16x9 - Bitter Pill: Side effects of Fluoroquinolones

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Crime Beat TV

Crime Beat TV

12 жыл бұрын

Some people claim a class of antibiotics called Fluoroquinolones has left them suffering from unusual and debilitating side effects. And they say, they were never properly warned. A 16x9 investigation into the potential risks of prescription drugs.

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@Denieseberry 6 жыл бұрын
I was disabled by Avelox in 2001, missing at the least 15 years of working for retirement. I couldn’t get dissability money because no doctors could give a diagnosis of my adverse reactions. I went to 27 doctors over the years to find out I finally developed severe neuropathy. I was a very healthy 50 year old with no diseases and taking no medicine, an active athlete living on a natural foods diet since the early 1970’s. No sugar, white bread, fried food, or sodas. My social security payments are about 60% of what they should be. The pain is still horrible after all these years. The doctors finally believe I have pain and gave me some medicine after seven years. Sick of it. Some commit suicide. Some want to. My prayers to all suffering of this crippling disease.
@yogayantra 9 жыл бұрын
well said, i totally agree: "these people are criminals, they belong in prison for the rest of their lives." Yes they are!
@johnbacon8953 4 жыл бұрын
I totaly agree, my life has also been destroyed by the poison they call medicine. They should have to take these drugs and see how lives are destroyed, first hand. Now that would be justice!
@RicardoMilosGachi 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnbacon8953 which drug have you taken?
@veganatheistwitch 8 жыл бұрын
I wish that I had known about these risks. I was given Cipro many times in my teens/early twenties due to re-occurring UTI's which I now know were probably probably caused by endometriosis, contributed to by estrogen dominance, due to use of oral contraceptives and poor methylation because of MTHFR deficiency. Around the time that I given Cipro repeatedly, I developed Optic Neuritis in my right eye. My physicians didn't know what caused it. They told me "It probably won't get worse but it probably will never get better." So now I have partial loss of vision in my right eye, I also get pain in the nerve behind that eye which causes anywhere from a dull to a stabbing pain in the back of my head on that side. I also was given Levaquin the first time a few years ago. My doctors gave it to me because other antibiotics made me so sick (upset stomach, vomiting) that I couldn't finish taking a full course. Around the same time that I was given Levaquin I also mysteriously developed Achilles Tendinitis in my left tendon. It was so bad that I had to wear an air cast and couldn't work for a few days. Even though I developed it around two years ago, I still wear a brace on my ankle when I work now so that I don't irritate it enough to make it so that I can't work again. I really wish that our medical system would address the root cause of issues instead of throwing prescriptions on top of them and causing more health problems. Most of my health issues now have been greatly reduced through proper diet. My Optic Neuritis will never get better though, and it doesn't seem like my tendon will ever be back to normal either.
@bhavnaaskoolum5175 8 жыл бұрын
Just came in here by accident seems like I am suffering from the same symptoms.Has changed my diet recently hope it works for me but scared of my left eye.
@luciacindy 6 ай бұрын
Crime against humanity , 23 years ago and I am still suffering
@shelleysharp3044 4 жыл бұрын
Sept 2013 I was injured by Ciprofloxacin given to me for a suspected UTI infection. Nearly seven years later, I have come a long way, but I still have muscle weakness, fatigue, serious digestive issues, kidney damage, permanent optic nerve damage with optic migraines and a prognoses from my Optometrist that I will eventually go blind. All this from an antibiotic! Had I been told that my health might be adversely affected, had I been warned...I would not have taken this drug.
@niceguy2132 2 жыл бұрын
how many Cipro pills did you take?
