Anime is dying, and we killed it...

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The rise… And fall? Of anime in the west. Is it for better or for worse?
Anime in America podcast:

Пікірлер: 103
@darialomurno05 Жыл бұрын
So basecally, anything that is mainstream, becomes toxic
@Randomlad56 7 ай бұрын
Pretty much
@ryansalford 6 ай бұрын
Yes. The mainstream status of anime has grown a community of haters and ppl who think anime must fit the cultural norms of the west. Like fanservice. The West is always complaining about how female characters are sexually portrayed in games and now want to push that idea on anime. Me personally, I think anime should be gatekept.
@Gadottinho 5 ай бұрын
@SamLazier 5 күн бұрын
It always has been like that.. 🧑‍🚀
@otakubullfrog1665 Жыл бұрын
I've been hearing people say that anime has finally gone mainstream since the late nineties but, to be fair, I did overhear two random normal guys sitting at a bar not along ago who were older than me talking about basically all the major streaming shows going (House of the Dragon, Andor, Rings of Power, etc.) and one of them mentioned Chainsaw Man, which is definitely new territory. The problem is that, when most people think that they're favorite hobby going mainstream would be a good thing, they're imagining all the people changing to suit it, but too often what happens is that it changes to suit all the people.
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
You took the words right out of my mouth. I didn't want to put this in the video but I think a lot of anime fans growing up in the 90s and 2000's wanted anime to be popular and in the mainstream so that they could feel validated. A lot of kids I knew when I was growing up Were ostracized for liking anime and that made them feel uncomfortable. Anime going mainstream makes us feel good, it makes us feel that we were always right about liking anime. That should never be the case. You should like your hobby or medium regardless if other people do.
@p_owlow Жыл бұрын
Facts, “Anime should’ve stayed an outcast”, is what I thought at first. What I actually want is just for the Mangakas, and Animators to make stable income, better sleep, and better work habits. I can wait for the episode or volume, but don’t disappoint me. Not only does better conditions benefit the life of these deserving creators, but influences the quality of their creations. We are starving the gods here people, the soul of content is being siphoned out by devilish companies. But cash rules everything, There has to be some way for the global fanbase to manifest their support for the Anime industry, at least more than money. Regulations with studios and companies should be made. But they need to know how important it is for the industry, and whether they can decide to be serious about it. There are a lot of people out there who would be willing to support Anime creators, cause I just know the type of influence Anime has on some people, they would hate to lose it like that. But in reality, the issue has to be more apparent to people before any resolution starts. The industry would have to be on its last leg. Typing this out made my dumbass weeb mind go into thinking, that this is all just some sort of plot. Where the integrity of all the genres, all the Mangas, every Anime series… Fighting to survive from history by winning the hearts for content and entertainment of fans further than ever, in the name of “Anime”. That Anime series that’s been on your mind a lot lately, let them know how much you liked it…
@123leyang321 Жыл бұрын
@@p_owlow Unfortunately, that issue lies a lot in the culture in Japan. They value the "family honor" and the "institution" above the individual, so the suffering of the mangakas and animators is secondary to them at best. The important thing is to keep pumping out anime and "good stuff" so that they can keep on getting the "good reputation" and money. Iirc, Tokyo has been among if not the top city with the most suicides due to those kinds of things (not only due to them, but those contribute a lot to it). It's extremely easy for the people to shame and ostracize others there. It's actually very sad, tbh.
@deeznutsinyourmouth8599 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I've never been too big on anime, I mean there was a time that I was, but I've always avoided big shows (if i can) for this reason. Anime with a large dedicated fandom always come out as toxic with all the discourse that they bring, even if it's a minority. It gives the fandom a bad name. I mean it's actually with all entertainment these days. It's just not feeling... like what it used to be; where people were just chill. No ship wars, no cultural wars, no nothing. Just chill with people online and enjoy the show for what it is. In general though, maybe it's just me. I'm not a huge enjoyer of any fandom communities in general, it kind of takes away from the feeling of the show. As a 2000's kid, I love a lot of anime released in the 2010s, just before it went full-on mainstream, and I kind of miss that time. I miss being able to watch and enjoy a lot of shows, often becoming invested in a lot of series, and follow through till the end. Anime these days seems kind of watered down to a lot of fanservice and degeneracy. Only good ones i've seen recently are Chainsaw Man, Bungo stray dogs season four (i've been following it for a long time), and Blue lock. But it might just be because I'm busy.
