@imyourhuckleberry83 4 күн бұрын
Jordan may have some wisdom here about church watering down its message and not asking enough of its people, but I think he consistently misses the theme of grace in his analysis of Christian religion. Of course humanity is called to respond to God's love, but just as importantly, God's love precedes humanity's response. This is why Christ talks about the Shepherd going out to find lost sheep and speaks of the Prodigal Son being welcomed home. Without the message that God loves the unworthy, the Christian message loses its grace and ceases to be Good News.
@Marie10456 6 күн бұрын
He speaks it well , pick up the Cross and follow ME . Amen .
@jamesmalee822 8 күн бұрын
The church gets all excited about Jordan Peterson because he talks about god. But when is the church going to wake up and realize that the god JP is talking about is not the same god the church is talking about. The church thinks that god is The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (you might use other terms, but it is this 3 part god from the Bible). JP says that God is: “That highest possible object of apprehension and admiration”. It’s the highest aim that lurks behind all proximal aims. It is the upward aim. The church believes that god exists and that the Bible is the true and correct word of god. Jordan thinks that the Bible is a mix of real and fiction, and he finds “god” in the fiction. The Bible teaches us that we are saved by faith in god, not be works. JP tells us that we are to take up our cross like Jesus did. JP thinks that god is the act of aiming up and trying to be better. To JP god is us and our works in being better people. This is not what the church believes. Some day the church will wake up and realize that JP is not talking about their god, he is talking about us being our own god by aiming upward. Very unbiblical. But as long as he is talking about god the church applauds.
@martanieradka4675 17 күн бұрын
As a Catholic I am so grateful for Dr Peterson, he is doing disciple’s job as priests got too comfortable and abandoned their flock. Shame on them, soon they will pay the highest price while grinding teeth…
@blacklopus2595 19 күн бұрын
He has already stated that he's most at home in the Eastern Orthodox Church. He's also bashing the Catholic Church nonstop in this video so I do not know why you are getting the impression he's going to become Catholic. You are falling prey to confirmation bias.
@rrickarr 28 күн бұрын
Why do you need Peterson for any of this. If the Word of God is not enough for you, I feel very sorry for you!
@steffski1946 Ай бұрын
God made us custodians of His creation - that's simply the Catholic position regardless of who is pope
@Fireplug52 Ай бұрын
I enjoy hearing Jordan Peterson explain and expound on those things of value. I do not find the Roman Catholic church to be of any value. If anything the Roman Catholic church contradicts all that is biblical. I pray Jordan Peterson would come to repentance that would redeem him to Jesus Christ and not to the "Queen of Heaven", but to follow the Roman Catholic belief dogma would only lead him to hell.
@keithbrown1915 Ай бұрын
It is far more simple and fundamental than Peterson realizes. It's not a matter of believing in God. It is a matter of Believing God. Taking what He says in Scripture and accepting it and then acting upon it as instructed. Doing this on God's terms and not our own. And that is the problem with the RCC.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
Yeah see I would disagree with you there, the mission of the church most accurately understood is the fullest removal of faith in one’s own wisdom and a placing of that faith in the wisdom of God.
@keithbrown1915 Ай бұрын
@@BobSacamano-ez9lh Too much of man's "wisdom" for that to happen in the RCC. Traditions vs Scripture.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
@@keithbrown1915 tradition comes from scripture. Tradition is literally just humans saying “God gave us this book, here’s what it means and how it tells us to worship him best.” Otherwise we wouldn’t know what the Bible actually teaches us.
@keithbrown1915 Ай бұрын
@@BobSacamano-ez9lh You are deceived. Traditions come from man not God Almighty. The examples are many and I would guess you have heard these examples and rejected the ones based on Truth of Scripture
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
@@keithbrown1915 you’re wrong, you misunderstand tradition. The word has probably become synonymous to something else in your mind. You may deny it, but everybody has tradition in their life, including you. It just may be a tradition that doesn’t lead you to understanding scripture to its fullness. The Catholic faith’s entire existence is built on scripture alone. You’ve bought into the lies that we just make anything up when and how we please. It’s the enemy’s work to drive us away from salvation in the Eucharist.
