Brianna Wu's Centrist Shilling, Reading Amazon Trump AI "Novels"

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Dead Domain

Dead Domain

28 күн бұрын

Music by White Bat Audio
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@dracocrusher 26 күн бұрын
I desperately want to talk with someone whose anti New Paper Mario because the original game not having Trans Vivian was a change. It was altered for localization because Vivian kisses Mario, and they wanted to avoid a gay character in the 2000s. Like it's ACTUAL Localization for US audiences, this is literally the thing they're always mad about! The original vision was unironically changed to fit American standards, which have changed over time. If any one of these people is against Trans Vivian but they're also mad at localization for 'ruining games' then that's the most hypocritical crap ever and I want to see how someone defends that without flat-out saying "I just hate Trans people."
@just-mees 23 күн бұрын
That's the thing though, changing a non-binary non-western gender into a cisgender person in translation is completely fine to these people, but turning that character into a trans person is what crosses the line, and it's so obvious. It's pathetic.
@ummmmmmmmmmmnmmmm 26 күн бұрын
The AI book covers are funny until you remember that the cover of the Cass Review (the pseudoscientific review of trans healthcare that the UK is using as an excuse to ban puberty blockers) is an image of an AI child with a ton of fingers. It's kinda representative of the fact that these trans healthcare bans only protect hypothetical made up imaginary children with 14 fingers.
@jadewedge6082 26 күн бұрын
"Dog, if you don't think the women in the new mortal kombat games are hot- fucking skill issue." Made me go "HAH HAH HAH HAH!" Exactly that many times out loud. That was pretty funny.
@HelghastEnigma 26 күн бұрын
For Asmon, hes also incredibly incurious about anything, like he covers stuff cause his audience wants him to, but he never bothers to look beyond the surface. He's also a massive hypocrite.
@TheReddShinobi13 24 күн бұрын
The man willingly lives with roaches crawling on him. Incurious doesn't begin to describe him. Dysfunctional, maybe
@nathanash2347 26 күн бұрын
Stream Starts at 9:27
@Blakbox92 26 күн бұрын
1:42:27 - Brianna Wu talk begins
@readytosign 26 күн бұрын
Not all heroes wear capes!
@TheKiroshi 26 күн бұрын
Stream Ends at 4:09:58
@Blakbox92 26 күн бұрын
1:42:00 Brianna Wu talk
@JustinW332 26 күн бұрын
I liked Vivian a lot when I played that game. She was emotionally and physically abused and at her lowest point, Mario accepted her in the party. I really felt for her. On another note, I actually almost became a fan of the quartering and yellow flash because it's weird, their points sounded reasonable at first until you get further in the videos and it took a turn. Like, I came really close to falling into the right wing rabbit hole and that's kinda scary.
@meepmoopiethe3rd 24 күн бұрын
On the topic of fitness and such, no one ever likes to talk about how your home life growing up determines your eating habits as an adult. I grew up in a home where food wasn't always guaranteed. I remember subsisting purely on ramen noodles and oyster crackers for a long ass time because they were cheap. Now, as an adult, I love eating, because I didn't get to as much as a kid (and a lot of what I had access to didn't taste great and was, like, all salt). But if you grow up in a home where you have 2 stable parents and one of them cooks healthy meals at home, you're more likely to be at a "healthy" weight (according to BMI). And it's super hard to change how your brain works in that aspect because part of you is still in survival mode, like you've been epigenetically altered to want high calorie foods more. And, if that's how you are, sometimes you have to fight a little harder to lose weight. I'm lucky enough that I convert flab into muscle really fast, but my sister isn't like that and gets really disheartened when she spends hours at the gym every week and sees no results.
@alexisvandom8037 Күн бұрын
The funny thing about French Toast is that you can actually make a low-cal high-protein version with Keto Bread, unsweetened almond milk, and sugar-free syrup or microwaved berries. I made myself eight slices this morning with sugar-free syrup and it was 750 calories w/ 57g of protein. And that was with low-cal whipped cream on top.
@bentosmile 25 күн бұрын
I dunno if you'll see this comment, but the warmbo impression made me giggle! XD (and your kermit is good too!)
@hyche_-6790 26 күн бұрын
Watching this stream vod while evil-pilled, I am plotting, I am planning misdeeds. Cackling at my nemesi. Nefarious type shit.
