Debate on the power tool ban at car boot sales.

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27 күн бұрын

In this episode of Antiques Arena, we dive into a heated debate with Trades United about the proposed ban on power tools at car boot sales. We cover a wide range of topics and personal experiences to shed light on this controversial issue.
We start with an overview of the proposed power tool ban at car boot sales and its potential impact on vendors and buyers. With nearly 30 years of experience in car boot sales, I bring a unique perspective to the discussion, emphasizing how such a ban could disrupt livelihoods.
Personal Experience with Tool Theft
I share my personal ordeal with tool theft, detailing how my fully loaded van was stolen and the subsequent challenges I faced, including being wrongly accused of insurance fraud. This sets the stage for understanding the broader implications of tool theft on tradespeople.
Unfair Generalization of Car Boot Sale Sellers
We discuss the unfair stigma attached to car boot sale sellers, addressing the misconception that all sellers of power tools are involved in illegal activities. This segment highlights the importance of not penalizing the majority for the actions of a few bad actors.
Impact of the Proposed Ban
We analyze the effectiveness of the proposed ban on reducing tool theft and explore alternative avenues criminals might use to sell stolen goods. The discussion extends to the potential for broader restrictions on high-value items at car boot sales.
Economic and Social Impact
This section focuses on the economic importance of car boot sales, particularly in the current cost of living crisis. We talk about how many people rely on these sales for extra income and the impact on legitimate sellers who deal in larger quantities of tools.
Market Realities and Personal Trust Issues
We delve into the realities of selling items at car boot sales, emphasizing that the low selling prices do not justify the risks associated with stealing and selling tools. This segment also touches on public trust issues with law enforcement and government, especially in light of recent scandals.
Proposals to Reduce Tool Theft
The podcast discusses practical measures to reduce tool theft, such as:
Vehicle Security Enhancements: Suggestions for tradespeople to secure their tools better.
Advanced Surveillance: Utilizing technologies like facial recognition to track and apprehend criminals.
Questions for the Police Chief
We prepare a list of critical questions for law enforcement officials, covering topics like budget allocation, effectiveness of current measures, and the impact of organized crime on tool theft. These questions aim to seek clarity on how best to tackle the issue without resorting to broad bans.
Community and Economic Impact
We discuss the broader implications of the proposed ban, considering how it might align with governmental efforts to phase out cash transactions and the importance of preserving car boot sales as community events.
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@TradeLegends 25 күн бұрын
Thanks Walter for coming down it was great to have you on the show :) It’s always important to have multiple view points on things like this!
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
thank you very much, i appreciate it and thank you for being so welcoming.
@MJTiffPlumbing 17 күн бұрын
The podcast is now out on the Trade Legends Channel and is getting some very good interaction from the trades people. Well worth popping over to take a look at the comments on there for a balanced view of it all.
@MJTiffPlumbing 26 күн бұрын
Really good to have you on the podcast yesterday Walter….. I think both “sides” came away with a lot and it was very good. Looking forward to you coming to the London Carboots as I think it will massively open your eyes.. And like I said and you agree, I think car boots need to be regulated…. We should all work together as none of us want Car Boots to go…. Great to meet you mate, and you’re very welcome back anytime… Mark
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
thank you very much for your comment. i appreciate how good you all were with me yesterday. and yes there is a real problem. we just need to work on a solution that is fair and effective . see you in london in a couple of weeks.
