Alberta is the canary in the coal mine for Canada’s energy divide: Frank McKenna

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Frank McKenna, former Canadian Ambassador to the United States and deputy chairman to TD Bank, discusses the growing east-west divide in Canada.
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@michaelwu6914 4 жыл бұрын
Why is someone who accomplished NOTHING re-elected?
@thomasjefferson6 4 жыл бұрын
To Michael Wu- because Canadians as a collective whole are the world's stupidest voters.
@randyszymkowski882 4 жыл бұрын
The electorate of Canada= A Ship Of Fools.......“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” ― George Orwell
@gayannppc9554 4 жыл бұрын
Turdo/Snear are a team who work for NWO/UN and they control the MSM and the sheeple are cowards. PPC forever
@futz48 4 жыл бұрын
@jai yen yen - My cat could do a better job than the turd. Flush again! The turd didn't go down!
@mtube620 4 жыл бұрын
Why? because the election ended after Ontario and Quebec election poll close. The easterners voted back in the clown because they got promised of more free stuffs, paid by the west.
@altonriggs2352 4 жыл бұрын
Don't blame President Trump or the U.S. this is self inflicted.
@SilvanaDil 4 жыл бұрын
Step 1: Alberta & Sas secede Step 2: Alberta & Sas apply to be States #51 & #52 (access to tide water; part of a huge capital market; part of a huge consumer market; etc.)
@lorcathecrazy5331 4 жыл бұрын
@@SilvanaDil Step 3: Alberta gets fair market value for it's oil.
@SilvanaDil 4 жыл бұрын
@momentinpassing - This Trump supporter takes umbrage at "world's leading terror state!" Don't make us annex all of Canada (and give it territorial status rather than statehood)!
@SilvanaDil 4 жыл бұрын
@momentinpassing - Canada doesn't engage in wars, sell uranium and weapons? Hypocrite!
@hongkongphooey5944 4 жыл бұрын
momentinpassing, "what could go wrong?" TRUDEAU
@raynus1160 4 жыл бұрын
I'd forgotten what a sensible Liberal sounds like.
@howlerbike 4 жыл бұрын
That's not what I'm hearing. I'm hearing these two lamenting that the money being lost could pay for even more government spending by the very people responsible for the problems. And that would be small l liberals in all parties.
@AIvey 3 жыл бұрын
I lived in New Brunswick when McKenna 🌊 wave struck he will do what he want god help you if you get caught by the wave 🌊.
@skepticalcanuck2078 4 жыл бұрын
Our weasel PM needs to stand up and push the TMX to completion and include our aboriginal citizens in the deal.
@andrewyoung9751 4 жыл бұрын
@Jon Candy wow buddy - seriously, get a grip on reality!
@andrewyoung9751 4 жыл бұрын
@Jon Candy Sorry, I can tell by your 2 responses that you know exactly sweet tweet about what goes on in Alberta and its current relationship with Canada. Please troll somewhere else.
@michaelattoe5710 4 жыл бұрын
And where exactly do the aboriginals get the money to buy a pipeline or build a new one? From the government of course through guaranteed loans. How is that any different than the government owning the pipeline? Then there's the other little question of what qualifies Aboriginal groups to either own or safely operate a pipeline? If Aboriginal groups want to participate in ownership of a pipeline, let them buy shares in a legitimate company that knows how to operate and run a pipeline with their own money like everybody else.
@robcormier7272 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelattoe5710 lease the land on which the pipeline travels. I'm sure that would bring good value to both parties.
@michaelattoe5710 4 жыл бұрын
@@robcormier7272 It has long been an established legal principle that the owners of land where pipelines cross get lease payments. That would also be the case for any Aboriginal lands that they cross as long as ownership is established. The problem is that in BC there are so few settled land claims by aboriginals, mainly because their land claims are absolutely ridiculous. I've seen a map of BC with their claims drawn on it, and it's obvious that the aboriginals looked at a European-made map and drew in lines for their land claims without any regard to it being land that they actually ever used. Their claims basically fill the entire province of BC, including deep wilderness areas where even today no one goes.
@valkry007 4 жыл бұрын
the time has come for the West to look inward and decide whether staying in Canada is worth it. We have taxation without ANY representation !
