Deconstructing Christianity w/ Lily Kaczkowski

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IANDS - Int'l Assn. for Near-Death Studies - NDEs

IANDS - Int'l Assn. for Near-Death Studies - NDEs

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Lily was born and raised in the Deep South (US), and with that, she was immersed in a devout Christian community. Her childhood years were filled with church services, Sunday school, and the teachings of her religion. From a young age, she was taught to value the principles of Christianity, which shaped much of her worldview.
As a young adult, Lily embarked on a journey of self-discovery that led her away from her hometown. Moving to a more diverse and free-thinking environment, she began to question the beliefs she held for so long. Through introspection and exposure to new perspectives, Lily gradually deprogrammed herself from the religious upbringing of her youth. Her path to deconstruction was challenging but empowering, allowing her to explore a broader spectrum of spiritual and philosophical perspectives.
Today, Lily is an advocate for personal freedom and critical thinking. She started a KZfaq channel in which she explores esoteric and spiritual questions with her guests with the goal to offer insight to those on similar journeys of self-discovery and to aid in the transformation of humanity’s rising frequency.
Connect with our guest:
✨ Lily's Links:
KZfaq: / @lilymaypresents
Connect with our host:
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FB: buddhabetty
IG: buddha.betty
KZfaq: @buddhabetty
Explore The Extraordinary is a groundbreaking podcast brought to you by the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS). Exploring everything from near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming, encounters with divine beings, and more, this podcast delves deep into extraordinary experiences and perspectives that challenge our understanding of the world around us (and our place in it). Through thought-provoking interviews, insightful discussions, and personal anecdotes, Explore the Extraordinary offers a unique platform for listeners to broaden perspectives and contemplate profound mysteries of human (and spiritual) consciousness. Join us on this incredible journey of discovery as we explore the fascinating realm of the extraordinary.
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Пікірлер: 40
@khsculpture 16 күн бұрын
This Young Lady has learned this lesson quicker than me. It took me over 20 years for my deconstruction.
@lilymaypresents 15 күн бұрын
@michaelbabbitt3837 19 күн бұрын
I was deconstructed out of many spiritual paths. When young I deconstructed from being an Freudian-styled atheist; then I was deconstructed from being a New Ager; a lay Buddhist; I was also deconstructed from being a Hindu devotee. These are all true. But I saw the value of a religious life and I got my MA in Comparative Religion. I finally became a Christian - the last thing I had wanted to become - through critical thinking, examining my thought system and beliefs and correcting my many misconceptions of Christianity that were often fed by superficial Christians and also lies by the media and others who misrepresented true Christianity. You can make the leaving any faith tradition sound high and critical-minded. Lily just replaced her inadequate worldview by substituting it with another. You have to have a worldview to live, a meaning-core to make sense out of life. Just the statement, "I thought I could be a good person only by being a Christian" shows you that Lily was badly taught what being a disciple of Christ is about. It's not about being 'good' and in it is not about behavior. It is about where your heart is directed, to whom your heart is directed to. And her talk about her feelings about love and about vibrations only shows how she picked up the modern cultural zeitgeist, the 'new spirituality'. Been there, done that, and have been deconstructed out of it. 19 күн бұрын
As someone in my 60's, I have changed some 'beliefs' as I've gotten older and I have kept others the whole time. She's on a journey, I wish her the best 👍❤️ PS Lily, don't forget about joy too 👍
@lilymaypresents 15 күн бұрын
Thank you Lauren! I won't 😉
@fredbeckett9606 19 күн бұрын
I have witnessed miracles generated from praying within my Christian religion, and I have felt the spirit of the Lord many times.
@lilymaypresents 15 күн бұрын
What a great time talking with you! 💛
@IANDSvideos 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for holding space with IANDS and Betty!! So blessed by you! Much love - Loreli@IANDS
@oerjanlothe2369 20 күн бұрын
0:52: 🕊 Exploring the evolution of Christianity and personal deconstruction journey from a mystical perspective. 4:31: 💭 Exploring personal beliefs through interactions with people of different faiths and backgrounds. 9:10: 💔 Challenges of diverging beliefs within a family, particularly with a strong Christian mother. 13:39: 🔍 Exploration of near-death experiences and esoteric topics after leaving Christianity. 18:08: 🌱 Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and evolution, shifting from victimhood to gratitude. 23:03: 🎙 Exploring different faiths and beliefs through podcast inspiration and discussion. 27:24: ⚡ Manifesting healing through vibrational shift and unwavering faith in co-creation. Recap by Tammy AI (Love you, Betty)
@dearselfwithmelani 17 күн бұрын
What an amazing interview! Lily thank you for sharing your story through your kind heart, intelligence and wisdom 🩷 Loved every minute of this.
