GameStop Employees, what are some of your HORROR STORIES? - Reddit Podcast

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Am I the Genius?

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@amithegenius Жыл бұрын
@jordancambridge4106 Жыл бұрын
Um to the Madden 04 that one is straight up bullshit. In 2005 threw 2007 you could blatantly get Madden 04 for free in fact they had so many copies that the game was buy anything at all and get a Madden 04. When the game was made EA which makes Madden games thought it was going to sell more copies than they did by about every store got over 10,000 copies and the average sale was 2 per store. Game Stop could not give the crap away and hell you could buy brand new copies 2 days after the game was released for $5 for brand new and used copies were $0.50 each do to how over stocked to hell they were and no one wanted the shit. Source I kind of stopped going to Game Stop for a while because I got really sick of telling them NO I DO NOT WANT THE TRASH as it was company policy to push the Madden games because they could not get rid of them. In 2005 Game Stop changed its ordering of Madden games and would only have 5 copies per store and they did not sell very well because no one wanted the shit. At one point Game Stop was literally selling boxes of Madden games for $2 and each box had 50 copies for multiple random consoles of the game because Game Stop could not get rid of the shit. Hell I bought 2 of the boxes and tried to donate the games but Good Will Said they did not want the games. I ended up giving them to my step brother while I kept the cases to the games because the cases were worth more than the games themselves. I used the cases for spare DVDs I had that the cases were damages with. My step brother used the games for target practice with his BB gun. They worked great for target practice and my step brother paid me $5 for the targets. I made $1 off the purchase of them and they worked better as target practice than they did as actual playable games.
@jordancambridge4106 Жыл бұрын
So really fact is the plastic that internal components of gaming consoles well cockroaches find those plastics to be like the tastiest of all gourmet deserts. Its basically the best tasting thing cockroaches will ever eat. There is a chemical that manufacturing companies are suppose to spray the plastic with to make the plastic not attractive to the roaches but no one ever sprays it. Cockroaches can smell that tasty plastic at least half a mile away. A test was done and the roach literally ran straight to that plastic from half a mile away. Yea that fact is straight up why roaches are in consoles. Its similar to how pack rats are attracted to car wires. Finally some good fucking food. Now note there is a different type of plastic that can be used yet its far cheaper for companies to use the shittier plastic so they cut massive corners.
@jordancambridge4106 Жыл бұрын
So really stupid fact about the Wii and the Wii U well they are actually the same fucking console to the point I actually put in a game of the Wii U into my friends Wii and he got mad claiming it wont work because the game literally said it was higher graphics and only for Wii U well it worked and then I tested all his and my Wii games in the Wii U and they all worked and all Wii U games in the Wii and they all worked. Nintendo straight up lied. The Wii U is just a controller for the Wii. Its the exact same console. Its like the XBox 360 and the XBox 360 S. The S stands for Slim. The U in Wii U stands for Urine because in reality Nintendo just took a piss on all its fans when releasing something so garbage.
@mantisnt1335 Жыл бұрын
@@jordancambridge4106 he doesn’t care he doesn’t even read the comments he just wants the money from ads
@newlineschannel Жыл бұрын
@Radicaledward124 Жыл бұрын
When I worked at GameStop many years ago I had a 360 thrown at my head. I ducked and it hit the wall behind the cash wrap that was also one of the walls in our back room. My managers come running out thinking I was having a seizure but as they came out I popped up and told the ass that throwing the system like that voided the warranty and we won’t be helping him.
@spilt-milkie Жыл бұрын
Dude got anger issues
@LegendStormcrow Жыл бұрын
At a woman too? The guy is trash, but you're golden.
@MaxedOutMedia666 Жыл бұрын
@@LegendStormcrow Imao why does it matter who he’s throwing it at it’s bad either qay
@LegendStormcrow Жыл бұрын
@frisk No, I have positive toxic masculinity. I was saying it was low for him to do that to a woman because 1: While I'm all for men defending themselves, men generally are built tougher unless serious effort/disease, or lack of effort/disease is a deciding factor. This wasn't exactly a situation where Karen was defending himself. And 2: You never know if a woman is pregnant, so you're also throwing crap at babies. I doubt that Karen would have even minded if she was. Now stop being a ninny whining about who has too many rights and make sure everyone has the same rights, and if you're unwilling to wear all the cancer awareness colors you're a girly man, like Karen.
@tangerine8018 Жыл бұрын
NOOOO NOT THE 360, istg if it was the slim edition
@dogofwar6769 Жыл бұрын
All of these horror stories with roaches in game consoles make me think of some of the horror stories from one of my aunts from back when she worked at a rent-to-own place on in a bad part of town. They had *_constant_* roach problems from having to repo furniture that never got paid for. It got to the point where they just stopped even trying to resell reposed furniture because everything came back filthy and covered with cigarette burns. This eventually killed that location.
@Flightkitten Жыл бұрын
I originally thought they were going to try to rob them with the Sony Dreamcast gun, thinking it was a gun.
@FurretAnimationsIsEpic Жыл бұрын
@Spongyboi897 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to be the nerd here but Sega actually made the Dreamcast, not Sony
@Redshirtgaming96 Жыл бұрын
@@Spongyboi897 I think it was auto correct or something
@Devajuu Жыл бұрын
Bro was using the sony version,the Best kind of Dream cast gun it has the special ability to play smurfs 2 on any wall he aims at at blinding everyone who looks at it except the user Himself cause he is deaf
@Gary_your_snail Жыл бұрын
@@Devajuuthe fuck does that mean
@charleswaggoner9467 Жыл бұрын
The story of the kid on the spectrum kinda hit home for me as i have Asperger’s. I struggle with social interaction even with my own family and video games are my outing. Hearing that that associate put his all into finding games for that kid was legend status on its own, especially for those games he put in that weren’t on the list. The icing on the cake was that they were all new games. I just hope the unlisted games were the hidden gems he was looking for to fill a gap he didn’t know he needed and that just makes the experience all the more sweeter.
