Christian Women are Sweet, Feminine & Untrustworthy

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Alexander Grace

Alexander Grace

5 жыл бұрын

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@alexandergrace5350 5 жыл бұрын
Email from a Female Fan: Hi Alexander, I stumbled across your channel about a month ago and really been enjoying the content! I recently saw your "Will Women Split The Dinner Bill?" video and would love to give you my response :) I'd say this question really depends on the culture you grew up in. Personally, I come from an Italian/Middle-Eastern background and was raised in a more traditional household, where part of the courting process is the man impressing the woman with his charming personality and financial prosperity. Now, while I do offer to pay out of etiquette, I still expect the man to pay for my dinner on our first date and to treat me throughout our relationship. To me, this shows you really care about that woman, willing to take care of her, and you're committed. Not sure why many of these men are complaining because you'd be surprised how many men actually do pay for dinner (not many). I can see where the problem lies however, with ungrateful/free-loading women never appreciating anything a man does for her which makes these men more hesitant nowadays to financially take care of their woman. I'm currently in a healthy LTR with a great guy who I deeply respect and admire, loves to take care of me and at the same time I really enjoy treating him out to a steakhouse and getting him a new bottle of luxury cologne just to show him how much I care about him and always appreciative for the things he does for me. Personally, I don't support the 50/50 culture that is becoming very prevalent in the West (I live in Canada). Especially in the long run if you're married and the husband wants to split mortgage, utilities etc to me it shows you're not able to provide, simple as that. And I find it quite hypocritical for men (especially the ones in your comments section) to want a high quality woman to fall onto their laps without them doing any work whatsoever. I can only speak for myself when I say that I'm more of the ride or die type female, and if I see my man going through financial hardships I definitely won't hesitate to contribute and help out where I can, as long as I see [potential] for him to grow. Hope I provided a little more insightful answer than the women in that video as I found their answers to be a bit vague and/or contradictory. Keep up the good work! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My video response:
@magdalenojuan 5 жыл бұрын
Is she attractive? I am sure if she was an attractive person whom got hit by many guys would change her view due hypergamy.
@Mr_Don1 5 жыл бұрын
The problem is that modern women sleep around, which COMPLETELY devalues them in the eyes of most men nowadays. You can't expect a traditional guy if you're not a traditional woman. Men are just simply realizing now that modern women just simply aren't valuable enough for men to want to provide for them. It's just not worth it.
@fredminpin 5 жыл бұрын
She's using a defunct model, in this day and age it takes both people working and contributing to the expenses of life. In today's world, a woman would use a man and his resources, and would not hesitate to jump ship or monkey branch to the next guy the minute she's siphoned the life from him. True to nature, they'll tell you one thing (for whatever manipulative reason), and do something completely different just as quickly.
@darrekworkman8685 5 жыл бұрын
I think the important thing to remember is that a man should provide for his children just like a woman should provide for her children in a cooperative manner. It isn't about women for a man to provide for the mother of his children, it is about the children. A pregnant woman just isn't capable of being able to handle everything that goes into taking care of herself and her child so a man needs to take up the slack for the health and wellbeing of their child. A pregnant woman isn't going to be able to out run a lion so the father needs to be willing to back the lion off of her. Again this is for the health and wellbeing of their CHILD not for the woman herself. Similarly a pregnant woman isn't going to be able to handle a physically demanding job. All of this is perfectly reasonable from the perspective of protecting and providing for children. The problem is that many women aren't willing to look at the bigger picture and understand that it isn't about them. They feel entitled to what rightfully belongs to their child and in a vary real way they are engaged in stealing from children because of their entitled attitudes. In general men are willing to do extraordinary things for their children that a woman shouldn't think is all about her. When it comes to 50/50 I actually agree that one person should pay for the date. If you ask someone else out you should pay for them on the date. This goes both ways and women who ask a man out on a date should pay for the date. This makes it possible for people with deferent economic means to be able to interact in the dating market. If one person can only afford McDonalds and the other is used to eating at four star restaurants it's important to be able to have a social rule that allows for them to function in an easy to understand way. If you decide what is going to happen on the date you should be the one to pay for it. Men need to also expect that even if they are the ones who ask a woman out the first time she should be willing to ask him out at some point. If she isn't willing to ask you out after the first few dates than just except that she isn't that into you and move on.
@breakingthemasks 5 жыл бұрын
That a husband should provide for his wife and children is generally accepted, so this is not the interaction we are debating. The question is whether a man should provide for a *possible future* mate. During the preliminary evaluation phase of a relationship. In particular the "first date". At that point in time it is very likely that the man or the woman finds a deal breaker that means further interactions do not occur. Thus, we are aiming to ensure that each interaction in this phase avoids being exploitative. That means that a man doesn't take advantage not women (typically via sexual favors) and then bails. And that a woman does not take advantage of a man (typically by financial favors) and then bails. For this reason the most fair interaction is one where each party pays for their own part. By using this mechanism, both parties invest equally into the interaction, and both are free to make unbiased judgments about whether further interactions are desired. Women don't like to think of it this way, because they have, for a long time, benefited from receiving free resources due to men's desire to interact with them. In historically times, women had little or no access to income, and thus it made sense for men to pay for everything. But in the modern era this is no longer the case, and this the old tradition of mennpaying for everything has turned into an exploitative situation. Furthermore, the idea of having the initiator of an interaction Pat for the date is a cop out simply because attractive women almost never initiate dates.
@andyolsensovereignbeing.6211 5 жыл бұрын
Sweeping statement. Not all Christian women follow the bible word for word.
@Nick-cw9my 5 жыл бұрын
andy olsen bingo. Christian women have lower rates of adultery and divorce (60% for secularists, 33% for devout Christians), and are more likely to report marital satisfaction. The key is to think about averages, not outliers
@Mike-xt2lh 5 жыл бұрын
@soilthestillborn4949 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah my grandma is a christian but never read the bible and when i tell her something like "woman where housewives because of the bible and the church" and she keeps telling me im wrong and that theirs no way in hell the bible says that and she calls herself a christian but she had kids at 16 so nope no waiting till marriage to loose virginity and she doesn't follow any of the rules in the bible, just the one about being a good human and being nice and respectable to everyone but thats just basic morals, you dont need a religion to tell you to be a good person.
@vitaliyvidz175 4 жыл бұрын
@@soilthestillborn4949 Written that the law is written on our hearts... It's innate. Given to everyone, but listening to it/acknowledging it and avoiding it/not being in tune are much different.
@JudeKnowsWhatYouDoNot 4 жыл бұрын
@1chumley1 or religious women are more likely to find religious men who are less likely to be violent or commit adultery according to statistics...did u consider that
@stuckmannen3876 5 жыл бұрын
Important point: Just because some girl who called herself a christian did something, does not mean it was a Christian thing to do :)
@whispie. 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@mrangles3402 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@giriprasadkotte9876 2 жыл бұрын
No true Scotsman
@shotokan1329 2 жыл бұрын
Actions will tell you. Just like everyone else.
@CONEHEADDK 2 жыл бұрын
Is it really not logic because of 2021, or what has happened since sanity was "the rule". That some motorcyclist rides over a red light doesn't make running red lights a motorcyclist thing to do either.
@darthimperious1594 4 жыл бұрын
As someone who is a firm believer in science, and yet believes firmly in the Christian God, I understand your resistance to Christianity. The key difference, for me, is that I trust science as far as it will take me, and beyond that point I trust in God. Science doesn't disprove God. Science can't. It also cannot prove God either. But that doesn't mean they're incompatible. A strong faith in science and logic can go hand in hand with a strong faith in God. Just remember, if God truly is worthy of being called God, then he can handle your doubt and your desire for answers. Doesn't mean you'll get all the answers you want, or that the answer will be what you want, but never stop questioning. A blind faith is a shallow faith. My faith in God is stronger BECAUSE I questioned and doubted Him. But the difference is that I sought out answers, and the answers I got were not things that made me feel good, but they made sense logically, so I was satisfied.
@chevychelios4672 4 жыл бұрын
Ah a truth seeker. Keep it up, man!
@martyr3378 4 жыл бұрын
Your not allowed to think that!
@barnikmahanty5174 4 жыл бұрын
I went on the same path as you but i came out atheist, not an arrogant prick or a cynical bastard. The thing that gave meaning to my life was how lucky i am to be present and alive in this possibly infinite cosmos of which we know nothing about. I hope your god doesn't cloud your judgment and decisions but just a pillar of hope and strength.
@gonzalezm244 3 жыл бұрын
Darth Imperious I suggest cosmic skeptic’s channel if you really want to challenge your beliefs.
@johnj3027 3 жыл бұрын
I dont get it.. Of course Science can't prove or disprove a "made-up" being.
@quietmoments2442 5 жыл бұрын
I am a Christian man. I will use your example of stealing. Stealing is a sin, yes. Though I know that stealing is wrong not just because it is wrong, or the bible says so. I know it impacts the owners life, in a profound, damaging way. It takes away more than their possessions, but also love and trust. Which damages them spiritually as well. As well as rob you honor, respect, spritually even more. Being taken from is different than being The one doing the taking. Damaged more by doing the wrong thing. The one robbed can make more, or buy another, and move on in there honest, good work. The bible also says you must work hard by the sweat of your brow, earn everything you keep. The story of the stoning of the adulterer in the new testiment, was to show how Jesus challenged the way man would deal with sin, and to prove his diety through his ability to forgive sin. Which only God can do. The men stopped Jesus, confronting him as to what he would do. Saying by "the law" she should be stoned. He stopped the men who would have her stoned. Asking the men "he who have no sin among you cast the first stone". Of coarse no stones were thrown. The men left, and Jesus shows his grace and tells the woman to leave and sin no more. Adultery hurts everyone around us, and in ones life. It's dishonest, not to mention risk of diseases, unplanned pregnancy. And hosts of other things I can't even imagine. Is that not also wrong because the bible says so. The things listed in the bible as sinful and harmful, are those specific things that you should turn away from, repent for , and turn to Jesus. Also I've seen nothing untrustworthy given in your video, that these women did, to incite you blanket statement that, "christian women are untrustworthy". Just your perspective.
@imjozen 5 жыл бұрын
He explains his position fairly well. The teachings in the Bible can often be given logical reasons behind them, but even though *you* can give logical explanations for why certain sins are wrong, that says nothing about the ability of Christian women to do the same. You choose to operate under the assumption that they can, Alexander chooses to operate under the assumption that they can't.
@WildBillHickums 5 жыл бұрын
Yh, he did oversimplify that.