@PENT931 Жыл бұрын
First of all amazing video ☺️ Second I’ve been thinking about this basically since 2019 because that’s when anime truly started to hit the full mainstream and like you said~ Idk how to feel because yes I feel great that new anime fans but I’m scared it’s gonna be like the game crash of 84 It’ll be amazing for a decade or so and then the new fans will say it’s getting “stale” or not as good and like you said~… may hit a crash but truly only time will tell that (And the only part I gatekeep is the merch aspect AKA it was really bad to wear anime merch in like 2011 now everyone has a Naruto shirt 😑)
@theanuscancer Жыл бұрын
I think if it ever gets stale, then people can fix it to some extend by watching anime that released in years past, because too many people feel the need to keep up with the most recent anime already, and I find that not a great way to go about consuming your media. You miss out on so many classics or gems you never knew about.
@Weebdotexe Жыл бұрын
Social media is the problem, you lock yourself into an echo chamber until you build an ego off each other, then you are never wrong, your opinion is the only correct one, anime now is at the point where more people have an opinion on it, therefore, a larger echo chamber exists
@awesomemilkshake6612 Жыл бұрын
Tbh this "ruin" many speak of, I've only seen with mainstream stuff, specially the shonen genre. If we talk about other romance series, yuri series, or even other not as known shonen series, it still has the "core" of anime. Yes, if you interact online you'll find all kinds of people but what is the alternative here? For people to not speak their mind about shows? For people to lie and hide behind politeness as they do irl? For anime to remain stagnant and just a secret club kind of thing? That's what bothers me about this critique to the current progress anime. It mostly applies to "mainstream sutff" (and I even disagree with the usage of these terms), it expects people to shut up about their opinions if they aren't positive and hopes anime remains "as good as it was before". No new series would come forth if we kept it as it is. I'm sure we'll see future decades have even better shows but people blinded by nostalgia and their past won't let themselves enjoy them.
@lilacorkindheart8325 Жыл бұрын
I do mostly agree with you, my friend. I think this video is unnecceserily pessimistic. A few rotten apples do not make a basket - taking a few rotten examples and painting a brush stroke over the whole industry is not a good idea. Anime is fine. It will be fine - Japan and japanesse creators do not care about a few angry people on the internet and discard any nonsense thrown their way. They just keep doing what they were doing best: Create. I think MangaKamen was saying the same thing about the topic. I, for one, am not worried about Anime.
@Miaou98 Жыл бұрын
What do you define as "the core of anime" ? I'm curious.
@Gadottinho 5 ай бұрын
nope, I completely disagree with you, if anything I think yuri has been infected even before...
@iaia0016 Жыл бұрын
Somehow I went from hating anime, to loving it and now I hate it again. Somehow all of the new shows just do not feel like the the series I loved, even the new Jojo season, (that I was sure I would enjoy because… It was my favourite series of all time…) I just can’t bring myself to finish it, It is so… bland On the other hand - my brother, who always made fun of me for watching anime now loves it… Funny how things change but I am happy that he enjoys it :]
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
I'm glad that your brother likes it! It's awesome to see new people coming to the medium. The purpose of the video was not to deter newcomers. Ultimately I wanted to open a discussion about anime hitting the mainstream and how it might affect it in the future. I am really fearful of anime losing its creativity to cater to global audiences. However, this does not account for anime currently catering to its Japanese audience. Which for the most part, should be a good thing. But as a result we are now seeing an overabundance of Iseki in the anime scene. So, I kind of get where you're coming from. And it's not just Iseki. A lot of current anime kinda seem to be dull.There's not that spark that we used to have in the 80s and 90s. It all kind of just feels like the same thing. But occasionally you'll find that one good show, the one that sparks your interest again. And just like that you're back in the medium. If I may try looking to some older anime. And I don't just mean from the 80s and 90s. You can even go back the past 10 years and look at a show that you haven't seen before but you heard about. Or, try re-watching one of your old favorites, one that you haven't seen in years… Maybe that will spark your interest in anime again. Or not. Do whatever makes you happy.