@josepholivarez1281 26 күн бұрын
Straight up telling your minions to be prepared, stroking your elegant pet beast, laughing maniacally silhouetted by lightning type beat
@RamseyOCE 26 күн бұрын
Hyped for the Synthetic Man/Asmongold video, will be a brand-new angle to tackle SM through the lens of his mental health when prior videos went for the politics and gaming
@parkcrashers5922 26 күн бұрын
Who the hell is synthetic man ? Is that some kind of dildo marketing?
@parkcrashers5922 26 күн бұрын
What the hell is a synthetic man? Some kind of new dildo?
@404maxnotfound 26 күн бұрын
It's wild they are like all mad about localization, I have seen a lot of bad english translations for managa/mauwnha/anime etc. The amount of times the fuck up the gender of a character is insane. Like one chapter a character would be referred to using he/him pronouns and in the next she/her, repeat for other chapters all while the character is cis. With ttyd and yellowflash they are literally mad about localization being accurate to the original material.
@julsdemers4740 26 күн бұрын
at least i can be comforted with the knowledge middle school me wrote better than AI XD
@shadowldrago 23 күн бұрын
“Horse, what the fuck?!” Dead Domain, 2024.
@laurenwalker1048 26 күн бұрын
Brianna wu is the absolute worst.
@jobi1kawobi317 25 күн бұрын
I was so mesmerised by Draculas Angel 😯
@BuggJohnson000 25 күн бұрын
Holy crap y'all. I've never done hallucinatory drugs (except some really strong weed a few times), but omg y'all, I feel like I've taken some bad sh¡t. Wow. What on earth did I just witness???
@dracocrusher 26 күн бұрын
Genuine question, what the heck is "Gamergate 2" even about...? Because I haven't seen anyone else really use the term outside of the initial wave of people going after Sweet Baby Inc, and that just fizzled out super hard because it never made any sense to be against companies choosing to hire a diversity consultant group. Is it even really a 'thing' anymore orr.....?
@Wincenworks 26 күн бұрын
Mark Kern is trying to make it and keep it a thing. But mostly it's just random harassment campaigns directed by him and others like him, with no particular branding any more because it finally occurred to the Gamergate did not have a positive brand image.
@dracocrusher 26 күн бұрын
@@Wincenworks Yeah, I was wondering about that. I don't think people really 'got' that Gamergate wasn't popular, most people just associate it with overly convoluted really messy internet drama that wasn't even fun for people involved in it. At least I can laugh at losers getting owned by a 20 year old Mario game. It's way harder to keep up with whatever doxing BS was happening at any point in Gamergate. All they really had to rally people was a shared hate of Anita Sarkeesian.
@Wincenworks 26 күн бұрын
@@dracocrusher Yeah, with no Anita or mythical fake-review they don't really have a strong focus point - and pretty much all the studios now know not to engage with them. Hence why they're now losing their shit over a Mario Game that's nearly old enough to drink in the US.
@sophitiaofhyrule 26 күн бұрын
Nowadays "Gamergate 2" is just a bunch of dudes crying about diversity in videogames. Also saying any female character who doesn't look like a s3x doll is too "masculine".
@TheKiroshi 26 күн бұрын
​@@sophitiaofhyrule -- Im just backing up Sohphitia here. It has no form and the only people "serious" about it and latching onto it, are literally just begging for the attention Maybe on some really deep level, its about the insecurities of a few guys who genuienly can't relate to women without sex, but honestly, most of them are just banking off the attention. Think "PRONOUNS?!?" levels of who cares.
@PostalOverkill 26 күн бұрын
Dead Domain watched very tall bart, LET'S GO!
@elidoesartz6340 25 күн бұрын
Why do I keep getting recommending so much detransitoner grift stuff on my for you page like THE ALGORITHM IS BEING REAL SUS
@Burgercat55 25 күн бұрын
2:17:44 The donald trump Ai image killed me 😭😭😭
@rileyfaelan 26 күн бұрын
(2:10) Another of those Enigmatic Wordsmiths! The last one gave the good kids of Glasgow Willy of the Chocolate and The Abominable Unknown.
