Real Truth From A Woman Sounds Like THIS
Meet The Controversial Pronatalist Couple
Why Do Women Lose It Over This?
This Is Why Men Are Still Angry
This Is The Truth No One Admits
This Is Painfully Embarrassing
This Is Pure Humiliation
2 ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
This Is Gross
3 ай бұрын
3 ай бұрын
@erdingtown 5 сағат бұрын
Women are in spNle of commitment
@danieljohnson6450 5 сағат бұрын
well marriage was made to actually help curb this issue. now days its a cheap lie you can buy your way out of though.
@troyhavok8605 6 сағат бұрын
The properly oriented mother, who is sanctified in the bonds of Holy Matrimony, holds transcendent value because she brings the incarnation of the Savior of the world into the world. She brings forth and perpetuates the very Grace of God in the world by raising the next generation of men who then sacrifice themselves for the world out of the kind of self-sacrificial love that was made real for them by their mothers. Or at least this is the pattern that built Christian civilization. This is the proper orientation of humanity, as established by Christ and the Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos, as the new Adam and Eve. It is a reversion, a flip, and a fulfillment of the pattern established by the original Adam and Eve (Humanity and woman after the fall into sin (Eve means "the Mother of All Living" and she only received that name after the fall. Adama means "mankind.")) Secular society has progressed backward and women have begun to act more like daughters of the original, fallen, Eve, rather than her redeemed counterpart, the Most Pure Ever-Virgin and Mother of Our God, Mary. It was a huge mistake for western Christians to move away from this understanding of the Theotokos and we're seeing the fruits of that tree now.
@jamesonc.v8433 6 сағат бұрын
DON,T BOTHER WATCHING, AREIAS OF THE WRITTEN STUDY ARE “heavily redacted”……… very disappointed with this pod-cast👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
@joshuajabbari168 6 сағат бұрын
Ill give my spot in a life boat to children not women
@choppergirl 6 сағат бұрын
Women have been trying to stop men from going to war for centuries. It's a hopeless game... we keep trying and we keep losing. If you want to off yourself, and take our children with you, then by all means, do it.... But don't expect us to make more with you...
@TheScarredWolf-um1zu 6 сағат бұрын
Women's superpower: Not learning their fuckin lesson.
@psychotimo 6 сағат бұрын
on the girl that lost like...half her weight... the counterargument is ok but is also missing other major points. Like yes, it makes sense that she'd be deemed more attractive and get more attention by losing the weight. and sexual dimorphism is a valid point. But one point that wasn't mentioned is perceived health.... someone who looks healthy is more attractive. being a bit curvy is ok, but being fat is generally unatractive cause it's unhealthy. Like...who wants to be together with someone they could lose at a moments notice cause of a random fat embolism or other weight related issue? not to mention... she's shortsighted, she lost the weight for herself, and with every KG she lost, she probably found herself more attractive, meaning it boosted her self esteem and confidence. so not only was she perceived as more healthy and more desirable due to looking healthier and falling more within the ranges of what men find physically attractive, she probably also looked more happy and fun to be around, rather than looking sad or shy. she's pinning it all on the men, but like, it's been proven that both sides prefer happy people over depressed people, if she looked happier then she'd be more attractive cause she had a better state of mind. it's a compounding effect and she's blaming it all on the change in appearance.
@jstone5239 6 сағат бұрын
Becoming hysterical at least once a month is a sign of a truly emotionally intelligent person…
@adimiss 6 сағат бұрын
Women just don't understand Consequences. And who can blame them when for the most part they don't ever face them.
@psychotimo 6 сағат бұрын
I mean, straight from the bat we're missing the biggest argument here... if being friends with 'less attractive people' causes drama... then she's the drama in her current group cause she literally said that her current friends are more attractive than her xP So either she has to agree that she's the current cause of drama in her group, or agree that her statement is flawed cause not all women will cause drama for more attractive women.
@mozpogson3639 6 сағат бұрын
There's only one cause of anger, and it's unmet expectations. We have to raise our hopes and lower our expectations. How do you wish to be treated? Hope is connected to understanding and forgiveness, but expectations are connected to law.
@aceryer 6 сағат бұрын
The west is everything wrong with society, to say the least I'm glad that we Asians still adhere to our cultural teachings, some may think that its extreme but i feel like there is a necessity for rules and cultural tradition to play an important role as kids growing up
@mukfay 6 сағат бұрын
Politely tell him that you want to be left alone. If he ignores that, THEN he's creepy.
