Demogorgon's Lair (MIDI)
3 ай бұрын
One Billion Skittles (MIDI)
3 ай бұрын
Klem Is God (MIDI)
3 ай бұрын
Bonobo Jam Session (MIDI)
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Exorcism Weather (MIDI)
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Today Is A-OK (MIDI)
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What Is It Good For? (MIDI)
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The Steam Golem's Patrol (MIDI)
Inside Voices Only (MIDI)
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Winsome, Lose Some (MIDI)
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@Brutaldoomer99 21 сағат бұрын
I've gotta admit Hell Revealed had been the first megawad i have ever completed its not perfect but taking into account that was released in 1997 It was incredible it has some boring levels but for today standards is really good !! i've been playing Hell Revealed 2 and i hated it idk if i'm going to complete it (not for the difficulty) since its not memorable its boring the maps are not good there is no balance in HR2 The maps are just full with monsters with horrible placements Hell Revealed 1 for me is a masterpiece but Hell Revealed 2 is just ... Mid the only thing that i enjoy is the Soundtrack in HR2 The only thing that i found bad in this wad is the abuse of Barons why the f*ck are so many barons ?!?
@816bitBros 2 күн бұрын
5:27 the midi is a cover of the NES game Journey to Silius stage 3 theme. That game has a badass soundtrack, and it definitely was a nice surprise to hear the track in a Doom wad. Really enjoy this series, great job!
@gameingthime3654 3 күн бұрын
I heard the music from Lower Salt Lake City and instantly knew that I had heard it before somewhere! it's a midi-fied version of "Floating Museum" from the Ghost in the Shell Movie, one of my favorites! It fits in perfectly considering the WAD!
@tacky4237 3 күн бұрын
The Zinger box reference confirms the mapper is likely Australian. Also this level of Slaughter is likely Russian overkill/OP weapon mod only territory.
@DoomyMacDoomface 3 күн бұрын
9:53 Wait, why's there a Duke3D reference (E1M3) in a Plutonia map?
@CRuduxypegg 5 күн бұрын
In this wad's defense the silver textures look better in Software mode than they do in opengl, feels like they need a material effect to fix how they look because it isn't the intended look. Also map28 is some BS. played it without knowing secrets or that there is a BFG after the room full of pain elementals. That was the most annoying map by far because of it lol.
@daveinthemicrowave 7 күн бұрын
Only 8 maps in so far but absolutely love both Toooooasty's maps especially map 8. Okay just finished, great wad cant imagine what it would be without Toooooasty, burabojunior and Nanka Kurashiki. Not to make light of the other contributors but those three delivered many maps all of which i enjoyed greatly without fail. Toooooasty especially blew me away with insanely creative intricately detailed maps(even if the combat in some is a little lacking).
@aanproduction1516 9 күн бұрын
Just compilited it (saveless, mostly UV-Max). What can I say... Knockout gives too much to beat to death. Slugger City in the Clouds is the second most unfair piece of pie Hard Attack is good, but the clean up is tidious Judgement Day and Path were pretty enjoyable for me. Idk, maybe I just built differently Map 23 has good cool parts, my favorite being the cyberdemon fight where he is stuck and you need to dodge some rockets, but the start, mancubi ring and the ending cyber is TOO MUCH Favorite one: Post Mortem -- ballbusting, but fair. Only one thing I dream about HR is being fair Afterlife is...weird. I loved it, then I hated it, then I love it, idk. It's a rollercoaster. Side note: there is in fact a rocketlaucher for the final fight :) Map 29 secret is awful, I had to resort to MARKINGS to get to it. Aaaaand....Hell Revealed can go fuck itself. I absolutely hate this map, but I really grateful that it exist solely because I like to imagine this is what you think classic Icon of Sin (I'm still salty to this day you called it "not a Doom map", while praising it's missalined cousin from TNT). As Russians say: "Everything is learned in comparison".
@vibesplaneoverflow-bz1xy 9 күн бұрын
24:11 I don't know what in your brain compelled you do this. But it made me snort and nearly spill my coffee on a Monday morning. Bravo, sir.
@roob2221 11 күн бұрын
Dyeing at the end of those long levels and having to restart from the beginning was horrible. Worst wad I completed so far but it's finally over. Can't wait for Plutonia.
@CRuduxypegg 11 күн бұрын
Seeing this game get called child play is quite the shock for me. I played it continuous but I wasn't using a guide, safe to say I never found any of the secret maps and nearly every map ended with minimum health and ammo. Some of the maps like the storm ones and watch your step were the hardest since they didn't bother gearing you up and dealing with the pain elementals is absolute hell when your only option is to clumsly swap to the BFG and hope you fire before lost souls kill you.
