'Benefit sanctions harmed my mental health' BBC News

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BBC News

8 жыл бұрын

The inflexibility of the benefit sanctions system is leading to people having their support taken away unfairly, the Labour MP Rebecca Long Bailey has said. Lee Curry received a four-months benefits sanction for failing to turn up to an appointment he was not told about. He has since had his benefits reinstated on appeal, but says the sanction accentuated his depression.
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@RascalFlatts000 7 жыл бұрын
You have the most vulnerable in society being hounded for every penny they DON'T have. And then, you have MP's earning £100,000's a year scrounging £700 from the tax payer for...a bed. I'm ashamed of this country. It's truly shocking.
@fujiwuji891 7 жыл бұрын
The 5th richest economy in the world, and we have poor vulnerable people in society. It's a disgrace.
@b57ecv 7 жыл бұрын
RascalFlatts000 The claimant commitment form isn't a legal document, because where you agree to do the things your work coach says, is a fraud because the coaches you're signing up to use fictitious identities, so as a contract it's null and void, simply ask them to produce evidence of there true identify in the form of a bank card picture driving licence or passport and you will see what I mean, this works great if they try to sanction you. because for what you signed to was a person who doesn't really exist under British law.
@terribletanner805 7 жыл бұрын
It's not that shocking, really. This exact thing is happening in almost every single country. The rich stealing everything the poor have - we're not far from the Victorian Era Chapter 2, where job centres will pack claimants on buses and send 'em off to the other side of the country to work 2 hours in a factory at 3am, or sanction.
@mcwolfus8824 6 жыл бұрын
+RascalFlatts000 A large % of housing benefits is being given to the rich btl parasites. IE the tax payer is buying houses for the rich.
@smoxesk 2 жыл бұрын
and legend has it people still speak those words today
@MrSandpit123 7 жыл бұрын
Universal Credit is designed to kill off those not working, its not designed to help anyone. If it was there to help people, then I would love to know how £8.22 a week can help me find a job.
@aleksk4151 Жыл бұрын
Wow. That's 35£ per month.
@JudeTheYoutubePoopersubscribe Жыл бұрын
@@aleksk4151 it's like £66 a week. absolutely criminal
@peternasby1722 6 жыл бұрын
That poor guy who lost his farther ,mother ,and sister my heart goes out to him poor poor guy
@murtman3357 6 жыл бұрын
A broken system in a broken Nation..
@wanderingsoul7935 3 жыл бұрын
I had a friend who got sanctioned, she was found in her dark cold flat with just cat biscuits to eat, we sent her a food parcel and some cash, she cried so much when she thanked us, something inside me changed at that moment, I realized that the DWP and the government it serves are the enemy, it filled me full of hatred for them, a government that does that to its own citizens doesn't deserve to be in power. I truly believe there is a revolution coming to Britain and those that caused the suffering and the deaths of human beings will be made to pay. Just like a the Nuremberg trials after WW2 the excuse that they were just doing their job will not be acceptable.
@joshlawson5436 7 жыл бұрын
How many people over the past 7 years have died as a direct result of benefit sanctions imposed on them by jobcentre staff, a hell of a lot so in my opinion that makes all those job coaches or whatever they are called murderers. They set these people up so they can deliberately stop their money and in many cases leaving the victims with nothing to live on. The staff at the jobcentres are murderers, they have the blood of so many people on their hands i'm surprised they can sleep at night. I wonder if they are haunted by all the victims who have died as a direct result of them setting them up to be sanctioned resulting in them dieing. Surely they know what they're doing is wrong but they're too weak and cowardly to fight back against orders from above, if i ever have to go the jobcentre i'm going to ask the person i see what's it's like to have blood on their hands, blood that can never be washed off no matter how much soap you use!