@fromeveryting29 26 күн бұрын
Anyone here have experience writing articles for newspapers? My local town just «banned» the use of pride flags by schools, which was previously a standard. I want to show people that it isn’t a result of some local idiot politicians, but a larger massive anti-lgbtq campaign from far-right actors that their kids might actually listen to every day. I want people to understand how and who is behind normalizing fascism, and how serious it might get!
@TheKiroshi 26 күн бұрын
I wrote for a couple years in my early 20s for my local town newpaper (less than 800). and it was right around 2008 which is when we started doing pride events. The interesting thing for me was that people would travel from out of town to both attend it, and protest against it. And our 87 year old mayor (who didnt live in the town, of course not) made a few pretty harsh comments about the parade. The modern drama around pride events almost make me dream of going back to the silly and unserious style of bigotry, people and larger conservative movements would talk about us but drop of the radar fast, some of the most aggressive stuff came out of just fake stories about us "forcing ourselves around the school" when that was the school's pride event by itself, not related to ours. But the drama and fear today? I moved away from my hometown, but i see know some people and the queer events are either the best parts of it, or someone will take pics for facebook or whatever and get harassed.
@gregorymansour1763 25 күн бұрын
I've only watched one synthetic man video ever. It was his TotK video and I learned way more than I needed to know about his fetishes. Also maybe the worst review I've ever seen, even without the unwanted info.
@alexandriatempest 26 күн бұрын
Thrift stores and yard sales are great for either small sets or individual weights
@deaddomain 26 күн бұрын
Very true!
@Stolas.the.Enby1312 21 күн бұрын
45:45 DD finishes talking about Asmondgold and SyntheticMan 51:52 DD finishes talking about their emulator
@just-mees 23 күн бұрын
Fredrick "frank" knudsen mentioned!!!!! 🦉🦉🦉🦉 What the fuck is a pickwick
@alexisvandom8037 Күн бұрын
Also Brianna Wu is one of the most obvious shills ever. Basically on the level of Blaire White at this point. Just kinda says whatever.
@puddock6336 24 күн бұрын
Two people told me they're very uncomfortable with the word futanari. I want to know an honest answer to an honest question. Is the word futanari transphobic?
@LunatheSatanists 26 күн бұрын
New favorite movie unlocked
@Stolas.the.Enby1312 21 күн бұрын
1:41:58 DD begins talking about Brianna Wu
@BuggJohnson000 26 күн бұрын
Omg the growing up poor so I can't let food go to waste struggle is real! I'm still poor, so I end up eating f■cking trash because it's all I can afford, which makes you gain weight, plus I have MCAS, so I'm literally allergic to some of the chemicals my own body produces, one being that sh¡t you make when you have too much activity, so the recovery process is so long exercise is nearly impossible. The last 3 days I've woken up choking with throat spasms because they mowed 3 days ago. Also apparently progesterone as well, so even tho I'm in my mid-30s, my body has finally ceased production of it in a bid to save itself. On the bright side my debilitating migraines I was having twice a week have stopped. I know that it was the cause because my doc tried to put me on progesterone and they came back so I have to just go without. I don't mind as much as someone who is cis would I imagine. I've never identified really with either gender, so if I get a little peach fuzz or a mustache so be it, but gods it makes weightloss hard af when your hormones aren't normal. But you know what? Despite all of this, just the way you put things makes it sound like I can at least do something. You make if sound possible. I know I will never have the body I used to or even anything close to it. I was skinny because I was too sick to eat properly, so I'm grateful for the meds that have caused the weight gain. I just want to be healthy enough to stand a chance against the fascists tbh. And to be honest I need to try to put that in my head for motivation. "Hey, you wanna be able to punch nazís don't you? Put down the bad food and pick up that weight!" I'll imagine it in your voice too. I think having an outside person, even if it's an internal imagined version, helps keep us motivated and accountable. Thanks for a bit of motivation.
@erxa781 25 күн бұрын
You WILL be punching Nazis!!
@Anjerz 26 күн бұрын
@0opsAllKobolds 25 күн бұрын
3:43:00 This is some fucking Grey Leno shit wtf XD
@IlIlIIlIlIlIlIlIl 26 күн бұрын
No keffals drama disappointing
@pricelessprebolus 26 күн бұрын
Love your streams, and I don't want to come across any kind of way, but please don't make diabetes jokes. Sweet tea does not cause diabetes of any type.
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