@melissavukelic4138 4 сағат бұрын
Yes, the Dudley's did have another kid. Mr. Dudley mentions it in his monologue when he's telling Hugh about his and Clara's (Mrs. Dudley) history with Hill House. It's apparently an easy detail to miss because, of the many HoHH reactions I've watched, only one of them picked up on that detail. I missed the first time I watched, too.😄
@melissavukelic4138 4 сағат бұрын
The reason Olivia looked at Hugh like that when he was holding Luke was because she thought she was still holding him. She didn't recall him taking Luke and she was confused. Rewatch the scene and you'll see what I'm talking about. Really enjoying you reactions, btw. I hope you go on and react to the Mike Flannigan series'! In order of release: - The Haunting of Bly Manor - Midnight Mass - The Fall of the House of Usher They are all one season stories.
@dlf4542 5 сағат бұрын
You should see the special edition. It makes more sense.
@RynooReacts 5 сағат бұрын
I had no idea there were different versions at the time!!! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ People in the comments have helped to fill me in though 😁
@sannaolsson9106 8 сағат бұрын
She lost a little time and missed when Hugh took Luke from her to put him to bed, that's why she looked strange at him. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit confused how you missunderstood that lol
@RynooReacts 8 сағат бұрын
Haha well I took her look as more angry with Hugh for taking him away from her, rather than the lost time but yep now you mention it of course she would look like that if a few seconds skipped 🤦🏻‍♂️😅
@user-bl5yi4uw6j 8 сағат бұрын
Your tension and anxiety were palpable in this episode! It is a shocking episode, too, because we find out that Olivia tried to kill Nell and Luke and succeeded in killing Abigail. She's a child killer. One of the most heinous of crimes, I think. Yeah, she was driven to it, but still. We also now know that Hugh is in nowise a bad person. Some people fault him for leaving Olivia behind, but I completely disagree. The way I see it his primary duty as a father was to make sure his children were safe, which he did. Hugh didn't know everything that was going on. Once the children were safe, then he went back for Olivia. He behaved in an exemplary fashion that last day. I'll try to answer some of your questions. @jeffmartin1026 is absolutely correct about 'tache man and the clock. Time in the series is non-linear. It's like the actual timeline has been chopped-up into sequences of varying length which are then re-inserted into the perceived timeline at pseudo-random intervals. That's why there's so much emphasis and talk about clocks and showing the 'tache man in the overalls. Time is a character in the story. Hill House itself is also a character, of course. Hill House is "organic," like a chameleon it changes in response to stimuli from members of the Crain family. Willy is William Hill, Poppy's husband, who bricked himself up. He's also the "tall" man with the bowler hat who haunts Luke. Poppy had children, a girl and a boy. She poisoned them both, I think. The symptoms Poppy describes fit poisoning. Think about what happened to Abigail after she drank the tea. Poisoning caused the boy to be wheelchair-bound before ultimately killing him and the "drowning" symptoms experienced by the girl. It's like Poppy, besides being insane, also had Munchausen by Proxy, too. Poppy is the personification of the evil that's Hill House. Most of the other ghosts appear benign. Some are even friendly. Hazel Hill tells Olivia Poppy is a liar. Hazel is William's sister, and she doesn't like Poppy. Hazel also shot her father's (vicious?) dogs in the middle of the night, after he died. These are the dogs the Crain kids hear/see. Remember, also, how Hazel called for "Clara' (Mrs. Dudley) on the old-fashioned intercom. Through the House's machinations, Olivia "imagined" Nell and Luke in bed talking about how life was death to them. That's why in the Red Room Nell said: "What dream?" Nell has no idea what Olivia is talking about in regard to that incident. That whole episode with Nell and Luke in bed before Steve "awakened" Olivia wasn't reality. Oh, keep in mind Luke said he "poisoned" himself in that dream-vision. Course, we're thinking drugs, but it could also be a reference to the rat poison. They use double-entendre in an ironic way constantly in the series. Waking-up is ironic use of language. There's a lot of that, too. For Olivia and Poppy, waking-up means sleeping forever, i.e., dying. Even Hugh saving his children is killing them in Olivia's eyes. Mould seems to symbolise the poisonous atmosphere of Hill House, its malignancy. The Red Room was chock-full of mould. The fact that the mould extends from the Red