Baldur's Gate 3 | Halsin or Minthara - Ultimatum | Datamined Content

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Merrin La

Merrin La

Ай бұрын

Just a reminder, this scene doesn't trigger in the game. I have no idea whether it'll be implemented. The content shown in this video is datamined. It's the result of the game file manipulation, nothing more.

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@thekameru6058 Ай бұрын
I see why they cut this. Digging into Halsins trauma would have been interesting, but this wasnt the way to do it. I'd have loved a proper group discussion about what to do with Minthara. 'My god forsook me, Absolute assaulted me, I'm dead or a slave if I leave, I'm useful, let me help.' are GOOD arguments. Not to mention the comedy potential in just one person in the group being all like '...well we kept Astarion for roughly the same reasons, right?'
@HeyLexxxie Ай бұрын
You can dig into his trauma if you sleep with the drow twins with him. He’ll talk to you about his time in the underdark and realize that he was putting rose colored glasses over the abuse he suffered
@nicholasfarrell5981 Ай бұрын
Let's be honest, Astarion would probably be the one to point out that he's in pretty much the same situation. Just a question of if he'd present it more seriously or as a joke.
@PKFl4sh Ай бұрын
@@HeyLexxxie I don't think it was rose-coloured glasses so much as him saying "eh, it was 300 years ago. I've had plenty of time to heal from it."
@lyntonfleming 16 күн бұрын
@@nicholasfarrell5981 "Just don't blame me if you wake up to a dagger against your throat" - Astarion, the guy who introduced himself by way of a dagger to the throat, upon having Minthara join the group.
@nicholasfarrell5981 16 күн бұрын
@@lyntonfleming fair point, I've never bothered trying to get Minthara so I never saw that one.
@ImpudentInfidel Ай бұрын
I can see why they cut this. This is way out of character for Halsin, it's the exact thing he banished or demoted Khaga for. Same excuse she used, too.
@jonathanpost5935 Ай бұрын
Although the idea of Halsin being a hypocrite does sound interesting .... I would have definitely liked to see a more flawed side to my favorite teddy bear druid.
@legendaryguy8853 Ай бұрын
@@jonathanpost5935 what is also interesting if this is how he treats someone like minthara maybe kagha has seen halsin react to someone like minthara before and therefore when halsin left this is the kinda doctrine she look at and another reason she sided with the shadow druids
@Polomance862 Ай бұрын
Halsin being a hypocrite is such an interesting angle. It reveals where Kagha got it from!
@thruthewormhole Ай бұрын
@@jonathanpost5935 why is that interesting?
@archeruu9676 Ай бұрын
There is a datamine of halsin killing isobel during a confrontation in his youth where neither will back down during the war or something Iirc the knife he used can still be found in game but out of bounds in the shadowlands Would explain why he wants to help the shadowlands badly as if to rectify a mistake of his youth but who knows Sounds interesting though I believe its cut content from early access if memory serves
@LadyBernkastel92 19 күн бұрын
"A viper cannot escape it's true nature" *Me, a Duergar Baahlspawn looks back at the camp to see a cleric of the god of darkness, a wizard that's also a nuke, a warrior loyal to an evil space litch, two people tangled up with actual literal devils and a whole ass vampire spawn* Kay... bye I guess?
@YurateYurate Ай бұрын
we need MUCH more interactions between companions like this, to show they are still living persons with their own lives. I think in this case other companions may have their opinions too and voiced it, like with using tadpoles or Gale's orb or Astarion's vampirism. it's sad that folder "Group_Discussions" contents only 5 dialogues for the entire game((( Thank you for showing this❤
@zarenboug5410 Ай бұрын
This is what makes RDR2 the pinnacle of realism in gaming. No other game comes close to its level of detail, such as the camp interactions. However, achieving this level of realism must be extremely difficult or something easily overlooked.
@Somerandompokemon Ай бұрын
I refuse to choose
@lukauka7829 Ай бұрын
@@zarenboug5410Rockstar goes hard for their games, and RDR2 being so realistic is probably why we haven’t seen the likes of GTA 6 until now. I barely even grasp the fullness of it but the conversations alone require countless hours of paid voice acting work, and coding from the ground up to set all of those interactions to play around you after certain points in the game take hella time. They may have diverted those resources to focus elsewhere in Baldur’s Gate’s case
@KoucCarter Ай бұрын
Try baldur's gate 2. There are interactions between compaions in you group.
@100MagicChickens Ай бұрын
if im not mistaken, this group discussion was a but more prevalent in early access (from what i remember), and was cut from the release. there were scenes much like this one, where there'd be more than one person on screen talking :p
@beeplk7290 Ай бұрын
Minthara is my favorite companion and my favorite romance. When she said "If I leave I die." my heart legitimately broke.
@Stingrea51 26 күн бұрын
I feel the same! I understand this was uploaded with both options so we could see how it plays out but Minthara deserves to live and fight back! I was so unreasonably upset that Halsin was demanding that she die just because he didn't like her when he could leave and be fine because he's not infected.
@fay4967 10 күн бұрын
Im playing bg3 for the first time, and i killed her at the goblins camp. Was that a wrong choice ? Maybe my next playthrough i can keep try keeping her!
@Tapkanet 9 күн бұрын
​​@@fay4967try knocking her out instead of killing. Then you'll get a chance to save her in act 2
@AXPMAD 7 күн бұрын
​@@fay4967 There are no wrong choices. It's your story. You can always check other choices on future playthroughs.
@Baji2202 3 күн бұрын
​@@AXPMADexactly that's the beauty
@nonarygaming9520 Ай бұрын
It’s interesting that they reference Halsin’s trauma with drow, which you only get info on ingame if you take him for a four/five some with the drow twins. It’s frustrating to me that Halsin has these glimmers of a fully developed character, but just falls flat.
@keisharobinson36 Ай бұрын
Actually if Tav is a pure drow mc, he will comment that drow are basically murderers. Not quite as intense as this statement but on par with it.
@KieranPearson-dm1id 2 күн бұрын
He doesn't fall flat lmao some people really don't try to learn characters and it's irritating. Plenty of videos about how great Halsin is
@riam850 Ай бұрын
It must be really awkward to hear that if you play as Drow yourself.
