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I had already been concerned about Avowed before the recent Xbox/Microsoft shutdowns took place and now I am doubly so. Avowed is a AA game and will likely be scrutinised to the max finanically, meaning any slight deviation from financial expectations could end in the termination of Eora as a universe and possibly even Obsidian itself.

Пікірлер: 101
@ScytheNoire 2 ай бұрын
We need less mindless, corporate greed and more independent, passionate developers.
@newnamesameperson397 2 ай бұрын
Once lost games is making the wayward realms
@TechnoLawyer 2 ай бұрын
Yep. More of the Larian and Owlcat types, less of these giants who kill reasonably profitable, well received games because they weren’t wildly profitable.
@df6597 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, and more shoe horned LGBLTs.
@WolfheartFPS 2 ай бұрын
Long time no see Spell. Glad you popped up on my feed! I am VERY worried about Obsidian's future.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
You honour us with your comment Lord Wolfheart!
@zackzebedi561 2 ай бұрын
Imagine if MS had succeeded in acquiring Larian. Really dodged a bullet there.
@richardlee5296 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely! - best game ever made …can’t wait to see there next projects
@richardlee5296 2 ай бұрын
Baldurs gate 3 that is 😊
@leeham6230 2 ай бұрын
​@@richardlee5296It's so good that every other studio will have to copy them, or get left behind. It's honestly a miracle that game is as good as it is.
@BorgWolf359 2 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you! I fear for Avowed, Fable, Outer Worlds 2, & Clockwork Revolution to name a few games I have an eye on! I am excited for Avowed because I love the Pillar games! I hope we aren't disappointed again with Microsoft/Xbox!
@deathbycognitivedissonance5036 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sounding the alarm. I am concerned as well.
@maofria1452 2 ай бұрын
RIP Pillars of Eternity Universe. Obsidian and InXile are at risk of shotdown too
@lostzephyr2191 2 ай бұрын
The whole industry seems shaky at the moment. Fingers crossed that Avowed doesn't fall prey to this.
@agni-kai132 2 ай бұрын
Bro maybe Johnny silverhand had a point
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
LOL. He probably did, yes.
@AndrewRyan-zv7zb 2 ай бұрын
Corpos MUST die.
@apres-lachute8718 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, you are echoing my thoughts. I think the whole Microsoft acquisition was a mistake. Oh well. Hopefully this is not a train wreck.
@domm6812 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely it was a mistake. They should never have been allowed to gobble up so many developers so quickly, but regulators have been utterly asleep at the wheel. They reacted FAR too late to the Activision purchase, and then failed to stop it. I'm glad they're starting to TRY to do something after so many years of total inactivity, but it turns out they're totally incompetent.
@88oscuro 2 ай бұрын
It feels like Avowed never would live up to expectations. Either old PoE fans will feel that they streamlined it to much and removed to many RPG mechanics in the transition, features that wouldn't need to be removed. Or suffer the same fate as Outer worlds, where it can't live up to games that it compares it self with, like Fallout New Vegas. I actually feel they should double down on systems to differentiate themselves from other large "RPG" open-world games. An actual modern system heavy RPG game, with a "large" budget. Not a "streamlined Skyrim lite".
@Defectivegg Ай бұрын
Because of the risk of being shut down, they will probably pick the route of streamlining everything. 🫤
@streamofthought8662 2 ай бұрын
i dunno, i think the skyrim crowd (like me) is a pretty big player base for avowed
@Katie-hb8iq 2 ай бұрын
I don't like Microsoft lately, but their decisions are not completely irrational. For example, Arkane Austin made some great games, but they had a lot of turnover by choosing to make Redfall. Part of the reason for shutting down that studio was that there wasn't much left to preserve anymore-most of the people responsible for Prey and whatnot left the studio. On top of this, the management team could have communicated better with Microsoft after the acquisition about the challenges they were facing-and they didn't. Phil found out about a lot of the problems at Arkane Austin after the game was shipped, which is not really Microsoft's fault. These problems existed three years before Microsoft acquired them. I think the most worrying thing is that clearly Game Pass metrics don't mean anything to them anymore, which explains why Tango was shelved. That's the real fear with games like Avowed. I too hope it sells well enough to make a profit at launch at least. I will be buying my copy. I'm just hoping the change in leadership there hasn't ultimately changed how the games were made. Josh wasn't part of this one, for example.