@brianredmond4919 Ай бұрын
John paul kissed the koran Benedict covered up child abuse and now francis …………. Notice a pattern ?. On the other hand it not just as bad as the medieval popes record.
@neilkosterman3936 Ай бұрын
Whoa girl , to become an American would be a catastrophe. It's a Rouseau, Masonic, Republic!
@patthompson8591 Ай бұрын
Spot on Peterson! All the trimmings & show business nonsense & bowing down to the world view .
@aliquis7530 Ай бұрын
Nescio cur KZfaq mihi hanc pelliculam attulit, sed placuit audire quomodo cantus Gregorianus tibi in mentem tam fortiter fixtus est. Vere thesaurus sunt cantus, preces et lingua Latina Matri Ecclesiae.
@flav2157 Ай бұрын
Pick the cross and follow me, that's fair, but what is not fair is putting Virgin Mary as a prime deity, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Christians are often criticized for claiming that Jesus is the only way to God; Ironically, Peterson an intellectual and do not understand that Christ is the one we should call upon, and he and his wife, I believe, they have Mary as the prime deity.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
That’s not true, Mary’s not seen as a deity
@godlink6743 Ай бұрын
NO! It's NOT important that JBP become Catholic! This is the problem with mankind. We believe and immediately set out to make God about our religion instead of making our religion about God! We become self-righteous rather than righteous. Right relationship is a one-to-One relationship. You make Him Lord and Master you DO NOT make your religious leader(s) Lord and Master. It's YOUR relationship with God. No one else's. Know HIM through READING HIS WORD. The Holy Spirit will guide you. If you just follow any religion or group, you worship them or it not God. Jesus railed against religious leaders throughout the New Testament. God railed against them in the Old Testament. Churches can help you express your faith and worship, but they cannot replace a God centered relationship. Churches can help you find truth but GOD, not churches, religions, denominations, IS TRUTH. It has to be a one-to-One relationship and JBP knows that. He will not be indoctrinated into a group, club, denomination or mind hive. Each one of us should do likewise. READ YOUR BIBLE! KNOW GOD. That's the biggest problem we as believers have. We're lazy and would rather follow whoever tickles our ear. Know scripture or you WON'T know Him. You won't know untruth unless you know truth.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
Right, but the church has been given the Eucharist which we need to survive, so we need to go where the Eucharist is found I.e. the church
@godlink6743 Ай бұрын
@@BobSacamano-ez9lh I agree with you the church is desperately needed and useful. However, new Christians and babes in Christ are preyed upon by wolves in sheep's clothing. They must know they are vulnerable. They must read scripture and NOT follow blindly, become or become self-righteous. Your preacher's relationship with God IS NOT your relationship with God and only bible study lead by the Holy Spirit leads you into right relationship. First temptation from Satan was 'ye doth God really say?'. Christ avoided temptation by knowing SCRIPTURE. Satan is a deceiver and 'religion' is dangerous. The religious leaders killed Christ. The Euchrist DID NOT SAVE US. Christ's death and resurrection saves us. The Euchrist/communion is a reminder not the Savior.
@aljay2955 Ай бұрын
Jordan Peterson obviously doesn't know the true teachings of the Bible or the brutal history of the Catholic Church or he would have never become a Roman Catholic.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
I disagree
@ivettemarroquin403 Ай бұрын
Absolutely! I started listening to recording chat for a while myself and you are absolutely right. It changes you tremendously and it brings peace in God’s love into your home. God bless you, sweetheart. Thank you for sharing.❤❤❤
@mathiusq9128 Ай бұрын
I agree with you completely. I am back in Catholic Faith for 1-2 years and my mind is full of the Chant Melodies in Latin. I love it and I am full of joy and life. I sing Ave Maria’s and other chants out loud walking around in my noisy warehouse job.
@mathiusq9128 Ай бұрын
All might singing in prayer, in a hard manual labor warehouse job through the darkest hours of night. With a big smile and full of joy.I love the Latin Church.
