Veteran Patton - First Look
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How To Choose The Right PEV Helmet
EUCs Are Getting Out Of Control
Ranking My Favorite EUCs Of 2022
Veteran Sherman S - First Look
Begode Tesla T4 - First Thoughts
@-JohnSmith- 7 сағат бұрын
55 mph on a 20" Lynx feels slow to me now, I'd like to see them go 80
@-JohnSmith- 7 сағат бұрын
I have 50k miles on my Grom and 10k on EUC I love my Lynx more but still love to wheelie my Grom 🤙🏽
@vince7245 5 күн бұрын
I have huge scars on my right arm from when I had a motorbike, and now I have huge scars on my left arm from my EUC. So it's hard to decide which I like better, though they let me keep the titanium they put in my left arm, so that's a nice plus. 😂
@thedangleengankle8613 5 күн бұрын
I sold my motorcycle and gave up altogether the hobby when I discovered EUC. I don't have time for both.
@yamaha34461 6 күн бұрын
Does this have a ODO on the app or the scooter itself?
@eBoard3R 7 күн бұрын
@truthiscensored 9 күн бұрын
I have had both a EUC and Motorcycle. It is no comparison. Like comparing a Bacon and egg Breakfast to a Ribeye Steak dinner. Both are fun EUC is way more fun and cooler. More people stop to talk to me, take pictures, record, and say EUC is cool 100 to 1 than they do on motorcycle.... No one drives by recording a motorcycle rider...many record EUC riders while they are driving their car Plus EUC don't burn gas, buy insurance nor get registered at DMV and I can take it inside the house, car and store...ride on-road or off road, sidewalks and bike paths/lanes. I do like the Motorcycle for trips, highways, comfort and getting somewhere quickly...Speed (Pewn) I will say we need better manufacturer of EUC like a Honda or Suzuki, a brand that is top quality. These Chinese brand are half-a$$, but sell at top dollar. EUC are overpriced for the specs they have The first brands to make a product are usually not the best and long lasting. Just look at car companies from the mid-late 1800' 1930 they were all out of business and newer brands like Ford ruled
@blackcurrantpop 10 күн бұрын
Best review of this thx
@OneWheelTwoSkis 10 күн бұрын
04:51 Computerically?
@Merc399 11 күн бұрын
0:27 LOL it's like watching someone get red pilled (which is an anti central banking thing not a Republican thing stop letting corporations propagandize you) and he's still on a little mini bike xD don't worry buddy you'll get a bigger bike soon enough. DRZ is a great bike for people to start with
@landocycle 10 күн бұрын
I’m pretty sure there’s two different motorcycles featured in the video, but sure 😂
@Merc399 10 күн бұрын
Glad you liked the joke xD I'll add a timestamp to clarify. I sent this to my friend who is always riding his electric one wheel! haha so funny love the vid
@kutvis 11 күн бұрын
Than you for the video! Do you like to go skiing or do you want to ride motorcycle? That would be more close to the point, there is nothing similar in the motorcycle and EUC hobby to me. I really dislike sitting on motocycle "sofa", to me it feels (almost) same as riding a car.
@landocycle 10 күн бұрын
I think there’s a lot more similarities than skiing to a motorcycle, but sure 👍
@kutvis 5 күн бұрын
​@@landocycle if you think of EUC all the moves are the almost same as skiing, really close with whole body. Especially powderskiing. Even breakturn is incorrectly done skiing stop turn. Same goes for e-skate and snowboarding, very similar.
@c4ristopher 11 күн бұрын
I love my EUC, and my partner loves her EScooter. They both are great for daily commutes in the summer. We also love being able to throw them in our car and go to a different city and then get out and explore both roads and pathways. Next step is to get a van or RV and then have the PEVs as secondary vehicles.
@FlyingFun. 11 күн бұрын
Here in the UK if you get caught riding an euc it's really bad, They will do you for driving with no insurance e , untaxed vehicle , vehicle with no MOT, unregistered vehicle, they will confiscate euc, you will get points on driving licence probably banned from driving for a while and then when you do get licence back your insurance on your car etc will be sky high because you have to declare everything ... For that reason alone I won't ride one. Add to that the potential for serious injuries if the thing fails at any decent speed and it's a double no.. Motorbikes are cool as long as you ride safe and defensive like but still a lot of really bad drivers here in UK who will kill you anyway lol. My answer is ebikes and stay off road away from cars and police, and have a car for longer journeys and real shopping trips etc. Ideally I'd have an euc though tbh if they were reliable and legal and wear full motorcycle gear. I still want a motorcycle again though too...