@TheArceusftw Жыл бұрын
Yeah, real shame the mom had to act like a damn cheapskate about it.
@scubasteve7850 Жыл бұрын
You should've called the cops on that lady for having her kid piss in the middle of the store like that, im sure theres a nice charge she'll catch for commanding a minor expose their privates in public. Like seriously lady will just do it again or something worse if people dont report that kind of crap.
@tuckergregory Жыл бұрын
Something to add to the Sega Light Gun story: Having taken sign language classes at school, I learned that the grammar between sign language and mainstream language is often different, which can lead to deaf people having difficulty with mainstream grammar, leading to the poor phrasing in the story that led to the scary mix up.
@Bionic_B Жыл бұрын
Didn’t work at a GameStop but a similar store, it was sometime in 2021 when the PS5 was super hard to find. Anyway a guy called asking for it to be put on hold, and he said he’d be there in 45 minutes. Since he would be there relatively quickly we put it on hold. And after 45 minutes, he was not there. After an hour he was not there. Now we didn’t have many PS5s we had, I think, two in the store, someone bought one earlier that day and so the last one was the one on hold for this guy that has yet to show up. Now for a bit of context, because of how new and hard to find the PS5s were we didn’t really put them on hold, but since the guy said he was on his way we decided to make and exception. But he hasn’t shown up for hours yet and there’s a guy in the store asking about it with the hope of buying for himself and his kids, we gave the guy who put it on hold an extra 30 minutes. When he didn’t show up we happily sold it to the dad. The guy called around 10:30 ish and the time we sold it was about 2:30, as we sold him that I said to my manager “I bet the original guy is gonna be here in 30 minutes”. 30 minutes later a guy in a white tank top comes in asking about the PS5 that was on hold, my manager dealt with the whole thing explaining that he took too long, we weren’t supposed to put it on hold in the first place, yada yada. The guy is upset so he goes out and kicks a trash can outside our store, and storms off. Didn’t feel bad in the slightest.
@ChaosMind55 Жыл бұрын
I remember seeing a lady leave her kid in the Gamestop and then take off after an employee told her she can't leave her kid here. A security officer came over later and took the kid, later in the mall I saw her being escorted by two officers to what I assume was the security office.
@LadyLunarella Жыл бұрын
did she try to abandon her child? or just leave him there so she could shop in peace? (i feel like its the first one but you know ive been wrong before)
@ChaosMind55 Жыл бұрын
@@LadyLunarella I don't really know. It could be she dumped her kid there to do her shopping, like how some people dump their kids in the toy aisle.
@Caderic 9 ай бұрын
@@LadyLunarella Probably shopping. They wouldn't be escorting her back to any where in the mall if she had left. If they they found her somewhere else, the would have took her to the police station or jail.
@kekeragalbreath6264 Жыл бұрын
I recently quit GameStop this month. I worked there about 18 months as the assistant manager. I am currently living in a pretty conservative christian town in Texas (I'm a young woman with tattoos, piercings, and the like). I have many horror stories. Some of my favorites are people screaming and cussing at me because I wouldn't take their old systems that had roach poop literally falling out of it. Some people would bring in a perfectly fine system to trade, but had a really busted controller. They would cuss me out because I needed to put a refurb fee on the whole console. I've had men stare at my breasts and get mad at me when I say something about it, older Karen types yell at me because I offered them warranties on headsets or controllers they were buying to replace a broken one, and had multiple people tell me I "killed their love of GameStop" because I was following policy and did bend the rules for anyone. (Secret shoppers came in a lot since my store was so close to corporate.) I've had food thrown at me, kids throw up all over the store and the parents just leave without offering to help get it out of the carpet, and so so so much more. I was 100% not paid enough when I was there.
@randomguyontheinternet5030 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry. It seems like gamestop just attracts with worst crowd of either 30 y/o creeps, or 12 y/o terrors, and then people who think selling anything infested with roaches is morally and socially acceptable.
@charleswaggoner9467 Жыл бұрын
On behalf of all respectable gamers, we thank you for your service in dealing with shitty, no common sense and ungrateful jerks.
@GamepadStudios Жыл бұрын
I feel bad for you, these people think they can bring their crap and sell it for Mr. Beasts bank account 💀
@DravenWolfe Жыл бұрын
Oaf, that's terrible, I stopped shopping at GameStop years ago and just buy my games online.
@TyphinHoofbun Жыл бұрын
As a fellow former Gamestop employee, glad you were able to get out. Best of luck for the future.
@RoxBrushh Жыл бұрын
The one with the grandma just made me smile of wholesomeness
@randomguyontheinternet5030 Жыл бұрын
I mean it's hard to even be mad lol
@@randomguyontheinternet5030 Until she finds out you can't return used systems with that policy, only games.
@eldermorpheus3713 Жыл бұрын
I have a story about GameStop. So I’m standing in line, bout to buy whatever was hot back in ‘08, and suddenly, unceremoniously from the back, I suddenly feel two hands deep in my dreadlocks, fingers now familiar with my scalp. So I walk directly forward and out of this mystery caress to find a white 40’s something lady with her hands out stretched and surprise on her face. When we made eye contact, all she could say was ‘ I just had to feel them, what do you use to keep them so healthy?’ I was like 19 at the time, so I didn’t have a response chambered and she just bailed out after the whole store went silent, obviously save for the TVs running promo.
