Conversations With History - Robert Baer

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"Dealing with Iran"
Robert Baer
author and former CIA operative
Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes former CIA operative Robert Baer for a discussion of his book on Iran--The Devil We Know. Baer discusses the craft of spying, U.S. policy in the Middle East, the emergence of Iran as a regional hegemon, and what we know about Iran's strategy and tactics as we witness the rise of its power. He discusses U.S. policy options in the region, especially relations with the two major powers in the region, Iran and Israel. Baer also analyzes the Iranian nuclear threat and the phenomena of suicide terrorism. He concludes with an assessment of the recent political turmoil in Iran and lays out what we know and don't know about which forces will dominate domestic politics in Iran.

Пікірлер: 93
@spartanlukas 12 жыл бұрын
Baer is a highly intelligent operative with very indepth first-hand experience of Iran. Superb interview!
@jordand2782 Жыл бұрын
Robert Baer is an author and former CIA case officer. He has a prescient story to tell regardless of "rightness" or "wrongness." He continuously states that his "bias" is facts. He's a fair minded individual.
@MostafaMansoori 8 жыл бұрын
Hey former CIA agent Baer, I read your fascinating book called "See No Evil," back in Summer of 2004 in an undisclosed location. Very nice book.
@insan766 12 жыл бұрын
A thousand splended lessons that can be learned from these words of wisdom, very informative on every level, religious , political and so on, very
@insan766 12 жыл бұрын
Why isn't the world ruled by educated smart people like Baer ? A simple question
@heater581 2 жыл бұрын
The comment on the war of attrition causing million + casualties is factually incorrect. In that war less than 800,000 people died over all (combining all sides) That war between Baathists and Iran was not like the anti-occupation conflict being between Hezb'Allah and Izrael. Interesting comment I found somewhere on some of facts pertaining to that war: ________________________ Saudis are known for killing Sunnis or pushing Sunnis to devastating conditions. I'll just give Iraq as an example. The entire Iraq (Baathis)-Iran war cost maximum 800k dead. Saudis supported the Baathists. Also, from the Iraqi side, the majority of the soldiers were Sunni during the Iran-Iraq war. While most Iraqis shias supported the war in the first 2 years of the war, the last 6 years, they were neutral. I'll point out some corrections as well as some additional information he should have mentioned: 1. The blockade in Iraq after the war in Kuwait killed half a million kids maximum, not 2 million. 95% of them Sunnis from Anbar (the largest Sunni majority province which is mostly a desert). He should also have mentioned whereas Turkey was giving aid to the Kurdish civilians, Iran was giving it to Shias in the south - Saudi Arabia and Jordan didn't give anything to the Sunni civilians who suffered it all. 2. The invasion in Iraq was supported by Saudi Arabia, the forces of US and it's allies entered from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. 3. 95% of the casualties again were Sunni in the US led invasion of 2003, however Iran didn't really support the invasion, merely co-operated with the occupation in order to protect the Shias and their allies among the Kurds. 4. During Dr. Ahmadinejad's time however, Iran heightened it's Support for Shia militias to kill the US troops, it's other foreign allies (not the Iraqi police and Army mind you) as well as Salafi terrorists who had taken hold in the Sunni regions. It also developed good relations with the Islamist oriented Sunni groups....not Salafi, but Ikhwan oriented/type. 5. Syria's Bashar al-Assad too supported Sunni tribes including unfortunately al-Qaeda elements (mostly foreigners). 6. US was kicked out in 2011 from Iraq. Using Daesh/ISIS as a pretext they entered into Iraq again but only number about 4000 and are in Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region. Based mainly in the city of Erbil. They will leave soon.
@heater581 2 жыл бұрын
The comment on the war of attrition causing million + casualties is factually incorrect. In that war less than 800,000 people died over all (combining all sides) That war between Baathists and Iran was not like the anti-occupation conflict being between Hezb'Allah and Izrael....
@MgtowRubicon 2 жыл бұрын
"The Perfect Kill - 21 Laws for Assassins" by Robert B. Baer One of the best reference materials for aspiring writers of deadly Spy novels.
@CloverPickingHarp 10 жыл бұрын
Finally a descent YT video... Wading through the mess is getting tough...
@LevonsWound 13 жыл бұрын
ive read Sleeping with the Enemy and See no Evil and I am 50/50 with respect to his intent and true message.