@thomasjefferson6 4 жыл бұрын
to valkry007- don't forget Canada's policy of mass Islamic immigration. Why would Alberta want to stay in a country that wants to transform itself into a sharia toilet?
@john63ny 4 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson6 be very afraid they r building the largest mosque in fr mc. Separate b4 they take over the west. Both liberal n conservative hv been bringing them in for yrs now.
@kentpengelly9896 4 жыл бұрын
Only way Alberta survives is seperation. If they stay they die.
@AIvey 3 жыл бұрын
We need Former PM Harper back to save this country for all provinces.....🇨🇦
@dontpokethebear4190 4 жыл бұрын
Why do the fringe dictate policy. Most would be laughed out of existence except for far the LW political parties in Canada that cater to these kooks.
@johne1071 4 жыл бұрын
Stop giving Que. Ten times the amount of transfer payments. Put the seat of government, in Alberta, instead of Ottawa. Move it around periodically.
@aickoyvesschumann3400 4 жыл бұрын
Fun fact #1: There are no transfer payments between provinces. Federal taxes are collected equally across Canada. The federal government then uses a portion of the tax revenue to help equalize the standard of living across Canada. A great thing in a unified nation! Fun fact #2: Which province receives by far (!!!) the most per capita benefit from the equalization program? Albertans always answer Quebec? WRONG, it's actually Prince Edward Island.
@richarddouglas6838 4 жыл бұрын
@Fluffy Muffin hydro Québec was created and financed by quebeckers wjthout a cent from fédéral gvt. Thé oïl industries of thé west had billions $from Ottawa. That's why its mot included in tranfers.....
@manfredstrata5395 4 жыл бұрын
Leaving Canada isn’t the answer for the resource based provinces. The answer would be voting for political parties that would build economic diversity. The decline of the oil and gas industry isn’t a federal creation. The planet is changing especially for the demand for Tar Sand oil. This would be a good time for these provinces to work with the federal government on building economic diversity. Wanting to leave because the future change threatens the past ways doesn’t make sense.
@allee424 4 жыл бұрын
Agenda 21 does not include political parties ,it will be a one world government,why not do some research and find out what is really in store for Canadian citizens and i mean all provinces.When we go off fossil fuel it should be done in a timely way rather than bringing economic ruin to the country.Your idea of wind and solar is not the ideal technology for alternative energy and citizens will be paying double/triple for their energy use.The carbon footprint for millions of solar panels/wind turbines /electric batteries is not that much less than fossil fuel usage ,in fact the so called green energy is not not green at all
@loripearce3942 4 жыл бұрын
I believe the leader of a country should be vetted and have the qualifications to actually make intelligent beneficial decisions. Canadian politicians are illusionists and have no substance
@alwaysatwork5913 4 жыл бұрын
Westerners support Wexit ! Do not allow nostalgia to keep us handcuffed to this economic prison! Let’s not allow left wing ideologues to dictate our financial future! We can do this! Don’t be weak be strong
@redwater4778 4 жыл бұрын
Albertans created this economy and it sucks. More of the same won't cure what ails us.
@alwaysatwork5913 4 жыл бұрын
ice water it sucks do to federal regulations but sure
@redwater4778 4 жыл бұрын
@@alwaysatwork5913 It suck that you had Petrocan dismantled and let the USA take the oil for little in tax then complain about transfer of payments.
@CdnGrimReaper 4 жыл бұрын
As an Albertan im just tired of getting shafted by the rest of canada. I don't want to separate from canada. But we have to threaten the rest of the country so they pay attention to whats happening. And its sad that we have to threaten our own countrymen and women to listen to us. But thats the world we live in now
@Lily-vi5cy 4 жыл бұрын
Why can't we have a person like Frank McKenna as a leader of Canada, instead CPC party members choose the guy whose qualifications are sporadically calling "Order, order, order" , and Liberals choose the guy that put on costumes and fly around on world embracing Canada. Canada needs a PRESIDENT with qualifications in running a business not a former supply teacher of "yearbook studies" and part time frisbee coach. It breaks my heart seeing Canada, the best country in the world going down under current socialist government.