@LadyLunarella Жыл бұрын
dear gods I'd be freaking out if some random stranger touched my hair out of no where.
@GummyPikminProductions Жыл бұрын
That Wii U story around the end gave me a laugh I didn’t know I needed
@nerdscornercollectibles7902 Жыл бұрын
Same😂 “one cent?!? That’s a great discount!” (I know he was probably joking about the price, I just find it funny)
@GeminixDragon Жыл бұрын
I've been working at gamestop for about a year and a half now and I already have a few stories. My favorite was when a man came in with a trash bag and asked if we took in systems. I said yes and he pulls out speakers. I immediately inform him that we only take GAME systems not SOUND systems. He was cool and put the speakers away and then turns to me and goes "You know where I can find a nice, pretty Asian girlfriend?" I should mention I'm Asian and this dude looked old enough to be my father. I'd only been working at Gamestop for about 3 months at this point. I was also alone at the front of the store as my store leader was in the back room on a conference call. Horrified, I lied and said all my Asian friends were married or in committed relationships. He did eventually leave but not before he mentioned that he was a 'nice guy' who has 'never stabbed or killed anybody' and that he very specifically 'was not a druggie' and 'had only done crack once about 20 years ago'. Still makes me laugh to this day. 😂🤣😂
@rushnerd Жыл бұрын
Must have been a crazy gamer back in the day!
@GamepadStudios Жыл бұрын
Game stop is wild 💀
@LadyLunarella Жыл бұрын
makes you laugh? please tell me it makes you cringe? cuz im cringing myself and im not Asian.
@GeminixDragon Жыл бұрын
@@LadyLunarella I was cringing when it was happening but now it's more like an embarrassing memory that you just can't help but look back and laugh at. It helps that the dude was very insistent on the fact that he didn't want me but my friends which is weird lol
@saragriffin3290 Жыл бұрын
I work at a five below, and we once had a mom lift her kid up to the sink to pee in it because the toilet was out of order…… she is a regular (nightmare customer) And a few months prior, we had a man with explosive diarrhea who proceeded to walk through the store before going to the bathroom. Guess who had to mop the floor that night…..
@yourRussianBoi Жыл бұрын
How I feel you the same as I do, only taking care of missed pee by my pets.
@maryjones794 Жыл бұрын
"GameStop employees, tell us a few horror stories!" GameStop employee: "$2.25, $1.98, $2.75!!!" "What kind of horror story is that??" GameStop employee: " that's what we offer people for they're 50/60$ games!"
@darthestar8791 Жыл бұрын
What the fuck???
@jamesarterberry222 Жыл бұрын
I freak out over one roach I can’t imagine being these workers
@CasualLemmonJuice Жыл бұрын
Not a worker but I was part of a story, so I wanted animal crossing because it looked fun but there was this person behind me who tried to fight me on not buying it saying how “it’s the worst game ever” then she busted into tears trying to get me to not play that game, long story short, I have a 3 star island and I wasted 20 tickets to get zucker on my island. Worth it
@hannahmabbott7370 Жыл бұрын
Last story. You needed the hazmat suits in just to deep clean that store.
@_SYDGAMING_ Жыл бұрын
Damn the sega DC light gun was scary but had me laughing by the end wow what a way to scare someone by a Deaf person
@Seraph68 Жыл бұрын
How about a potential GameStop Employee story. When I was in college, there was a GameStop not far from my house, and since I was casually looking for a job, I was considering it. I walk in for some game related business, maybe even just browsing, when the store manager comes out and starts getting hypercritical with the associate at the counter. He was condescending, saying some mean things with a bad attitude right in front of customers. If that was not bad enough, the associate was just taking the abuse, this was probably not the first time he was being scolded in front of customers by this guy, and he went from a positive attitude when I first walked then turned into a soulless husk. It was at that moment that I decided I would not apply to work at that GameStop.
@Sparkball Жыл бұрын
The deaf guy and the gun is one of the craziest stories I’ve ever heard
@Thefunniestman Жыл бұрын
The wii u one is so funny "Sure, how about $399.99?" "OK, I'LL TAKE 2"
@MyMamaCallsMeSpecialD Жыл бұрын
dont worry that's just Patrick
@asrig3880 Жыл бұрын
Rude customer : "We buy a lot of things here, we practically paid for your salary" Employee of big name store : "No matter how much you buy, it wouldn't raise even a penny to my pay"
@LegendStormcrow Жыл бұрын
The hand sanitizer mustache thing... It works. I used to work at a prison and had to routinely deal with an inmate that could make PRISON medical staff throw up. Guess who often got nabbed for the cell searches... We would search at breakneck speed, step out for air, then reenter the cell, spending more time outside than inside. Guy could stink up an entire pod just by having his food tray slot opened to get a meal. I had the most endurance specifically because of the hand sanitizer. Oddly enough, the last thing the guy did in life was desperately look for deodorant to make CPR easier, which he knew was coming as soon as the heart attack started. Don't feel bad for him, he was an escape risk and used the smell not just for that, but to hide contraband, such as his written plans to murder his girlfriend who he'd stabbed in the past.
@fionna_cool_girl Жыл бұрын
....was not expecting all these roach stories.... 🤢🤮 These poor employees!
@johncase1353 Жыл бұрын
My story working at GameStop a little while ago was just standing there for my shift and not having a single customer ever come in because no one goes to GameStop anymore.