@davidwalker8678 6 жыл бұрын
lots of people have died I have pip advisor coming out , I have cerebral palsy and I think I wont be here if I cant get the help. On top of that the advisor cancelled from their end and didn't tell me they actually cancelled until I phoned, now what would happen if we did that with an appointment? SANCTION. Its terrible people are dieing theres going to be much more of this
@davidwalker8678 6 жыл бұрын
ive also lost my mum to brain cancer and an ex fiancé, life is tough.
@davidwalker8678 6 жыл бұрын
understand when people say we are lower than a convicted criminal that is so true! For example I got told I couldn't get a crisis loan but if I was a criminal and just out of jail I would have qualified! What kind of crazy system is this??
@goodnightmyprince6734 3 жыл бұрын
A man called Eroll pass away due to hunger and depression after his benefits was stopped last year.
@plopperator 8 жыл бұрын
Scumbags in charge but most people don't care.
@westfalenstadion7325 6 жыл бұрын
ploperator, Very true.
@jackwatsonepic626 3 жыл бұрын
They say we are only following government guidelines,,,,, no ,,some people in the DWP are jobsworth people ( . Meaning they love the power ) and some people are sympathetic but are frightened that if they don't do as they're told there could be sat on the other side of the desk as well
@mathsfornineyearolds 2 жыл бұрын
I have been practising social research for about 25 years. One of the problems appears to be the poor calibre of the staff working in the offices. They must realise what they are doing is very harmful.
@715michala Жыл бұрын
@davidtaylor4510 8 жыл бұрын
It's so easy for a non-mentally ill person to say put these people back to work. For a start, what employers would be willing to take on someone who is long term unemployed because of their health? Do know a guy who hears voices in his head and has been applying for jobs for the last 2 years with zero success. Once an employer knows about this, they are just not interested. To Geordislassie. Do you judge a book by its cover? Why pass judgement on someone you don't even know?
@fujiwuji891 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah put a guy back out there into the workforce who is even struggling to get out of the house and go grocery shopping.
@terribletanner805 7 жыл бұрын
That's exactly why employers source vacancies inwardly through their own family/social connections, then through current/past employees connections, and only after they all fail they actually advertise. Then they're looking for a healthy individual with no children who drives and is far overqualified for the position, and doesn't care too much about holidays. They roll the interviews in, and hire the closest thing to that description.
@mattbod 7 жыл бұрын
Yea that guy has been through hell and it is shocking how he has been treated. Thank goodness for the compassion and professionalism of his advisor. Unless you have suffered from Depression and mental health problems you have no idea what hell it is.
@davidwalker8678 6 жыл бұрын
so true guys it disgusts me the whole system. I used to think it was all a tory philosophy but labour have been no better thecountrys in a worse state than when thatcher was in
@swindonpeoplesassembly1774 7 жыл бұрын
Green and white stripe envelope on a friday demanding council tax on unemployed people is wrong!
@jackwatsonepic626 3 жыл бұрын
They always seem to send them sort letters out on a Friday so you can't phone them up on the Saturday and it spoils your weekend and then you've camed down a bit by Monday I think personally they do this deliberately
@mistycloud4455 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely sickening
@bbb6631 4 жыл бұрын
So many vulnerable people are dying. This benefit systems is going totally wrong
@derekbeaver4331 5 жыл бұрын
the young man has lost his father sister and his mother. shame on this country for not looking after him. what a joke this country has become
@mothosir 2 жыл бұрын
Feel free to pay for it out of your own pocket to loser.
@nicoledouglas2861 8 жыл бұрын
My deepest empathies goto the man. Why can't people see that we're one class? These people are my fellow brother and sister within the human race. "Helps people into work". From what I see the system is helping peoples mental and /or physical health deteriate. I myself have suffered from the system. The treatment I recieved from a compliance officer shouting at me like a sargent would to a soldier I had a nervous breakdown infront of everybody. The officer provably lied on a letter saying I'd been sanctioned for not turning up at that appointment. CCTV doesnt lie, I was almost crawling out that day. I was hyperventilating. he may aswel have said ' fit in or f*** off and starve. Better yet hurry up and commit suicide'.
