@miyapozo Сағат бұрын
The girl complaining "that's not true"... Well, it isn't, but it's quite a beautifully performed fanfiction, and I'm living for it... I just wished it had a better ending
@terrib627 2 күн бұрын
Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman could never have done LND. It just wouldn't work. Nobody would ever buy into Sarah's Christine banging Michael's Erik.
@sunflower-xi5ct Күн бұрын
😂 Really I feel it depends on the actress playing Christine, some Christine’s are more ‘into’ their Phantoms then others, so to speak.
@Jwingmann 2 күн бұрын
@TR-lm4mx 5 күн бұрын
I don’t care what anyone says, this was a really good sequel
@user-jb9my9nn4i 8 күн бұрын
Mega voices
@Morrisseys7thFriend 9 күн бұрын
I love Ramin's "Hi..." 😂
@susanademo6405 9 күн бұрын
why am i so emotional?????😭😭😭❤
@BookRose-rk1rv 12 күн бұрын
I really love Erik’s deformity here, it kinda resembles a skull which is cool...and I love how we actually get to see it, unlike in the Australian version where we never get to see his face. The Australian version I feel improved on some things but also went backwards on some others. The line where Raoul calls him ‘hideous’ also makes a lot more sense when he’s got his mask off…it also plays on the fact that Erik is way more relaxed and at home at Phantasma then he ever was before. This is HIS world that he’s created, he is with his own people (the ‘freaks’ ) here he is celebrated, respected…he is not hiding anymore and so Raoul had better WATCH IT because if an angry mob comes for anybody this time it’s going to be for Raoul and not Erik. 😆
@rachaelt8729 17 күн бұрын
Does anyone see Erik putting the necklace on Christine neck as him staking his claim on her? It feels quite possessive and she looks so unsure
@Morrisseys7thFriend 21 күн бұрын
He went down the stairs without his mask on, whoops! 🤭
@BookRose-rk1rv 20 күн бұрын
He didn’t care…he just found out Gustave is his son, Christine just agreed to sing for him again AND she touched his face and almost kissed him…he’s on cloud nine right now LOL
@Morrisseys7thFriend 21 күн бұрын
I still can't believe this is canon 😅 It's such dumpster fire trash and I love it so much 😂
@jackmurphybatmanfan4619 24 күн бұрын
Erik never had a son before not even in the book
@sunflower-xi5ct 6 сағат бұрын
In Susan Kay’s Novel he did 😉
@jackmurphybatmanfan4619 5 сағат бұрын
@@sunflower-xi5ct i've never read susan key's novel before
@sunflower-xi5ct 5 сағат бұрын
@@jackmurphybatmanfan4619 If you’re a Phan then I think it’s worth a read, the way she delves into Erik’s backstory, his childhood, and time in Persia is brilliant. I’ll admit I’m not the biggest fan of her depiction of Christine, but I love her characterization of the ‘Persian’ and how he becomes a fully fleshed out character in that book, and he gets a name too! 😉 But yeah I guess I spoiled the ending a bit but… Webber wasn’t the first to give the Phantom and Christine a Son, Susan Kay beat him to the punch by about 20 years LOL.
@jackmurphybatmanfan4619 5 сағат бұрын
@@sunflower-xi5ct okay
@user-jd3bw6lt9m Ай бұрын
И всё же, австралийская версия с Анной и Беном живее и ярче сыграна. Тут не хватает страсти, искры, нет накала страстей. Хотя актеры поют неплохо.
