Why do we always use old textbooks?
The Importance of Onboarding
Do we have too many schools?
The Final Straw
Ай бұрын
Avoid REDUNDANCY in eLearning
Interview Ghosting
3 ай бұрын
Interview Red Flags
3 ай бұрын
The benefits of SUPPORTIVE bosses
Written vs  Visual Storyboards
Learning styles are a MYTH
3 ай бұрын
ID vs LXD: What's the difference?
Should Non Compete Clauses exist?
@luckycast4972 2 күн бұрын
Goblin, it does you no good to trim your moustache like that. What the fuck were you thinking, and why did no one stop you.
@gregorybrown6719 3 күн бұрын
It doesn't help that influential " educators " like Jeffery Canada and many others encouraged the cult, the myth of the SUPER TEACHER. That stalwart always available, working from a sick bed, ignoring their own kids for yours, and epitome of selfless dedication. According to him and the Gates, and Broad Foundations, that teacher alone is the: " single most important factor in determining a student's academic outcomes ". Not the family or home environment, not a student own work ethic, and motivation, just the teacher. They'll get it done. They'll do it despite exhaustion, poor pay, disrespect, personal crisis, student idolence, roommate parent indifference, shit loads of central office compliance bullshit, mandated assessment curriculums, etcetcetc. Fuck it all....
@KevinTheID 3 күн бұрын
I think that decades' old illusion has finally broken too with the fact that so many teachers have not only left but how much we have de-professionalized educators in recent years. We aren't superhuman and we're tired of trying to live up to that moniker. We completely burned out from it and realized we could find a better life outside of the classroom than what the role of teacher could provide.
@Jason-gt5bz 6 күн бұрын
I quit 1 year ago, and wish I quit sooner. I have my sanity back
@KevinTheID 6 күн бұрын
Glad you got out! Having sanity back is priceless for me as well.
@AlwaysHopeful87 7 күн бұрын
Teacher, day care worker, social worker, prison guard, soldier, prisoner... Which time-on-task happens most in the American classroom.
@phyllisasinyanbi1995 9 күн бұрын
Parents can be a teacher’s worst enemy.
@KevinTheID 9 күн бұрын
Especially these days with what is being termed "Roommate Parents" who want teachers to parent their children while they get to just hang out with them and be their friend.
@steveabraira3178 11 күн бұрын
@JesusAlways1st 11 күн бұрын
We have a teacher’s shortage in the classroom!!
@KevinTheID 11 күн бұрын
It's more of a teacher retention issue than just a simple "shortage" as I said in the video.
@AprilFriday-de6vm 12 күн бұрын
Yeah, there’s no therapist shortage either. There are a lot of therapists who can’t make enough to pay for daycare, or cannot deal with the mental health costs of working in schools. I’m so grateful for the awesome school I get to work in. It can be so, so awful. De-professionalism is a huge issue for us, too. We have the same degree as private practice occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech therapists, but parents frequently devalue our professional input. It’s less valuable because it’s free to them, so they expect a 20-year veteran to follow directions from a brand-new grad, because she’s in private practice and must be smarter. It’s just a reflection of overall disrespect for public education, and the political attempts to shut it down using a public relations campaign.
@KevinTheID 12 күн бұрын
That doesn't surprise me at all unfortunately. We've de-professionalized education and everything to such a degree that we have eroded the institution as a whole. Sure, there's the political argument that they want to privatize education, but at the same time we need to acknowledge that part of it is just a changing culture when it comes to parenting. They expect educators to not only teach their children but also parent them as well because they just want to be their kids' friends - which is beyond our purview and saddles educators with more work and stress that they don't need. It's debilitating the professional as a whole and leading us down a road where students will be taught by the worst quality educators.
@AprilFriday-de6vm 11 күн бұрын
@@KevinTheID I’ve seen the deflection of responsibility things, but it seems to vary widely even within my own metro area. Refugees and new immigrants don’t do that, for the most part. But every school where I’ve worked has had at least a few entitled parents. Sometimes to a comical degree. I love serving a school with 30% English Language Learners. The kids come in with a work ethic, and their parents are actually grateful. I mean, a good number of the other families are great, too. But it’s really obvious which kids have no behavioral expectations at home. And their parents would really like us to fix that. Along with teaching them to tie their shoes, wipe their own noses, etc. If I had a whole school full of that, I would have quit a long time ago.
