Destiny of the Daleks: This classic Dalek story is not very good

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Dalek Bumps

Dalek Bumps

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Not even Douglas Adams could save this one... yes, it's Destiny of the Daleks. Loved by some, loathed by others. I enjoy some aspects of this story, but overall it falls straight to the bottom of my classic Dalek stories ranking, simply because there is no other classic Dalek story that I would rank lower than Destiny of the Daleks. No amount of fabulous Movellans, pink scarfs or illogical pink elephants can stop this episode from sitting at the bottom of the Classic Who Dalek episode pile.
All footage and music is the property of the BBC.

Пікірлер: 185
@ElinorMahoney 9 ай бұрын
The introduction of Romana II is the biggest highlight for many people, me included
@Gzeebo Жыл бұрын
I'll be forever grateful to this one for teaching an 8 yr old me what concrete is made of.
@GNF54 Жыл бұрын
Destiny has a special place in my heart. It’s so bad it’s good
@JamesAHirons_ Жыл бұрын
Probably my earliest memory of Who. Davros' web ridden hand waving into life
@pertuk Жыл бұрын
you can't believe how exciting it was for a 9 year old to have a new Dalek story in 4 years
@aw-h3875 11 ай бұрын
My favourite bit is when the Daleks burst through the wall and start shouting at Romana to 'Do a poo, do a poo'
@mdbboyd Жыл бұрын
Watched Destiny back the other day. When it first aired I was 10 and thought it was great. Davros moving is the worst bit for me but as a 10 year old I didn't notice. Genesis is the best Dalek story IMHO.
@kennethraymondmoore Жыл бұрын
As Steven Moffat once said, there isn't a great Douglas Adams era of Doctor Who. The great Douglas Adams era is four episodes called City of Death.
@minicle426 Жыл бұрын
Isn't that the same thing? :P
@dalekexterminae Жыл бұрын
@@minicle426 no
@Gzeebo Жыл бұрын
Is that the one with the flying speedboats?
@Quietstormusic 10 ай бұрын
Rubbish. The public adored Doctor ho until JNT began his tenure. Look at the viewing figures.
@miguelbranquinho7235 10 ай бұрын
And the other one Shada.
@keithmartin1328 11 ай бұрын
It was fortunate for the BBC that at the time of its original transmission, 1-22nd September 1979, ITV was off the air due to strikes. Destiny of the Daleks had 14-16 million viewers mainly because of this. No Corrie or Buck Rogers to compete with.
@slickeddie4121 Жыл бұрын
What about the Dalek gun sound effect. I think the dalek gun sound used in Destiny of the Daleks was the perfect sound for any classic (possibly modern) Dalek gun sound effect
@ms.carriage6867 Жыл бұрын
the big mistake they made with this one is referring to the daleks as robots and once being organic life. They did the same to the cybermen and it made no sense lol
@pinchofcourage33 Жыл бұрын
One of the others you didn't mention was when the daleks came crashing through the wall and shout do not move about 10 times to Romana.
@DomWeasel Жыл бұрын
That scared the crap out of me as a child the first time I saw the episode. As an adult, it goes on far too long.
@darransykes3406 2 ай бұрын
I actually like this adventure with all it's faults and also the writing of Douglas Adams made it an absolute gem of a story. This is a thumbs up from me.
@brigadier-tc8565 Жыл бұрын
The script isn't entirely Adams's fault. Terry Nation's script was basically just The Daleks copied with a different title, which he'd already done once (Planet), so Douglas had to rewrite almost the entire thing, hence the humour. In fact, this is the last Terry Nation Dalek script, and you can see why they didn't use him again...
