The Bovine Beer Trap - D&D 5e
@JustOneGuyGaming 8 сағат бұрын
I like this build a lot but the math ain't mathin' for me. How is the intitial damage starting at 2d8 and 18d6? It looks to me like you are doubling the dice before the 2x for Assassinate and the 2x for Path to the Grave. What am I missing?
@FlutesLoot 8 сағат бұрын
Critical hit. 2d8 and 18d6 are crit dice for a 1d8 weapon with 9d6 Sneak Attack dice added. Then come the multipliers. If I did this again today, I'd account for actual DPR based on accuracy, but this is still fun.
@JustOneGuyGaming 8 сағат бұрын
@@FlutesLoot Oh ok I see what I missed the Death Strike damage. If only I knew how to read LoL!
@zeriul09 17 сағат бұрын
last time i ran CoS my players were dumb, they were level 9, had the sun sword, the amulet of raven kind, found most of the secrets of strahd and then completely failed to plan on how to actually fight him, the most the succeeded on doing was finding and destroying his coffin strahd seeing they meant to kill him and had the means used guerilla tactics throughout the castle to whittle them down, striking from the ceiling, the walls, calling his pets, a fireball at the start put them on the back foot, killed the healer by polymorphing him into a rabbit while in the armoury then using 10 animated daggers to just pin cushion him hit and run tactics throughout and by the time they remembered the symbol of ravenkind it was too late and the group were lost to the mists of barovia forever
@FlutesLoot 10 сағат бұрын
Brutal! I have noticed players don't often strategize. Maybe they're afraid of the "metagame" word or they aren't used to losing.
@grilledcheese6976 2 күн бұрын
This video has been amazingly helpful. I hate to nitpick, but at 9:28, that's a picture of Asami from Legend of Korra
@FlutesLoot 2 күн бұрын
Thank you! And yes, I don't know all origins of character art, but it's art I've used in CoS.
@xezzee 3 күн бұрын
Thief can chuck two beers a round as long they both aren't magical? Even tough it is literally identical to drink them either way and you can clearly drink both if onenof them is only magical? What is the reasoning behind that you can drink twice from water skin but you can't drink twice from water skin? (Just fill a water skin with liquids from healing potion...) If you think double healing potion is too strong how double bear trap make sense? You can literally hammer down two bear traps but can't drink two magical beers 😂
@FlutesLoot 2 күн бұрын
I believe this is a case where it's a game thing, not a realism thing.
@xezzee 2 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot Yes, it is just a Balance question. But it can raise hilarious moments when player says "I use my bonus action to interact with it." Rules as Written if it is Magical you can't do so 😏 so you will ALWAYS know if an object is magical or not 😉 just a loop hole within the rules. Tough we agree we don't cheese like that becasue it is not that fun. Also if trap has magical components you can't pull the leaver because it would be interacting with magic. Can't open doors if they have magical locks because technically it would be action to interract with magical item 😆
@jsgoyburu 5 күн бұрын
But "yes, and" should be for players, not characters. I shouldn't be saying "yes" to everything as a paladin. What I should always be doing is taking every other player at their word, fully believing in their character choices.If they say their characters think, say or do whatever, they did. You don't try to mitigate the consequences of their decisions because they're "losing" choices, or try to cajole them into acting some way to manipulate the numbers. You play for the story as it is.
@jsgoyburu 5 күн бұрын
Tough I realize you're not talking to me, who will always act for the narrative stakes in detriment of the mechanics (which usually makes people hate me, LOL)
@FlutesLoot 4 күн бұрын
@@jsgoyburu I know it's abstract and most people think of "yes, and" as inherently positive or "joiner" to what is happening, but you can "yes, and" as a character by contributing in a different way than just saying yes. I don't know if that's what you're communicating, but it sounds like you've given it a lot of thought.
@jm7781 6 күн бұрын
Could Strahd cast polimorph in a zombie? That would be almost unfair.
@FlutesLoot 5 күн бұрын
Yes, but the CR must match the zombie, so it wouldn't be spectacular.
@LordDarque 6 күн бұрын
Nightcrawler - Wraitblade from Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent. 3rd level they can teleport 15 feet as a bonus action.