@murat9268 7 сағат бұрын
For the woman cheering, The girl had huge a-bomb, she had a loving father figure up to three years old, and then he disappeared from existence. Whole bonding structure of a little girl destroyed in mere seconds. Then, the girl projects it to all the men around her. Then "all the men is sh*t." slang appears everywhere. Constant fear of abandonment forms for whole life.
@kazabubu10 7 сағат бұрын
You are so right...unfortunately I learned the lesson the hard way....
@AS-ok8hi 7 сағат бұрын
Women being better caretakers is also undeserved. I worked in a nursing home for a year and despite there only being four males working in the entire place, the residents ranked them all being the best.
@mozpogson3639 7 сағат бұрын
The simple fact that the studying people thought certain things would result, shows they didn't realise that women were not designed with logic; that's men. Women were designed with emotion, not men, and therefore women need to be guided by a man. Has nothing to do with evolution, which is a phantom.
@josephoday9995 7 сағат бұрын
Women offer you nothing that they can't take away from you if they need to control and punish and manipulate you. They only offer love and their body. They will withhold both to get you to do whatever they want.
@edwardcornell1263 7 сағат бұрын
The answer is in the bible. God gave very strict standards for women. A Woman was the first person to sin in this World. All because she choose not to listen to Man. After she sins she has natural guilt and remorse because of what God did to Eve. This is why women have painful Childbirth, even today. This has shifted because of Jesus. People think they can believe on Jesus and continue to sin. Because of the New testiment, women has mis-understood what Jesus was talking about. So while God stays the same, everyone has strayed farther from the truth. This is why people are so lost today. The second reason is the narcissistic brain that a lot women and men have in todays world. First they have the guilt, then they tell themselves a lie and this is why they never learn.
@frankieinnyc657 8 сағат бұрын
Everything turns into an argument when you are dealing with a Narcissist.
@knightflyer909 8 сағат бұрын
The behavior is simply explained: birth control.
@satoshlail3837 8 сағат бұрын
5:06 these girls are dangerous 😒
@ramjetrth 8 сағат бұрын
If women are better communicators why are men so much better at getting along with others?
@Cedartreetechnologies 8 сағат бұрын
Recently realized the silent treatment by my wife is actually an inability to verbalize.
@frankalexander5401 8 сағат бұрын
Hell no!!
@gregoryheers2633 8 сағат бұрын
"We don't need women to be men. We ARE men." Well said, sir. Well said throughout.
@davidduval5566 9 сағат бұрын
😂😅 preheat the oven do your exercises
@davidduval5566 9 сағат бұрын
You can get out right here. Yeah baby
@thinkintelligently5925 9 сағат бұрын
While you're not wrong overall, I actually did what women were saying a lot about men when I was young which is that we didn't listen. So, I did listen, and I learned their tricks. If you ever wanna PISS a woman off, use their tactics against them. You will get the biggest "oh you asshole, you KNOW?" face ever.
@thinkintelligently5925 9 сағат бұрын
And therefore, I have lost very few arguments with women. Not gonna say I have never been wrong and admitted to it. However they dont have such an easy time playing their strats on someone who listened and knows them. Counter punch if u may.
@NerdLord 9 сағат бұрын
They are young dumb and try to be cool that is it
@jasonstokes5469 10 сағат бұрын
I believe they just love drama because life is dull for them without it; Why gossip, reality tv and soaps are appealing. I have asked multiple times, "why is it you feel this way?" to several women. Never an answer for why the emotions are felt. That seems to be not only very poor communication, but emotional immaturity.
@MikeKaisner 10 сағат бұрын
They wanted equal rights but it seems that equal equals 60% man 40% woman.
@rbfarrell1 10 сағат бұрын
Men don't bring up things from 5 years ago when they get in an argument. Men are way more likely to forgive and move on. W-m-n pout and whine about everything. The only guys that get along with w-m-n everyday are only around her for a few minutes or the guy is very weak and she controls everything.
@tagoldich 10 сағат бұрын
Woody Allen was short and never wanted for beautiful women. If men have status/wealth, everything else is instantly overlooked. That's why men have always strived for success, it's the one guarantee with the ladies.