Room to the basement means it represents part of the House's digestive system. Sort of like the role bacteria play in humans. There are also the various references to the kittens. The kittens did represent the Crain children and foreshadow their potential fate. Poppy talks about the little "bugs" in their beds. When the kittens are dead, you see the bugs ... their souls?? I'm sure Mrs. Dudley's (Clara's) "wings" mean she's actually an agent for good, an angel. She is always referencing the Bible. The Crains are skeptics, unbelievers. Mr. Dudley (Horace) is another force for good. Both of the Dudleys are constantly warning the Crains about the dangers of Hill House. Their warnings are subtle, of course, otherwise the Crains would think they're mad, which they already do think, actually, but we know the Dudleys are not. However, Hugh and even Olivia do eventually realise there's something to what the Dudleys were saying. Unfortunately, this realisation comes too late. Yes, Abigail is real. She is the Dudleys' daughter. Various references were made to indicate they did have a living daughter, whom they kept hidden from the real world. However, the show made us think that Abigail was another of the House's ghosts and so distinct from the Dudleys' daughter. Also, it's quite possible that Luke saw both the living Abigail and the ghost Abigail but at different times. Remember time is non-linear in the series. The women who led ghost Abigail away from the Red Room is her grandmother, Mr Dudley's mother. This episode signifies to me that all the Crain's, including Hugh, had some sort of psychic ability. I think that's something the House fed off of. This series is so deep and dense that we could go on pointing out things forever. Oh, the storm only affected Hill House. Think about what happened at Shirley's mortuary.
@jeffmartin1026 10 сағат бұрын
The old man in overalls/the clock signify time slips in the house. You heard the clock ticking when young Nell saw herself hovering over her on the couch. The house does control space and time. The night of The Storm Hugh is chasing Liv, and they are on the 2nd floor. He runs past the spiral staircase door, gets to the end of the hall and looks to the right down a short hallway where Liv "isn't". That hall didn't exist - in previous shots of the library there are windows going up all three floors, that hallway would have blocked the windows. Yes, Popy killed her children. Her son is the boy in the wheelchair, he is the one banging on the walls. Poppy was the face that appeared over Nell in bed in the first episode. She sees more children that she can "wake up". In an earlier episode young Max is talking about his dead grandmother visiting him at night and that she never blinks. Poppy never blinks either. The ghost that takes ghost Abigale by the hand is her grandmother, Mr. Dudley's mother. Liv was in the same motel room that Nell is in before she went back to the house. You finally saw a hidden ghost. There is another one standing in the background when Hugh is holding young, sleeping Luke while talking to Liv. Definitely watch the video that points them all out. If you rewatch the series, you will see how much actual foreshadowing and cross referencing there is every step of the way.
@RynooReacts 8 сағат бұрын
Hey thanks for taking the time to write all this out!! All really interesting, I appreciate it!! Really helped with some of the questions I had! 😁
@ameliaisabellaobrien8598 11 сағат бұрын
plz consider doing sharp objects next thanks!
@RynooReacts 8 сағат бұрын
Hey thanks for the recommendation! I'll add it to the list 😊
@billyrepko5038 11 сағат бұрын
There are hidden ghost all throughout the show. This is just the first one you have seen. Watch the video that shows all of the hidden ghosts. It will blow your mind.
@RynooReacts 11 сағат бұрын
Ahhh I KNEW I WAS MISSING STUFF!!! Might have to do a bonus video of seeing everything I missed!! 😅
@ptsteelers 11 сағат бұрын
@@RynooReacts Yes, once you finish the series, like Billyrepko said, search youtube for hill house hidden ghosts and it will blow your mind. HAHA
@lauradawson7964 8 сағат бұрын
@@RynooReactsyou should absolutely do that - you’ll be shocked by how many there are. They’re so easy to miss but add so much to the sinister atmosphere!
@realSimoneCherie 11 сағат бұрын
That last line….. 😢
@RynooReacts 11 сағат бұрын
Ahhh I know 😭
@ameliaisabellaobrien8598 12 сағат бұрын
first click so fast !!!
@RynooReacts 12 сағат бұрын
Wohhh!! You really were fast!!!! ⚡
@ameliaisabellaobrien8598 11 сағат бұрын
@@RynooReacts plz consider doing sharp objects next thank you!
@ChicanoLA Күн бұрын
I could see ever cell in your face tremble 😂 great reaction
@RynooReacts 12 сағат бұрын
😅😅😅 Thanks for checking out the video!!