@Team920_ Жыл бұрын
​@@niceguy2132I'm over 2yrs out after taking cipro and I suffer daily
@crispycruiser4654 Жыл бұрын
Let's clarify something here. This video was published a decade ago. And these news organizations are often a couple of years behind the actual story, which adds up because the warning for tendon rupture was added 4 years before this video. Right around the time of this video is when they added permanent nerve damage and retinal detachment. In 2016 they added aortic dissection and in 2018 they added CNS symptoms. So as you can see the majority of the symptoms we the medically untrained, and news anchors have known about for OVER A DECADE. So when your doctor the "expert" says he's "never heard of this before", or these drugs "don't cause these side effects", you are being gaslit. You are the victim of a cover up and a real life conspiracy. You are now a liability and they are covering up their malpractice and calling their attorney and insurance company the moment you get off the phone. Either the doctors are maliciously crippling people on purpose, or if they truly don't know, they are unfit to treat an amoeba. Either way, you should fire that doctor immediately and BLAST your experience on internet reviews to protect others and also inform your state medical board (don't expect them to do anything, it's nothing but a good ol' boys club.) Really we're past the point where it's acceptable to "not know". Doctors should be doing prison time for assault with a deadly weapon and felony battery for giving this drug in the event of anything other than a serious, life threatening infection in the intensive care unit.
@shadowman7408 Жыл бұрын
Definitely, there is no excuse for them not to have ever heard of this unless they are a useless hack. And its still most of em.
@manjram363 4 ай бұрын
Recently I was prescribed Cipro, at cl8nica del sol, en Houston, Tx I dinn't know the prescription, but scare me to know is to thread anthax and malaria, I'll never going back to this clinic, I was new on the area, the stupid doctor is vietnamise, he never told me the side efects of this drug.
@triciaboyme5992 4 ай бұрын
I've been prescribed it at least 4 times.. having multiple issues since and being gaslight. Also prescribed many other antibiotics. Negative UTI years later back injury discovered I can hardly walk
@shadowman7408 7 жыл бұрын
I am one of the people in the interview and I'd like to mention that its now almost been 6 years and my life is ruined still, and no hope of ever having one again.... I lost everything...
@kimbarnes5443 7 жыл бұрын
Shadow Man sorry , trust me you are not alone. My last dose was in 2014, I didn't know that was what was causing everything so I took the shit . it was like a bomb went off in my body, it's like every day I wake up wondering what will there be another new issue to deal with. Right now I am working as much as I can to pay off everything because I know it won't be long before I will no longer be able to work. Some days I get to my car and breakdown into tears because of the pain. I wish I could go back in time, I want my life back. If you ever just want someone to talk to you can email me at kimarted68@gmail.com, sometimes you just need to hear that you aren't alone.
@gutom3ow 7 жыл бұрын
Shadow Man I miss you shadow-kun, I really hope you are feeling well lately.
@shadowman7408 6 жыл бұрын
things have gone cataclysmic. I'm finished really... thanks to this medication... I had a life...
@henrietta9206 5 жыл бұрын
@MrBucks-gc3up 5 жыл бұрын
@@shadowman7408 bro I really need your help, I have a friend he suffer so much pain from that and he consult in many doctors and and they don't find anything from him, everything is normal on him.. but he always told me that he was on pain, I think he is a little depressed. He also told me that he cannot longer suffer on this. I try my best to give him a hope.. Help me he almost lost his hope and he wanted to die😌
@maryrittwage3572 3 жыл бұрын
Ive had numerous prescriptions of these drugs through the years. I was given it intraveniously in 07 for sepsis and again a second bout of sepsis in 2015. Both stemming from kidney stone blocks n stents infected. Ive had all over pain and told fibromyalgia. In 2015 I woje from surgery w swollen hot achilles heels...took awhile to calm down but still flares uf I walk far. Now....in 2020...woke w shoulders feeling as if their dangling n knee popping ...so much pain everywhere!!! Its adversely effecting my life these days! I keep praying its a flareup and will calm, but more and more pain is making me nervous!!!!!!!
@toriwiley188 5 жыл бұрын
I was given Cipro and Levaquin 5 years ago and not one word was spoken to me about any kind of side effects. The first 2 years following was a nightmare as I ran from doctor to doctor, expensive specialists about pain, heart palpitations, tendon issues, trembling etc and among the 14 doctors and therapists, not one of them made the connection to the medication. I was in perfect health until this was given to me for sudden gastrointestinal issues. I believe the issues and pain I still suffer are permanent.If people were properly warned, not many would accept it. And that would be a loss for the pharmaceutical companies. I was told that as long as it continues to save lives, there is no reason to stop it. But in the meantime, millions of lives continues to be ruined by these medications.