@lucky9er567 10 сағат бұрын
I was in the Army, I’ve seen more dicks than most pornstars. I never felt small until the one dude walks in the shower. There’s always one😂 but yeah the porn gets all of us. Personally I wish I were 7 inches with a little more girth but I got what I got
@22nicodemis 10 сағат бұрын
a woman talking about herself on camera in the middle of the day trying to convince herself people are watching= she need a man. PPS any person who says like more the once in one sentence is a id and shouldn't be taken seriously. Verbal crutches for people who cannot speak= most women cant. see for youself how many likes you hear in a sentence.
@rbfarrell1 10 сағат бұрын
Guys will hang around for the wet hole. Which is the main reason guys even bother with w-m-n. If you are going to hit a w-m-n back do it right and dig a hole out in the desert. The law is very one sided and you will never win in court if she is there.
@aymi6393 11 сағат бұрын
@12:25 - Why do you think women are trying to be more like men, in the first place? Could it be that's the only way to make as much money as them to live in this over-inflated and capitalistic economy where it's also hard to find a suitable mate to 'financially support' the woman in the first place?.. Would 'having children' make all the woes involved of trying to find money go away? Quite the opposite.. including for single mothers... You also then propose that women enjoy doing the softer roles of watching the children and the nursery rhymes and whatnot and that brainwashing has stolen those values from them - but was it ever okay to stay in those values alone? Or are women naturally aggressive in their own way too, protecting their young and making sure their communities don't fall apart and whatnot? But yes, they are more fragile and therefore not as capable of male-dominated roles and in that, more dangerous roles have emerged for men in comparison to women. But at the same time, women are still required to act like men in ways to get things done and gather resources. This has happened throughout history where women dressed up as men to accomplish things. In the animal kingdom the females are the hunters for example. And in birds the females have the sex-defining chromosome similar to how human males have the Y chromosome. And things aren't just black and white. Maybe children according to the mentioned study on average do worse in single mother households than single father households because men make more money because of the gender pay gap and because society is more supportive of men's opportunities to create financial stability in general and that trickles down to the kids? You say men go to war for women? How so? Are you sure they don't go to war to fight other men for resources that men want? Maybe the women in the videos were saying women are better as more or less a joke because they know it's always been seen the other way around that men are better so they're being rebellious even if immature? The comment "is a woman less of a woman if she can't cook a meal from scratch" is questionable because of the whole changing landscape for expectations on women in current times - which includes the need to make money for BOTH genders now more than ever because of our society and things being so expensive and independence and whatnot. So of course cooking meals from scratch isn't the priority of women as much as a more wholistic approach to their skillset in this new landscape. It's not nice to continue to pigeon hole them into those old standards of just staying home - which cooking meals from scratch as part of their core identity is traditionally a part of. So even though cooking is indeed a very important skill, women might just be sick of only being seen as that. So they kind of act out or at least give attitude when they can, about it. Would you prefer women to be gold-diggers so they don't have to do "man stuff" such as working? Because I believe you and others like you DON'T like gold-diggers, right? Would you rather women take the easy route and just raise families and not worry about finances? That doesn't really work that often, especially since the dating and relationship world is compromised in ways nowadays too. In other words, women have to figure out career and home life at the same time whereas men don't have to think as much about juggling those things in the same way, and so I prefer not criticizing them in an average-joe way for trying to strive for these things, while at the same time being aware of the mental viruses and cognitive fallacies in women and men too. You say women in the workforce feel discriminated against when all that's occurring is them having to fulfill classically male demands of working in male-dominated fields and perhaps their bosses getting mad at them for not fulfilling their roles properly - Do men also feel discriminated against when classically female expectations are put on them such as when a man is trying to be a nurse and who feels discriminated for people not including them with patients who don't trust them as much as the female nurses, or when a man is asked to cook and clean after themselves and be more empathetic and feels like they are being subjected to too many expectations when their wife gets mad at them for not doing those things? - Men who become stay-at-home dads may feel overwhelmed by the emotional labor expected in this role, such as managing household tasks, coordinating children's activities, and providing emotional support. These expectations may feel foreign and demanding since they are not typically socialized to handle these tasks to the same extent women often are. "- Stay-at-home dads may face social scrutiny or judgment from other parents or peers. They might feel pressure to excel in these roles without the same support networks that women might have, making the expectations feel more burdensome and unfamiliar. - Men