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
Agreed, I'm not blaming Adams for the lacklustre script, and I recognise that he probably thought he was improving the story by adding the humour - after all, I suppose if you interpret this episode as a 'comedy', then it's perfectly enjoyable, just like Eve of the Daleks. But if you try to take the episode seriously, the humour undermines the threat of the Daleks and removes any tension. I think Adam's biggest mistake was adding in jokes at the expense of the Daleks themselves. Eve of the Daleks may have been silly, but it's jokes were often circumstantial and it didn't make fun of the Daleks themselves. Destiny commits the cardinal sin of making the Daleks look like a joke in their own story, I've seen Doctor Who parodies that treat the Daleks with more respect. If Adams had kept his jokes situational - like the quip about how the universe started, or the 'Nelly is an Elephant...' bit - and removed the lines that make mockery of the Daleks, then it would have been a much better episode
@BH-98 11 ай бұрын
The reason Terry Nation didn’t come back after this episode was because he moved to America in 1980
@smartgenes1 2 ай бұрын
If Adams writes basically the whole thing, it's Adams' fault.
@anndra8687 Жыл бұрын
There are two good Dalek stories here. Firstly, a light-hearted pulpy romp by Douglas Adams, more similar to some of the 60s stories in tone. "if you're the superior race, why don't you come after me" is genuinely great. These scenes are quite fun. There is also a grim Nazi/Cold War allegory by Terry Nation, where the Daleks execute hostages unless the Doctor Surrenders. Very good, dramatic stuff that's similar to Genesis and Invasion of Earth... But ramming them together just makes an absolute car crash and everyone involved gets whiplash
@Quietstormusic 10 ай бұрын
You clearly weren't born. 10 million people loved it. Best loved Dalek Story.
@darlig.ulv.bakhjerne 10 ай бұрын
The only reason why the viewing figures were so high is because ITV were on strike when Destiny aired It's a shame that it's the highest viewed Dalek episode on transmission, because it perpetuated the misconception that Daleks are robots that continues to this day Destiny might be most viewed but Genesis, Remembrance, Dalek and Parting of the Ways are far better loved and more deserving of it too
@Quietstormusic 10 ай бұрын
@@darlig.ulv.bakhjerne You're just a revisionist who takes everything written in DWM as gospel. Season 17's viewing figures remained high even when ITV resumed transmission in October 1979. The series was transmitted until mid January 1980.
@darlig.ulv.bakhjerne 9 ай бұрын
@@Quietstormusic doesn't change the fact that Destiny is ass Shoddy props, the worst Davros, Tom phoning it in, crappy 'Skaro' sets/locations, calling Daleks robots, extras who look bored by their own extermination, silly Movellans, dumb Douglas Adams jokes that don't belong in a Dalek story, I could go on
@gwfdrwho6061 Жыл бұрын
Highly underrated story for me
@resofactor 3 ай бұрын
When I was a kid, I remember thinking the Movellans's ship and their hand energy pistols being pretty cool.
@robertlloyd8616 11 ай бұрын
I once watched Genesis and Destiny a week apart, and the difference is telling, especially Davros. But Destiny in isolation is fun, like the Adam West Batmans.
@felinusfeline5559 Жыл бұрын
Okay, first off, THANK YOU for being for a female doctor, I like your videos anyway but THAT alone earns you a sub! Good on you! You asked for our gripes on this story. You highlighted most of them but... The extras playing the prisoners, they're acting is awful. Two scenes that stand out, when the daleks are executing them one by one, they just seem so blank and wooden. And when they get shot they don't react at all, compare that to Genesis when the dalek's victims were screaming in agony every time. Plus some even seem to brace themselves to hit the floor...despite being supposedly dead. The other one? The attack on the Movellan ship. It's so awkward and stilted it's actually funny to watch. The climax of episode one. In the 60's when a person was spotted by a dalek, if they weren't instantly gunned down, the dalek would very quickly make use of them. In this scene the daleks yell "do not move" like 20 times (I lost count). Honestly there's a lot of needless repetition in the dalek lines in Destiny. Like when the suicide daleks are almost singing with how often they repeat davros's orders. "Seek, locate, do not deviate" You mentioned Davros shouting his orders a lot. And it always bothered me why these daleks seemed to need to be told everything twice. I'd reason it's meant to highlight they're overreliance on logic. They are basically dumb machines and a bit slow on the responce...but since that's not shown anywhere in the story itself?....