@jonathan19947 11 күн бұрын
Hmm for some reason I didn't get this video's notification when it dropped was worried that you weren't uploading but glad to see you are. Great wad review, MtPain27
@FireBlueForTheRedSun 12 күн бұрын
What is your midi setup?
@hammondOT 12 күн бұрын
If you like secret hunting and exploration heavy maps, I'd recommend the game Wrath Aeon of Ruin. To me it's the perfect game. And I only play Quake and Doom!
@daveinthemicrowave 12 күн бұрын
This has quickly become one of my favorites. Short, sweet and ball crushingly hard when it wants to be.
@hammondOT 14 күн бұрын
American McGee is probably the coolest name anyone has ever had.
@MajdFreiji 15 күн бұрын
Simulacrum got released on idgames a couple of days ago, is it going on the One Day Maybe™ list or straight to Season 4's roster?
@Portponky 16 күн бұрын
hope this doesn't get cancelled by netflix cause I hate it when shows end on a cliffhanger
@kakhome1 17 күн бұрын
Hoping you get better over time, enjoy summer, and give yourself however long a break or hiatus you end up needing. Hobbies ebb and flow and it can take a long time for the mood to come back but I've learned that's fine!
@cokievandermille 18 күн бұрын
Feels like a boss battle theme for Final Fantasy 8. Great track.
@reddy64 19 күн бұрын
something's telling me i screwed something up in the gzdoom options menu so bad that i am unable to receive the nose's blessings it only let me in once when i was trying to find out what i was doing wrong in doom builder
@samepicgamer 19 күн бұрын
This wad is great, I wish rob had more shitpost level names like map 4 and 6, and the Saul Goodman picture in map18 was awesome
@_Firebert 19 күн бұрын
Im sad to see that this is a sort of unofficial end to the series. It was definitely a very special thing that the Doom community doesnt really get super often as far as im aware. I also think that there is a certain kind of beauty to the imperfections of this series. The evolution of you as a writer/editor/player might have caused the earlier episodes to misrepresent certain authors or maps, but I think it nicely parallels the experience of being an independent creator. Seeing people improve in a tangible way is very inspiring to me.
@daveinthemicrowave 19 күн бұрын
Fire and ice makes ploutonia look like E1M1
@iBlewupthemoon98 20 күн бұрын
“I always expected Heck to be the toughest map in TNT as a kid” Wait until you play it with Multiplayer enemies
@vibesplaneoverflow-bz1xy 21 күн бұрын
Man, these minecraft mods are pretty cool. I am proud to say that only map 29 made me throw in the towel and turn the difficulty down to HNTR. Another day, you sadistic map.
@jochen4207 22 күн бұрын
Tower of Babel deserves so much more respect as one of the scariest boss fights ever in gaming. Once you get used to the Cyberdemon it stops being so impressive, but for a first time player, that mooo and the following stomping is enough to shit your pants
@BeetleTheBoy 22 күн бұрын
Revisiting this after recently finishing the absolutely stunning Simulacrum makes me think about how good we have it nowadays. I say that Simulacrum has a very similar problem of way too many archviles with too many of them existing to recycle fights but GOD HR2 is purely excess for excess sake.
@reddy64 22 күн бұрын
after careful consideration i will not be nicknaming map20 "the diarrhea flow"
@jochen4207 22 күн бұрын
That's a crazy amount of Streets of Rage I and II music huh
@lecoindugamer7644 23 күн бұрын
You know the wad is awesome when there is only a single map that gets a D or lower Darkwave seem to not be able to make bad maps
@dushanbrown4844 23 күн бұрын
MtPain27, please do a deep dive on bprd and his love of the stars, like you promised, I'll wait
@MtPain27 23 күн бұрын
I would love to, but unfortunately I haven't had the heart to write anything for three months. I expect this unhappy streak will continue. I'm sorry :(
@dushanbrown4844 5 күн бұрын
@@MtPain27 While I have you, Play POOM (Doom but pico 8)
@alexfred693 23 күн бұрын
Dark Entries only C+ difficulty? Damn, man! You truly are "hardened."
@ParadigmZwei 23 күн бұрын
Dean: "I don't like your map Graf Zahl." Graf: "I made your source port." Dean: "Understandable have a nice day."