@FlutesLoot 5 күн бұрын
That sounds sweet
@difenderu 7 күн бұрын
that's actually somewhat helpful. Thanks. )
@FlutesLoot 7 күн бұрын
You're welcome :)
@Grogeous_Maximus 7 күн бұрын
Nice video, will check out the PDF. The non-fantasy stock footage is a bit distracting :p
@FlutesLoot 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for the feedback
@kazzdevlin5339 8 күн бұрын
There is a right and wrong answer and rules for surprise in dnd 5e are idiotic. On the party side 5e uses the noisy cleric in full plate ruining surprise for the entire party based on fallable logic..... well they know you're there so they wouldn't be surprised. Anyone who's ever played paintball or airsoft after seeing their mates get unalived and leaving the field for their respawn. When they go into that area, they know something is there. Yet, they can be completely surprised when that proverbial paintball or airsoft bb hits you in the face. So this notion is assine you are not blessed with clairvoyance because you heard a noise. You're not blessed with divine insight divinating the parties exact location. What's even worse is even if I were to agree in principle they know the clerics there that is a moot point when it comes to the other players in the party. Let's say that bumbling cleric did make noise rising to that of a breaking vase. The guard is alerted and going to investigate the area where the noise came from. Before he gets to the clerics hiding place the Assassin and ranger attack from behind surprising the guard. Yes, I said surprise because he did not detect them. I'd argue making a noise is not enough. Yes, rules as written say if you're clearly visible or make a noise akin to a breaking vase you are discovered. Clearly being seen okay don't have an issue here. However, noise that's vague and indirect unless the loud noise results in you clearly be seen I'd argue it only heightens the potential to getting discovered. Again our clerics armor drew scrutiny to investigate the noise. What was that? Which direction did it come from? What in essence is occurring is the party is turning a potential discovery into an ambush. As mentioned before our Assassin and ranger are exceptionally skilled at stealth. While the would be guard is cautiously approaching, perhaps turning around to avoid someone creepy up behind him randomly andvuelling out i know your here. Perhaps he's peering into the darkness harkening to get a glimpse of movement or the shape or form of a creature or person but, detects nothing. Thusly, when our Assassin and Ranger attack he is unequivocally surprised. With an arrow lodged in its back and neck it gurgles and turns only to have the cleric leap from his concealing visage and bring it's hammer down on its head again surprising it. Initiative is irrelevant as to respect of the guard. If the guard drew his sword ran screaming and waving the blade frantically as he charged the direction the noise came from then I'd argue it's possible he surprises the cleric. In that situation the guard went first in Initiative order and in turn would be surprised when the arrows lodged in its neck and back. That's not what he's doing though he's probing being cautious so the players get to set the Initiative order they can both nod at each and fire at the same time or perhaps as one fires the other fires sequentially its moot all that maters is do they hit. Surprise is attacking your opponent when and where they don't expect it! You'll notice I did not say unaware. This guard was aware something was going on but didn't detect anything in the shadows. Basically use common sense ignore 5e and your game will be better for it!
@FlutesLoot 7 күн бұрын
I've never had a problem being subjective about surprise in the 5e system. *shrug* They're getting rid of the swingy nature of surprise with the game update anyway.
@kazzdevlin5339 7 күн бұрын
@FlutesLoot yeah, and they neutered assassin, so a lot changing. Figures they fix surprise and then break the class that uses it. From what other youtubers have said, assassin is losing the ability to get an automatic crit on surprise! Instead, you'll get extra damage equal to your level. Now, seeing as most peeps do a 3 or 4 lvl dip into Assassin depending on whether they want feats or ASI. Now, there's absolutely no reason to do any dipping into Assassin at all!! Giving up 3-4 levels for 3-4 extra damage is insanly bad. So, it looks like they're deliberately making it so no one will do a level dip in the first place. This begs the question of how many other classes are just a borked.
@FlutesLoot 7 күн бұрын
@@kazzdevlin5339 I suspect one of their design goals is to remove multiclassing's power without substantial level investment.
@kazzdevlin5339 7 күн бұрын
@FlutesLoot There in lays the core issue. Fact is, in my experience, most players prefer to run muliclass characters, which, let's be clear, is really a variation of third additions dual classing minus the penalties. That's not what muliclass was in the past. Granted, it was meant only for non-human, but that's what people want to play in essence. Instead of finding a way to balance that, they're looking to restrict it. I feel most DMs would make concessions, though not seeing a reason to use the next iteration of dnd.
@marcusblacknell-andrews1783 9 күн бұрын
For the Mad Scientist, I’d use Shadow Touched instead, plus, I’d use the Reborn lineage and the “Simic Scientist” background.
