How Could Noah Possibly Fit These MASSIVE Dinosaurs on the Ark?

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Ark Encounter

Ark Encounter

Ай бұрын

How did Noah care for MASSIVE dinosaurs on the ark, and how did they even fit? In season 2, episode 3 of the Genesis Account of Noah’s Ark, Calvin Smith shares his answer to this question as a Bible-believing Christian.
This is an episode of our series titled “The Genesis Account of Noah’s Ark.” You can watch the other episodes of the series here:

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@anitaallen4143 Ай бұрын
The key word s “kind” there wasn’t every breed of dog. There wasn’t every breed of bird.
@brunobastos5533 Ай бұрын
Kind, using your own believes . Does cat's give birth to lions or tigers or a chicken hatch eagles. So how in 4000 years cats made tigers ?
@SEGAGIGA 27 күн бұрын
@@brunobastos5533 You didn't watch the video eh? It explains what is "kind" (species, genus, FAMILY)
@brunobastos5533 27 күн бұрын
@@SEGAGIGA the problem maintain do a dog give birth to foxes or chacal, remember he uses this in many videos to disprove evolution i never saw a dog giving bird to foxes
@NorthForkFisherman 3 күн бұрын
So superevolution occurred following the flood? That's exactly what you're claiming here. Can't have it both ways.
@NorthForkFisherman 3 күн бұрын
So..."Superevolution"? That's exactly what you're implying here. Can't have it both ways.
@Trulylatino Ай бұрын
Fascinating! *When GOD is involved, anything is possible.* 😎👍
@NorthForkFisherman 3 күн бұрын
So, magic. And not science. Glad we cleared that up.
@D80pfb Ай бұрын
If God could seal the mouths of the lions for Daniel He could seal the mouths of the carnivorous animals on the ark.
@NorthForkFisherman 3 күн бұрын
But Yahweh couldn't just *ZAP* all the shitty people away and leave only Noah+8? He had to resort to the megakludge BS flood gimmick? Is that what you would have us believe?
@thomasrape4616 Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure all the animals on the ark were juveniles. Any person who practices animal husbandry doesn't buy old breeding stock, they buy young animals for a longer productive life. This would mean the animals would be smaller, taking up less space and requiring less food. On the ark I'm sure they came across dead animals floating in the water and they could have fished to feed some. On the ocean fish tend to school under and around floating objects, as an ex sailor I've seen this many times. I'd have to guess they would have God's help on this matter.
@Pay-It_Forward Ай бұрын
*Why selectively kill only that which is evil, when you can lovingly genocide millions of species for no good reason & force a 600 year old dude to build a 510ft boat?*
@Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n Ай бұрын
How did they fish? The window was the ventilation at the very top of the ark. They couldn't open the door.
@illuforce Ай бұрын
Makes sense. Great explanation.
@RodericGurrola Ай бұрын
Thank you for the video. Good points.
@maplestreetministries8303 Ай бұрын
Did a message on this, even joked about the number 2, but add Dinos to the mix, I am not sure I would have lasted the flood before I opened a window
@stevefranklin9920 20 күн бұрын
What became of the dinosaurs that survived the flood on the ark ? I understand only the need for a single pair from each given genus as far as animals at the time, but what became of the survivors of the dinosaurs? What are they found in today or did they become extinct after surviving the flood ?
@Spudmuffinz 18 күн бұрын
They lived for a long while after similar to many other kinds of animals post flood. Virtually every culture had depictions of dragons, which are dinosaurs. Many carvings and paintings depicting obvious dinosaurs and quite a few writings of various dinosaur type creatures well into the medieval period. What happend to them though is likely what happend to many animals throughout history, they were hunted to extinction, or simply died out due to environmental changes they couldn't adapt to or failure to reproduce. Also a great multitude of writen and oral history surrounding "dragons" and the like (as the word dinosaur is a very recent word) is quite common throughout history. Even Marco polo if you trust his writings describes kings towing chariots with dragons or Babylon accounts. Oral native American history of thunderbirds (and even cowboy accounts) when described closely resemble pterodactyl type animals. In my opinion now I would guess that most of these creatures went extinct in the same manner every other animal that has gone extinct. Though environmental changes, slow breeding cycles, or over hunting. If you made it this far I'm sorry for the novel.
@Pay-It_Forward Ай бұрын
*T-Rex lived in Montana. if a slow walking land animal, how did he get to the Levant ?*
@garethcharlton7508 10 күн бұрын
stop being difficult
@NorthForkFisherman 3 күн бұрын
@@garethcharlton7508 You haven't seen anything yet. Explain the fact of pollen deposition by species and time period when a Noachian Flood would require suspension of Stokes Law. And then we'll start on ostracods, fusain, evaporites, and the heat problem from igneous formations. All the little details that YECers avoid.
@TickedOffPriest 12 күн бұрын
Small sleeping animals are easy to care for.
@garethcharlton7508 10 күн бұрын
this is absolutely Cypress Hill
@greggmarshall80 Ай бұрын