@hannahevertson8306 Жыл бұрын
My dad gets migraines from LED TVs, something about the way the lights turn on and off to make the picture I don't fully understand it. Anyway, he's forced to stick to older TVs that don't have HDMI ports. Turns out there are adapters to go from HDMI to the multicolored wires. Bought one from radio shack along with a Blu-ray player as a gift for him after his last DVD player kicked the bucket cause let's face it they aren't really built to last anymore. Works like a charm.
@justarandompurplefox3243 Жыл бұрын
I once had a socially inept guy follow me around for more than half an hour talking about Yugioh while I was trying to work… Only at GameStop
@gunnerwalters5346 Жыл бұрын
Great content. Hope you have a great day whoever is reading this. Have a good night /good afternoon and / good day.
@BValt123 Жыл бұрын
I work at a gamestop on a military base. So we get a lot of dependas(military spouse that doesn't worm and depends on their spouses income to live, usually Karen's). One time, a lady had her kid in a shopping cart, he was actively peeing, and she just kept walking him around the store like there was no issue. Another story is similar to story #14. Actually i might vent here. There's a couple that comes in and, for some reason, is just awful. Husband is the soldier, and wife is the dependa. I had just been promoted to sga after being a GA for a month, so still fresh and was my first time closing by myself. They came in 15 minutes before closing and came to pick up a preorder. I gave her the warranty for free and a small discount since they are military. She was rude and condescending. Not the worst part, the next day they come back when I'm not there and tell my DL and store leader that I was rude, had the store closed for an hour while I went to the bathroom and didn't wash my hands. None of it was true and since we were in a px we didn't have cameras. So I was received a write-up. I'm 100% disabled from the army so I don't need the money, I kind of just work on my free time, so I told myself if they ever come back, I'm calling them out. Fast forward about a year and I am now the asl and guess who comes in? They are there for a game and surprise surprise, the wife is being awful towards me. So I remind them of how they had came in and lied, and how she has an awful personality that is hard for anyone to deal with and she isn't special or above anyone so she treat strangers with respect. She didn't take it well, long story short, nothing happened, I'm cool with the new dl and sl, plus I've been leading our district in numbers for the past year.
@rubles88alvarez83 Жыл бұрын
5:06 As a teenager, it pains me to think that I’ll have to one day deal with people who think this is ok.
@assemblyrequired7342 Жыл бұрын
I work at Publix, and I've had a few customers who have smelled, like they haven't showered/changed their clothes, and every time I think something along the lines of "would it hurt you to clean up and smell nice before going out"? But nowhere near as bad as cat piss.
@batou486 Жыл бұрын
The story #20 made me giggle and choke on some water 399.99 is 400 lol.
@Chirkrasia Жыл бұрын
Not my store, but a neighboring one. We're always told to fully reset a console before reselling them - it's a massive part of the practice for many reasons. Well, a store close to mine... Did not do that. It was either a PS4 or an Xbox 1, but this lovely item was traded in and later sold to a little boy and his mother. The boy gets home and turns on the console and sees that it wasn't wiped and there were a bunch of files on it... Hard pornos, to be exact. I believe the entire store staff was laid off, manager included for letting this happen. We all got an email about it, and I believe my manager and some of the keyholders had to go pick up shifts at that one store until new people were hired on. Beyond that, yeah.. Bugs. Lots of bugs.
@BaxterAndLunala Жыл бұрын
Story 5: Is that the same person who got fired because of a store manager believing they didn't "have the GameStop spirit" for clarifying that GameStop, in a social media post, is not a babysitting service and saving an entitled Karen of a mother's child from a child predator, only for him and the district manager to end up being fired for jumping to conclusions and wrongful termination, likely because they didn't want that guy suing them for wrongful termination?
@DToTheB Жыл бұрын
Story 13 sounds like a scene in a comedy lmao
@hansdavis7335 Жыл бұрын
You said it, i almost spat out my damn coffee.
@agenericapplebutold5495 Жыл бұрын
18:00 bro bargained and saved 2 cents, absolute game changer
@chrisnemec5644 Жыл бұрын
Not an employee but something I witnessed. I went to a local Gamestop to get some peripherals for my Playstation. There is only one employee there, the manager. There were two other people there, a teenage woman and her mother. The teenager asks the manager if he has any positions open. The manager tells her no, as the sales were down (this was 2009, BTW) and that the store was really in danger of closing for good because sales were that bad. Mother huffs at him "Well, this wouldn't happen if my daughter was working here!" Mom then proceeds to berate the manger for not instantly hiring the daughter and starts having a meltdown. I decide to intervene and tell the mother that she apparently forgot we are in a recession right now and sales of everything are down. Mom looks at me like I've lost my mind and tells me to butt out of things. Manager says mother and daughter should leave the store and not come back, and that he already had their number and would call if there was a job available. Mother snaps at him "We are not going to stop until you give my daughter a job!" Daughter and mom leave. I told the manager that I sympathized with him and he thanked me. He then said "Those two have been coming in every day for a month now and really are very out of touch with reality." TL;DR: Mom has a meltdown in a Gamestop because manager has no positions open in a recession for her daughter.