@richardwatterstan Ай бұрын
What about keeping them frozen indefinitely somewhere until the return of Our Lord? Couldn't we adopt them and baptize and/or keep them frozen?
@glendavis3257 Ай бұрын
Hard for me to listen to a foul mouthed man, supposedly holy? Holy people talk peaceful, gentle and loving like our beloved Jesus and HIS Mother MARY. The purpose in all human life: to get to Heaven!!! Jesus started His ONLY Church on the Rock of St. Peter the first Catholic POPE in order to help more of us His children get to Heaven.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
There’s not much basis to claim that Holy people don’t curse, it’s language and communication. Sometimes it’s important for emphasizing a point.
@glendavis3257 Ай бұрын
@@BobSacamano-ez9lh Nothing impure Bob can enter into Heaven and cursing makes a person doing this cursing impure.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
@@glendavis3257 people have different languages for conveying thoughts and feelings, I was raised in a home where cursing was strictly forbidden, however I’ve moved out, made friends, learned to communicate with all types of people, especially in the blue-collar fields. Cursing in these relationships is a natural and comfortable way of communicating, making it much easier to emphasize points and convey thoughts. However if I tried to use that language in my home, it would be received very differently as they are not comfortable with communicating in that way. I think we need to pick and choose our words carefully as we communicate with different social groups, but inherently I don’t see it as impure, unless it is being used in a derogatory or harmful way.
@glendavis3257 Ай бұрын
@@BobSacamano-ez9lh Bob, Jesus Himself said: "it is not what goes in a person's mouth that defiles him, but what comes out!" If I have friends that curse, and I do; I politely ask them to refrain, so far everyone has been very respectful to my requests. I know Jesus is happy when we speak lovingly and peaceful; because usually some anger sparks the curse words and in my religion (Catholic). anger is also a sin; unless it is "holy anger" as Jesus demonstrated when He cleared the Tempe of money-making men who were also cheating some of them. He also said: 'ask and you will be given......" Ask Jesus yourself what is pleasing / displeasing to Him, in the end; it is not my opinion or yours that matters; only Jesus'!!!
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
@@glendavis3257 I would disagree on a couple points, first off, you’re taking one thing Jesus said at a specific time to a specific group of people and you’re under the wrong understanding on what is actually harmful to our souls. When I’m communicating with a friend, I meet him where he is at, Jesus did the same, (Zaccheus’ house) (Matthew the tax collector). I speak to him in his language. If my language becomes a tool I’m using to harm others or myself, then it becomes damaging. Otherwise it’s just a used up trope of politeness from more learned, higher-class, social groups. Jesus is absolutely right that what comes out of your mouth can harm you, but cursing isn’t necessarily in that ballpark. Also I’m also Catholic and the dogma does not teach that Anger is a sin, Wrath is a sin, Anger is an emotion, Jesus had Anger, his actions were righteous but his emotions the same as ours. Also, we need to stop giving our personal opinions and then hiding behind a wall of “it’s not my opinion or yours, it’s Jesus’” well duh obviously Jesus is right and we have to conform to that. It doesn’t mean we can’t understand what he teaches us and discriminate right from wrong.
@thomassalvi Ай бұрын
Jordan Peterson is spot on because he challenges the Catholic Church, its leaders, and its laity to be AUTHENTICALLY CATHOLIC. Sadly, the Episcopacy is the least faithful to Catholic teaching. Ask Reinhard Marx, Georg Bätzing, or Blase Cupich. They all HATE this authentically Catholic stuff
@user-lz6lm5xk5v Ай бұрын
Join Tammy, Jordan!
@wolfthequarrelsome504 Ай бұрын
The Catholic church is the original proposition.