@bligh1156 2 ай бұрын
Avowed has looked worse(to my taste) as more of it that has been revealed. Looks very vanilla, and it's a dumbed down action game, heavily dumbed down based on the previews. I loved POE1 & 2 but I have little hope. I expect it to sell well, and I expect to not like it.
@ViewtifulBeau 2 ай бұрын
It'll just be 'ok'. Like ES VI, anything triple A nowadays
@KratosisGod 2 ай бұрын
Ngl after seeing everything revealed about avowed it doesn't seem anything special and my interest in it has dropped greatly.
@oceanstone5223 2 ай бұрын
I think Josh Sawyer (and probably others from Obsidian) will move to CDPR if MS manhandles Obsidian, with CDPR opening an office in the US and looking for narrative designers, but they obviously can't take the IP with them which is very sad
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
Why CRPR though? Has he said something?
@oceanstone5223 2 ай бұрын
@@spellandshield I know he has a good relationship with CDPR, has given multiple talks at their offices and gave lots of feedback for cyberpunk post launch.
@TheRealClaylex 2 ай бұрын
On one hand, if the game geniuely sucks I have to be honest and call it out On the other hand though, if too much negative reviews are put out Microsoft/Xbox might just kaput the studio GRANTED, they STILL got rid of Tango even though most peeps loved Hi-Fi Rush
@traviseicher9118 2 ай бұрын
PoE 1 and 2 had massive Kickstarter campaigns. They each made several million dollars. While it's true CRPGs are a niche genre, with the success of Baldurs Gate 3 introducing CRPGs to a huge audience, this would have been a great time to take a chance on PoE 3, that probably could have been relatively cheaper. Avowed isn't going to do great because Microsoft has this ridiculous metric for success that seems like they want people to subscribe to gamepass and then also buy the games.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
BG3 isn't popular because it is an CRPG but rather because it has tons of cinematic cutscenes and appeals to casuals.
@MonsterCodex 2 ай бұрын
Unfortunately many publishers have the dividends of their shareholders higher up in the list of their priorities than what players would actually enjoy…
@timnewman7591 2 ай бұрын
Larian's BG3 has set a very high benchmark for what a successful fantasy cRPG looks like (commercially and critically). But it also might not be a bad time to be coming out with a new fantasy RPG, as the audience is obviously there and a year after BG3 came out there'll be more than a few looking for another game to replace it. Or MS might have expectations of a similar sort of success and be disappointed (they shouldn't, but who knows).
@chanm01 2 ай бұрын
I'm not sure how to feel about Obsidian. It's almost like the second they secured that sweet MS money they decided, "I'm in my fuck-around phase now". Like, I don't wanna hear "isometric POV games don't sell" from the studio that brought you "that one game that looks like a woodcutting from an old timey book".
@bostontowny4life744 Ай бұрын
I’d of preferred them to make a really big and well made isometric RPG. Like Pillars but with more funding. Rather than a lame Double A 3D open world game. I hate double A open world 3D RPG’s. Because there is just too much competition out there for those types of games for a developer to not go all out. Everytime I play one of them I just feel like “yea, this is kind of cool, but I wish there was more”. That’s why IMO, if you’re going to make a 3D open world RPG, you have to go all out. And if you can’t get the funding to go all out. Just make a really good isometric or 2D RPG, and make that bigger and more fleshed out. But enough with these lame AA RPG’s because they always feel milquetoast and lame.
@bostontowny4life744 Ай бұрын
Also, my theory about Obisidian is that they initially wanted to go all out with Avowed, and Microsoft was ready to let them go off the leash. But then Microsoft’s Bethesda deal finalized. And because of that, Microsoft decided to curbed the funding to Obsidian. Because even though Obsidian is beloved for past games in the gaming community, they have nowhere near the same amount of mainstream pull that Bethesda does.