@CallMe6 Жыл бұрын
As an ex gamestop employee, the scariest thing I dealt with was when I had to deal with a gang. They came in, and 2 guys walked up to the register and the others were walking around.(5 total dudes) They wanted to exchange their old Xbox 360 for a new Xbox one without paying anything on top. (This was back when the most we could accept was like 50$ for xbox 360 and games. Etc.) So I offered them the max, trying to be cool and not have issues. But the dudes were like naw do 100 at least. And I was like, man, I can't because I would get in trouble. Well, this seemed to make them mad, and they started calling me a loser and just trying to intimidate me, so I just said I would refuse any service from that point and they need to leave. They didn't want to leave, and one of them said, "You Finna be throwing hands over 50$ cuhh" and proceeds to start knocking over the t-shirts and other displays. Basically, throwing a tantrum. I told them I was gonna be calling the cops if they didn't leave. They said they would "catch me around" and flashed me a gun. I slid my jacket to the side and grabbed my 9, and I said, "You really ready to die over a video game console?" And they all ran. Probably didn't have ammo, or it was a fake gun. I called the police. Then I called my manager. I was promptly fired for having a gun and aiming it at them. 😅 gotta love corporate policy, right? Didn't matter. I didn't like the job, I never did get "caught around" either. I wasn't scared in the moment, more mad and annoyed because I wasn't even supposed to be there that day. I was covering for another employee. I had adrenaline and just in the moment didn't think about it, but I could have been just as easily shot or worse, honestly.
@gribblegrape6496 Жыл бұрын
That 400 dollar return policy story is genuinely hilarious. As someone who has a family member who works at Costco, i can definitely see how that would be annoying to deal with.
@Caderic 9 ай бұрын
" As someone who has a family member who works at Costco..." Adds nothing to your story. We all see how it annoying. But I guess there always has to be that one, "As a..."/"As someone who...", persona.
@juan2wothr3e Жыл бұрын
Listening to these stories makes me think Covid didn't take enough people out
@thehunterator520 Жыл бұрын
I don't work at GameStop, I work at Walmart. A guy came to the store and asked me if we had any ps5s and I said no, started screaming to me about how I was a liar and it said we have 12. He had also called earlier and I had told him on the phone that we didn't have any. The system still says we have 12, but we still don't because they were stolen before getting into the store. We at least have the god of war bundle so we do have a version, just not the version that doesn't come with games.
@Rekuzan Жыл бұрын
Karen: I DEMAND MARIO CART ON THE PLAYSTATION!!!!! You; Yeaaaah, good luck with that...
@lemmyspeaks Жыл бұрын
I think the Chris chan story with him coloring in Sonics arms and Maceing the employees when they tried to kick him out should be on here
@rivercapasso5079 Жыл бұрын
I’ve never worked at a GameStop but my boyfriend is assistant manager at GameStop and for a while they had a sign up on the door saying that children under the age of 18 couldn’t enter without someone over the age of 18 with them because there were many situations with teenagers but the one that led them to put up the sign was apparently some high school football players decided it was a good idea to get in a fight in GameStop and were apparently near an older woman who they ended up knocking down because they were messing around. (I wasn’t there but I’ve heard him describe to many customers why they had the sign up that I’ve mostly memorized most but some of the information might be accidentally inaccurate).
@kristy4662 Жыл бұрын
the story where the kid PEES ON THE CARPET AT GAMESTOP was the most horrifying story ive ever heard like geez
@PaladinLarec Жыл бұрын
I worked in a shoe store where a kid peed in one of our display heels.
@kristy4662 Жыл бұрын
@@PaladinLarec ew. Thaat is even worse.
@ragnhildmd5063 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of a story a guy i knew told me about when he was working at our local (now shut down) gamestop. A guy came in with his kid, holding a small pile of nintendo switch games (maybe 4 or 5), saying he wanted to return them. The guy i knew asked them if there was any reason for them wanting to do the return. The dude replied "yeah. My son said they didn't taste good"....
@zaimusic_150 Жыл бұрын
It makes me wonder why GameStop ever thought to put their stores in such sketchy areas in my city. Like fuckin…HELLO!? The crackheads basically live on your store front? It’s such a mystery how they haven’t closed the locations down.
@PaladinLarec Жыл бұрын
I worked in a competitor's game store from 97-98. I remember our manager telling us people were using blow dryers to peel stickers off cheap/unwanted cartridges and putting stickers from games they wanted to keep and putting it on the cheap game and trading it in for the higher trade in price. So I started taking the time to put the games everyone brought in to our demo systems to test them. This one young kid brought in an N64 game that appeared to be Goldeneye. I took it out of the bag and started to put it in the demo N64 and the kid panicked and ran out of the store. When I hit power, the game was actually Rampage World Tour. Guess my manager was right.
@c0smicc4nc3r4 Жыл бұрын
Last one explains why GameStop’s always smell like a locker room
@bsnouty4762 Жыл бұрын
When people are that dirty or smelly they really should be told. “ saving” them the embarrassment is temp when their problem is constantly 😊
@f12pushthekeys Жыл бұрын
If the 04 madden incident was in Baltimore, I was there. We were pissed. 1 guy yelled "they can't lock us all up" lol
@LouisianaCityboi Жыл бұрын
These are so many more pee and poop stories than I thought there would be.
@ce4162 Жыл бұрын
I was at GameStop in-line. I was 2nd in-line and this guy was asking the GameStop worker all these questions about the brand new Xbox 360 sitting on the counter and then he ask the worker if he could see the PS3 that’s sitting on the wall. And as soon as the worker turned around to grab the PS3, the guy grabbed the XBOX 360 and ran out the door. I’ve never seen anyone steal like that I was in shocked. The guy was fast, pretty sure by the time he realized what has happened he was already outside the door.