@timcoolican459 4 жыл бұрын
Did you hear that Canadians...Liberals...Trudeau? Cowboy-up, be a man, and do what's right for Canada! You won't be popular Trudeau, and it will cost billions of dollars, but it's for the economic future of Canada and Canadians! Stop giving the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Azerbaijan billions of dollars for oil. Let's extract, refine, and ship our oil to Canada and the rest of the world. Wake the hell up!
@thomasjefferson6 4 жыл бұрын
To Tim Coolican- Canada puts a carbon tax on Alberta oil but not on US or Saudi or Azerbaijan oil. Canada bans tankers on the west coast (that carry Alberta oil) but not on tankers on the east coast (that carry foreign oil). Thank you, Canada, for communicating clearly what you think of Alberta. You have given Alberta yet another reason to leave Confederation.
@rvhmon656 4 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson6 Refine it...THEN send it down the TMX to Vancouver as a VALUE ADDED PRODUCT instead of shipping $30 per hour jobs to China at far greater environmental risk. Rachel Knotley was offering free money and tax credits to get more refining capacity going. I'm sure Kenn't will cancel that too under orders from BIG oil
@timcoolican459 4 жыл бұрын
@@joesnake2882 what a clear and concise argument. You've brought up some very valid points here. Initial analysis suggests that you are neither Jewish, nor are you an overly intelligent, gay man. My critique on your choice, to have your foreskin licked, suggests that, perhaps, you are a fetishist, or are in fact gay. It is also interesting that you would use the term foreskin, rather than the entire penis. Regardless, if you are not gay, you may have some latent tendencies. The fact that you have a foreskin, implies that you are not a follower of the Jewish faith. In addition, typing this particular phrase, entirely in caps, suggest that you are not Christian either. Though further analysis, of your parents or grandparents, would reveal your actual upbringing. My final analysis comes from the pseudonym you have chosen..."joe snake". Other than the obvious phallic symbolism, in the word 'snake', you seem to be a younger individual, or at least somewhat immature. The fact that you have chosen to type your 'staged' name in small caps, while commenting using large caps, indicates that you are a person of weak character, easily offended, perhaps because of your ignorance. You hide behind the shield of your pseudonym, while hurling insults and obscenities, not unlike the members of ANTIFA . Thanks again for your insightful comment. Now you can return to your video games and porn, snugly tucked away in your parents basement.
@jonsmith5460 4 жыл бұрын
Time to seperate, no more loyalty cheques to quebec or ontario.
@timwatson7404 4 жыл бұрын
but I thought trudeau said the budget would balance itself??
@darrelcdammann 4 жыл бұрын
Western Canada in general has been everyone's bank for far too long....
@hongkongphooey5944 4 жыл бұрын
is it possible for alberta to raise the price of their oil and give rebates to albertans only
@elrolo3711 4 жыл бұрын
Try to name one single thing that benefits the West to justify remaining in confederation. Just one reason? I can't think of one but l can think of hundreds of reasons why there should be two Canada's, eastern Canada and Western Canada.
@chadmills1323 4 жыл бұрын
Where the f*ck is the ACTION!!???
@patrickreid2767 4 жыл бұрын
Alberta has to separate in order to survive. VoteWexit. It’s far to late for political compromise and it’s time now for separation.
@powelllucas4724 4 жыл бұрын
Well, if any of you folks here in the west were not sure of your place on the totem pole you must have been sleeping for a long, long time. The voters in Ontario, Quebec, and BC have made it quite plain: "you are no longer welcome in our little socialist enclave. You may continue to supply us with the necessities of life but only as an indentured servant." By the way: If any of you ever expect to see anything but a Liberal, Green, or NDP government in's time to wake up.
@mcampbe41 4 жыл бұрын
Issues: Bill 69 & 48 and carbon tax. Change those things and maybe separation doesn't happen. Northern Gateway & Energy East are also critical projects that have no interest from the Laurentian mafia.
@thomasjefferson6 4 жыл бұрын
Repealing Bills 69 and 48 aren't good enough. In a few months or years, Canada will impose some other destructive bills on Alberta, even if they are repealed. In any case, nobody can reverse a destructive Supreme Court decision. Alberta just needs to LEAVE Confederation; then it won't have to worry about destructive policies from Canada any more.