@MuricaTurkey Күн бұрын
Just a note, in case you may be unaware as someone not Anerican, re: American justice system standards that are so well known and instituted they actually have become part of our social consciousness/culture: The dad not cleaning himself up after finding a messy crime scene is expected by police. It's actually something that would work in someone's favor to show their possible innocence. In our system, if you happen upon a deceased person, moving stuff around, changing your clothing (even to save your own dignity or the deceased person's) is literally a crime. They don't care if you're covered in blood. In fact, that's a bonus, because it's evidence. Changing your clothing is destruction of that evidence. So what they're showing here is just how honest and forthright the dad was being. You find your deceased wife? You check on her, abd when you see she is indeed deceased, you call the cops and wait for them. You don't change one iota of anything. No matter how embarrassing, horrific, or gross. He tells Nell it's paint because he's trying to protect her. Because he can't change his clothes without commiting a crime. It is disturbing but it's the right call in that horrific situation.
@group-music 2 күн бұрын
Both AVP movies are NOT cannon in the Alien universe. They are their own separate things.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
Ohhh interesting, thanks for letting me know!!
@mariopenavic8573 2 күн бұрын
Ryan, yo! I didn't manage to catch the premiere yesterday, but awesome reaction as usual! However, first, congratulations on 100+ subscribers; happy to see your channel and content growing so well! Eh, not much to say about the film so reaction highlights instead. Best jumpscare: probably the only one for me, the alien showing up behind the glass (or maybe Jessie's death?). Best line: too many to count! Every time you said sth awesomely funny or apt, you would top it a scene or two later, haha. I guess my favorite then has to be, "Where I am from, we don't use doors." However, a new category, best shocking moment: either when the plasmacaster blasts off those shotguns (Your face was in total disbelief!) or any scene in the maternity ward. At one point you looked like you were about to puke for real! I was thinking about what you said with the film having a slasher vibe, especially with the overall setting and tone, and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense given when the film was made: hear me out, around the mid-2000s there was a huuuge uptake of slasher remakes and reboots so perhaps the director/producers wanted to tap into that audience and decided to put those elements into the film? Maybe. I still didn't like the film, but I am glad you enjoyed it. Now onto the real stuff: _Predators_ and _Prometheus_ ! And speaking of slashers, any chance of having those on the channel? Maybe some old classics like _Halloween_ , _Nightmare on Elm Street_ or _Friday the 13th_ ?
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
Hey thanks so much! I'm so glad people are enjoying the videos 😁 Yep not too many jump scares in this one! But probably because it was so dark I couldn't see properly haha! The maternity ward scene was truly disgusting haha! I was glad when that finished!! That makes sense about the potential slasher audience this was trying to appeal to! I am very much looking forward to the next movies in the franchise, and getting back to a more suitable vibe for these! Definitely thinking about some slashers to add to the list, I've seen scream but I haven't seen any of the films you mentioned (however I am familiar with what the characters look like, who couldn't be?) Thanks again for such a great comment, and giving this a watch even though its not to your taste!! Appreciated!!
@mariopenavic8573 2 күн бұрын
@@RynooReacts Yeah, one of your lines I put down was also, paraphrasing, ''I only see slime!'', haha. No spoilers, but just so it doesn't confuse you, and as another commentator said as well, the next films fork out and abandon the AvP concept and rather go back to their roots, both _Prometheus_ and _Predators_ , respectively. (I'm sure you'll have plenty of questions after watching those, especially the former. But worry not, we're all here to help out a fan in making.) None of them? For real? Oh, then maybe you should watch the primer and instead go back all the waaay to your fellow countryman Hitchcock's _Psycho_ (if you haven't seen it?). Since that film *heavily* inspired or at least foreshadowed many slasher tropes decades in advance. If you have seen it, I would recommend other proto-slasher-like films, like _Black Christmas_ or maybe _When a Stranger Calls_ . I mean this sincerely, Ryan, the first 20 min of the latter, are some of the most terrifying scenes I have ever watched. I warned ya! Sorry for the wall of text!
