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17 жыл бұрын
@shantilalshah5991 Ай бұрын
please give me your mo no
@kevinevans2080 Жыл бұрын
Love you much .❤❤😂😂🤘🤘Namaste❤
@NetiNeti25920 Жыл бұрын
As an Indian/Hindu, I have been seeing these "Guru" videos through the past few weeks. Advaita itself is a beautiful philosophy, just like A Course in Miracles, Sufism, Dzogchen (TIbetan Buddhism) and other strands of non duality throughout world history of religions and movements. The fake neo Advaitins and cult gurus have mastered the art of word salads and alphabet soups. Breaks my heart to see what these narcissists/psychopaths have done in the name of Neo Advaita. Every year tons of these spiritual backpackers land up here in Thiruvannamalai in the south and Rishikesh in the north. So many of them desperately need to heal their inner deep wounds like abusive relationships, childhood traumas and more. Like moths to a flame, these empaths (mostly women) are drawn to these Satsangs just to have a taste of community. This has grown exponentially since the CV 2020 event. Gaslighting, brainwashing, and manipulation is the name of the game. And yes, there is no question, no questioner, you are just an idea - but please pay EUR 10,000 for a 10 day retreat. Disassociation, replacing memories, and other NLP dark psychology tactics are obvious to any one with a keen sense of observation. Western society being inherently individualistic and our human craving for social settings has led to this. No wonder these clowns are totally unknown here in India itself, because people would see through their game within the first 5 mins. I do hope Western seekers find true non duality and be led towards the True Light Within. Trying to understand non duality (which itself is the highest level of attainment only to be explored when one is sufficiently practiced in all types of yoga as it was reserved as the highest of masters after years of training) without the background of scriptures and in a secular/material reductionist context is harakiri. Asatoma Sad gamaya Tamasoma Jyotir gamaya Mrityurma Amrutam gamaya Om Shanti Shanti Shanti hi (Lead me from ignorance to knowledge Lead me from darkness to light Lead me from death to immortality Om Peace Peace Peace)
@radicalhonesty3628 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in a deep dark suicidal depression, friends. Every moment filled with pain and terror. My soul: raped. My heart: heavy with grief.
@TonyRigo23 3 жыл бұрын
Not real.
@glo9547 4 жыл бұрын
What a vacuous meaningless oration. There’s no truth or soundness in what she’s “saying”. False teacher come to deceive. Seek the Lord Jesus who is the way the truth and the life.
@epiphany55 6 жыл бұрын
This is actually a rational position to take when it comes to dealing with the mind. Thoughts occur within a primary awareness, otherwise how would we be able to perceive such thoughts? The only way thought can arise and be perceived is through a lens of experience. It stands to reason that, without that lens, we would not perceive thought. Gangaji is simply claiming that thought arises within a capacity to be aware of that thought. Therefore we we can observe thought in the same way we do any other phenomenon which arises into consciousness. You could follow a passing cloud if that was your focus. You could tune in to audible sounds. Or you could follow your thought patterns. Behind it all is awareness of those phenomena, and that primary awareness is the essence of conscious being.
@smilelikeUmeanit90 7 жыл бұрын
@michaellai536 7 жыл бұрын
Go vegan treat people like shit I am 20% better than you
@michaellai536 7 жыл бұрын
Be nice to animals
@benth162 8 жыл бұрын
OMG, she did have a face lift..... I wonder how that fits in with her life's philosophy? Kind of seems like a tad hypocritical don't you think? And that folks, makes her a phony !
@ottoegan-schulz2307 8 жыл бұрын
+Rumple Stiltskin maybe that can be 'included'
@VikkiDark 8 жыл бұрын
My Angel
@excusesbegone 9 жыл бұрын
I so get this.. three yrs ago these truths would have puzzled. Thank you
@excusesbegone 9 жыл бұрын
I so get this.. three yrs ago these truths would have puzzled. Thank you
@myaunteffy1440 9 жыл бұрын
I just watched this again and got even more than the first viewing. Thank you.