@vl_rs 5 жыл бұрын
Christian female. It’s great to see that you have thought about this through. Reality is that not all people think things through, at least to form actual logical evaluations of things. What he was trying to say is that it’s not the same thing getting a conclusion because you thought about the issue, and just taking it as a matter of fact because “it’s written in the Bible” without any other thought process... In my opinion, that’d be just like doing something because everyone else is doing it (trends) It tends to be not really substantial and doesn’t speak much about the individual... idk at least that’s what I got from what he said I’m pretty sure that if he met a Christian girl that also tries to rationalize things AND it’s open to discussion, his thoughts would be different.
@BloodgodArmor8 5 жыл бұрын
@Curtis Vaughn - The reason why he said "they are untrustworthy" is that if their reasons for not stealing is superficial and only predicated on the Bible says not to do it. Then when they fall away from the faith they will steal because they're reasons were shallow and had no real emotional root. But if they refrain from stealing for the reasons Alexander gave, then they will not do it regardless of if they believe in God or not.
@EstrellaViajeViajero 5 жыл бұрын
It makes a nice story for us, but it wouldn't have been so great at the time. Those men probably didn't understand the whole moral of him being God and forgiving sins, what they got out of it was that they were humiliated by some teacher who, because of his popular following, prevented them from following their country's laws.
@edwardo737 5 жыл бұрын
One thing I like about you Alex is that you are open. Seek and you will find.
@jarodsimmons2542 3 жыл бұрын
I've dated christian women and I have to say that, at least in my experience, they weren't just forming options based on what the bible said, they actually thought about it all the way through and formed opinions logically. There are of course women that have this groupthink, fave- value mentality but I don't think it's right to say that every Christian woman thinks this way. You have to determine if they actually think these things through or not and then decide whether you'd want to date them. To me these seems like a matter of intelligence more than religion.
@CristianIntriago_ 2 жыл бұрын
True, a life of a Christian is first listening the rules of the bible, after that listen what the church people say, then don't agree with things and after years of analysis understanding why.
@ytplol8446 Жыл бұрын
Dont want a woman whose not passionately against evil and sin genuinely and do for good unto others, simple.. Do good deeds and h8 evil..
@Chaosmite 5 жыл бұрын
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with all of your heart, strength, soul, and mind. The second is like unto it which is to love your neighbor as yourself. What this means is that if I love you as my neighbor, I won’t steal from you, because I wouldn’t want anything stolen from me. If I love you as my neighbor, I won’t sleep with your wife because I wouldn’t want anyone sleeping with mine. Etc etc
@coachzaynab355 5 жыл бұрын
Awesome comment
@ratamacue0320 4 жыл бұрын
#1 (at least) is problematic, as it commands people to love a (fictional) someone more than their spouse.
@ratamacue0320 4 жыл бұрын
@Mourning Star then is the best way to love a Christian by condemning their mistaken and harmful beliefs?
@ratamacue0320 4 жыл бұрын
@Mourning Star not an insult so much as turning your idea on its head, and putting you on the receiving end. Starting with your belief that whom consenting adults love, and the categories of people they are drawn to love, can be wrong - which has caused untold anguish and harm to those born with desires different from yours, *because of* people like you attempting to impose your will (or your supposed "God's" will) on them. I'm familiar with the Bible, and its good and bad ideas. I've read and studied it.
@ratamacue0320 4 жыл бұрын
@Mourning Star > So, if you're not a Christan, why are you commenting on scripture you don't believe? I care about people's well-being, and about truth, so I challenge what I consider to be false and harmful ideas when others attempt to propagate them, regardless of whether those ideas come from a source that some people think shouldn't be questioned. > The Bible says homosexuality is a sin; if somebody believes scripture, they believe it is bad. Assuming they agree with your interpretation and approach, yes, duh. > Your secular notions are meaningless here Just because I disagree with you doesn't make my ideas meaningless. Why are you attempting to shutdown the conversation? Alexander isn't even a Christian, nor is he attempting to propagate Christian ideas, so it's not like you even have a valid claim that this is "your turf" or something.
@kingkang6877 5 жыл бұрын
I am a Christian guy and what I have learned is there is absolutely no difference between Christian women and non-Christian women. Meaning they will go for guys that are rich, successful and good-looking. And they have every right to if that is their preference. But their focus on the "godly man" doesn't typically hit the top of their list THOUGH they may say its super important....ultimately its not. They still like the bad boy and all that stuff. So really what I'm saying there is no difference with women. That is my observation at least.
@raymond942 5 жыл бұрын
King Kang .. agreed, a good godly pious man will be 2nd to the alpha male... that’s simple universal biology ...
@theartofcute217 5 жыл бұрын
Woman here. I've experienced the same thing having Christian women friends non Christian female friends. The only difference is my non-Christian friends tend to be MORE excepting of my morals and values than the Christians.
@ryan_drums 4 жыл бұрын
True, but at least you both have moral ground to stand on. If you each have something fundamental to look toward (God / The scripture) then you have absolute truths you can relate to. If you date a woman in 2019, how do you know that she won't suddenly say something you completely don't agree with at all on a fundamental level ? Christian women might be the same as non Christian women but if they are actual Christians, meaning they want to follow Jesus and are actively trying to, at least you know that they can agree with you on fundamental issues - the kind of issues that could be a disaster to find out you two don't agree on if you end up marrying them etc And i specifically bring up fundamental issues, because those are very relevant to today due to agenda's being pushed more heavily than ever with fundamental argument on both sides. Example: abortion, gender identity biology.. things that you clearly have to agree on or you just aren't compatible with that person. Granted, none of this matters if you are just dating the girl with no future with her in mind. And, if you are doing that, you aren't any more 'Christian' than she is as far as building a relationship is concerned so just stick with secular women then.
@mememania2074 4 жыл бұрын
@@raymond942 In other words, there are no christian women.
@kingkang6877 3 жыл бұрын
Hardy Harhar I agree to that. Yes, men are the same. And yes, we are all sinners in need of God's Grace
@stephenschamber6004 5 жыл бұрын
I do think you're missing something, which is that in your example the "God said so" reason for Christians isn't in place of the reasons you gave, it's in addition to. We add a fourth category of reasons, religious. That said, your hesitance to date a Christian is completely understandable. It's the same for us to consider dating a non-Christian, there are serious potential problems with dating someone who differs so severely in their beliefs. Lastly, I seriously doubt you'll find a Christian girl in a western nation who approves of stoning, no church teaches it. We have different systems of punishment now.
@The3h4d0w 5 жыл бұрын
Stephen Schamber thank you for writing this so I don’t have to 🙂
@HiddenAnonymous 5 жыл бұрын
No. We don't have different systems of punishment. The system that the heathens have come up with is full of long suffering and opportunity to continue multiplying iniquity. God never changes. The reason why stoning is not taught is because your pastors and families are hypocrites who either do not believe in God at all or do not understand that he never changes. The law is good and stoning was a justice system where the entire neighborhood would take part in getting rid of the evil in their area. It also inspired fear into everyone who was considering partaking in the evil. The fear is what keeps humans in line since we are all born lawless and we simply do not rule nations anymore as we used to. Now we are spread about waiting for Yahweh to return us to Israel and then the law, not the law of Moses, will be put back in place.
@coyotefire69420 5 жыл бұрын
@@HiddenAnonymous You have a really dark outlook on life man. Sure its nature and nurture, but morality itself is a social construct. Punishment is different from rehabilitation and reconciliation. Also, Heathen is a strong word for someone talking about a monotheistic religion that kills others of the same monotheistic religion because they use different words to say the same thing.
@willemboshoff4892 5 жыл бұрын
@@HiddenAnonymous yea right, you are going to convert so many people with that attitude. This is exactly the type of thing that makes people dislike Christians.
@kelzreallife8293 5 жыл бұрын
Errmmm... Well said. Most non Christians and religious Christians(IE those who Christians by association and don't have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit) see Christianity as a mindless nod to everything written in the Bible. I love how you explain it in your comment. For most of us, what the Bible says is hypothesis which is confirmed by the Holy Spirit, through our daily lives and the lives we observe others live. In fact I will argue that the only difference between that and science is the source of the hypothesis. We believe in The scriptures while others rely on upbringing, relationships, personal preferences and biases etc. I get annoyed whenever we are dismissed as irrational because we choose to be open to the truth that billions of people since the beginning of history have come to believe in or trust.
@joemcmullin7081 4 жыл бұрын
Last Christian girl I liked turned out to be a sociopath. She only cared about herself and had zero empathy. Most I have encountered are huge hypocrites and pick and chose which bible verses to go by. Being loving and kind to others def isn't the priority of most..
@jumhed994 3 жыл бұрын
Thing to remember is, they're in a relationship with Jesus. He's 'perfect', and you will never live up to Him.
@alexj.denton7453 3 жыл бұрын
That's retarded
@SBrown-ti8xe 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah that was probably the dumbest thing I've ever read.
@revanvonheaven8270 3 жыл бұрын
But you are not so shut up!.
@moroccandeepweb5880 3 жыл бұрын
This guy is looking for a woman who worships him.
@kayumochi 3 жыл бұрын
@@alexj.denton7453 No, it is not: Jesus isn't alive and not much is known about him so people make of him anything they want.
@moveaxebx 5 жыл бұрын
"Scientific world view and religious are completely different views". No, they are not. Nothing prevents scientist to be religious and vice versa.
@kazejah1014 5 жыл бұрын
@moveaxebx 5 жыл бұрын
​@@jackfox-williams1824 Religion is not just based on faith. One of its pillar is reason. The "why" question is very reasonable, but doesn't work on the same plane as mere science. So in my view, reasonable man asks both questions, the "why" and "how".
@moveaxebx 5 жыл бұрын
@@jackfox-williams1824 Again, different planes. Doesn't mean it's anti-scientific. I hold nothing against science when I ask why should I care for elders, sick and weak. It's nothing scientific, but still I care much more than how combustion engine works. Science just doesn't go to these planes. It's nothing but mere discipline among many. I can play basketball, that doesn't mean I'm anti-anything. I know that I must comply to the laws that govern that specific game. Same is true for science and religion.
@moveaxebx 5 жыл бұрын
@@jackfox-williams1824 You are playing guitar right? Does that make you suffer from cognitive dissonance? There's no conflict at all. Different planes means that religion operates on one, while science on another. Religion doesn't bother explaining _how_ cell works, nor does science bother providing evidences for _why_ every human being has intrinsic value. It's a concept natural science cannot cope with or even begin to conceptualise. It's out of reach. But still science can be used as a tool by a person with a religious views. I can believe in Christ and ask my self, why does a brain produce certain chemicals in certain situations. I can question all sort of answers for specific book, never doubting that the Author exists. Therefor science and religion are not different views. Mostly because science is a tool, a discipline not a world view. What you are describing is Scientism, a form of faith/religion that states that material world is all there is.