@chanm01 Ай бұрын
@@bostontowny4life744 Wow, I never thought about that, but yeah the public timeline does mesh with this theory. I think when Bethsoft got bought up all people were thinking was "pog, now that MS owns both Fallout and Obsidian, maybe New Vegas 2 could actually happen!" I guess the opposite could also happen.
@richardlee5296 2 ай бұрын
After Skyrim I’m hoping avowed is of a similar standard which would be fine by me. Nothing can hold a candle to BG3 but I really hope Microsoft don’t wield the axe it’s one of my most looked forward to games …but I’m worried ..even if it launches how much will budget cuts ruin what could have been great ….so sick of corporate greed in all industries ..human greed really
@EntrepreneurialBoost 2 ай бұрын
Some folks and so called insiders are saying they closed those studios to focus on most popular big ips like Elder Scrolls and Fallout which bring substantial profits to their expectations.
@faselfasel2864 2 ай бұрын
The reason the games industry is in shambles in the first place is because those publishers and studios refuse to think long term. They either oversaturate the market with their IP or they drag the sequels out forever. There are only a few good studios left from the old guard, CD Project Red, Larian, Klei Entertainment and a few others. Everyone who loved the old games should follow the developers of those games whereever they are going. Don't follow game studios anymore. They already got rid of the people who made the games you like.
@cadis4257 2 ай бұрын
Pillars I was great. Really felt the world and how the plague of soulless children affectrd everyone and how they dealt with it. Along with your own journey that was greatly interwoven. Pillars II though, it was ok. The story was just not impactful. No one rrally cared about the reincarnation cycle being destroyed. All the factions eanted eas the Island and thus the driving force behind the story felt meaningless. That and the whole losing part of your own soul didnt feel important either. At least in the first game you were tormeted by random horrific vision when exploring and being constantly reminded that you need to fix your awakened soul by others who have gone insane. Thus Avowed and the fact its getting dumped down doesnt interest me
@zoltanschweifer4304 2 ай бұрын
I sayed this before awoved is not that game that will save obsidian. I think it will kill it. I hope I am wrong.
@Mendoza-yi6qk 2 ай бұрын
As the chef of Larian said himself the companys (all of them) make the same wrong decisions. Firing people with experience and understanding of what their audience wants and then wonder why their new games don't make as much as in the past.
@CRINGLEBURT 2 ай бұрын
I absolutely loved the pillars of eternity games and pretty much all of the old school Obsidian stuff but I hate to say it Avowed did not look good. I hope I am wrong about that, but it looked like it had been seriously dumbed down both in terms of tone and gameplay.
@thebigidea9659 2 ай бұрын
Really the only reason I am interested in avowed is because of the pillars game. I don't care if its good or bad but I sincerely hope this doesn't hurt obsidian.
@difanxu8295 2 ай бұрын
I think MS probably wont shut down Obsidian but instead make them sort of support team to churn out fallout games, which would be depressing too.
@Trace153 2 ай бұрын
It will, but companies are just names. Talent will just move to where they can work on what they want. When they buy companies they just buy IP’s which they will run into the ground. Cough cough Starwars and many other.
@AndrewRyan-zv7zb 2 ай бұрын
Thats still an improvement as far as im concerned.