@FlutesLoot 9 күн бұрын
Plenty of ways to bring the concept to life! :)
@robertoreilly6660 10 күн бұрын
I think Portent is one piece of a larger puzzle. When you add the Lucky feat, silvery barbs, and counterspell to portent, now you have a lot of tools to shape the outcome of any encounter. Getting a friendly cleric to add guidance further helps. A big advantage for actually playing is that you have to stay engaged in the game to determine a good spot to use portent. Rather than just zoning out, you can jump in and help turn another PC's action into guaranteed success. This is much more collaborative than just dropping another fireball (but I do like a good fireball).
@FlutesLoot 10 күн бұрын
I like how you point out it incentivizes a player to pay attention
@codychavez9839 11 күн бұрын
It’s pathetic what 5e did to Ravenloft. I’ll stick with AD&D
@FlutesLoot 11 күн бұрын
That's fine
@codychavez9839 11 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot no you are! 😉
@FlutesLoot 11 күн бұрын
@@codychavez9839 😆
@craigarthur7599 12 күн бұрын
If any of my players wanted to pick up this subclass I’d let them use human sacrifices for this magic.
@FlutesLoot 12 күн бұрын
Makes sense!
@natethegm9802 14 күн бұрын
Appreciate the video. Im preparing to run strahd for the first time. I only have 3 players although experienced im worried that if i employ all the tactics youve outlined that not only will it not really be fun they wont stand a chance. I get strahd wont fight fair but how do i as a dm ensure that my players are capable to withstand a full length fight from the top of the tower to the bottom with strahd dping everything he can to survive and win?
@FlutesLoot 13 күн бұрын
I recommend liberally rewarding players with information about Strahd as they explore Barovia, seek their destined items, and form alliances. Tell your players out-of-game that if they want to survive, they'll need to know as much about Strahd as possible to anticipate and counter his strengths.
@Rosemeadow403 15 күн бұрын
This looks awesome!
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
Thank you! :)
@arphayas2826 15 күн бұрын
My plan for the dinner will be, for Strahd to give each player a present matching their playstyle (Fighter gets a plate armor for example), in the final battle, those presents will work against the group, the armor turns into an hostile animated one, the spider climb boots will make the player stick to the ground, the wild shape improving ring would force them into their form and attack their friends...some stuff like that.
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
That will be a brutal surprise! XD Be open to revealing the items' drawbacks earlier than the end fight, depending on how brutal the drawbacks are. I did the animated armor reveal in a Strahd encounter before the final encounter, which worked just as well for the surprise. :)
@andrewshaughnessy5828 15 күн бұрын
Don't forget Ritual Caster - that's given our Draconic Sorcerer more versatility, as has Metamagic Adept.
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
Ritual Caster has definitely grown on me over the years.
@xaxzander4633 15 күн бұрын
this was originally written as a 1st ed module, and they neutered undead in 5e while also making it basically a super hero game, or dnd with training wheels for the players.
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
@xaxzander4633 15 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot point is none of this was an issue before. A vampire in 1st ed drains 2 levels from a character per hit. its impossible to convey that type of dread in 5e. Unless you use 1st ed ideas.
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
@@xaxzander4633 I agree, undead were much scarier in other editions. Level drain was brutal. Most of the old-school gamers I know say they're glad it's not in the game anymore, and they like the deadly stuff. They thought it was tedious.
@xaxzander4633 15 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot and thus my comment, if you wish to play a game that was written for another game, then claim most people wish it never existed, at the same time attempting to make strahd harder, you clearly never even tried it the old way.
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
My video doesn't make Strahd harder. It explains how to use him in 5e. I actually like level drain stuff. I have a video about it.
@maiagenisio1979 16 күн бұрын
I’m a hired DM, running this campaign for some middle schoolers. The only homebrewing I’m doing is tweaking Ireena. Rather than just being connected to Tatyana, blood magic is a special kind of sorcery born to one woman a generation, and Tatyana had it and Ireena does to. Strahd wants that power for his control to be complete, as he feels that though he can turn and control vampires, he doesn’t have quite enough control on the living without the magic. Please let me know if you have any tips for running CoS for a younger audience!
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
That's an original, cool idea! My primary tip for making it more PG is to not use some of the darker themes and just focus on D&D adventuring style with some spooky moments. Having said that, I haven't run CoS for teens.