@Gwynuuu Жыл бұрын
Omg the time u take for these vids and the quality ,I can’t explain overall just entertaining and fun to watch
@nekovoltz6899 Жыл бұрын
Amazing job. Love the backing track. I am concerned about this myself. We can only hope it won't go up in smoke.
@eeveefennecfox 6 ай бұрын
I hate the fact there's anime out there that get cancled after season 1 when there was nothing wrong with them :( also I miss watching anime in the US,there used to be so many channels that had anime on them and now hardly any channels have anime but 1 or 2,but anime has always struggled in the US for whatever reason,but I think the problem anime had back in the 90's was that networks didn't give anime a chance to find an audince,I could've sworn sailor moon,card captors,one piece,case closed,hamtaro (and more) were doing good,but apparently they weren't doing good at all,this makes me hate on ratings,ratings me nothing to me,if the anime is good then I want more dammit
@the-daveyeee901 Жыл бұрын
This channel is underrated as hell
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I don't suppose you would be interested in subscribing? I've got some new videos in the works.
@the-daveyeee901 Жыл бұрын
If your vids are as entertaining as this, THEN HELL YA!
@dollorez1413 11 ай бұрын
as someome who discovered anime in 2020,i agree so much with your points. even though it's good that it's getting more mainstream and we can get more content for it,some people become toxic and biased about their fav anime. hopefully this huge popularity ends soon bcz it is getting annoying seeing toxic fans preach about what show they like.
@mapes9087 Жыл бұрын
That was a good video! I recognized most of them, but do you have a source list for all the clips and images you used? There were a couple I didn't know.
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
Which ones did you need? I'll try and track them down.
@Murillos1 Жыл бұрын
The only thing I hate is the use of the word 'loli' as it's only specifically used in the anime medium. 'Short', 'petite', and 'little girl' are right there to be used and differentiate what one is trying to convey.
@sagemaster1357 Жыл бұрын
loli is a term for anime characters. Tatsumaki and Rebecca are petite female and they're considered loli. Also, why you hate the word loli because short and petite meet those characteristics.
@Murillos1 Жыл бұрын
@@sagemaster1357 Because it was never commonly used outside of anime. It's only EVER used SPECIFICALLY when talking about anime.
@sagemaster1357 Жыл бұрын
@@Murillos1 Yes. In anime, people use terms like loli, yandere, moe, and all the dere types are all archetype used specifically in anime.
@Murillos1 Жыл бұрын
@@sagemaster1357 It's the same reason why I call 'anime', cartoons. If there already was a word that existed or described it before, why am I going to change it?💁‍♂️
@sagemaster1357 Жыл бұрын
@@Murillos1 anime is a Japanese cartoons. the meanings are the same but I just like to call it how I see. Also the western and Eastern have different styles of animation. Hence, Eastern animation being called ',anime' (still the same but just a short word) I mean everyone else's calls that way.
@everydayfun9531 Жыл бұрын
Look I dont have any hate against anime since I use to be an anime fan back then still am but not as active watching new shows and seasons here and then the reason for me on why anime died on me is because does it really give me that sense of purpose that I've been looking for in life cause it really dosent cause all it says is to seek pleasure instead of purpose even though it did teach me many life lessons and hearing about other people's stories and how those people live their lives was great like I feel more disconnected from real life when I'm more focused into the anime world more than real life itself and your right on one thing anime isn't for everyone and im just realizing that it just isn't for me I can't really keep such a huge commitment on being some anime fan and watch every show and every season man cause I have a life and I have a duty to take care of my own family one day and start my own business one day aswell and become a multimillionaire aswell I can't always have time for anime I was glad to be there during the times when anime was fun but right now I just kinda don't feel anime much anymore...
@MadDogRyan Жыл бұрын
So now we need to rise up and live by the example of Otaku Hero in Magical destroyers
@therealmonster2 Жыл бұрын
Anime it's not for everyone
@johanstenfelt1206 Жыл бұрын
Hm, fair and valid points and opinions, though what does the death of Anime look like exactly? Heck, what could be considered as the death of a entire genre?
@animonarch3858 Жыл бұрын
Anime is not going to be daijobu but it could get better or worse
@xianxiaemperor1438 10 ай бұрын
hopefully it gets better
@somerandomfatguy.3384 Жыл бұрын
Same correlates to Videogame...all the graphics but hardly any game release are without bug or down right crashing...this is the beginning of hard time.