@KevinTheID 11 күн бұрын
@@AprilFriday-de6vm Well put!
@aletheia161 13 күн бұрын
I can't see this situation ever improving. The damage has been done over many years. It's beginning to look like Israel and Palestine unsolvable.
@KevinTheID 13 күн бұрын
On the contrary, it's an easy thing to solve, unlike the deep cultural and religious issues that plague Israel and Palestine that prevent them from reaching a simple or sensible compromise. For education: 1. Pay teachers a living wage. 2. Have actual disciplinary consequences for student misbehavior. 3. Restore teacher's abilities to remove troublesome students. 4. Hire administrators who are actually interested in helping their staff rather than just using teachers to get promoted. 5. Allow teachers more flexibility with how they plan and execute curriculum. 6. Abolish the current teacher evaluation system and replace it with one that is fairer instead of one that promotes a "gotcha culture." 7. Allow teachers to evaluate their administrators in the same way administrators evaluate teachers. 8. Abolish standardized testing as an institution in order to stop using it as a basis for evaluations, funding, curriculum, and political control. 9. Ban cellphones or at least create a better system to teach kids how to properly use technology in the classroom. It's currently used as a crutch. 10. Stop socially promoting students who haven't met basic skills and content requirements in order to inflate graduation rates. 11. Increase security across the board. 12. Change school schedules to allow both teachers and students to have actual time off/work-life balance and make school more engaging. 13. Treat educators as subject matter experts with a wealth of knowledge rather than professional babysitters. Now, I know that listing these things are far easier said than done, but this shows that if you actually want to recruit and retain teachers, the steps to do so are right in front of us. However, politicians and administrators won't commit to any of these changes because it goes against their best interests - even though they don't realize that education never was about their best interests. It's supposed to be about the teachers and their students' best interests.
@aletheia161 13 күн бұрын
@KevinTheID Hi Kevin, you make many good points, but your best one was: "If you actually want to recruit and retain teachers". The sad reality is they don't. Project 2025, for example, wants to abolish the Department of Education. All the points you make have been made(except for phones) and not addressed since the Reagan(the original villain) Era when I started teaching.
@KevinTheID 13 күн бұрын
I think blaming this on Reagan isn't fair (with the exception of standardized testing which is generally on him). These problems have been a slow burn since the 1960's and the Vietnam War. Like you pointed out, those with actual political capital don't really have any vested interest in making the system better or recruiting/retaining quality educators. That began with the lack of trust in the government that arose from the handling of Vietnam and the antics of Nixon in the 1970's. Those in power started to use education to push agendas at that point and introduced legislation that changed the nature of education. I mean, you can look backwards all the way to McCarthyism in the 1950's for them changing what educators can and can't do/teach to combat Communism - laws which are are still on the books and restrain teachers about teaching certain aspects of that topic to this day. As for abolishing the Department of Education, that's probably never going to happen. Even if it somehow does, something new will take it's place because there admittedly does need to be some type of governing body that ensures a certain quality of education in this country. The current one doesn't do that though and is something to consider at the very least reforming.
@aletheia161 13 күн бұрын
@KevinTheID Reagan and Thatcher started the whole process of winding back progressive gains right back to the new deal. The worldwide destruction of union power has seen worker's share of productivity gains drop from 63.5% in the 1960's to 51% nowadays. The recent Supreme Court decisions have revealed the right's "long game." I think a case could be made that it's more sinister than a lack of motivation.
@robertwilliams8253 14 күн бұрын
The biggest issue of education is that it is in the hands of local politicians not qualified educators. Education has become a political pawn. In Texas 20 years ago there were 10 juvenile Justice facilities to deal with juvenile felony offenders. Today there are only five which are grossly under staffed. 10 years ago the Texas legislature passed House Bill 383 which allowed judges to sentence juvenile offenders to alternative education settings paid for with county property taxes instead of state taxes taking money away from regular school programs. The logic behind this was schools have counselors and social work in place so they should deal with juvenile criminality and not the state. More work for the overworked and underfunded education system.
@KevinTheID 13 күн бұрын
Oh yeah, I think anyone with half a brain has known for a long time that education has been subverted by politicians to push agendas. Though politics have always been a component of education, it had never reached the levels it does now. Teachers are now seen as professional babysitters rather than their deserved status as subject matter experts. As a result, we aren't consulted on anything that we need or asked on what would actually make the system better. It's like ordering a new building be constructed without ever consulting a construction worker.