@gachastorygirl3392 Ай бұрын
So true same if you are playing as a half drow😭
@amaelia4659 Ай бұрын
Bruh I’m half drow and I planned on doing a poly relationship with Halsin and Astarion since I heard you could do one with them 😭🥲
@Cheshire_Neko Ай бұрын
@@amaelia4659 Yes, you can. And if you have very good relationship with both, you can have an orgy with drow twins hehe. Take Astarion with you to drow, having Halsin in the group, and he will suggest to go with you all. Lots of funny interactions and druidic jokes in the drow bedroom. :D
@omegaoverl0ad 23 күн бұрын
Only if you are a Lolth Sworn, a Seladine Drow couldn’t agree more with how violent Lolth’s followers are, but I still am glad they cut this
@imaran1303 16 күн бұрын
@@omegaoverl0ad Even as a Seldarin, because his Grove and by extent Halsin himself, do not distinguish between Seldarin and Lolth-Sworn. And as a Seldarin, you would probably empathize with Minthara, as the both of you are now exiles and abandoned by Lolth. And then seeing this massive flaming hypocrite come in and sweep everyone under one rug? 'Oh yeah? How can you trust me, Halsin? I am a drow too.' 'But you aren't sworn to Lolth.' 'So? I was raised in the same cruel environment before I freed myself from her. Minthara has every chance to try and make up for her wrongdoings, just as Astarion, just as Gale and just as you. So either get used to the idea of traveling with drow, or get the fuck out of my camp, because I know one thing: I am not damning you if I force you to leave, the moment Minthara leaves our protection, she becomes a slave to the Absolute, and unlike you, I am not willing to condemn someone to such a fate."
@Leongon Ай бұрын
It makes sense to leave this scene out. It paints Halsin as unreasonably cold hearted by demanding Tav to doom Minthara even after she makes a perfectly reasonable plea. The actual game shows Halsin to be that cold only against Goblins as a recurrent joke, and he doesn't even kill Kagha after she does her worst outcomes which are pretty damn awful.
@prinsauce Ай бұрын
Agreed. Feels like there must be a persuasion check there, in order to convince Halsin and Minthara both to stay.
@courtneybradley4642 Ай бұрын
There'd also be issues with Tav being potentially a drow (lolth sworn or otherwise) but Halsin being like "you can't fight your natural instincts >:(" to Minthara and refusing to be along with her because of it.
@Leongon Ай бұрын
@@courtneybradley4642 That's an excellent point. Tav being a drow breaks Halsin's entire argument. Yeah makes sense this didn't make it into the official content.
@blackbearcj5819 Ай бұрын
@@courtneybradley4642 Would definitely need some stuff like questioning if he just used you and if you're just a novelty or something similar after the drow twins. And asking him why drow aren't allowed in the grove if the tenets of the grove say to help everyone. Kagha was fine with me being a drow in the grove. Nettie, Halsin's apprentice, was really cagey about it. Need to be able to accuse him of ignoring that and both being hypocritical and awful archdruids and possibly asking if he actually had 'no choice' to kill the drow they disected. Something like "So the tenets of the grove say to help everyone but when I came here seemed like the only way a drow was allowed in here if they were dead or a supposedly corrupt leader wanting to talk to me."
@air23jrdnlol Ай бұрын
@@courtneybradley4642 they could just give him a different dialogue for when he talks to a drow tav
@50lid5nak3 Ай бұрын
Halsin and Minthara definitely needed to hash out the Goblin incident, but not quite like this.
@Allison_Hart Ай бұрын
yknow it would have been SO interesting if Orin-Halsin was the one doing this. 👀 there could be a scene like this for whoever Orin shapeshifts into. it would have been a smart way for Orin to try and weaken your party!! like other commenters said, even if it doesn't seem to fit Halsin's character it's a shame to see group drama between companions get left on the cutting room floor. when there isn't that much of it. this is my favorite game, i would have totally bought a DLC that was just "More Companion Drama and Conversations Edition: Now With Wyll and Karlach Dating if You Don't Date Them" lol
@Sylvantess Ай бұрын
I wish this exchange had stayed - but it DEFINITELY needs a revision. Only the first part of what Halsin says makes any remote sense, the rest just disfigures his personality. It would be great if the player could arbiter between them, having the ability to either banish one of them or keep both. The dialogue just needs a good helping of common sense. As it is, it’s mainly a mockery of Halsin’s personality.
@snowpocalypse69 Ай бұрын
You should definitely be able to roll to persuade him on this. As it is, it's like if Wyll couldn't be talked down from killing Karlach. Just doesn't make sense
@tamarakw7724 Ай бұрын
I agree, it had potential. Could've added a check to mediate between them, like the Shadowheart/Laezel confrontation
@primrosett 13 күн бұрын
idk why they made it a "drow" thing when it could have just been him being like "uhhh she's the person who has been terrorizing my grove for weeks? wtf, I don't want to be friends" and then Tav can convince him to let her stay by pointing out she was mind-controlled.
@AirLancer 12 күн бұрын
@@primrosett In his backstory he was basically kept as a slave by Drow for several decades.
@primrosett 5 күн бұрын
@AirLancer i know that, but he's chill with Drow Tav/Durge, so Drow prejudice doesn't work as motive for him.
@nesyk1598 Ай бұрын
i cant believe they cut halsin's racism arc
@fire4ev 10 күн бұрын
yes because everything is racist in 2024
@OlhaMaksy Ай бұрын
If this was in the game, Halsin would always kick out in my run. And the reasons are 1st: Put a such Ultimatum in the first place 2nd: Mintara will die/be enslaved (and she particularly asked us to kill her if she can't join our camp after we freed her) 3rd: So choose between one of them dying or both of them living (Halsin leaves, but is still alive) 4th: Quite hypocritically from his side decides who can be killed for the "natural order" and who can't
@GT-wj3gl Ай бұрын
Also Halsin comes off as incredibly racist here towards Drow. Sure, he did initially judge her by her actions, but then basically says that he believes that Minthara's base instincts as a Drow will lead her to betray the party despite her pleading for a second chance and literally stating that she owes her life to us.