@copisetic1104 Ай бұрын
People have never really studied the great apostasy, the Catholic Church as much priesthood authority as a rock. Seventeen points of the True Church Christ organized the Church. Eph 4:11-14 The true church must bear the name of Jesus Christ. Eph. 5:23 The true church must have a foundation of Apostles and Prophets. Eph. 2:19-20 The true church must have the same organization as Christ's Church. Eph. 4: 11-14 The true church must claim divine authority. Heb. 5:4-10 The true church must have no paid ministry. Isa. 45:13 and 1 Peter 5:2 The true church must baptize by immersion. Matt. 3:13-16 The true church must bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. Acts 8:14-17. The true church must practice divine healing. Mark 3:14-15 The true church must teach that God and Jesus Christ are separate and distinct individuals. John 17:11 and John 20:17. The true church must teach that God and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and bone. Luke 24:36-39 and Acts 1:9-11 The officers must be called by God. Heb. 5:4, Exodus 28:1, Exodus 40:13-16 The true church must claim revelation from God. Amos 3:7 The true church must be a missionary church. Matt. 28:19-20 The true church must be a restored church. Acts 3:19-20. The true church must practice baptism for the dead. 1 Cor. 15:16 and 29 By their fruits ye shall know them. Matt 7:20 Why are these things important? Hebrews 13:8
@MargaretABruce Ай бұрын
Roman Catholicism is unBiblical. It is full of error.....and false teaching. The mass is a blasphemy! Read the Bible.....that is where you will find the truth!
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
The mass is a direct interpretation of the Bible.
@shadetreemech290 Ай бұрын
Bravo! Ditto! And more of this! He gets it and the Pope doesn't.
@erinsnook8537 Ай бұрын
Wow… you don’t see what the church has to do with the climate? Read the Compendium of Social Teaching of the Catholic Church.
@alfskea Ай бұрын
The next Pope will be from Africa ! Then you will see the great challenge !
@irisbristow2977 Ай бұрын
So the Roman Catholic Church has definely not changed as it does not believe anyone can be a true Christian outside the Catholic Church. So much for calling protestants their Christian brothers and sisters. A bit disengenious.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
We can all be brothers and sisters, it doesn’t mean that our siblings can’t be mistaken.
@sherrywestern3508 Ай бұрын
Dr. Peterson you are so right! God bless you and your family. I love my Jesus. I love my Holy Catholic Church - my beautiful faith! The gates of hell will never prevail against her despite the damage being wrought against her from within and the chaos and scandal resulting!
@treespirit2000 Ай бұрын
Brilliant nugget of spiritual teaching!
@ampzamp 2 ай бұрын
Jordan you POOF! If the Catholics are good enough for me, they are good enough for you.
@ampzamp 2 ай бұрын
He is extremely, extremely intelligent.
@alanclifford1337 2 ай бұрын
URGENT: PRAY THAT DR JORDAN AND TAMMY PETERSON MIGHT BE DELIVERED FROM THE SEDUCTION OF ROMAN CATHOLICISM. NO PLACE LIKE ROME? WITH THANKSGIVING TO ALMIGHTY GOD FOR THE GLORIOUS PROTESTANT REFORMATION OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY, THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS ISSUED. 1. The Pope’s religion is not the Christianity of Jesus Christ. 2. The Pope’s church is not the true Church of Jesus Christ. So, since the Pope may be identified as ‘antichrist’ (as many Continental and British theologians have cogently argued in past centuries), conversion to the Roman Catholic Church is a retrograde and tragic step. While the apostate condition of many Protestant Churches (including the ‘feminized’ and ‘sodomized’ Church of England) gives sufficient cause for disillusionment, the Roman option cannot provide a safe or satisfying spiritual home. As affirmed in the doctrinal declaration Dominus Iesus (2000), Rome claimed to be the only ‘correct’ church. In a more recent decree (2007), we are told that ‘Christian Communities born out of the Reformation of the sixteenth century’ cannot be ‘called Churches in the proper sense’. However, Rome’s claim could not be more invalid. The proof is as follows: I. The doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church are utterly inconsistent with the plain teaching of the New Testament. The finality of Christ’s unique sacrifice and His priestly intercession (see Hebrews 9: 28; 10: 11-12) rule out the sacrifice of the mass and a human priesthood. The theory of transubstantiation is an absurd philosophical fiction and utterly detrimental to the simple symbolism of the Lord’s Supper - a memorial of our Saviour’s once-for-all sacrifice. Thus His blood shedding is remembered not repeated, on a table not an altar (hence ministers are pastors not priests); His real presence is spiritual, not physical, in the hearts of His people and not in the bread and wine. II. Justification by faith in Christ’s merit alone (see Romans 5: 1-9) and direct access to Him as sole Mediator (see Matthew 11: 28; 1 Timothy 2: 5) rule out the false, idolatrous and pretentious teaching that Mary is