@fujiwuji891 8 жыл бұрын
+Nicole Douglas I was torn apart in a small open office called Groundwork years ago with about 4 workers in the same office listening in and adding their say on the conversation. They broke me down so bad i came out of the building in a trance and was close to throwing myself infront of a truck.
@fionagregory8078 5 жыл бұрын
yes their health deteriorates both physically and mentally.
@suilvenmountain2395 Жыл бұрын
he's an idler deserving no sympathy at all
@nopretribrapture2318 6 жыл бұрын
Yes it does exaccerbate physical and mental health problems with heightened anxiety levels. .they did it to me a few times...it can be a big battle..😢
@progressivepath1995 8 жыл бұрын
Definitely out of order what happened to that guy. It's quite upsetting that one, he deserves every penny. Not enough information on the £3 lady though, can't you still sign on working 12 hours a week.
@AlchemistOfHecate 8 жыл бұрын
its true.they caused my skin condition
@laurenpaterson3475 6 жыл бұрын
Raoul Duke.
@YouTubeSpareTime 3 жыл бұрын
I think her argument is that she's actually worse off, she illustrated this by saying she pays £18 for travel on a £78 wage. Furthermore, it's always said that if one declines a job, they're likely to be sanctioned.
@gbjanuary 7 жыл бұрын
The Tories are shameful hounding the vulnerable.
@naznazia1967 7 жыл бұрын
If the husband was disabled she should have been claiming income support...don't understand why she was signing on..
@AceStar1994 Жыл бұрын
I want to hug Lee tight 💔
@mikejohnson7696 7 жыл бұрын
This is the Blair, Thatcher, Brown, Cameron, May ...Britain. Help Corbyn Help Us.
@TomUK737 6 жыл бұрын
Theres a part of me that wishes that Corbyn would win, just so people like you could see what real poverty and oppression are, Venezuela only the most recent example
@clareobrien3265 5 жыл бұрын
You're deluded if you think it'll be any different under labour. They're just Tory lites.
@ranstxx 5 жыл бұрын
3 YEARS???????!!! Are they taking the piss???
@acceptableandbornind80s32 Жыл бұрын
People have the right to not work in one job if the Job is making them less money and almost minus per week or month and ask the social for help and look for more work on benefits
@AceStar1994 4 ай бұрын
Exactly. Well said. All this "You should take any job" crap from the holier-than-thou taxpayers. This world is not a "one size fits all" place. And it never should be.
@angelafinley69 4 жыл бұрын
How would these mp feel if there money was sanctioned they dont understand with no money how will they feed there families the person who thought that idea must need his wages stopped for 6 weeks see how them would feel
@danielnichols5632 2 жыл бұрын
Iain Duncan Smith - Esther McVey Lest we never forget....
@train4905 4 жыл бұрын
i really feel for that poor gentleman,lee,i myself am an only child,with no wife ,girlfreind or children,i felt i was watching myself,watching this poor bereated chap. i myself lost my dad8 years ago,to a massive heart attack and brain death,and my mum,3 years ago with a massive heart attack and full organ shut down. i wasthe main carerfor them with carers help. i was left alone by the benefits agency,whilst i was a carer,i too like lee,went into very deep severe depression,and was even having suicidal thoughtsafter loosing both my mum and dad.. thank heavens to god ,a doctor recognised my symptoms,and got me treatment, i was just starting to getmyself together,and now,ive got a really cold officous,callous benefits adviser{universal credit},and she has threatened me and effectivly called me a liar to my face. i actually broke down in tears the next day,when i had to take,my fit note back to her,when she wouldnt accept it for not having the correct info on it,my doctor was fuming, i have just got a bad feeling that she is absolutely dying to sanction me,when she can,she is a cold crual heartless person,who seems to be getting of on being crueal,to me and other people, im so exausted with the constant threat and intimidation from her and the system, im starting to be near having another nervous breakdown,i have my appeal soon, hopeit gives me hope,please dont let these thugs beat you,be proud of who you are,and know that you are all good people,who do matter. thankyou and godbless.