@owenwildish331 Ай бұрын
While I like the Movellans, imagine if they had been swapped out, and the enemy the Daleks were fighting instead turned out to be the Cybermen..? I liked the bit where, during one of Darvos' rants, if you look closely (and it was probably a mistake), you can (blink and you'll miss it) see one of the background Daleks appearing to (somehow) 'shrug', which was funny.
@slickeddie4121 Жыл бұрын
Why not mention that One Dalek prop that was the only Genesis Dalek in the episode that was actually great, Regardless of the other daleks being cheap and flimsy. (That dalek is completely Gunmetal Gray with black Hemispheres and he has a gray neck film compared to the normal black neck on the dalek and the duct tape you see on the right side of the dalek skirt which to me, It shows that the dalek is battle-worn and has experienced much in the dalek empire)
@nicholasdickens2801 Жыл бұрын
That’s a metal strip so that the magnet in the bomb can be attached to it.
@zandernewson9933 4 ай бұрын
My argument was they hadn’t completely worked out Tom Bakers Doctor in Genesis, so he’s a lot more serious and stoic. Destiny 4th Doctor is more dismissive and trivial, but that was what Tom Baker had transformed him into by this point in basically all episodes
@RogueWJL 5 ай бұрын
The Dalek masterpiece that never was. A disastrous sequel to a masterpiece
@gerardmillar1680 2 ай бұрын
I don't get it - they had day of the daleks props, planet of the daleks props, Genesis of the daleks props...... in the space of say 4 years how did these get so bad? Why are they all painted different colors? When in the one preceeding it (except death to the daleks) they were all the same? Which episodes did these Dalek props come from?
@reversethepolarity5007 Жыл бұрын
The good...the introduction of Romana II. Lalla is one of my all time favourite 'companions'. As a fellow time lord, she nails it, and she's awesome in Big Finish too. Movellan dreadlocks rock, The bad....Davros. Michael Wisher is still my favourite davros. Gooderson was just not Gooderenough. The ugly...suicidal daleks. Some say Genesis is over-rated. I think it sets the benchmark against which all other dalek stories are measured (its my personal favourite). The only time i think daleks were worse was when they were singing and Patrick Troughton was riding on them like a fairground attraction.
@PipsyProductions Жыл бұрын
At least the Human-Factor Daleks had a story reason to be a bit silly
@duncankilburn7612 Жыл бұрын
@@PipsyProductions Evil of the Daleks is one of my fave Dalek stories, just a bit drawn out in the middle. Think it was meant to be a 6 parter, got stretched to 7.
@minicle426 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, Genesis is more about Davros than the Daleks.
@smartgenes1 2 ай бұрын
Suicidal daleks for a cause has been a constant theme of Doctor Who at this point.
@minotronic1959 Жыл бұрын
love these videos man! keep it up
@10thdoctor15 Жыл бұрын
'Rock, Paper, Scissors' is not just luck. The world's best players use a lot of strategy and judgement.
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
But in the context of the episode its being played by emotionless robots with no sense of intuition
@mdbboyd Жыл бұрын
Derren Brown does a great rock, paper, scissors segment with Millwall fans where he always wins.
@10thdoctor15 Жыл бұрын
@@dalekbumps I think it works. It's to show they're logical.