@mcampbe41 4 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson6 depending on the basis for a Supreme Court decision either the Federal or Provincial government can use the notwithstanding clause to over ride court decisions. Quebec has just used it again for their Bill 21 and their language law Bill 101. However I do understand your frustrations.
@unknownknown2776 4 жыл бұрын
Charges against Trudeau; Sir Lance (
@naddirpatel 4 жыл бұрын
Canary was pre election. Now Alberta leads Wexit.
@leb1969 4 жыл бұрын
Trudeau is NOT my Prime Minister! Frank McKenna is an intelligent man, who has made sense in every word he said during this interview. He should have been the Prime Minister of Canada!
@AvenEngineer 4 жыл бұрын
In 1968 the population of Abu Dhabi was about 45 thousand. Today the population is 1.2 million. From the looks of it, the healthcare system is pretty well funded, and the police drive Lamborghini's. I dare say the Burj Khalifa be a grander monument to the oil business today, than The Husky Tower will ever be. How are we doing it this wrong? It's utterly astonishing.
@sinhchiem 4 жыл бұрын
Why are we keep paying Transfer payment when we can't even sell our Oil. the west already spoken.
@goneoneg2923 4 жыл бұрын
wexiters need to worry about health care
@redwater4778 4 жыл бұрын
If you want value from the oil you must buy into the industry . Alberta had plenty of opportunities to form a provincial oil & gas company Instead they sold us all out .
@R1j0hn 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with the content of the video, and somewhat "like" it... But SHAME ON BNN for blurring out the Poppy.
@julestremblay453 4 жыл бұрын
J0HN_R1 Holly ! I had to review this vid to see for myself MOFOs !!!!
@Saskguy20 4 жыл бұрын
Wut? .... it's clearly blurred, but not to the point where it's noticeable.
@michaelattoe5710 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, Encana is redomiciling for business reasons on the surface because their assets are now down in the States mostly, but they started moving their assets down to the United States because of the crappy investment climate created by Trudeau and the Liberals in Canada, so in fact it's not just a business decision, that's a superficial understanding of it.
@studlyhungwell 4 жыл бұрын
That’s a pretty tight shirt. This complies with the dress code on a business network? I’m not complaining though! 🤣
@MrTortureandtorment 4 жыл бұрын
United we stand. Divided we fall. Which will it be in the coming years?
@lennybrown5292 4 жыл бұрын
Truthful interview !
@donhansen1175 4 жыл бұрын
Right on!
@Mikesmith-uv8xm 4 жыл бұрын
Divide and conquer one of the oldest games in town
@Wookey. 4 жыл бұрын
This guy has the same accent as (and sounds extremely similar to) Jordan Peterson. Anyone care to tell me which part of Canada that is?
@MrBonners 4 жыл бұрын
Google the name. DUH There is no accent.
@coltanbabz5569 4 жыл бұрын
Jordan Peterson was from Alberta before he moved to the states.
@offgridwanabe 4 жыл бұрын
Oil boom / Bust same as always the US took the easy money now we are left with expensive oil and no market no matter how you ship $100 a barrel oil for $35 it just doesn't work.
@redwater4778 4 жыл бұрын
Let them leave . It has to be more than jobs . They don't pay tax for the oil .
@Bokimon 4 жыл бұрын
I really liked this interview and the skill and mindset of the BNN host is outstanding as well as outstandingly beautiful. Those words and pointers brought out has been well known for ages in the western provinces (except lower mainland) and sadly does little to comfort or improve the situation since this country has gone down the rabbit hole so deep. As an Albertan who is out of work, I think I need to declare that I have no choice but to move east and join the Liberal nexus in Ontario, but I will be sure to bring my AB energy shirt with me and hope to spread the message of truth within the foxhole.
@gdc8403 4 жыл бұрын
Vancouver and Toronto by all indications are in gigantic real estate bubbles. When those pop and the Canadian economy/banks totally tank into a bad recession, see how much more is paid attention to industries who generate revenue and jobs.
@michaelcorey9890 4 жыл бұрын
Time for the country to breakup. Regional differences are driving a wedge. It's OK. Realignment of borders happens in history; that's all. A quick look at history proves that. All jurisdictions will be better served with a more local government; not a behemoth federal government 1000s of km away.
