Introducing the Black Music Jam!
RPG Maker Jam Results
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Introducing the RPG Maker Jam!
@LLAAPPSSEE 12 сағат бұрын
Hustle Highway <3
@user-jr9jc6yh6j Күн бұрын
Olimpia is my new main
@FieryAnubis Күн бұрын
I'd say it's the perfect sequel. It's cleaning up the roster and bringing new life to it. Adding stuff that makes sense for each character while keeping what made them fun intact. The transition to 3D is actually GOOD because even stuff like Orcane actually works well (shown just yesterday at the time of this reply), and the mechanics being closer to PM is a very good thing. It's more accessible while also having actual competitive depth. Every character will eventually make it back, so the roster isn't a concern, the workshop nonsense is gone (thank god), and the rest looks and feels really nice and fun. Will absolutely be playing 2 over 1 from release day onwards. There, the opposite experience. And no, not hating or anything. Just sharing my opinion while respecting yours.
@explodingredshells483 2 күн бұрын
now i want riders of aether
@SlingshotReal Күн бұрын
hell yeah
@LiquidOrcana 2 күн бұрын
Bro made the closest kart racer I’ve seen to nailing how KAR looks and feels as a joke to hide a skin, made respect Unfortunately, I now just want to see that game being real
@bcf789 2 күн бұрын
This is hilarious, also makes me want an actual rivals kart racer
@TheVenomousBeetle 2 күн бұрын
2 year grind? How come I have all of them in 2 weeks
@themintyllama35 2 күн бұрын
Now theyve gotta make that gamemode post launch
@larkNott 3 күн бұрын
As a beta player im going through attempting to complete the rifts solo but it feels impossible as the difficulty spike is ridiculous if your facing more then one enemy and bosses having garbage recovery and hit boxes to combo to death. I log in and do dailys everyday miss here and there miss one day a week but its horrendous how i meet the requirements to fight a rift but i still fail to do the damage needed regardless. Feeling poor way to make the game challenges actually balance and just bog down your strength bu diminish your damage and see no next to no improvement to yourself as you climb scratching and struggling to get strongerbeyond instanity and looney and locking out other difficulties while the agent smith event ending in a few days feel like walling me off to play theyre difficulty on by skiping to harder challanges beyond rift 4-9 not letting acess to experinced. You might say i need to get good but theyre only so much you can do if youre a solo player.
@Sivilea 3 күн бұрын
i love Jerry dog and FaZe Brian
@KrispyKorpse 4 күн бұрын
Amber my beloved first revealed. ❤
@ViorbyX 5 күн бұрын
Dedede was the first character I downloaded. Thanks, Dream Collection!
@themintyllama35 7 күн бұрын
What are the two characters in the code?
@theboulder027 8 күн бұрын
"Max out 6 fighters, get 1 free!" I've been playing this game for six weeks, I play reindog religiously, and I still haven't maxed him out.
@punkypony5165 9 күн бұрын
I don't agree with everything thats said in this video but this is a pretty well thought out video nonetheless and I enjoy that.
@YeoYolo 11 күн бұрын
You should 100% be able to jsve access to the whole character roster in customs and offline mode... I have a friend that just likes to 1v1 yet he is burdened with the fact that he will never get to even play with other fighters... that would be maddening. I play a lot but I also play all the characters as I got them all in the beta. I feel REALLY bad for new players as the characters are all super cool in their own way. The fact most will never experience them all is very sad...
@mr.chiken 11 күн бұрын
I don't play too often but i got 10k fighter currency in a week and im not entirely sure how.
@adz108 11 күн бұрын
This is the things isn't it .. Trying to be like fortnite u get nothing I'm looking into this game but to be honest didn't come in expecting to grind characters I actually dont care All im worried about is the characters I do have to grind for ... Look I get it I really do but the way I see this and no one else will If I like the game I will pay Duelinks spent 1000s Fortnite between me and my son 1000s This will be no different If people stopped paying it would be dead No more updates.. no more seasons no more characters the game dies .. Yes it's a cash cow Yes it's annoying Look at it this way because it's how I justify it I'm not buying everything I'm buying what I like I'm collecting my favourites Jason agent smith batman superman bug bunny etc I'm not buying out the rosta just what I like And I'm not hit with welcome to a f2p game give me 10000 please for everything or fk off no It's a catalogue see what u like Now I dig catalogues I like to browse see what's available and decide Limited times only now uve pissed me off because now u paying next week for this is not good enough I want it now .. thats got my back up and not I'm angry because ur forcing people to buy it sooner than they would have if you left them alone to purchase on their own terms I don't mind paying but I want to.see it all infront of me and let me choose at my speed .. not urs I don't give a fuck if ur managers going on vacation with his 6 wives Fuck off I'll spend my hard earned money on my terms That's fair to me
@termitesc.aardwolf3644 12 күн бұрын
I just want my main boy Etalus back.