Mediatrix, a ‘female mediator’ through whom we approach our Saviour. Calling our Lord’s mother ‘Queen of Heaven’ has turned her into a goddess! The idea that the merits of the faithful are a necessary contribution to their salvation undermines the all-sufficiency of Christ’s merit. Rome’s traditional mistake in making sanctification a part of justification arises from her reliance on the Latin justificare instead of the Greek dikaioo. While the former verb means ‘to make righteous’, the latter means ‘to declare righteous’ by the remission of sins through faith in the blood of Christ (see Romans 4: 5-8; 5: 1, 9). Our pardon is provided by Christ’s sacrificial righteousness alone, imputed to all who trust in Him. While good works are a necessary and certain fruit of saving faith (see Galatians 5: 6; Ephesians 2: 8-10), their imperfection rules them out from justifying us. Our persons and our performances alike always require pardon. That said, Christian sainthood is the present status of true though imperfect believers (see Ephesians 1: 1-2) not that of dead believers canonised by the Church of Rome. III. Thus purgatory and prayers for the dead (including requiem masses) have no apostolic warrant. Those who die ‘in Christ’ have no need of our prayers. Those who die otherwise cannot be helped by them. Besides corrupting Baptism and the Holy Communion, Rome arrogantly added five more supposed sacraments to those commanded by Christ. Her realignment of the Ten Commandments - combining the first two and dividing the tenth - obscure in summary form God’s prohibition of the idolatry of such popular graven images as crucifixes and statues of Mary. Venerating the bones of the saints and other relics breeds superstition. Other distortions of divine truth are no less serious. The Pope’s title ‘Holy Father’ is a blasphemous insult to God the Father (see John 17: 11). His claim to be the ‘vicar of Christ’ is a further insult to the Holy Spirit, Christ’s true representative on earth (see John 14: 16-17). The political claims of a highly fallible Papacy conflict with Christ's words that His kingdom ‘is not of this world’ (John 18: 36). Rome’s entire governmental structure - pope, cardinals, archbishops, etc -has more in common with ancient imperial Rome than the apostolic Presbyterian order of the New Testament. Rome’s growing ambition to dominate Europe as in the days of the Holy Roman Empire is a re-emerging tyranny to be resisted by individual Christians and national governments alike. Ever since the Reformation, the Papacy has always been opposed to the independence of the United Kingdom. Her arrogance is at odds with Christ’s liberating truth (see John 8: 32, 36; Galatians 5: 1). IV. In addition to theological objections, the track record of Roman Catholicism does not commend itself. For violent and bloody persecution, no organization can compete with Rome. Since the true Church of Christ is ‘persecuted’ rather than ‘persecutor’, this one consideration alone makes Rome’s claim to ‘correctness’ null and void (see John 15: 20-1; 2 Timothy 3: 12). Besides the burnings of the sixteenth-century British reformers, the dreadful cruelties inflicted on the ancient Waldensians, the French Huguenots, the Dutch Protestants and others (including Jews and Eastern Orthodox) have never been truly repented of - since the doctrine directing these atrocities remains in tact. Indeed, under another name - The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Inquisition still exists. The intrigue and corrupting influence of the Jesuits knows no parallel. Vatican complicity in the rise of Hitler and the Nazi holocaust is well attested. The evils of the confessional and the ‘unholy wedlock’ of supposedly celibate priests refute Rome’s sanctimonious image. While marital failure among protestant pastors is to be lamented, is it any wonder that paedophilia and HIV are rife among sexually-frustrated and homosexual Roman priests? V. Considering the post-reformation dogmas of Mary’s immaculate conception (1854), papal infallibility (1870) and the Assumption of Mary (1950), the Church of Rome is even more apostate than she was in Luther and Calvin’s day. Beware too of the pro-Evolution, Islam-appeasing, gay-accommodating Pope Francis! Thus any form of ecumenism on Rome’s terms is nothing but satanic delusion (see 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-12). Especially in the wake of Dominus Iesus, when naïve and gullible evangelicals, charismatics and others try to persuade us that ‘Rome is changing’, ask them which of her anti-biblical dogmas has Rome renounced? Indeed, the late Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was right to say that “The Roman Catholic Church is the devil’s greatest masterpiece.” May all God’s people understand the ‘signs of the times’ and cease not ‘contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints’ (Jude 3). Amen! Dr Alan C. Clifford, English Reformed Church (english-reformed-church.co.uk)
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
I can read everything that you’re saying, but I feel you’ve been swayed by public opinion and not a true understanding of the Catholic faith.