@Gwinnmusic Ай бұрын
Also since this is containing datamined plotlines, this would mean that the same Halsin would have caused the Curse by killing Isobel. INCREDIBLY hypocritical to judge Minthara then, even if it was from self-defense... Yeahhhh no one would keep his ass around the camp, especially since you'd have access to ANOTHER Druid companion with Jaheira.
@GT-wj3gl Ай бұрын
@Gwinnmusic So, in summary, this version of Halsin wants you to kick Minthara from the party and doom her to enslavement or death because she was initially enslaved and forced to attempt to kill everyone in the Emerald Grove by the Absolute. Despite the fact that she failed in those orders and nobody in the Grove died, despite her no longer being under the Absolute's influence, and despite her declaring that she owes her life to the protagonist and will stand and fight alongside the party, Halsin STILL demands that we kick her from the party because he believes that since she's a Drow she'll inevitably betray because it's "in her race's nature." At the same time, Halsin wants us to overlook the mass death he caused by being directly responsible for the shadow curse when he slew Isobel. Sure, he apparently killed her in self-defense, but why should we give him the benefit of the doubt when he wouldn't even give Minthara that much?
@Gwinnmusic Ай бұрын
@@GT-wj3gl You got it absolute-ly right, no pun intended. "Cut content Halsin" definitely fits the "everyone is a mess here" narrative, but what's even worse is how (unlike basically everyone else) thinks that he is ABOVE everyone and everything he says or does is justified. A true hypocrite to the core and if he was anything like that in the actual game, I'd just kick his ass out sooner than he could say "Emerald Grove" out loud.
@Haosnir Ай бұрын
@@GT-wj3gl Incredibly racist towards Drow? It's not like they're a people kown to at best kill and at worse torture and slave anyone they see fit, killing their own families for any chance of getting more power or even because someone showed even a tiny bit of emotion... Also that crap about "Halsin is the one that killed Isobel" is just some bullshit CUT from the EA, so now you want to make content changed from the EA as canon event? What's next? Maybe bringing back the Aylin from the EA where she was an Cleric of Shar. Or maybe EA Wyll and his love for Mizora?
@Krazy_Kookum Ай бұрын
That last comment from Halsin doesn't hold much weight with how he let Kahga live - after the grove. However, I do love the interaction.
@anointed6386 Ай бұрын
He just sits in my camp all game anyway. I'd keep Minthara without a doubt
@_lost_paradise5089 Ай бұрын
How and why the FUCK did we have to be robbed of these two interacting more?! I need a Halsin and Minthara podcast or something in my life, I could listen to these two interact forever!!!
@Eddison33 Ай бұрын
I see the point of it and the dialogue is great, intense. Yet, Halsin's main stat is Wisdom, right?) That would have been unwise to just let Minthara go and get mind-controlled by Absolute again. Halsin is probably the most understanding and forgiving person in all of BG3 - he wouldn't play stupid ultimatum games.
@imaran1303 16 күн бұрын
If we take cut content, Halsin has a history of being a hypocrite, so it would have made sense for him to give us this ultimatum, remember, all non-Kagha allied druids will hate you for being a drow, be you Lolth-Sworn or Seldarin, they had to get it from somewhere. So yeah! Why not have him be a racist hypocrite and give his character some depth... just let us act like mediators as we had to do with Shart/Lae'zel
@DISTurbedwaffle918 15 күн бұрын
Minthara accepting that instead of gutting Halsin on the spot proves that he was wrong.
@saladdad6352 Ай бұрын
crazy halsin says all tht about mintharas past and 'true nature' but when durge tells him he's bhaalspawn, hes chill?? the guy who planned and set it all in motion...and halsin would even date him too? ??? lmao i already didnt like halsin but this shows more of the vibes i got from him in the first place
@AirLancer 12 күн бұрын
Using cut/unused content to judge a character is a pretty silly thing to do...
@hellacioushag Ай бұрын
thank you for this. it's not even a choice for me. halsin will be fine without tav, but minthara will literally die/become enslaved. if anyone is a monster in this scenario it's halsin for being immovable and fine with knowing he's damning minthara. i get she's like the one 'evil' companion you can have, but halsin is no hero if he's fine with dooming her. wish instead of this ultimatum being unchangeable we were given a chance to persuade halsin to trust tav's judgement based on their relationship. also if the tav chose halsin over minthara i wish she forced tav to end her there instead of walking away. would give the player another chance to change their mind or could have repercussions if a player is a paladin or something.
@kozhcaelum8495 Ай бұрын
I mean, Halsin is right about minthara. She's the one of the companion (aside from the obvious evil ascended astarion) who's okay with us becoming the new Absolute. It's only due to the game design (that followers can't harm us) that she doesn't betray tav and others. Even astarion is wary of her if we recruit minthara. Tbh it's a bit funny how people suddenly expect tav and others to be so compassionate they will allow evil character such as minthara just because she's gonna be brainwashed like so many other cultist we strike down without second thought. Meanwhile when it comes to justifying evil/morally grey actions people easily use the "being goodie-goodie is boring and for weakling" "it's for the greater good" excuse.
@Mestari1Gaming Ай бұрын
@@kozhcaelum8495 How certain are you that Minthara would betray the MC and his/her gang? I mean yes she is evil and all that, but are you really saying that she can't have any positive/functioning relationships?
@kozhcaelum8495 Ай бұрын
@@Mestari1Gaming considering she's okay with other companions getting enthralled if we decide to become the absolute? 85%, I think.
@Zaxares Ай бұрын
I'm guessing that's probably why they cut it. If you dig deeper into Halsin's history, it shows that he has ample reason to hate the drow. But the Halsin we get in the launch game seems... fine with it? He's fine travelling with other drow too, and I suspect Larian did that so we wouldn't have a situation where drow PCs are forced to never be able to recruit Halsin because of his abject hatred of them, so that also means that this ultimatum between him and Minthara needs to go because it would be too out of character for him to be fine with Tav, but not with Minthara. That said, Halsin IS kinda right about Minthara. Though she is now an implacable foe of the Absolute, her Evil nature born and bred in Menzoberranzan has not changed one bit. If you romance her she's utterly loyal to you, she still basically wants to conquer/dominate all that she comes across.
@lycantabris Ай бұрын
@@Zaxares This isn't cut content. This was added to but not implemented in the game shortly after the good path Minthara recruitment method was officially added in the game. This is something they might still enable.