@rivercrestfallen8725 2 күн бұрын
So the lore with this and a few of the other films (similar to some Native American tribes) have a hunt to prove themselves for adulthood. They get dropped on a planet and have to beat the most dangerous creatures. That's why he looked at the scorpion because they feared it. And they collect teophies from their hunts. That's why he tore Billy's spine out. I really enjoyed this reaction. New to your channel and see. You were new to YT reacting. Good luck on your journey. I've seen you have a good start, and I can't wait to see the rest of your videos. I love Predator, Aliens, and Hill House.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
Hey thanks so much for checking out the video! Glad you enjoyed it! And glad to hear you are a fan of the other stuff currently on the channel! It's been a wild ride so far!! 😅
@jerrygross8073 2 күн бұрын
Say hello to the Pred-Alien.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
@Ben1973able 3 күн бұрын
There are various Alien games. The best is Alien Isolation.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
I'll have to check them out!!!
@lauradawson7964 3 күн бұрын
Nell’s story is so very tragic. I’ve seen this episode so many times but it always makes me tear up.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
This episode was seriously emotional to watch!! 😭
@serenitytoepper 3 күн бұрын
Predator 2018 you still have to react too.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
Coming up soon! 😁
@serenitytoepper 2 күн бұрын
@RynooReacts Another messed up alien franchise that I have seen is called Species. Not saying it's bad when I say it's messed up, like it's horrible, I just meant it's all the things it gets creepy in the first movie was creepy and had its moments, but the second movie was really disturbing in certain ways. But if you're in that kind of thing you should check it out.
@serenitytoepper 3 күн бұрын
Plus, this Predator that came down alone. I am guessing is more experience and older than the ones that were in the first AVP movie. Those were a rite of passage training moments for younger Predators to prove themselves, while this one is probably a lot older and is trying to take care of it quietly but of course that's not going to happen as we've seen Alien Xenomorph. always make things worse.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
The Predator that came down alone was such a badass! It was interesting to see what an experienced hunter could do alone compared to the first one!
@m0nm0n23 Күн бұрын
He's called wolf, an elite/veteran predator
@serenitytoepper 3 күн бұрын
Correct, it takes on its host traits in away. In Alien 3 it was a dog, so it acted differently, and this one show what happens when it is mixed with a Predator's gens or whatever it uses to help a xenomorph to be born. predalien is what this hybrid is called. This particular Predalien was a young Queen, as it had the ability to impregnate female hosts with multiple (up to five) Bellybursters via an inner jaw proboscis-like tube inserted into the host's throat (much like how a Facehugger impregnates a host). It also has a large crest similar to that of a Queen Xenomorph.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
Ohhh interesting, I was wondering how it was able to do that in the hospital!!!
@serenitytoepper 3 күн бұрын
Okay. This movie had scenes that messed me up bad the first time I ever watched it. Out of all of the Alien movies and whatnot, this was far from the worst I've seen well, since recent to watching Alien Covenant. But the kid? But the pregnancy thing messed me up bad, the visuals were so much more on point and scarier and make you sick to your stomach with some scenes at least it did for me, it wasn't just happening off screen or in the shadows like in other films that we've watched, we really see everything in this movie. And honestly, I like the AVP Spin-off weather it's supposed to be attached to the Alien franchise or not I personally thought it made a great hit, and I wished they'd continued it honestly. But man, that's messed up and like I said scenes messed with me a lot in this movie. In my opinion this is total horror movie. But honestly, there are somethings like I said before, you just can't unsee once you've seen it. But either way, Great Reactions as always.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
This movie definitely didn't hold back!! Some of these scene were so graphic!! I can't imagine what my reaction would have been like when I was younger!!! The hospital scene will haunt me haha!!!
@eno88 3 күн бұрын
Not a terrible movie, but let's just say I could've spent the ticket money better
@alexandervelez9507 3 күн бұрын
very flawed film but i’ll always love that final scene with miss yutani. it’s chilling knowing she was going to use the predator tech to achieve space flight and ultimately ignite the events of the original alien film. it also implies that the company were aware of the xenomorphs and actually looking for them. to me this is a far better prequel story than the prometheus films.
@RynooReacts 2 күн бұрын
Such a fun little twist at the end!! 😁
@group-music 2 күн бұрын
The AVP films have nothing to do with the Alien franchise. They are separate.
@alexandervelez9507 2 күн бұрын
@@group-music to you and i respect it.
@parinthianquattropani9071 3 күн бұрын
The main complaint in this film was that it was too dark, making some of the scenes almost impossible to see what's happening. I think it's ok, not exactly horrible, but they could have done better.