@taliesinantiques 25 күн бұрын
Credit to everyone involved in this debate, always better to get together in person and hash it out! I agree with Walter that a blanket ban isn't the right solution here. I haven't been to these London 'boot sales' either but they sound more like black markets! It's not fair to make a law affecting the whole country based only on what's happening there. Painting all boot sales as places full of stolen goods will damage their reputation and will lead to more closures. Many people might not care, but do we really want a society where you can't sell your unwanted items to other people without the government getting involved? That's ridiculous. If specific boot sales are suspected of selling stolen goods, then pressure should be put on the police to investigate those cases. Don't let the police fob you off with 'we have other priorities', they have officers trawling through online comments ffs! They need to explain why they consider that more important than investigating this crime. Just my final point about a blanket ban, there's a cost of living crisis and many people need to do DIY in their home. They may not be able to afford new tools or to hire someone - why shouldn't they be able to buy an old tool that's been restored at a much cheaper price? What do they do if there's a blanket ban? This was a great debate, saw both sides argument and concerns. Good work Walter! 👏 Looking forward to seeing how the London trip goes!
@paulstimpson8977 26 күн бұрын
I am an Electrician and I do not agree with a ban on power tools being sold at boot sales. It is a very poor way of dealing with it, first off it won't stop anything and secondly if they are being sold at a boot sale then it is easy if the Police can be arsed to do their job. I totally support Walter on this issue! and believe the agenda is a clamp down on boot sales.
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
Hi Paul. thank you very much for your comment. i am in agreement there is a major problem with crime in london, blanket bans are not the way forward for anything but i think a targeted approch may be a solution.
@Pureblood10000 24 күн бұрын
If the police think stolen power tools are being sold at carboot sales then they should investigate and charge the sellers,if dodgy sellers thought the cops would turn up checking their stuff they’d think twice about dealing in stolen goods.Banning their sale at carboots won’t stop them getting nicked it’s obvious 😳
@Rebecca-zp4gm 26 күн бұрын
A solution could be that every vehicle is checked via npr. Also, a register of new power tools serial numbers etc. If they are stolen the serial number is highlighted. When abusive male parent van was broken into the late 1990s, tools were marked and replaced tools were marked deeper making it impossible for them to be resold etc. This happened in Weston-Super-Mare - London was a 3 hour drive away. The van was parked under a car port with car in front with a massive steel gate which was locked with a chain. This was in the 1990s not 2000s.
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
Hi Rebecca. i agree crime is a major problem and has been for a very long time.
@mralfiebob.902 25 күн бұрын
I suppose the power tool manufacturers are laughing all the way to the bank, as fast as they make them, they get stolen and need replacing. As a side point, my friend has dealt with container loads of ex catalog sales for the last 40 years, including brand new power tools that he sells on to make a good living.
@AntiquesArena 23 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for your comment. The manufacturer are the only winner here to true
@johngreen6191 26 күн бұрын
Police don't take lost property now but what would happen if you discovered a Faberge item at a car boot? I think they would be visiting very quickly.
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
Hi John. thank you for your comment. i havnt seen an officer at a car boot sale in probs fifteen years or more. in fact out side of speeding police do officers exist
@johngreen6191 24 күн бұрын
@@AntiquesArena Exactly, revenue collectors or they doing their own sideline. Eastern European police have corrupt sidelines to make their money up. Why have we become so sceptical, we were never like this?
@VickiFromMichigan 25 күн бұрын
It takes valuable time and energy to want to make things right in these situations that no one person alone can resolve. Kudos to you both for speaking up and out about these very important issues that concern many people. If these stolen tools are illegally sold and sent to Africa, I wonder if global economic inequality plays any role in this. Here in the USA in the wealthier neighborhoods of major cities there has been a sharp increase in break-ins of homes in where the thieves target master bedrooms looking for high-end jewelry and other valuable items. Organized crime coming from South America is found to be responsible. Since there is no simple solution to global economic inequalities and wealth gaps between the rich and poor, for an overall resolution it makes sense to me to have a stronger law enforcement presence and task force created and special consideration should be given to preserving the decades old car boot sale event!
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
hi vicki. thank you very much for your comment. there is a far worse problem with crime than i dreamed up london. but a target approch is needed and maybe a little noise in parliment but about the right thing. not about blanket bans but other subtle ways to put a stop to things.