@stevengoldstein114 2 ай бұрын
What Jordanwill not disclose is in 4 court cases he has been found to be an unreliable and unethical psychology expert going all the way back to 2009. So his issues with his professional behavior has nothing to do with the gender issue at all. He will not disclose this and has been lucky to not have it brought up. I have the cases if you want them.
@marinarassin4231 2 ай бұрын
Wish he would do a podcast with fr Donald Culloway
@robertwilliamson922 2 ай бұрын
Dr. Jordan Peterson also has a great respect for Buddhism, and the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. He has appreciation for any religion and philosophy that has good teachings that are kind, beneficial, and help mankind.
@7Word 2 ай бұрын
As much as I like and respect Dr Peterson, he was being very shallow himself confusing the catholic church as an institution and political or societal positions of the pope. Don't forget Peter was rebuked by Christ himself and he betrayed him 3 times and yet Christ gave him the keys to the kingdom. This tells me he still has a lot to learn about the Catholic faith.
@aleccullen2696 2 ай бұрын
Peterson the showman has bought the idea that Christ was a real historical character, so nothing he says about Christ has any credibility. He'd help his cause a great deal if he dropped that whining plaintive drone he uses in argument. But his first job is to get his facts right before preaching to the world.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
Jesus’ existence is actually relatively well historically documented.
@aleccullen2696 Ай бұрын
@@BobSacamano-ez9lh All of it doctored by scheming early Church officials. The hoax behind it all is VERY well documented, and its far more credible that whatever it is you allude to without specifying. Read an ex-priest, Canadian Tom Harpur. Or look at his videos on KZfaq.
@squatchy69 2 ай бұрын
Thank God he was able to see the Catholic Church for what it is and steered away from It
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
And what is it?
@gregnorthway3814 2 ай бұрын
I would suggest studying great saints and look at how they lived the Catholic faith. Saints like Pope John Paul II, Saint Pio, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Luis de Montfort, Saint Dominic. If you only look at the negative you find evil, as one should expect as Satan attacks truth. That same truth brings us the greatest saints that ever lived--none better than the Virgin Mary.
@andrewlewis-hw5ck 2 ай бұрын
The Traditional Latin Mass is rapidly growing world wide especially with young people and families, for the reasons JP allude to.
@peterkooreman7504 2 ай бұрын
Tradition is not equal to Scripture.
@BobSacamano-ez9lh Ай бұрын
Tradition comes from scripture.
@johnthetenor 2 ай бұрын
@paulryan2128 2 ай бұрын
I can see Jordan standing in St. Peters square, yelling at the guitar players & "hippies" to *"Get Offa My Lawn."*
@ValRhapsody 2 ай бұрын
Has he converted yet ?
@user-iq5pv6gy2x 2 ай бұрын
You are SPOT ON Dr Peterson! ❤❤❤
@jasonkruh7365 2 ай бұрын
JP is an overrated pseudo-intellectual buffoon!
@dianeuecker5186 2 ай бұрын
Amen, we cannot save this planet. At some point God will create a new heaven & a new earth. We must work on our soul so that we can be with God on the new heaven & new earth. JP is exactly right. Fixing our soul is the only thing that matters.
@aidanpelly144 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant man, but wrong on climate change.