@joecoffee7750 Жыл бұрын
@burkinaboy3244 Жыл бұрын
The statistics present by Mr. Baer on the Iran-Iraq war are inccorect. the total casualties were less than 800,000 with Iran's being approximately 300,000 by various western and Iranian studies.....
@welhungjohnson 14 жыл бұрын
He specifically said that the CIA doesn't do those things anymore. Even if he didn't mention them, anyone could find out with a google search. So what difference does it make anyway?
@AonnrecordsBlogspot 12 жыл бұрын
"Ninjas with guns" ~ Superb interview! 8:13 especially ....
@ZoDiuz 14 жыл бұрын
I highly suggest reading his books. See No Evil is the best book that ive ever read.
@SamiZaatari 12 жыл бұрын
@BryChe87 its strange to believe that this beat is still being used in 2009. lol.
@toughlifevirgina 7 жыл бұрын
Who composed the title music? What's it called?
@Callmedstone 3 жыл бұрын
Dat intro, tho.
@csag5193 11 жыл бұрын
very good to see this from someone who has a nationality which cannot be often linked to knowledge about things abroad, let alone the hot spot of the middle east ...
@jordand2782 Жыл бұрын
conflating nationality with knowledge (and similar ignorance) bothers me to no end. So simplistic and so dangerous
@newworldordernyus 14 жыл бұрын
a must read book "The Evil We Know" however, he mainly covered what an evrage Iranian already knows about IRI corrupt regime goood work Rob
@haider87 14 жыл бұрын
After 30:29 he notes a pretty interesting observation.
@NataiEndo 13 жыл бұрын
what was operation ajax if we didnt do anything against iran?
@welhungjohnson 14 жыл бұрын
I don't think you take an oath to the CIA.
@claymoreman1010 12 жыл бұрын
mad smart
@microapple321 12 жыл бұрын
"if this (protests) happened in Saudi Arabia or Islamabad, there would have been a clash of civil war. there would be tanks in the streets" he actually predicted spot on about Syrian riots that lead to tanks in streets. The Iranians are not radicals but rational
@csag5193 11 жыл бұрын
yeah right :).
@csag5193 11 жыл бұрын
yep, exactly.
@MarijaToutenhoofd 8 жыл бұрын
Hi, I am looking for someone who could lead me to the people who investigate History around Hitlers escape. Maybe I have some interesting information about it, as I can see and hear Hitler tell his managers and security that they will leave from some special place but it was all in special codes that I could not understand. I could see him smile while leaving and his concubine kissing him with symbols behind them. Then he suddenly....he... I still not understand why I can see this. Can someone tell me how to get to the people who made the documentary movie about Hitler? If someone could please let me know, would appreciate it. Thanks a lot. greets
@d.cypher2920 7 жыл бұрын
when i receive it, we will delete it fro comments. my phone will alert me when you reply to my comment.
@BryChe87 12 жыл бұрын
The introduction music is horrendous.
@microapple321 12 жыл бұрын
ROFL at 38:01 whose stomach growl is that ? LOL
@pseudofox 14 жыл бұрын
@imnevermakingavideo I know, right. Holy cheese.
@LGZEE 14 жыл бұрын
davidbroberts - It sounds like you are a real smart guy. You have me figured out by reading a couple posts. Yea that is real intelligence. I have read a few books and the ones I read say the U.S. stands for freedom, not that the government follows this line of thinking, I'm talking about the people. We don't need people telling anyone about past and present actions, but if you think we should tell our tactics it's probably because you are blind to the truth also.
@Habbrow94 11 жыл бұрын
its not what you think, its somone getting waterboarded next door
@heater581 2 жыл бұрын
The comment on the war of attrition causing million + casualties is factually incorrect. In that war less than 800,000 people died over all (combining all sides) That war between Baathists and Iran was not like the anti-occupation conflict being between Hezb'Allah and Izrael.
@microapple321 12 жыл бұрын
@Johnconno 5 жыл бұрын
CIA Rich kid. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.
@flighttherapybullisticfpv133 5 жыл бұрын
You dont know anything about Robert Baer do you lol
@NizoumiPars 13 жыл бұрын
@Luishazong Do you speak or understand modern Persian (Farsi)? If so should know that he didnt mention Israel at all....he said the zionist regime .... I was listening to one of Ahmadinejads interviews a few mins ago. Ahmai asked; were all 60mln pple killed during WW2 where military personnel/....the translater ..translates; where all those 60mln killed by the military?
@kessmypersainass 14 жыл бұрын
lol what he is saying are facts.....if we want to get rid of terroism we need iran on our side...period.
