5 Things That Destroyed Star Wars

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Left Foot Media

Left Foot Media

Ай бұрын

Ever since Disney purchased the rights for George Lucas’ Star Wars it has become a mythology in serious decline. With the release of The Acolyte, their latest Star Wars TV series, it has all but collapsed. In this episode we discuss the five things which have destroyed this once beloved fantasy mythology.
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@HiroKompleX Ай бұрын
Your right. Unlike Lucas, Disney isn't making Star Wars because they WANT too. They're making Star Wars because they HAVE too.
The Number 1 thing that destroyed 'Star Wars' was George Lucas cashing out, which he had every right to do. Its not even about hindsight being 20/20, but when you sell something, you cannot tell the new owner what to do with it. The new owners, Disney, bastardised it, injected it with Identity Politics and DEI, and dusted it with activism. Couple that to bad writing, and we have the destruction of a franchise. I don't think people under a certain age truly understands what 'Star Wars' really meant to people who saw the original trilogy in real time, it captured the imagination and shaped a genre. There has been a concentrated effort to destroy all popular franshises and their IP. 'Alien', ruined. 'Terminator', ruined. 'Indiana Jones', ruined. 'Predator', ruined. They want to ruin 'Blade' now for whatever reason.
@RoaryUK Ай бұрын
Alien has not been ruined, at least not yet! Scott may have taken it to a place some didn't want to go, but that wasn't entirely down to him, as Fox (the studio in charge at the time) were seemingly only interested in hearing what some fans wanted rather than just telling a good story. Romulus may yet make Alien into something great again, and who knows where the prequels might go next, but NO this particular franchise is not done yet!
@@RoaryUK Art is subjective as we all know, but if you thought 'Prometheus' or 'Covenant' were good films.......
@DrgnLdyLizzie2001 Ай бұрын
I will admit that the prequel trilogy had its issues, so did the OT, but not half as many as the sequels. I stopped watching after TFA and have never regretted that decision. Mandalorian, Boba Fett, and this latest show are something I have never had even an iota of interest in (despite my brother's best efforts). I read the EU, and those will always be canon to me, no matter what Disney says. As such, what they're doing to the established lore is ridiculous. I am not going to watch it, not even to criticize it. Others much more talented than me have already done it and some will continue to do so, sparing many the pain.
@trevturp6891 27 күн бұрын
Why haven't you watched The Mandalorian? That show's great.
@trevturp6891 27 күн бұрын
How come you stopped watching after Episode 7?
@trevturp6891 27 күн бұрын
How do The Star Wars Originals have their issues?
@DrgnLdyLizzie2001 26 күн бұрын
​@@trevturp6891Was never interested in The Mandalorian. The OT, unless they introduced a new character, were probably not going to have Luke and Leia be siblings, let alone twins. Pretty sure having Luke be Vader's kid was always the plan. I stopped watching after TFA because it was a bad rewrite of Episode IV, and I knew it would only go downhill from there. It did.
@georgecisneros5281 Ай бұрын
“It’s about sending a message…everything burns.” - Post-modern…um, I mean…The Joker🤡🔥
@mediamaniac898 Ай бұрын
Lucas certainly had his issues in writing. But The Rise of Skywalker is by far the worst movie released (I am forced to include the three fan-fiction films as well as the two spin-offs). It’s not even a movie, it’s a disaster that is partly an apology for The Last Jedi haters, and secondly a sloppy attempt at wrapping up what is now known as “The Skywalker Saga”. In the words of Elrond, “It should’ve ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure.” I say this as someone who hated TLJ, which was an abomination and another character assassination.
@trevturp6891 27 күн бұрын
(Why are you forced to include the three fan-fiction films as well as the two spin-offs?)
@chronicguardian9684 Ай бұрын
I think it was George Macdonald in his essay "The Fantastic Imagination" that said "In physical laws, the writer may create; in moral law, he must obey". As you point out, the unmoored relativist perspective will make this a difficult truth for the modern writers to grasp... So we know what must be done to write the ship. Who would you say has the best chance to actually do it? Or is there a point when we simply must let Star Wars die in its own hard-wrought banality?
@zietgiestnewspeak6143 Ай бұрын
This man's logical critique of Star wars kept me sane during the Disney trilogy.