@landocycle 11 күн бұрын
Wow, that's brutal! UK should be touting their green initiatives, but it doesn't seem to be. PEVs are the answer to green mobility in cities, so let's hope that changes.
@Nemonurwingy 11 күн бұрын
I love my EUCs, but it’s definitely opened me up to buying a motorcycle. If I really wanted to replace a car and go fast and far, I’d buy a motorcycle. For getting around my neighborhood at 30-35 mph max, the EUC can be nice, but technically, faster than 25 is illegal and if I was regularly out on main roads going 45+ it would be a matter of time before I’d get the wheel confiscated. I’ve never spent anywhere near $4,000 money on a PEV. I support making some of these faster PEVs legal, but I do think you take on more responsibility the faster you go, and that very well may mean losing access to bike paths if you’re on a 40+ mph PEV.
@msubasic64 11 күн бұрын
I sold my old V8 and used some of that money to buy a 50cc scooter just this month. Love EUC, but I moved out of the city and need better range to do useful things.
@jonathan842 11 күн бұрын
i m pretty sure i didnt get my "residuals" for this!!😂 the pipe on ur CB....i used to ride mojo's and stopped after getting into euc and in the past year(or so) i have been debating getting a <400cc mojo or scooter(like burgman or xmax, or majesty)....nice vid, AGAIN!
12 күн бұрын
I love the idea of more power and more wheels, but I won't ride anything else than electric.
@Vesataeuc 12 күн бұрын
One bad comparison. Honda gram 3 years old second hand comparing to new Lynx EUC! If the gram was new and the lynx was new they are pretty much equal in terms of speed and price. I can get way much faster to the destination in "Town" with EUC than Motorcycle I have both and it's tested but i guess that's depends on the town etc.
@terrenceclark763 12 күн бұрын
Good to see you making more content.
@landocycle 11 күн бұрын
Feels good to be back, thank you!
@Curtish8892H 12 күн бұрын
Distance travel and speed are the two benefits for motorcycle use. But they are also two things that can become a negative. Going fast puts you at a greater risk of an accident and not just breaking a bone but dying. Distance also puts you at risk of running into bad weather. You are willing to take greater risk with knowing you can cover more km in a day. My solution is an electric car and a EUC. Maintenance and cost savings with enough range of the car (with weather protection) is a good replacement for the motorcycle. EUC checks the box for excitement and convenience. I was a bike rider (cruiser and sport bike) before having kids. Wifey said now way to bike but surprisingly yes to EUC.
@diyvrchannel3414 12 күн бұрын
I almost sell my Honda CBR 600cc after I fall in love about eucs... but... once I drive it again after some brake... I realized .... man... this is also/still really fun to drive. For me having only V10F (I am really light weight person - less than 60kg) eucs are on the same lvl of fun , with some second hand euc like mine cost now 600$ ... I do not see a reason to not have both ;-) I have to say... I drive my V5F or V10F almost everyday , and CBR only from time to time. Why? Mostly short distances ... and cost of driving EUC is almost 0,00$ per charging... , compare to CBR... I have to fuel it up... take this 200kg thing from garage... and still think what I will do with it when I get "there" (do not like a live motorbike anywhere/random place for a long period of time) - with this problems do not exist with euc ;-) I can take with me almost everywhere, specially this small fry V5f ;-) Cheers ! cool video :-)
@lefotografion 11 күн бұрын
Hey man i know The small wheels can be fun and all... but the bigger ones are just so much nicer, saver, sportier... my new lynx is just a rocket. i still ride my V8, but its just no comparison. i ride the v8 for below 1km trips to stores, and the lynx for everything else. 60km trips are a breeze, going 80kmh for the first time yesterday.