@STEELGMBL 5 жыл бұрын
@@jackfox-williams1824 There is science behind everything, faith is no different
@Weaseldog2001 5 жыл бұрын
If you're dating a Christian woman, then you're also dating her pastor or priest. Whomever is her spiritual guide, has a say in how your relationship with her, plays out.
@MOm4r 5 жыл бұрын
@Don Sargone whomstdve
@Zayindjejfj 5 жыл бұрын
@Weaseldog2001 5 жыл бұрын
LOL, thanks for the spell checks. Fixed now.
@Wormwoodification 5 жыл бұрын
I'm totally not Christian but isn't that everyone though? We all have something we consider a 'higher power' even if it's just science. If we as humans take up some sort of allegiance and belief than it's going to color our actions and bring that into our relationships. Anything can be a god to someone. That is why you vette a person's belief systems before you engage with them on a committed level.
@stopslabrile1781 5 жыл бұрын
I have also heard is said if you are dating a modern liberal woman you are also dating her friends. No doubt all the juicy details get reported back.
@Bojanglesz89 5 жыл бұрын
I think a Christian girl would come to the same conclusion for the exact same reasons but with the added benefit of having her morality objectively justified in God. God, being our creator, has created us to live according to certain laws, which are good and just because God is love and justice. You, on the other hand, can only claim that your morality is (inter)subjective, which leaves people ample room to disagree with you and go against you without repercussions as your morality is ultimately just your opinion. This is what we see all around us today, because people deny objective morality / reality and all that is left is the strong dictating to the weak what is good and just (Nietzsche).
@weloveTM123 2 жыл бұрын
Well said. If there is no higher morality, coming from something beyond ourselves, than who is to say what is wrong or right?
@Mrs.Silversmith 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. The Christian places their moral standards in faith in an objective external truth that can be known insofar as they can know and form a relationship with God. Those with no belief in God can only come up with subjective standards to describe morality.
@peterc3262 5 жыл бұрын
Alexander, the problem with your logic is that you assume Christians don't believe the same as you with regards to the examples you use here. There aren't many Christians whose logic ends at "the bible says so." This is usually a first response when the person isn't willing to debate and you are right that the sort of person who thinks no further into a subject than this (no disrespect to them) would be wrong for you, but you are wrong to assume that a Christian wouldn't follow/agree with your biological or sociological reasoning of theft or gender difference. I do and I am a Christian and I know Christian women who agree. I am supposing that you didn't grow up around Christians and don't associate with many because you seem to have the shallow nu-atheist view of us that Dawkins and co pushed however long ago that was. It was a straw man then as it is here, although I know you don't use it in malice. Is there not a Christian who says "why?" when told something is wrong or right in the Bible? There are many - especially those who came to belief as adults or who have many non Christian friends. The very name Israel means "he who wrestles with God." I enjoy your vids and have been following you for a while. You asked for comments and I hope you see this one. In the end I agree with most of the things you talk about and your reasoning, it's just that I, and some Christian women, would respond, "yes, that's why the bible says that." I mean all this as if I'm talking to a friend so I hope it doesn't sound harsh. Have a good one!
@Purplepentapus_ 5 жыл бұрын
I 100% agree, at the surface level, most Christians will probably give God as the first reason, but if pressed further, they will give many of the same reasons he did in the vid. Most people follow a doctrine or religion because it fits what they mostly already believe, people typically don't join a group of thought and then blindly follow all of its beliefs just because it says so
@88michaelandersen 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, his argument boils down to "I have three reasons for not stealing, but they have four, and I don't like that."
@annatravis2644 5 жыл бұрын
I would also add that if people don’t have a standard of morality (the Bible), it’s possible that stealing, cheating, etc., can be perceived to be right and not wrong. The Bible and God’s laws are unchanging so doing those things will never be ok no matter what position you are in. Social and personal conditions can change. Therefore, in my opinion, changing a non Christian’s mind about stealing (for example) would be more likely than for a Christian.
@Mr_Don1 5 жыл бұрын
@@annatravis2644 absolutely. I remember having a similar debate with a friend years ago. I basically stated that, without God, there's no such thing as morality, or right and wrong. A lot of atheists and non-religious people often claim to be naturally decent, moral people, but that is false. That's the God that's present in them, but they just choose not to acknowledge Him, or they don't realize it.
@Shadenir 5 жыл бұрын
Peter C I couldnt have put it better if I tried. Many of the personal conversations I have had with other people have followed the line of them taking the position Alexander does and me responding similarly to your comment. Its amazing how many people have such a shallow view of the Christian belief system. Its just as unfortunate how many Christians propogate that shallow understanding by resorting to that shallow answer first; "Because the Bible says so." As a Christian, the Bible is the cornerstone of my morality, but it holds that position precisely because its dictates go hand in hand with the logical thought process' that Alexander voices.
@ssjmura1654 5 жыл бұрын
The problem I have with your logical deduction that stealing is wrong is that the logic you employ is not universally acceptable to all. It's possible for anyone to come to a certain worldview using logic, however, they will not all come to the same conclusion. The conclusion reached is based on the values established beforehand. For example, you mentioned that if everyone were to steal, then there would be no "progress" in society. "Progress" is a value that you hold in high esteem, but that is not necessarily true of every person. Apply this same thinking to the rest of your arguments and you'll find that if another person doesn't value the same things as you, then they will likely not reach the same conclusion. Hence, logic is not enough to ensure that we arrive at a society in which people work for the common good, there needs also to be a shared set of values. That is the advantage of religion, it gives people a commonly held set of values that are meant to be unquestionable, so that when people employ logic they end up at similar conclusions. A lot of the values we have in modern society are a product of religious adherence, whether you believe in God or not. The idea of God, or in other words, the idea of their being a set of values that are best for a functioning society, is what moved humanity away from barbarism.
@javontaylor9582 5 жыл бұрын
Well one thing you can say about the Christan is that their believe system is very stable. We see the more secular our society becomes the more random our sense of right and wrong is. Because morality can't come from people it must come from God. The fact that you think stealing is wrong is your opinion you can easily make the case through reason that stealing is perfectly fine. Also the fact that you grew up in a Christian society effects your morality, the fact that you agree with Christan is not random.
@quietmoments2442 5 жыл бұрын
That's just what I was thinking about. He may not necessarily "christian", but his society, like America, may have it's root value system based in Judeo-Christian biblical teaching. So everyone, at one time, had a basic similar view of morality, logical process or not.
@veritasabsoluta4285 5 жыл бұрын
We saw how a deeply Christian society operates, Christianity ruled Europe for over a thousand years during the Medieval ages, it was absolutely horrific to live in.
@quietmoments2442 5 жыл бұрын
@@veritasabsoluta4285 but what about after some people faught against the "church" of the day, believing it was the rules of man not of God the church was following. They had fallen from true christianity. Martin Luther was a leader of the reformation period leading to the protestant churches and beliefs. More like what we have today.
@Nick-cw9my 5 жыл бұрын
Curtis Vaughn Christian, not Judeo Christian. Jews had no part in developing Western society, and have actually played a predatory and subversive role throughout western history. Read Culture of Critique for more info
@quietmoments2442 5 жыл бұрын
@TheoPhim 5 жыл бұрын
Jesus says "love your neighbour as yourself". If you love yourself, you’re not going to hurt yourself, and if you love other people like yourself, you won’t hurt them. I invite you to read the Gospels to know Jesus and to know what he really said.
@technoloverish 5 жыл бұрын
Jesus also supposedly said that children who disobey their parents are to be killed. It's in the New Testament.
@guydives1246 5 жыл бұрын
@@technoloverish show me where
@TheoPhim 5 жыл бұрын
@@technoloverish You are not a christian. Are you a muslim? Jesus never said that. If you want to quote the bible give the precise verse et don't use supposedly. If you are not sure don't say anything. The blasphemy against god is a sin and the fear of God it's the begining of wisdom. I think you want to discredit Jesus and the Bible. Matthew 19. 14 Jesus said let the little children come to me because the kingdom of heaven is to those who are like them.
@simpsbelongtothegulags3702 5 жыл бұрын
@@technoloverish you trippin
@mattapusswreks7741 5 жыл бұрын
Do as you would be done by is a very good way to live
@LaVictoireEstLaVie 5 жыл бұрын
I was with a younger "Christian" women in a relationship once. She turned out to be one of the worst people i have ever encountered. The attitude problems, hypocracy, selective morals, lack of respect, prudeness made me lose interest within a year. After that disaster of a relationship, my older swedish friend told me that most religious women are nuts. He has never dated one and never will. Sadly, I have to agree with him. Never again!
@ejtattersall156 4 ай бұрын
Yes, I have found that people who are very Christian are very hypocritical. Someone who believes in God, especially a woman, is generally more stable, and kinder, and more feminine, but "religious" women are cauldrons of repression, and the bad in them will blow up in your face.
@osse1n 5 жыл бұрын
*As a MAN, putting emotions into TRUST is like putting power over you in somebody else's hands.* Trust logically, evaluate the track record, don't become ego invested in people words. Others emotions fluctuate constantly, you don't want them to steer your wellbeing. Be STOIC about life.
@judy4139 4 жыл бұрын
Very true.Evaluate behaviour, character instead of relying on words..Best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour... Emotions cloud judgment and distract us from our goals..
@osse1n 4 жыл бұрын
@@judy4139 Amen
@donatello9482 3 жыл бұрын
@cmmcfielful 5 жыл бұрын
10000000000000000000% facts Christian women are the first to say waiting for marriage and be spinning on the rod next minute.
@stuckmannen3876 5 жыл бұрын
C M There is an improtant difference between conservative Christians (wich are the actual Christians) and liberal Christians (wich are at best "culturaly christians") :)
@oreocarlton3343 5 жыл бұрын
But most who stay with that principle are Christian women
@stuckmannen3876 5 жыл бұрын
"Christian's are the first to sin and get mad at everyone else for doing the same things" - Just because some girl who called herself a Christian did something, does not mean it was a Christian thing to do :) Hypocrisy is not a Christian thing to do, and the Bible ranks it as some of the worst sins you can do. "(...) The "conservative" may wait until marriage and then we she gets popped she gets to being a fanatic and then starts spinning on all the rods she can get a hold of (...)"- I'm afraid the stats aren't on your side, sure you might be right about some outliers, but that's not my experience at all, the once cheating on their partner (in the Christian category) is 100% of the time liberal Christians...(AKA: they did not follow Christian teaching on marriage in the first place) Women are women, after all, the question is what is the best "medicine" for the bad parts of female nature and that at the same time "enhances" the good parts... I would say the answer is good old Christianity. btw No hard feelings ma dude, I really enjoy conversations like this. :) also sorry for any bad grammar (Im Norwegain)
@cmmcfielful 5 жыл бұрын
@@stuckmannen3876 definitely these conversations while it may come off confrontational are definitely a good way of sharing ideas. No hard feelings interesting to hear your thoughts
@sevencolours5014 5 жыл бұрын
What is spinning on the rod?