@BookRose-rk1rv Ай бұрын
Their is a certain sorta irony here that for all the talk about how Christine needs to be ‘free’ of the Phantom because he ‘controls’ her yada yada..it turned out that she was more trapped with Raoul then she ever was with the Phantom. Raoul got the song bird…and then in his own words ‘clipped her wings’ because he was afraid of her flying too high, Raoul’s love sorta became a golden cage for Christine, and over time it lost its luster and became cold. The Phantom has never been scared of letting her fly because he is the one who TAUGHT her to fly in the first place! The higher she flies the more he loves her. ❤ Oh but he’s so OBSESSED! Yes he is. But by overcoming her fear of being his, by letting him put that necklace on her and claim her, she is actually setting herself free in a sense…that is the ultimate irony here. When she lets herself belong to the Phantom…on her terms, she can actually fly higher than she ever could in her life. Erik just had to accept that he couldn’t force her to fly as much as he wanted to even though it killed him to see her caged, and Christine had to realize that there was nothing to fear by being his.
the perfect actors
@janied13 Ай бұрын
He is the BEST. His voice sings to my soul! 3:30 mark....im just melting 🫠
@tikerlivvy1582 Ай бұрын
How should I ever be able to live on normally? I mean the plot is absolutely horrible and to compare it with POTO would just be humiliating, BUT... SIERRA AND RAMIN! DAMN And then SHE FREAKIN CHOOSES HIM, DIES IN HIS ARMS, THE FREAKING KISS; HIS SCREAM; THE RING AND THEN GUSTAVE HUGGING HIM!? In these last two minutes is more I need to process than throughout the rest of the musical...
@BookRose-rk1rv Ай бұрын
Watching this again I really love how Sierra’s Christine plays it here, she’s not scared of him, not anymore, she seems more hurt to me then anything, hurt that he would threaten her AGAIN, Sierra’s Christine is not as angry to me as say Anna’s Christine in the Australian show. Sierra’s is more broken, by her Angel leaving her, by Raoul becoming a drunk and having to raise her son practically alone while her husband gambles away all their money…you get the sense she’s holding on for Gustave but has completely lost herself and her passion…and since their was no initial refusal from Christine here (unlike in the Australian Show) I think she’s more hurt that Erik thinks he HAS to threaten her to get her to sing for him when she might have agreed to sing for him anyway but his jealousy got triggered here and the old Phantom came out. But Christine’s not scared this time, just sad.
@baxtrice Ай бұрын
I despise this ending, it should have been the Phantom- ALW went to such lengths to redeem him..and then this…This is what doomed this sequel in my opinion.
@benrattanavong2322 2 ай бұрын
@mrleo5596 2 ай бұрын
Какая-то зараза сидит и кашляет в зале... 😮... 😂
@sunflower-xi5ct 2 ай бұрын
The interesting thing about this song is how it showcases how both Christine and Meg have changed over the past 10 years…and how they are both completely miserable but trying to hide it from each other. Christine may look ‘Regal as a Queen’ but she is trapped in a failing marriage separated from music which she loves. And Meg might be a ‘Star’ but she’s a star of a vaudeville show trying to get the attention of a Man who will never want her. I also find it funny how Christine is the only one in this song who actually seems sincere like she’s not trying to ruin it for Meg, she’s just trying to appease the Phantom so she can go home (with some money). Later on we know she does it because she wants to sing for him, but her attention was never to steal the spotlight from Meg…but Meg has been so beaten down at this point and is just so desperate for some recognition from Erik she sees the writing on the wall right away and then the jealousy sets in.
@sunflower-xi5ct 2 ай бұрын
I for one actually prefer the Christine Bot LOL to the Moving Painting. Is it creepy and weird as heck? YES Does it show he’s still Obsessed with her ten years later? YES and that’s why I prefer it. Its more Phantomy, I mean this guy had a mannequin bride of Christine during POTO I can see him upgrading it to a high tech option now that he’s got a whole Amusement park at his disposal.
@dragon202920 2 ай бұрын
Gustave: Just like the NIIIIIIIGHT Erik: Hol up
@sunflower-xi5ct 2 ай бұрын
I love how Christine is always able to reduce him into a lovesick puddle no matter how furious he gets by simple responding to him with love, he’s experienced so little love in his life he’s still in awe every time Christine gives her love to him. He still expects her to be repulsed by his face but she doesn’t so much as flinch, she already knows what he looks like and it stopped frightening her a long time ago (Look With Your Heart, etc) And then she grabs his face and almost kisses him, after he almost chokes her (me thinks Christine might have a dark side underneath that pure facade 😅) and he’s still in shock she touched his face lol. She knows how to handle him, whereas in POTO I don’t think she was mature enough yet and he understandably scared her. Christine is a Woman now and she knows him too well…the fact that she’s not scared of his moods and is knows how to defuse the situation is why I CAN believe the choice she makes at the end of LND, even though Erik is still a wildcat, she has learned how to make him HER wildcat so to speak.