@marycostello2472 7 жыл бұрын
This drug is deadly and should be taken off the market as soon as possible. Don't let it totally destroy more people lives like it did mine~!
@VoidHalo 9 жыл бұрын
Back when I was a smoker, I routinely came down with bouts of bronchitis. During one of these bouts, I was prescribed amoxicillin, but after taking it for a few days, I wasn't improving at all, but rather getting worse. So I went back to the doctor. He gave me a prescription for levaquin. I knew nothing about the drug at the time, so I took the script over to the pharmacy to get it filled. They told me that they don't normally keep levaquin in stock, that it would have to be ordered special and I would need to wait until tomorrow for it to come in. That was fine. During the wait, that night I got online and began reading about it. Needless to say after finding out what the side effects were was enough that I wasn't going to touch those things with a 10 foot pole. Imagine, the doctor prescribing this drug, meant for people with life threatening infections that haven't responded to other antibiotics to someone with a chest infection that wasn't even cultured, so they had no clue if it was even viral or bacterial. That is, they had no idea whether antibiotics would even work on it, because they don't do anything for a virus, nor did they try to find out if it was bacterial, what kind of bacteria it was, so they could prescribe a more specific antibiotic for it with fewer side effects.
@Evasive14 8 жыл бұрын
you dodged a bullet!
@valeriegriner5644 4 жыл бұрын
Boy! You were really wise to do your homework. I took 2 rounds of this plus a round of Cipro and it caused me to become (temporarily)delusional/psychotic. Thank goodness(as far as I can tell)...it was temporary. I will never touch it again. You are correct in saying that they should do CULTURES to check for specific pathogens and THEN choose the proper medication(if it's bacterial or fungal). Doctors are not that smart.
@realgirl2704 2 жыл бұрын
I am soooo happy for you! Thank goodness you never took it. 😳 I wish I hadn’t. My legs will never be the same from the nerve damage I got immediately after taking Cipro.
@juliabouzan1739 2 жыл бұрын
So they’re talking about informational insert for patients, doctors should take it upon themselves to know better about what they are prescribing.
@bethharr6838 5 жыл бұрын
I was given Cipro in 1998, 3 different times, and it has RUINED my life!! My body physically rapidly declined since taking it. I had now been 20 years and I have nerve pain, muscle and bone pain from head to toe which I have to take pain medication if I want to even move or do anything. I also have to take medicine for tachycardia (rapid heart rate). I also have severe neuropathy. If I had known then what I know now I would have NEVER taken it!!! Back then it had just come out and was “supposedly” a “wonder drug” that would knock out anything. It did all right…my entire life as I knew it. I went from a vibrant, health, active teen to a shell of what I used to be. I feel like I’m trapped in a 90 year old body and I’m only 36.
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 5 жыл бұрын
My heart and prayers goes out to you and the other MILLIONS of innocent victims that the evil big pharma has attacked..... I'm a victim myself from the anti biotic drugs..... I took Amoxillian anti biotic 4 different times since 2008 to 2012 , 3 times prescribed from Doctors and 1 time from Dentist and that is when my health problems started......... But I was a very PERSISTENT kind of guy and I prayed for GOD to bless me with Knowledge and Wisdom on what I need to do to become Healthy again and that prayer was answered.... I have 95 % of all my good health back...... Just keep doing your best and don't give up....... Seek and Learn every way you can to get your body healed........ GOD Bless, Greg from Ohio :) Here is my Health advice to everyone. 1. Eat only Non gmo foods. 2. Drink only Distilled Water. 3. Check into Magnetic Therapy. 4.Learn alternative therapy on how to be healed... Check into Dr. Axe . draxe.com/ & kzfaq.info 5. Buy a Steam Sauna Tent and start sweating out things that shouldn't be in your body. 6. Exercise the best that you can. 7. Pray and Read or listen to the KJV Bible.