@marenjeworowski9859 7 ай бұрын
That sounds so terrible. God bless you and help you through these tough times. I pray you will be alright and your appeal succeeds. You deserve what you need! ❤
@fionagregory8078 5 жыл бұрын
she can do better than cleaning.
@IThinkItsForYou 6 жыл бұрын
The Tpries love to say work pays. It doesn't. Wages are not high enough. Pay people properly and they'll work, and be able to afford bus fares etc You can't give someone who doesn't drive a job five miles away, and expect them to pay £40 a week on travel when that's a huge chunk of your wage
@fatwalletboy2 5 жыл бұрын
If you go to a doctor and he gives you a mis diagnosis or you get bad advice from a surveyor you can sue themmif they have acted negligently. Does the law allow one to sue the DWP if theyre systems have caused phyical or emotional stress?
@maryc372 6 жыл бұрын
all we are to the goverment is numbers we dont matter you have to be a big shot to matter
@denisesiddon317 7 ай бұрын
The system sucks. These cutbacks are doing more harm especially with the cost of living crisis and eay the vulnerableare now getting sanctioned. I've been there years ago with claiming between jobs fear of sanctions were hell. Glad I'm now working
@skylanderdadandskylanderbo8327 5 жыл бұрын
Feckin ridiculos that these people are being treated like this,truly shockng to say the least, all people working or not, should be alarmed as you may be next ,hitler iwould be proud of those that instatuded this f,,,,,n uc system,instead of worrying about brexit and all that other shit,its the culling of the poor, and what work as nearly everybody i know is on 16hrs a week and 0 contracts, and to those who are working all i can say is lets hope you dont get laid off or get sick , b ecause this might well be you in 2019, i think all of us working should be crying out to our MPs to get this sorted more than anything else as this is seriously an attack on the working class.
@juliaevans9521 Жыл бұрын
3 year sanction - how is that a fair consequence for anything?
@shh_you_are_wrong Жыл бұрын
Don't give them the excuse to sanction you. Turn up for appointments, fill in the silly forms, tell them what they want to hear. Beat the system!
@nicholasr39 Жыл бұрын
Outside London if you have to travel far for these appointments it can cost a lot of money on public transport and some people are forced into jobs that would actually make them poorer than they would be on benefits. It’s easier for younger people to find jobs but some vulnerable people can’t find the full time jobs that pay your way and so these people need more support and training and the job centre doesn’t do it right and so people are forced into stupid jobs that have 12 contract hours which is far too low to pay your bills and basics. Job centres aren’t there to help you, they are there to stop you claiming, the job vacancies and listings they have are abysmal, the first thing they need to do is shut all these job centres down and sack all of them, they are overpaid civil servants with a terrible attitude
@shh_you_are_wrong Жыл бұрын
@@nicholasr39 I agree about the Job Centres, an absolute waste of time but there are some good job websites out there. The trouble is if people go down the wrong route early in life, it's very hard to play catch up, and this what we are currently witnessing; people thought the state would provide for life but it can no longer support the large numbers that need help.
@nadinegrant7388 Жыл бұрын
Thats not beating the system... that's releasing any sense of autonomy of self and handing it over to the system. Beat the system by ending capitalism. By not living by solely capitalist values. Capitalism allows for prices to be put on the heads of animals and people causing the suffering we see.
@shh_you_are_wrong Жыл бұрын
@nadinegrant7388 but you can't and won't end capitalism, all you can do is make it work for by weaving your own way through it, and not letting it punish you. Pretending to be an anarchist is a cop-out, you can't beat the system.