@dalewier9735 4 жыл бұрын
I have never heard a youtuber be so polite to a belief system that he does not embrace. Thank you. As a pastor of 12 years and believer for 30, it is encouraging to hear you speak of "christian" girls in the positive way you do. But the problem of course is that in the bible belt (east texas) it is still socially acceptable to be a member of some local church. C.S. Lewis, a well known and respected Christian author (wrote the Chronicles of Narnia) said that the best evidence for and against Christianity are believers. So I ask that if you are still open to Christianity, go to the source material. There, I believe that you will find why a true follower of Christ is able to "be pleasant" respectful and reasonable reguardless of who we are interacting with. But I have found a big difference in a particular sub-set of Christian. I suggest that if they say they are a believer, ask her in addition to being a believer has she been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Let me explain. As a baptist and pastor, I see a level of commitment and integrity to the Word of God in believers who have been filled and/or baptized in the Holy Spirit that simply does not exist in denominational groups that preach against or omitt teaching about this experience. Just a suggestion. As a pastor, I have read many studies that were not allowed to see the light of day and this what they discovered: Married couples that are born again spirit filled - "Real" believers have better and more frequent sex. There I used the three letter word. And it is no surprise because we believe that God created us sexual beings. Add to that the clear teaching that men are different than women. Add to that the biblical command for a husband to love his wife and for a wife to respect her husband and you have a pretty good start At a healthy realationship. (By the way Love and Respect is a book I use to counsel couples with. It is the only book I have read from Focus on the Family that DOES NOT blame, one way or another, everything on the man). I pray your openness becomes a holy pursuit that lasts a lifetime.
@machtnichtsseimann 8 ай бұрын
Sorry, Pastor, but I've been around the block, with both Conservative Evangelicals, and Charismatic / Pentecostals, and there were PLENTY of problems in both groups. Relationally, hang-ups about sex, and the latter ESPECIALLY preached about "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" ( with accompanying tongues / miracles / prophecies, etc. ). Both had their doctrinal strengths and weaknesses. We would differ on if there is a 2nd baptism necessary ( to help the Believer level-up...go on Full Blast Fire ), which after going back and forth for years on it land in the previously Conservative camp ( on that specific issues ), seeing that there is nothing 2nd to be had different from all the blessing, love, power to be had in conversion and diligent discipleship. Emphasis on diligent. Why? IMO, there is such a great amount of hypocrisy in the Church, let alone humanity, that even your stating that there are "many studies" finding Christian couples having "better and more frequent sex" was something I was told years ago among Christians, Not so sure. Because too many Christians have a lot of hang-ups when it comes to sex. Why again? Well, my opinion is rather anecdotal over many years in different Christian communities, so apologies for non-scientific research, but my point is that having open-minded, adult, engaging, in-depth conversations on Sex / Sexuality / Alternative Forms of Sex / Preferences, even fetishes and the like, is quite fearfully diverted from occurring, or worse, I am judged as there being "something wrong with him", implying that I am "in sin". Now, how would they even know where I'm coming from when they already shut me ( and themselves ) down from airing our questions and thoughts out with each other? I'm actually both disagreeing and agreeing with your points in that, yes, I've been around Christian couples who had a beautiful love for each other which also ( probably, since they aren't open to talking about sexuality in general ) meant a good sex life. Well...actually now that I think of it, I can already think of a couple who've been married, faithfully, for decades, yet they are not living the sexual dream with each other. It doesn't devastate them, to my knowledge the disappointed one hasn't cheated, but one of my main questions would be: Just how sexually satisfied are Christian couples, anyway? Or the traditional-conservative ones? Anyway, I will strongly agree with your point on how it sure seems that there is a STRONG Bias / Judgment against men for problems in marriages that almost completely do NOT hold women accountable. It's a strange type of sexism ( misogyny? ) where women are such fragile, feeble creatures, but THE MAN has ALL POWER to lead the marriage to great heights! Yeah, no. I don't buy it. My Ex tried that manipulation tactic on me. Didn't work. What didn't help is that there were some Christian men as well judging me on the sidelines for taking more responsibility for our problems. I actually saw her as an Equal, i.e. Adult, which wasn't appreciated. This coming from Conservative Christians. That was royally messed up. I do remember having met some quality Christian women at school who were more mature, though, so it's definitely not an All-Bad opinion on my part. Anyway, while I disagree a bit with you, nothing personal, no hate thrown your way. Love, Truth, Grace to you.
@bbbbbbb51 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Alexander, long time sub here who grew up and still considers himself a Christian here. I do not attend or support Churches as organizations. I think you raise valid concerns about the difference in the thought process on of we might come to the same conclusion, albeit with different routes to get there. I don't think you understand that a vast percentage of young Christians grew up in a time where their religion was heavily scrutinized. This forced many of us to question our faith, morals, and ultimately our entire upbringing. For an example on how this has influenced a fresh way of Christian living and reconciliation is that we belief the Bible is true & most importantly wise, but we don't blindly believe it. We use our minds, analysis, & emotions to understand just how & why these rules or guidelines work. Many Christians in the past have fallen into this empty, rhythmic, & blind rut of Christianity. This group of people frequently do a vast disservice to the values, logic, & faith that religions can bring. These types of Christians generally have a strong affiliation to their sect/establishment and divide more than unite when it comes down to their beliefs. They would rather believe blindly than truly question the rules, context, or interpretation of The Bible. I have a high commitment and value for my religion & how it has shaped my life, but I'm also a deep lover of philosophy & evolutional psychology. Faith & logic CAN coincide and can even help explain each other. I see people frequently treat them as 2 sides of a coin when they're really just different forms of philosophical currency. There's a lot of misconceptions that non-Christians have about Christians & how the different contexts of the Bible. Sadly, too many Christians instantly turn the general public off to their faith. Their misrepresentation pains me.
@frankredwood6103 5 жыл бұрын
I feel you on Christian chicks. I think that's pretty cookie cutter, you know? The devil's in the details, and so are individuals. Even if a woman does give you that answer, I bet you could easily enough lead her out of it. Thanks for your interviews, and lack of hatred in them.
@EsotericHighway 5 жыл бұрын
Spirituality and Science don’t have to conflict.. They conflict when (A) there is a hyper literal interpretation of religious texts with an exoteric view And (B) scientific people get caught up in post enlightenment thinking, thinking that science can explain everything (when it only explains the physical, not consciousness )
@ogrbell8297 4 жыл бұрын
They don’t conflict with one another. People’s lack of wisdom lends to a fundamental misunderstanding that they are somehow mutually exclusive or exist as opposing forces. They reinforce one another.
@notproductiveproductions3504 4 жыл бұрын
Science can’t explain why Jon Jones has unlimited passes for failed drug tests yet Nick Diaz got suspended for years for a metabolite of last months weed
@byteresistor 4 жыл бұрын
Just because science can't explain something (currently), doesn't automatically mean religion can. Infact religion never explains anything, it only TRIES TO. Conjecture is not an explanation.
@dylanbeam3922 5 жыл бұрын
I find it refreshing to know there are other people that value the same things as me when it comes to finding a partner. Loved this video
@danielfurtado5703 5 жыл бұрын
There are so many variables in place that would change dramatically the equation that considering them untrustworthy as a rule is irrational, and I don't mean it as a insult, but a constructive criticism. And in fact non-religious women are much more likely to be more untrustworthy (because they usually hold weaker, nihilistic beliefs and tend to constantly swing to the directions of their own short-term egos) than women who follow the moral principles of Christianity the opposite. Christian women are usually more predictable and predictability is an important factor in a investment.
@danielfurtado5703 5 жыл бұрын
I am talking about Christian women, not women that says they are Christian. And even real Christian women can be unfaithful. That pretty obvious. And yeah, there's no one-factor alternative that you can choose and be right. That's why I said that are so many variables that it is not rational to make the claim Grace is making.
@bradyryden1841 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going to keep that in my mind. But I'm still going to date someone of my religion
@jasonburns9193 5 жыл бұрын
Logic and rationality are a part of the bible. When looking at Christian women, you have to be able to differentiate between the ones who casually follow the bible vs the ones who pull the reality of the teachings out, those who don't segregate spirituality and science but combine the two.
@GHCMargarita 5 жыл бұрын
No logic is not part of the bible, there are countless contradictions
@jasonburns9193 5 жыл бұрын
@@GHCMargarita True, but there are contradictions in EVERYTHING, particularly science. Someone casually looking at science may think it illogical to find the cure for a disease or venom through that actual source, but it's a reality that it can be done. You can't have tunnel vision in science AND/OR spirituality. I'm just saying it's best to choose women who can see the bigger picture in both, if she's religious.
@extragroovy735 5 жыл бұрын
@@GHCMargarita do tell
@stuckmannen3876 5 жыл бұрын
Jason Burns agree, Just because some girl who called herself a christian did something, does not mean it was a Christian thing to do :)
@fonzworthbentley7455 5 жыл бұрын
@@GHCMargarita proof? This should be interesting
@Raz0rIG 5 жыл бұрын
I experienced the same things you've explained in this video. My ex gf claimed she agreed with me on the idea of free will and God's sovereignty can be coincidal and not necessarily mutually exclusive things. Most people think either God made me the way I am and I'm only acting the role of my personalities and traits to any given circumstance or I can't have any free agency. But it would be an assumption that it's impossible to have them coincide. My ex said she agreed on one hand, but her expression and tone said differently. Based on her responses it became clear her understanding of it wasn't truly there. I inquired as to how she came to that same conclusion but her reasoning was shallow, it was simply because it was because the bible says so. I said that's good that you agree but I don't think you should simply accept anything without critical thought. It's one thing to know how something is, but another to truly experience it in your life time and time again. When you want to take responsibility for yourself and nothing is happening, all logic and reasoning tells you you SHOULD succeed if you apply these principles but God's sovereignty doesn't allow for it because it simply isn't happening. So then should I do nothing? If I feel I can't achieve the results I want? -No, God uses my weakness and my shortcomings for his purpose and I can truly be at peace knowing that I don't have to strive for his approval, he already accepts me and that should encourage a Christian to do his/her best rather than acting as a prostitute. A prostitute meaning someone who only views God as a transactional being. If I do good, he will reward me rather than loving God for his character. These feelings I wanted to express and communicate with my ex, but it seemed like this idea was foreign to her even though she claimed she knew this truth. True faith requires thought and meditation on what you are reading, not just blind reading and blind "faith" because if that was the extent of all it took for you to believe, what's to say something else could catch your faith and twist it to something else because your faith can be easily swayed? I believe as a Christian you should meditate on God's word and try to reconcile it in your own mind. Not simply reading it mindlessly and accepting it.