@robertmurray8355 4 жыл бұрын
Dont show your face in Alberta and your buddy Robbie proabaly still have a outstanding tab!
@sakiracadman5673 4 жыл бұрын
I wish that poppy was a little lower.
@jpbrindamour5467 4 жыл бұрын
Zzzzzz Is this a heritage department commercial? What are they talking about?! Don’t pretend to have an economic discussion when it’s just political PR.
@andypratt1158 4 жыл бұрын
Trans canada pipeline is now called tc energy.....the business climate here is in ruins
@Coroy2008 4 жыл бұрын
Dam rights we are angry, it’s time we govern ourselves and rid us of the virtue signalling PMO losers
@gregmandzuk2281 4 жыл бұрын
Thunder bay to the BC border should separate and become a republic ASAP. Build pipelines to Churchill Manitoba. (Deep water port)Flat land and not many people. Look at a map Ottawa will never listen. So just dooo it !!!!!
@MrBonners 4 жыл бұрын
Because of shale the US is now oil independent. Alberta oil sales to the US market are gone. Equalization payments cheques to Que. are going to bounce.
@litestuf 4 жыл бұрын
I sincerely hope there are NO MORE cheques to Quebec. Bloody self-indulgent whiners and Anglo hating uninformed ignoramuses.
@paulehmann3951 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my God up wake slaves
@iron-farmer 4 жыл бұрын
Boomer sooner! Let us build a pipeline to sell oil.
@AllanI3374 4 жыл бұрын
And we DO NOT WANT usmCA , how about you read the dam thing people before signing it! Society has gotten stupid by accepting googles rambling terms and conditions (it's accomplished what they intended) and thus simply,quickly accepts whatever garbage they are offered. Time to start scrutinizing all these deals/contracts from the "moral intent" view, instead of "you signed it" No one will stand up for "your" rights and libertys better than "you". And if "you" don't think the cause is worth the effort, it isn't, For "you". AKA: freedom is not for YOU.
@john63ny 4 жыл бұрын
It is a deal that is pro america. The sovereign rights will be lost. Read the fine print
@jodycrozier7363 4 жыл бұрын
Wexit is the answer.
@AdrianLeeMagill 4 жыл бұрын
(Of the federal government) "They're committed to building that pipeline. They've bought that pipeline." yet, somehow, Alberta and Saskatchewan vote Conservative. It boggles the mind... Alberta could do so much better getting away from their oil addiction. This interview is hardly unbiased. If it were actually balanced, there would be more talk about alternatives, but everything here is about oil.
@yourinluck 4 жыл бұрын
Bring on the pipelines We are sacrificing billions in revenue that could be used to switch to renewable energy over time, keeping jobs in energy while creating new jobs in renewable energy. Canadas 2050 carbon emissions goal is ridiculous. Wont happen and even if it does it wont make a hoot of difference on a world scale. Canada contributes 1.5% of the worlds carbon emissions. Canada is the 2nd largest country with only 36 million people. We are a drop in the bucket. As the cost of clean energy comes down the switch will happen naturally. I bought a heat pump because it’s now affordable and cheaper to heat my home not to save the environment. It just so happens that it does save the environment.
@ng-marc 4 жыл бұрын
Respectfully, Alberta and Saskatchewan will never support PM Trudeau. He would be a fool to spend any more political capital in a region that will only remove his government, pipeline or not. Albertas economy has been designed to be in direct conflict with the rest of Canada due to single product focused export market traded in USD. 2/3 of Canadians voted for climate action and center left progressive leadership. All of PM Trudeau's efforts to support Alberta futile spent political capital. The PM would be much wiser to invest in major green new deal infrastructure project in the west to put those construction workers back to work right now. That said, they would fight him every step of the way. Pipeline or not, oil and gas is a short term fix at best. As the planet continues to burn, those projects will held liable for mass murder and damages. The children will win their lawsuit and the government's will be forced to take action to prevent climate change by the Supreme Court. The government will always have responsibly for public safety. Imaginary fiat currency does not supersede public safety. Why not invest in geothermal in BC, export electricity to the US for all the new electric cars and trucks coming online. We will need new sources of clean energy for centuries to come. Why not capitalize now? Rather than being late to the dance once again.