@nadinegrant7388 Жыл бұрын
@@shh_you_are_wrong Perhaps YOU cannot beat the system. From how you speak, clearly you think it has power over you. You won't beat anything that you give your power to. I've already beaten the system by living in my own values. I am not a capitalist nor an anarchist. You assume a lot! Which is strange and pointless. Why not just ask instead of assuming? Also... capitalism is in its final death throes. We are watching it's end right now. ^_^
@carolynevans8826 6 ай бұрын
Honestly i swear if you dont have mental health issues, these agencies give up giving you mental health issues. I mean HONESTLY!!! How can you kick someone when their already down😢. My son suffers from mental health, and he hasnt had to deal with this. He finds working difficult and has started his own gardening business. I hope the young guy who lost all his family get a huge back pay. I hope he gets better and perhaps thinks about doing his own business. My son has coped alot better mentally doing his own business
@LauraSnow-in3nx 2 ай бұрын
Employees need to pay a livable wage And people need to have jobs. Even if that means they lose credit
@blackcorp0001 6 жыл бұрын
Not just in Great Britain. Here in Australia Ive had no end of hassles with Centrelink because of my anxiety/post-traumatic stress.Had serious anxiety about appts and panic attacks from non payment that have seen me hospitalised.I am now a full time carer for my gran's partner, and dont have to attend interviews...just on call 24 hrs a day :(
@blackcorp0001 2 жыл бұрын
@Chris Longden much better now ...my Dr and I found Escitalopram works well with my anxiety and as long as I exercise daily my mood is pretty stable...haven't had a serious panic attack in months
@blackcorp0001 2 жыл бұрын
@Chris Longden hang in there ... get help if you need it and just remember...always look on the bright side of life
@jamessprott7179 7 ай бұрын
To be honest,this country is finished!It all started with Thatcher,and all the work going to China.Its the young ones i feel sorry for,as theres nothing for them!Im glad i never brought kids into this!!
@LuisaD93 5 ай бұрын
Never heard of nor do I understand why there’s even a council tax to begin with or a bedroom tax! It’s ludicrous really. You pay x amount monthly for rent. The more bedrooms the higher the rent. Period. A bedroom tax!! Craziness is what it is. Also don’t understand how or why y’all pay for gas and electricity the way you do. In the states. What the rate is per kilowatt hours a year is what you pay on a monthly bill. Same for gas. It’s paid on a monthly bill based off of the current years rate. If you’re late on a month we’re allowed to make payment arrangements on the arrears but still keep our services on. Of course if you’ve not paid for a period of time at all then of course they’ll shut off your services until paid in full. Your system is too complicated and just plain crazy. Council tax or what is known as property tax is paid for by the landlord not the tenants. In social housing your rent includes a small stipend that’s built into your monthly rent. It doesn’t matter here if you have three bedrooms if you use only one as a single person or a couple without children. If say a three bedroom apartment goes for 2,400$ monthly and you can afford that then that’s all you pay. Likewise if on social housing, if you’re single they aren’t going to punish you for having that extra room but you might pay day 50$ more a month in rent. That’s not a sanction. It’s just the rent for that two or three bedroom apartment.
@user-kq5qp6dh8l 6 жыл бұрын
Fiat cash is not worth the paper it's written on. u need 500 quid a week just to get by in the UK. and that's being thrifty
@smoxesk 2 жыл бұрын
i agree 400 gone b4 you even know it
@anastasiatempest761 Жыл бұрын
This video makes me feel very sad.💗🧑🏻‍🦼
@markbenjamin1703 Жыл бұрын
Why? They never followed the rules
@suilvenmountain2395 5 ай бұрын
10:35 needs heart tablets on the dole and smokes. He needs to lose his dole now
@janewhapples9214 Жыл бұрын
Cant find work all have great expectations of you was a kind caring carer but now on these small payments monthly is crippling me
@mathsfornineyearolds 2 жыл бұрын
@jackwatsonepic626 3 жыл бұрын
Yes but these people who are advisors and do things at the DWP are educated enough to do that job the people who are claimants are not otherwise they would doing their bloody job to wouldn't they it's common sense so they're trying to talk to people on their wavelength but they are not on their wavelength are they and then they sanction them the most vulnerable people in society,,,,, it is outrageous yes I know they put you on all these courses to learn you computers (for example ) but it never went in at school never mind on a two-week course talking about the weather most of the time .