@elainewarren8552 9 жыл бұрын
Great educational video with information we all need to know before taking any drug prescribed. The public is becoming more and more aware that we need to check out these drugs and not just take our doctor's word that it is perfectly safe. I have been guilty of this in not asking them enough or any questions about what is being prescribed. Thank you for sharing.
@dimitar297 5 ай бұрын
Did you take the COVID-19 vaccine?
@lesorciercalifornien 10 жыл бұрын
I got permanent peripheral neuropathy from 2 doses of Cipro that i was given for a UTI
@gaurabshakya485 3 жыл бұрын
Is it still occurring?! Same problem with me since 1 year.
@mrs.l.abu-khdaier707 9 жыл бұрын
These drugs are poison!
@uprmt 12 жыл бұрын
This world is... rotten.
@45von 9 жыл бұрын
How many of these people would have gone along with their doctors recommendation even if they were told about the possible side effects..? I would think the Majority if not All, after all we Trust our doctors, and we Expect the doctors to Know what will be Best for us!
@GBelair 9 жыл бұрын
We did trust them, im going to my family GP for the first time today to out the fact this caused my problems in 2011, I will show him our interview here, hopefully it helps credibility
@arisespiritu227 7 жыл бұрын
the doctor don't give a shit about the side effect of the drugs they prescribe.
@MegaMikeylikes 6 жыл бұрын
You as a patient have the right to get a 2nd opinion, trust me i would have if i was even told side effects before the liquid Cipro was placed into my vein.
@MegatronECS 12 жыл бұрын
I can't imagine what it feels like. Those people at those drug companies and some doctors should be tought a lesson.
@diannematheny1844 5 жыл бұрын
I took Levaquin back in 2009. If it wasn't for an Integrative Doctor who knew to give me Intravenous Glutathione and magnesium I would not be here. The drug manufacturers are corrupt and liers and do not care about the health of the people they are responsible for. I am outraged.
@RicardoMilosGachi 2 жыл бұрын
did it help? Glutathione and magnesium?
@KobukanGojuRyu 4 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I did my research, I was prescribed it last night in the ER (Levoflaxin). They even gave me a dose there before sending me home. Not a single word was said about any side effects or dangers. I googled it when I got home and was quite shocked. Of course I am not taking any further dose and will be seeking another antibiotic. Even from the one dose I felt dizziness, fluttering in my chest and extreme fatigue. Just 1 dose! This is quite simply poison.
@KobukanGojuRyu 4 жыл бұрын
@I I I'm glad you eventually made it out okay. It really pisses me off things like this are given out so easily, especially when there are far safer antibiotics. For example ceftin, doxycycline, sulfatrim and amoxicillin are all broad spectrum, work well and fairly safe. Nothing in the adverse effects even approaching the fluoroquinolones. What worse is they will give it to you right there in the hospital and watch you to make sure you have taken it. In my case it was a sinus infection. My GP did give me amoxicilin the next day but thought I was being silly for not wanting to take the levoflaxin and blowing the potential side effects out of proportion. These antibiotics are generally never supposed to be given as a first line therapy and only for severe infections where other antibiotics have failed.
@kathall6422 3 жыл бұрын
@realgirl2704 2 жыл бұрын
It’s true that most patients never report an adverse reaction. I never did. What good does it do? I had nerve damage to my legs that made it very difficult to walk and had to use a cane. That was 5 years ago. Up until then I was very healthy. The damage is still there and while I can walk without a cane it’s still very difficult. My life and health were turned upside down by Cipro and I will never be the same.
@angelarosa1995 6 жыл бұрын
This terrifies me
@juliabouzan1739 2 жыл бұрын
Second day on this antibiotic and Today i have constant anxiety, usually I have anxiety for a couple minutes and I have coping skills that help it go away, I don’t usually have it all day without it relenting.
@shan3462 8 жыл бұрын
Well done.