@rrickarr 14 күн бұрын
THANK YOU for making this distinction. If the conditions were suddenly right, plenty of teachers would be right there tomorrow morning!!!!
@KevinTheID 14 күн бұрын
Of course! I think the media (like everyone else) just latches on to what the main narrative is - which is "teacher shortage" - and never ask the teachers themselves what that really means. We're often the last to be consulted about anything. I know I never would have left education if so many things were different...but her =e we are.
@fwfs 18 күн бұрын
I can only speak for my area, but the actual "teacher shortage" is in SPED, math, and science teachers. If you're a secondary humanities (social studies, English, art, PE/health) teacher, then there's the opposite. A massive surplus and too few jobs because those are the easiest endorsements to get...especially if you've recently entered the education field after graduating from teacher training program. Good freaking luck finding a job! We practically have to fight each other everytime a job posting comes up, and 99% of the time, schools already know who they're hiring (it's not you). The jobs that are available are ones people don't want. Combine all this with rampant student behavior issues, social media/screen use, indifferent administration, hostile or ignorant parents, and a crumbling system that stresses teachers out, pays low salaries, and dwindling support. Yeah, no wonder we're leaving in droves.
@KevinTheID 18 күн бұрын
It's similar here, we have a massive surplus in secondary Humanities. As a history teacher, I remember just how difficult it was to find a job and there were years where I didn't find something and had to substitute. I had to get a dual credential in English just to improve my chances of getting a new position at one point, which though proved successful, still showed how much we had to do to get noticed. The situation is horrendous in education these days as a whole and teachers have finally stopped putting up with it. I think the general public sees how bad it is now too and are choosing alternative options for their children; hence the push for school choice and the declining enrollment schools are facing in part due to that.
@fwfs 18 күн бұрын
@@KevinTheID Indeed. I'm a history teacher and subbed for years as well. I've actually left public education and transitioned to working in museums. I get to work in my field of historical interest and it's much less stressful. I still sub on occasion if I'm bored and want an extra bit of money.
@KevinTheID 18 күн бұрын
@@fwfs Best of both worlds I think. I also looked into museums when I was transitioning out but the ones in my area are either far away, don't pay much, or are entirely volunteer based.
@nae_1047 18 күн бұрын
I am beyond my eyeballs 😢
@KevinTheID 18 күн бұрын
Anything I can do to help?
@nae_1047 18 күн бұрын
@@KevinTheID what have you used in the past to overcome the guilt of not having to seek employment when you know you've reached that point of fatigue?
@KevinTheID 18 күн бұрын
@@nae_1047 Just making sure I understand the question: You're asking how to overcome guilt associated with job search fatigue?
@nae_1047 18 күн бұрын
@@KevinTheID yes and feeling guilty because you've stopped searching. The fomo of missed opportunities.
@KevinTheID 18 күн бұрын
​@@nae_1047 That's a tough one because there isn't an easy answer. FOMO and guilt can be debilitating if you let them but you have to start by acknowledging that you may also not be missing out at all. Even if you didn't stop searching, you could still be in the same position you're in now. The job market is one of the worst we've seen in the last 50 years right now and there aren't many opportunities. Plus, you need to be in the right mindset to job search. What if you kept searching while totally burned out and ended up making serious mistakes in interviews because of it? You need to allow yourself some grace and time to get back in the right place to start searching again. Do what you need to do to regroup, relax, and get in the right headspace. There's no guarantee you'll get a job either way, but taking care of your mental health should be your paramount concern.
@lhome8680 21 күн бұрын
No supplies, no curriculum, no support, way too many required tasks on top of teaching, too many needs in one room that no single person can meet, low pay, abuse from students, admin, parents…. And crappppyyy pay. Hmmm, wonder why no one wants to teach.
@KevinTheID 21 күн бұрын
I know...it's like people are somehow surprised that educators have finally woken up to how abusive and toxic a job teaching is and chose other careers instead. It feels like society as a whole, and politicians and administrators in particular, believed that the goldilocks era of teachers doing as they were told and being professional babysitters would never end.
@AgentQQ8 23 күн бұрын
There isn’t a teacher shortage. There’s a Road Warrior shortage.
@DaveAwesome 24 күн бұрын
Male students are discriminated against by feminist teachers. They just want to push some girls to the top and don't teach male students. It's tough. You can't argue with them or it gets worse. Our education system needs a lot of help with the main one being ending vouchers and principles making half a million a year from some school districts.