@sunflower-xi5ct 2 ай бұрын
The thing about the Phantom is there is always this battle going on between his love for Christine and his Obsession with her. Those two parts of his character are always at odds. Here we see his obsession come roaring on back when he gets desperate to hear Christine sing for him. That dark side of him used to terrify Christine when she was younger but I like how now we just see her frustration with him like ‘really, you’re going to pull this crap again on me?” I honestly don’t think Erik would have harmed Gustave, maybe given him a scare at most but this was just him falling back into his old habits because he didn’t know how else to convince her to sing.
@sunflower-xi5ct 2 ай бұрын
Oh that kiss…really says it all, the way Christine uses every last bit of strength she has left and just wraps herself around Erik like she just wants to lose herself in him one last time before she dies…so tragically sad. I love how the Phantom took off his ring and put it in her hand…this time she’ll keep that ring forever. ❤
@sunflower-xi5ct 2 ай бұрын
I say you haven’t seen Beneath a Moonless Sky performed until you see Ramin and Sierra do it! ❤ I do like Ben and Anne but I feel they were a bit too touchy feely in this song and I prefer the way Christine and the Phantom tip toe around each other here, it seems more realistic to me as to WHAT they are singing about…them being alone with each other again they are in serious are in danger of falling right back into each others arms. And they both know that…hence them both trying to keep a bit of a distance, getting too close would frankly be all too tempting for them. I really love however when Christine slowly entwines her fingers with his during ‘the world around us fell away’ we all know the symbolism of that because Christine does the exact same thing with him in POTO during Point of No Return when she sing ‘how long should we two wait before we’re one?’…it’s a subtle way of answering that question. I also like how Sierra’s Christine doesn’t faint when she sees him, instead she’s in shock, her brain is probably going a mile a minute between joy at seeing him again, to anger that he left her, to despair that it’s too late now…I love it. It also shows her maturity, Christine’s not the naive 20 year old anymore, 10 years later she’s about 30 now, and she KNOWS the Phantom all too well, he can’t pull the wool over her eyes anymore so it’s very ‘let’s just cut to the chase’ with her lol.
@rachaelt8729 2 ай бұрын
Erik really destroyed Raoul’s life in this. Lost his wife and son
@rachaelt8729 2 ай бұрын
At 2:57, anyone notice he doesn’t agree she will get to leave when she asks, he says “will of course receive a princely fee”
@sunflower-xi5ct 2 ай бұрын
On some level I think he knew one time wouldn’t be enough for either of them and he knew that once she sang for him again it would reawaken her passion both for his music and him because he has always been her Idol. Regardless of what messed up stuff he does and as much as she might try and deny it…Christine absolutely worships his genius as much as he’s obsessed with her voice. So yeah he was after her the whole time and on some level I think Christine knew that, but was unable to keep herself from falling back under his spell.