@lilymaypresents 15 күн бұрын
aw, so sweet of you!! Thank you
@IANDSvideos 12 күн бұрын
So thankful you connected with Lily's story. Thank you for your kind words and support! Sending so much love to you - Loreli@IANDS
@elizabethecarlisle1045 17 күн бұрын
What an absolute sweetheart. Lily, keep going. There's so much more. ♥️
@lilymaypresents 15 күн бұрын
Thank you so much Elizabeth!♥
@IANDSvideos 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for your loving support!! Sending love and blessings - Loreli@IANDS
@robertvroom 19 күн бұрын
I deconstructed in college too for different reasons, and spent about 15 years exploring. It is hard to hear that we should look for facts and evidence to support all beliefs except religion, while being told that for religion we should "just have faith". I am Christian again now, and came back through apologetics (defense of Christianity through logic, reason, science...). Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about anything related. I will be happy to try to answer them. Below are quick thoughts on two things mentioned. Since non-Christians are often good, goodness is not something that comes through Christianity. It is true that correct belief in God does not produce goodness, but where does the idea of goodness come from? Does each individual decide what is good/evil and that person is good as long as (s)he follows those ideals or can a person be wrong about what is good? If the individual can be wrong, does society tell us what is good (when slavery is considered good by society it is good)? If individuals and societies can be wrong about morality, morality must come from a greater authority than either. As for Hell, some believe the unsaved are tormented eternally, others that Hell is where they die. For the annihilation view are verses saying Adam was kicked out of Eden so he wouldn't live forever (Gen 3:22), only Jesus is immortal in himself (1 Tim 6:13-16), the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) and immortality is a gift of God through Christ (1 Peter 22-23, Phil 3:18-21, 1 Cor 15:50-54). There is a lot more to say on these and other topics, and reading good apologetics books (On Guard-William Lane Craig, Keeping Your Kids on God's Side-Natasha Crain, Rethinking Hell-Chris Date) can help build a stronger faith built on evidence rather than a faith that blindly trusts.
@lilymaypresents 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for these perspectives!! 😊
@PraiseYAyoupeople 15 күн бұрын
I was in a similar situation as you except I asked God to show me if Jesus is who Bible teaches that he is. I fasted and prayed and he answered my prayer. He literally spoke to me. I think this is what you are missing encounter with God first hand. I believed most Christians never had encounter with God. I pray that you keep seeking the truth because Jesus is the truth. And the love you feel is actually him without You even realizing it. Also the true spiritual Ascension can only happen with him guiding you and filling you with his Spirit. The main goal of human existence. You will literally become love. I no longer go to church and feel you are on the same path as me. Praying fast to have encounter with God. That should be your first step
@redlinegw 19 күн бұрын
I feel like "deconstruction" is the trendy new word for people that want to sin without guilt, pray that she returns. 🙏 I think if she were really honest you could re-word what is written there to say this "Through being exposed to liberal professors and woke students, Lily gradually decided for herself to leave behind her religious upbringing of her youth so she can dabble with sex, alcohol and maybe some drug use without feeling like she was sinning against a Holy God that Loves her. Deconstruction was challenging because I did feel like I was letting down my parents and God but the more I did it the easier it was and it feels good in the moment. I wasnt capable of exploring other spiritual and philosophical perspectives without abandoning what I know is true."
@bobobrien8968 5 күн бұрын
Like Christians don’t sin. They just make it o.k. at the end of the day by confessing and ask for forgiveness. And then sin again tomorrow. So stop being so self righteous and judgemental. If you would explore the nde s you might be less apt to jump to conclusions that your beliefs are right and non “Christians” are wrong. We still believe in Christ and God but not religion.
@redlinegw 5 күн бұрын
@@bobobrien8968 I never assumed or said that Christians dont sin, you might be thinking about Catholicism when it comes to confessing sin and asking for forgiveness. Christians are called to "repent" of our sin whch is different then just confessing. Nothing I said was passing judgement or self righteous so not sure where you got that but actually you are being judgemental by saying those things to me are you not? The bible is truth.
@maguscallidus2984 20 күн бұрын
I think Rupert Sheldrake would be a pretty interesting person for her to look up. He combines religious wisdom, spirituality and science probably better than anyone Anyway, thank you Lily for your story!
@lilymaypresents 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for the recommendations!