@hackysmacky Ай бұрын
Welcome back, loved you're take on the sad state of starwas. As always excellent stuff
@shooterdownunder Ай бұрын
13:51 there’s a deleted scene where when Luke confronted yoda about this and he in that scene he confirmed that it was true but then in the deleted part of the scene yoda points out that obi wan would’ve told him if yoda hadn’t made him promise not to and I think that would’ve been the better way to handle that in the movie.
@ravagetime 28 күн бұрын
Gary Kurtz is the man responsible for making Star Wars special. Without him steering the original trilogy, Star Wars could have been another sci-fi B-movie of the seventies.
@LR316 Ай бұрын
Welcome back to the star wars talk 🤝
@andrewlim9345 Ай бұрын
Thanks for your analysis of the problems facing Star Wars. I was saddened to see the plot holes and pacing issues in the four episodes of the Acolyte that have been released. Acolyte is a good example of a post modern story since the heroes are deconstructed and the antagonists are rationalised. I wouldn't have had issues with this if not for the problems with the storyline and pacing. We have a character wanting to kill the Jedi for a wrong that happened during their childhood and then changing her mind after learning her sister is alive. The series feels more like a corporate product that ticks the right diversity boxes. I feel sorry for the actors in the show but the screen writers, directors and showrunners have much to answer. Have you watched the Andor series by Tony Gilroy. It captures the spirit of Star Wars without preachy storytelling and fan service. The Clone Wars, Rogue One, Rebels and The Bad Batch are also good.
@atticstattic Ай бұрын
What I see is a complete rejection of everything society has learned about storytelling - due to it being "male gatekeeping". This comes out especially strong against the hero's journey and the transcendence the hero normally goes through. Avoiding it has been happening in mainly two forms: - Preloading the main character with everything she needs( e.g. live action Mulan ) - Internal retcon ( e.g. Captain Marvel), where the journey is diluted through flashback.
@MrStanleyMilton Ай бұрын
I agree with a lot of your commentary and really enjoyed the breakdown. However, on the "woke-ism" Disney is blatantly pushing with this propagandistic "product" vehicle; They haven't been as concerned with the sexuality (Space lesbians etc) of it's characters and the Marxist world view of quotas etc. in the past as nowadays, yet they (Disney) have ALWAYS promoted occultism/witchcraft/magic from their first films dating back to the 1930's-40's. George Lucas himself has been a propagandist/evangelist for Zen Buddhist and pantheistic Religion from the beginning of the Star Wars films. I saw "Star Wars" in 1977 within the first week or so of it's opening and was a fan of the first 3 films(they lost me after that), but as I am a Christian and have learned more Bible over the decades, the actual Luciferic analogies have popped out more and more. Luke (Lucifer) Skywalker- Bears a light Sabre, scripture calls lucifer a bearer of light-this the actual meaning of his name. Satan is referred to as "The Prince of the power of the air" (Skywalker) in Ephesians 2:2-4. Luke is a Prince right? If his sister is a Princess it would follow, correct? Interestingly, in the book of Daniel we learn that the coming Anti-Christ will honor the "God of forces" (Daniel 11:38). The goal of the Jedi seems to be to marshal the power of the "Force" (an impersonal power that you can wield however you want for "good" or evil). Whereas- a Christian is to humble themselves and have trust in a personal God as one would with a father. We know that no-one comes to this Father except through His Son who sacrificed Himself for our sins. (John 14:6 and John 3:16)
@clarity2199 Ай бұрын
The five things that destroyed Star wars 1. Disney 2. Disney 3. Kathleen Kennedy (aka coffee girl) 4. Disney 5. Disney
@massivemike7358 Ай бұрын
Perfectly analysed.