@oceanicGrimalkin Ай бұрын
I feel like there would be a Persuasion check here and additional dialogues especially if you're Durge in regards to being "a viper".
@laningsmith9163 Ай бұрын
I think Halsin feels too strongly about the situation to be persuaded.
@oceanicGrimalkin Ай бұрын
@@laningsmith9163 Maybe, maybe not. I think it would be like the in-camp conflict between Lae'zel and Shadowheart, albeit in different ways.
@driftingnight Ай бұрын
@@laningsmith9163 i can imagine that if wyll can be talked down from killing karlach (which saves you a companion), you should be able to talk halsin down from this. especially if the MC is a drow themselves.
@prinsauce Ай бұрын
Is it just me or does that line "a viper cannot escape its true nature" sound inadvertently unkind to Durge as well? Especially a resist Durge. You'd start expecting Halsin to give you a similar ultimatum in act 3 upon finding out your true heritage.
@aquadraws5833 Ай бұрын
If I came across this dialogue as durge I’d be kicking him out so fast. Or leave him for Orin since “I can’t change my nature waaaa”. Also he killed isobel so he really has zero room to talk.
@prinsauce Ай бұрын
​@@aquadraws5833 Honestly, yeah. More than likely, I'd do the same. You'd think someone who offered refuge to tieflings despite all the prejudices and bigotry their people face means he's a man free of biased opinions, and for the most part he seems that way; though except if you do play as a drow, he has a certain line that left a bad taste in my mouth hearing it from him the first time.
@aquadraws5833 Ай бұрын
@@prinsauce if I may ask, what was the line? I only ever played as dragonborn so I don’t know.
@prinsauce Ай бұрын
@@aquadraws5833 It's the conversation after you rescue him in Blighted Village. If you respond to him with "you're asking me to kill my kin" when he tells you to kill the goblin leaders along with Minthara, he'd say something along the lines of "backstabbing is common among your people so why should it matter now?" I was playing as a Seldarine drow too so I was very shocked to hear him of all people say something like that.
@aquadraws5833 Ай бұрын
@@prinsauce damn, so he is RACIST racist. I feel glad that I never decided to romance him now
@jinx8687 Ай бұрын
If this was in the game I would honestly think so much less of halsin, such blatant disregard of Minthara's freewill over a hypothetical risk that if thought about would have only had negative consequences against her if she was to betray the party
@Dungpie64 Ай бұрын
Minthara willing to put her differences aside to unite against the Absolute but Halsin can't make a single compromise to achieve that goal.
@chingizsaparbek795 Ай бұрын
I mean let's be honest here. Minthara is evil. Brainwashed or not she would have no problem killing everyone in the grove.
@dorianrobinette9712 Ай бұрын
I can understand halsin's views here honestly. It's very difficult to trust a drow in the context of dnd. This is the woman that one poisoned her own lover. Under the right circumstances she will kill her allies. So any worries he has aren't unjustified.
@susankreber Ай бұрын
@@dorianrobinette9712 But what if Tav is also a drow? Then this whole conversation with Halsin doesn't make sense, he should just as well send Tav themselves away
@dorianrobinette9712 Ай бұрын
@@susankreber hard disagree. Our tav doesn't necessarily have a backstory like minthara. She's an established character with an evil aligned history. We could even be a seldarine drow which is entirely different. Now if the game could really go into detail, the only way it makes sense for halsin to leave based on tav being a drow would be if we're a lolth sworn who chooses too many evil dialogues/choices. With that exception though our character doesn't necessarily do anything evil. Unlike minthara. It's not just about being a drow. It's about being a villain. Of which minthara has a history for unlike our tav.
@fearthepiggaming2998 Ай бұрын
Yeah I'm very glad they cut this because I would have to boot Halsin not only is this aggressively out of character for him but he's literally doing the same Khaga did with the tieflings albeit on a smaller scale.
@atheisticcreature Ай бұрын
I don't think it's out of character. The problem is rather that at this point you probably don't know anything about his trauma with Lolth-Sworn Drow and only learn about it later - if at all. The real problem may simply have been time pressure.
@aaronborok8398 Ай бұрын
Tbh I wish they kept this in, with maybe a hard persuasion check to convince Halsin it would be wrong to throw Minthara out. I think the scene in itself is very interesting, and having the option to convince them both to stay could make for a fascinating character arc
@Mike-di1og Ай бұрын
100% I would love this scene to remain but only with that persuasion check. Halsin’s judgment is clouded by his prior experience with the Drow, to the point he is willing to trade a potential powerful ally for a guaranteed powerful enemy. That he even offers the choice to banish Minthara when he is the only one of the two who can safely leave the presence of the Prism is the sort of irrationality that’s borne of prejudice. It is a great character moment for Halsin, but would not make sense if we could not point it out and reason with him successfully. Perhaps make his dialogue about his past experience with the Drow available earlier, locked behind a high approval level, and only offer the check if you’ve seen that dialogue.
@MichaelDavis-mk4me Ай бұрын
It shouldn't be hard. It makes no sense for him to leave. I get he hates her and does not trust her. But if he cares about our character, he would stay and make sure Minthara does not do anything evil.
@paragonvice1128 Ай бұрын
I think this is a case where something is different and not necessarily better. Yes, it's nice that Minthara and Halsin are able to interact some -- but when it comes to Halsin 's endless compassion, this breaks character hard. Especially since in about 5 hours you'll have the opportunity to have an incestuous drow 4 way with him. It also gets even more awkward if you, yourself, are a Lolth-sworn drow. At this point there'd be literally 0 justification for his demanding Minthara leave while insisting to stay by your side.
@MichaelDavis-mk4me Ай бұрын
@@paragonvice1128 How does him having sex with the drow matter at all? In his nature ways, he can sleep with anyone he feels like, whenever he feels like it. He does not really believe in closed relationships.
@paragonvice1128 Ай бұрын
@@MichaelDavis-mk4me Because in this hypothetical scenario, he hates Drow so much he can't stand to be near one and would consign her to a horrific death via, at best, death, and at worst, becoming a mindflayer, even though they have a joint enemy?