@innoclarke7435 2 ай бұрын
For future reference, when saying Urquhart, that second 'u' is silent. So it's just pronounced "Urc-hart." Definitely not pleased with Microsoft's shift in direction lately, though. It's been said before, but Xbox as a brand's problem isn't that they don't have the right teams or the right IPs or the right resources - it's that Xbox in particular, while it's technically nice to be 'hands-off', completely screws the pooch in doing so and the reality is that they clearly don't know how to make sure good games are getting made and in a timely manner. There's much to be said about the sort of people sent in to rain hell down on the development team and force them to get a game out the door, and yes it's unpleasant, but when you give a group of creatives near carte blanche to make their game... they're going to sit there and be indecisive and adjust things based on what they want in the moment, or they're going to take forever trying to polish it until its perfect, when sometimes you just need them to sit down, make the hard decisions as to what the game NEEDS, how they need to address the game's problems, and to have the game ready to be sent for certification by a deadline and with a certain budget. There's a reason why the best artists are almost always the ones who suffer and make their art under a lot of pressure. Microsoft seems terrified to put that pressure on their dev teams, and consequently you get situations like Halo Infinite's technical issues (Microsoft should've had someone step in and have 343 scrap their engine and force them to make it on another engine with less issues and better documentation for the contractors to be able to utilize it better), or Perfect Dark's vaporware status because Crystal Dynamics and The Initiative were at each other's throats. The reason Game Pass subscriptions aren't increasing is in part because MIcrosoft, the single most important element of making absolutely CERTAIN that valuable, good games kept getting released for the service, failed to do so and relied upon spending a bunch of money on TEMPORARILY getting other publishers to put their games on the service. But then those games get pulled and the value proposition goes back down. I hoped Microsoft would've been able to figure all this stuff out, because I saw the potential for them to be able to pull off something very special. They're in such a unique position to be able to put out more cool games than anyone, by far, but they've done nothing but squander it year after year after year. It's just pathetic to watch.
@klnz1107 2 ай бұрын
I would definitely consider this aaa not aa. It should be more than good anything less is a failure
@snaker9er 2 ай бұрын
Sucks the game director for avowed decided to change the entire plot and aesthetic to Alice in wonderland
@corriban 2 ай бұрын
It almost feels like Microsoft is buying and shutting down studios as some kind of tax write off to appease investors. I would love for Avowed to turn out to be a big hit but right now I'm massively sceptical. And the thing is, if a PoE fan like me thinks it doesn't look all that appealing, what must "the average gamer" think?
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
Very true. I honestly have no idea what they were thinking. They would have been better off with an isometric RPG that would have appealed to the core audience.
@AndrewRyan-zv7zb 2 ай бұрын
As someone who tried to love the Pillars games, but cant stick with them, I'm honestly super interested and excited by what they've shown thus far. I loved the outer worlds and if its just a fantasy equivalent set in their universe, ill likely be thrilled. I want a game with character sheets as deep as POE but with first person gameplay because as much as i do like CRPGs (classic Fallout, and Divinity) it cant ever draw me into the world the same as a first person perspective.
@EntrepreneurialBoost 2 ай бұрын
First of all Microsoft not advertising their games as much as other companies like Sony and Nintendo.
@nickmaddalena985 2 ай бұрын
If they dumpe them, will pretty much not go xbox for a console again. They keep making terrible decisions in thr gaming market. First by following the hatters on xbox 1 and now following corporate trends. It seem they just do what everyone else does and can't think for themselves and have a strong vision.
@DiasBenes 2 ай бұрын
I don't think many people realize how razor thin profit margins are for independent studios. Most of them need a third party distributor to help publish their games and take on some of the financing of the game. Those that try to do it on their own also have to deal with Steam that takes 30% of their revenue, not profit but revenue and strips it from the top. That alone is pretty crippling. Its really no surprise that Microsoft is cutting back and laying off staff. And to add one point. Piracy also plays a huge part to this as well. Even if their game gets pirated at say 10% of their sales and this is the low end of piracy. Its usually much higher for these games. Even at 10% that would be enough to force many of these games to be unprofitable and they would struggle to stay afloat.
@StodgyAyatollah 2 ай бұрын
Avowed was a bad gamble. Couple that with Outer Worlds 2 and they are going to be seeing middling sales for both, which best case will kill at least one franchise if not both. A traditional crpg (or at least something closer to) would give them the core audience but these will lose a lot of that while not giving the broad appeal needed to make up for it. I'm already past mourning for the dead in this case since I think the writing has been on the wall for a while.
@striker99974 2 ай бұрын
3 views 3 likes, 3 minutes impressive.
