let's play of the case of the golden idol and half way through I realized maybe I should stop watching and get the game myself? But I thought that would be silly since it was almost over. After watching it to the finish I heard the person that played it compare it to Return of the Obra Dinn so I was like okay if that game is like this I'm not going to make the same mistake of watching it instead of playing it. I got the game and I *hate it*. It's really really annoying to me the way you walk around, click on the body, get warped into this weird area, then a couple seconds you're warped out, then you're back somewhere again and you have to walk through a door. I hated having to click on the bodies after like the first couple bodies because I realized "Oh this is the game then? This is the mechanic" it keeps happening over and over again in order for you to progress. I think case of the golden idol did an amazing job, faaar better than obra dinn, and I wish I would have played it for myself! I'm desperate for a game like case, it reminds me of the olden days of point and click and it's about solving a mysteries. It's SO good!
@jim..... 25 күн бұрын
The demo to the sequal came out today, rise of the golden idol
@RubenGoMoRadioboyPlus Ай бұрын
Basically the best video game ever created.
@johyo.2297 Ай бұрын
What about far changing tides?
@elytron6758 Ай бұрын
I was so hyped for NMS and was one of the few not disappointed. I miss the early versions. All the hand crafted, base-building, and multiplayer missions shifted the focus to appease the masses and lost the variation/exploration I loved
@silverstar4505 Ай бұрын
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tunic. It brought me to an age that I never experienced and took me on greater journeys than any other game, and that sudden shift is such an important part of it. I put together the Holy Cross. I translated the language. Sometime, I hope soon, I'll gather my bravery patience and wisdom and tackle the voice of the Far Shore. Tunic is a game that ends when you're satisfied. I think there's something incredibly beatiful and fullfilling about it. Almost as if it's how things SHOULD be.
@nullpoint3346 Ай бұрын
[Shadows of Doubt] (whether intentionally or accidentally) exploits RNG and player imperfection to simulate the _real world struggle_ of tracking down killers. *Not* the drama of televised mystery programs.
@aaaaaahhh9537 Ай бұрын
100 spatial IQ...
@flemtone Ай бұрын
Sable is such an interesting and relaxing game with a great backstory when you start exploring abandoned ships and finding out what happened in that world.
@noahgilbertson7530 Ай бұрын
If you’re the kind of person who enjoys an intellectual challenge, it’s quite fun to play the game without external tools
@GlivGluv Ай бұрын
"TERF stick". Get a grip, Christ.
@trashman966 Ай бұрын
15:43 (SPOILER ALERT!!!!! click/tap on read more if you don't care/have beaten the game) note: you only need most of the fairies to be able to solve the Golden Path puzzle. i know this because i solved the Golden Path puzzle before 100%ing the fairies. they give you the final page you need after you get most of them (check back at the secret fairy place behind the waterfall after getting a couple of fairies)
@TheAlderFalder Ай бұрын
So the „he/him“ and subscribed, just to unsubscribe. You wierdo-nazis.
@pickyphysicsstudent201 Ай бұрын
I also never figured out "This Guy" until the epilogue chapter that directly explained it. I might have missed a line but the twist missed me completely. Even during the final chapter in which we've been building up that "This Guy" wants X and has spent years working towards it as his endgoal, it is revealed that is now going after Y, as well. In trying to get Y, everything falls apart in an incredibly anti-climatic way. This Y thing was never brought up nor was it integral to his character or goals. He just wanted Y because........ IDK. I guess a lot of poeple want Y in life but were there no alternatives to Y? Could it not have waited? He would've surely won if he just stuck to the plan. It bugs me because it felt like such a copout.
@bigfrankalbigguy789 Ай бұрын
Sounds like you didn't get it :/ It's also weird to assume that because you wanted to use outside tools that the game intends you to do it. "I cheated because the game wanted me cheat."???? A bizarro take.
@michaelnelson2976 2 ай бұрын
I don't th9ink I agree with all the need for resource management
@zanderdov5901 2 ай бұрын
my only complaint with Jusant was that I dint have a photo mode to take pictures of the beautiful surroundings
@rexxxx1984 2 ай бұрын
Hi, Nice Video, thank you. Today we know a bit more about Tunic, just a some knowledge we have to day. - Tunic has a Spoken Language. The Written Language you can learn is also spoken. All ferry speak to you, the even break the 4th Wall and make jokes about the game devs. The Main Menu sound when you lad or start a new message tells you something. I think that is incredible, how deep it is. - Than we have hidden Messages in the Sounds, When you put some sounds into a spectrograph, you can see hidden messages. - The world building is also even deeper as we saw at the first look, one of the main characters was the boss from the library that tried to break the cycle. I think Tunic is a unique experience and I love to see what the people will find out during the coming years.
@swolemoth 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for articulating this. I couldn't put into words for myself what was bothering me about this game. Tedious and obfuscated rather than an actual increase in challenge, or actually fun. It is like therapy to realise that this is why I couldn't get on with it. Playing this game has been like a peek into the mind of a madman.
@gardengnome3745 2 ай бұрын
theres a reason the water moves that slow, sorry you didnt find it
@JackCarver_Reporting_in 2 ай бұрын
Wow your humour dude is underrated! 22:05 was gold.
@RonyPlayer 2 ай бұрын
I understand the allure, really. Humans are problem solvers by nature, but everyone has a different patience on how much time and brainpower they are willing to invest in solving a puzzle. Saying that, this game is not for me. I just got bored halfway through, because once you understand the mechanics, is just remixes of the same puzzles again and again.
@thatswinelord9155 2 ай бұрын
I'm going to be honest I don't care about non binary stuff I just want to know about the gameplay
@titlo3646 2 ай бұрын
This is a terrible fucking take. The witness is a masterclass in good game design and teaching principles lol
@ilikeshiba 2 ай бұрын
I had a moment playing Braid many years back where I thought “these puzzles are really easy but I don’t have the energy / attention to input the solution”. It was no longer a puzzle game, it was a tedious data entry task. It sounds like the witness doesn’t respect your time either.
@josephr.6081 2 ай бұрын
Well thank you sir. It's not every day I learn a new word. Diegesis is a narrative storytelling style wherein the narrator describes an interior world including actions of its inhabitants
@claptrappington5895 3 ай бұрын
So correct me if I'm wrong, but the main Problem with the game(s description) is semantics? Because I get the point. I just think most people don't think of it that strict and might get thrown of by the title.
@KatieAndCatburger 3 ай бұрын
This brought up some new perspectives on a favorite genre, thank you!