@gaia9020 16 күн бұрын
The last words before the barbarian slew the party where "damn that bat sexy!"
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
LOL 🤣 That got an actual 8-second laugh out of me 🤭
@bmonci1 16 күн бұрын
It's been a while since this was posted, but...any ideas for Illusionist's Bracers? So far: An eye taken from a vampire (hard one for a VR item, due to what happens to vampires when they hit 0hp) since the founder of Dimir was a vampire spellcaster. Beyond that... 🤷‍♂️
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
That's a fantastic idea! The displacer beast's tendril leather would also be good.
@arcanerecovery2567 17 күн бұрын
If you take 3 levels as an Assassin and 2 levels as a Grave Domain you can essentially quadruple your sneak attacks when you pull them off. If you are hidden within 30 feat and are a Shadar-kai you can teleport to the target and surprise them with this killer move. Also if you go 1 level Rogue to get the 4 prof. in skills and then 1 level into Twilight Cleric for advantage on init. and 300 feet darkvision and then back to Rogue to get 2 more levels and become an Assassin... this way starting as early as 4th level you can 'Assassinate' from 300 feet away with a longbow (take any elf that has the new trance, the one that gives you 2 prof. in weapons/tools)... Surprise! You're dead and you never see it coming! Ha Ha Ha!
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
Great ideas! I have an article about the Assassin+Grave combo because it's surprisingly divisive for people based on what triggers combat or not.
@arcanerecovery2567 17 күн бұрын
The crossbow expert feat doesn't let you ignore loading the crossbow, it let's you ignore the 'loading' property which means you can attack more than once in a round with a crossbow now. You still need a free hand to load the crossbow and you still need to load ammunition into it.
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
Thank you
@darkelf2040 17 күн бұрын
How about some dual wield options. I know two-weapon fighting is nerfed to crap in 5e but I'd love to build on a 5 attack per round beast master ranger at level 11
@FlutesLoot 15 күн бұрын
I wish dual-wielding were more viable for increasing damage in 5e.
@darkelf2040 15 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot I mean paladins have it better. Devine favor while wearing full plate with the defense stance and dualwield gives them AC 20...and they can be strength based or dex based as welll
@JamesAdams-nd1td 18 күн бұрын
Rather than just 1 destined ally, I want to run the game with multiple possible allies. Some good, some very bad and leave it up to the players to decide “do we really want this person in our group?” And then giving Strahd some more allies and/or magic to keep him from getting overwhelmed in the final showdown (maybe some evil potential allies the party turned down). Oh, and no using Ireena and Ismark as potential allies; Strahd’s going to be trying to kidnap Ireena all the time anyway, and Ismark is going to either follow his sister around or will get involved anyway to rescue her so why waste time on “recruiting” a guy who’s probably frothing at the mouth to kill Strahd anyway.
@FlutesLoot 18 күн бұрын
Sounds great! Recruiting allies and doubting choices are big parts of the module's fun :D
@urixl 18 күн бұрын
The funy thing is that I started to watch this video with my notebook open. And I was rewarded with a short, informative and no-nonsense video article! Youy are a blessing to KZfaq, sir.
@FlutesLoot 18 күн бұрын
Daw, thank you! I'm glad the video was useful :)
@urixl 17 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot That's my first video of yours, I hope others are great too :)
@josephbeckett2330 20 күн бұрын
So, Strahd is Resistant to B, P, and S from non magical sources, and his bite does Necrotic damage that reduces max HP while healing him. I think you may be underestimating him in grapple. Not to mention he can still charm them or have his Children of the night all focus on the grappler. Keep in mind the Strahd has specicically attempted to precharm the party, so it os highly likely that half of them will jump the grappler as soon as they try to start fighting.
@FlutesLoot 20 күн бұрын
Those are certainly things that can happen!
@icebarrierangel6610 20 күн бұрын
@3r1cd0n0 22 күн бұрын
Currently making a modified Silver Dragonborn [combination of Fizban's with Children of the Dragon homebrew pdf] Beast Barbarian who's been 'possessed' by the spirit of a long dead dragon that reawakens every time he rages. Thanks to the Children of the Dragon homebrew, I'm using what's called a Dreadcaller subrace that grants Powerful Build and effectively a Leonin Roar, on top of base Dragonborn being given a 1d4 Claw and Bite. Prior to seeing this video, I wasn't entirely sure if the build would be fun to play but now, I'm sold to go with it. Thanks for the very in-depth video and sharing your own ideas of how to flavor builds.