@exuvittorio4855 12 күн бұрын
It’s terrible before you could grind for a couple characters a week in your spare time. Also you had the option to fight bots to speed up the process.
@SurielTheSeventh 12 күн бұрын
Welp, just a few weeks later and Multiversus has lost over 95% of the playerbase on Steam
@tonypizzapasta9960 13 күн бұрын
This game makes me sad
@goofedplaysgames 14 күн бұрын
Big Rushdown Revolt patch coming in about a week.
@Kalani_Boi 12 күн бұрын
Actually? I'm going to try out the update then if that's true. I hope that game gets picked up by a publisher/ studio so it can actually succeed.
@ordiscanet1833 15 күн бұрын
Reminds me of overwatch. But at least there all the characters are unlocked
@restlesscentral2692 16 күн бұрын
Honestly these criticisms are really valid, as a sequel to rivals 1 they don't really build on what unique elements rivals 1 added to the platform fighter genre such as it's hyper focus on aggressive play and movement over defense mechanics which made the game feel surprisingly more like a platformer than a fighting game. And the new mechanics they did introduce don't feel impactful, it's all exclusive on a knockdown state which is a state you're generally encouraged never to be in so it never feels like it gets any use or adds anything to that interaction. And I agree on how they should have changed more of the character's kits in Rivals 2, though in my opinion I wish they took a second pass to the character's general design based on their lore, every fighting game have characters who's fighting style who reflects the character's powers, personality, and story, such as how a character like Street Fighter 6's Marisa has a playstyle based around pankration as she's a person who believes themselves to be a descendant of roman warriors and practices a fighting style to carry it's legacy, while someone like Zetterburn in rivals who in lore is a loyal general in a Roman styled society doesn't reflect any of that passion or dedication to his society as he kept his rivals 1 fighting style where he's largely a brawl wolf parallel. Whenever I try to introduce my friends to the game they don't ever stick around as there's never a character they can attach too, even my partner who doesn't like fighting games at least has some interest in Street Fighter because they have crazy characters like AKI and Juri in their roster but rivals has largely no characters with that staying power to make a casual audience stick around.
@lucifero_il_gatto 16 күн бұрын
If you can still use mod characters the game will be fine, that is in my opinion the selling point of rivals (as a casual)
@BokiJuda 17 күн бұрын
Sorry to say that most of this video aged like milk
@Zetta330 17 күн бұрын
@@BokiJuda I still think a lot of this is relevant (fighter currency is still scarce and the offline mode still hasn't been fixed) but yeah, a lot of this has been improved. I wouldn't say that's something to be sorry about though, that's a good thing! I hope they can continue to improve the game and make it healthier for the players.
@1.YO. 17 күн бұрын
@desmondwarren9358 17 күн бұрын
Used to play this game for hours during the beta. Played 2 games and felt disgusted at how shitty this gsme feels now
@teamleaf4570 17 күн бұрын
I think the most frustrating thing for me is the perk currency. Its the only thing thats absolutely everywhere and its frankly next to useless, and even more so when perks feel like afterthoughts after the relaunch. Im near 100k perk currency and i would happily trade that for even half a characters worth of fighter currency Like i understand why they split up the currency the way they did, so they dont put you into 'do i want a character or a perk or a skin' situations, but having one currency be completely overabundant and almost worthless, and the other be highly valued and almost impossible is just dumb imo Seriously though i beg them, please let us have some way to convert perk currency to fighter currency. I dont care how bad the conversion rate is, just something to use that crap on
@teamleaf4570 17 күн бұрын
Also the offline not giving characters and perks is totally fine Now you can have a setup counterpick, where you can get counterpicked by going to a setup that just doesnt have some character lmao (Purely a joke, thats actually ridiculous)
@myuutosan 18 күн бұрын
the camera's way too close and way too shaky
@pilkmaster 16 сағат бұрын
that’s most definitely just a beta thing
@Lagw1020 18 күн бұрын
"Platform fighter space lacks innovation", yeah, moreso than characters stuck in a left and right axis with limited air mobility, also limiting any stages from having other elements that isn't just a singular scroll screen 💀
@guestc142 18 күн бұрын
Seeing as my last platform fighter was brawlhalla about 4 years ago, I might take this up.