@KevinTheID 24 күн бұрын
I partly agree and partly disagree with you here. Teachers likewise see the bad teachers on staff who do things like this. I even reported one who was being verbally abusive to his students and some misandrist teachers like you mentioned too. They absolutely exist and our points here merge in that many men don't want to be teachers because of the false allegations they are constantly going to experience. As a result, we continue to retain a female-dominated profession where a lot of boys don't have good male role models (but that doesn't mean there aren't amazing female ones at the same time). I also agree that administrators make far too much money and have garnered far too much power and control over their staff. They use teachers and their accomplishments to get promoted rather than actually supporting them like they used to 20-30 years ago. I was always locking horns with my administrators for that very reason. We call them "social media administrators." As for vouchers, well...that's a mixed bag. I think having school choice is important and the public school system is rapidly becoming a less than stellar choice for many parents who end up homeschooling or sending their kids to charter/religious schools. The issue is that many of these methods aren't perfect either and likewise have their own shortcomings. It all comes down to what parents really believe are best for their child given their situation.
@demixy23 24 күн бұрын
I highly doubt that many female students were "falsely accusing" you bruh.. One or two just being vindictive, sure... But, that many accusations?? Plus you said they had no proof, after all the investigations, not that you were innocent...Nah, either you were a asshole to them, or you're a fucking chomo that got lucky and covered your tracks well. You better hope you were just a ass...💯
@KevinTheID 24 күн бұрын
Your comment alone shows me that you were never a young male teacher in today's education system that is dominated by a "let the kids say whatever they want without repercussions" mentality. Hundreds of male teachers in both the U.S. and U.K have been victims to this and I can show you the data if you want. I literally did my Master's Thesis on the disproportionate number of false allegations made against male teachers. Also, there was no proof BECAUSE I was innocent - kind of thought that was clear.
@demixy23 24 күн бұрын
@KevinTheID I have formed my opinion already, so it doesn't matter what you say to try to justify what you may have done/said to cause those accusations. Just be glad it's just an opinion until proven otherwise, because if it is proven otherwise you will have far larger problems to deal with than my disbelief of you on the internet. I hope you're telling the truth, but if you're not, I hope like hell you get found out. That's all I'm saying man. Also, the education/indoctrination system is a JOKE anyway, so my kids will be home schooled for these very reasons.👌🏻
@demixy23 24 күн бұрын
@KevinTheID Oh, and as an educator, you should know that no proof doesn't always mean innocent. Maybe just pick your words better next time. Had you done that, I probably would have had your back. Your own word usage is what aroused my suspicion.
@KevinTheID 24 күн бұрын
It's regrettable you have formed such hostile opinions of not only me but an education system that is NOT out to indoctrinate your children. There are so many teachers out there who are just trying to do a good job and prepare students for the future but are hamstrung by bad policies, a hostile working environment, and political infighting. I've done a video on that as well: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/mL2ZdciexLe7cZs.html As for my diction, I'm well aware of the words I chose. I understand your concerns but if you watched the entire video you would see my points more clearly than you can in a 54 second clip.
@kcc879 24 күн бұрын
In my area 3000-5000 lost their jobs due to mandates and now on the news there’s a teacher shortage?! There are tens of thousands of teachers in Australia who refuse to go back. NSW education minister offered 1400 permanent jobs - in the largest population state of Australia?!? Is this a joke? She then offered to pay teacher registration of $100 per teacher for the year… again insult to injury. No one is looking at addressing the real issues in education. I myself am trying to leave. I signed up for six months but got a migraine stressing over planning for my new school I had to email the principal and pull out. My body simply cant handle that stress anymore even for a better school. I agree there’s no teacher shortages. Those in leadership roles climb the greasy pole to promotion and are on six figure incomes while those of stuck teaching will never break thru to leadership and will remain on significant lower pay. There’s no teacher shortage!
@kcc879 24 күн бұрын
I should also add back in 2010 Australia moved away from permanent work and only offered contracts or casual employment. This has meant most teachers my age and experience have never had a permanent job or job security. So when NSW offered only 1400 permanent positions it was a real insult to the situation.