@jackwhite8238 2 жыл бұрын
I had a strong faith before I read the Bible. Bit after so many contradictions and horror stories I kind of fell off.
@Ultimate-Revolt 5 жыл бұрын
"A little bit of science takes you away from God, a lot of science leads you back to Him" -Louis Pasteur
@timah9420 5 жыл бұрын
"Reading the Bible will make you an atheist" - Penn Gilete "More people have been killed in the name of God than any other" - George Carlin
@Ultimate-Revolt 5 жыл бұрын
​@@timah9420 1. I have read the bible and my faith is stronger than ever. 2. Communists killed about 200 million people and enslaved half of the world, in the name of equality
@davp226 5 жыл бұрын
Great quote.
@davp226 5 жыл бұрын
@@timah9420 peoples fight for recourses, it just so happens they have belief system not the reason to fight
@timah9420 5 жыл бұрын
@google owns you most atheist read the bible and know more about it than most christians. The idea that most killings haven't been done in the rame of religion is laughable. What do you think caused the crusades, or Spanish inquisition. Obviously religion has been going great for the middle east for thousands of years. In what war has religion not been a factor?
@sirtarquin6306 5 жыл бұрын
As a Christian I've never really understood people's concern with our faith in the Bible. Deuteronomy 32:35 "vengeance is mine and recompense their foot shall slip in due time for the day of their calamity is at hand and the things to come hasten upon them" we don't need to stone people karma is a thing. judge them by their fruits if you truly think these women are untrustworthy people put yourself in a controlled position of weakness just to see what they'll do 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 to 17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." a girl's belief gives you an excellent opportunity so long as she truly believes in the Bible all you need to do is find the right verse assuming the Bible does actually agree with you and you win every argument. Women generally like to take an emotional root when they're losing an argument but assuming that this woman in question is actually a Christian that's not going to be an option for her. this is what my dad does to my mom all the time and they've been married for 29 years
@MarkScott1 4 жыл бұрын
"As a Christian I've never really understood people's concern with our faith in the Bible." Largely due to the fact that you "people of faith", rely on faith to answer the most important questions in the universe. Religion also crates a huge bias and therefore leaves people less open to discuss the true reality of certain subjects.
@MarkScott1 3 жыл бұрын
@Hardy Harhar Straight to the defensive. Where did I say only religious people have bias? Yes, exactly. Unless you want to address what I did actually state, move on.
@sirtarquin6306 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarkScott1 I'm sorry for what happened to you. keep your head up buddy I'm sure it'll be alright. Have a blessed life.
@MarkScott1 3 жыл бұрын
@@sirtarquin6306 Nothing has happened to me, I just happen to be born a rational human being with critical thinking skills. Based on your comment I can safely presume that you weren't.
@sirtarquin6306 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarkScott1 don't worry friend the sun will come out tomorrow. 👍
@greggwaters5682 3 жыл бұрын
Do not speak bad of yourself. For the warrior within hears your words and is lessened by them” Old Japanese Samurai proverb
@danesmith2133 5 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your open mind on the subject. Being as I was raised in a Christian household I can understand where the views of these ladies is cultivated, and I also appreciate the logical way how you have managed to come to the same conclusion. There is an explanation for how these two approaches can both be compatible. But it requires a bit of both philosophical and theological base assumptions to be made first. I would love to engage you further on this subject if you are curious, and if you're not then that's fine too. In the meantime, thank you again for your open mind and positive approach. I have enjoyed all of your videos that I have seen to date.
@michalfritz3581 5 жыл бұрын
Its beautiful to see people calmly exchanging their views, after a shift in supermarket it really gives you some hope and warms your heart.
@juliushorvath5528 3 жыл бұрын
I think common sense should be superior to any religion.
@tadghostal8769 5 жыл бұрын
I'd very much like it if Alex would take a poll of these women regarding whether or not they would commit to a man if the ceremony was taken seriously, but not the marriage contract to the state.. if I ever got hitched, I would say to her: "oh no, no need for us to both go down to the county courthouse, let me take care of it love." /proceeds to bury said certificate in an undisclosed location, smiling while she gets busted for tax fraud in the years to come. Hey, in a gynocentric world, a mans gotta have some sort of ace up his sleeve! 😉
@seekernotlost3815 5 жыл бұрын
I just deleted a very long post. I couldn't think of a reason to care. Hoodies up
@calvin9187 4 жыл бұрын
Hoodies up and dicks out
@vixencreatives5450 4 жыл бұрын
Small correction: dopamine is not a reward mechanism. If you really want a chocolate bar, you have high dopamine levels, once you get that choclate bar the dopamine levels go down.
@urbanfu 5 жыл бұрын
Alexander, you have to try to see 'stealing' as a concept, to see the big picture in the Bible. All the laws in the Western Society are made based in that book of concepts and stories. The girls are just saying it in a simple way without really thinking about it.
@hugjuffs 5 жыл бұрын
There's also a lack of personal responsibility in relationships with religious women. There's a refusal to admit that their God who talks to them is just their own subconscious. "God tells me to love you." Well, what happens when he stops?
@nelsona9381 5 жыл бұрын
Science made all women emotional for one thing,procreation.
@sir.raphimrevelator8644 5 жыл бұрын
@justsheeps7740 5 жыл бұрын
God did
@Omegaures 5 жыл бұрын
Science didn't do shiet!
@salforch 5 жыл бұрын
Science doesn't make anyone
@nelsona9381 5 жыл бұрын
@@sir.raphimrevelator8644 sorry for the term but yep Biology
@director6799 3 жыл бұрын
The stealing question is a moral christians we belive that it is wronf because it is not good and what defines good is God. Because if God doesnt exist, then whats right or wrong would be our own opinion. So it wouldnt be wrong to steal, it would just be ur opinion that its wrong.
@angeldesaray1834 5 жыл бұрын
(I apologize for any typos I'm on my phone and the keys are significantly smaller than my thumbs) I don't know if anyone else has mentioned something along these lines, but as a christian woman, I know i make it a point to come to my own opinions outside of religion. I don't like saying "well, cause the church/scriptures/Lord said so" as my only reason because I understand how flimsy an excuse that is for someone who doesnt share my beliefs. Plus, I was taught from a young age to come up with my own opinions/have a mind of my own. So while i may get nervous if I'm put on the spot (curse that social anxiety) and blurt out "its my religoous view/its a commandment/etc," as my first reason, if I believe a certain thing to be true, I've usually taken the time to think of why I personally believe it/think this way. I.E. Its part of my religious beliefs not to drink alcohol, but my own personal reasons for choosing not to drink is because I don't want to risk becoming an alcoholic, I don't know what kind of a drunk I would be and I don't want to risk being one of the bad kinds of drunk, probably saves me money in the long run, i don't want to consume anything that could be addictive (that's also one of the reasons I don't drink coffee), I've heard it tastes disgusting so really why would you drink it in the first place, the health risks that come with alcohol, etc etc. I know that's just me personally, and I think a lot of people di have these other reasons, though im sure we've all experienced how being put on the spot can make your mind blank in the moment so you only spout one thing, sometimes. and yeah, im sure there's also plenty who mindlessly follow--people from all walks of life follow different things mindlessly. I dont think its christian women specifically that should be worried about as people who lack basic rationalizing skills. I hope what I'm trying to say came across clearly, its like, 5 a.m. And i haven't slept yet, haha.
@simonalexander4039 5 жыл бұрын
Alex, I don’t think that it is fair to assume that taking the Bible’s word for something is inherently illogical. In fact, I would consider it very efficient. Even if you dismiss a lot of the Devine claims that scripture makes, you cannot easily dismiss the rigorous testing of the Bible’s moral concepts throughout thousands of years; concepts that essentially laid the foundations for Western civilization. I think that some personally derived scrutiny is always important, but I would be a fool to trust strictly my own logic over thousands of years and billions of people’s experiences with scripture, and assume that my word would be more authoritative. That being said, I really appreciate your point of view and respect towards someone else’s. I also think it is important to point out that there are many Christians out there like myself who are not afraid of questioning traditions and ideas, not simply taking them at face value. Great videos, and thanks to all the women who participate in them!
@edmondmarkaj9026 3 жыл бұрын
I have been dating a christian woman for about three months last year. I would say she was pretty religious. Going to church, praying a lot and so on. She always said that she follows Jesus and as Jesus is described as pure love, she therefore followed love. Now her actions did not match up with that at all. She was often very negative, cold and disrespectful and could not take any critizism. I was always wondering why she couldn't see that. It was like that in her mind she did not do anything wrong since she was religious and prayed to god. She did not really reconsider her actions, her words. She did not try to work towards love, reason and a healthy relationship. I often think a lot of religious people do not care about the truth. It's like the truth is whatever they want it to be. And they stick to that. What are your thoughts about this guys? Have you experienced something similar?
@caribbeanbound8357 2 жыл бұрын
The more my wife and I tried to follow biblical principles of our marriage, the better our marriage became. As far as rules for life, it's my assumption that God already knows human nature since he is the creator. That's why those rules exist. Also, virtually all of our rights-based basic laws are derived from the biblical reference because all of the logic you added is already known and had been meditated on by folks throughout history as well as Christians today.
@bellaellala 5 жыл бұрын
I’m a Christian woman and I can see where you’re coming from but there are some flaws. First, I think your assumption that Christianity and science are completely incompatible is untrue. There are Christian scientists who work to link the two together. Also being logical, it’s difficult for me to throw away science because I believe there is a God... and it’s also illogical for a scientific man to completely throw out the possibility of a God... but this is for another discussion. Second, not to offend the women you’ve met but I think they are quite “simple” to say they do something just because the Bible says so. I do good to others because I would appreciate others doing good to me and it makes society a better (stable, pleasant, orderly) place. Times change and we must adjust (so modern Christians wouldn’t believe in stoning for example) so not all of us take every word in the Bible literally. I think the Bible (Christianity) is there to help guide people in the simplest terms so that most average people can understand. I don’t think it’s the Christian aspect that will make a women untrustworthy, I think it’s her thought process and actions... I believe you want a woman that can think and in your experience the Christian ones haven’t shown you that... but some of us are logical.