@knightofthetime Ай бұрын
This is so fucking heartbreaking. Especially because Minthara doesn't try to fight you. She simply leaves to face the inevitable and hopes for swift death whether you encounter her on your way again. Halsin would get the boot each time i am sorry
@The1Floyd Ай бұрын
I think this was removed because it makes Halsin seem evil, which wasnt their intention.
@Polomance862 Ай бұрын
In fairness, the confrontation makes Halsin look like a hypocrite which also gives some insight on where Kagha might’ve gotten it from. I like the idea of Halsin’s hypocrisy being shown to his personal experience with the drow. By revealing that and convincing him to put aside his own pain to see the bigger picture. He could grow to accept Minthara.
@e.s.r5809 13 күн бұрын
​@@Polomance862 Yeah, absolutely. I've always thought the Grove can't have been all that tolerant before he left, considering it's been like a week and half the druids are ecofash racists now. Considering he's fine with killing goblin kids, then turns around and condemns Kagha for Arabella like he didn't just murder three children himself... deliberate hypocrisy written into his character would be interesting.
@Skillshot360s Ай бұрын
“Mom? Dad? Please stop fighting.”
@pyechos Ай бұрын
literally 😔
@cyxaricus Ай бұрын
I wish we had another option to persuade Halsin to change his mind. This dialogue as it is is a mockery to his character. 1. Minthara has a lot of great arguments of her behavior. Even being evil as she naturally is, she's literally banging with arguments. Halsin loses there 2. If she leaves, she dies. Halsin will be alright without our company 3. From the game perspective, having a paladin in team is way more profitable than another druid 4. If the character is drow, the whole dialogue makes no sense. 5. If the character is Dark Urge, the whole dialogue and "nature behavior" makes no sense. 6. We have Astarion in our team, who is supposed to be also naturally evil and dangerous, and Halsin is ok with him. 7. We even have Shadowheart being a Shar worshipper. Halsin says that Ketheric Thorm cursed the Shadow Lands with the Shar help, and he's ok with another worshipper. Although this conversation is still better than what we have now, when characters don't interact at all and there is only one tent in our camp, while the other character is out of their sleeping place and even a corner in the camp. Feels llike a critical bug and there must be something to fix it.
@Kouyou160 28 күн бұрын
Halsin just mad cause they’re roommates and Minthy doesn’t wash the dishes
@altus2447 23 күн бұрын
I can definitely see why this was removed. Like Minthara getting upset at Durge over not being a slave to Bhaal, this just goes totally against Halsin’s personality, not to mention his kindness. Throwing out Minthara to be re-enslaved by the Absolute is just nonsensical.
@miklosz4162 Ай бұрын
It's a pity they cut this scene, it adds a lot of interesting dynamics to the relationship between you, Minthara and Halsin.
@LucyBean42 Ай бұрын
Bye, Halsin. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
@j.avance9031 21 күн бұрын
If this was in the game I would've kick Halsin out in a heart beat. He doesn't have a tadpole he could survive on his own Minthara can not, just like she says. If she leaves she become enthralled again, that's worse than death.
@PaulAllPro Ай бұрын
Then it was Orpheus V. Emperor now it's Halsin V. Minthara...
@Radhaun Ай бұрын
I wish it had properly been Orpheus V. Emperor though. I wish the first ultimatum (that night just before reaching the gate) that you could actually choose and it be a real choice. Chose the emperor for whatever reasons you have (I can think of several) or choose Orpheus, kill the Emperor and learn more about Orpheus the same way you learn about the Emperor while walking around BG. More than any other part, that portion feels railroaded to me.
@mikaylasmith7600 Ай бұрын
TBH this scene would have been great if you could persuade Halsin to keep Minthara with us. With him experiencing Baldur's Gate for the first time and being upset by the rejection of refugees, Halsin could of had a 'Oh shit, I almost did the same thing' moment. It would further transition of 'F the Grove, they're fine, I'm doing my own thing now." We put Lae'zel and Shart in the get along shirt, now it's their turn.
@mysdelune Ай бұрын
Agreed, or a Wisdom check. For me it’s nice to see Halsin lose his cool a bit, and then have our character get a chance to try and reason with him. Would show that he’s just as emotionally complex as everyone else.
@dsvwtrbeytnryune Ай бұрын
The get along shirt 💀
@MichaelDavis-mk4me Ай бұрын
Honestly, if it was implemented, they would have given an option to convince him. It just doesn't make that much sense for him to run away just because Minthara is there, no matter how much he hates her. If he cares about Tav's safety so much, he would stay to make sure Minthara does not hurt our character. Besides, the best way to keep her in check would be to be around her.
@synchro4178 Ай бұрын
"What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax, Skyrim
@AirLancer 12 күн бұрын
Minthara's still evil though.
@drakearvidsson6936 20 күн бұрын
Okay bye halsin may the tree’s keep you company until your last dying day
@calebmorrison1538 14 күн бұрын
Do not give me an ultimatum, I will choose against you out of spite. I'm glad this scene was cut.
@user-jj1dn6fn1m Ай бұрын
For some reason i feel bad for Minthara...
@Super22b Ай бұрын
The obvious choice is to keep Minthara, it's best outcome so far. Halsin doesn't have the tadpole so no problem surviving the Absolute. And Minthara, like her or not, it is better for everyone to keep her under your command than the Absolute's. And if you actually enjoy her company, well, that's an even bigger win.
@madamefluffy4788 Ай бұрын
I'm aiming to recruit her in my next playthrough (Durge run - I want a party who would better understand what it's like to be a monster against one's will).
@badjokezach6359 23 күн бұрын
Halsin is already a Tedious ally; the way he won’t help again until almost halfway through act 2. If he pulled this shit, I’d tell em “hit the road tree-boy” everytime.
@stalwart56k Ай бұрын
I'd have enjoyed this if there was the option to talk Halsin into staying. He could even be contrite about his judgement over Minthara later. Everyone wants to keep both characters.
@the_revanchistlegion Ай бұрын
As interesting and cool as this scene is, I can 100% understand why this was cut from the game. Halsin has a right to be upset with Minthara given the circumstances, but the extreme irrationality is too much. If Larian decides to add this to the game someday, I hope they give players the option to roll a persuasion check so we can keep both companions and watch their relationship improve over time.