@fixme.96 Жыл бұрын
I'm just waiting for AOT to finish and I'm done with anime
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
LMAO! That's fair.
@lostcause216 Жыл бұрын
I am reading jjba after it's done I will anime for sure
@Randomaccount629-6 Жыл бұрын
I’m glad. Don’t get me wrong, watching stuff like shield hero and black clover lifted me up in my darkest moments. But as my life got better I found less and less time for anime. It’s great when you’re broken but not for you when you’re back up.
@TheEnigmaProductions Жыл бұрын
Good riddance! The anime industry has been going down the drain for the past couple of years.
@AriSumi-o2y 10 ай бұрын
I totally agree, but in my perspective, anime hit it's lowest during the last couple of years. Just think about all the good anime shows that were made decades ago. And now compare them to what anime is now. I don't blame all anime fans in general, but I do blame the shounen fans and the slice of life fans for making anime the garbage that it is now. Don't get me wrong, there are sill good anime out there like Eden Zero and Disastrous Life of Saiki K but it's just harder to find such quality content given by how much Isekai there is.
@goopoh Жыл бұрын
I hate anime because it started my sex addiction and for other reasons too
@thesecond8187 8 ай бұрын
0:51 Persona 4 music 😢
@Peu115 Ай бұрын
Thank god
@Gadottinho 5 ай бұрын
I hope anime gets banned in the west, it would be great for the anime industry and anime fans all over the world
@Zen-sx5io Жыл бұрын
@gekkkoincroe 6 ай бұрын
Seven deadly Sins S3 It was ruined because of globalisation . But you see let it be . Those products are really hard to make and they don't get paid enough . This is a good thing . ANIMES ARE already way different than they used to be .... More change wouldn't kill it .
@cody5260 11 ай бұрын
Wow nobody comment about Donghua
@yashkumar6701 9 ай бұрын
i don't think west decide which anime will they produce because it is produced on the basis of the number of manga sold and still to this day east asia is the biggest consumer of it and will remain until this decade. they can cry ban whatever they want but it will remain the same because thats what east asian like
@SleepyRulu Жыл бұрын
This why I love anime and doing art based on it artstyle for cutenesses
@ZeHoovy2595 11 ай бұрын
Someone just had to say it.🗿
@LavaCreeperPeople Жыл бұрын
yes anime is bad
@Rinkxo Жыл бұрын
💀he never called it bad
@LavaCreeperPeople Жыл бұрын
@@Rinkxo ok
@anomymous1286 Жыл бұрын
Gatekeeping is a virtue. Don't lose one of the last bastions of AAA content made for nerds.
@Miaou98 Жыл бұрын
No it's not. Every good thing must come to an end and you gatekeeping won't change anything not even delay the unavoidable. So not only it doesn't do anything but gatekeepers also act like disgusting animals which often accelerates the process of something going mainstream since it doesn't discourage people who want to try something niche, the difference is that they will lack the context to understand why things are the way they are which will in turn, encourage people to complain about said things thus forcing the creators to comply to their complaints. To me the responsible thing to do when someone wants to try something niche would be to warn them about the fact that said thing is niche and that they might not enjoy it due to the audience it's catered to. Sadly though this doesn't work against corporations who just don't care about context but then again, gatekeeping won't do anything against a massive corporation so if people are still gatekeeping at this stage, they're just being jerks.
@stanloonaur69 6 ай бұрын
shallow deepness is truly miserable
@greenlineessays 6 ай бұрын
Yeah...I need to remake the video and go more in depth.
@Iamwolf134 6 ай бұрын
It's not as if we can simply discount capitalism's role in all this; what with the rat races it lends itself to leading to ever further growth, which also applies to various fandoms, which can become toxic over time as a result of such growth.
@turbiini1328 Жыл бұрын
So you're mad that anime is gonna be made for "normies"? That's pretty pathetic if you ask me. It should be available to everyone and it becoming more accepted in western society is a good thing. You don't have to be so afraid of being a normie.
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
I'm afraid of Anime being for "normies"? not really. I'm more afraid of Anime standards conforming to suit those who hardly watch it. Those who would seek to change it because they found certain aspects about it that they didn't like. There are plenty of new people who are entering the medium who enjoy Anime for what it is.