@RynooReacts 3 күн бұрын
Couldn't agree with this more!!! Such a shame, I was squinting through most of it haha 😅
@ztomas1 5 күн бұрын
Just an FYI - theres a difference between a robot and android
@RynooReacts 4 күн бұрын
Noted! Thanks for letting me know!
@ptsteelers 5 күн бұрын
Best jump scare I have seen. You, as the viewer, get lulled into the family drama of it all and then BAM... Scream!! Great job and reaction. I hope you plan on continuing the Flanagan'verse after you finish this series. In-fact, I hope you have never seen the Shining so you can watch that and then Flanagan's Doctor Sleep (which is a good one to watch after that Shining classic)
@RynooReacts 4 күн бұрын
Haha I feel like I'm still recovering from this jump scare!! They really do pull the viewer in and then it comes so unexpectedly!!! I have seen the shining many many years ago, but never Doctor Sleep!!
@ptsteelers 4 күн бұрын
@@RynooReacts Well if your memory of The Shining movie is pretty well ingrained, as it is for most of us, hahaha, I know we would all love to see you jump on that Doctor Sleep. :D I think you will be happy afterwards, as it is pretty darn good. Flanagan does a great job with the movie, incorporating some "aspects" of Kings' book (The Shining) that Kubrick omitted/changed and King's more recent Doctor Sleep book. Most fans, and King himself, give Doctor Sleep a thumbs up! :) And of course, I am hoping you get to other Flanagan movies like: - Hush - Gerald's Game (Another King book) - Oculus (Not sure this would be a good one for your channel though, haha) And other Flanagan shows like: - The Haunting of Bly Manor - Midnight Mass - The Fall of the House of Usher... all of which do pretty good on the view count for most reaction vids. Good luck, happy viewing and sorry for being so damn long winded. Haha
@jondishmonmusicandstuff2753 6 күн бұрын
You have no idea what you're talking about, sir. She can't leave because the alien is blocking her way. Did you not see it?
@RynooReacts 4 күн бұрын
I got a little confused on which direction Ripley was heading at this point! 😅
@jeffmartin1026 7 күн бұрын
The psychologist is played by Russ Tamblin. He is in the original film version of the book. He plays a character named Luke in the movie.
@RynooReacts 6 күн бұрын
Oh wow that's such a cool Easter egg!!! 😁
@jeffmartin1026 7 күн бұрын
The 1963 film "The Haunting" is a fairly close adaptation of Shirley Jackson's book The Haunting of Hill House". 60 years later it is still considered one of the best "haunted house" films ever made. The storyline is completely different, but you will see where Mike Flanagan got his inspiration for this series.
@RynooReacts 6 күн бұрын
Oooh I'll have to check that out!!!
@user-bl5yi4uw6j 7 күн бұрын
Congrats on surviving the jumpscare! Some people say their heart stopped, others say their soul left their bodies, others give themselves whiplash, and some become hysterical!!😀
@RynooReacts 4 күн бұрын
Haha I feel like I only just survived, I wasn't expecting it at all, I was concentrating so hard on what was happening! I definitely needed to watch something funny after this episode just to recover! 😅
@user-bl5yi4uw6j 7 күн бұрын
Nice reaction as always. At the fertility centre, Steve sees his mother, Olivia, in the window. Again, Steve sees ghosts all the time, but he refuses to admit it, ascribing it to mental illness. I also have a theory that when Steve sleeps, he sees future and past ghostly happenings. He might not realize it, but that's what helped him write his book, and that's why Theo made the "you slept through it" remark in the context of his book. All Hugh and Olivia's children have some sort of psychic ability along with Olivia and, maybe, Hugh, too. I wonder if this is what the House feeds off. "The Shining" has a similar storyline, and is it possible Stephen King cribbed it from Shirley Jackson's earlier book "Hill House?" You might consider watching "The Shining" after Hill House to compare/contrast. Note when Hugh got into the car with Steve, Hugh says "I just want to help." Steve used to say that to Hugh when he was a kid. Remember all the black mould in Hill House? That was what was on the destroyed "Forever House." It seems Hill House = Forever House. There was also black mould on the bottom of the vanity/dressing table that Steve fixed up for Olivia, the one whose mirror Olivia cracked whereupon you said: "She's cracking up." That was quite a pun, I thought. When Steve mentioned Luke's drawing ghouls (the thing he saw in the basement), I had the thought that whatever that was didn't really hurt Luke, and it must've sent him back up in the dumbwaiter. Despite being horrible looking and frightening Luke, it may have been benign. Just a thought. By the way, the actresses playing Shirley and Theo didn't know Nell was going to pop out then, so they were genuinely taken-aback. When Luke sees Olivia at Hill House, she's wearing a red dress. That connects Olivia to the Red Room. Of course, red symbolises blood, danger, desire, passion, love etc. So, maybe Olivia is dangerous love? The women who attacked Luke was the same woman in the picture Mrs. Dudley showed Steve, insane Poppy Hill. That was her vanity/dressing table iirc. Poppy had children, a boy and a girl. She poisoned them. Unlike Nell, Luke may have been grabbed straightaway by Poppy because he attacked the House. Remember Olivia held the screwdriver to Hugh's throat after he attacked the Red Room door, I think. Things look dire for Luke because Nell saw him dead on the motel ceiling. That's why she was calling everyone, she was concerned about him. Also, Olivia tried to pull Luke into Nell's grave. Olivia clearly wanted Nell and Luke dead and, probably, the other kids, too.