@stone1488 2 ай бұрын
whoever had that guitar solo at 2:59, must have been shredding those chord, it sounds so powerful
@stone1488 2 ай бұрын
Idk how I feel about those high notes Ramin does, like they sound good don't get me wrong, but after hearing the version with Ben and Anna (also a mix of Bronson Norris Murphy and Meghan) I am so used to the low notes at some parts when i heard Ramin sing"...And i..." I was in shock
@limgonnabeastar3320 2 ай бұрын
2:24 I finally found it. "Ten Years OLLLLDDD"
@ivalicetifalucis 2 ай бұрын
I love the part 10:55 the way Ramin sang his part made me feel sad about this whole scene and forgot how unhinge LND is. I grow to like LND though, I think it has potential as long as it plays out right
@sunflower-xi5ct 2 ай бұрын
I feel there is a good show in there, it just really needed some more reworking…especially with the whole Madam Giry/Meg stuff. I felt their motivation wasn’t very well written and left a lot of people scratching their heads as to why Madam Giry is now so hostile against Christine, as well as what exactly Meg wants from the Phantom, just his attention or something more? None of this was explained like it should have been, and then their is Raoul, I’m not against them making him a drunk but their really should have been more explanation as to WHY he fell so low…’Why Does She Love Me’ is too much of him whining and not enough explaining. I feel they should have leaned into the idea that Raoul secretly knows Gustave is not his, and he is unable to come to terms with the reality of that fact….that Christine has a dark side and is not all he thought she was. I would have liked more of THAT kind of character exploration than what we got. But it’s still a guilty pleasure of mine, the music is phenomenal.
@RangerA52 2 ай бұрын
It came down to keeping her son or her husband (which admittedly she didn't know), and we all know she wasn't gonna not pick her son. But to Raoul's credit (which I don't give often), he didn't know the bargain Christine made with the Phantom nor did she know of his.
@brookeee1920 2 ай бұрын
Love how he's within 3 mins of meeting Gustave and he's all "THAT PERFECT SPECIMEN"
@rachaelt8729 2 ай бұрын
I think he knew, he’s been stalker her the whole time
@horawotamusume 2 ай бұрын
@RSFVR 2 ай бұрын
Ramin and Sierra make the best musical couple. Ramin is the Phantom for me. Out of all the Phantoms I favor him. I love his portrayal and Sierra’s energy matching his beautifully. They bring this energy that gives the sequel depth in my humble opinion. 🌹👏🏾🪽💕
@C_Holloway 3 ай бұрын
Unpopular opinion, but I LOVED Love Never Dies as much as Phantom. And it's much sadder than POTO. From beginning to end, I found there was a certain sadness and darkness underneath all the festiveness of the Coney Island vibe. And it was Meg's telling Raoul at the bar how she wanted to (and if I'm mistaken, please let me know), and this is my take on it, drown her sorrows in the water (suicide). Her mother (Madame) and she moved to the US with the Phantom to start anew, only to both be cast aside because of the Phantom's obsession with Christine (though I don't fault Christine for that - He was just simply consumed with her). Just a beautiful, but very tragic story all around. 😭😭
@BookRose-rk1rv Ай бұрын
I think Love Never Dies hits a bit different as you get older because its themes are more mature then Phantom. Phantom of the Opera has a more ‘gothic fantasy’ element to it, Opera Ghost, Magic and Mystery, Prince Charming (Raoul) comes to recuse the fair maiden (Christine) from the big bad Phantom, etc. In Love Never Dies not only does Webber flip the supposed Fairy Tale on its head but he does away with all of the fantasy and gives us some cold hard reality….which a lot of people didn’t like, turns out a lot of people prefer the fantasy of All I Ask of You, which lets be real…is a fantasy at the end of the day. In Phantom Christine is dealing with the loss of her Daddy, now she’s a parent herself. The characters have all grown up, and the ‘games of make-believe are at an end’ to quote the Phantom. We are now dealing with failing marriages, alcoholism, long lost love, long lost dreams, children, even implied Prostitution etc all very mature stuff. Very real world stuff. Our Phantom isn’t hiding anymore, he’s no longer pretending to be a Ghost he’s embraced being a Man, and actually using his genius to become successful…I LIKE to think Christine’s acceptance of him inspired him to finally step out into the world and stop hiding 🙂 Love Never Dies is still very Gothic Romance, but it’s much more grown up then Phantom, does it have some problems that I feel could have benefited from a few more rewrites? Yes, but ultimately I enjoy it for what it is and respect Andrew for having the guts to write what he wanted.
