Dead by Daylight Player Tier List

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Scott Jund

Scott Jund

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/ scottjund

Пікірлер: 446
@Val-xw7tw 3 ай бұрын
I still haven't recovered from the "Boon Meg, which is a slur for Mikaela" part LMAO
@jamesfilyawDigginGabe 3 ай бұрын
I find it so intensely amazing that I read your comment the very second he said that in my watch
@coldwhie1836 3 ай бұрын
*ranks all of the icons with gigachads the highest* really keeping us on the edge of our seats, scott
@Pyrax-Tunneled-You 3 ай бұрын
Leons always act the exact opposite how they do in their own game.
@atlasgraham154 3 ай бұрын
Everyone always says that Leons are trash. Where are these Leons? I'm tired of seeing a Leon and KNOWING that they're gonna be the one player in the match who's gonna be a looping god! >=(
@imFluey 3 ай бұрын
​@@atlasgraham154 Bro, seriously. When I'm a Killer, Leons are juicers. When I'm a survivor, Leons are useless and end up always DCing. Quite the phenomenon.
@fusrosandvich3738 3 ай бұрын
@@imFluey I believe that's called "Confirmation Bias". You only notice that they're doing something wrong because they're...doing something wrong, meanwhile when they're doing thing's correctly it's a lot harder to notice.
@WaifuEndMyLaifu 3 ай бұрын
Leon with no herbs or ammo
@ZeFluffyKnight 3 ай бұрын
​@@atlasgraham154That's because good players know about the Leon meme and will pick him. However in doing so it can cause them to make Leon-esque plays they would normally never do.
@pigeon_chest 3 ай бұрын
The 3 dislikes are the unironic Leon players. (They took 2 minutes to find the button through the tears in their eyes)
@jebalitabb8228 3 ай бұрын
I’ve started playing as Leon bc it’s easier to bully killers who expect you to be new lol
@realquestforgreatness 3 ай бұрын
Leon is the only survivor that costs more than 500 auric cells cuz you will need to buy the Carlos or Chris skin to play leon
@PBL187 3 ай бұрын
And then another 5 minutes to figure out how to press it
@diddles5309 3 ай бұрын
Leon Brainrot is NOT REAL
@PBL187 3 ай бұрын
@@diddles5309 You’re not real
@zath6425 3 ай бұрын
I was a little sad there wasn't a tier for people who exclusively main bad killers like Trapper, Freddy or Myers.
@ScottJund 3 ай бұрын
thats hard to tell from a single match. this is just for the type of individual players you encounter in game. i guess you could by chance see the same guy over and over but that's why i didnt include it
@countwf295 3 ай бұрын
Those are literally my 3 main Killers
@whydoihavesubs6644 3 ай бұрын
​@@countwf295why do you hate yourself?
@jonnyisdaboss 3 ай бұрын
I don’t understand why people say myers is bad he’s my main and I normally do quite well in my matches yeah he isn’t the strongest killer in the game but I definitely don’t think he’s bad
@whydoihavesubs6644 3 ай бұрын
@@jonnyisdaboss because he is bad
@A_Seizure_Salad 3 ай бұрын
Incredibly brave of Scott to use the "Boon M*g" slur and risk getting demonetized. Hope youtube isn't too harsh on him for that one.
@imFluey 3 ай бұрын
I took offense to it. I will not tolerate Scotts hate speech 😤😡👎🏻
@EatOnionz 3 ай бұрын
Boon meg is crazy 😂
@adriansrsa90 3 ай бұрын
Mog?? Mew???