@FlutesLoot 22 күн бұрын
You're gonna have a good time! :D
@PatRiot-le7rd 22 күн бұрын
Great idea to do recommendations based on subclass concepts instead of a one size fits all list for the class.
@FlutesLoot 22 күн бұрын
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
@WayneBraack 23 күн бұрын
Likes the idea.
@marcusblacknell-andrews1783 25 күн бұрын
Would a Bullywug Druid of Spores count as a “Bog Witch”?
@FlutesLoot 24 күн бұрын
Sure could!
@mrpowers3649 26 күн бұрын
Can I get some advice on keeping a good calendar?
@FlutesLoot 25 күн бұрын
I kept countdowns in my notes. For example: Festival of the Blazing Sun - 3 days Whenever a day passed, I lowered all the day counts.
@mrpowers3649 24 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot So making a major events calendar and than keeping track of the days? Got it. What would you consider time sensitive events?
@FlutesLoot 22 күн бұрын
@@mrpowers3649 Some time-sensitive events will depends on your players' choices. For example, if they fail to slay allt he Bonegrinder Night Hags, you might give yourself a timeline for when the hags will appear again to spring a trap on the player characters. Some other time-sensitive events may include the Festival of the Blazing Sun, Strah'd invitation to dinner, the ritual at Yester Hill, the Feast of St. Andral, the kidnapping of Arabelle, and more.
@mrpowers3649 22 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot That helps a lot. Thanks for the advice! I wanna make sure this gives my players a sense of urgency and this has given me some great ideas!
@tsavin 26 күн бұрын
I'm glad you mentioned saves, I think Resilient Wisdom is essential to resist magic, surely the biggest problem for fighters. Conditions like Frightened, Paralyzed and Restrained are also ones I would like to avoid - any feats to help resist those in particular?
@FlutesLoot 26 күн бұрын
Lucky feat
@peterchambers2401 27 күн бұрын
I liked a build combo of Nature Cleric with Samurai Fighter as a Quarterstaff Polearm master, also makes them more a face if you require a persuading sort.
@FlutesLoot 27 күн бұрын
I dig it!
@mr.quantum4543 28 күн бұрын
Something to think about my fellow DM! Ireena has been in survival mode since she's caught strahds eye. Strahd knows she's his beloved tatyana. He's been, just like anything else, having fun with what he thinks is his property. All enemies know not to harm her, in fear of strahd, but harrass her. Also her red hair is a symbol for bad luck in the lands of barovia. So the people have refused to help her. Now... to your point about ireena possibly be a pychic... her and tatyana have shared the same soul. What if you make tatyana a cleric or some other class you think fits... as ireena goes along through campaign, being protected by the Player Characters... she has violent siezers and begins to learn the skills and regain the memories of tatyana... that sun sword would look more appealing later in game. Other reminder... i had madam eva keep pulling cards for what companion that your players should look for help... the cards would start ablaze and reappear in her deck hand... then have her say something like "hmmm. this has never happened before. The one you seek to help you through your travels is up to fate." My players started trying to recruit almost everyone they met to take down strahd. Instead of focusing on one companion. They began to see everyone as important.
@FlutesLoot 28 күн бұрын
Fun ideas! It's a good idea to twist the "you have no ally" card to "it's up to you" haha.
@mr.quantum4543 27 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot thanks man! If you have any bonus ideas! I'm all ears. About to run another campaign for it shortly!
@Boss-_ 29 күн бұрын
WOTC was getting increasingly bad at game design, and I think by now their team consists of the worst game designers they could find on the planet. But the average DM/Player is really bad at running the game, and especially monsters. I mean case in point, you made a mistake in assuming that Strahd follows the same rules for grappling as the PCs, by saying "[He] doesn't have great modifiers for grappling" and showing the +4 Athletics. Per the statblock, he rolls the +9 to hit, and then if he hits, he can grapple them instead of dealing damage. So it's decent, at least. Not making a comment on the general strategy of whether he should or not, just saying. Tho grappling an out-of-position PC that is squishy and relies on not allowing the enemy to get any attacks in lest he get nuked in a round or two seems like a good idea.
@FlutesLoot 28 күн бұрын
I assume I was referring to his inability to maintain a grapple if someone attempts to break it with a contested roll (feel free to time-stamp what I said). Additionally, forced movement is increasingly common as more character options have been added to 5e, so a grappled creature and the grappler can be separated without rolling. That can be done without a huge drain on the players' action economy, too. What drove you to your statements about the design team and the average people playing the game?