GOD is the creator of all things, and nothing is impossible with HIM!
@Matt-416 Ай бұрын
Except the big bang, human's Africa origins, interbreeding with not just one, but two different species of hominids, plate tectonics, space flight, the benefits of symbiotic crop planting, abolishing slavery, the KT boundary found on every continent, angiosperm dating, length of a day, month, and year, etc... etc.
@brunobastos5533 Ай бұрын
and who create god , you know the same story of the clock , a clock must have a creator , so if god is a watch where is the watchmaker
@Matt-416 Ай бұрын
@@brunobastos5533 That's a double edged sword you're swinging. If everything needs a maker, then who created the big bang?
@brunobastos5533 29 күн бұрын
@@Matt-416 for you is a problem. because i do not believe in a creator is your side that claim it . Big bang is a creation , in the universe nothing is created or destroy , can only be transformed. So the big bang is the moment super concentrated energy lose it equilibrium and create matter .
@sirarvsvaldez4893 Ай бұрын
How about termites?
@Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n Ай бұрын
If there were termites then. They would not be on the ark, they do not breath through nostrils. The would have floated like all insects on the floating debris. As insects do today.
@LittleChimp3 Ай бұрын
seven pairs made seven babies and Noah took the seven young ones being that they were smaller
@randysquires8362 Ай бұрын
Eggs. Beats the grown up version...
@Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n Ай бұрын
The have to be incubated. No electricity.
@randysquires8362 Ай бұрын
@Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n Plants that generate heat... or they took turns .... or they hired an alligator to build a nest, seems they generate heat OR maybe the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF had Angels do it, but for sure, it got done.
@jebbohanan2626 Ай бұрын
In short, Grown and Mature Animals did not need to be brought aboard the Ark.
@Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n Ай бұрын
They were vegetarians. Their teeth, to far a part, do not support each other, and arms, so small, couldn't even use them to eat, proves they could not be carnivores.
@mritchie85 Ай бұрын
No "Dinosaurs" or "Terrible Lizards" existed in my view, large birds e.g much larger than ostriches, elephant/whale type creatures, also just big reptiles like big Crocodile type creatures but much larger. Also many of the skeletal remains discovered in museums are replicas or artist's interpretations . No mythical separate species/ kind of creature as being portrayed as a Dinosaur lived and died out. If you want to see a dinosaur google Ostrich, Crocodile or Chicken.
@Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n Ай бұрын
True. Dinosaurs they were invented in 1841 by Sir Richard Owen. There are about 33 different kinds of the beasts we know as dinosaurs, which were on the ark. The animals mentioned do not fit the criteria of a dinosaur. Two come from bird kind . The croc a cold blooded reptile.
@jodyjohnston2899 Ай бұрын
Answer:He didn't. Noah's ark is not real and dinosaurs did not live with man.
@marcj3682 Ай бұрын
"Noah's ark is not real and dinosaurs did not live with man.". PMSL. Your history is all over the place. OK, let's play with you. Today, there are 8 billion people on earth, 2024. In 1960, there were 3 billion. The growth rate is exponential. If you rewind in time, the population is smaller and smaller. If there was no flood wiping out all the population, and mankind is (in your worldview) hundreds of thousands of years old, start with just two people, 100,000 years ago, you would have cycled through a population of 8 billion people, millions and millions and millions of times. Remember, in 1960 there were 3 billion people, and today, 64 years later, there are 8 billion. So where are all the bodies, and graves? There was a flood - and all the ancients wrote about it. Because only 1 family existed - Noah's family. Noah - his sons - and all their wives (8 people in total), survived, and repopulated earth. Because nothing existed after the ark came to rest, they repopulated earth - and named all the lands that they cultivated. The cradle of civilisation started about 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia. Noah had three sons. Shem, Japhath and Ham. From the bloodline of Ham, there were 4 sons - Cush/Kish (where the Biblical city comes from), Mizraim/Agypteous, Put, and Canaan. From the son Canaan, we get the Canaanites. From Mizraim/Agypteous, we get the country EGYPT. Manetho, an Egyptian priest and philosopher wrote the book, Agyptecea. It chronicles the dynasties of the pharaohs. It's what we base our historical timeline on. From the bloodline of Shem, we get the Hebrews, who wrote the Bible, documenting the flood. The Hebrews are known as Semites (It comes from Shemite - SHEM). Egypt is called Mizraim by the Hebrews. The Egyptians documented a flood in the Ogdoad, saying only 8 people survived. Same story as the bloodline of Shem. Why's that? Because the story was passed down the generations, and constantly documented. The idea of Royalty comes from the flood survivors. Think about it; if you survived a flood, and you were saved by God, you would be a new king of earth, post flood. You would pass your kingdom down the generations to your first born. The people who are distant cousins wouldn't matttger to you, but