@BlinkBoyBrad 2 ай бұрын
Avowed looked bad tbh. I was hyped before i saw the gameplay showcases and them saying they wanted to do open world but scaled it back. Prob will be doo doo
@steffen89able 2 ай бұрын
Never had faith in Xbox. You just have to look at their track-record. I really enjoyed pillars. But didn’t like outerworlds. I espect Awoved to be outerworlds fantasy edition.
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
I'll buy Avowed even if it's just ok. I like the Pillars universe. Bidenomics has caused this. Sometimes having limitations can be a good thing since it forces developers to try much harder. MS: Do not F with western RPG game companies. It's what defines you compared to Nintendo. Protect Obsidian. These guys gave us Fallout New Vegas and harming them will hurt the Xbox brand and anger your supporters. Let them have a chance. Arkane kinda deserved what it got for Redfall which many hyped but ended up being a mess. Obsidian still overall makes solid games. In fact I want an Outer Worlds 2. This seems to be their answer to "Borderlands" or "Fallout in space". You will need distinctly western rpg games to balance your library. When Balder's Gate 3 was finally ported to Xbox, a lot of sony fans were probably angry at that. (because if it could not be done it would be a win for Sony fanboys who want Xbox owners to jump to their platform) Just think about why people who already own PS would buy a Xbox? Answer: it's to buy those few games that are unique to your console that were not on Sony. So I repeat "leave Obsidian alone." Listen to my advice if you want to survive this dark time. (also playing lower budget titles on smaller handhelds seems to be a trend on switch so if these low budget games still look good on smaller devices they can be ported in future to lower spec machines such as switch 2 if you intend to do that in future - low budget does not mean bad title, just less marketing hype surrounding it)
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
I like POE as well hence why I will probably get Avowed regardless.
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
@@spellandshield We have to stop expecting every new release to be mind-blowing. The economy is bad and you can clearly see many companies are dying just from the poor sales of one title. In the old days companies could fail more often but as costs to produce games are getting higher and higher I kind of welcome the double A games to rise up in quality to make these triple A gaming companies sweat. They were blown away by BG3 and that is a GOOD thing. It means whatever Dragon Age game is coming up will be scrutinised by critics much harder now. LOL This will then ensure triple A companies raise their standards. Remember that companies like nintendo have always made title aimed at low spec hardware and people have bought their titles with devotion. (Zelda Tears of the Kingdom = bug-free on release. Remember when all console games were like that? I do.) Games like Xenoblade despite the low spec hardware of the system running it are fondly remembered as polished RPG titles up there with Chrono Trigger and Mass Effect as GOTY contender for the time they were made. As more people turn back to older games to avoid supporting the new modern games with woke agenda, it may be time we take a break from being hyped for what's around the corner and lower expectations. IF MS is going to make Xbox handhelds in future (like the Rog Ally and Steam Deck) I will be interested in seeing high quality low spec games at modest budgets on these machines and be ok with them not draining the battery life too much. The nintendo switch battery lasts decent and many older games from the XB360 era are great to replay on it given the graphics back then won't tax it too much. If they had highr fidelity the battery would not last too long. So I wonder if MS just scale back on graphics a bit, make the games lower budget, and focus on linear RPG (but with quality content) they can survive this period better because it is less risky to do smaller games. Then if the game sells well-enough, develops a fanbase, you up the budget for the sequel. Dragon's Dogma 2 ultimately was just a re-boot of the first game with better graphics. Pretty low risk for capcom. That's what needs to be done. An example is how Gothic 1 was just ported to the Switch to jog our memories, and in anticipation there will be a remake of Gothic 1 in HD. Nostalgia! Gothic was the game CDPR was inspired by to make the Witcher games. 