@RynooReacts 4 күн бұрын
Ahhh so much of this makes sense! Thanks for taking the time to write such a great explanation! 😁
@thepuzzleoracle6760 7 күн бұрын
I love the scene with Steve and the dad, it gives me chills every time!
@RynooReacts 7 күн бұрын
So much that needed to be said!!! The actors in this show are so great!!!
@user-bl5yi4uw6j 6 күн бұрын
"You see the marks, but you don't know how to read them," and "I never built you kids a tree house." Two lines that definitely give chills.
@gregf9160 8 күн бұрын
So, you haven't seen the alternate ending ... HA! That's another story,
@RynooReacts 8 күн бұрын
There's an alternative ending?!? 😯 I'm going to have to check out all the alternative scenes when I finish the franchise!!!
@gregf9160 11 сағат бұрын
@@RynooReacts Yep there sure is.
@DestinyAwaits19 8 күн бұрын
I like the Predator designs in this movie. Their plastic look.
@lokeshmahendra8202 9 күн бұрын
One of the best popcorn movies and my guilty pressure 😂❤
@RynooReacts 8 күн бұрын
Haha agreed! Definitely a great popcorn movie! 🍿
@BigGator5 10 күн бұрын
"Don't turn your back on me!" You know, I'll defend this movie. It's really not that bad. People throw "It's Not 'R' Rated Around" like that is a legitimate criticism. The direct sequel is, however, absolute trash. Fun Fact: Theatrical movie debut of Karima McAdams. Practical Over CGI Fact: Almost every set in this movie had to be built from scratch (twenty-five to thirty in total). Casting Notes Fact: Except for scenes with stand-ins, Ian Whyte played all of the Predators. He was the first Predator actor since Kevin Peter Hall, who died in 1991. Historical Fact: The Antarctic setting on Bouvet Island is based on the unexplained "Vela Incident" of September 22, 1979, where a satellite recorded a flash of light near the island. It was first speculated to have been a man made nuclear explosion, or a natural event, such as a meteor strike, but this has never been resolved. Cutting Room Floor Fact: It's not clear in the film if Scar (Ian Whyte) was aware that he was impregnated with a chestburster. A deleted scene was to show that he is and that he attempts to stab himself through the chest with his ceremonial dagger before he dies, but he succumbs to his wounds before he can do so. However this sequence was cut.
@RynooReacts 9 күн бұрын
Wow thanks so much for taking the time to share these!! They were all so interesting! 😁
@BigGator5 9 күн бұрын
You're welcome! 😁 Go in Peace and Walk with God. 😎 👍
@eddietucker7005 10 күн бұрын
The actor that plays grown Luke is actually British. He’s doing a great accent.
@RynooReacts 10 күн бұрын
😮 No way!!! I had no idea! He does an amazing job!!
@eddietucker7005 10 күн бұрын
You are so cool! Where are you? I can’t place your accent…
@RynooReacts 10 күн бұрын
Haha thanks! I'm from the UK! 😁
@eno88 10 күн бұрын
And for the record, that thing is called a predalien. It's even more of a monster than either of the species. It's featured in a few of the videogames and comic books.