@cyrusprime7037 5 жыл бұрын
Mira A also speaking of science there have been Muslim scientists who have discovered astrology and even algebra during the medieval era of the Middle East
@Blox117 4 жыл бұрын
nearly all scientists are not religious at all
@joelstatosky1817 3 жыл бұрын
@Fire & Air .Yeah some people try to use the amount of days of creation as an argument against it. But if they would just take the time to look at the hebrew in context it means a period of time.
@legatoleyte5387 5 жыл бұрын
Sadly people claim to be “Christians” but not actually follow and be disciplined to the word. In Genesis, before the creation, and am not discussing KJV because it has been omitted and revised, but here it goes In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word is God. So logically speaking what is the meaning of this Phrase? Well God is the Word, and the Word flows through God, and God flows through the word. You can’t claim yourself as a follower if your not obedient servant to the Word. Even in Revelation when 2nd coming of Messiah arrival and judged every living souls and the dead, and the world is at its end, God’s Word still remains. Adam the first human was obedient to his creator, it was beautiful then. But unfortunately woman was created as a partner for man, but no need for me to explain, I believe we all know the story unfold to. So it doesn’t mean she is a Christian she’s Golden, it’s still in her nature to be disobedient.
@davidmoran4875 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your Gracious commentary Alexander. I do agree that there are many who profess the faith that have a surface level knowledge of the Bible where they can be lead astray into such argumentation. The difference between a knowledgeable Christian and the others I mentioned above is that there is the basis of knowledge of the character of the deity that Christians worship. Your response presupposes that Christians believe in a god that seems more deistic than a God that is both transcendent and simultaneously imminent. The doctrine of simultaneous transcendence and imminence is as easy to reconcile in our finite minds as Kant's paralogisms of pure reason. Let's take another example within nature. Light is a simultaneous manifestation of waves and particles. Although such a manifestation cannot be reconciled by quantum physicists, they must affirm that such paradoxes exist. Getting back to God's transcendence and imminence this is why you are able to reason that stealing is wrong. I believe that the transcendent God created us in his image and because of this you are able to reason that stealing is wrong. That is what you ultimately derive from general revelation or natural law. This is what The Apostle Paul addresses in Romans 1:19-23 and Romans 2:14-15. I hope this helps clear any conflicting information you may have received from the so-called new atheists movement? Peace.
@jonathanosterhout1572 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with this completely out of my own experience. I would also not recommend being with a girl just becuase she said she is christian. i will only be with a girl that has the same mindset of me and come to same conclusions as i have about right and wrong. i was married to a "baptist christian" for 9 years. she said divorce is wrong, she said lying, stealing, cheating, hating is wrong because God said so. well, she said she believed those things..... In our marriage she lied, stole, cheated, hated and was disrespectful for many years. unfortunately, this ended in divorce.... now i am with a girl that is not extremely religious but the most kind loving girl ive ever met and im much more happy for it becuase the goodness in her heart is what she truly believes, not just because God said so.
@jessiek7041 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Alexander! You probably won't see this but I'm going to share anyways because I really liked this video (plus I'm trapped in bed right now under a sleeping toddler). I'm a Christian woman and I'm glad you enjoy talking with/listening to my sisters in Christ! It's true that we agree on many issues and that's probably why I like your channel so much... It doesn't offend me in the least that you wouldn't date a Christian woman, in fact, I think that's very wise. Our worldview is completely different from yours and (here we go... I'm doing exactly what you talked about) the Bible warns us not to be "unequally yoked"
@alexandergrace5350 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks x
@johnpaulsmajda 5 жыл бұрын
Alexander, is what you are sharing about the Christian perspective on morality based on your experiences in actual conversations with Christians? It sounds like in your examples that you are share what you think a Christian would answer rather than your experiences with engaging in conversation on these topics with them. Further, your examples would hold true for Christian men and women as well. Wouldn’t you just say, “Christians are untrustworthy?”
@_1z_ 5 жыл бұрын
Mr. Grace can you tell me your secret how you can explain yourself so good? You seem to be always aware of the things you need to say and have the right words for it, I seriously envy you, it's a really good skill
@danielhorne5175 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Christian and I think you’re correct in your thinking on this. You shouldn’t date a Christian girl because of the same argument you put forth. If her one authority is the Bible, and yours is not, the lives you both live will never be guaranteed to be lived by the same motivations and will never end up in the same place, at least happily that is. That is the same reason that a Christian should not date a non-Christian. This is actually pointed out in the Bible as a command in the New Testament. So if a girl who claims she’s a Christian is even willing to date you, assuming you’re a non-Christian, assume that she’s likely not a Christian and even if she is, she is not a reasonable one at that and will cause you both misery.
@jeffouellette9946 Жыл бұрын
Well a fornicators do not inherit the Kingdom like the Bible says then it sounds like to me people should not even be dating in the first place. Unless you can keep yourself abstaining then there's no use in dating.
@brownhairedgirl23 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, I am a Christian woman in my early twenties, in Australia, too. I believe it’s crucial that two people in their Christian partnership must wholeheartedly be on the same page, so there is no question about Christian women dating non-Christian men, and vice-versa. Personally, I won’t date, but be in courtship.In my opinion, what most people don’t think about is that there are also different stances on every person’s beliefs and values. For example, there are Christian denominations. Additionally, two people who share the same denomination can also disagree in many values, political stances and social preferences. Furthermore two atheists can be incompatible with one another (I’m speaking for the world’s traditions in dating) if one person gradually becomes more agnostic through friendship/ co-worker influences. This is where I also differ with those women in your video; I believe the Holy Bible is the Word of God - all that is Holy, Law, Truth, and something that has no beginning or end (no matter how hard the concept is to grab ahold of), and not just a religious book to pick and choose verses to live out by. God bless anyone who’s read this :’)
@souti7436 5 жыл бұрын
As a Christian woman with a degree in Philosophy, I am honestly disappointed in your ignorance. Are there Christians who reach conclusions based only on the Bible, yes, but there are idiots everywhere who have not bothered to figure the world out for themselves. One can be Christian and logical. Perhaps I could suggest his as a new perspective. You agree with Christian values, after following a logical process. So do I. It is a reaffirmation of my faith that logic and the Bible often agree. If you have never questioned, never doubted and never figured things out for yourself, then you do not truly believe. Sometimes modern perspectives and the Bible disagree. Why? Because it is a text and as any other must be considered from the perspective of the time and context in which it was written. The 2 rules that Jesus put above all else are: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and love others as yourself. Although difficult, these are the cornerstones of the faith and any interpretation should be measured against these laws. As for things one cannot prove, like the existence of a benevolent God? Well, that is faith and a deeply personal experience that cannot be adequately explained, nor argued.
@souti7436 5 жыл бұрын
@@MisterWebb Okay, you are right. His reasoning for why not to steal is not what I would have suggested, but I wasn't commenting to argue with his reasoning. I was attacking the assumption that religious or spiritual people cannot be logical at all. Of course, I think stealing is wrong, but I believe this neither for the silly reasons he gave nor for the fact that it is a law in the Bible.
@renzovallejos6129 3 жыл бұрын
There is no God. Dont believe anything you are told without proof.
@souti7436 3 жыл бұрын
@@renzovallejos6129 Who are you to assume I don't have proof?
@joelstatosky1817 3 жыл бұрын
@@renzovallejos6129 .Yeah your right, I don't believe in the scientific impossibility of atheistic evolution. I do not deny that evolution is correct, I just deny the idea that nothing created nothing, for nothing, for the sake of doing nothing and it's existence is based on nothing.
@chriztianhusher8401 Жыл бұрын
Nothing worser than marrying a faithless woman pretending to be faithful. Let alone tell you her own translation of what God wants
@stuckmannen3876 5 жыл бұрын
Fair video, Support form a conservative Christian from Norway!! :)
@mingo1337 5 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised Alex Grace didn't recieve a #Metoo charge yet.
@Hadhoudtn 5 жыл бұрын
If I were you I would probably talk more about religions in general and their effect on women instead of just talking about christianity. Lately you've been sharing quite a lot of videos about moroccan women showing probably that you like the way they think and guess what : Moroccan women are mostly muslim so...
@Hannah-um3ri 3 жыл бұрын
As a Christian girl I would never date an atheist anyway. They always intimidate me or think I’m stupid because of my beliefs :(
@Ghost-vg6iq 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think you are stupid because of your beliefs but i will think you are because you never questioned them. Religious people don't understand how this world is extremely cold and cruel especially towards innocent ones.
@princia2149 3 жыл бұрын
In conclusion Christian women should seek Christian men and vise versa 😊 God bless you all ❤️💕
@hyperhektor7733 5 жыл бұрын
From my experience females need religion way more then man, because they are more emotional driven. The same is true for emotional(impulsive/hedonistic/criminals/psychopaths) man. Thats why i think its very wrong to assume atheism is the superior morality. Humans are different and for some religion is essiental to the core (to stabelise their character). I cant see how its superior to take an essiential part of others just because you dont need it. This is especially Darkmatter2525 doenst understand.
@JShul 3 жыл бұрын
Such an insightful video. My ex was jehovah witness and she was the most untrustworthy person I ever met. I could never date a religious person like her after what I experienced. She had no morality compass of her own and relied purely on the bible. It was a horrible relationship that I wish no one with any rational or logical mind go through.
@david22591 2 жыл бұрын
JW's have a slightly different version than the Christian Bible but that slight difference is a fundamental one. When a JW tries to convert someone, especially a Christian they try to hide that fundamental difference until they are more invested. It's deceitful.
@Lengstrom 5 жыл бұрын
What always unnerved me about Christian girls is that some of them do the most horrible things, and think it's all okay because "Jesus forgives me, so why can't you?" I think you should use whichever religion you have to try to become a better person, not to get off the hook for something an atheist wouldn't do.
@Mannusverse 3 жыл бұрын
I am in so much agreement with your statements I almost forgot I was a christian. It's called in the bible being unequally yoked. I never knew that there was piece outside of the faith until I left and my eyes became open to realise life is still carrying on just like it use to.