1. jog people's memories of classic stuff 2. release to upcoming portable XB handheld 3. make high budget sequels to these classics using profits from the remakes of the classic games 4. hype up the new game close to release. Nintendo does this all the time: They will re-release older Zelda games in HD to buy time for polishing the new Zelda game before release. By the time the new game is ready, people are in the mood for the new game after re-living the remaster/remake of the old game out of nostalgia. Then there are secondary merchandise things they can milk like the amiibos and other stuff like mugs, t-shirts caps etc which remind people of the game. MS needs to follow that model if they want to maintain customer loyalty again. We are moving towards a service-based game industry away from a product-based one. But MS as a brand still needs to be COOL. If it's not cool, if there is no identity, people don't take pride in the products they buy. So a non-buggy linear Avowed is going to be received better than an ambitious open world Avowed with got broken quest chains and save game corruption on launch day. As bad as bethesda is, the release of Starfield was pretty decent in terms of bugs on launch compared to past titles. This might be because of the paranoia of what happened with Cyberpunk 2077 on launch. But a simpler lower budget game that is linear but polished and balanced-tested (and bug-tested) well is what Obsidian need to do for the first 3D FPV RPG game. First impressions is everything. People are looking for tiny things to criticise and if Zelda Tears of the Kingdom can release bug-free then so can MS/Obsidian. Fact is: RedFall failed to live up to the hype and was expected to help Xbox fans feel more secure in their choice of system. Obsidian is under this pressure not to F up. The good news is they already shown they can make solid action rpg with OuterWorlds so I don't think MS will kill them..yet. :P For it to succeed the majors stuff needs to work.(that is the core of the game must not suck) Once the core is proven success you add to that core more stuff. (rathe than release a bloated-but-buggy mess with so many moving parts)
@andrechapetta Ай бұрын
Pillars IP at least belongs to Josh. Worst case, Obisdian can always crowdfund another Pillars game. But i believe they should go turned based next time, bring BG3/PF:WotR and RPG casuals to the table.
@domm6812 2 ай бұрын
Not only has Avowed likely been given a AA budget, it seems devoid of Obsidians normal mature narrative and setting. It seems ....bland and, I'd I'm honest, deliberately censored, in terms of violence, sex & mature themes. This fits exactly with Microsoft's heavy handed push for appeasement of far left critics (I myself am left leaning, but the far left are something else entirely). If you saw the leaked list of Microsoft modern games design mandates to developers, pathetically posed as suggestions, you'll understand what I'm talking about. I don't like to use the word "woke" but there really is no other way to describe it.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
I guess we'll have to wait and see but IF it does turn out to be good at least we will all be surprised.
@TheMarcHicks 2 ай бұрын
Oh FFS, somebody really is utterly ignorant of history if they think that its the Left that is censorious. Its always been the Right Wing of the political spectrum that has most ruthlessly sought to censor video games, especially with regards to sex, nudity and graphic violence....as it goes against their conservative values. From the faux outrage over the original Mortal Kombat of the early 90's, through to the faux outrage over the romance scenes in Mass Effect 2 through to the faux outrage over "bear sex" in BG3, its always been those on the Right pushing the "moral outrage" button the hardest. Go back to the 70s and 80's and you'll also see that it was Christian Conservatives who created the whole "Satanic Panic" nonsense around D&D.
@Hero_Of_Old Ай бұрын
​@@TheMarcHicks ok coomer
@haroldgodwinsonshouldhavew3875 2 ай бұрын
Avowed looks bad and I wish for people to stop cope with this game. Not only the today Obsidian is not the one who made Kotor 2 and New Vegas. Look at Avowed we have only 2 races, human and elf ,no classes only fps,combat looks oblivion era,perma companions(look on google they comfiremd that long time) so yeah not even to sail the seas with this game
@jeremysanders8766 2 ай бұрын
Not sure how Microsoft’s expectations are high when they’ve shown the inability to put out a quality first party game. At this point Microsoft might as well go the Sony route and purchase exclusivity from third party developers.
@SPSteve 2 ай бұрын
POE1 & POE2 are excellent games and well loved by their audience (us). Why take the risk of making a first person, second rate, ARPG when you know you have a winning formula with the traditional isometric CRPG? Seems like a suicide decision with an all or nothing outcome, they sell a lot of games or the studio folds. I won't buy the new game, I'm not an ARPG player and for 2024 standards, it looks awful.