you'd want them to remain asleep. Hence you'd tell them they are nothing better than a descendant of a monkey. PMSL. "Work harder you monkey, fan me more, I'm hot." Let's play more... The Namar Palette is a famous stone carving from Egypt - on the back there are dinosaurs - because man lived with them. If they didn't live with them, and we go with "modern theories, and the first dinosaur bone was found in the 1600's, how did the ancients draw them? You know why? They called them DRAGONS, and that's why there are hundreds of stories, and carvings featuring them. Just one for you to play with - the Uruk Cylinder seals feature the dinosaurs/dragons. Eveything pre flood was larger - the dinosaurs (DRAGONS) are reptiles - and exist today; post flood everything was smaller - the Komodo Dragon (you would call "dinosaur") exists today. The atmosphere pre flood was different to post flood. You've been lied to. And unless you start believing in Jesus and the Bible, you're heading for the pit. Good luck. LOL.
@uneseulevie3386 Ай бұрын
So why Can we find in different language a story about a flood? The most known are Noah and Gilgamesh as exemple but they are not the only ones. If it was not real we wouldn't have any fossile too. I let you think about those facts. May God bless you and help you find The Truth.
@Moist._Robot Ай бұрын
@@uneseulevie3386 Because floods happen and civilisations live by rivers that flood. And then survivors wrote stories about it. Those stories wouldn’t exist if there was a global flood that killed everything now would they? I’ll let you think about that for a while.
@uneseulevie3386 Ай бұрын
@@Moist._Robot All those stories come from the survivors don't forget that. And after comes the story of babel so different language, all is related. The Global flood killed everyone except the family of Noah, which was in the ark, that repopulate the earth since then, so we the stories were written by those who lived it or their child. I let you rethink of your answer.
@danielwhite5705 Ай бұрын
How did you know that? Have you asked your ape ancestors? Or maybe you're evolved to see light particles from the past...
@georg7120 Ай бұрын
Wrong, in Genesis 6 god tells Noah to take a pair of every sort. All this talk about kind is heretic nonsense.
@williamrodgers2476 Ай бұрын
Genesis 6:20 Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive.
@georg7120 Ай бұрын
@@williamrodgers2476 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. Genesis 6 : 19
@williamrodgers2476 Ай бұрын
@@georg7120 You originally said "in Genesis 6". Why are you ignoring scripture in such away?
@georg7120 Ай бұрын
@@williamrodgers2476 I quoted Genesis 6!
@williamrodgers2476 Ай бұрын
@@georg7120 While ignoring the context aka the following verse.
@sciencerules2825 Ай бұрын
No need to care for animals on a mythological boat from a mythological story. 🙂
@marcj3682 Ай бұрын
You think it's a myth? Your history is all over the place. grapple with this. Manetho was an Egyptian priest and philosopher. He wrote the book, Aegyptiaca, which chronicles the dynasties of the Pharaohs. Timelines are based on his writings. Why was it called Aegytiaca? Because Agypteous/Mizraim - was named after someone called Agypteuous/Mizraim.. And who was he? NOAH's GRANDSON. The Hebrews - the Shemites/Semites - from the bloodlone of Noah's son, Shem, wrote the Bible - the account of Noah's flood. What do the Hebrews call Egypt? Yes, MIZRAIM.
@plainsman Ай бұрын
@@marcj3682 There is abundant empirical scientific evidence that there was never a global flood, and as a consequence no ark. The flood story is FILLED with hyperbole that would have been recognized by its ancient audience as a figurative description of an event in order to produce an effect and make a theological point, and NOT an example of ancient journalism or accurate science. Also, that natural rock formation in Turkey often misidentified as a boat would be recognized by any professional geologist as a doubly plunging syncline and nothing more.
@plainsman Ай бұрын
@@marcj3682 There is abundant empirical scientific evidence that there was never a global flood, and as a consequence no ark. The flood story is FILLED with hyperbole that would have been recognized by its ancient audience as a figurative description of an event in order to produce an effect and make a theological point, and NOT an example of ancient journalism or accurate science. Also, that natural rock formation in Turkey often misidentified as a boat would be recognized by any professional geologist as a doubly plunging syncline and nothing more.
@joseramonperez9609 Ай бұрын
A "mythological" boat whose remains lie on a high mountain within the boundaries of *_Eastern Turkey, Armenia and Northwestern Iran,_* even the locals know about a *_"ship"_* in this place, so it is not a _"myth"_ as you say.
@markrademaker5875 Ай бұрын
So Christians are chance occurences...randomness? Atheists and Muslims are chance occurences?
@squirrelfrendotcom Ай бұрын
All I know is that God's creation is endless, and He is eternal. Therefore, the things that He does are beyond our comprehension, and that's okay!
@brunobastos5533 Ай бұрын
and who create god the story of the watchmaker this guy love so much , is ok to discredit evolution but then is no good for god
@OzzybinOswald Ай бұрын
Why would you limit the physical capacity of dinosaurs by present conditions?
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