@thistimenextyear77 25 күн бұрын
Well done Walter for eloquently explaining smashing the nut with a sledgehammer total overkill If the chap ‘debating’ said Come to London one more time . . . 🤪 condescending tone on the chap representing the trade The idea of stopping the tools being sold at auction and also via police auctions is the way forward . Cut the source and stop auction rooms selling power tools . Why not register each powertool day 1 with manufacturer / Po Po . Leave the car boots alone - harmless weekend pastime for many Losing all freedoms in UK , watch out
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
hi. thank you for your comment. i think stop the source, if it has no serial number destroy it. and make all auction houses register and take id from power tool sellers.
@MartinClarke-bj4fo 26 күн бұрын
Id also like to mention as a large dealer trader i often get asked to purchase large quantities of tools very rarely are they used goods because most of us who would deal in power tools know full well they just dont come up hell id guantee you that most organised thefts are stolen to be sent abroad because inside the eu outside of britian they really dont care which is why most stolen cars, biycles, industrial equipment is only worth money abaord not inside the uk The number of people reporting goods stolen from the uk to appear inside the eu via tracking itself is shocking because soon as it leaves the uk it becomes legal and then they can ask for full retail which is why its a huge problem
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
thank you again martin. i appreciate your input on this subject. i am actually in agreement a huge number are sold over seas, but some of the stories i had of people using machetes at 2am stealing from vans is a serious crime, i dont understand why teh police are not prioritising it.
@MartinClarke-bj4fo 25 күн бұрын
@AntiquesArena because they simply do not want to do any real policing its currently bogged down with all this politically correct nonsense if you post anything derogatory to anyone of certain community's then expect a knock onnthe door anything else pretty much good to go Hell someone had a knock on the door for a reform sign to give you a perfect example
@MartinClarke-bj4fo 25 күн бұрын
@AntiquesArena also if there is a pawn shop near you ask them to give some insight to show how even pawn shops have to follow the law and they will all be able to give you direct quotes
@Justjad007 26 күн бұрын
No way... I don't agree on stealing anything... But you can't ban the sales off power tools...
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
thank you for your comment. i dont go for blanket ban of anything. i hate control
@paulstimpson8977 25 күн бұрын
The host lost all credibility when he said "You cannot really use AI for research?" of course you can use AI for research! You have to be aware of its limitations but it is a huge mistake to say it cannot really be used for research. He best tell that to the huge number of companies that are currently either using, researching or developing in that area they are wasting their time.
@TradeLegends 25 күн бұрын
Hey Paul, it’s the host here! I haven’t rewatched the video yet, but what I meant by this is LLM’s (what we consider AI) are incredibly bad at citing sources, when gathering factual information it’s always better to cite sources and ideally triangular information where possible to make sure information is correct, otherwise you may end up with disinformation. That’s all I meant by this :) As someone that uses multiple LLMs on a daily basis it’s an incredibly useful tool! :) Hope that clears it up
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
thank you both for your comment. ai does have its limits, but when you ask it to find something, it gives you the article and the website as a source to go and look for yourself, it has come on leaps and bounds and theres nothing ai cant get for you really, you just need to fact check it after wards.
@paulstimpson8977 25 күн бұрын
@@TradeLegends Sure that is correct but I could only comment on what you actually said. I am a tradesman myself so I understand the problem with tool theft but this podcast really angered me because the arguments were really poorly thought out on the ban side and totally illogical, honestly you really need to listen to it carefully, it didn't come across well at all. The only point I didn't agree with Walter on was when you pulled him up on handling stolen property, of course no one can be sure if second hand items have been stolen or not, it comes down to a degree of trust. Which is why this crime is hard to deal with if you don't get any evidence when the actual theft takes place. I think you would have more support if the ban was on bulk selling of power tools at boot sales, so dealers in effect (maybe some kind of licence for them maybe). The boot sale I go to had the sign up about no power tools but it wasn't enforced.