@alilouscriptali1266 10 жыл бұрын
gangaji say nothings changed but in fact everythings improve
@JeremiahKlarman 10 жыл бұрын
Just gorgeous and wonderful that people are sharing these words. Thank you, thank you, thank you.:)
@myaunteffy1440 10 жыл бұрын
@breathecenteraccept120 10 жыл бұрын
WAS IST MEINE KERN-BOTSCHAFT? (Deutsche Übersetzung) „Ich hatte heute Morgen ein Interview, ein wirklich wunderbares Interview, denn es war lebendig, es war eine wahrhaftige Frage. Sie kam nicht um einfach nur ein Interview zu machen, sie kam, um herauszufinden, was es ist, das ich zu sagen habe. Also fragte sie mich, was meine Kernbotschaft ist. Meine Kernbotschaft ist, dass immer, in jedem Augenblick, in jedem Moment, in jeder Lebenslage stilles Gewahrsein in Dir lebendig ist. Nicht stilles Gewahrsein als Gegenteil zu Geräuschen oder dem Sprechen, sondern stilles Gewahrsein, absolut stilles Gewahrsein, das Alles einbezieht. Sogar einschließlich der Gedanken, die Du darüber hast, wer Du bist. 1:05. Die Gedanken, die Du darüber hast, wer Du bist, sind nicht wer Du bist. Sie sind Gedanken, die auftauchen in dem „Wer Du bist“. Du bist stilles Gewahrsein. Ich habe das Wort „Stille“ gebraucht, viele Jahre lang, aber ich erkenne, dass es so leicht ist, die Bedeutung davon verfälschen, dann wird daraus Stille im Gegensatz zum Sprechen, oder im Gegensatz zur Handlung. Und das ist es nicht. Es ist stilles Gewahrsein, das sich allen Sprechens, allen Handelns gewahr ist und gewahr allen Nicht-Sprechens, aller Nicht-Handlung. Also ist es die Auflösung aller Dualitäten. Nicht im Gegensatz zu irgendeiner Dualität, sondern als Auflösung von Dualität. Das ist die Kernbotschaft. Die Kern-. 2:16. Dann ist unsere miteinander verbrachte Zeit wirklich darauf verwendet, darauf zu zeigen und aufzudecken, was das dann für Dich bedeutet. Wenn es nicht etwas ist, das Du erlernst oder an das Du glaubst oder Dich erinnerst - was ich Dir nicht anrate -, sondern etwas, das Du tatsächlich entdeckst, was bedeutet das für Dein Leben? Wie offenbart es sich dann? 2:50 Sie stellte mir auch viele Fragen, einige Glaubens-Fragen. Glauben an ewiges Leben. Ich sagte „Was, wenn Du nicht an ewiges Leben glaubst?“ ... „Aber wir sind eine spirituelle Subkultur, wir müssen an ewiges Leben glauben.“ „Was, wenn Du an gar nichts glaubst - für einen Moment?“ Wag Dich! Nicht an irgendwas glauben! Nur für einen Moment. Wenn Du es wagst, ist da die Möglichkeit wirklicher Erkundung. Wirklicher Erforschung. Es besteht dann die Möglichkeit, die Kapazität, Dich selbst als das stille Gewahrsein zu entdecken. Nicht daran zu glauben, denn wenn Du daran glaubst, wird dies nur ein Gedanke darüber sein. Aber es erkennen, Dich selbst erkennen, was bedeutet das? Ich kann Dir sagen, was es für mich bedeutet hat. „Das ist eine sehr gute Nachricht“, wie Barajala (?) sagen würde. 4:16 Es ist eine sehr gute Nachricht - universell. Aber es bedeutet nicht zwingend, dass Deine Persönlichkeit sich ändern wird, oder dass Deine Lebensumstände sich verändern werden, oder dass Deine Emotionen sich ändern werden, oder dass Du leiser sein wirst. Es bedeutet überhaupt nichts zwingend, außer seiner eigenen guten Nachricht. 4:54 Sie fragte mich auch, ob ich eine Missionarin sei. Das ist ebenfalls eine gute Frage. Ich bin durchaus keine Missionarin. Meine Mission ist, Dich einfach einzuladen, falls Du Dich davon angezogen fühlst, und falls Du neugierig bist, in Dein Selbst zu investieren, das immer hier ist, das bereits wach ist, das nicht objektiviert werden kann und doch präsent ist, und letztendlich das Wer-Du-bist. 5:37 Sie fragte mich dann: „Was ist mit Deiner Lehre?“. Ich sagte „Gut, einige Menschen nennen mich eine Lehrerin, aber es ist kein Unterrichten per se. Denn Wer-Du-Bist kann tatsächlich niemals gelehrt werden. Wenn es gelehrt werden könnte, wäre es ein Ding, das extrahiert und objektiviert und erlernt werden könnte. Und bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt hätten wir Alle es schon erlernt, denn wir haben es gehört. Wisst Ihr? Und wenn Du eine spezielle Untergruppe hast, hast Du gehört, Du bist strahlendes Licht, Du bist Gottes Kind, Du bist frei, Du bist in Sicherheit. Doch es zu hören, sogar es zu verstehen, es zu glauben, es auswendig zu lernen, zu hoffen, dass es wahr ist, ist nicht genug. Es muss direkt entdeckt werden. 