@AndrewRyan-zv7zb 2 ай бұрын
Ive put hundreds of hours into Classic Fallouts, and Divinity OS2. I tried really hard to like POE 1&2 (and Tyranny for that matter) and honestly i think it needs to be more generic. Half of the races are weird pseudo celestial half breeds and everything feels like its deviation for the sake of deviation. "We cant have dwarves who act like dwarves because were trying to subvert expectations" that kind of thing. Im super excited by what they've shown so far of Avowed.
@bostontowny4life744 Ай бұрын
I hate 3D open world double A RPG’s. They always feel so lame and milquetoast. If you don’t have the funding to go all out in a game like that, you might as well just make a bigger version of POE. Just stick to indie. You can’t go halfway 3D open world games in 2024. There’s just to much competition out there. Everytime I play an open world AA game I always feel like “yea, this is kind of cool, but I wish there was more”. Not just more as in size, but more fleshed out. But you can’t do that with a double A budget.
@user-pr8sh3do9d Ай бұрын
Disagree avowed is going to scratch the elderscrolls itch for many.
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
I hope you are right.
@Eupolemos 2 ай бұрын
I obviously hope Avowed does well (because I am not an arsehole, or try not to be) but despite Pillars of Eternity 1 being the best party based RPG I've ever played (and I've played them since "Dark Queen of Krynn"), Avowed doesn't look like something for me. Maybe I'll get it anyway just to try it out, I've got enough money to not really care. But I won't support Microsoft like it's some kind of indy dev. It seems like a really __bad__ idea to take an niche isometric cRPG IP like "PoE" and change the tone, color-scheme and playstyle - and then expect it to sell well. It doesn't make any sense to me, at all. If it was my money behind such a decision, I'd be livid.
@xenon333 Ай бұрын
Hot take: PoE 1 and 2 did not sell well cuz they were NOT good games. The 40+ nerds can salivate all they want over the concept of bringing back the isometric RPGs, but PoEs had nonsensical and preachy stories, forgettable characters, walls of text that people did not want to read, and unrewarding bland combat. Hell, you wouldn't even get exp. For beating an enemy! On the other hand DoS 1 and 2 did great. Make what you will of it.
@petemisc4291 2 ай бұрын
It’s crazy to me that game publishers/studios give 30% to Steam, that is just insane, why not just sell the game yourself, every company I know of has a website, what’s so hard about that!?
@KratosisGod 2 ай бұрын
Its cause steam has very wide distribution and the best example of the limited service that most companies offer is helldivers and ghost of tsushima being removed from purchase from around 180 countries just because Sony's PSN services do not exist in those regions that is why steam is so successful cause even if gaming is not a huge market in one of those countries steam probably still operates out of there.
@petemisc4291 2 ай бұрын
@@KratosisGod only goes to show the stupidity of game developers that can’t build a web site of their own to sale and download their own product!
@TheGamernews1 Ай бұрын
@@petemisc429130% cut is standard practice even with brick and mortar stores like (Best Buy Gamsspot) for reasons that pretty obvious.
@istvanzadori1397 2 ай бұрын
U just ride the waves and try to make panic...
@-Sparagmos- 2 ай бұрын
Starfield was a massive success.
@TheMarcHicks 2 ай бұрын
....and yet shouldn't have been, given what a dumpster fire it was. Didn't take long for the shine to wear off though.
@WeeWeeJumbo 2 ай бұрын
@tahnadana5435 2 ай бұрын
dont worry dude, bethesda is a total shit company making bullshit games, and they dont get close down
@eastbow6053 2 ай бұрын
i am also scared for Exodus yes bioware veterans are working on it but the danger of sweet baby inc is always there even for veterans if they are threatened with canceling they might give in an accept one of this parasites in the company, the new companion for example ...come on dude i am a woman and i can see that she was nerfed down we women enjoy showing our assets some dont but most do why not allow beautiful women with skin suits in the games WE WANT this we fought for years for this freedom of showing our bodies if in a few months the next female has the same looks then i ll pass on that game till i know it hasnt got any woke in it
@ScytheNoire 2 ай бұрын
You are confused what "woke" means. Go do some research, because what Sweet Baby Inc does is not woke, it's pushing an agenda. Woke is about being aware, not pushing an agenda.