@MintyPur 10 күн бұрын
A detail I love about this episode is that in one of Luke's speeches, he talks about cars paaing by watching there headlights hoping one day his mom would show up and at the end when we see his mom her eyes are headlight symbolizing her return.
@RynooReacts 10 күн бұрын
@KellyKels23 11 күн бұрын
I know a lot of people don’t like this movie or the next one, but I love them. I’m a sucker for creature features, even some of the silliest ones! Just sit back and enjoy monsters fighting.
@RynooReacts 10 күн бұрын
Haha YES! This was a fun movie! 😁
@serenitytoepper 11 күн бұрын
I'd not be with that team, yeah, I would leave but that's me, I am not curious enough to go down there and find my own death. So, I'd be on the ship or well flying out of there. I am not sticking around there's not enough money in the world that to convince to check out lost temples and or hidden pyramids.
@RynooReacts 10 күн бұрын
Hahaha same! I'm surprised that EVERYONE decided to go check it out, curiosity killed the cat!
@serenitytoepper 10 күн бұрын
@@RynooReacts Actually since it's the Alien universe curiosity killed the dog, not the cat, the cat had enough sense to run. Lol.
@serenitytoepper 11 күн бұрын
I can't find the correct time, but it said that the original Alien was to be set in the year 2122, in the far future. But now looking through everything it's not telling me when Alien Vs Predator happened and when it all took place. It just keeps telling me the year it came out. I heard a rumor that said this is where it all started, and that Wayland's origin began, or his Descendants started and it just goes down from there, but I can't be sure if that's correct but there supposed to be connected.
@RynooReacts 10 күн бұрын
This movie is actually set the year it came out so 2004! It comes up near the start of the movie when the satellites first see the heat signature! But that would make sense for why they are so heavily involved in the future!
@mariopenavic8573 10 күн бұрын
Just to help you both out, I think the major Alien films in-universe timeline goes something like this … _Alien_ - 2122. _Aliens_ & _Alien3_ - 2179. _Alien: Ressurection_ - 2381. _Prometheus_ - 2094. _Alien: Covenant_ - 2104. *Upcoming _Alien: Romulus_ - c. 2142.
@serenitytoepper 11 күн бұрын
God this was an amazing reaction. I love this crossover between the two series of Movies. Predators are tough and hunters by nature, but damn the Aliens still carry their own weight in strength and speed, but I don't know if the girl hadn't helped or if she hadn't been there to help, I think the Alien Queen might have survived. Hard choice to say which is best because they both have such high ranks and also their own skills in their environments, they both have that in common they can hunt just about anywhere there adaptable to any Climate. So, it's a hard question to answer which is best, but I have to go with the Predators being just a bit smarter than the Aliens but then again, it's hard to say the Aliens have their own strange smartness too and not much is known how smart they are but there are times we have seen them learn fast and they hold grudges, considering Alien Resurrection, where they did show signs of intelligence too, but there mostly pure hunters and kill by nature or whatever the Queen wants of them. You know the hard thing for me is for these movies? Or this movie I should say. My first time learning about Predators and Aliens was out of context and I didn't even know what their story lines were about. I was younger I remember that, when I was first interduce to this movie, and it terrified me, but I think the biggest part of this movie that gets to me, is the sound effects of the chest burster hearing that bone cracking and crushing sound, it messed with me. I have watched Alien and Aliens and all of them but none of them have ever made me feel scared as I felt the first time watching this or my first time being exposed to this whole Alien universe. I am glad that you chose to react to this movie. I don't think it's bad or good, I think it's pretty badass movie with them mixing with its crossover between these two series. they get gorier than Alien or Predator movies. But the second movie in Alien Vs Predators has its scenes where it still scares me today and truly fucks with the mind and gives a true horror to it all. And honestly there's some stuff you just can't unsee. But I liked this reaction. The Black actor. I can't remember his name off the top of my head. But I only recall seeing him play in one of my old childhood favorites movie slash series. It was called Dinotopia. Hard movie to find but even harder to find reactors to want to check it out.
@RynooReacts 10 күн бұрын
Hey, I'm so glad you enjoyed the video! It's definitely hard to figure out who is best, but in this movie the 3 predators were there to prove themselves so maybe an older predator would have had an easier time? Who knows haha! The sound effects in this movie were great!! The bone cracking was nasty!! So you saw this movie first? It has such a different vibe to the other movies so thats so interesting! Ooh I'll look into that movie recommendation! Thanks!
