Caped Crusader and Cross-Racial/Gender Casting

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Professor Geek

Professor Geek

Ай бұрын

A clip from Saturday's Office Hours stream (5/11)
Bruce Timm can't write. He does not want to give you the true, iconic Batman. If you still think he does, you haven't been paying attention.

Пікірлер: 71
@LJK193 Ай бұрын
The people who say "race doesn't matter" would NEVER say that if Black Panther was white.
@studio96films65 Ай бұрын
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Ай бұрын
Ryan Gosling should play Black Panther and Miles Morales
@LJK193 Ай бұрын
@@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Exactly; as a white guy, I just couldn't "see myself" in either of those characters. They need to do it to make me feel good, make me feel like I belong.
@Elfrunner Ай бұрын
No, no. Ryan Gosling should play Black Gander. Geese can't stay goslings forever.
@angbandsbane Ай бұрын
Doesn't even have to be Black Panther. I've always said "I'll believe race doesn't matter when they make Luke Cage Latino."
@LJK193 Ай бұрын
"If you're ever falsely labeled 'sexist' or 'racist, don't ever respond, 'No I'm not'. Just make fun of the person and call them a dumb SOB. I'm under no requirement to defend myself against claims I know are false, or positions I don't hold." - Eric July Likewise, if someone ever falsely labels you "sexist", just ask "what's wrong with being sexy?"
@Stresslvls99 Ай бұрын
They will call anyone who has any grievances with their changes evil but will raise hell if it goes against them.
@Snaaaaap Ай бұрын
Jim is typically a redhead in the comics, so thats another one erased.
@Elfrunner Ай бұрын
Yeah, and it sounds like they turned him into Carl Winslow from _Family Matters._
@Jonkin715 Ай бұрын
Black Commissioner Gordon is the new Black April O'Neil. The funny thing is that almost NEVER swing in the opposite direction.
@SpideyRules-pq6be Ай бұрын
Once they went black, they never went back.
@johngonzalez2495 Ай бұрын
I cant believe people still push the lie that April was always meant to be black. Like a white woman never had a perm in the old days
@phoenixdouchebag904 Ай бұрын
​@@SpideyRules-pq6bejust ask Nick Fury.
@noway6633 Ай бұрын
Correction: it never swings the opposite. Not Ever.
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Ай бұрын
Didn't they also raceswap Zod in the Young Justice reboot. And can't stop raceswapping Jimmy Olsen.
@SpideyRules-pq6be Ай бұрын
Not only did they make Harley Quinn asian, but they also changed her costume to yellow. And yet *we're* the racist ones. Bruce Timm has been shipping Bruce and Barbara for a while even though no one in their right mind would want those two together romantically or sexually. There was that dream sequence in the "Batgirl Returns" episode of BTAS. Then in Batman Beyond, Barbara tells Terry about her relationship with Bruce after she and Dick broke up. There was also that scene in Mystery of the Batwoman where Bruce has an awkward phone call with Barbara, indicating that they both had relationship beyond their superheroics. It all came full circle when Bruce Timm took a page out of All Star Batman and Robin (particularly the part where Batman and Black Canary do it in the rain) and had Batman and Batgirl do it on a rooftop in his adaptation of the Killing Joke. Commissioner Gordon has gone the way of April O'Neil where once he went black, he never went back. I knew this show was dead on arrival looong before this stuff was revealed. Someone mentioned the "frog in the boiling water" to describe how ideologues push their agenda in these stories little by little. I've actually heard someone else describe this as a salami tactic. Basically, these ideologues slice a piece of salami and then another and another and another until they've consumed it entirely. This is how they've been taking over our favorite franchises and run them to the ground.
@thibaldus3 Ай бұрын
I could accept the idea of Barbara crushing on Bruce (I mean women liking reliable confident older guys is not new), but it'd stop at that. And I imagine Bruce would prevent it from going any further anyways.
@rockinHurley777 Ай бұрын
Well said.
@Stresslvls99 Ай бұрын
People of different races are objectively different from eachother, just like men and woman. The only people who think that is racist exposes their own projection.
@studio96films65 Ай бұрын
Winston Duke said he wants to play Batman. For those who say race swaps don’t matter they’ll probably cast him in the DCU Batman.
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Ай бұрын
I miss the days of the Raimi Spiderman trilogy. Adapting the characters and enhancing what was already there. Putting the best aspects of the character into each movie. We've never gotten that for Batman.
@agm5424 Ай бұрын
A good alternative to that crappy sounding Batman audiobook is the old radio shows of The Shadow that are all over yt.
@brandonscott4808 Ай бұрын