@KevinTheID 24 күн бұрын
That's astonishing and unsurprising at the same time. We too are experiencing major layoffs in the U.S. despite also saying we don't have enough teachers - and yet they refuse to understand that root causes of that problem and why over a million educators have quit or retired early since January, 2020. This situation is happening all over the world and we honestly refuse to admit that it is as big of a reckoning that it is. I think it would be absolutely wonderful to have you on our podcast to talk about the situation in Australia and how it is concurrent to that here in the United States if you would be interested!
@kcc879 24 күн бұрын
@@KevinTheID actually I’d love too
@KevinTheID 24 күн бұрын
Glad to hear that! Here's the link to my LinkedIn page: www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-wheeler92/ Go ahead and message me on there and we can set something up!
@happyfenton7977 24 күн бұрын
Actually, there is a teacher shortage. However, I get the intent behind your video and there is some truth to it. The shortage is not imaginary, though.
@KevinTheID 24 күн бұрын
A "shortage" implies that they're aren't enough teachers - which strictly speaking is the case, so no, it's not imaginary. However, calling this situation a shortage greatly oversimplifies the reasons why no one want to remain or enter the profession. The only shortage that exists in education are of teachers who want to be underpaid, disrespected, and treated as professional babysitters rather than the subject matter experts that they are. This is why there isn't a shortage in the traditional sense of the term...there's a retention and recruitment problem stemming from a hostile and toxic working environment. The word shortage implies a different problem than what is there.
@cyndig1670 25 күн бұрын
So true! I had enough violence, abuse and insults from kids, parents and admin!!!! WAKE UP Americans and fight for teacher rights!!!
@KevinTheID 25 күн бұрын
Exactly! Education has reached a reckoning over the last 4 and a half years because teachers have finally woken up to how bad our students have become since the pandemic. We finally found our voice and realized that in the end, we have to take care of ourselves first. We spent a long time being the selfless teacher that dutifully did a service for society but have now found positions and careers where we can take care of our mental health, have work life balance, and be there for those we care about.
@jayscards8640 Ай бұрын
When I first started in education decades ago, I had my state-mandated mentor show me the expectations and protocols of the position. We were required to meet weekly and observe each other monthly. For curriculum matters, I had the district’s curriculum map, state standards to observe and weekly meetings with the department chair. Today, this is still practiced. From what you are describing, it sounds like a nightmare for new teachers in your former district.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
We still had a mentor and were required to do work to clear our credential during the first 2 years of full-time teaching like you are describing. Unfortunately, it often devolved into busy work and added more for us to do rather than serving as actual professional development/something meaningful. It didn't help us "get settled" in the job since day-to-day we were left to our own devices. The curriculum map and state standards were followed as well but those aren't onboarding materials - you have to base your lessons on those.
@jayscards8640 Ай бұрын
@@KevinTheID Funny, our district’s curriculum map has lessons and materials. Sure, one could modify them but at the same time just use them as they are.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
@@jayscards8640 We had a bit of both. There were certainly lessons and materials included in the map but it tended to be more open-ended. Toward the end of my time in the classroom, I generally just followed what was there since I started checking out of the job lol.
@thegurw1994 Ай бұрын
There is no shortage of teachers. There is a shortage of teachers willing to put up with low wages, high demands, high stress, high risk, and high student numbers. In other words, PAY BETTER and they'll care. Why should they care about your kids when they can't feed their own?
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Yep! We have a shortage of teachers who are willing to be treated like disposable objects.
@StonehillTroll Ай бұрын
one of my sisters and two my co-workers are former teachers, the low pay, entitled parents, and bureaucratic hassles drove them away
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
It's driving everyone away these days!
@christyadams9235 Ай бұрын
Florida has a teacher shortage, a lot of LGBT teachers have left the school system and now they have too many students per classroom and with book bans and low pay, we had many leave or go to other professions. These kids are barely above Amish now complete with a neighbor girl who didn't know what her period or menstruation was a school wasn't teaching her and her single dad didn't know anything. Luckily there were other kids in neighborhood who helped her but damn it's 2024 and we have American students now knowing how their body works. It's Hernando County Florida, where stupid thrives
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Florida has some of the worst failing schools in the country due to all of the political involvement and infighting there. It's clearly hurting teachers and students alike who feel persecuted rather than supported.
@cdheidt Ай бұрын
2% raise doesn’t begin to cut the mustard- salary doesn’t pay the bills. They also won’t pay for essential training- so no career enrichment.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Yeah, our "raises" never meet the standard of living or inflation, so we're actually making less every year. Plus, we aren't making a salary commensurate with people who have the same level of degrees and certifications - because educators aren't seen as professionals and content experts anymore, just professional babysitters. Even with training too, there's just no career advancement in education. Unless you want to take on more work for a stipend or become an administrator, there's nowhere for you to go. That leads to career stagnation over time.