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
@@10thdoctor15 But how does logic make them both choose the same thing every single time? That's luck, not logic. A better metaphor would have been to use chess as the example
@pauldunecat 4 ай бұрын
@@dalekbumpsI think if it not as flips but as a table lookup, they have the same programming so they run the same list, they can't do random. For a kid it made sense. 😂🎉❤
@TheWhovinerd-1963 Жыл бұрын
I’m sort of 50/50 on Destiny it’s bad but it still has decent things that I like about it. I’d personally say it’s not as bad as Day of the Daleks. That episode was good but didn’t really need the Daleks. The Daleks felt like an extra to the story, thrown in at the last minute and you can tell there are only three of the props. I also like that Destiny had the best amount of Dalek variation in the props. Some were a slightly different shade of grey, others had black slated, some had the two toned base etc. pretty cool 😎. The only thing I’ll say that deeply effects Destiny is Davros, he’s very forgettable in this story mainly due to him being overshadowed by the brilliance of Michael Wisher xx
@Cybusmaster92 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if we'll get a Lost Stories release of this from Big Finish without all the edits done by Adams. Would be a good way to give Gooderson a second chance.
@nathanielhoppe9444 Жыл бұрын
Destiny of the Daleks was my first Dalek story that I have watched before I had gotten hooked up on watching any other Doctor Who story from both Classic and New era but I did enjoy it, even though I do understand that this story is not a very good Dalek story from the Classic Doctor Who era but I still like and enjoy it as well.
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
There are a lot of people who like this episode because they're nostalgic for it, which is fair enough - a similar phenomenon happened with Revenge of the Cybermen, which is extremely popular due to the fact that it was one of the first home media releases, despite the fact that the episode itself has serious flaws
@jamieolberding7731 Жыл бұрын
@@dalekbumps To be honest.... "Revenge of The Cybermen" wasn't that bad of Cybermen episode in my opinion. I actually kinda like it. At least "Planet of The Daleks" did so much better than "Destiny of The Daleks".
@rjjcms1 Жыл бұрын
Thanks,this review was very interesting and well done,particularly for me as I've never seen this one. Genesis of the Daleks was the last classic series Dalek story I saw (minus part 2 because we weren't at home to see it) when originally broadcast,Day of the Daleks having been the first,plus the two films starring the legendary Peter Cushing. We also saw Frontier in Space,Planet of the Daleks and Death to the Daleks,but the only classic series Dalek story I've seen this side of Genesis of the Daleks was Revelation of the Daleks when they re-showed one story from each of the then seven Doctors* in their original weekly episodes (but not on Saturdays,I think it was early evenings on Fridays instead) on BBC2 in early 1992 and early 1993. In the middle of the 1993 re-showings I had to have a hospital operation and spent three weeks at home recuperating on medical advice - during that time I read all the unread books I could find on my bookshelves,including Douglas Adams's book Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Revenge of the Cybermen was the only classic Cyberman story I saw on TV back then in the 70s,but I read the novelisations of several of the ones from the 60s around then; I didn't dislike it at all but yes it did have a flaw or two! *The Time Meddler,the Mind Robber,the Sea Devils (early 1992),then the Daemons,Genesis of the Daleks,the Caves of Androzani,Revelation of the Daleks and I can't fathom from reading synopses whether the last one was Battlefield or Survival but I do remember Nicholas Cortney making a return appearance as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart in it. So,two Jon Pertwee stories but one for all the rest. They also re-showed Planet of the Daleks around the 30th anniversary in November 1993.
@duncankilburn7612 Жыл бұрын
@@dalekbumps Following Genesis (best Dr Who story if all time) certainly doesnt help it tbf.
@minicle426 Жыл бұрын
​@@duncankilburn7612 I raise you Power of.
@TheValarClan Жыл бұрын
I really have no problems with this episode and actually love the hell out of it. I saw it when it first aired. I especially loved the androids. Really wish they had done more with them. Very cool design. Of course it might be the first time they encountered beings with actual hands and not loungers which accounts for their ability to be vulnerable to somebody grabbing their power pack
@extraincomeuk635 Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised you didn't mention Romana's awful regeneration! I still don't understand what that was all about...
@Concreteowl Жыл бұрын
Balls it's a great regeneration. Tom sending the belly dancer away is iconic.