@ng-marc 4 жыл бұрын
Does anyone believe BC would leave Canada really? Which provinces would Wexit include? Alberta sure? Saskatchewan, maybe? Manitoba and BC, not likely. North West Territory, doubt it? Isn't this discussion more about leverage? Would Alberta even be having this conversation had the Conservatives won? Not likely?
@gregoryfrie8024 4 жыл бұрын
Dont kid YOURSELVES for a minute they want this oil
@bremexperience 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know, if oil isn'T selling anymore, maybe it's time to shift to a service based economy like the rest of us? Just a RANDOM idea here...
@michaelkurbod6162 4 жыл бұрын
@stromsky58,yeah get a minimum wage job working for a third worlder that doesn't follow the labor laws and if you complain to the authorities they don't bother doing anything about the infraction because they are afraid to insult a minority migrant. 😉🍻
@talibanking 4 жыл бұрын
That's a ridiculous amount of mascara
@GaryGettis 4 жыл бұрын
@moosejawt 4 жыл бұрын
i hope we seperate from canada
@bremexperience 4 жыл бұрын
I think McKenna is wrong with his assumption that we want "wealth". Some of us want a quality of life, regardless of wealth.
@TheWinterDrifter 4 жыл бұрын
@dishappywithlife2556 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Alberta, and I see what happening here from many sides. The reality is climate change is an issue, oil is not the way of the future and globally many are wanting options for renewable energy. Alberta during boom times, of course is not thinking of ways to invent a new wheel, because money was being made and many had fabulous lifestyles. But the world is changing and there is enough talent here, that engineers can invent ways to harness new energies. Do people like change, no, do Albertans want their lifestyle to change, no. But change needs to happen. No one wants the pipeline except Albertans, they want their lifestyle back and the money that went with it. But nobody will change to do something different, unless they’re forced into changing, like a downturn. Alberta only knows oil and they just want go back to old times, but they can’t. I wish some visionary people step up for other options for energy, as this is what the world wants. Alberta needs to stop being stubborn and reinvent the wheel. Now Ontario and B.C. certainly enjoyed Alberta’s transfer payments, and they need to stop being dicks and support Alberta with the changes here. Canada needs to work together or other countries will invent new technologies and we’ll be left behind.
@frankz1125 4 жыл бұрын
I dont think that the USA can afford our oil.
@sylvainbeausejour 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t think this whole Alberta separatism hype is serious.
@MillieMe05 4 жыл бұрын
I have never before in my life thought separatism is a good idea, but the east is happy to take all our money but then kill our economy. We are frustrated with the east not comprehending that all of Canada’s economy depends on oil. The idea we can just get rid of oil in the next few years is childish and naive. We want to keep our own tax dollars and stop carrying the eastern voters who don’t care at all about Alberta. The stupidity of voting for more social programs while tanking the economy is very hard to comprehend
@sylvainbeausejour 4 жыл бұрын
Lillian Miller While I would accept that Alberta separates if it was the will of a democratic process I don’t think it is a good solution. I do not even think that it is a serious consideration for Albertans. More like a way to voice their frustration of perceived (or real ) issues.
@thomasjefferson6 4 жыл бұрын
to Sylvain Beausejour- You do not list all the wonderful benefits Alberta gets being in the marvelous Canadian federation, because there are NONE. Believe that Alberta separation is not serious if you like. If Albertans have any brains, they will give you a big surprise.
@flyingbeaver57 4 жыл бұрын
Believe whatever you want. I've lived through Pierre Trudeau's NEP and all of the Separatist movement that came after. This time it's very, very different. The depth of anger and the degree of determination, plus the sheer numbers of people from all walks of life and every socio-economic level - those make me believe its very serious, and becoming more so every day.
@sylvainbeausejour 4 жыл бұрын
Thomas Jefferson Indeed I am not arguing that the reasons Albertans are frustrated are true or not. I am simply not believing that this separation threat is serious. I believe it is a hollow threat. I believe it is rethorics which should not be taken seriously. Perhaps time will prove me wrong but for now I would not lift a finger to accomodate anyone based on that threat.