@madamefluffy4788 Ай бұрын
Does he, though? It wouldn't have been that long ago before this scene took place that Halsin forgave Kahga for her actions in the Grove (her claiming that the Shadow Druids had manipulated her into doing their bidding) and there's a chance the player never learns what Halsin's experience with the drow was - making his whole ultimatum sound like it's based entirely on his personal prejudice towards drow.
@AlyssMa7rin 11 күн бұрын
@@madamefluffy4788 That's a good thing, though. If everything about the characters is just there to see, then what's the point in actually exploring their dialogue and learning about their past?
@Slappap Ай бұрын
"Well.. okay." Shoots her with arrow and takes her with us for the journey "there we're all still here"
@arbsan8366 Ай бұрын
Wow thank you for this!!🙏🏽
@expealidocious Ай бұрын
this makes me wish there was some scene in place of this one that could act as a bridge for people having both in their party. while they won’t be allies and get along, they can at least agree to fight a common cause and respect that that aligns with one another. thank you for sharing this with us! :,)
@edeni7933 Ай бұрын
This is sad to see Halsin so prejudiced, but at the same time it's interesting, it somewhat makes him even more vivid character to me. The fact he also can be prejudiced because of his personal experiences (maybe you know what a horrible experience he had with drow exactly), that he can become a victim of that very thing he usually fights against, even with all his faith and wisdom.
@JudasGoats 14 күн бұрын
Halsin you're lucky they cut this...
@MoistCrumpet Ай бұрын
If this made it into the game it would make me think so much less of Halsin. The Halsin that made it into the final game is a great character and I love him. But this version of him seems so cold hearted. Especially considering Minthara made some pretty valid arguments about why she should stay. Thank god it didn’t make it in. But this scene would have been a lot better if you could talk Halsin into letting both him and Minthara stay by passing a persuasion check. Considering his past trauma involving drows in the underdark it would have been pretty good character development.
@peagames2002 Ай бұрын
It would've been great if you could persuade him, but it would bring his trauma thing early on in game, when it should be brought up later in game and repeating things in story isn't the most ideal thing to do.
@madamefluffy4788 Ай бұрын
Not so - before his dialogue options were fixed in the final game, Halsin came off as an oversexed creeper. My first playthrough, I was playing a halfing who was fun loving and wanted to be friends with everyone at camp; so I saw nothing wrong with her being polite to Halsin and asking about his past. So imagine my shock when Act 3 rolled around, she's in a relationship with Gale and Halsin propositions her for some side action/a threeway and my absolute disgust when he accused her of leading him on by claiming she treated him more as a lover than a guest (she literally never did). If there had been an option to kick him out of camp at that point, I wouldn't have hesitated - I was that irate with Halsin after that entitled exchange. And even with the dialogued fixed so he doesn't think the player is flirting with him at every turn, I still can't bring myself to like him. I help out the Grove/save Thaniel/lift the Shadow Curse - but outside of that, I ignore Halsin outright.
@wrench3118 14 күн бұрын
This shows whos better cause Halsin want to leave minthara but she dont want quarrel and dont want him to leave
@empressofdestiny 27 күн бұрын
I like the idea of a group discussion about Minthara staying but I don’t want an ultimatum between Minthara or Halsin. ❤
@hunteradams8464 Ай бұрын
the way halsin would end up in my inventory if he were to ask this, also WHAT DO YOU MEAN I MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE?! YOU ARE HERE CUZ YOU WANT TO BE WE ARENT
@snowpocalypse69 Ай бұрын
This is the funniest possible way to phrase it ghbdhksjd
@lammm.11078 8 күн бұрын
If they added a persuasion check for Halsin, this scene would have a good place - sort of. Halsin talks about not "judging by appearance" in conversations with him. They likely need to dial the Drow bias down some. Id keep Minthara anyway lol. Not that Halsin is bad, but he isn't infected. He isn't going to immediately succumb to the Absolute and work against me. Plus his primary focus was Shadow curse, so helping him there could be considered good enough closure for his character at this moment.
@kobimcneill9211 Ай бұрын
Sorry bud, but minthara is staying, if I need a Druid I’ve got jaheira
@ApollyonEx Ай бұрын
Ngl if this ended up in the game halsin would never have ended up in any of my camps
@madmajima 13 күн бұрын
The option to tell him to leave should be available after telling him he can't interfere in a relationship...
@thatkoreankid9 Ай бұрын
It feels so out of character for Halsin to the point where Minthara sounds like the reasonable one between the two. I would understand Halsin's anger if this was a playthrough where you helped Minthara kill everyone in the grove... but if this was after just knocking her out in the goblin camp and then saving her in moonrise, this is extreme for any character. Especially halsin imo
@angmarliche9187 Ай бұрын
I can see why Larian cut this out but this is an actual conflict and I think it should have been kept in, so that Players can make choices, instead of being pleased by having all companions irrespective of story choices.
@Heyyouxo Ай бұрын
I agree! It always felt odd that we can have both Halsin and Minthara in the same camp without any conflict. Shadowheart and Laezel almost killed each other. But Halsin and Minthara are just like, “sup bruh” to each other?
@angmarliche9187 Ай бұрын
@@Heyyouxo They creepily occupy each other's campsite as well 😶
@alicelufenia3648 Ай бұрын
Seeing lots of people in the comments saying "glad this was cut" and I need you to know you have it backwards. In short, this isn't cut content, it's unfinished content. This conversation first appeared in patch 4 as datamined dialogue only, before the Knock Out method was introduced. At that time, the flags to get this were very convoluted, basically the only non-exploit way to get both of them in your party, which was 1) reveal the location of the grove and start the Raid the Grove quest 2) steal the idol before revealing the Shadow Druid conspiracy, causing Kagha to massacre the tieflings and complete the Rite of Thorns to seal the grove (this is what Halsin is referring to when he mentions "Kagha's foolishness" denying her "bloody prize") 3) free Halsin and inform him that the druids have sealed the grove. He will then join your camp. 4) continue on to act 2 5) rescue Minthara from Moonrise and invite her to your camp. After a long rest, this scene would trigger. As you can see, it's an extremely unlikely sequence of events that would have to play out to actually trigger the dialogue, even if it were accessible. And again this is before the knock out method was introduced. In patch 5, voiced lines were added, the scene still inaccessible, and the knock out method is first introduced. Patch 6 added animation to the scene, what we see above, and refined Minthara's knock out method to be extremely easy (just knock her out instead of killing her, no need to play around Temporarily Hostile conditions or anything), as well as hotfixes to fix bugs where long resting would mess with the game remembering she was defeated. This isn't cut content, it's UNFINISHED content that is being actively worked on EVERY PATCH since patch 4. Along with other additional Minthara content, like her asking why you incapacitated her but killed the other goblin leaders. I have every confidence that it's GOING to be added, maybe patch 7, maybe later, but definitely. And I would honestly be surprised if it was restricted to only appear after that convoluted sequence of triggers I posted above. I feel like it will be added for any instance of them both being in your party, with dialogue variations for whether the rite was completed or not, same as how there's existing variations for whether the shadow curse had been lifted or not. It would be nice if I could at least recruit both of them once in my current playthrough, where I'm trying to get every companion, but if not, I understand why. This is ultimately less work than adding a ton of interaction between the two of them, when they were conceived to be mutually exclusive companions in the first place. It does mean I'm probably not going to get the chance to play with Halsin, because I'll be picking Minthara every time, but that's entirely my choice to make.