@serenitytoepper 10 күн бұрын
@RynooReacts that would be nice if someone did it is it's a three-disc series you can either buy it as a desk set there are just three DVDs, so it basically was a 3-day miniseries back in the old days made by Hallmark, but it was still really good and honestly, I grew up with that movie. The story plot line is about these two boys who get stranded who lose their dad in a plane crash and they end up on a Dinosaur Island or a world called Dinotopia.
@mariopenavic8573 10 күн бұрын
@@serenitytoepper I think the actor you mentioned is Colin Salmon. It took me a moment to remember, but he was also in the first _Resident Evil_ movie, likewise directed by Anderson.
@alexandervelez9507 11 күн бұрын
it’s believed that the predators injected their xenomorphs with an advanced growth hormone so that the hunt could begin sooner. i recommend you check out avp 2 although it’s pretty flawed… particularly with the script and lighting. there’s some cool creature shots and a neat easter egg scene in the end.
@RynooReacts 11 күн бұрын
Ohhhh interesting, well that would explain it then! I will be checking out the next AVP so I get the complete picture everyone has on these movies! Thanks for checking out the video! 😁
@mariopenavic8573 11 күн бұрын
Awesome! Thank you Ryan for posting it at this time; I finally get to watch, like and comment on the very same day! I second everything you said: not really top production or very consistent with other films in either franchises but it offers what it promises, and is quite fun overall. In fact, I said previously how _Resurrection_ works if you think about it with a comic book quality, then maybe AvP is better seen as a sort of video game movie? Mind you, I think the original two _Alien vs Predator_ video games actually came out before this film (albeit there is no similarity in plot and setting whatsoever) and the director, Paul W. S. Anderson , is notorious, haha, for adapting other franchises, both _Resident Evil_ and Mortal Kombat_ I think. Don't get me wrong - those are very fun and enjoyable films! I think somebody else also mentioned _Event Horizon_ which is another film by the same director and you should definitely check it out as well; think, a haunted house, but IN SPACE! Eh, my advice would be to skip the next AvP entry, as it adds really nothing to the story but I'll be sure to check it out if you do. And I am sooo looking forward to both _Prometheus_ and _Predators_ reactions!! Oh, and lest I forget; best jumpscare, Lexa surprising dr. Miller before the penguins showed up, and the best (funniest!) line has to be "They gonna have a kiss?" Oh, that gave me such a good laugh! Keep up the good work, Ryan!
@RynooReacts 11 күн бұрын
Hey! Thanks for checking out the video, I appreciate it as you previously mentioned you weren't the biggest fan of these! Yess Event Horizon has been mentioned and it's on the list now haha, haunted house in space sounds great! The director definitely made a creative decision with this one haha! I'll be checking out the next AVP movie with the same outlook of not taking it too seriously just so I get the complete picture by the end of the franchises! But I am looking forward to checking out the prequels and new Predator movies!! I'm glad no harm came to the penguin haha!!
@mariopenavic8573 10 күн бұрын
@@RynooReacts Hey, like you responded in another comment, Ryan, I am here through the good, the bad and the ugly, haha. Even if the film is bad, the reaction will likely be a hoot!
@peperino25 11 күн бұрын
Please DON'T watch Aliens vs. Predator 2 (2007) i recommend you better : 🔥 *Predators (2010)* BONUS TRACK 🔥 _BLADE Trilogy_ 🔥 ★ -- *Blade I* (1998) ★ -- *Blade II* (2002) ★ -- *Blade III* : Trinity (2004)
@RynooReacts 11 күн бұрын
I'm it for the long haul, the good the bad and ugly haha 😅 Oooh yes I'll add the Blade films to the list thank you!!!
@jozefbak1668 11 күн бұрын
Charles ,,Bishop" Weyland owner of the Weyland industries. After his death his family member Peter Weyland born in Mumbai made Weyland Corporation he died in prometheus then was Weyland-Youtani when genius employer Michael Bishop has design Bishop android and there was alien movies with Sigourney Weaver as Ripley.
@RynooReacts 11 күн бұрын
Ohhh interesting, thank you!! 😁
@eno88 11 күн бұрын
7:54 . One take. One single take. Just youtube "Alien resurrection ripley's basketball scene" from PatrickPredator.
@RynooReacts 11 күн бұрын
Unbelievable! That's amazing!! 😁