@MartinClarke-bj4fo 25 күн бұрын
However I will agree bootsales are turning into unregulated markets the amount of times I've been to bootsales and found them full of tax avoiding traders is shocking most of them don't realise that if you sell consistently at bootsales you do need to also get a street traders license and can get into a lot of trouble without it
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
hi marting. thank you for your comment. i agree lots most likely are not registered for tax. but thats a far cry from destroying someones life, threatening them with knives while they rob their vans.
@coupsdestylo 23 күн бұрын
Trades people steal from everyone, over £3 billion in lost tax from cash in hand jobs, insurance companies estimate it to be £98 million per year in tool thefts. pot, kettle, much.
@peterhill2881 24 күн бұрын
Im sure you can get done for handling stolen goods so for the ones that are found to have stolen tools surely the police could have done them but they are more bothered about fining people for going 35 in a 30 thats the big problem here
@AntiquesArena 24 күн бұрын
me outlining the police and working with trades united to clean up boot sales could help save them and prevent blanket bans. or that's the hope
@peterhill2881 24 күн бұрын
There not saying everyone is a thief at the bootsale but they want a blanket ban on tools being sold there make it make sense
@AntiquesArena 24 күн бұрын
blanket bans arnt the way mate, this is a police failure. honest sellers and dealers shouldn't have to be a sacrifice because of the few. anyway from my pod cast on my channel the police got off their ass yesterday and went and arrested 7 people and took all the stolen tools from the boot sale. so clearly that's all that was needed. the police to actually care
@iangillard3288 26 күн бұрын
Walter they will sell somewere else mate you got pubs and most likely going abroad theft will never stop
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
hi mate. thank you for your comment. tbh mate, we dont see anything in wales or madley etc where i go like they are describing, so i will go to london and take a look myself. but a targeted approch is whats needed not a blanket ban.
@MartinClarke-bj4fo 26 күн бұрын
There is also zero proof of 1500 pound tools being sold for 30 on bootsales if there was stolen or not dealers would be jumping all over them and youd have tons of vdeios on youtube with pickers picking them up and bragging about snagging those deals all over youtube
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
hi martin. thank you again for your comment. i have to be honest they have shown me far more than they put online, dont know why it wasnt online in the first place. what i will say is i still feel a blanket ban is not the way, i feel the police dont care at all. live are being ruined but there is a bigger picture than a few tools at car boot sales. much more research is needed.
@MartinClarke-bj4fo 25 күн бұрын
@AntiquesArena I can't comment on what I haven't seen either however the question remains why aren't the youtubers pickers us dealers showing those bargains 1500 pound tools were all gonna jump on that for 30 bar
@MartinClarke-bj4fo 26 күн бұрын
Police can cease any electric power tool without serial numbers also its a criminal offense to purcahse or sell any electric item with someone else name on hence they dont need any mew laws juat enforce the laws already in place These are the same laws that pawn shops have to follow even house clerance people like myself have to follow I cannot by law sell any electric device without a serial number nor any item with someone else's personal information attached I literally have to scrap tons of tools ever year as scrap to scrap yards due to this fact I do have sympathy with traders however the issue is due to poor policing not regulation since the regulation is already in place just lack of motivation to inact the laws already in place Maybe if they stop hiring under woke policy's and diversity quotas and get them to do thier jobs or fire them
@thefishinal1762 26 күн бұрын
What law is it where you can’t sell tools with other people names on tools , I’ve had loads from auctions
@MartinClarke-bj4fo 26 күн бұрын
@thefishinal1762 names is due to data protection eu law which is why both public and trade aren't allowed to purchase items with anyone else's personal information on it also includes digital information which is why purchasing any electronic devices by eu law trading standards it has to be wiped before resale Because it has the name on it has become worthless and is prohibited under the same law data protection no auction should be selling those with individuals names on and should be reported to trading standards for a breach of trading selling laws Nor would any transaction made from goods with individuals names be validated hence why even pawn shops have to immediately refuse There can be brief exceptions for precious metals becauee they can be sold as scrap not as goods for resale but not for electronics The auction house themselves should have removed the names if it was legitimately required and all serial numbers logged they could also lose thier license for not doing so which is a considerable amount of money and education
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
hi martin. thank you very much for your comment. that is a law and something i am going to look in to for next time when i meet the police.