@sirjoesphjoestar8361 3 ай бұрын
hop off@@adriansrsa90
@oranbluethorn3956 3 ай бұрын
19:15 ok i have ONE exception to this rule. Nemesis when they see STARS members. They have a free pass to kill one person and then stop playing, they did what they were meant to do
@Kazzzack 3 ай бұрын
ONLY if they mori them "S.T.A.R.S"
@TheReZisTLust 3 ай бұрын
But only if its 1 star in game
@elnowhere 3 ай бұрын
my favourite part of that video is that the art making (which we can barely see) took 3 time as long to do than the actual video
@Kurse_of_Kall 3 ай бұрын
it's so funny that you can tell he spent a lot of time making the images and then they're just soooo small
@elnowhere 3 ай бұрын
@@Kurse_of_Kall he made them on stream actually, and it took way more time than i should’ve lmao
@dimitricandeiracistaro4543 3 ай бұрын
Being called giga chad for intentionally going 8 hooks 0 kills to keep the match fun was such a pleasure 😊. The thing that makes letting some survivors escape *sometimes* and playing lightheartdly sometimes is the fact i'd love if it happened to me, ill be the change i want to see in the world.
@jaida3377 3 ай бұрын
please keep doing this people like you are the saving grace of dbd
@Scyithe 3 ай бұрын
I'm right there with you! I do my best to get 8 hooks then start memeing with the survivors is such a treat! I'll never forget a game I played as Freddy where mid chase survivor dropped their item. I looked at it for a second, looked at them, then fucked off to the basement where we played peekaboo until the game was over! 🤣
@kanyumski 3 ай бұрын
I remember when I was doing something similar to this when I was still somewhat new and levelling up everyone, it gets so boring after a while imo. Maybe it'd be different now but I played like that before the mmr system got introduced and u literally could not rank up and would be stuck vsing rank 15 survivors every single game and it wasnt' even fun to chase them anymore
@HellIsForHeroes666 3 ай бұрын
Forgot to mention the chase me people dc or give up immediately after the killer says fuck it and downs them in 20 secs. See it all the time.
@TeamLexana 3 ай бұрын
Chase me's will rage if I sniff them out in the lobby screen and bring Franklin's to break their damn flashlight, lolol.
@Fofo-sr2xu 3 ай бұрын
​@@TeamLexanaHoly shit, people don't have fun when they can't use the things they brought into a match?! What a revelation.
@TeamLexana 3 ай бұрын
@@Fofo-sr2xu I've had survivors kill themselves trying to pick up plain yellow flashlights that they fished out of a chest, lol. Something just breaks their brain when you slap a flashlight out of a survivors hand.
@gangr3l 3 ай бұрын
Yeah.. Faced a nurse with Grim Embrace, Pop, Lethal, Pain Res.. Got a flashbang save on her and she insta disconnected and raged because we were a sweaty SWF. This was in solo queue..
@kaib6998 3 ай бұрын
Ah classic, "accusing" the survivors of being swf (even though they aren't) because the killer can't comprehent that a bunch of competent individuals with decent game sense can function well as a team even without communication
@gangr3l 3 ай бұрын
Forgot to mention. This was also at 5 gens..@@kaib6998
@Technature7567 3 ай бұрын
Imagine playing nurse and complaining about sweatlords.
@BigBoneBusiness 3 ай бұрын
Exit gate t-baggers should be D-tier for when they fuck up and get trapped by Blood Warden, pounced by Victor, or yanked by Deathslinger.
@TheLogicalBeast 3 ай бұрын
Doesn't Pinhead's chains also deny escapes?
@YTkendog 3 ай бұрын
Can't forget the classic Wesker Grab
@adalrichmartin9593 3 ай бұрын
also Knight's chase addon
@peeperinos 3 ай бұрын
I had this happen when i was running an endgame build. They tbagged, looked out, offered item, eaten (i was a dredge)
@muysli.y1855 3 ай бұрын
They deserve all these said as someone who play mostly surv
@joho4430 3 ай бұрын
Seeing Leon as an archetype makes me want to watch so much more
@SireK0zy 3 ай бұрын
19:24 oh nononono Scoterino! its more like: i've watched a 10 minutes long compilation from a youtuber showing a niche build that only works in a full squad on 3 specific maps. and now im gonna be throwing my solo matches trying to do the same not understanding why i fail every time.