@diyvrchannel3414 11 күн бұрын
@@lefotografion 80km/h on euc , sounds wild =D I have tried two times 32kg wheel and... I wasnt able to turn ... I feelt like wheel have much more to say than me if you you known what I mean xD ... my body weight is 57kg/1,69m tall at the moment. I wish to buy v14 but... it weights even more (40kg) like Lynx - huge beast xD. . . If I really need to I probably could save this 4K$ for it after really really long time (or sell something) but I do not see a point - I,am a small fry buehueh ;-) the fry shouldnt drive a tank xD ... Have fun with Lynx bro! V14 and lynx are two the best euc`s out there =D I wish I can drive one of this beasts ^^, heh... maybe it I take a some steroids hyhyhy xD (just kidding ofc) Cheers !
@lefotografion 11 күн бұрын
@@diyvrchannel3414 oh I see... Yes that's small. Lynx definitely not for small people. V14... Nah IDK. Lots of hype, but in the end... Not alot of tire choices, unstable at speed, super heavy... Lynx beats it in literally every category, Including weight and suspension. I'm 1.95 and 80kg, so Lynx is made for me. However, at your weight... Have you tried Begode T4? I haven't, but it's the master equivalent for small people. Other then that... Yea not much choice for leight weight person's, that is also stable at speed. S22 is kinda out there... After the amount of issues I had with it, I wouldn't recommend it, but it is very easy to ride even for small people, and has some decent speed characteristics (once you removed that awefull stock tire) And your issue with turning is either a tire problem or just a practice thing. Many people can't ride my street tire s22 , until they basically relearn how to ride. Then they love it and want a street tire too
@diyvrchannel3414 11 күн бұрын
@@lefotografion Yeah I have to wait for Veteran or Inmotion make a wheel for me. For me it have to be water resistant (IP rating) , "save" to keep/charge at home etc. , and first of... save to drive (good software). S22/S16Pro/S19 = joke.. (null water resistant + other problems , never ending problems) . Every Begode... heh same + flames xD . Even small falcon (25kg wheel) cut off on ppl who testing it lol xD ... I will stay with my water resistant, very save V10f ;-) as long I have to (solid state battery wheels times? ) When I drive it with max speed 38-39km/h - usually about 35-37km/h I feel very alive heh ;-) I can only imagine how it is double that speed ^^, I believe at first time you brown your pants hyhy... but after some time should feel more or less natural ;-) we need Jet Packs to be cheaper and have more range ! =D
@lefotografion 11 күн бұрын
@@diyvrchannel3414 the thing about speed on bigger wheels is... 30 just ain't fast. 35kmh on lynx feels the same as 15 on inmotion V8. 55kmh feels the same as 26kmh On V8. However, you just get places faster, and you don't stand stationary on your wheel. Big wheels invite you to carve and move around, as you have to to brake or accelerate. Little wheels... Just standing. Unless it's Offroad
@rcgldr 12 күн бұрын
Old guy here (72 years old). Got some time on mopeds when I was 12, got my first small motorcycle, Honda 90 at 14 (Texas permits back then). At 16 Honda 450, ... . HIstory: Norton 850, Suzuki GS1100E, Kawasaki ZX-11, and I still have my 2001 Hayabusa, that I mostly used for commuting (California allows lane splitting, so it saved a lot of time in traffic), and now that I'm retired, the bike is just a hobby. I bought a V8F August 2021, and just bought an 18XLV2 April 2024, again, just a hobbyist, paved bike paths or the private streets where I live. I like both, but the bike is safer.
@landocycle 11 күн бұрын
That all sounds like a lot of fun, thanks for watching!
@jeffrey_live1748 12 күн бұрын
I caught the E bug last year getting a Ninebot Max and then upgrading to my first performance scooter after finding out how enjoyable it was. Surprised me after a lifetime of riding fun motorcycles! BTW, really Impressed by how many motorcycle waves I get on the Rovoron Kulter riding alongside rural highways. I have always been intimidated by my skillset and the price of EUCs but just ordered an Inmotion E20 as a gateway to try it out.
@andyl2991 12 күн бұрын
I got both and they are both fun
@landocycle 12 күн бұрын
You got that right!
@joelarmstrongmusic 12 күн бұрын
Nice to have you back!
@ionflow1073 12 күн бұрын
As a long-haul truck driver, EUC makes the most sense. Sure, I've seen a lot of trucks that are modified to carry a motorcycle, but those modifications are extremely expensive.