who become primary caregivers for elderly family members might find the role stressful due to the constant attention and nurturing required, tasks typically associated with female roles. The expectations to provide high levels of emotional and physical care can be daunting and unfamiliar. - Men who become primary caregivers for elderly family members might find the role stressful due to the constant attention and nurturing required, tasks typically associated with female roles. The expectations to provide high levels of emotional and physical care can be daunting and unfamiliar. - The lack of accessible support groups or resources tailored for male caregivers can add to the feeling of isolation and pressure. Men may feel they are navigating this role without the same level of societal understanding or support that women might receive. - In these scenarios, men might interpret the high expectations and pressure as discriminatory or overly harsh because they are not accustomed to these roles, unlike women who might have more experience or societal conditioning to manage these expectations. - While women often face and are socialized to navigate unwanted sexual advances as part of their everyday interactions, men encountering similar situations might experience a heightened sense of violation and discomfort due to the unfamiliarity and societal expectations that men should be dominant or unaffected by such behavior. This discrepancy can lead men to perceive the situation as particularly egregious and discriminatory." - (chatGPT). Well, perhaps in women's struggles in the workforce, it's a similar cultural rather than personal issue in that the jobs are simply not as tailored to women's needs as much as men's, similar to how the above situations are not tailored to men's needs or strengths as much as women's. There's always environmental factors and cultural conditionings to factor in. And, which fields aren't male dominated and where does that not occur and is your solution for women to just not work? Would that be a better world? How should women afford to pay the rent and raise those valuable children so that those children can grow up to be just like those women? You're saying the biggest feminine trait is giving birth because that's the only thing men can't do. What about women being naturally more empathic than men, and having more sexual disgust than men? Can men exactly replicate those psychological traits? Everything is nuanced and more wholistic than just bashing demographics as a whole. To refute this claim of bearing children being the only thing that sets women apart from men - what is the thing that then separates men from women as the only thing? Ejaculation? Because other than that, using the same logic you've used for women - that is the only 100% provable thing that separates women from men. Some women are physically stronger than some men, but no women can ejaculate sperm unless they have a genetic intersex subtype. Every polarization has the seed of its opposite, because polarization itself is the issue, not the sides, psychologically speaking. I do support your attempt to work all of these things out with your fellow men, though, and for pointing out these issues together as it's good to be inquisitive and critical, and there are indeed relevant issues you propose. But the real issue I feel is just a bit deeper, still! Cognitive fallacies ultimately only destroy the host of them, in the end. This can be said for every human, not just one sex. Also.. if only men are encouraged to comment then I'm sorry I am butting in as a woman and don't mean to intrude, but just felt interested enough to write some feedback. :P
@paulysmallz8095 11 сағат бұрын
No thanks I’m good I don’t want any headache because that what that is
@ramirogomezalba5771 11 сағат бұрын
Like the women trowing tantrums there, they are sneaky and indirect because they are afraid of being responsible. Many do this because dont want to owe favours, nor pay, said no to them, being rejected, etc. They don't want to respect your time, your efforts, your desires, your person, your integrity, etc. If they demand or be sneaky when wanting you to do things for her, but never ask you for favours politely wich is the smallest thing they can do for you to show respect and are bothered when you point that to them...forget about them respecting you if you marry them...they will never respect you.
@felixcano896 11 сағат бұрын
@user-nz6bk7lf8u 11 сағат бұрын
Men are supposed to take the blame n so on because that's how we act more emotionally mature! Its being a man. You can be a sensual lover but all that matters not for a continuous long term anything. Balance
@rexisnox577 11 сағат бұрын
0:59 This graph is a bit fucky wucky.
@humanrightsadvocate 11 сағат бұрын
Men need sex. Women use this need in order to exploit men. There is no such thing as sexual desire in women. There is only the desire to exploit men. I mean, sure, there are exceptions. There are women who actually enjoy sex. But ask yourself, how many times sex happened because the woman initiated it?
@chrisn2125 11 сағат бұрын
In my experience women suck at communicating with men. Yeah sure they’re good at communicating with other women but women have zero idea what a man wants or cares about…nor do they care. At least men try to understand women. Which actually tells me men are better communicators.
@EricAwful313 11 сағат бұрын
Your perspective kind of means it might be best for us to go extinct.
@jakeand9020 11 сағат бұрын
Honestly, being mean and degrading to the unattractive man just tells the attractive guy he made the right choice rejecting her.
@powertrick1 11 сағат бұрын
That explains exactly what I'm experiencing on dating sites. I thought I was doing something wrong.
@silvabakx6396 12 сағат бұрын
the jig's up! until they change the divorce laws in this gynocracy, most women can just forget about marriage altogether