@Gzeebo Жыл бұрын
I took Romana's ability to try out random bodies way too seriously when I was a kid, but now I love how totally bonkers it was.
@kyleowen372 Жыл бұрын
I watch KZfaq on my phone and can barely hear you when I'm watching it indoors but other than that love your channel and all your doctor who vids keep it up
@sharkytampy 7 ай бұрын
yeh i brought it on video when it came out in about 1993 and hadent seen it since it was made when i was 9 in 79 and couldnt wait to see it again and was thrilled the bbc had released it on video and was well gutted that michael wisher wasent the davros as i always thought he was in this and it was one hell of a dissapointment
@rhysduross Жыл бұрын
I rewatched this the other day and I found that when I tried to not noticed them or overlook some of them it made it more enjoyable. I definatley think that the props let it down and some of the other issues you mentioned do as well. the dalek bombers do make sense because its illogical, Davros decided the stragey and because its "impossible" for the movellans and daleks it makes it more justifable. However I had thought why dont they plant the exposives onto the ship? It would make far more sense from a logic perspective, I know the problem then is why would the daleks strap it to themselves and I cant answer that, convinence perhaps lol. Then the doctor would blow them up before they got there. Then they capture Davros and the day is saved. I did have a few other thoughts, I think it would have been interesting to see a shortish story between destiny and ressurection. Something where the Movellans had developed their virus and the fleets were locked or something. I thought of that idea whilst writing this and I thought it could be neat if it were expanded on, not nessary but like sandwich filling lol. I think it would also be interesting if they used the death colour scheme too, it would help set up a kind of continuity in then the storys occured because I think its a bit all over the place before ressurection
@mekhimays9599 Жыл бұрын
Destiny of the Daleks is Awesome and Spectacular and great
@captainrexofthe501st9 Жыл бұрын
It is nice that gooderson returned for that Davros rises trailer short at least
@paulbeardsley4095 Жыл бұрын
The elephant in the room is, why would they bring back Davros? He was killed centuries ago. When World War II started, we didn't dig up Horatio Nelson to help us out.
@HazmanFTW 7 ай бұрын
I've been trying to find this story after just watching Genesis of the Daleks for the first time and was like, wait Davros dies, how does he come back then?
@MrSniperfox29 2 ай бұрын
Basically he has a life support system in his chair that puts him in suspended animation while it repairs his body
@davidmcdonnell2598 Жыл бұрын
Destiny is a good 4th Doctor/Romana II story, not the greatest Dalek story but it has its moments.
@bandicootcollector 4 ай бұрын
Actually, Davros' costume as well as the Daleks were on a touring Doctor Who show. The BBC didn't have the money to remake the Dalek props, so they requested the props back from the tour, explaining why all of the Daleks and Davros costumes are damaged. Gooderson was bigger than Wisher, and so he didnt fit into any of the costumes. Wisher's mask originally didn't have a mouthpiece, but one was added with latex for the exhibition...Gooderson then had to wear this too small, deteriorating, modified mask. Also, you'll notice he's not wearing the Davros glove. His hand has make-up and fake nails...His hands were too big for that as well!
@10thdoctor15 Жыл бұрын
Did Michael Wisher not have to move his chair with his feet?
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
If he did, then it comes across much better than it does in Destiny
@minicle426 Жыл бұрын
No, he had some trained rabbits to do that. :P
@DarcySparkles1 Жыл бұрын
I rewatched this yesterday on the new Blu-Ray release. For me this story has fond memories of being the first story I watched in colour on its original release. It’s not without it’s flaws. It’s a shame the Daleks were used more as a sideline to Davros and also it’s noticeable with the props there are a lot of issues when they could have had a radically makeover seeing as it was a five break between this and Genesis. I like the fact that for the first time we meet another race hell bent on Universal domination second only to the Daleks. Just wondering if Terry Nation had overall say if the story would have been different. Still I can think of far worse stories than Destiny but for me it would be mid to low ranking.