@adamparker6540 3 ай бұрын
i recently had a game with a Leon where he went crazy with MFT/For The People and carried the whole team. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing.
@Alt0001 3 ай бұрын
To be fair that's just a broken perk combo so he's not really that good.
@PBL187 3 ай бұрын
@@Alt0001 Still have to be a knower to use it effectively though
@Benjo_ 3 ай бұрын
I love your discussion around a tunnelling Nemesis. Everything I knew about Nemesis players has been turned upside down.
@666Avsky 3 ай бұрын
Hello Bozo
@Friend_Krampus 3 ай бұрын
Hello Bozo
@GentrifiedPotato 3 ай бұрын
Tunneling Nemmie/Facecamping Bubba is wholesome because it's extremely lore-accurate. Nemesis is a monster with a single-minded purpose, so it makes sense he'd go after one person at a time until they're dead. Bubba has the mind of a child and gets frustrated easily, so it makes sense he'd use the simplest and most juvenile tactics to get kills.
@PBL187 3 ай бұрын
Wesker will camp and tunnel for 7 minutes
@Obi_Con 3 ай бұрын
Honestly another type are the absolute demons you'll meet in solo queue they're good, they're respectful, they do what they can, and don't get upset when they lose
@HumbleBovine 3 ай бұрын
I always see Perk Brain affect killers running Bamboozle. Whenever I get chased I'll run to shack and the killer immediately beelines it to the window, not realizing I've already left
@GangsterGreg 3 ай бұрын
Yep, Bamboozle brain is probably the best example as it can become a crutch. Sometimes the issue isn't that such killers use it at a tile but rather that they always do it as a predictable first step rather than waiting for the best opportunity where they won't allow the surv to hold forward to the next tile.
@kaib6998 3 ай бұрын
There is nothing more predictable in this game than a Bubba with bamboozle. You can't lose a mindgame against them because you know for a fact they are never gonna mindgame at all
@jamesfilyawDigginGabe 3 ай бұрын
As for the archive teammates one, don't hate the teammate, hate Behaviour for insisting on making survivor archive challenges the stupidest thing possible
@Perfectsavage_13 3 ай бұрын
For those who don't know what the skull merchant with a chess board is about since Scott didn't even talk about it, allow me to tell you. Skull Merchant with a Chess board aka Chess Merchant are Skull Merchant players who soley and intentionally hold a 3 gen for an entire hour to win the game, since that's how long the time limit is, that's the only gameplay style that these players use. Scott basically doesn't need to reiterate how those players are the worst of the worst by forcing others to play a single match for a whole hour, hence why he skipped it. Thankfully that playstyle is gone now that the 8 kick limit of generators have been implimented but I'm sure that won't stop them from trying new ways. Anyways I hope I did a good explaining on what that was about.
@user-in8uh9yp7p 3 ай бұрын
Justice for the Leon mains man
@mastercheif978 3 ай бұрын
Chad no-editing ending. Very good tierlist Scott
@nickdavid1846 3 ай бұрын
Mikealas should 1000% be f tier. Had one on my team who had NO MITHER, and was the only one to cleanse against plague. Mikealas are the worst, I'd rather have a leon
@LucasShrock 3 ай бұрын
she can't have the puking noise give her away, don't try to understand her intelligence it's way above us
@G4meOver11 3 ай бұрын
ngl, that sounds funny.
@furnoprime9439 3 ай бұрын
Meg Thomas Leon S. Kennedy Mikeala Reid and Steve Harrington These are the 4 Horsemen of the Palookalypse. Or so they would be had they had any understanding in horse riding...