@fremontpathfinder8463 Ай бұрын
Nothing is being done to attract back teachers who are not teaching. There are simple solutions. Ban cell phones, increase pay and benefits, stop forcing teachers to be social workers, discipline students and build affordable housing for teachers. You are absolutely right about the admins and evals. Most of these admins left the classroom before becoming competent teachers themselves.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Precisely! It's honestly not that hard to recruit and retain quality educators if you actually treat them as professionals and pay them the wage that multiple degrees and certifications entitle them to. Instead, we've de-professionalized educators, pay them far below people who have commensurate levels of education and experience, and have essentially surrendered the school system to student and administrative control. Admin doesn't provide repercussions for anything anymore and the kids know it.
@thisgirlisoverit 8 күн бұрын
Ban cell phones ? 😂 what
@KevinTheID 8 күн бұрын
@@thisgirlisoverit I didn't comment on that originally because I'm conflicted on the idea of banning cellphones. My cohost and I actually recorded an entire podcast episode on this almost a year ago where we discussed that cell phones are heavily disrupting the classroom these days but that banning may not be realistic either. Give it a listen if you're interested: open.spotify.com/episode/5GYXa9gt7aUA0UkM2ME7hB?si=Z6aYD_jKRO-Z2-hudX38-Q
@myriamonuohangozi7087 Ай бұрын
Very good sir,keep the good work
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Much appreciated! Thanks!
@phuebner45 Ай бұрын
There might be a shortage of teachers that will promote "the message" and that's what they are talking about. They don't want anyone to actually teach. They want "teachers" to be a part of the indoctrination system.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
As I said at the end of the full video, what we really have is a shortage of teachers who want to be treated as disposable objects.
@Satirical_whit Ай бұрын
Yep. My mom is a special ed teacher in Arizona. Shes been doing it for about 15 years, and cant WAIT to quit in 18 months after she has put in the required time to have her student loans forgiven. She has already started her own business as a tutor and makes twice as much money in half the time of her day job, and she only teaches 10 students instead of 30. What the public needs to realize is that the public education system was put in place to educate the masses to create an effective work force to build an economy off of - not to educate them to improve their station or position in life.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Happy your mom is finally getting out of the job! It just isn't a good place for people to be anymore. I mentioned in my full video a couple days ago that the school system was built to accommodate the burgeoning number of children created by the Baby Boom following World War II. It was a mass-produced education format which is finally breaking down and we have too many schools now as a result.
@whotakesallmynames Ай бұрын
Sounds like my field.. there are plenty of good nurses but many have left because the jobs have become too high risk
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
I've heard that from other nurses too! It seems both education and healthcare are suffering from this same retention issues right now.
@steveisaak4320 Ай бұрын
You are totally wrong.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
How so?
@fremontpathfinder8463 Ай бұрын
No he is totally right
@steveisaak4320 Ай бұрын
@@fremontpathfinder8463 I am in the classroom. Not buying what you are selling
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
@steveisaak4320 We aren't "selling" anything. We're stating how bad the public school system is right now and why teachers are leaving and not entering the profession. If you disagree, then that's fine, but you need to offer evidence to the contrary.
@KaylaBuhdayla Ай бұрын
Word. There are lots of us out there. We just don’t want to do the job anymore.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Absolutely, it's just sad how the job has degraded to the state it's in now.
@Wolvish Ай бұрын
Ah, less kids because the current minimum wage isn't enough to support kids. Not to mention the lack of desire to have kids.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
That's a big part of it and I mentioned it in the full version of this video, available here: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/nNuEh8KBvLSXfqs.html The standard of living is so much higher than it was during the Baby Boomer era and it's near impossible to sustain ourselves on one income anymore. This has led so many to plunge themselves into their careers rather than having children and considering how bad education as a whole is in the first place - fewer kids is kicking over the house of cards that the school system has become which is based on quantity of students.