@the_nooblmao113 Жыл бұрын
Yo your videos are amazing
@MrKai205 Жыл бұрын
Its ALWAYS ROACHES. Had a guy come in to buy one of the old 360 power bricks, we had some used ones at a decent price, I pull it out drop it on the counter and start talking to the guy. I look back over at the brick after a while and found a few roaches leaving their home for a walk. Another time a regular traded in a ps4 "nothing wrong with it" just wanted to upgrade to the slim, took him at his word. A couple days later we found a roach on the counter, then another in the back room, and another. We all honestly thought that it might have been the restaurant next door. Sold the ps4 the guy had brought in, was only a couple days later and we only had that used one in that time. Customer that got it comes in a few hours later understandably angry saying he opened the box and a roaches started crawling out of it, bagged it boxed it got it out of the store idk if it was thrown away or shipped to the refurb center. Always popped open the cover on every console I could from then on. I do have a few funny ones though. Had a woman come in with a couple boxes full of consoles games and accessories. Drops them on the counter and tells me "I don't care what you give me for them, just give me cash". I get a bit wide eyed but start sorting through wondering what was going on so after a few min I ask. Turns out her kid had been "going to school" waited for her to go to work and went back inside to play video games all day. He'd always be there to answer the call from school asking where he was. Another was when a guy brought in a ziplock bag with a broken game (GTA V i think) he had the warranty and that covers(covered?) anything. Asked what happened and he said his girlfriend put it in a blender and turned it on cause he was spending more time on the game than he was with her. To be fair to the gf he did say he would play for "only" 5 hours everyday after work, come on man. I have more and a few I wasn't there for but were dam funny if people want to hear more
@PokeHokage Жыл бұрын
If I had kids that pulled that stunt they'd be grounded for a year.
@Yes-dx1gd Жыл бұрын
3:52 entirely possible it did come that way. I can't tell you how many consoles I or my friends have received from gamestop that were modded, I remember my first play station had cheats pre installed on it for a bunch of games, bought a "refurbished" ps3
@multivewer Жыл бұрын
Story number 13, that was hilarious 😆
@PedroBenolielBonito Жыл бұрын
'I have a gun, give money' was actually accurate for the situation at around 12:00. He wasn't lying or bluffing...
@SenseiRaisen Жыл бұрын
Not Gamestop, but an experience i had buying a PS2. This was in Argentina. One day back in 2011 i decide to bought a PS2 because i never had it and i was starting to gain money from my job. So i treat myself with that. Full on PS2 + lots of games + a wheel for GT4. There was 2 places: Place 1 has the best deal , most cheap, 5 games included, 1 controller only and no memory card (i had a 64MB one i bought long ago before just for pass the game when i play some games in my cousin's one). And a cheap wheel. Place 2 has a much expensive deal, but came with 2 joysticks, 1 8MB memory and 10 games instead. And it has the frigging Thrustmaster G200 who was recommended for games like GT4. The plan was to bought the thing in the store 1 and the wheel in the store 2. Then the owners of place one told me to call them to retrieve it that day since it was at my name. So i did that .... only to be at the receiving end of a Karen who said there wasn't a PS2 reserve at my name and they don't do that at all. It was strange, because the OWNER told me it was there. So i instead went to pick it up the one in the store 2 that day, and the wheel on store one later (i make my dad retrieve it since his work place was literally at walking distance from there). Then the owners was wonder what happen since it was meant to picked it up that. My dad told them what happen, and one of the clerks was PALE as soon as my dad describe the person who i talk was a woman. After check the back room, he found the PS2 wasn't there at all with the note stick with my name stick on the wall. The owner call frantically to the woman. The woman wasn't none other than the wife of the owner. My dad could heard the owner of the backroom fully swearing there to his wife and that was reserved. Turns out the wife lied to me, and she sell that PS2 to a relative and pocketed the money as well. The owner was furious because of that. So much he sold the wheel half price. Made it worse since it was the last PS2 on that store and i would had to wait another month to get it.
@Christobanistan Жыл бұрын
Wow, so much unnecessary detail in there. You could have just said "went to pick up a reserved PS2 and the owner's wife had stolen it."
@TheAndreso_ Жыл бұрын
@@Christobanistan The guy's from Argentina, so his first language isn't english. If you were talking in another language, wouldn't you overdescribe a little to just tell a story and make sure everyone can understand it?
@Christobanistan Жыл бұрын
@@TheAndreso_ No, I'd be looking to say as little as possible.
@cardboardgaming101 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe these people treating GameStop employees badly for no reason. I made an employee feel bad because I was disappointed that all totk collectors edition was all out. I felt like crap 😭😭
@WolfBravery Жыл бұрын
"Yeah i can get it for $399.99" "Ok sounds good ill get two." Had me dead 😂😂
@dnd1016 Жыл бұрын
>mentions Skunk Farmer >Doesn’t elaborate anything >Leaves what a chad
@troodon1096 Жыл бұрын
No elaboration necessary.
@randomguyontheinternet5030 Жыл бұрын
Dear god the amount of roach stories are horrifying. People, PLEASE do not give those poor workers a roach infested console, controller, etc. They really arent paid enough to deal with that shit. Lightly used, maybe some dust is fine, but honestly if you're selling anything to gamestop, dont give them a thrashed piece of garbage, especially not one with roaches. If you know it has roaches, just throw it out or douse the box with roach killer. (honestly it's not worth it to me, i'd just throw out the console)
@rosykindbunny1313 Жыл бұрын
Bro the Sega gun one is crazy!
@Dec_TGM Жыл бұрын
17:37 is just EVERY gaming company ever.
@loganeyeguy2735 Жыл бұрын
at the final one i wouldve died
@Maddin1313 Жыл бұрын
When a customer unleashes roaches into your store, it should be legal to beat the crêpe out of that customer.