Having a black Commissioner Gordan makes no sense if that new Batman show is going to take place in the Golden Age era.
They will always say what is convenient for them and the exact opposite when it is no longer convenient. Now they are justifying the changes to Harley because the same creators are involved, I don't care. Many have told me that X men 97 is good, I don't care. Superheroes are dead for me, I have no intention of continuing to see them changed and deconstructed to pretend they still have something original to say.
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Ай бұрын
I'm just collecting the classic stories in physical media form. I'm done with the new stuff
@Stresslvls99 Ай бұрын
This is what turned me off from spiderman homecoming. "Flash", "MJ".
@DoctorInk20 Ай бұрын
I loathe those movies. The "Flash Thompson" swap makes even less sense when you remember he was called that because he was _athletic,_ not for being some crude, skinny bully who thought he was cool. I think the filmmakers just thought that was his actual name instead of Eugene. 😂
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Ай бұрын
​@@DoctorInk20The Amazing Spiderman movie did an amazing job with Flash. He had a small redemption arc in that first movie. He grew as a person. I could definitely see that version going off to join the marines and eventually becoming Agent Venom. The MCU Flash is a cameo. He's just there. Nobody takes him seriously or cares about what he says. He doesn't affect Peter's life in any way. He has no development or real character. They dropped the ball hard.
@DoctorInk20 Ай бұрын
@@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Well put. 🙂
@Kesyabasturd Ай бұрын
They can't help themselves.
@AGdesigns878 Ай бұрын
I despise Race Swaps and I do not need to see myself represented on screen. Actually it’s impossible for me because I’m half white, half Mexican and 2% black. That sounds so silly if you went that far for perfect casting in a Hollywood blockbuster film
@brandonscott4808 Ай бұрын
I agree a hundred percent, and as someone who is black, I can't stand race swapping or gender swapping characters because it's completely unnecessary and lazy writing.
@devinitalkyon Ай бұрын
There was a time that Hollywood or creatives in big industries could get away with race swaps. The most prominent was Red from "Shawshank redemption". He was named Red cause he was Irish American in the book. Yet Morgan Freeman added an interesting dynamic and it gets a pass. But back then there was more creative and loving spin to the thing. Now, any who isn't blind or stupid knows EXACTLY why they're doing it. And personally I want none of it.
@bradleyrenfroe2776 Ай бұрын
If anyone tries to use Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury as a defense we'll that was based on the Ultimate Universe Nick Fury and it's Samuel L Jackson and he rules everything. It was not for the reasons they are doing now.
@DinoCon Ай бұрын
"Mark Millar made Nick Fury Samuel L Jackson in the Ultimates comic on purpose. SLJ let him use his likeness so long as he got to play him in the movie. That was all done in the early 00's. The difference is... we know why you're doing it NOW. It's because you're anti-white" If they respond with "What if they're the best choice for the role?" Hit them with "Film and television is a visual medium. Someone who is a C+ in acting but an A+ in looks is a better option than someone who is an A+ in acting but an F in looks." And if they hit you with "But their being white doesn't matter to the character!" Just hit them with "It still happens to characters and historical figures where it is" and also "you wouldn't say that about any non-white character whose race "doesn't matter". Race ALWAYS matters, as it is the foundation of identity. And if they say "why does it matter what race they are?" simply counter with "it mattered enough for you to consciously choose to change it." If they say "why do you care?" respond with "I care because YOU care." Basically just keep hammering that they're anti-white and that they want to take representation away from whites. Keep them on the backfoot. And never use the term "racist" or "reverse-racist". Just say "anti-white". Tell them that they're bad people for it. And if they, at the end of their rope, tell you that you're a loser or whatever and that you have bigger problems for caring this much, simply tell them that you will continue to be a problem for them until THEY change, and that more and more people are going to make it their problem until THEY change. Tell them that they can call you all the names in the book, it's not going to change how you feel. Let them know that you are not backing down and that if they refuse to get out of the way, they will be MADE to move. Be someone that they now have to deal with. They are your enemies and deserve to be treated as such.
@miguelbarrera2468 Ай бұрын
Isn’t Caped Crusader also being made by Bad Robot as well? Same Company JJ Abrams Helms?
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Ай бұрын