@powerjolt7215 Жыл бұрын
@@greenlineessays Thank you
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
@@powerjolt7215 Oh? Your welcome!
@powerjolt7215 Жыл бұрын
@Greenline Yeah! Your opinion was welcoming to me, because a lot of people come into the community trying to change the anime to suit their needs or "agendas" and leave again once they don't really care. Anime is a form of entertainment and a way to tell engaging stories which many can enjoy, but of course there are things more suited to some people. The idea of having one thing appeal to every and everyone is impossible and then shifting the appeal to just one group makes the other feel left out. That's why we have so many genres. So there's something for everyone and classic stories don't have to be remade or butchered to appeal to certain people. Now this isn't an anime example, but starwars. It suffers from pandering to certain people ultimately leaving others that cared for the movies and stuck with it from the start.. unsatisfied. But basically I don't like how things are made and simplified for new fans compared to how things were, but it's not as big an issue yet. We gotta keep our eyes open tho.. because eventually things could get really bad for anime fans, new and old. Anyways I stick to manga these days. It's the full uncensored content straight from the author.
tf if they dont like it then dont watch it simple
@TheOGComfyBoy Жыл бұрын
who cares? just watch it if ur interested or like it, it shouldnt matter if other people start disliking it or dont watch it anymore. This video is pointless
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
Not necessarily. It's to point out that anime might be slowly changing to accommodate more and more people. The problem with that is if it changes too much it will lose what made it interesting in the first place. As the market tries to cater to more audiences that would not watch in the first place. Another side effect is the people who work on these shows suffer more and more as a result, as more and more anime have to be churned out for a massively growing medium. The problem with the video is that it's way too damn short for such a large topic. I should've spent more time covering the small details that will probably lead to anime becoming more stale and mediocre, or worse a complete crash.
@yashkumar6701 9 ай бұрын
@@greenlineessays can you please tell me some anime which has changed.
@greenlineessays 9 ай бұрын
​@@yashkumar6701 Recently Bleach comes to mind. The character of Giselle was called into question for possibly being trans. due to sensibilities in the West the subtitles were changed from the episode Giselle was featured in. That might not seem like a big deal at first but bear in mind all this culminates into is death by a thousand cuts. By the time the majority of people notice major changes anime itself will have changed long ago. Also keep in mind that it's not just a trans thing. It's changing the source material to appeal to more Western audiences.
@yashkumar6701 9 ай бұрын
@@greenlineessays it's maybe changed very slightly but people still prefer sub over dub so it doesn't matter and trans people are shown in anime from very long time so it's not a big deal. Anime will not change until the west becomes the biggest buyer of mangas which is not going to happen ever. In East Asia 90 percent of the mangas are sold and they don't have a problem with story or anything shown in manga or anime so I don't think anything will change in anime
@Jamallo369 5 ай бұрын
I been watching since 2000s I have to say, anime started diying after 2017 You still get amazing animes like Vinland saga. But 99% is garbage
@abhishekdhiman4136 5 ай бұрын
Downfall started after 2019 in lockdown 😕
@Jamallo369 5 ай бұрын
@@abhishekdhiman4136 it's cuz of these low testosterone fem boys
@thomaskennedy5728 2 ай бұрын
Mainstream started drying,not anime as whole.
@Jamallo369 2 ай бұрын
@@thomaskennedy5728 from 2020-present the only great anime is "vinland saga" only 1 great anime.
@gwynbleidd968 8 ай бұрын
so almost 1 year later i can confirm it gets only worse........say goodbye to Oppais in Anime they are gone😭😭😭😭😭
@Mister_Domm 6 ай бұрын
What do you mean? What happened?