@grettagrids 9 жыл бұрын
I have been off and on these two ( cipro andf levaquin) for yrs and am now dealing with multiple specielists ( nuerologist,GI,cardiologist,endocrinologist,orthopedic) and have been diagnosed with "dysautonomia" My heart refuses to slow down and wont match my activity.. need a pacemaker thanks to the cipro caused dysautonomia >:(
@valeriegriner5644 4 жыл бұрын
Make sure not to take any VACCINES...they cause this adverse reaction, too. Gardasil is one of the main vaXXine culprits of POTS and dysautonomia. Just an FYI.
@imusam999 11 жыл бұрын
PBS does. They covered this story a couple years ago.
@handleiguesss 4 ай бұрын
I took Cipro for a kidney infection when I was 19 - I had leg tendon inflammation and couldn't walk for more than 10 minutes without having to sit down from the pain, and then had intermittent sharp knee pains until I was 25. Eventually healed but it took years. I think I NARROWLY escaped snapped tendons. Given with no warnings whatsoever, casually. So scary.
@dargirl2027 3 ай бұрын
my mom was given cipro for almost 4yrs by a specialist- she experienced many many difference side effects- including 2 mini strokes last year - and now she is diagnosed with dementia with hardly any testing- they should take into consideration this drug -
@ElaineStDenis 8 жыл бұрын
Shared to Google+
@freedomwarrior5087 4 жыл бұрын
Reporting is the same for vaccine injuries and deaths. Take reported numbers and multiply by at least 100.
@markagirard6018 3 жыл бұрын
@chelseamolinashihtzu166 5 ай бұрын
This man should be allowed to sue them . There should be a warning label on them. I have taken this antibiotic many times and never was told it was dangerous.
@wandarochholz1737 4 ай бұрын
I think that it should be against the law to prescribe any floraquinalone as a first antibiotics. Other antibiotics should be used first. My body was harmed 7 years ago, after I was given a floraquinalone intravenously after an appendectomy. I have very limited activity and much pain ever since.
@accusationChair 4 жыл бұрын
levo ruined my shoulders, cipro give me tachycardia, ringing ears, irritable foggy fatigue chills headache
@poohbeared40 3 ай бұрын
I am one of these people. I have for 12 yrs had to deal with these side effects that are permanent
@lukedabrowski6610 4 ай бұрын
CIPRO pretty much killed me and almost did. slowly recovering after the worst year of my life. Will I ever be the same?
@DrFostersEssentials 10 жыл бұрын
You can do a juice fast with colon cleansing formulas for diverticulitis. Antibiotics are not always necessary
@tericiprovictim3830 7 жыл бұрын
Sadly, FQs is like taking 1 pill the can eqaul an auto mic bomb going off in your body... do a google search for "Dr. Mercola collagen damage", and visit "Teri CiproVictim" you tube Channel and click on Playlist. Thx
@shadowman7408 Жыл бұрын
Don't give dangerous advice on videos like this.
@DrFostersEssentials Жыл бұрын
@@shadowman7408 I am a trained MD with over 20 years experience in holistic medicine and that is a very rare thing. If you would take it seriously and actually do some research, you might learn something.
@shadowman7408 Жыл бұрын
@@DrFostersEssentials You don't think all of us do? its people like you who ruined our lives. So you don't get to come on here lecturing me after I lived in hell for over 12 long years and have likely many more ahead. there isn't a day where I don't wish I was dead instead.
@DrFostersEssentials Жыл бұрын
@@shadowman7408 I have treated diverticulitis successfully several times without antibiotics, so yes, I do get to lecture you. You’re not even bothering to ask me how I did it, so Good researching skills there!
@animallover8779 3 жыл бұрын
There are places that fix Ciprofolaxcin poisoning but you need good amounts of cash there is one in los Angeles
@totallyraw1313 Жыл бұрын
What's the name of the place in LA that treats cipro poisoning?