@chuckwood3426 2 ай бұрын
Its not that people dont like isometric RPG's. Baldurs gate 3 was one of the best selling games of last year. Its just that the first pillars of eternity was nowhere near as good as BG3 and thus did not garner the same mainstream following. TBH Obsidian was one of my favorite game studios back in the days. They produced flawed gems that was buggy and unfinished but were diamonds in the rough. Until Pillars came around and actually got all the time and money it needed. It had a lot of polish but little substance. The only thing I liked about it was the combat system and even that was marred by bad pathfinding. It was at that point I started to lose faith in Obsidian.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
The story of Pillars Of Eternity is vastly better as is the writing, a lot of people think that. You cannot really compare a game that had 3-4 million dollars (POE) and one BG3 with over 100,000,000. Also BG3 was popular for many people because it was basically a soap opera with tons of cinematic cutscenes. It has nothing to do with being isometric or not. Most people would who "love" BG3 would not have played it without the voiced characters and cinematic cutscenes.
@chuckwood3426 2 ай бұрын
@@spellandshield Pillars probably had more than $10 million though. 4 from the kickstarter and "a majority" from investors. (As I recall) And its not just me. Achievements are a good indicator of how many people liked a game and how many just dropped it. Currently 14.8% of players have finished Pillars 1 on Steam. After the game having being out for 9 years. Meanwhile, in Dark souls 3 that is 8 years old. 35% have beaten The Nameless King which is a secret boss at the end of the game that you can only find if you hear about him in real life. DS3 have 3 endings that give different achievements so its not really comparable, but the most popular ending have 25.4% and the least popular ending have 15.4%
@chuckwood3426 2 ай бұрын
​@@spellandshield And the writing and story in Pillars was not good! It had superficial flare, but no substance. The world felt small and boring. The reborn soul gimmick was overused and not well thought out. Characters were usually pretty good. I'll give them that. I have tried to play through the game twice and both times dropped the game in chapter 3. Chapters 1 & 2 also had some issues, but usually the good parts were good enough that I could ignore those. Chapter 3... Its very diverse and inclusive of Obsidian to allow the janitorial staff to write an entire chapter! You start in Twin Elms, a tribal village that is both multicultural and multiracial. Its inhabitants that you have fought as generic villains up to this point have an incredibly stupid religion where they guard ancient ruins without being allowed to ever enter the ruins or learn anything about them or their creators! What kind of people would ever go along with something like that! The city also contains 3 of the worst written quests of any RPG of all times! These quests are 1: From a priest of the god of the hunt: "Please unalive a couple dozens of worshipers of my god. We have too many. No, I dont care who, you can choose." 2: From a village Chieftain: "Please unalive my daughter in secret." Proclaimed to a stranger in the middle of a bustling throne room. As you leave you are stopped by his son who overheard everything and ask you to betray his father. Also in the same large, crowded room! 3: "Do a reclamation on magical performance pills" A merchant from an enemy country who came here alone apparently have been scammed by a witch who gave him bad medicine. He wants his money back. If you confronts the witch she claims that it works, its just that he is incurable and suggests that you unalive him instead. If you decide to cancel the quest and work for neither then the first merchant will somehow recruit new mercs to attack you later. All of these quests were written by people who had been taking crazy pills!
@esnezinu_neko8768 2 ай бұрын
Avowe- a woke game in post woke era. It will bee a flop.
@Hero_Of_Old Ай бұрын
I don't think we're in a post woke era
@esnezinu_neko8768 Ай бұрын
@@Hero_Of_Old so will the game be a flop due to woke? The media is controlled by 2 or 3 oligarhs and media executes wish of oligarhs- spread the woke message. Era is defined by majority of people and people are buying or not buying things(not the media). As i see- has been hard time selling pedo propoganda to children lately...
@dvsilva5811 2 ай бұрын
Avowed won't be very well received because Xbox haters will do everything they can to burn the game, just like they did with Starfield.
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