@alienheadbite1shot 3 ай бұрын
as a 8 Hook Gigachad with a sprinkle of perk brain I respect this Tier list
@thehandsomestman666 3 ай бұрын
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 your photographic efforts are greatly appreciated. I will not take your beautifully crafted artwork for granted. Wonderful images for a tier-list. Bravo
@10du16 3 ай бұрын
Didnt mention those survivors that just suicide in order to save another teammate and it pays off 9/10 times. the survivor Giga chad
@mustaccio52 3 ай бұрын
I think the best farm matches are the ones that are played like normal until the end of the match when everyone tops off their points for like a minute and then skedaddle
@Grippod 3 ай бұрын
This is the kind of content I’m here for. Can’t believe Scott even got the qualifiers like the after-hard-tunnel-shitter tbags in there
@bathtubgoat2249 3 ай бұрын
8 hooks being in s tier is so validating
@ssjkakarotttv2676 3 ай бұрын
I've had this Archive Challenge for 2 Months, Cleanse 20 Totems. And I've only cleansed 13, and the cleanses have came from hex totems.
@isieg575 3 ай бұрын
Based Teammate not griefing
@mcdonnas377 3 ай бұрын
well done Scott! Awesome work you put in this!
@SiBORG. 3 ай бұрын
The houdini: Uses plot twist once all gens are done till the gates are open and safe to leave
@TheClebbb 3 ай бұрын
I was playing Wesker once and had an exit gate tbagger Meg who was fully infected. I came around my corner charging my power with Unicorn Medallion and grabbed her. Was a great moment.
@AcidHotpocket 3 ай бұрын
I can accept that Billiam isn't automatic Chad-tier anymore since the rework/buffs. my man needed them, but we have to give up our wholesome status in kind
@dbdstuffuncut 3 ай бұрын
No edits on tier list, love it
@alranican 3 ай бұрын
I’m surprised there isn’t a slot for the clip farming mechanics killers. Like curve Billies, flick Blights/Onis, hug tech Weskers, etc.
@kinroga 3 ай бұрын
8 hook 0 kills are the ones that get shot talked the most. More than campers and tunnelers. If you get 8 hooks and 0 kills you will be called baby killer, or get a EZ. For a community that hates camping and tunneling, they sure discourage any other kind of game play
@andrewmaldonado2603 3 ай бұрын
V true
@Dragon20038 3 ай бұрын
It is nice to see that no slowdowns is appreciated because I try my best to do it often (mostly cuz I play a ton of blight) so I just run full aura or full chase build
@Biglordchungass 3 ай бұрын
Scott do the Scott shaker
@dietretard2636 3 ай бұрын
Scott’s milkshake brings all the girls to the yard, so nice of him to intentionally withdraw from showing off his god build so we don’t get insecure. Such a nice guy😔✊🏽
@bigoof4556 3 ай бұрын
a nemesis nemesis is my personal favorite.
@MihaiDurus 3 ай бұрын
Where are the survivors that kill themselves on first hook? That's an easy F tier for me.
@RedPixelHeroes 3 ай бұрын
What about the thirsty survivors, they are people that will name their accounts "Hugs4DaddyWesker" or "Myer's Body Pillow" and if they get into a game with that killer they will literally throw the entire match so that they can try to flirt with the killer. And if they are successful the killer will just chase everyone else but them and give them hatch at the end of the game. If they fail they will continue to not play the game and only get hooked and when unhooked, will run back to the killer.
@deadhelix 3 ай бұрын
The thing with the switch up sweats who act nice after deleting someone from the match is if you were playing with a friend and it was you or them to got deleted now they gotta sit in spectate cam while the killer is now playing patty cake
@ElRinconDeLaPapa 3 ай бұрын
I feel like Scott had a lot of energy in this video, is this one of the 2 years every century where he feels good?
@Kurse_of_Kall 3 ай бұрын
this is the kind of content I am here for
@maximo88able 3 ай бұрын
hearing scott talk about how much the snares sucks when he was one of the people that pushed the hardest to see then nerfed is something
@SurvivalHorrorEntertainment 3 ай бұрын
Seems to be a trend with the popular content creators bitch about something being worth using then it gets nerfed because of all the bitching then call it trash when it gets turned into trash.