@IllusivePrime Жыл бұрын
1:49 I like what you did there lol :D
@Jaxck77 Жыл бұрын
Rock paper scissors has intense strategy mate. Indeed you can win almost twice as often against a random opponent using the right methodology.
@walkerineternity2334 Жыл бұрын
I loved it as a kid, but in hindsight I can see why it is criticised. The thing that puzzles me most is, how did the Daleks get to Skaro without a spaceship and why do they need to wait so long for one to pick them up? The Movellans seem to have no problem landing a ship in Skaro.
@shawntamandl6660 Жыл бұрын
If I remember correctly, doesn’t Davros’s life support systems just begin to switch on and not long after he just HAPPENS to run into the doctor in a corridor for the first time in years ? What are the chances this all happens like clockwork ?? Definitely could have made this story a little more realistic / interesting when it came to this plot etc.
@voltran7677 Жыл бұрын
at 5:10 you say that its a logical scrip error when the daleks say self sacrifice is illigical, but then do it later, but that was the reason they retreived davros, the whole stalemate with the movellons was because both their battle computers relied on logic, so the plan was to get davros to reprogram the dalek battle computer to do illogical things, davros just chose the self sacrifice route
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
If anything that exposes an even further issue with the script, in that the Daleks are not written right. They had always been depicted as capable of thinking around problems in early Classic Who - they're powerful, intelligent beings, not just mindless tanks. Yet at some point prior to the writing of Destiny of the Daleks, Terry Nation decided that the Daleks were just a generic race of robots that were helpless unless Davros was there to make decisions for them. It goes against everything the Daleks had been for the entire 60s and early 70s
@smartgenes1 2 ай бұрын
@@dalekbumps @voltran7677 The Daleks need their battle computer rewrote properly, they can't risk such a huge loss without the best mind they can get. Self-sacrifice is illogical for the Doctor, who they see as the mastermind, the no.1, not for the Daleks who operate by a hierarchy and for their larger plans. They self-sacrificed in previous episodes.
@duncankilburn7612 Жыл бұрын
Adams to blame for me and Daleks are clearly cyborgs not robots. Destiny does however introduced my all time favourite Dalek livery, Grey and Black. Yes Resurrection did it better...
@jackholt2364 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the Destiny of the Daleks, sure not the best but not the worst. I have gone out of my way to watch all Dalek stories with exception to the Evil of Daleks as that isn't on Britbox. The worst sadly is, The Chase. It was a poor story that ended up with the Daleks Time Machine being destroyed VERY easily at the end of it
@diamondaxe4133 Жыл бұрын
I have a massive soft spot for the chase
@josephperkins4857 Жыл бұрын
The problem is that most of the modern reviews are done by people that didn't grow up watching Classic Who
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
I wasn't born when this episode aired, true, but I did grow up watching Classic Who, including this story It's not a problem that people can look at the episode with a critical eye, in fact if you need to feel childhood nostalgia for something in order to give it a good review then that implies there's a problem with the thing itself
@josephperkins4857 Жыл бұрын
@@dalekbumps 😂
@darlig.ulv.bakhjerne 10 ай бұрын
@@josephperkins4857 that's gatekeeping. If the problem with the episode is that it can't be appreciated unless you grew up with it, that's a glaring problem.
@IAmPegasus Жыл бұрын
A lot of Daleks doing little jumps in that story! What was with that??!? Were they having trouble moving the props or something? There was one Dalek who did a little jump in the first Dalek film. The story goes that operator stood on a nail which made him jump and caused the prop to move upwards. I could overlook this sort of thing once, but what was going on with so many of them doing it in Destiny???
@SpideyStopmotions Жыл бұрын
It’s real bad but I just love Romana’s outfit, also even if it was good it just couldn’t compare to genesis
@Lumibear. Жыл бұрын
I personally enjoy destiny because despite its flaws, it still has many good elements to enjoy, particularly the ship, the robot/sci-fi elements and the Romana/Doctor relationship. We’ve definitely got worse stories than this in classic Who.