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for your comment martin. i honestly thought if an item has a serial number removed then it could be taken with out questions too.
@MartinClarke-bj4fo 25 күн бұрын
@AntiquesArena you are 100% correct they can conforsate it without charge unless they can prove its been purchased legally however since the serial number has been removed they cant either
@paulstimpson8977 26 күн бұрын
The guy arguing for a ban is totally un-educated in what he is talking about. "Hire companies don't sell their tools" of course they do, it is the same process as lease cars, they buy new and set an operational lifespan with profit built into the hire prices and then sell them off. They cannot hire out unreliable equipment. I found this guy very condescending in some of the things he said and he doesn't see the bigger picture. Walter knows his stuff when it comes to car boots, if anyone is going to educate anybody it will be Walter. He said at one point "You haven't done your research" but doesn't believe people hire power tools! "Everyone has a drill" a simple google search will prove otherwise, loads of companies hire out power tools.
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
hi paul. thank you for your comment. tbh i know they sell tools as x hire but again they are worn heavy used tools. so i will see when i go to london in a few weeks
@peterhill2881 24 күн бұрын
Its not difficult to sell tools online 😂 if you ban them from a bootsale they will sell them somewhere else
@AntiquesArena 24 күн бұрын
Agree totally mate. But also feel out side of London they arnt using the markets to sell it all.
@peterhill2881 24 күн бұрын
@@AntiquesArena im from Wolverhampton and i will admit i have seen some clearly stolen tools at the boot but like you have said on this video a blanket ban will not help all it does is effect the honest seller give carboots a bad name and move the problem on people will still steal tools and just sell them elsewhere like online or in person house to house what they are asking for is nonsense
@AntiquesArena 24 күн бұрын
@@peterhill2881 100 percent mate. But the police have proven this weekend how easy it is to pick them up at a boot sale so why even ban anyone let the police just do their job
@theacefacejames 25 күн бұрын
God Walter you're out of your depth here. Just be grateful you live out in the sticks. As if police auctions are relevant to this conversation. Take him up on his offer to take you out because you need your eyes opening to the real world. The poor guy was trying not to laugh at you FFS . Jesus....
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
hi mate. thank you for your comment. i am going to london to see the bootsales. and yes police auctions are very relevant. pontypridd auction is a police auction and they have had a room full of tools a room full of bikes. all once stollen and put back out in the markets. this is nothing more than the police failing to do their duty, priority in the wrong place. blanket bans and disgracing boot sales isnt the answer. target approach remove the source ie. auctions. fight for simple changes like tools with out serial numbers to be destroyed. there are ways to help fight this but a blanket ban isnt one of them. as for the man laughing at me. we have been in constant communication and they are actually happy i am involved as we plan to make awareness to the problems and rather than pushing for blanket bans look at other solutions to clean up the boot sales.
@theacefacejames 25 күн бұрын
The issue isn't the boot sales near you..or the ones near me (including a massive one near Guildford just outside London). It's the fact that anyone can open up a boot sale anywhere knowing full well that it's going to be used to fence stolen and fake goods.
@theacefacejames 25 күн бұрын
​@@AntiquesArenaand I'm saying this as someone who loves a proper boot sale, went to one today and am debating right now whether to set my alarm for 0430 to go to one tomorrow!
@AntiquesArena 25 күн бұрын
The problem is based on that theory it will be the end of boot sales. Which is an easy out and will not impact the figures of stolen tools. Did you see. 100 millions pounds worth of tools stolen. 12 arrests. The police should be ashamed
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