@gaigeriel 3 ай бұрын
"boon meg" being a slur for mikaela is wild. Will be using in the future.
@katherinestahl7641 3 ай бұрын
Aww man the “sweaty to farming” players really get to me. The other day I was solo queuing and went against a ghostface. I ended up getting hooked first and my teammates let me get to second stage. The ghostface then tunneled me out and started farming with everyone else. Im chill with sweating and being tunneled out- but commit to the sweat! Hurts to see a killer just start farming after being tunneled out. The other survivors were also griefing each other with fake unhooks…so something weird was going on with my team too idk lol
@shnitzel9052 3 ай бұрын
do you shoot for a specific hook # before killing? usually i try for at least killing on the fifth hook, but ofc if the game is close or the weakest is constantly in my LOS i won't hesitate to drop them, but do you even care to look at it?
@Orthane 3 ай бұрын
I always go for 8 hooks before I get a kill but I'm also a P100 Skull Merchant main (I don't 3 gen). Where would I be on this list?
@Lexaeus94 3 ай бұрын
As a archive challenge/leon main/distortion rat this is a pretty accurate listing, well done.
@yaboyengin2158 3 ай бұрын
You forgot about the final component of the chadpack build being awakened awareness for the element of surprise
@RetroSmiles 3 ай бұрын
Have you made a Survivor tierlist based on typical survivor behaviour? Like Megs being scumbags or Claudettes never being around to help?
@adalrichmartin9593 3 ай бұрын
"Basement runner" coming soon with all 3 Sable perks plus things like Head On, Shadow step etc
@tjones3520 3 ай бұрын
when i run into chase me people they see to last like 10 to 15 seconds it just feels funny to see them at this point
@HellsTV 3 ай бұрын
Not sure if it's an archetype, but the gen poping 1 second before a pain res scourge hook making it useless is a cannon event for all main killers
@26suspects28 3 ай бұрын
One of the most creative tier lists ive seen
@snewp_e2139 3 ай бұрын
I died laughing when scott placed chess merchant at the bottom of f without saying anything, like everyone already knows how bad it is to play against one
@Confused_Slime 3 ай бұрын
the first time i was playing i was playing as deathslinger and the team i was playing against was sweaty megs and they opened the gates and all tbagged and i shot the one that was injured and put em on a hook and just stared, the rest left my favorite moment in dbd
@BloodMyriad 3 ай бұрын
A tier i would make, similar to the survivors who t bag at the exit gate. Would be killers who BM last second when they know the survivor cant do anything about it anymore. This would obviously go at lowest point in the list because in order for this to actually happen, the survivor had to have been nice the entire match. Hence the not being able to do anything about it part, if they've already t bagged/been toxic then they've already done something about it before it even happened.
@Emeowy 3 ай бұрын
Now this is the true tier list we needed
@Joeysworldtour315 3 ай бұрын
20:20 should Wesker also be on that list? Every single Wesker i face just use the passive infection add-on and tunnels off hook every time and it’s way more effective because it’s Wesker
@cksupreme 3 ай бұрын
I definitely feel like we needed some honorable mentions for the gimmick-build killers and survivor, such as killers who play stealth builds just to scare people, or survivors that run all flashlight/slugging/healing perks.
@xoxonaotchan_7902 3 ай бұрын
Tier list for each character and the types of players who play em. Get them views boy.
@CrimsonWolfe776 3 ай бұрын
Glad Scott understands-- Something about the beating of Nemmy's concrete Timbs cratering the fucking floor while I tunnel down my 5th bunny Feng that day is deeply cathartic. I mean, she just sprinted through the middle of a T-L tile while staring back at me instead of the zombie ahead of her. Tyrants stomping around has been sick since '96.