@m3tr0id86 3 жыл бұрын
The woman that first broke my heart when I gave up being in a relationship with an absolutely beautiful woman for a plain "Christian Cupcake" and it's haunted me for many years. I was even within her father's good graces very easy without trying, I was just being myself. That's not the part that's bad, anyone can choose to cheat or not, it was the Christian girl's crime from my perspective is that I loved her, but she didn't bother showing me the same courtesy when she had to and I quote "had to see her ex for something" it absolutely broke my heart at that moment. I do get many flashbacks often unless I am working on something to keep the memories out of my mind.
@Ultimate-Revolt 5 жыл бұрын
Women are like water. Water takes the shape of the container it fills.
@saeedfarooleMD 5 жыл бұрын
👏👏👏👏👏 well said
@saeedfarooleMD 5 жыл бұрын
And take this from me women are like a mirror they reflecting their Society or women are the reflection of the society
@Seethi_C 3 жыл бұрын
As a Christian, I would love to see your progression of thoughts that leads you to logically conclude that stealing is wrong.
@user-iy2lp3wt1d 3 жыл бұрын
I divide my explanation of what to do (from my perspective) to get along with this kind of psychological differences. I divided in two things: - Psychological perspective - Solutions Psychological perspective There are different types of personality trait identified as OCEAN(openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism). In this comment, I will just talk about openness to experience. There is a high probability that religious women(but this can apply for men too) are low in openness to experience. Therefore, they are not necessarily willing to debate abstract ideas, or to organize logical process on thinking to approach daily situations and topics. For what I notice, Alexander is high in openness, as perhaps some of the audience. This can be considered the real problem of this video. If you agree with a religious woman in the conclusion to a specific topic, even though both of you had a different approach of thinking to that conclusion, that is not necessarily a problem because the act towards the thing in discussion will still being almost the same. Then I think that is not a problem. The problem is: how do you get along with a partner who is not to passionate for looking at the world from that high intelectual perspective? Here I get to the solutions: 1. You understand some Christians women are not willing to discuss ideas with such an open manner. Simply because is not part of their daily approach towards the world. They more conventional and traditional. However, if they cannot pay with intelectual satisfaction over your philosophical perspectives, they can pay and other way(as with that femininity you just told about, higher probabilities of loyalty, sweetness, kindness, comprehension, and many other ways as you have define in other video a “high quality woman”). You can leave those process of thinking and understand for people as high in openness as you are. On the other hand, the only thing religious women might do for someone like you, and anyone high in openness(including me) is to listen to our rational approach and ideas, independently if they agree with them or not from a biblical perspective. That makes the relationship easier-going and at least you can feel more satisfied because you’ve been heard, anyway. 2. The second choice is to give up to someone who is not willing to think outside of the box(or the biblical view) and establish a relationship with someone with your same level of openness. Yet, you can lose many of the fulfilling Christian-women’s behavior and values. That is what I think is the real problem to solve I this video. I hope everyone is safe!
@hifpif7470 5 жыл бұрын
At 3:06-3:20 I think you are thinking just like the apostle Paul when he wrote 2 Corinthians 6:14..."Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness." You are basically saying... be ye not unequally yoke together with a believer... Because it's unsafe and shaky at best. Essentially Christians also don't trust how atheist come to there conclusions as well.... You mention the idea of not stealing and gave 3 reasons why you shouldn't steal... But you also gave reasons to actually steal.... 3:40 ( 3 reasons) stealing is bad Social -- in this case stealing is okay if things still progress... And as long as everyone is not doing it lol (3:49-4:08) Practical- it's okay to steal if you can maintain your peace of mind lol...(4:09-4:24) Biological- with this logic it's okay to steal if your self esteem remains "healthy"(4:25-5:27) The Christian however states that stealing is wrong because God said it and God is good thus stealing is bad..... With this logic you can only steal if God tells you to do it lol. Speaking strictly theoretically... You would never be able to date a Christian woman... Because she would not want to be unequally yoked ( so you don't have to worry much about discussing things with him/her). If you manage to date a professing Christian... You are technically dating one who does not follow Gods word.... let's just hope that she overlooks other verses if you know what I mean.😅👍.
@coachzaynab355 5 жыл бұрын
This is the one comment that has help me realize a lot. Thanks.
@hifpif7470 5 жыл бұрын
@@coachzaynab355 you're welcome 😊
@coachzaynab355 5 жыл бұрын
@@hifpif7470 😊
@nickmattio3397 5 жыл бұрын
You mean a lax Christian who goes to mass for Christmas Eve n Easter but has a very risqué Instagram account updated every hour lol
@HaoPieldeoso 5 жыл бұрын
The way I see it is that many women who claim to be Christian are still women and will still be controlled by their emotions. For many of them, religion is the true way but they dont really know the real reason behind religious teachings, they just go "well, God says so in the Bible". Without a logical reason behind it, they may be more willing to fall to their emotions and rationalize later, or worse, ask God for forgiveness and repeat. Somethin' like that, I suck at putting my thoughts into words.
@rarebarney5681 5 жыл бұрын
When I look at your example, I think about it both ways. I look at it logically and how staling can have negative ramifications on society as a whole but I also look at it from God perspective and from the view of the bible and how you should not steal and treat others how you want to be treated. The whole 9 yards. You make a good point, and I agree with you that some Christians abandon all thought logic and reason when it comes to issues like this and uses the famous tagline, "because God said so." That is a hazardous thought process, and if it weren't such a mainstream thought process for Christians, Christians would be able to understand people more. That thought process can get dangerous because it has been in the past. What is really annoying is that when people bring up stoning and other things that the Bible, it is tough to argue against that point because even though we don't necessarily use that part of the text because it is looked at more of history, people in the past have misused it and messed it up for the rest. I try to tell my Christian friends all the time, and some listen, and some don't. That thought process is very dangerous. For me, I look at your stealing example both way. I look at it logically and how it could have severe ramifications for society if everyone keeps stealing, but I also look at how the bible tells you to treat people how you want to be treated. Sadly, this thought process in the church is not mainstream and is taken over by the mindless Christians. Someday it could change though. Great video.
@mre7152 5 жыл бұрын
That sounds like every Woman.
@stuckmannen3876 5 жыл бұрын
Your channel is really interesting and a breath of fresh air. :) I feel like there is actually some healthy discussion going on in the comments and that's rare in my experience
@Kenzofeis 4 жыл бұрын
The most important problem I see when asking someone if for example stealing is wrong whereupon the say yes with reference to the Book, is that they did not answer for their true self, only with what the manual says, which they per default will claim adherence to - simply because. It is an evasive answer.
@jasonfox9992 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a Christian man, and I don’t trust or feel safe with women, Christian or otherwise. I’ve never met a woman who can use logic at the same level that I can. No matter their beliefs, women are women and think differently. If you and I lived in the same region, I would love to take you out for a beer and discuss our ideas further, but distance being what it is, keep on doing good work sir!
@dreamcore 5 жыл бұрын
when you realize Alexander expects logic to guide his woman
@tikletik 5 жыл бұрын
maybe. I'm not sure it's that cut and dried with him.
@scottmorris7546 5 жыл бұрын
"He that is without sin- cast the first stone" The Bible does not promote stoning
@Mr_Don1 5 жыл бұрын
Right. People attribute a lot of falsehoods to the Bible to prove points and win debates. The most popular one seems to be regarding judgment. It does command people to judge righteously, but most people conveniently overlook that...generally to avoid feelings of conviction. Feeling convicted is essential, though. It's usually a catalyst in self-improvement.
@rosebarnes9625 5 жыл бұрын
But the bible does declare stoning as the punishment for adultery under the law in Leviticus.... Christians with a proper understanding of the "Church Age" should understand we are living under grace and not the law, but the bible does clearly say that stoning is the correct punishment for adultery.
@scottmorris7546 5 жыл бұрын
Perhaps so. But we are no longer making blood sacrifices. Jesus changed everything.@@rosebarnes9625
@jamesbreeden2669 5 жыл бұрын
It is Personal Self Awareness that will change people for the positive!
@Jesus-walks-you Жыл бұрын
My experience I been Cristian 3 years. Talking Normal woman and Cristian woman not much difference. They put there values and everything first then God. As man of God my opinion there small % real Cristian woman and man really follow God with there hearts. The rest is imitation. I am praying for people to wake up from this deep sleep. I pray for the believers in Jesus Christ to; Wake up to loving God with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength; delivered from the God of mammon (Matthew 6:24). Father convict us and deliver us from our hearts attachment to money and what it does in promising freedom security, power and enjoyment.
@inconnu4961 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, brother for your prayer!
@Holy_Moley 5 жыл бұрын
It is more stable to lean upon a higher authority, rather than your own logic. Your own logic can fail, but an outside source, if reliable, can be more stable than you are.
@Holy_Moley 5 жыл бұрын
Now, that doesn't mean that there shouldn't be, or isn't reasons behind why things are in the Bible, but they aren't always explained. The same as a parent doesn't always explain to a child why something needs to be done. But as the child matures in understanding, more reasons are given.
@timah9420 5 жыл бұрын
Just because his logic could have a fault does not mean that morality comes from God. If morality is determined because God says so than it is arbitrary but if someone can be immoral without God saying so then morality does not come from God. The bible says nothing about pedophilia but every one knows that it is wrong.
@webbryan1 5 жыл бұрын
All women I met suddenly become religious in front of my eyes. They say praises like: “Oh God! Oh yes! Right there!” all the time.
@drewyetti 5 жыл бұрын
ryan webb 😂😂😂
@kingkang6877 5 жыл бұрын
@pbalerig 4 жыл бұрын
What's an in-depth video. Thank you very much
@RandHooks 5 жыл бұрын
Alexander, This is a tough one. I really believe people should chase the energy they understand. My meaning behind that is if you are someone who grew up in a (healthy) Christian environment it may be in that person's best interest to date Christian women. When I say healthy I mean someone who still practices their faith. If I were to try to date a woman who does not believe in faith or a God then a huge part of my life and energy is foreign to her. She might reject it, attack it and consistently question its usefulness in my life. It's energy she doesn't understand (she's free not too) this isn't a knock against an atheist. I think it's safe to say an atheist and a Christian probably shouldn't date. Either the Christian or the atheist will have to constantly defend their thinking process and a hard thing to do. A man who loves God and practices faith should pursue a woman who loves God and practices faith. This is a good starting point for a Christian relationship, however, men must remember women are still women. Everything that you've been talking about, hypergamy, she's not yours it's just your turn, woman's emotional response to clingy men, the list goes on is all in play. This where many Christian men screw up terribly. Many of them believe being a Christian is enough, it's not it's merely good grounds to start a conversation in hopes to date someone. In conclusion, I wouldn't say don't date Christian women, I'd say don't forget that she is a woman because she is a Christian. All of the rules of communication and attraction are just as much in play with Christian woman as any other woman. Often times men join a church start giving and doing really good things and assume they can trust everyone. Hell No! Do those good acts and deeds to strengthen your relationship with God, don't let it blind you and allow you to assume you can trust everyone women included. In short, don't drop your guard because you are in a church.