@landocycle 12 күн бұрын
EUCs are the ultimate portable vehicle 😎
@ionflow1073 10 күн бұрын
@@landocycle indeed
@djkorben250 12 күн бұрын
I absolutely love this youtuber. He used to live around my area and I would see his sexy swagger whipping by on the latest EUC, but now I have nothing but uploaded videos from 8 hours away
@JonahOnEUC 12 күн бұрын
I am too much of a chicken to ride a motorcycle.. Also most of my riding is offroad in forest or trails where I can't ride motorcycle anyway.. For long rides I would still prefer EUC because it's silent, comfy (with the right seat), I got my hands free and I can enjoy the view more. And I don't have to ride near cars if there are any kind of paths I can take instead. I also can't do my own maintenance on a motorcycle, so I would have to pay someone to do it, which add to the costs. Also I would have to pay the taxes twice a year just for owning the motorcycle even if I didn't ride it, plus insurance.. The benefits from a motorcycle is pretty much non-existant for my use case.
@landocycle 12 күн бұрын
Neither will fit everyone’s use case unfortunately. The good news is, you can’t go wrong with either one!
@cocoabiscuits 12 күн бұрын
PEV and EUC no license or registration needed. That was my biggest gripe not getting a motorcycle. I can go many places on my high end scooter for going around town. Goes 60mph and it's plenty, just no highways. Biggest gripe of EUC is I'd be the one to wipe out devastatingly alot. I'd love one I just don't like hospitals
@landocycle 12 күн бұрын
I can assure you, you can get just as hurt on a scooter, or motorcycle 😂 You should give one a try if you ever get the chance, they’re 10/10. The motorcycle license is a commitment for sure, but it’s just a one-time thing and man, are they fun too!
@cocoabiscuits 12 күн бұрын
@@landocycle my wife would be a nervous wreck 😆 problem is if I wreck on my scooter I'm the only caregiver to her so if I wreck on anything it's gonna mess everything up. I'd love a EUC but the dare devil in me would likely get the speed wobbles and eat it. I want a Lynx as my first EUC or equivalent ( I like to go big). My first pev scooter (currently) is the updated Nami Burn E 2 Max with PMTs and it rips! Maybe one day for both the EUC and motorcycle too
@oldretireddude 12 күн бұрын
I've had a motorcycle and they are fun. And, if bang for the buck personal transportation is the topic then sure the motorcycle is going to win. If rider comfort; stay dry, and climate control are requirements then we're back to a cheap used car. However the EUC scratches an itch that the motorcycle can not. Kind of a dumb comparison, like comparing a motorcycle to a car.
@landocycle 12 күн бұрын
While they're both different, they're also fun ways to get around and tend to attract similar people. Some people may know more about one than the other, so I made this video; plus it’s just a bit of fun 🙃. Thanks for watching!
@multigreenman1238 12 күн бұрын
Since I'm new to the EUC world , I'm gonna stick to that for a while :) . I love your editing man, specifically the pauses at the ends, I find them relaxing.
@landocycle 12 күн бұрын
There’s no wrong answer, both are 10/10 fun. Thank you for the kind words!
@scottsum1319 12 күн бұрын
No need to choose. Just get both. Wait..I do have both. Indeed am seriously planning to trade in my present bike for a ADV bike to go where no man (me specifically 😅) has gone before. I can easily strap a small-mid sized EUC to the backseat/luggage rack & have the best of both worlds
@landocycle 12 күн бұрын
Both is truly the best of both worlds 👍💪
@diyvrchannel3414 11 күн бұрын
I thought to strap my V5F to CBR to xD ... to go somewhere and just change for this small fry ^^, I see I,am not the only one with this crazy ideas ^^, now ... I really wanna try it xP
@electricguy109 12 күн бұрын
Funny… I did the opposite… rode a motorcycle for few years and then, it became too expensive to keep it… used an electric bicycle for few years… and since the end of last summer, EUC! For sure, for long distances, I own an EV but otherwise, I try to take most of the time my wheel!
@landocycle 12 күн бұрын
I still think EUCs are best for urban environments and motorcycles are best for getting somewhere 😎💪
@electricguy109 12 күн бұрын
@@landocycle except during winter 🤭☺️! I still use my EUC in snow (Ottawa here).