@techtinkerin Жыл бұрын
Giz a giro innit
@adotholland22 Жыл бұрын
punish the poor
@raymondchassell4204 3 жыл бұрын
Why are all these claiming help are all land whales
@carriemindplsable 3 жыл бұрын
To be fair, junk food is cheaper than healthy food. They probably live on carbs. Some are probably just lazy and some probably do try hard.
@Cosyforestdreams 6 жыл бұрын
I think 'mental health harmed by benefit sanctions' is more fitting.
@susanelliott2287 9 ай бұрын
If Hayley is caring for her partner who is disabled, she would get more than£78 a week, so someone is talking B.S. I don't think Lee should have been santioned, poor guy has been through so much. The Government should clearly define those with severe physical or mental health, the strikers and the skivers.
@susanelliott2287 9 ай бұрын
Should say skivers not strilers. Aargh predictive text.
@robertwilson7736 Жыл бұрын
The trouble is theres alot of kids on the street not bothering to work the sancion system is based on them it means other people have to suffer who are genuine making it difficult for everyone
@garrykitchen3093 5 жыл бұрын
Heart failure and still smoking pffft
@nadinegrant7388 Жыл бұрын
@Chris Longden childhood trauma causes addiction.
@phildobson8705 8 жыл бұрын
These people are infuriating. Deducting what they would have got in benefits from their wages and claiming that adds up to working for nothing? Making a career move of getting onto mentally handicapped sickness benefits? I don't believe the lad with is ridiculous list of cancer victim relatives. Wonder he looked so embarrassed? Did he get paid by the BBC?
@phildobson8705 8 жыл бұрын
+Lewis Straight Some people have bought themselves a house in need of modernisation whilst on minimum wages whilst other's claimed that money was working for nothing as only equal to benefit +housing benefit+ council tax credit+travel Now they have what they worked for houses & they can rent rooms if they need income or Nothing if they did no work
@VermiciousKnids100 8 жыл бұрын
+Phil Dobson When you stop taking life so seriously and judging others..... That my friend is when you learn how to be happy :-). Only Love/Compassion. Anything else will bring unhappiness :-)
@phildobson8705 8 жыл бұрын
+VermiciousKnids100 Working with nature makes me happy, including hardcover cultural crop work.. I love the fit and intelligent Eastern Europeans who I work with doing this hard physical job. the reason most of English fruit and vegetables is produced by Eastern Europeans and a few English people like me is because of attitude promoted by the BBC Get a job and buy yourself a house then your wages will become worth more than ridiculous mental health sapping housing benefit
@phildobson8705 8 жыл бұрын
+VermiciousKnids100 Working with nature makes me happy, including hard agricultural crop work. I love the fit intelligent Eastern Europeans I work with! It's because of attitudes promoted by 'snob correctness' TV that most of our English fruit and vegetables is produced by Eastern Europeans & few English people like me. That's your food that you eat and can't live without that we produce. Get, job buy house, fix up, love pets, find how that makes your wages worth working for? Get off off mental health sapping housing benefit,
@VermiciousKnids100 8 жыл бұрын
Phil Dobson You don't realise the goal of life.
@suilvenmountain2395 5 жыл бұрын
2:00 well done for sanctioning this idler nonsense about being disabled. step up to the plate or lose your dole.
@TomUK737 6 жыл бұрын
They're bone idle, no reason for them to be in this situation its entirely of their own creation. So many people commenting here about the government being at fault, but seem to completely absolve these people of any personal responsibility for their own lives. And as for those that say people have died over benefit sanctions, im calling your bluff and asking you to name them here and now
@craig581 6 жыл бұрын
www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/benefits-sanction-resulted-in-my-brother-david-clapson-s-death-says-gill-thompson-as-she-pleads-for-a6911386.html I think you need to re-read your comment Tom, and have a hard think about what you've just typed out. I hope that you never have to experience a family member or loved one with severe mental health, which incapacitates them both mentally and physically.