@JustAnotherBuckyLover 3 ай бұрын
Seeing Ramin play The Phantom (in the original POTO way back in 2006 IIRC) was, and still is, the best musical theatre performance I've ever seen. He was (is) *stunning* to watch live. He plays The Phantom as I always dreamed he should be performed, and while it's a shame he was passed over for the role in the movie and only got a cameo, seeing him perform in the West End was incredible. And he's a wonderful and generous soul, too. In fact, I emailed him after his performance (because I was too starstruck at the stage door to do anything except get his autograph and a photo) and we swapped a few messages about his performance and choices and that was so special to me. An incredibly skilled performer, a beautiful singer and just an all-around decent guy.
@ashleebenedict6523 2 ай бұрын
To be fair, he wasn't really passed over. Webber asked him and Sierra were asked for the roles in the movie but according to him in an interview, the production and everything had lasted so long that they were simply too exhausted for the movie as well. And that's how we're not blessed with a good quality recording of this with him in it.
@JustAnotherBuckyLover 2 ай бұрын
@@ashleebenedict6523 What, the 2004 movie, before he'd ever played Phantom in the theatre? That's... not the story we heard at the time, but I'd love to see that interview if so.
@rachelackerman6954 Ай бұрын
@@ashleebenedict6523I believe this person is referring to the 2004 movie which has Emmy Rossum and Gerard Butler as the leads. You are correct though they were offered the roles for Love Never Dies the stage production and they turned it down.
@J.C.T-bh9gt 3 ай бұрын
Okay, I’m not a fan of this show but this version is too good, I LOVE Ramin he’s so good and I love seeing him without the mask, also I find it cute that Raul even tried to lay a finger on him, as if, Phantom is too good
@lucythecool_pug7565 3 ай бұрын
Ramin and Sierra are good musical performers but I honestly prefer Ben Lewis and Anna O’Byrne
@Apgloor85 3 ай бұрын
I think I’m in love with the Phantom 🔥🔥🔥
@Midnightconfessional 3 ай бұрын
We need a DVD of Love Never Dies with Ramin
@victormeyers1860 3 ай бұрын
Fuck me I feel so blessed to hear that bridge
@m-edesharnais5409 3 ай бұрын
Ramin's nonchalant confidence throughout that song never fails to give me chills... Seeing him laugh at Raoul's insults, with a "you gonna make me blush" expression on his face! Ah!! SO GOOD!! It really is cathatic for me, who used to be too much of a pushover and was bullied in my younger days... Imagining my younger self getting that complete verbal upperground over those idiots is delectably satisfying! I need to start playing that song in my head whenever I want to give myself a confident demeanor! 😎😎
@thatpantransguy 4 ай бұрын
Ramin takes the strangling part of the Phantom’s character quite literally doesn’t he 😂always seems to be half-strangling poor Sierra in both shows.
@sunflower-xi5ct 2 ай бұрын
LoL the Phantom would never knowingly hurt Christine, accidentally maybe, but never knowingly…and he’d probably be the first to kill himself if he ever did cause the woman he worshiped any serious harm. But I like how Ramin is not afraid to show that he can get rough with her when he loses his temper…it’s more realistic for a character that has had to resort to violence and intimidation his whole life to survive. Hence why Christine was so terrified of him in POTO when he was actually killing people, which ironically led her to run into Raoul’s arms. I like how as she’s gotten older she’s learned how to deal with that side of him better, she always responds to him with love…notice she grabs his face (almost kissed him) after Gustave reacted in fear of him, trying to convey to him that she loves him as he is…a reminder that the Phantom wanted Gustave to see the ‘Beauty Underneath’ but Christine has already seen it and ‘accepted and embraced it’.
@thatpantransguy 4 ай бұрын
Was that in the script?! 😂 dang! Go Erik! 🫶🏼
@winterwithawhyknudsen5166 4 ай бұрын
“I won her long ago” No you didn’t😭
@winterwithawhyknudsen5166 4 ай бұрын
Do they just sing when they’re ready or count the beats cuz I saw another version do it (yes with Ben Lewis) and he talked pretty slowly and killed more beats basically.