@mistertime6457 17 күн бұрын
Trying this skill myself Thanks for sharing. Helps motivate me.
@meetalg 18 күн бұрын
Thanks for the tips and documenting this !
@PacoOtis 23 күн бұрын
Pitiful + horrible intrusive music! Best of luck!
@landocycle 22 күн бұрын
Louder music next time. Roger 👍😎
@PacoOtis 23 күн бұрын
Excellently presented! We now intend to purchase a V11 !! Best of luck!
@michaelmaverick2630 24 күн бұрын
Why is it called "og" Sherman?
@landocycle 23 күн бұрын
Outstandingly Good 😎
@christopherdaley9476 26 күн бұрын
Hey thanks for the great video I watched it with interest right up to when you said it’s not a good first time wheel- I’ve been riding two-wheeled electric scooters for a while in the city I live in which is Rome Italy and I would like to get an EV mono-wheel. I have to go over cobblestones and 2-3 inch drops and such like all the time… I’m in decent shape and I will have helmet and some protection - what machine would you recommend please? 👍🍀😺
@landocycle 25 күн бұрын
Hey, thanks for watching! The smallest wheel I would probably recommend to go over cobblestones is the InMotion V10F. The KingSong 16X is also a good choice, but it’s going to be a bit bigger. For suspension, the InMotion V11/V11Y is a great runabout. Hope this helps!
great vid, good music choice too! I just got my patton a few days ago, and i'm really having trouble liking it. I have a friend who has one and never stops singing it's praise, and i've seen him do some crazy stuff on it, but mine, it just feels like im riding a tractor. It's slow, the tire feels like it has a mind of its own, and everyone talks about how deceptively nimble it is... but for me, I feel like i have to force it turn, but yet it's still wobbly in straight lights, or when I go up hill I don't get that power I need, so it slows down regardless of how hard I'm leaning into it.
@landocycle Ай бұрын
Any new wheel does take a bit of an adjustment, especially if one was on a smaller machine before.
@d.d.jacksonpoetryproject Ай бұрын
All great advice. I definitely got over eager and had a little mishap but I’m back to practicing in a large private grassy field until I have more control 😊
@btblou Ай бұрын
I'd love for you to review the Lynx and compare it with the Patton.
@cubinn149 Ай бұрын
I so want one I own a ebike pedallec but this is really cool
@Funcentric Ай бұрын
I was always confused by this b/c I don't think we really care what speed limit the helmets are rated as for the rider to be traveling as much as we care about being hit by a car and/or go flying. Impact level or strength from a height seem to be more valuable/relevant ratings which no one really tests. Thanks for sharing the ratings so thoroughly. Yours may be one of the best I've seen. Great info and well edited too. Keep at it.
@landocycle Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching! Cheers 🍻
@user-ge2zl2ue6o Ай бұрын
Someone wants to sell me one.............PLAYA PRICE......IN CHICAGO HE GOT IT BRAND NEW AND CANT HANDLE IT...........LMK OF YOUR INTERESTED
@ashykutcher Ай бұрын
For the Segway HILL CLIMB TEST instead of running up the hill to get it going (which didn't work), how about going sideways on the hill with throttle and the turning up the hill? It may or may not work but at least it would be a better attempt!
@LEXPIX Ай бұрын
Nice comparison.l I would have thought the hill climb test would have yielded higher speeds. For a single motor scooter(s) that's not bad though.
@paulhulub1313 Ай бұрын
How you could go 40km/h with the p65? Did you remove the limit somehow?
@LL.Johnson Ай бұрын
I purchased a P100s in summer 2023. I rode 400 miles in 15 days. By roughly 200 miles it started falling apart. By 400 miles it was un-rideable. Front suspension was knocking over even the slightest bump, like a sidewalk joint. Rear hub warped from brake disc heat, and it had a bunch of other more minor problems like the headlight shutting off while riding at 30mph in the dark. I have 4yt shorts that highlight the problems I experienced. I ride a Nami Burn E2 now.
@landocycle Ай бұрын
Not good! Sorry you had a bad apple, Segway is usually pretty rock solid.