6:50 Meine Einladung heute für Euch ist also, dass Ihr all Eure Glauben aufgebt - für die Dauer unseres Treffens. Glauben hat seinen Zweck, seinen Platz, es ist nichts Falsches am Glauben. Manch ein Glauben ist besser als andere, mancher Glauben dient uns besser als andere, aber - für unser Treffen - wenn Du sie alle aufgibst und einfach gegenwärtig bist als Du Selbst, als stilles Gewahrsein, dann hast Du die Gelegenheit, zu entdecken: ist da eine Grenze zum stillen Bewusstsein, gibt es ein Problem mit dem stillen Gewahrsein, gibt es irgendwo Trennung, irgendwo? 7:46 Dies zu entdecken, dies zu erkunden, nicht im Voraus zu wissen, ob ja oder nein, sondern zu entdecken - dann haben unsere Konversationen, unser Treffen und unser bloßes Beisammensein ihren Nutzen in Deinem Leben erhalten. Und dann wird Dein Leben dem kollektiven Leben nutzen. Dem planetaren Leben, dem kosmischen Leben.“
@coolwater55 10 жыл бұрын
Why do all spiritual teachers drone.
@virtue_signal_ 5 жыл бұрын
It's more sage like
@michaelfield3223 10 жыл бұрын
If you have ever wondered why we are here and where we are going, check out a book called ▬ThePresent▬ at ┤TruthContest•com┤.
@starrdusk1 10 жыл бұрын
I think, I am not certain, but I absolutely do think that one of the things that i like about the 'no belief' system is that it leaves you free to write about things from any angel of belief that you choose for a given subject or point in Time. Yes, i m absolutely certain that this is what I think.
@metabutch 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you Gangaji!
@danielabartelli4734 10 жыл бұрын
What a gorgeous emanation of a godess!!!
@PositiveMindHypnosis 10 жыл бұрын
XXX Thought is Precious XXX Thinking in it’s most part is Behavioral Activity. Behavioral Activity can be programmed. Using language as a mind software we permanently are repeating our desired goals through spoken words, just like a mantra. This way we are establishing a specific pattern of information and literally downloading as well as programming the subconscious mind, which in response will trigger the programmed action. Our subconscious mind works like a computer. It turns commands..
@Katharina245 11 жыл бұрын
if you were so in touch with your silent awareness, you wouldn't be talking bad about Gangaji. I don't care either way. I just felt the critical vibration when I read your comment and was like: who is stopping you from showing the entire world the taste of silent awareness. within seconds
@woofmeow5514 11 жыл бұрын
Wow. No words to describe the truth of this
@smilelikeUmeanit90 7 жыл бұрын
exactly :)
@elshisu 11 жыл бұрын
All masters (those who know who they are) are the same, but not all of them have tha power to put you on the very edge (it is always up to you to jump), and she is one of the most powerfull, alive, these days.
@wekalegs 11 жыл бұрын
well put :-)
@barbarajeanjazz 11 жыл бұрын
The Truth is the truth and needs no belief to be true. How wonderful! This core message and A Course in Miracles are different symbols (words) pointing to the same realization. I am so grateful for the blessings of my spirit guides and fellow travelers through this apparent earthly life. Peace to All.
@CPoddy 11 жыл бұрын
(continuation) No doubt there are garments of identity that can one by one be removed. They are false creations of our collective minds and personality.(false ego) A safe haven is desired and a witness is created. We find previously unknown psychological peace in this. Religion says this atman is eternal. A skeptic says that it will die with the brain. What evidence can you present to the skeptic that it is 1. eternal and that 2. It is who you are.
@WhiteSugarFive 11 жыл бұрын
We are not gods, we are God. You don't understand the message.
@WhiteSugarFive 11 жыл бұрын
She's not saying were deity's. Us, as the collective humanity are part of the unified consciousness, which IS God.
@Jac0bIAm 11 жыл бұрын
I love her, this made me cry :-)
@donbakerseattle 11 жыл бұрын
We are never in danger of losing our soul. Being afraid of silence sounds silly - it is our natural self.
@donbakerseattle 11 жыл бұрын
We can't destroy our soul. What are you talking about?