@present077 Ай бұрын
You really have a wonderful analysis, one that I largely share, but something you mentioned in this video stuck in my craw and leads me to believe you might be missing one of the most critical philosophical points of the Lucas era. Regarding the bit about Obi-Wan telling Luke that he was correct "from a certain point of view", you're missing the interpretation that most aligns with the entire thrust of the original trilogy. Obi-Wan was wrong, very simple. This is not a one-off, and it is not unintentional. Both Obi-Wan and Yoda were wrong multiple times in the original trilogy, and then again in the prequels, and not just in a "I'm human, I make mistakes" kind of way, but also in a "in my accurate and true following of the Jedi code, I am wrong" way. The Jedi ideology was incomplete and flawed, and their rigid adherence to the ideology throws a spotlight on these flaws. This is the heart of the conflict of the first 6 episodes. It is the reason why Anakin cannot live in accordance with the Jedi philosophy as it is rigidly taught to him. One failure is that the Jedi order is founded in something of a moral ethos, yet this ethos is frequently put aside for utilitarian calculations. This is hypocritical, and Anakin cannot abide this. What Obi-Wan is in effect doing with Luke in that scene is echoing this same hypocrisy and germinating an idea in Luke that all is not right with what they teach. Secondly, and more pivotally, the Jedi code does not account for love. It is precisely because Luke finds a place for the concept of love as an extension of the Jedi philosophy that Vader is suddenly and wholly shook, ultimately seeing not the validity of the old Jedi code, but the completion of the Jedi code as revised by his son. Obi-Wan and Yoda were supposed to be wrong, this is not a mistake. It is the foundation for the hero's journey of Luke.
@PatrickF.Fitzsimmons Ай бұрын
1. Disney 2. Disney 3. Disney 4. Disney 5. Disney
@Pedro-lg9wz Ай бұрын
For me the problem or downfall was disrespecting the past, I didnt mind in fact was hyped for the sequels and then came the last jedi and did luke dirty, they gave him the most horrendous story that was so out of charactet and then not just that... they made Rey a mary sue Skywalker because she choose to be!!! And now everything that luke did in the expanded universe will be given tp Rey....since then Disney has been messing with the cannon or lore😅
@trevturp6891 27 күн бұрын
What do you mean in fact was hyped for the sequels?
@noyesharrigan6217 Ай бұрын
I think what we are all learning now is that postmodernism is just the natural end to enlightenment liberalism. This is why many are becoming interested in religion and other pre-modern value systems.
@mitchellalexander9162 Ай бұрын
"None of this crap ever happened with the Expanded Universe. Just saying." -The Once and Future Fans who aren't giving Acolyte and Disney Star Wars Time of Day
@m.b.boyack2228 Ай бұрын
One thing and one thing only has destroyed the Star Wars franchise and that is "Intersectional (Identity) Politics", any specific cause that may be named comes under this heading and the Marxist ideology it represents, born of the Frankfurt School. Lucas was most definitely a initiating and contributing factor to this end result. Nice critique.
@trevturp6891 27 күн бұрын
How was Lucas a initiating and contributing factor to this end result?
@m.b.boyack2228 27 күн бұрын
@@trevturp6891 Lucas himself gave up caring about Star Wars, period. Reflected in the end result, the quality of the writing, which wasn't ready and the directing, done from a chair, of the prequel trilogy was widely criticized and critiqued from the time of release to this day. Lucas selling his work to a faceless corporation who new nothing about the franchise except it had an existing, loyal fanbase willing to spend money.
@hackysmacky Ай бұрын
@do0ranfrump260 Ай бұрын
5 things? Katheline Kennedy, mitachlorians, joke characters being puppeted by the sentient "force", dei, abandonment of established lore in order to push woke narratives.
@georgecisneros5281 Ай бұрын
@VenkmanJ Ай бұрын
Just 5 things? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@kyletitterton Ай бұрын
The man most at fault is George Lucas. He made it, nosedived it, then sold it. Blame George, no-one else. Also, stop blaming Marxism and then blaming capitalism in the same video. Pick a lane mate.
@LeftFootMediaNZ Ай бұрын
There’s more than 2 lanes
@stevereynolds5684 Ай бұрын
Lucas did not “nosedive” it. You sound like a fool. The merchandise was still huge, Lucas could have easily made more movies and fans would have flocked just as much as they did to “The Force Awakens”. You think it was George Lucas who made every subsequent Disney Star Wars movie earn less money to the point they scrapped plans to keep making movies? You think George Lucas was responsible for each subsequent D+ Star Wars show having lower and lower viewership? You aren’t a fool, you are an idiot.
@suezcontours6653 Ай бұрын
​@@LeftFootMediaNZAren't you idiots too old to be whining about this? Star Wars is for kids. Shut up already😊
@suezcontours6653 Ай бұрын
​@@LeftFootMediaNZYou're old, Dude. Star Wars is for kids not 50 years old geezers
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