@LGZEE 14 жыл бұрын
The difference is that he took an oath to work for the CIA. In that oath I'm sure he said he wouldn't do anything to weaken the CIA, which he is doing talking about old tactics and policies. Old tactics are where new ones come from, right? So by talking about them and being a CIA employee he is showing that he will turn on a dime if it suites his cause. Open your eyes.
@alexabboud965 5 жыл бұрын
Mr Baer you have Interesting story but there's some gaps, Well maybe you can't talk about it because of TSC Even if its noy active there still some stuff you can't say, Mr. Baer never mentioned anything about that and you were in Beirut when it Happened... thank you Diplomats kidnapped in Lebanon in 1982 are in Israeli prison, Iran says on July 4, 2016 | 8:44:38  The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Sunday underlined that evidence and documents indicate that the four diplomats abducted in Lebanon in 1982 are still alive and imprisoned in Israel. In a statement on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the kidnapping of the four diplomats in Lebanon, the ministry said Iranian nation and families of kidnapped diplomats are still waiting for them. The statement thanked the efforts made by the Lebanese government and relevant bodies to pursue the case, and asked UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other human rights bodies to fulfill their undertakings and impose pressure on the Zionist regime of Israel in a bid to pave the ground for their freedom. “The Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates its previous proposal for the establishment of a fact finding committee to further clarify different aspects of the case,” the statement underlined. Earlier in June, Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei had said that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) is involved in security and intelligence activities to free four Iranian diplomats. Information provided by the country’s security and intelligence services suggest that the diplomats are alive, he noted. In July 1982, four Iranian diplomats, the then charge d’affaires of the Iranian Embassy in Beirut Seyed Mohsen Mousavi, military attaché Ahmad Motevaselian, embassy technician Taghi Rastegar Moghadam and journalist of the Islamic republic news agency Kazzem Akhavan were abducted at a checkpoint in northern Lebanon. Their vehicle was passing through a checkpoint post on its way to Beirut when it was intercepted by the Phalange Party, a group of gunmen belonging to Israel-backed militia forces headed by Samir Geagea. The car and four passengers, completely disappeared. The militia headed by Geagea was known for its close ties with Israel at the time and was responsible for handing over many Lebanese and foreigners to Israeli custody at the peak of the Zionist regime’s invasion of Lebanon. Geagea has made contradictory statements concerning the Iranian diplomats, initially saying that his militia handed them to Israel and later claiming that they witnessed their killing inside Lebanon
@darkthought784 3 жыл бұрын
The Shi’ite Sunni political row ended with the elections entering politics
@aznsbd 13 жыл бұрын
They don't have to, our government at the time asked them to do a job and they did it plain and simple. Even if you disagree with American foreign policy, don't blame them, its like blaming a gun for killing someone instead of the person who pulled the trigger.
@aznsbd 13 жыл бұрын
I understand your feelings on this but you said accelerae the military coup, meaning it was going to happen anyway. So if the CIA was not involved would things have been any different for you? I doubt it, the problem I see here was in your country not mine. There was going to be a military dictator in your country and nothing we did or could have done could change it, the only question was weather they were going to be in the soviet camp or in our camp. I feel for you Via Con dios my friend.
@vesnarajic5276 3 жыл бұрын
Born in California (state), raised in Europe (not state),... I don't believe this person NOTHING. He's gonna tell you everything, but he's saying nothing.
@heater581 2 жыл бұрын
The comment on the war of attrition causing million + casualties is factually incorrect. In that war less than 800,000 people died over all (combining all sides) That war between Baathists and Iran was not like the anti-occupation conflict being between Hezb'Allah and Izrael. Interesting comment I found somewhere on some of facts pertaining to that war: ________________________ Saudis are known for killing Sunnis or pushing Sunnis to devastating conditions. I'll just give Iraq as an example. The entire Iraq (Baathis)-Iran war cost maximum 800k dead. Saudis supported the Baathists. Also, from the Iraqi side, the majority of the soldiers were Sunni during the Iran-Iraq war. While most Iraqis shias supported the war in the first 2 years of the war, the last 6 years, they were neutral. I'll point out some corrections as well as some additional information he should have mentioned: 1. The blockade in Iraq after the war in Kuwait killed half a million kids maximum, not 2 million. 95% of them Sunnis from Anbar (the largest Sunni majority province which is mostly a desert). He should also have mentioned whereas Turkey was giving aid to the Kurdish civilians, Iran was giving it to Shias in the south - Saudi Arabia and Jordan didn't give anything to the Sunni civilians who suffered it all. 2. The invasion in Iraq was supported by Saudi Arabia, the forces of US and it's allies entered from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. 3. 95% of the casualties again were Sunni in the US led invasion of 2003, however Iran didn't really support the invasion, merely co-operated with the occupation in order to protect the Shias and their allies among the Kurds. 4. During Dr. Ahmadinejad's time however, Iran heightened it's Support for Shia militias to kill the US troops, it's other foreign allies (not the Iraqi police and Army mind you) as well as Salafi terrorists who had taken hold in the Sunni regions. It also developed good relations with the Islamist oriented Sunni groups....not Salafi, but Ikhwan oriented/type. 5. Syria's Bashar al-Assad too supported Sunni tribes including unfortunately al-Qaeda elements (mostly foreigners). 6. US was kicked out in 2011 from Iraq. Using Daesh/ISIS as a pretext they entered into Iraq again but only number about 4000 and are in Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region. Based mainly in the city of Erbil. They will leave soon.