Oh fuu........
@MaverickhunterXZero Ай бұрын
Bad Reboot.
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
Unless it’s a high school production they need to make sure the characters look like their characters.
@MrDman21 Ай бұрын
Great, more stuff that I won't be watching 😂
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Ай бұрын
I just assumed it was going to be garbage. WB doesn't fail to disappoint. Been a while since they put out a quality product.
@Elfrunner Ай бұрын
That's all fanatics do is give these studios inches. When WB announced the black Superman movie, what did these people say? "It's a different version, so the casting makes sense. It was done in the comics." They do it with everything, then they pretend they're still PO'd at the studios for whatever reasons. F these people.
@rebelbear428 Ай бұрын
Excellent points. Best thing you can do is collect all the back issues with the real characters. Buy the complete George Reeves series ect. ect. You don’t have ignore the new stuff, just don’t pay for it in any way.
@rockonpurification Ай бұрын
I knew something fishy about Bruce Timm ever since he made that BatmanXBatgirl ship.
@lucernodelci66 Ай бұрын
Good video.
@leaiplussize Ай бұрын
The race swapping has gotten so out of control, to the point it does not makes sense. I have never been, nor will be a fan of race swapping characters. Now there are rumors(but I believe they will do it) that in the MCU live action X men professor X will be race swapped among other characters. Then here come the comments " well so and so is a good actor so I don't mind if they are race swapped, they use the same old excuse, to make it seem like its ok. I have and never will be a fan of Race swapping I agree Prof. they are doing this not because they respect the actor and their talent , but for nothing but their own selfish politics and hate to anyone who does not agree with it.
@demoniac972 Ай бұрын
100% Agree
@wrestlerdude6955 Ай бұрын
Nearly everyone on Twitter had the same reaction to this news. They weren't right; they used Punchline as an example, but I can see why they would. Punchline was a new character introduced in Rebirth. She is one of Joker's henchmen and sometimes a love interest for the character. They used her because she parallels Harley Quinn and appears Asian American. They were wondering why Bruce Tim would change Harley's race when you literally had Punchline right there. That right there is telling you that you can create a new character. It's fine, and I agree with them because we had similar characters when I was growing up. The Batman 2004 animation: Ellen Yin, Ethan Bennet. One was Asian, and the other was African American on Jim Gordon's team.😂😂 So it's true. The kicker is Punchline isn't Asian, so that's why they were wrong, but I could see where they were coming from. Either way, it's true-write your own character! I am confused about something, and it's a question I've wanted answered for a while. For Legacy characters like Terry Mcginnis, Richard Grayson, and Cassandra Cain...why is it okay for them to take on the Name of their predecessors, but for someone like Miles Morales, it's not? Terry took on the name Batman, and so did Richard; Cassandra took on the name Batgirl, and so did a handful of other characters, too. I think before Barbra Gordon, before the Silver Age, Bette Kane was the first Batgirl, so Barbra took that name from someone else. I don't know the rules for comics because I mostly read manga😅😅I am someone that needs it explained.
@lucernodelci66 Ай бұрын
This is criminal. Disgusting. Our poor culture. Look to Hefvyn.
@DoctorInk20 Ай бұрын
Oh joy. Another insincere DC adaptation to blatantly ignore. All of it, just... no. I've little to no respect for Bruce Timm nowadays. He's given too much credit for "creating" _B:TAS_ and he's a little _too interested_ in drawing pin-up images of suspiciously-aged, nymph-like, young women for my liking. Case in point, the Bruce x Barbara thing creeps me out.
@DarkAlex1978 Ай бұрын
I'm fed-up with race swaps and to see Harley Quinn everywhere even where she does not belong, so I will stay away from this new series. PS = Honestly, a black Perry White sounds like a bad joke XD
@godswillwariya9082 Ай бұрын
Enfp. Harley Quinn
@robsmoviecollection3715 Ай бұрын
Yup. Jimmy Olson is black. Perry White is black. (and Btw, why is it mostly white to black?). ANd now even Otis will be black. But not goofy like Ned Beatty because a black man can't be shown as incompetent. I didn't even like it when Perry White was made Southern in the Superman tv series. "Great shades of Elvis" my butt.
@santaoptimus3114 Ай бұрын
That one tinsy tiny dislike is Bruce Timm, you know, he can get bent with his trash subversive demistification edgy relativist millenial writting pseudoparody trying to be le funny edgy garbage!
@rebelbear428 Ай бұрын
Our culture is dead until these maniacs no longer own the characters… public domain is around the corner
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