@AlwaysKeepCalm7 3 ай бұрын
Please do that social media tier list next hahah
@Qeseu 3 ай бұрын
I tuned into your stream when you were doing the claudette image and you spent so much time on it just for ppl to not even fully see the image? Kinda xdd
@truejon 3 ай бұрын
1. high tier killer running 4 gen slow downs: - I be wondering like damn, is it really that serious? 2. all hooks before kills killer: - alright, that's respectable for sure, and having chases is fun so, can't complain 3. the archives thrower: - tbh, I don't play solo queue enough to experience this but I could imagine that's annoying but kind of funny lmao 4. back pack build killers: - alright ngl, its one of my favorite builds... how is it not fun, yk? 5. mikaela boon players: - I'd think its annoying "'cause what are you doing, why aren't you on a gen?" but I'd also think "alright dude, she's just doing boons" 😂 6. just chase me people: - tbh, some of them make it work but most of the time its annoying since they're just wasting time not doing anything and I've tried it a slight few times but killers just ignore you which make it boring to do anyways. 7. chest defending killers: - honestly, I acknowledge it and just ignore it (Ik boring) I'd rather go next and get a killer who's actually playing. If I ain't getting some chases in, what's the point yk 8. disconnecting against low tier killers: - Yeah, that sucks however I guess you can give them the benefit of the doubt and think they had to leave, help family with something, etc 9. distortion rats: - I don't mind them as long as they actually aren't hiding but the issue is... 10. farmers: - straight up boring. just play normally... you'll get a lot of blood points anyway 11. flashlight player: - mannnnnn, it be annoying af 😭 and they be bad at flashlights too...JUST GET ON A GEN BRO 12. gens before friends: - it all depends on the situation but most of the times, it sucks going second 13. hit and runners: kind of lame and boring tbh, NOT TO MENTION... they ALWAYS have sloppy butcher which is annoying af cause I don't enjoy healing for 2 hours over and over again 14. leon: - haven't witnessed them enough 15. gigachad huntress: - don't see it enough but fack them hitboxes 16. map offerings: - tbh, I like it cause I'd rather play in autohaven and macmillan more than anything but the ones that use it for straight advantage is a bit annoying 17. no slow down chads: - respect, keep doing your thing but don't complain about gens popping quick tho 18. pre drop pallets: - sometimes you should, so when good players do it, its fine 19. ptb clown: - it does suck there's a new killer out and they just play whatever killer lol or survivors that don't try out the new survivor... I mean you can ofc do what you want but you don't wanna try it out? 20. perk brains: - killers wanting to bamboozle every single window, or killers popping every gen even if its low percentage 21. self care players: - what is there to say... they just waste everyone's time lol 22. sweat lord then friendly after 1person is dead at 5 gens: - weirdos tbh, why does anyone take the game that seriously lol. Even comp players are chill af 23. watched a montage and trying to replicate it players: well, I can't knock em for trying silly fun stuff I guess lol. The game is nice when it isn't so serious. Going against it is funny cause its like bro, you're really trying that? haha 24. tunneling nemesis: - ive seen the emotes but I don't see nemesis that much but it does look funny lol. Giant zombie mf swinging his arms chasing you 25. distortion rat after unhooking: - grow up, its a video game... what are you so scared of? its pixels 26. exit gate teabaggers: - understandable if you tunnel but some people do it regardless if you're nice or not which its like, leave so I can go next lol 27. playing like their life depends on it, someone dcs and killer slugs the people wanting to go next: - loser type shit 28. comp 4 man in pubs: - lmao, I mean it can be entertaining watching comp teams stomp pub killers 29. skull merchant: -
@kratoscallofduty 3 ай бұрын
The only time I disrespect T-bag is when the killer was camping/tunneling the entire match. Some killers absolutely deserve it.