@NizoumiPars 13 жыл бұрын
@Luishazong good luck to them and good for them so what? what does have to do with any thing? so because they are rich and have military [power they can tell others how to live?...or how to be?.. Americans can be as powerful and rich as they like. Iran within its borders and that of its allies can do what its want. America is not wanted in the Middle East period.
@LGZEE 15 жыл бұрын
50:54 And now he is speaking about what the president does with no knowledge of what the president thinks. This guy is full of you know what. I wouldn't sit and talk to this fool for more than one minute before seeing through his nonsense.
@aznsbd 13 жыл бұрын
I sympathize with you for what happened under pinochet, but its not like this all happened in a vacuum. It was the cold war and you saw what happened to Cuba in the 60s, The United States was not going to allow another country to be communist in its own backyard. I immigrated from Vietnam a communist country so I understand the context of what they were trying to do.
@flighttherapybullisticfpv133 5 жыл бұрын
Slowest. Interviewer. Ever. EDIT: Worst. Interviewer. Ever. EDIT AGAIN: "The, the , the ,the, the.... the uh, uh, uh, uh umm, the who, who , who ,who" aaaaahhhhh
@vesnarajic5276 3 жыл бұрын
And, and, and you gonna watch this for an hour or more, and, and, the, the, you'll know shit at the end.
@aznsbd 13 жыл бұрын
They were afraid that you would become another Cuba, they did not want another soviet client state in the western hemisphere causing them trouble like cuba did with russian made ballistic missles in our hemisphere. Sometimes an issue isn't a simple black and white issue, sometimes you have to choose between the lesser of two evils. The CIA is suppose to serve American interest, if they didn't get involved I would argue that they were being negligent of their duties. They were being proactive.
@NizoumiPars 13 жыл бұрын
@Luishazong You are about 30 years behind, things have changed. Be realistic. ..USA might be militarily powerful for now, In the middle east the influence of the usa has ended. Now you can say whatever you fancy in order to make yourself happy. American dominance didnt even last as long as that of Mongols lol
@aznsbd 13 жыл бұрын
The CIA are not glorified nor do they wish to be glorified in what they do, Glory brings attention to your actions that by their very nature have to be secret. Your society is to blame, there are many countries in the world, not all are democratic and we can't be hostile to all of them just because of the way they treat their own people. Your society gave us a Military that was ready to overthrow its civilian government, and to use a poker term we had to play with the hand that we were dealt.
@LGZEE 15 жыл бұрын
Is Robert Baer a traitor for talking about what the U.S. holds as policies and defense tactics. I think if he has taken an oath to the C.I.A. he should zip his lip. He probably is still working with the C.I.A. and he should just sit back and zip it. I can't believe Berkeley would even interview him and take anything seriously that he has to say. He admits in this interview to being a lair and he gets people to turn on their own side. Sounds familiar.
@iancmcintyre 13 жыл бұрын
CIA does a lot of good. Only an idiot would claim that they are "evil". And by the war I am too the Left of the Democratic Party I'm just not a nut like bellow.
@itsme-nt2lj Жыл бұрын
white colonial tears, get the stage a tissue box
@davidbroberts 14 жыл бұрын
LGZEE - calm down. You sound like an angsty teenager struggling to control puberty. He says nothing of any particular interest or use and certainly nothing that is novel or - do I really need to say this - approaching code word or secret. As for your 'anyone who breaks down a democratically elected gov is un-American' : try reading a book once in a while.
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