@lukewise3244 Ай бұрын
If people want to stop the students being disrespectful, the liberal narrative needs to stop being pushed. It has led to less and less discipline as the years have passed, or at least the ability for teachers to actually discipline students. When I was growing up (I graduated high school in 2014), the worst thing that existed was the "everyone's a winner" idea, with things like participation trophies, etc., etc. Now, that has grown to a bigger level where we are handing out participation diplomas because people don’t want to even attempt the minimum to graduate high school (which isn’t hard. When I was in high school (mind you in a rural-ish, suburban area/small town), the minimum math people had to pass was Algebra 2, and they had 2 years to do it). And even with that, graduation rates are still garbage. The fact we are only between 80-90% goes to show that the educational industry has not improved. And it’s not the teachers. It’s largely because of administrators and school boards who bend to the whims of state mandates when it comes to anything, without putting up any sort of fight.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
I actually made a video on how graduation rates are made up these days: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/qdehe6iSr7Wve5s.html We push students through to pad numbers and make it seem we are graduating more kids than ever before. Administrators push teachers to inflate grades and do as their told instead of what's best for the students themselves.
@marcmeinzer8859 Ай бұрын
Actually the current mass over-schooling model of public education mandated by the child labor law of 1938 is just as phony as the brick & mortar online academy approach which will inevitably replace it. After all, the main business of the public schools is free daycare so support for public education will never go away. In a genuine educational system, which evidently we no longer have, the real imbeciles are kicked out of the academic track and forced to take mostly industrial arts classes taught by no nonsense male instructors who won’t take shit off the kids. But that mostly went away because apparently the authorities never heard of IQ testing and formed the delusional belief system that dumb kids are really just lazy which of course is total nonsense. Whether or not there is an actual teacher shortage is debatable as teaching has become an occupation like nursing with an extremely high rate of work refusal. And those like myself who refuse to work anymore eventually are really no longer teachers even if their certificates haven’t expired. I even went so far as to try being a Benedictine monk at an abbey with a prep school but I detested the communal living and quit to go to barber college. I cut hair for 20 years then retired. I taught school for most of the 1980s. It was the pits even then.
@lindzb4407 Ай бұрын
I had 4 interviews for a CSM position with a startup company that were all very close together. I was essentially ghosted for 2.5 weeks and asked to interview with another person for a longer interview to determine what team I would fit on...and there is ONE MORE round that includes a presentation. I am currently unemployed due to a layoff, and this company knows this. Not feeling the respect or the same interest I once had in this position despite the exciting opportunity and great pay. Appreciate your opinion!
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
I am so sorry you've had to go through that. The ghosting, presentations/projects, and multiple rounds of interviews that go nowhere seem to be growing by the day. I am likewise unemployed following a layoff and have had very little luck finding anything. The economy is in a soft recession right now and so many companies have laid people off to save costs - which has made it just that much more difficult to stand out among the competition. Plus, companies can afford to unicorn hunt right now. It's not a job seeker's market.
@beautifulstrengthsfitness3497 Ай бұрын
I believe it all comes back to the “No Child Left Behind” legislations. Politicians stopped valuing teachers and killed the spirits of hundreds of thousands teachers.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
What's ironic though is that No Child Left Behind actually ended up leaving more children behind because educators and students alike couldn't keep up with the demands and increasing standardization.
@beautifulstrengthsfitness3497 Ай бұрын
@@KevinTheID it truly is horrendous the amount of testing that happens at all levels. I had worked with at-risk youth and they were the first to fall through the cracks.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
@@beautifulstrengthsfitness3497 English Learners and those with disabilities too. They've been mainstreaming them for a while now and that only hurts their developmental progress. They aren't able to keep up with normal course loads and standard classroom teachers just aren't able to give them the proper attention that they need.
@allisonwalker9258 Ай бұрын
I am on a DIY path of learning and upskilling to transition to ID. May I ask, what was your transition path like? Did you also DIY your learning and transition? What was your experience?
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Good question! I completed a college certificate program to become an ID during my final semester in the classroom. There was also a DIY component where I better learned the authoring tools I would be using (through Udemy mainly) and applied them to creating a portfolio of work samples that I could use to sell myself as an ID. I also reached out to experts in the field, had coffee chats with them to gain more practical knowledge, and watched their videos as well. I highly recommend looking up here on KZfaq The eLearning Design Academy by Tim Slade for great how-to videos.
@allisonwalker9258 Ай бұрын
I love my students, and I am that teacher they feel comfortable with, they know cares, and tries to do things differently. It is the education system that is forcing the actual “job” to be one that is not functional for our own families.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
That's the problem. We loved our kids and didn't leave because of them. Sure, the bad and violent ones were a component of our decision to leave, but they weren't the main reason. Education itself has changed and we can't see ourselves in that position anymore since we can't do what we set out to do.