@rsantos627 4 жыл бұрын
Where is the creativity and ingenuity? Oil is not the only game in town. Alberta has lots of resources with a relatively small population to resource availability. They can attract other companies in other sectors. If oil is the only game then it's already lost. The AB Cons already showed that by not diversifying the AB economy when they had the money. Instead they racked up a $5 billion deficit and numerous tax increases. But might just have to introduce taxes such as PST that every other Canadian citizen pays. BC is the one getting screwed. They take all the risk, the least benefit, and they have a budget surplus since they have been embracing a future economy.
@MillieMe05 4 жыл бұрын
rD santos Alberta has been innovating and has reduced emissions significantly but the rest of Canada is so busy listening to American actor activists that they don’t investigate for themselves. BC says no to an Alberta pipeline but uses our oil. Ontario and Quebec say no and import from countries like Saudi where oil is definitely not green. Let’s stop the hypocrisy and pull together as a country
@thomasjefferson6 4 жыл бұрын
to rD santos- Alberta has been diversifying its economy for years, but why should Alberta stay in Confederation? What does Canada do for Alberta? What are the benefits Alberta gets being in Confederation? All Canada does is take money from Alberta and then punish Alberta on top of it all with its idiotic and hostile policies brought in by voters in Ontario and Quebec.
@rsantos627 4 жыл бұрын
@@MillieMe05 doesn't matter what they do to improve oil, it's still going to be worse than other energy technologies. 11000 scientists from around the world signing a declaration that we're in an emergency situation is not American actors. Plus, as a consumer I'd rather have other options such as an off grid home, an EV car that requires less maintenance and extra costs (gas) to run. I want my tax dollars invested in developing those technologies not an outdated one. We don't build steam engines to travel anymore. The expiration date on the combustion engine and fossil fuel energy is around the corner
@rsantos627 4 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson6 when you pull every onze of oil out of the ground and bankrupt yourself you'll be happy that you're part of a country that has a program like federal equalization. We're a young country. You haven't experienced hardship because AB HAD an abundant resource with GROWING demand. That's over now. Think of being a part of Confederation as insurance for rainy days. Stopping climate change will ensure its just rainy days and not typhoons
@thomasjefferson6 4 жыл бұрын
reply to rD santos- Worldwide demand for oil is growing, not shrinking. It's not "over now". Demand for natural gas is also growing, not declining. So, for that matter, is demand for coal, and Alberta has 70% of the supply in Canada. Why should Alberta want to be part of a federation that is hostile to its major export- oil, while at the same time taking money from the production of that very same export? Why should Alberta want to be part of a federation where the construction of a pipeline requires approval from the Supreme Court, and has to pass conditions laid down by the Supreme Court to get built at all? As for equalization, Alberta is the source of revenue for that federal equalization program that you seem to believe is so wonderful. Most of that money goes to the six eastern provinces, especially Quebec. Alberta gets nothing from that program. Canada has an aging population (except in Alberta), with a declining birthrate, thanks to Canada's commitment to "progressive" values, such as the murder of babies in the womb, Canada being the world's most pro-abortion country. As for the climate- the climate always changes, always has, and always will. Trying to stop "climate change" is as nonsensical as trying to stop "weather change". As for Confederation, why should Alberta want to be part of a federation that is Islamizing itself through mass immigration? Why would Alberta want to stay in a country where, unless trends are reversed, is going to become a sharia law hell hole? The recently stated Canadian federal goal is 1 million immigrants- mostly "refugees" and extended family members in just three years, by 2022). Why should Alberta want to be part of a federation which is run by two provinces- Ontario and Quebec? Why should Alberta want to be under the authority of Canada's vile but extremely political and very powerful Supreme Court? Why should Alberta stay in a federation that gives it 19 cents in federal spending for every dollar that Alberta sends to the federal government? Why should Alberta want to stay in a federation that gives it just 6 seats in a farcical Upper House which Canada calls a Senate, while Ontario and Quebec get 24 seats each, and Nova Scotia and New Brunswick get 10 seats each and where all of them are appointed by the Prime Minister? Why should Alberta want to put up with any more Prime Ministers from Quebec? Canada is a debt-ridden basket case, who serious financial condition has been masked by money from Alberta, and by artificially low interest rates. Like everyone other pro-Canada advocate, you fail to state just what benefits Alberta gets being in Confederation. This because there are NONE.
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