@Boss-_ 28 күн бұрын
@@FlutesLoot The premise on which the video is based on: the complaints that Strahd is too weak and underwhelming, which is also repeated in a billion stories of how "my players took out my big bad in a single round"
@IIIGioGioStarIII Ай бұрын
I had my fight at the room with Tatyana’s portrait. I felt that it was fitting because of his obsession with Tatyana/Ireena. But my advice is to not play the Krezck pool scene where Ireena is suddenly thrown out of the game. If you as a DM spent a lot of time trying to get her likable for the players, it just feels very out of left field. Either tweak the scene where it feels more like an actual choice your Ireena would make or just don’t do the scene. In my CoS campaign, Ireena was a very independent person and by that point in the game was absolutely done with Strahd and his obsession with her. And saw Sergei’s “Tatyana, my love” bs as him being no better than Strahd for failing to realize that she may be Tatyana’s reincarnation but she was not Tatyana.
@FlutesLoot Ай бұрын
It's true every DM should carefully consider the pool
@arcanerecovery2567 Ай бұрын
I would start as Artificer to get the prof. in CON. Going to at least 3rd lvl. will get you a choice of 4 subclasses (my fav is Alchemist! Yeah, I said it!) and even though you're a half-caster you round up instead of down so as a 3rd lvl. caster you count as a 2nd lvl. caster... then multiclass into a wizard of choice and take it to 6th level to get the first two subclass features and a number of spellslots. (You'll be the equivalent of an 8th lvl. caster at your overall lvl. of 9th.) Then go back into Artificer for 4 more lvls. to get Flash of Genius, now your overall lvl. is 16, and since you don't have enough lvls. left to get the 14th lvl. wizard feature you might as well continue the last four lvls. in Artificer for a multiclass split of 11th lvl. Artificer/9th lvl. Wizard. 11 lvls. in Artificer gains you the 10th lvl. Magic Adept feature, attune to 4 magic items and craft common and uncommon magic items and the 11th lvl. feature Spell-Storing Item, store a spell and use it a number of times = 2xINT bonus. PS: You end up with a mix of 5 really good features compared to the wizards 4 and the artificers 4.
@FlutesLoot Ай бұрын
I'm playing a Wizard 5 Artificer 1 (started Artificer) and it works great
@astarnull1895 Ай бұрын
Saved the party's ass last night as a 4th level divination wizard. I rolled a 5 and 17. We were fighting a group of wizards and one of our party cast hold person on the most powerful member, as the DM's setting up to roll I declare 'he rolls a 5' bang, the BBEG is held. The paladin then proceeds to curb stomp him. At a critical juncture that 5 saved everyone, as the DM later told us he was about to fireball us all, (we were clumped together)
@FlutesLoot Ай бұрын
Nice! That wizard learned too late to pack Counterspell :P
@astarnull1895 Ай бұрын
@@FlutesLoot welllll. actually he had it, but the DM was about to roll the die, so he wasn't going to counterspell, he was going to attempt to resist the spell. We had a discussion about what this meant, and the DM decided the portent would stand. That's actually how I found your video. I was researching the interaction of these two.
@FlutesLoot Ай бұрын
@@astarnull1895 ah yup, that's how it goes sometimes
@Cyberfender1 Ай бұрын
Way to go On tabletop Bob, Lutes! I really like your Dusk elf character! I'm kicking around just this idea.
@FlutesLoot Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching Bob's stream and for the compliment! :)
@marcusblacknell-andrews1783 Ай бұрын
Portent+Owlin Race+Keranos Champion= All-Seeing Owl Mage
@FlutesLoot Ай бұрын
Sounds like a fun Theros/Strixhaven mashup.
@mr.quantum4543 Ай бұрын
Im surprised that strahd only gets 3 legendary actions. The whole world is his playground! He doesn't care unless someone isn't a part of his scemes and fun games he has created! Depending on your player skills. I'd modify any monster to fit their needs of excitement. But strahd and the boss battles of the land should make your players feel like the gravity around them from their POWER LEVEL BEING OVER 9000 so daunting!
@FlutesLoot Ай бұрын
Do you mean lair actions? You seem to be talking about the environment. It'd be cool to give Strahd lair actions in other parts of Barovia.