@FalconBlancoSpain 11 жыл бұрын
One can't imagine how delightful I feel after having discovered Gangaji & her videos! For more than 40 years I am talking & writing about the same essential conclusion & I had felt alone, but now I can see that indeed there is at least one person more on this planet with the same intention: That people wake up and *face the fake* within their fake reality that they are trying to live. Becoming conscious about the fact, that we are all living in a big scam, that of society and with oneself! - Ah!
@Motorsheep 11 жыл бұрын
There are quite a few people who found out, you could maybe ask them. This lady here is one of them. You could ask the Dalai Lama, who travels the world and advocates peace, respect, understanding..stuff like that. You might also ask Kyentse Yeshe, successful businessman and the son of a renowned Tibetan scholar. He says when, after 30 years of not being interested in the teachings of his father, he finally tried meditation, it made him more efficient, giving him more time with his family..
@david203 11 жыл бұрын
"Simply welcoming what is here" may seem undesirable as compared to eliminating what we don't like. But consider drug users--they are modifying themselves so that they can accept everything that happens, not just the things they like. They are changing their set of likes to be larger. Awakening to the Self is just like that: it expands the range of likes so that we love everything as ourselves. What a delightful goal! And yet it is natural, achievable, and effortless.
@jo89k41 11 жыл бұрын
But at the same time if its so true, why then when we are quiet, does it dissapear in a instant, leaving us humbled by our lack of knowing. It must be a veil of some sort. Sure a useful veil, and a important one, but if your seeking happiness and peace, you will have to let go of this. Its up to you on what you want, complexity or simplicity, contradiction or crystal clarity. In the end they are mere perspective, but what is truer? It is meant to deflate you, thats why it feels belittleling.
@jo89k41 11 жыл бұрын
Peace can be coupled with understanding. This is not glazed over anything, in actuality, often spirtuality may lead to not being as dependent on the mind to understand, to conceptulize experience, because as anyone who has tried to meditate sees- the mind is often overbearing, and OVER analyzes things. I find that this can lead to being less attached and dependent, which may lead to even greater intellectual ability without being bound to it. Complexity and contradiction is true.
@jo89k41 11 жыл бұрын
Its because you are attached to your concepts, they help keep you safe and feel like you actually know whats going on. Try giving up those beliefs, and feeling the weight of trying to understand disappear, then peace will come. If your bringing philosophy into spirituality, you are in the wrong place buddy.
@peterbentsen4890 12 жыл бұрын
Love her..We are blessed to have her and enlightened ones like her speaking the truth in this world at this time of such great stress..I hope to meet her one day.
@LesNisbett 12 жыл бұрын
Lovely~who is playing the flute at the end? Love that sound.Namaste~
@Wafaloo 12 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who can't make heads or tails out of this...?
@daniellewis214 12 жыл бұрын
she is beautiful
@bgupta2001 12 жыл бұрын
request----instead of killing ,spoiling lives,destroying ,sending under earth ,hells ,if some place is given far away from india .and some thing are done for better to improve the qualities of humans and souls .so that every one can live . every one was not born with the god grace and nature's grace of good qualities and the good fate to have good inteligence ,qualities ,wisdom ,and circuimstances not to commit ever any mistakes or sins
@bgupta2001 12 жыл бұрын
in india ,tamilnadu ,human souls are taken under earth ,under rocks ,even to several thousnds kilometers under rocks,taking old revenges ,vengenes ,conspirancies ,polatics and given different shapes .in sevrages and made like aliens .taking under earth and beating and burning .please save to every one,every molecules and request to bring all the souls ,creatures from under earth to on earth .and requests to request not to spoil souls and humans.please save from pains sufferings .please save
@bgupta2001 12 жыл бұрын
request you to from the time ancient ,puranic times ,there may be mistakes of one or two persons .mistakes would have been due to bad wisedom ,bad thoughts or bad fate and were not born with enough fortunate with good qualities not to commit mistakes and sins which made sinner and sinner and could not come out of sins . due to that others also victims .at those times itself some wise peoples would have taken proper steps for betterment that mistakes should not be repeated .
@bgupta2001 12 жыл бұрын
every one was not born with the god and nature's grace of good qualities and the good fate to have good inteligence ,wisdom ,and circuimstances not to commit ever any mistakes and sins . request and pray ---every human every soul either good or bad ,angle or evil ,sinner,demon , god or devil every one want to live as a good humanbeing --please save
@bgupta2001 12 жыл бұрын
request you to request---instead of killing ,spoiling lives,destroying ,sending under earth ,hells ,if some place is given far away from india .and some thing are done for better to improve the qualities of humans and souls .so that every one can live,or given death to souls in front of every one on the earth only