@g3nt3lh3n Жыл бұрын
17:40 is just genuinely funny though
@kirbyman1295 Жыл бұрын
6:46 "I'll turn him into a flea, and then put him in a box and put that box into another box and mail the box to myself and smash it with a hammer!"
@fractalgem 4 ай бұрын
My thoughts as well XD
@rafaelob3527 Жыл бұрын
They should re-open a game stop in Punta del Este
@bigchas77ify Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure these are all very old stories. The last time I went to a Gamestop they didn't have any consoles or games or controllers. Not really sure how they are still in business.
@Mark_E_M Жыл бұрын
From a former customer: There were 3 workers behind the counter. Two of them were each helping a customer, while the third one just stood there having a general conversation with one of the customers already being helped by another worker. I stood there for about 10 minutes, waiting for him to pause the conversation so he could assist me. I finally just put my product back and walked out!
@sergiofernandez7318 Жыл бұрын
I had a kid throw up in the store. A different adult told me about it. NOT THE PARENT. I had a guy bring a 360 for a trade in that he brought in a storage container that you'd keep in your garage. It had roaches, rat shit in it. I told him we couldnt take it in. Plenty of thefts. Plenty of customers complained about our return policy and trade in policy.
@Adoesntknowauser Жыл бұрын
I love your videos So much they keep me motivated Tysm for putting in all this effort🤍
@iBeReaper Жыл бұрын
Last one I would've kicked them out of my store. I have zero tolerance for smelling that bad
@bagofnoob6293 Жыл бұрын
11:14 LOL
@liambishop496 Жыл бұрын
As a huge video game buff, friends and family keep asking me if I wanna work at a Gamestop. I've always said no. Next time someone asks why, I'll show them this video.
@Kido2live Жыл бұрын
Ooh dear… when I worked at gamestop. We’ve had a customer looking sketchy and homeless. He tried to pay with a pay card trying to remember his pin for the 4th time and leaned into the card reader and let his bladder spill. Luckily it was a slow day and we closed for the day.
@tristantanzil5796 10 ай бұрын
that sega dreamcast light gun caught me lackin
@agentallegator Жыл бұрын
why wont gamestop get hydraulic presses for every store to deal with roached consoles?
@zzzzz329 Жыл бұрын
I had to sub for the Elmo Karen voice lmao, I'm dying here
@DeveloperLaborotory Жыл бұрын
sega gun story was wild, they really had us in the first half, not gonna lie
@LegendStormcrow Жыл бұрын
That backpack guy story went from 100 to 0 real quick.
@TyphinHoofbun Жыл бұрын
I served a year at a Gamestop back in Florida, during the Wii and PS3 launches. We had a guy who would call about once a week. We called him "Capcom Guy", because he would always start off with this almost breathy, drawn-out voice, "So whaat's Caapcom been up to laately?" He would demand insider info, or he would question you about technical specifications that made no sense, and he seemed to be doing this solely to berate his victim whenever they got something wrong. Like, he started asking what sort of anti-piracy measures the Wii had, and I mentioned, "I don't know, but I remember hearing that Gamecube discs had their data in a spiral that went in the opposite direction, so maybe they did something similar." That wasn't good enough, so I started getting the "You idiots don't know anything about the stuff you're selling!" rant, and I finally snapped at him, "Why would you even want to know something like that unless you're trying to pirate games?" Another time, when he got mad we wouldn't tell him what secret projects Capcom had in development, I told him, "Literally my only source is stuff you have access to as well. The development companies don't give us any sort of inside info, I just read the same news articles you do in order to keep informed." It legitimately seemed like a novel concept to him. My manager loved the phrase "Promoted to customer" as a euphemism for firing. PS3s would often have "Being held for [name], sell this and you're promoted to customer". We weren't allowed to take any kind of reserves or wait list or anything, but the manager and district manager would do it all the time. Grunts like us had to suffer the angry customers instead while given no tools to try to make the situation better for anyone. We had a guy rob a Walmart and come in. A huge cardboard box with multiple copies of each GBA game, each game box slashed open with a knife. Got super angry we wouldn't give him cash and stormed out, so my manager called the other stores in the area to notify them of the thief. Nothing really happened as far as I know. The most horrific story is about why I left. - We lost our Assistant Manager pretty early on in my tenure, and the ones we got to replace him just didn't work out. One of them was an older, 40's/50's woman who "hated video games" but "retail is retail, management is management". When customers asked about recommendations or had any questions at all, she would literally tell customers "Oh, I wouldn't know, I don't play video games" in that disgusted tone that made it clear she thought they were horrible people for even asking her. I think she saw them as something for little kids only, and grown adults playing them were "wasting their lives". - After her, we just didn't have an AM, and our Store Manager basically had me doing all the work and dangling a promotion over my head. One that never came. And I started getting written up every 28 days for things like "not wearing shineable shoes (and thus not being 'professional' enough)" and "not meeting his sales expectations (because even though I was meeting corporate mandates, he 'expected better')". - Store Manager went on a trip for a week, and I was stuck filling in for SM, with a rundown of what to do and how to do it. I got written up when he got back for not doing some specific bookkeeping task that he never told me about, let alone told me how to do. - Eventually, he hired a girl that looked 16 with a full-color firebird tattoo on her arm who constantly wore bare midriff shirts to Assistant Manager, and I confronted him on it. "Well, I wouuuuld promote you, but gosh, you've got an active writeup within the last 30 days, so you're not eligible." - I stormed out, went to other Gamestops in the area (Corporate had recently bought out Rhino Games and rebranded all stores to GameStop, we used