@allisonwalker9258 Ай бұрын
We need change! So many people learn by DOING! And most often, those that learn by doing are the ones that perform the best job functions.
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Oh absolutely! Degrees and certifications only get you so far because they give you the theory. Even as teachers we know how much theory was pumped into us during our credentialing classes and how little of it was practically used on the job. We learned how to be better at what we did by doing the job.
@UltraCollagenBooster Ай бұрын
A good option is to take a leave of some kind through a medical professional...don't ask me how I know. 👍
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
Yep, exactly what I did!
@DJ50068 Ай бұрын
@KevinTheID Ай бұрын
And nothing but the truth!
@KevinTheID 2 ай бұрын
We are available anywhere you listen to podcasts: Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/04p7HTtjw856hScOKu2DXo iHeart Radio: www.iheart.com/podcast/53-breaking-the-fourth-wall-of-103896921/ Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breaking-the-fourth-wall-of-public-education/id1652092962 Amazon Music: music.amazon.com/podcasts/17ef5abc-7f91-4e33-a1ab-bd7076a5ab08/breaking-the-fourth-wall-of-public-education?refMarker=null
@Dopeassjournals 2 ай бұрын
I just quit as of 5-16-24 and I was on disability and 12 weeks of FMLA for taking care of my elderly dad- the district said even though FMLA saves my job- they had to recalculate the amount I’d owe back to the district at the end of the year based on the # of months I ACTUALLY worked instead of the regular amount of months that had passed since I didn’t “finish my contract” so I had to get a lawyer through the CTA. They said I would probably owe thousands back to the district. I live in California
@KevinTheID 2 ай бұрын
Good lord. I think the problem is since education funding has plummeted and layoffs are even impacting teachers now, schools are trying to recuperate any money that they can - even here in CA. You were right to get a lawyer because you shouldn't have to pay anything back outside of days you didn't work at the end of the year or the money it took to pay your substitutes. Fines are normal if you break contract, but again, it is to make up the difference of days AFTER you break it, not from your FMLA or disability.
@KevinTheID 2 ай бұрын
We are available anywhere you listen to podcasts: Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/04p7HTtjw856hScOKu2DXo iHeart Radio: www.iheart.com/podcast/53-breaking-the-fourth-wall-of-103896921/ Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breaking-the-fourth-wall-of-public-education/id1652092962 Amazon Music: music.amazon.com/podcasts/17ef5abc-7f91-4e33-a1ab-bd7076a5ab08/breaking-the-fourth-wall-of-public-education?refMarker=null
@rhf5448 2 ай бұрын
Hey man. I went to Ramona w you nd i think Sierra too. Its been a very long time. Im impressed to see how much your speech has improved man and you look great! Hope all is well. Your video format looks amazing and everything looks really polished. Nice bro! God bless and great seeing you again..my names Ray Ford. Lol
@KevinTheID 2 ай бұрын
Glad to see things are going well for you! You might be thinking of my brother though!
@KevinTheID 2 ай бұрын
We are available anywhere you listen to podcasts: Spotify: lnkd.in/g497Ss_3 iHeart Radio: lnkd.in/g5S6xHnc Apple Podcasts: lnkd.in/gxFHjtGj Google Podcasts: lnkd.in/gKChg46k Amazon Music: lnkd.in/gvq4-wrx
@thejennadeblin 2 ай бұрын
Amazing points made here. I love this so much.
@KevinTheID 2 ай бұрын
Thanks! Much appreciated!
@PaulH581 2 ай бұрын
Who would have thought that an Open to Work banner meant someone was open to work.
@KevinTheID 2 ай бұрын
I know, right? I was talking to someone on LinkedIn the other day about this and we couldn't understand why this was still such a point of contention.
@PaulH581 2 ай бұрын
@@KevinTheID Thanks for making the video.
@KevinTheID 2 ай бұрын
@@PaulH581 My pleasure!
@KevinTheID 3 ай бұрын
We are available anywhere you listen to podcasts: Spotify: lnkd.in/g497Ss_3 iHeart Radio: lnkd.in/g5S6xHnc Apple Podcasts: lnkd.in/gxFHjtGj Google Podcasts: lnkd.in/gKChg46k Amazon Music: lnkd.in/gvq4-wrx