@markscherer3881 3 ай бұрын
Definitely. I had a tunneling knight and a tunneling Myers both block me because I t bagged them at the gates
@ComradeMercy 2 ай бұрын
The Leon thing is so true. I cannot live in a chase for longer than five seconds. I swear it's some sort of brain parasite
@BookersJourney 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the laugh this was hilarious. Great Content x
@Idontknowwhat2type 3 ай бұрын
I did a backpack nemi 2 weeks ago and a nea let me carry her around all match. S tier experience
@Skillfulstone 3 ай бұрын
I'd consider myself the healthy version of a "Distortion rat". I'll run Distortion (mostly when I SWF, which is almost all I do on Survivor since 7.5.0 because tunnelling's been the worst it's been for years, especially when against weaker/M1 Killers and I understand why) but it'll be mostly for 3 things; 1: Call out potential aura-reading perks (most importantly Lethal Pursuer) to my teammates. 2: While decent in chase if necessary, I'm mostly the gen-jockey in most teams I play with and I'll admit it, Distortion reduces the chances of being interrupted on a gen _and_ I can call out a potential BBQ for teammates that might be repairing the same gen as me. 3: Especially with the upcoming wave of empowered (not _overpowered_ there is a difference) Huntresses that will appear soon, being able to go for saves without getting sniped/spotted as easily by proxy-campers is very useful. I'd rather have to get ready to start dodging 10 Hatchets or a Hillbilly coming back to hook at Mach 3 _after_ my teammate is unhooked thank you very much.
@BrianRocksNow 3 ай бұрын
In one setting, I've been 5 of these types of players ranging from S to F tier. I switch it up constantly.
@wolframiumlavasioth 3 ай бұрын
1:45 this happens to me VERY regularly, I find it very frustrating but I don't care about winning enough where I'd change the way I play. What happens to me often is X survivor is dead on hook, I know they are dead on hook but instead of hunting them down I chase the first survivor I see, and even they're not dead I just chase anyway.
@danialalhamd7630 3 ай бұрын
im an 8hooker blight with 0 slowdowns ( sometimes i run only one(pop) just to punish map offereres but i never use it against chill players ) i feel so powerful
@michaelurmo7984 3 ай бұрын
We need more love for the Trapper, Freddy, and Myers player that always says gg after winning OR losing. Gigachads basically.
@markscherer3881 3 ай бұрын
I’ve never met a nice Freddy player
@alexerhardt662 3 ай бұрын
Another one to go in F tier is the Knock Out, Sloppy butcher Sadako who also does hit and run until everyone is slugged. They genuinely are the biggest beta players for killer
@staticturtle1629 3 ай бұрын
Wish you added the body blockers, the surivers that run with each other or that one that literally blockes your movement path for a hit.
@TheClebbb 3 ай бұрын
I’m happy to be seen as a resident backpack giga chad killer. Idk where I’d be today without my za, Demogorgon, mad grit, agitation, and iron grasp.
@fats2010 3 ай бұрын
the one saving grace with 4 slowdown high tier players is when they're just straight up bad at the killer and kinda need it. Like if 4 slowdowns leads to a close game cause you're the single worst blight player of all time (blight can admittedly be pretty difficult) then sure, what's really frustrating is when they're actually pretty great players (or sometimes just straight up comp players) but still run 4 slowdowns against uncle jim, 55 who's just trying to wind down on solo queue after a grueling day of work
@MEGURMAN 3 ай бұрын
"boon meg" is crazy 🤣
@coolmamo 3 ай бұрын
Is there a category for people like me who havent played in over a year but still watch some content
@johail3510 3 ай бұрын
That made me feel good :) I either 8 hook zero kill then try to finish, or (more often) just 8 hook 0 kill, no intention of finishing anyone
@srahhh 2 ай бұрын
This kind of game is fun for everyone IMO, because it feels actually scary and hard for the survs up until the end, challenging for the killer, and everyone ends up with a crapton of BPs like you all spent the whole time farming anyway.
@joshkeller2671 3 ай бұрын
Love that I'm in S tier. I only go for 8 hooks an 0 kills. Because of this my mmr has remained really bad but im a decent killer and I dont enjoy killing bad players. It's so much more fun just and less stressful against low tier survivors. They meme a lot more and everyone just has a good time.