@suilvenmountain2395 Жыл бұрын
6:41 jail him for not taking responsibility for his life
@glenvillebushell5353 4 жыл бұрын
He can find a job these people play the system
@jacksugden8190 Жыл бұрын
If you leave a job voluntary, then you have yourself to blame when claiming benefits, not surprised at you being sanctioned, as you brought upon yourself.
@nadinegrant7388 Жыл бұрын
Ridiculous levels of ignorance in this comment...
@stephenbutler6819 Жыл бұрын
sanctioned for not attending a medical you dont know about i mean who can justify that
@davidallan6619 8 жыл бұрын
How about work like the rest of us! Does wonders for your mental health
@davidallan6619 8 жыл бұрын
lol I'm hoping that you are joking
@VermiciousKnids100 8 жыл бұрын
+David Allan Please, don't judge anybody my friend. Mental health is v serious. This attitude is not beneficial :-). Where is the compassion. That's what these people need.
@davidallan6619 8 жыл бұрын
And there are people that take advantage of idiots like yourself who listen to every sob story and come up with stupid statements like don't judge anybody, I'll judge whoever I like thank you very much.
@davidallan6619 8 жыл бұрын
That suggests that they have mental health issues which they don't, you are ignoring the fact that they are claiming mental illness to ensure that they continue to having benefits nullifying the need to work. Compassion and love does not solve greed and bone idleness!
@davidallan6619 8 жыл бұрын
My altitude would probably reduce human suffering through tough love. Your naivety and stupidity is the reason why there are so many claiming benefits when there is no need to do so and putting financial strain on those that work!
@Richandricher9 4 жыл бұрын
We all have our sob stories. Unfortunately for us on the minimum wage, we have to also get up out of bed and go to work feeling rotten. That's how these self-pitying people receive their handouts.
@TonyTarantula Жыл бұрын
Exactly. We all face the storms of life as we juggle work and other commitments. These people want a free ride for life at your expense.
@karenl9976 6 жыл бұрын
How do people get to this level of entitlement? To believe that the government is responsible for you? It is a long-standing, deeply rooted propblem that seems to be ingrained into British society.
@beardbandwidth8821 4 жыл бұрын
if the government is not responsible for the people, then why do the people have to pay the government to be responsible for us? if the low earners who live in poor conditions like the lady who only had £3 a week for food didn't have to pay council tax she would have £28 a week for food a much more respectable amount, the government takes all your money, and you have people like yourself who have bizarre ideas when the people ask for it back! what a silly little statist puppet you are!
@techtinkerin Жыл бұрын
Your statement is not logical.
@mothosir 2 жыл бұрын
Every single person on this video is scamming the crap out of the system.
@SuperSquall2009 8 ай бұрын
Bone idle the lot of them....look fit and able to get a JOB
@stevenhoward1570 7 ай бұрын
idiot comment grow up
@AceStar1994 4 ай бұрын
You only work because you have to. Not out the goodness of your so-called heart. Stop thinking you're so special. You're not.
@margaretbanks8969 3 ай бұрын
There are hidden disa ilities.
@18T220 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry but if you cannot contribute to society you don't deserve a thing.
@beardbandwidth8821 4 жыл бұрын
perhaps you should fuck off then, your comment was worthless.
@sylwiamarszalek4679 4 жыл бұрын
Tell this to disabled people
@angelafinley69 4 жыл бұрын
You are a disgrace
@generichuman2044 3 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, it's so simple isn't it. I guess that the man in this video should simply "get over it". I hope you realise that clinical depression is more than feeling a little upset. People can't get out of bed, don't eat properly, can't form strong relationships and often struggle to even bathe themselves. At some point in your life, you or a friend or family member will be stricken with severe mental or physical health problems. That will be the day that you realise it's important to empathise with other people.
@nadinegrant7388 Жыл бұрын
There isn't only one way to contribute ...
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