@roob2221 24 күн бұрын
hardest wad I've beaten pistol start so far. Did Ichinichi before this. Really fun wad and I'm definitely not that great at doom. Really like the idea of having your own house in the middle of a map, I've wanted to do something like that as well. :). Do you know what wad would be best to go for after this for a slightly harder experience? I might try to finish up tnt.
@archcynic404 25 күн бұрын
After hearing about half a dozen Eternal Doom references. I wonder if the Dean will ever cover anymore historically significant wads like Eternal, Strain, Sunder, Whispers of Satan, Momento Mori 2, Chillax for April Fools…and more than two dozen others, but considering graduation of s3, I am hesitant we’ll get that content ever
@pavlosrousiamanis 26 күн бұрын
@stevenrojas8420 27 күн бұрын
I came across Zeppelin Armada almost by accident and I loved it.
@jochen4207 27 күн бұрын
5:29 you never played Heretic? I'd love to see a Dean of Doom episode on it now lmao. Heretic is like a harder and weirder version of Ultimate Doom with an Inventory system. You should try it, it's a lot of fun
@hexyearhexyear 27 күн бұрын
bro fuckin hell the vibes
@comedialegit4258 27 күн бұрын
I can imagine this one playing in a snow themed level from Eviternity, it was the first thing that came to mind and its a good thing. Great work.
@SohakmetGameplay Ай бұрын
I haven't really played any of BPRD's maps myself, so I can only comment based on anecdotal evidence gathered from watching other people and yourself comment on his maps. The main point that comes to mind is that he defies Doom mapping conventions that are taken from granted by the community: Maps should be beaten with pistol starts and capable of getting 100% kills, but that is more of something that is implied upon the community because of the intermission screen rather than anything else. It's clear that in his maps he goes for the feeling dread amidst hardship and such thing can't really be done if you provide the player with all the tools they need to complete the level; that's simply paradoxical. He wants the player to survive, not thrive. That is displayed with sheer clarity through his work. With all that said: He suffers from his own hubris. Trying to swim upstream against the entirety of the Doom community can only really net the results that we witnessed. He's more of an artist than a map designer, that much is easily seen, but perhaps Doom just wasn't the adequate canvas for his work. Many other maps and mapsets are out there to challenge the player and test their wits against unfathomable odds, but not many of those feel quite as antagonistic as BPRD's work, with the forced lack of self-defense and often obligatory runs with Doom's, frankly, unrefined mechanics. Other mappers have managed time and again to portray the feeling of solitude, melancholy and despair in more palatable ways than BPRD has and I'm frankly not surprised that he's remembered as "the guy that made nuts".
@winampvisualizer Ай бұрын
when the function got classic and contemporary doom wads 👀
@DeltaV287 Ай бұрын
I literally ragequit procreates chambers and hopped on this video just to see if I’m a moron or if it’s as mean spirited as it seems. I usually wait until I play a wad to watch your videos to avoid spoilers and better appreciate them but I made an exception… I feel vindicated by your rating.
@ivy_magnapinna Ай бұрын
something i noticed on first watch but never commented on - i love the way your whole tone as a narrator changes with that of the wad you're covering. it's most noticeable here when you go from waxing about how pretty Crumpets is to saying stuff like "pulling the lead out of your ass" and "gunned down like a dog" with regards to CShock, and it does a lot to convey how playing those wads really feels, more than just describing them
@andrasmolnar8867 Ай бұрын
My guess is that the Archie at 22:46 in Resurrection upon the lavafalls is meant to be killed before you enter the courtyard with the Berserk pack and the Mancubus. Or maybe I was just lucky, because just as I dipped my toes into the lava at the beginning of the map, he was alerted and I could punch him properly. That, I think, is a bit more convenient way to deal with him, than peek-a-boo shoot him from a distance. I'm not sure if it's just me (or my computer), but on rare occasions, I experienced bugs on a couple of maps, namely, that some doors just didn't open. This was the case with the door leading to the red key on Map13, and this happened in the Health Bonus secret with the Revenants in Map 21. I don't know if this happened to anyone else. Not a big deal, but I prefer not to use IDCLIP if not necessary.
@314rft Ай бұрын
As a wannabe mapper myself, in technical terms, I actually really like Citadel at the Edge of Eternity for how complex and overloaded with mapping tricks it is. But from a game play perspective, the map is annoying as hell (literally) and SUPER tedious.
@johnhealy6490 Ай бұрын
even typing up mtpain27 plutonia experiment and still does not come up.
@johnhealy6490 Ай бұрын
mtpain27 please review plutonia.