@markagirard6018 Жыл бұрын
@@totallyraw1313 Regenerative Medicine
@paulabillanes5084 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Mark Ghallili
@Eye_Witness 4 ай бұрын
I was just prescribed this for a UTI but I'm not going to take it. Everything I have read says it should not be taken for a UTI if another antibiotic such as Amoxycillin is available. The side effects listed for CIPRO should scare the crap out of any physician who reads the Medication Guide included with CIPRO.
@anastash7900 3 ай бұрын
Bactrim Septra is bad too. I have bad reactions to both bactrim and cipro and made sure my doctors added that to my chart. But they’ll tell you they’ve never heard of it doing that before.
@GenRN 5 ай бұрын
This drug destroyed my life. I’d rather be dead but of course I didn’t even need it. It is 2024. This report is 11 years old.
@iamlpinthe312 4 ай бұрын
I’m right there with you! I was given it last October and I haven’t been the same since. Achilles tendon pain is horrible and I’m afraid of it popping. Same with tendons in my hands.
@GenRN 4 ай бұрын
@@iamlpinthe312 I’m so sorry. Every day with every prescription more of us are created.
@coletanner5193 2 жыл бұрын
Has anyone had anaphylactic shock from this..like instant poison pill?? I have and I can't be the only one.
@beavischrist5 Ай бұрын
Dokters swore an oat to not poison their patients. Yet they do it all the time. Quackers.
@charlie123456781 12 жыл бұрын
8:21 is my cousins :O
@MrBucks-gc3up 5 жыл бұрын
hey! is he okay now? I had a friend with the same situation, I wanted to know how he survived from this horrific situation?
@singlereedenjoyer Жыл бұрын
@@MrBucks-gc3up there was a recent community post on his channel (GBelair) that didn’t seem to indicate that.
@niceguy2132 2 жыл бұрын
This is SIN
@honeyvitagliano3227 10 ай бұрын
@BrokebackBob 7 жыл бұрын
Used properly, fluoroquinolones are excellent antibiotic​s and are used successfully and effectively by MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people without significant side effects. Yes, they are prescribed too often and for the wrong types of infections. They are very powerful and should never be used first. Don't blame the drug, blame doctors who misuse antibiotics.
@markagirard6018 7 жыл бұрын
You are right in that the doctors are to blame but you are wrong that millions are taking them without side effects, they just don't think about the antibiotic they took months before when things go wrong in their bodies and neither do their idiot doctors even though it is in the product literature and the FDA warnings and the newscasts and the magazine articles and the blogs and the books and the movies and so on that these problems can happen together and that they can happen long after discontinuation. The damage they do is cumulative, so a patient may be able to take them a few times before all Hell breaks loose. There are literally millions of Americans and tens of millions of people all over the globe who have had their lives DESTROYED by these drugs and who have been misdiagnosed and then treated with more toxic drugs that routinely does more harm to the victims. Doctors suck!
@MegaMikeylikes 6 жыл бұрын
That's why health canada recently demanded all black box warnings as well as making it law that the patient understands the side effects, and we will have to sign off on it soon .But for those that react to the medicine which is 10% of all people given the medicine, only 1% of side effects got reported to doctors.So basically risk vs reward instead of the tradition antibiotics they use this now for the first means, it supposed to be used if those traditional antibiotics don't work. problem is once side effects kick in there is no treatment to fix the disruptions in the body.Each person is different someone might suffer a ligament issue some more serious like aortic dissection or an aneurism.
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Bob......is evil big pHARMa paying you to say that ?
@tericiprovictim3830 5 жыл бұрын
BobEckert56 there are now 2 published reports to prove FQs are nothing more than poisons without an antidote. 2 recent published researches now showing that FluoroQuinolones (FQs) never leave the body and continues to do damage. In fact FQs are failed chemo drugs and failed anthrax drugs desiguised as simple first choice antibiotics even just for cuts, colds, UTIs and and just incase infections. Even worse they put it in IV before, during or after even minor surgeries!!! May God help us all!!!
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 5 жыл бұрын
@@tericiprovictim3830 ........ Yeah....... I think Bob is Worried about his Evil BIG pHARMa Stock Dividends ........... Here's my new Saying " EVIL PHARMA is out to HARMya !! "
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