@Electrical010 18 күн бұрын
The ONLY thing I bought as cosemetic is the Swifty emote for Rick. I currently only have 3 characters unlocked...Its actually insane how little the game gives you to unlock characters and I refuse to pay a DIME for a game doing this. Even the 50 XP win is so small, it does help but I would prefer actually getting currency for winning a match..LIKE NORMAL GAMES DO.
@SamWeltzin 19 күн бұрын
Yeah, I love Rivals 2, and some of the changes I was wary about (shields, grabs, etc) are starting to grow on me, but mechanically Rivals 1 will always be better. The thing I loved most about it is that it felt like everything that happened to me, good or bad, was my doing. Drift DI was by far the biggest reason for that, and I too hope it makes a return.
@bober_maget6793 19 күн бұрын
You’re manipulating the data. Showing us how hard to get all characters with toasts only, although they aren’t even meant to be a “get a new character” thing. I’m aware that later you’ve showed how to get fighter currency otherwise, but why show toasts in the first place.
@Zetta330 19 күн бұрын
The point in showing toasts first was to show the method of grinding characters. Toasts are the only repeatable method of getting fighter currency that aren't technically tied to any sort of time gates or limited events. Considering most other F2P games reward players for grinding like this (Brawlhalla, League of Legends, etc) I thought it was fair to compare the base rate of getting characters without factoring in limited time events. My calculation for Brawlhalla's rate was purely based on the amount you could get without limited time events as well, so I don't think it's an unfair comparison.
@SheltonMantonOfficial 20 күн бұрын
my favorite cursed traffic thing has got to be Luminance, and yes, I would love to see a video on just cursed sighs.
@AgentKyo 20 күн бұрын
This is honestly one of the best reviews of the game. The comparisons you made are major highlights of your review.
@thatmspaintgirl 21 күн бұрын
4:42 No it's not. I guarantee you they set it to a virtually impossible rate that would get pushback so they could "listen" to the community and roll it ever-so-slightly back to the awful price they were planning on _actually_ setting it to in the first place, and people would be grateful for it instead of pushing back. It's a common marketing tactic by bozos like these. Stop letting them get away with awful shit just because it's slightly less awful than the even more awful shit that it previously was.
@leitogep 21 күн бұрын
Getting legends in Brawlhalla is way easier than it seem too, since you get gold for every queue (even private matches), for leveling up legends, doing the weekly gamemode, daily quests, and daily logging rewards, which also give you a minimum of like 300 gold as a minimum just for getting in the game
@thinguswingus5602 22 күн бұрын
local furry states his favorite game is rivals of aether. more at 10.
@THE-GONJA-DRAGON 23 күн бұрын
lol 😅
@zorgovr144 24 күн бұрын
right as i watched this video is when i realized all of this is true i already knew it was extremely grindy, but damn. theres a couple of things that could maybe change our aspect 1. Login Rewards this just makes sense yk 2. Occasional difficult missions that reward more can pop up in dailys and weeklys 3. A system where it looks at the match and determines stuff like how many times you were hit, and the ratio between how many lives the winner and loser had this is a NEED thoughts? ik #1 said daily for a sec i realized after like 30 min maybe
@Sillylittledragons 24 күн бұрын
This video has convinced me to play roa
@kostantinossachinis704 25 күн бұрын
I played the beta but I didn't get battle pass !😢
@Che3zyGaming 25 күн бұрын
Solution for character prices: make all characters 1500 fighter currency
@DynamicLemons 25 күн бұрын
that thumbnail is still insane, even after hearing about this on other videos the execs be GREEDY to a level i cannot comprehend
@Tnbeta-er5gm 25 күн бұрын
The crazy part is about any free to play game but then has stuff in game that you buy Fortnite tops every single one of them and get this of how much money you would need to spend to get everything in Fortnite as compared to multiverse where back then in beta needed like 300 dollars or less to get every item probably now it may still be similar or a little more than 300 or around at my max guess 500 dollars but compared to Fortnite it makes this number look childish so I saw how many items there was and get this it would take in real life USD to buy everything in Fortnite it would take like 18,000 dollars or maybe even 20,000 dollars that’s basically a salary of a average person in a certain country yearly so yeah Fortnite when people say well this game is greedy um Fortnite is on a mountain in comparison to any games greedy tendencies like compared to multiverse you can get a third of the game and Fortnite well like even if you do the 100 dollar v buck deal you affectively get like if it takes 20,000 dollars to buy every Fortnite item so 100 is 0.02 percent of the game even if you spend 100 dollars on Fortnite even if the 100 v buck deal gives more return than pay you still getting like 0.02 something so yeah Fortnite sets the record for most expensive game
@Tnbeta-er5gm 25 күн бұрын
Also forgot to mention Fortnite keeps adding more stuff now yes so does multiverse but not even close to same pace