@ongogablogian4396 24 күн бұрын
'Kay, bye Halsin. She is a paladin and there is another druid I can recruit.
@SuperheroRockstar 17 күн бұрын
They need to bring this back, since it's even stranger that they share a tent, and never actually speak to each other. Or, just give them each individual tents/beds. Stop making it weird everytime I pass by them.
@danmalin1 Ай бұрын
tbh i think there should be a third option where halsin says i will stay and maybe you will surprise me and make up for your past actions and if not i know i was right about you and deserved your fate at moonrise [both stay]
@devinport. Ай бұрын
Minthara everyday
@MellowMink 25 күн бұрын
Damn, Halsin is outright cruel in this; I'm glad this wasn't kept in the latest version, although I do wonder how the two companions interact with each other at the camps otherwise.
@Nathan-FG01 12 сағат бұрын
relax Tali and you to legion, your both trying to protect your people, but im busy saving the galaxy. oi Jack, Miranda quit with the biotic measuring contest. oh wait wrong game mb.
@lunardelos1210 Ай бұрын
Sorry halsin it's not even a competition 😭Minthara stays every time
@Pluton1430 9 күн бұрын
I would have preferred this to literally neither Minthara nor Halsin having the slightest comment about each other as is currently seen in the game lol
@illythriah793 27 күн бұрын
Missed opportunity - that was so good!!
@matthewsimon6170 Ай бұрын
The irony being, this is also quite out of character for both Halsin, and any Lolth drow too, which even further digs the point Lolth doesn't have her jaws into Minthara's decisions, one of the entire reasons Halsin is apparently upset. Then, with how hard it is to recruit both, makes ditching either just wasteful. Maybe if it was like, Mass Effect 2, where companions would bicker, and wouldn't leave if not sided with, just angry with you? Still, super glad it's gone.
@chuckwells62 Ай бұрын
Pity. Their ongoing interactions would have offered some intense interpersonal conflict that might have heightened the games drama.
@KaiSaeren 26 күн бұрын
So much great cut content :(
@salazar556 18 күн бұрын
Honestly, I wish there was an option to keep them both. I'd be interested in seeing Minthara and Halsin trying to get along.
@tomliwag2320 Ай бұрын
Larian should add something like that in the game. Some storywise methods of her recruitment, cuz she is definently one of the most interesting characters in the game. I always recruit her to the team, regardless of the game plan.
@rRagnaBR 9 күн бұрын
For the last dialogue: "Well, I'm a Bhaalspawn. What did you said again about vipers not changing their nature? Shaw I leave too?"
@KaIe_ Ай бұрын
I wonder if you play as a seldarine drow during this scene if it will let you prove to halsin that not all drow are bad. Maybe then he could be convinced.
@UmaKumaVT Ай бұрын
Oh! Now it makes sense why I no longer had any of his romance choices when I romanced Minthara. I thought it was a bug. I think they should've left this in but definitely revised it.
@AkaiJedi Ай бұрын
Halsin has his dark backstory and not only forgiving and understanding sides of his soul. That is the fact.
@artfuldecadence Ай бұрын
I would be ok with this scene being included, if there was an option to try to convince Halsin, maybe even by pointing out his hypocricy. Otherwise this seems very out of his "let all flowers blossom" character.
@prplzbr 16 күн бұрын
I dare you to ask me to choose between you and Minthara, Halsin... I DARE you... Give me an excuse...
@maskydoo7871 Ай бұрын
As much as I enjoy this scene, I'm glad it's gone.
@Nuuccii92 18 күн бұрын
I didn't even think about the protection you're giving Minthara... I would be sending Halsin away, he can survive she cannot you also already have a druid in your party so he's not all that needed either.
@JimPekarek 7 күн бұрын
This is pure evil on Halsin's part...just irredeemably vile. I'm so glad they cut this. I hated the ultimatums in BG2, and BG3 is better off without them.
@wolflithay6380 Ай бұрын
WHY DID THEY CUT THIS IM SO SAD I LOVE THIS INTERACTION 😭 Edit: they should keep it but add a persuasion option to tell halsin it will be ok to have them both
@jakisz Ай бұрын
Wow, that adds a lot their characters.
@mariahendrickson3605 4 күн бұрын
Man, I wish they hadn't cut this. Exactly how I imagined an interaction between an elf and a drow going.
@rune4908 Ай бұрын
I do find these interactions interesting and I wish the companions interacted with one another in cut scenes more but I am glad they cut this. It doesn't really suit Halsin and I'm grateful to not have to pick one or the other haha.
@heliosdrachenys Ай бұрын
I actually think this should be in tthe game, with a pers check to convince him , it shows something mr goody druid can develop as a character, since this portraitts him as unreasonable and hardheaded.
@AkumakoCross 12 күн бұрын
I think this would have been interesting to leave in the game, albeit perhaps with a couple tweaks. Everyone has their prejudices and biases, after all, and Halsin definitely has valid reasons to be wary of Drow and Minthara specifically. However, I think it should be possible to reason with him in this conversation and convince him to put his biases aside, at least until the Absolute is defeated. Sometimes good people can do bad things, and evil people can do good things.