to be EB Games and a lot of customers were upset at the change because they didn't know they were the same company) asking about open positions to transfer to. One of the stores I went to even said, "Have you tried [SM]'s store? I hear he's looking for a new third key." "I'm FROM [SM]'s store. I'M his third key." "Oh! ...Ooooh." "Yeah." Jerk had been trying to force me out and replace me for a while now. - When I got home, I had angry voicemails from the District Manager accusing me of "Creating a hostile work environment", "Interrupting the flow of business" (I specifically waited until there was nobody in the store to talk to someone about transferring), "Not following proper procedures" (I was "supposed" to call the DM with my grievance except I never had any way to get his contact info), and I think a fourth made-up charge. When I tried to complain about what the SM was doing, the DM would always twist it around to be my fault. "I was written up for not doing things I never was told existed." "So you failed to understand the training, and failed to ask adequate questions." - I was finally given the ultimatum of "Take a demotion while I come in and investigate" or "Quit and be marked as 'eligible for rehire', but no store in my district will ever hire you". DM had been pushing his bosses to promote SM to District or Regional level, so there was no way he'd go to his bosses and be like, "That guy I've been talking up? Turns out, he sucks." And it was clear exactly what the DM's opinion of me was. So I took the latter. Turned my key in within 15 minutes. - That should be end of the story, but it's not. I was already planning to move to Missouri, so I did, but I couldn't get a temp job for seasonal Christmas rush at the local Gamestop. Which was strange. And then I couldn't get any calls from any jobs anywhere, until I started leaving Gamestop off my history. So it's clear that this guy violated company policy and broke the DM's word by badmouthing me to anyone who called for a reference. Gamestop policy is "Neutral reference", they are supposed to ONLY verify the dates of employment, and say nothing positive or negative. Store Manager just hated me so much that he sought to ruin my life even after I moved a thousand miles away from him.
I was lucky enough to get a store which had the bathroom door on the sales floor, and we were still supposed to tell people it wasn't public. Also, Chris Chan was a customer of ours, but he never did anything really weird that I saw.
@TheNucaKola Жыл бұрын
Did he smell?
@ChainsawReferee Жыл бұрын
@@TheNucaKola i mean... i imagine he wouldnt smell like daises and roses lol
@sarascruffie Жыл бұрын
This hurts me because me and my mom never had enough money to fix it or get it cleaned
@Rosahonung Жыл бұрын
what a brilliant grandmother! xD
@Athlynne Жыл бұрын
I would've rung up that cheap grandmother, smiled, and lied that that return policy no longer existed, or that I would make sure her return would be denied for abusing the policy.
@jukebox6071 Жыл бұрын
NEVER run out of the store after a thief not worth it
@fullmetalgamer6062 Жыл бұрын
Wii U hard to find? That's shocking.
@sshheessee4468 Жыл бұрын
I was in a store where some kid maybe like 15 or 14 years old shoved a bunch of used ds cartridges in their pocket, fortunately their mother caught him and made them return and apologize to the cashier.
@marmot418 Жыл бұрын
Story #19 is amusing, so is #20
@PowerStruggle555 Жыл бұрын
Not an employee but was in a store when Id assume was a scammer walked in. from overhearing learned he had gotten had had the new xbox the day before. went home opened box set it up...then supposively "a friend gave him one for free". so he wanted to return the one he bought. gamestop told him they cant accept the return because its no longer a new system. once seal is open they have to consider it as used so would be treated as a trade in. he claimed he never opened box and he had bought a used system. he basically said "employee sold him a used. he wanted the manager" turns out he wasnt just talking to the manager but the employee who sold him it the day before and he remembered he sold him a new system (again was day before) went back and forth. guy calling a buddy saying "store wasnt taking the system" I left the store before finding out what happened. he said "if it was new I wouldnt have bought it" I guess because of price. my guess was he tried to pull a fast one. had a broken system at home. bought a new one, swapped it out of box for the brand new system. then thought he could return it the next day for his money back. I doubt he bought a used as it was still in original box. id assume all pre owned systems are in a gamestop pre owned system box to make sure a new isnt mistaken for a used. also the system has a good price difference between new and used. if he intended on buying used, he'd notice price difference especially if he didnt intend on paying new system price
@dsimpson530 Жыл бұрын
A lot of this is super tame if you worked retail in general.
@wackyclownofficial4428 Жыл бұрын
Gamestomp? I love that place!
@stuffs8802 Жыл бұрын
The roach stories are what kills me, the console is probably able to be fixed all you have to do is put it in a sealed bag with (I forget the name of it but you put it on cotton balls to kill bugs to preserve them) and let it sit for a few weeks. The roaches will die from (the substance) and lack of oxygen. Then you can safely clean the console.
@dakelong6047 3 ай бұрын
Wasnt one but my friend in highschool was for a few months and she was telling me that a original xbox they just cheaply bought needed to be taken apart to make sure it wasnt full of critters. It wasnt it was full of foam and some rocks to give it some weight. absolutly no inner parta asside from a super glued on on button. She was then glad they only got 25 bucks . She also got a standing white 360 that had a dead kitten that must have been in it for 10 years because the corpse was somewhat fused into most of the electronics it was stuck in. And no i have no idea how it got in there but i saw the short video she made to prove it. My only quess someone tried to hide a siblings dead cat. People these days need some frickin thearapy
@forbiddensuper2369 Жыл бұрын
Idk how people let consoles get so bad to the point where there are roaches in it
@A_YouTube_Commenter Жыл бұрын
Imagine where they live.
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