@gwynbleidd968 6 ай бұрын
@@Mister_Domm Look at new Anime these days They have less and less fanservice, Ecchi Scenes or revealing outfits And even Brutality and Gore is tuned down Like OnePiece for Example there is almost Noo Blood in the ArtStyle of Wanokuni Or Bleach has no Lewd scenes anymore even the Mangaka of Bleach hates it in Anime games Sexy Characters with Sexy outfits like Stockings or Clothes with Cleavage are Bad now Thats why every Character in Honkai Star Rail, ZZZ or Genshin has Bare Legs or tights now and all the boobs are coverd And Ecchi Anime has the Same Problem now
@nikonee507 6 ай бұрын
@@gwynbleidd968 huh that's pretty sad if you think about it the best thing you can do is move on to the less known anime games where they have fanservice and some lewd stuff or just straight up well H I say
@covenant8593 10 ай бұрын
I miss anime in the US when it was emerging on this toonami and adult swim. Now that's it popular, and Americans are changing it, I hate it
@yashkumar6701 9 ай бұрын
how is it changing. i didn't see a single one which is similar to americans
@Top10AnimeBetrayals Жыл бұрын
Massive disagree All of your points are just you being a hipster Except the social media screeching and censorship. I'll agree on that part but I still disagree it's as bad as you say Anime production quality has only improved as years have passed. Newer shows are much better at making every individual moment more enjoyable compared to older ones More popularity will still support more story writers in this industry. Anime is a business. It can't be profitless passion projects for too long. More customers will help support the common source of anime anyway, manga & LNs, because the shows are honestly long advertisements for the books. There's plenty of variety to find on store bookshelves
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't call myself a hipster, that's just blatantly false. And as far as the rest of it… 1.) Censorship is not that bad right now, but has the potential to get far worse. It's always a slow burn, and before you realize it most things that were okay before are now censored. It always starts small… Maybe even with things that you didn't really care about beforehand. But before we know it all changes right before our eyes before we even had a chance to realize what was going on. 2.) "Anime production quality has only improved as years have passed." I never said that they didn't, that's kind of a given. AND YOU'RE RIGHT. On that front anime has never looked better, and so that's a big plus. 3.) "Anime is a business. It can't be profitless passion projects for too long." I covered this @9:36 already. In Japan they will probably need to change its policies for its animators. They are still overworked and underpaid, but I can't speak for the writers. If you're talking about mangka I imagine some of them have plenty of time to work and get paid well but others are suffering for the sake of their work. Example: every weekly shounen author ever. But I also can't claim that this would change for the better if anime suddenly became less popular. We are already starting to see results from the overworked anime industry. The past season had several delays. Anime production is starting to spread itself way too thin. 4.)"There's plenty of variety to find on store bookshelves." Are we still talking about every anime, manga, and light novel with the title of "that time in another world"? While I love anime whether that be old or new I'm really starting to get tired of this genre. Yes, I know, there is still some variety… But between you and me I'm hoping that this oversaturated Iseki era ends soon. Overall my original point was that I didn't want to see a medium I love become censored and destroyed for the sake of those who won't even bother to watch most of it. Because in the beginning we all wished for anybody to be more popular so that we can fit in, or so we could have more people to talk to, or so that we can feel validated in liking this obscure thing. To say that "it wasn't just me" To say "I knew that cool thing before anybody else did" When all of that didn't matter in the first place.
@everydayfun9531 Жыл бұрын
Anime for sure is a busniess im not Gonna lie on that but as an entrepreneur minded individual I gotta tell you one thing if there are less animators out there and they get paid very less the demand for such production for anime or Manga's are high but the Supply of such anime's or Manga's will be low cause there are less creators that will definitely affect the Market value of the anime industry and it will definitely go down since animators get paid less and there simply isn't enough animators to outsource anime out there for the fans that are wanting to watch such shows with such serials or fans wanting to read manga etc.
@cassini7677 6 ай бұрын
No something new again, authors just following cultures/trend now yuri etc yeaa too much trash cultures
@SailorStarHero Жыл бұрын
Anime is not dying, no one killed it
@greenlineessays Жыл бұрын
Fair, but you clicked on the video. So the title did its job.
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Why Does Miyazaki HATE America? Ghibli Founder's USA Beef EXPLAINED
Archie Talks Anime
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Eras of Toonami Part 2
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I Watched the Most BANNED 𝐻Ǝ𝒩𝒯𝒜𝐼 Ever Made...
The Anime Man
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Дымок или Симбочка?? 🤔 #симба #симбочка #mydeerfriendnokotan
Симбочка Пимпочка
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Fun Fun TV short film: 🙏baby save water😍
Fun Fun TV
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Кого она вытащила из воды?😱
Следы времени
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Никогда не убивай это существо! 😱
ToRung short film: 🙏baby protects puppy🐶
Рет қаралды 84 МЛН