@AB-ql3dz Ай бұрын
Well, for me, it's "Goodbye Halsin"
@virginblack Ай бұрын
@madamefluffy4788 Ай бұрын
Same - without hesitation. Mithara not only makes very valid points why she should stay - but she was also invited by the player to join the camp. Halsin invited himself, making him an unwanted freeloader (and prior to the dialogue fix; a creeper who assumes the player wants to bang him if they're remotely nice to him).
@Zoichi20 10 күн бұрын
"A viper cannot escape its true nature" Teela, after helping you save Arabella: Dude...
@aquadraws5833 Ай бұрын
Damn, didn’t know Halsin was racist. Also didn’t he kill Isobel? He really has no room to talk
@takealilpill347 Ай бұрын
He did in early access. Now the story is, she died for unknown reasons, and unrelated, Halsin's only involvement with the Thorms is he feels sad about Thaniel's shadow curse. Also he's not proficient with the "Sorrow" weapon now, it's just a weapon.
@tumbledrylow__6153 Ай бұрын
He's not racist, He was held captive and continually raped by Lolth-Sworn Drow for three years, they're an infamously violent subrace, his bias is based on behaviour, if Tav is Lolth-Sworn but a good person he's normal. Minthara tried to massacre his enclave, like I said he's in the wrong here. This scene would be great if there was a persuasion option similar to Lae'zel and Shadowheart, because they do need to address the bad blood between them instead of continuing on as they do in the current game.
@aquadraws5833 Ай бұрын
@@tumbledrylow__6153 well damn I didn’t know that. Tbh I don’t really talk to halsin after act 2 so if he dropped this in act 3 I wouldn’t know.
@tumbledrylow__6153 Ай бұрын
@@aquadraws5833 Yeah if you bring him to the Drow twins at Sharess’ Caress he tells you about a time he adventured into the underdark when he was young, where he was taken captive by a Lolth-Sworn house and remained tied to the bed for three years.
@aquadraws5833 Ай бұрын
@arch1eviathan216 Ай бұрын
I wished they'd kept this in. I feel like they cut it because it made Helsin less likable for some but is shows where his character stands and it could've been an opportunity to explore that.
@saratavington5435 Ай бұрын
I'm glad they removed this... it doesn't feel in character for Halsin at all.
@madamefluffy4788 Ай бұрын
This choice would have been easy for me (keeping Minthara and kicking Halsin out). Minthara makes valid points about why she should remain at the camp and Halsin's opinions are prejudice/biased - based off his own experience with the drow (something that he himself later admits wasn't entirely a bad experience while bedding the drow twins; at least when it came to the sex part). Besides that - I think the player is given the option to have Minthara join the camp after rescuing her while Halsin just invites himself after you rescue him/the Grove - making him a freeloader and later a creep, if you make the mistake of being overly friendly with him, giving him the impression that you want to sleep with him and gets offended if you turn him down outright and/or don't discuss the proposition with your romance companion first (the dialogue options have made it more obvious which ones are flirty since I had first played the game - so that outcome is much easier to avoid; but oof - my first experience with Halsin left me with a very bitter impression of him since). Honestly, this is something that should have been kept in the game, rather than forcing the pair share the same space.
@edoardoturco8780 9 күн бұрын
To be fair, I do think they would be a wonderful couple
@SirMikeMikey Ай бұрын
Durge: Hey! That's enough both of you, You two are acting like a damn children grow up and call it truce already or do you want me to divine smite you two together for good? Minthara: Watch your tone, Boy! Halsin: Or what? You going to kill him when he's asleep after you two having fun? Durge: By the oath this is wrose than shadowheart and Lae'zel.
@ghostpuppers Ай бұрын
This scene raises a lot of good points and I honestly wish it was included in the game. I see a lot of hate for Halsin though, which is why I'd like to offer an alternative point of view. While she was merely a puppet for the Absolute, that does not change the fact that who she was before being brainwashed wasn't a good person, and absolutely the furthest from it among all the companions. A cruel Lolthite and Matron of House Baenre, to say she's was a cold-blooded monster that enjoys the deaths of innocents and stomping on those below her would be putting it kindly. She was never a good person, and unlike Shadowheart or Astarion she didn't just fall into the clutches of evil and had to survive with the hand they were dealt, She lavished in those evils and thrived in her position of power. She had no empathy or compassion for those she saw as lesser. Halsin is her total antithesis. He doesn't come from nobility or from power, and his most defining traits are his compassion and his empathy. He wishes for the downtrodden and vulnerable to be helped and protected, if his comments about the city once you reach Baldur's Gate are anything to go off of. He even goes on to raise a lot of the orphans in the city and bring them back to Thaniel's Realm. He is as good of a person as it gets if definitions of such are written in black and white, A nature-loving Druid who wishes to protect and help orphaned children. Not to mention that he spent years as a sex slave to a Drow Matriarch. Minthara is the antithesis of everything Halsin stands for, and while she is a victim of the cult and of Orin that does not change who she is or who she was before it. She has made tens, probably hundreds of people into victims of far worse if her comments of how she enjoys hanging corpses in her garden are to go off of, and she did so long before she was a thrall of the Absolute. She is cruel, extreme, and unlike the other companions she doesn't exactly stop being those things. I fully understand why Halsin rejects the terms of aligning with her and I think it's at least somewhat in character for him to do so, and if she didn't end up dead in a Goblin Pit in almost every playthrough I do, I would probably side with him.
@nohharu6105 Ай бұрын
I agree with you. If this cut content was kept in the game and I was forced to choose between them, Halsin would definitely get my vote in a good aligned character. One of the few reasons why Minthara's evil deeds get dismissed is due to her looks and that infamous sex scene. Imagine if she were a duergar instead of a drow, I doubt the duergar Minthara would receive the same grace.
@TheShredtastic 5 күн бұрын
It makes sense that they cut this interaction. You would have to kick out Halsin every time just to save Minthara's life. Halsin doesn't have a tadpole and he'll be fine on his own. I wish they could have kept this interaction with an addition of a 5th dialogue option to roll a persuasion check to keep them both.
@Flareboxx 29 күн бұрын
Oh dang. This makes me want to beat my game before the next patch in case they add this 😬
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