@IANDSvideos 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind comment and recommendations. Sending love - Loreli@IANDS
@dianehill6059 16 күн бұрын
I can’t believe my ears. Did someone in an IANDS podcast really just say that people who are struggling (maybe due to trauma, abuse, loss, illness, poverty, or other serious problems) that they just need to stop “feeling sorry for themselves?” That their problem is that they’re just stuck in a “victim mindset?” And they should be “grateful” because it’s teaching them a lesson? Worse, the interviewer didn’t even question this - she jumped right on board with a comment about ‘self pity.’ YES - I know many people who’ve had an NDE say our souls choose certain life experiences in order to learn, and personally I believe it’s true. HOWEVER - surely we need to hold human pain - our own and others- with greater care, respect, open-heartedness, and compassion? Everyone is on their own journey, moving at their own pace. Telling someone who’s in pain that they’re “just being a victim” is cruel. And the flippant insistence we can just “choose a higher vibration” sounds like spiritual bypassing to me. It can take a lot of down-in-the-mess emotional healing to overcome trauma, tragedy, and deep loss. Personally, I'd avoid any spiritual teacher who hasn't done a lot of emotional healing work. I am a huge fan of IANDS, but I hope future interviews dig a bit deeper into the implications of what the speakers are saying and pose more thoughtful questions.
@bobobrien8968 5 күн бұрын
You are right on the money. I think the problem here is youth and inexperience. She is over simplifying and needs to spend a lot more time researching this topic and living. By the time she’s 40 or older, she will hopefully be able to speak more wisely.
@PraiseYAyoupeople 15 күн бұрын
These are the steps every truth seeker should take: 1. Step away from mainstream Christianity or any religion. 2. Ask God for supernatural encounter with him. Praying and fasting until it happens. 3. After encounter with God, ask him to immerse you with his love. Some call it baptism in holy spirit. 3. Concentrate on Jesus day by day until you are formed in his image. You will know when you are there when you see him face to face.o
@betsy5889 20 күн бұрын
Lily 😇 What A Sweet Intelligent Articulate Spirit you are ❤. You Discovered At Such A Young Tender Age The Same Spiritual Truths I Literally Discovered At 50 Years Old. I became a Christian at 13 and I’m 52 now & the cognitive dissonance has been hilarious actually LOL 😆 I sometimes so wish that my soul was brave enough or chosen to discover truth at maybe 30 only because it has been challenging discovering a new tribe (community) at my age. But I’m soldiering on & believing for a new tribe & new friends with the same beliefs & most importantly, keep believing that I am living my highest & best most abundant timeline ❤Peace & Love 💕
@lilymaypresents 15 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! beautiful.
@IANDSvideos 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words and loving support!! Sending so much love - Loreli@IANDS
@razony 20 күн бұрын
More evidence in one NDE (Pam Reynolds) than the entire Christian bible. What is up with 3,000+ versions of the bible? 40,000+/- Christian sects. This is one disorganized religion!
@JuliaB1955 20 күн бұрын
Oh my gosh, you poor, poor thing, being screwed up by a belief in Jesus.
@michaelfenemore1168 20 күн бұрын
The only point on which I would disagree with Lily is that Jesus was a real person. My studies point to him being a fictional character rooted in sun worship. He is presented as the “Light of the World” and is followed by 12 disciples mirroring the 12 houses of the Zodiac. Interesting that Christians worship on the “day of the sun.”
@timflelter5566 19 күн бұрын
Most scholars of history and the Bible agree that (1) he was real and (2) he was crucified.
@michaelfenemore1168 19 күн бұрын
@@timflelter5566 And those same scholars fail to explain the obvious astrological roots of Israel, Jesus and the disciples. Since Jesus is called the “Light of the World,” it’s impossible to deny his character represents the sun. It’s difficult to find a scholar with the courage to address this painful issue.
@timflelter5566 19 күн бұрын
@@michaelfenemore1168 What are you talking about? We literally have texts from Roman politicians and historians living close to the time of Jesus saying that he did exist.
@razony 20 күн бұрын
I'm an Ex-Christian for 38 years. Dropped out of seminary when I woke up. Christians all around me spoke of the power of Christ and the miracles that 'could' come from believing in Jesus... absolutely nothing came from this. Peter supposedly had the faith to walk on water. Jesus said in John 14:12-14. "He who believes in me..." Nothing. Christians talk the talk, but can't walk the walk, literally. One CAN NOT go through life living on fairytales. Either this Christianity is real or its not. No evidence it is real, and having faith does NOT cut it. I'm tired of fake!
@timflelter5566 19 күн бұрын
Not a Christian. But how do you know it's "fairy tales"?
@razony 19 күн бұрын
@timflelter5566 1st. How did Cain get a wife. Only in fairytales could Cain have a wife.
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