@yaroec 5 жыл бұрын
Alexander, I feel like I must point out some flaws in your logic and judgement; since Christianity acknowledges the fact that this universe and everything in it obey designed laws, therefore, we must acknowledge that there is a designer. Starting by this premise you can really figure out the rest, since the bible has got many facts that were unknown to most people even millenia after, we can see that it's a reliables a source of information. I have many things to help you out to discern, if anyone wants to talk about this, let me know through inbox because I barely got time for typing, a discord voice chat would be a better way for communication.
@williamschlass4598 5 жыл бұрын
I see where youre coming from but I think you have it backwards. We call them physical laws but thats kind of a misnomer. All we do with science is observe patterns and use those to predict the behavior of matter/time/space whatever in the world. If those predictions dont line up with reality, we change our models but thats all they really are - models. They're not necessarily laws and our theories aren't necessariy complete. They're subject to change at any time if we find some interaction or behavior that doesn't fit with our current models. But there's no reason to ASSUME that our models are actually mapping real forces or literal "laws". Take gravity for example - we dont actually know that gravity itself exists, we can only observe that masses seem to behave in a certain way and we call the sum of those behaviors "the force of gravity".
@SensusDivinitatis7 5 жыл бұрын
You have made an elementary category mistake. Philosophy and religion deal with "why"-questions whereas science deals with "how"-questions. There is no incompatibility possible even in principle unless you are committed to a fundamentalist approach to reading religious texts which disregards Genre, metaphors etc.
@valetineinc 5 жыл бұрын
That and Science and Religion aren't polar opposites that's a fallacy if you look up the father of genetics you'll find a Catholic. The concept of Science and Christianity being at odds is just popular propoganda.
@charlesxavier77 5 жыл бұрын
I am sorry I really want to answer to this video but I can't put my tough into wards :(
@peterhauer3960 3 жыл бұрын
Matthew 5:17, 18 says, “Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish them, BUT TO FULFILL THEM. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” - Christian doctrine interprets this verse as meaning JESUS WILL FULFILL THE OLD LAWS FOR US. This means that Jesus has LIBERATED Christians from any duty to obey the old laws. According to every famous Christian theologian in history, this verse means that WE DO NOT NEED TO FOLLOW THE OLD LAWS. We are ABSOLVED from the old Mosaic laws, because of our faith in Jesus. This is how Jesus was able to offer us a New Covenant, based on faith in Jesus as the Son of God; not based on obedience to Mosaic law. Furthermore, there are at least two additional reasons which prove this verse does NOT require Christians to follow the barbaric laws of the Old Testament. REASON #1. There are at least a dozen OTHER Gospel verses in which Jesus clearly says WE NO LONGER NEED TO OBEY THE OLD TESTAMENT LAWS. Over a dozen times, Jesus either changes the old law, or else tells us that the old law in NOT binding on his followers. In fact, the whole point of Christianity is that we Christians are NOT obligated to follow the Old Testament laws, because we have a “New Covenant” based on our faith in our redemption through Jesus. The “Old Covenant” was based on works under the Old Law. It is not binding on Christians. - For example, in the same gospel, (Matthew), just a few verses later, Jesus CHANGES the old Mosaic law. In Matthew 5:38 Jesus says, “You have heard it said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ (See Exodus 21:24) But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn and offer them the other cheek as well.” Obviously Jesus is NOT preserving “every letter” of the Old Law. He is changing it. - Also, in Matthew 5:43 Jesus changes the Old Law in another big way. “You have heard it said, ‘you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ (See Sirach 3:18, which is contained in Catholic and Greek Orthodox Bible, but is not found in most protestant Bibles.) But I say to you ‘love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” That’s a pretty big change! - In Matthew 7:12, Jesus again changes the Old Law, by cutting it down to one simple sentence; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is the law and the prophets.” - And Later, in Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus tells us that we will satisfy ALL OF THE LAW, if we simply love the Lord our God, and act kindly to other people. Here is the verse: “The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” That’s right, Jesus said “the whole law” is satisfied if we just obey these two simple rules. So there is no need for Christians to worry about, “every letter of the law.” - Throughout the four Gospels, Jesus tells us to do MANY things that were previously banned under the old law. Jesus tells us we can eat any foods we want to eat, which violates the old dietary laws of the Old Testament. Jesus also tells us we can work on the Sabbath day, which violates the Old Law. Jesus also tells us NOT to impose the cruel punishments for sexual immorality which were required under Mosaic law. “Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.”
@marcus.guitarist 5 жыл бұрын
This is a little silly. God's law is also also based on logic and science. And when Jesus came, he broke it down real simple for us. Love God, and love other people.
@TkerIsAPimp 5 жыл бұрын
Calling religion anti-science by comparison is putting yourself in troubled waters. I respect your ability but wish you to come to the wisdom of God. Best wishes and thank you for the video.
@stinkfist911 5 жыл бұрын
I personally hate that people think science and religion are mutually exclusive, many scientists (beyond count) have been members of the clergy.
@88michaelandersen 5 жыл бұрын
@@stinkfist911 Science started as a religious practice. People wanted to know the will of the gods around them, so they tried to figure it out. This lead to more and more sophisticated methods of figuring out the world around us, and turn into the science we have today.
@stinkfist911 5 жыл бұрын
@@proxyshooter look brah, im saying that if god is real he prolly speaks math and science. that is all.
@rosebarnes9625 5 жыл бұрын
@@proxyshooter a little research would show you that science is proving the bible correct in amazing ways. There is no need to ignore science to believe the bible, you just need to have a good grasp of science to understand where modern science is not really science, but a conclusion driven pursuit of data to justify the conclusion or simply circular logic.... just saying...
@fadisakkal8802 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Alex, First off, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your work is incredible. I like your work and the people you surround yourself with. It’s like finally finding someone who can clearly and eloquently articulate what I’ve been struggling with all my life. I wish I could meet you in person. Your video where you interview yourself regarding opening up and sharing feelings with a woman is so bang on, there no words to describe it fairly. The aim here is to help men become better men and therefore the world a better place. And I cannot agree with your purpose more. We need more of you great work so please keep at it. On that matter, also please extend my heart felt regards to your fine friend Jasmine! Your videos together are a treasure. In this video you ask about another point of view that you may have not considered. There is a world renowned Muslim scholar Dr. Zakir Naik. Although he is not Christian, but has an interesting argument from the religious (in general) or theological point of view. As to the difference btw Islam and other religions, he mentions that a little bit in the end. His videos are all over KZfaq. Very interesting and very diverse topics addressed from the point of view of Islam. I invite you to watch this video where he addresses the same question about theft and other transgressions posed by an atheist person. It is as if he’s answering your very question.
@j.p.vanbolhuis8678 5 жыл бұрын
Be careful with those videos, as mr. Naik has been proven to spout nonsense (like claiming he knows hebrew, when his examples show he doesn't), do selective reading (like emphasising (spelling?) one aspect of a text and ignoring a qualifier a little earlier).Even his knowlegde of Islam is shown to be defective.
@OhsoScary Ай бұрын
Pausing at one second. Wish I found this sooner. I can wholeheartedly confirm the title. I still have a large box of bible study notes, scripture, letters from her family with verses.. 20 years worth. She read the Bible three times through… i dated strippers with more loyalty and dignity than her. Absolutely the worst gurl I’ve ever known, and I’ve known some evil B’s. I’ve been on a mission to learn all that I can about dating and relationships. You, Alexander, and a couple others on KZfaq are very much appreciated. Thank you
@blackphoenixrises2621 5 жыл бұрын
Science is just a way to explain GODS work. Not counting the theory’s.
@blackphoenixrises2621 5 жыл бұрын
offa of Angeln Umm no. The is only one God. As the word “God” implies there is one supreme being that created everything. If as you say there’s multiple gods, then they’re not god. It’s a oxymoron to say God is multiple gods.
@whispie. 3 жыл бұрын
I love your videos Alex, but in this one you got it wrong my man. Assuming that a Christian (like me) doesn’t agree with stealing just because “God said so” is not only over simplistic, but it’s wrong for the majority of people. Disclosing that you follow a reasoning process and “Christians’s thoughts spring out of thin air” is terribly supremacist, because Christians can also think. Ever since I started watching your channel I’ve been more and more satisfied with my decision, made 3 years ago, of marrying a 19 year old virgin Christian woman. I wouldn’t trade her for any of the hypergamous thots you display in your channel
@NormanLy101 2 жыл бұрын
Some people just have a wrong conception of what's a Christian
@lifewitholga_ 2 жыл бұрын
Awww that’s wonderful 🤍👏🏼 congratulations on marriage
@soulbusiness1015 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your video -------- REALLY HELPFUL. It pains me to say, I have been at times deeply immersed with my local church and I find there are girls that I am attracted to, but have always hesitated to date them. Now I know why, and won't waste my time or attention entertaining the thought. Good. Why? Because whilst I agree with the values in the Bible, it's crazy that people would take everything in there literally and interpret everything in their world through the lens of what being a 'Christian' means. If there's no critical thinking (thinking according to their deepest personal values), and they live life according to some external value system: how do I know who is the real them???? And do I have to pretend to be the perfect Christian the whole time to qualify as their partner? What if I have at some point legitimately challenging questions against the faith, would it all fall apart then? I feel they are either brainwashed or they are hypocrites (why go if you don't truly believe it?). There's no reasonable middle ground.
@Mrs.Silversmith 2 жыл бұрын
I do think there are some points that can be added to this discussion. I am a christian and I am also a firm believer in science. My perspective is that if science is the study of the world around us and God made the universe we live in, then the systematic study of our world should lead us closer to the truths taught in the Bible. In my eyes, if there appears to be some sort of contradiction between the two then one of two scenarios is occurring: Either my interpretation of what the Bible teaches is wrong, or my application/interpretation of the science is wrong. So I have to reexamine both until I can come to a conclusion, and sometimes I'll admit it isn't clear. Another point is that ideally a good Christian should examine the character of God and the teachings Bible to determine whether they think this is something worthy of placing one's faith in. Placing your faith in something blindly is not a mature trait. Now, if someone has come to the conclusion that the God of the Bible is real and that He is a good God, perfect and holy in every way, then it is entirely consistent and logical to use His standards of morality to guide your life.
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