@judiobag2841 3 ай бұрын
I have never even played dbd I just like listening to Scott talk
@Beessokoo1coo1 3 ай бұрын
What about lore accurate players or role players?
@Kezajaws01904 3 ай бұрын
Can confirm the Leon placement. When i was trying to get my Adept Leon, it took me like 10 games. Normally it takes me 5 or 6, depending on RNG. The game when I finally got it was when I didn't craft a flashbang. I legitimately remember seeing a teammates of mine t-bagging at the exit gates against a Slinger. While injured. You can guess what happened. I then crouch-walked over to the Slinger and just started bagging the teammate. After giving me a smack on the bum for good luck, he let me go XD One gigachad player I want to mention here is a Blight who I faced on Lery's. I brought the map offering because I was trying to get a new Head On record, and was out of Midwich offerings. I didn't break my record but I did hit him twice. Once mid-rush, and once while he was carrying one of my teammates to the hook. After the match, he actually thanked me for not running Lithe or Dead Hard.
@ashtonsmall3757 3 ай бұрын
The 8 hook 0 kills thing happens so much to me and I barely try for it idk if I'm just bad or what
@uroborik 3 ай бұрын
sad to see tbaggers at the gate who doesn't want to leave putting last injured survivor (if they have left in the match) at risk of dying by not giving them hatch (just like jill in the recent otz video about soloq)
@Tepperino 3 ай бұрын
When is the pyjama tier list coming?
@KUZ3NBO 3 ай бұрын
I love a Lore accurate Nemesis
@Nima-jneb 3 ай бұрын
Its insane bc the "chase me" players will run windows, adrenaline, lithe and resilience and then when you do decide to chase them they'll go down in like 15 seconds.
@brad1426 3 ай бұрын
I get it on the archives, but I also feel like if every DBD solo queue game were all of my teammates slamming gens in 4 corners the game would be kinda boring. Idk they may not be playing optimally but it’s one of those things like, if evil doesn’t exist than what’s so special about good, you know?
@SoulFire9001 3 ай бұрын
Honorable mention, survivors that play chicken with a basement unhook who has kindred, and they do nothing for the whole 2 minutes leaving you to die, after having seen killer leave basement like 5 seconds later.
@gcelite36 3 ай бұрын
What about the blight killer that runs quality of life perks. Or the killer that likes to play different killers
@Tsomomma 3 ай бұрын
You forgot about the W killers who don't mindgame, the weskers who mindgame theirselves to oblivion and W survivor players who never stick loops
@dubeusgames 3 ай бұрын
1:30 in, and Scott is already calling my preferred playstyle, "giga chad." Awesome. Always have preferred playing in that style, even as far back as the base game. Archive Throwers - I don't throw matches for Archive Challenges, but if the match is going downhill, I will just aim for what I can get. Backpack Playstyle - if I get a Survivor who realizes I'm not out to kill them off, and they let me carry them...I have fun with it. But I play Xeno, so, you're my handbag. :D Distortion Rat - excuse me! I just run Distortion to break Aura Reading; and I always try to take aggro from others being chased all the time, but Killers just either tunnel me from the start, or leave me alone until the end. Leon - no, this is Chris Redfield! Chris is most definitely the opposite tier of Leon; if Leon is F, Chris is S tier. No Slow-Down Perk Killers - also my preferred play style. I don't want a match running on longer than it needs to, especially if the Survivors are good at their objectives and looping. Way to go! :D PTB Clown - yeah, that's why I stopped doing many PTBs. I go in with the mentality of, "Let's test shit sweat, all fun," and people still D/C. So, I just started playing with bots during PTB, or friends. So glad to see most of my preferences are S and A tiers. :D
@misteral9045 3 ай бұрын
DBD is one of the few games that produces bimodal tierlist results, usually heavier towards the negative.
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