@vortexspinner4470 8 ай бұрын
Still better than any of the current Doctor Who today..😉👍
@TheSmart-CasualGamer 9 ай бұрын
This was my first episode of Classic Who (I'd ordered Genesis, but Lovefilm sent me this instead) and I thought it was bloody awful. It's got really wonky effects, the Doctor doesn't seem to actually give a damn about what's going on, and it's TERRIBLY paced. Davros comes across as a bit of a loser here too. THIS is meant to be the same guy as the manipulative and sinister scientist that once built a bomb that would cause the whole of reality to evaporate? Oh, and on the subject of being sent the wrong DVDs from Lovefilm, I was once sent Remembrance of the Daleks when I'd ordered The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People.
@dalekbumps 9 ай бұрын
Damn, that's heavy. Ordering Genesis of the Daleks and receiving Destiny of the Daleks is like ordering hot buttered toast and being served dry stale bread
@simeonyves5940 7 ай бұрын
@@dalekbumps True, but they made up for it by sending him the *Masterpiece* that is Remembrance of the Daleks later!
@tim04 Жыл бұрын
Ery under rated story. Confirm the images of the daleks to be battered daleks sent to rescue their creator and you can forgive the state they are in.
@randomericthings7506 Жыл бұрын
It was like it was trying to be both “Death to the Daleks” and “Genesis of the Daleks” at the same time. Two great stories with vastly different tones and treatments of the Daleks. I still enjoy it though and would watch it again unlike most of the episodes in Chibnall’s Doctor Who which are boring.
@urbantycho8486 8 ай бұрын
Maybe not that good, but still 10 times better than any of the ' new Who'. The dreadlocked robots are quite fun.
@MrNinjaFish 8 ай бұрын
every time i see the dreadlocks I always think of Rick James, highly appropriate of course given the time period
@darrengamer8189 6 ай бұрын
Overly harsh on a beloved Dalek story loved by many fans, with many great moments. And most Doctor Who fans would have known the story of Genesis of the Daleks by heart, having repeatedly listened to it on vinyl after that record has released in 1978!
@dalekbumps 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I suppose I should make a follow-up video to this at some point, I probably wouldn't be as harsh as this now Even so, I still consider Destiny of the Daleks to be the weakest Classic Who Dalek story. It has a lot of things to like in the episode, like Romana and the Movellans, but Tom Baker isn't at his best in this episode and the acting of the extras and the raggedy Davros mask make it seem like a sub-par production compared to other Doctor Who stories of the era, or even earlier Pertwee stories. There's obviously a lot of nostalgia for this story which is understandable, and I have warmed to it more in recent years, but it's still among the weaker Dalek stories overall
@BH-98 4 ай бұрын
Destiny of the Daleks was the first classic Dalek story & the 2nd classic who story I saw when I bought the DVD over 10 years ago. So pretty much the bar was set low when experiencing the rest of classic who.
@harogenkitnsg2474 Жыл бұрын
I think the retcons made to this story in the War of the Daleks novel make things a little more interesting, such as terraforming another planet into a replica of Skaro and setting in stone a set of events that lead into Rememberance and the idea that the Daleks created the Movellans and faked a conflict with them to look weak in front of Davros. They definitely make this story more tolerable to me
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
My issue with War of the Daleks is that it basically rewrites the entire backstory of Destiny of the Daleks and the 80s Dalek stories, and I find the ideas presented in the book to be lacklustre. The idea that the entire Movellan War was falsified by the Daleks makes no sense to me at all, and it seems like whoever wrote the book was just upset that the Daleks are on the back-foot for a lot of their stories post-Genesis and wanted to make them seem more powerful. You are right in that the ideas presented for Destiny of the Daleks are interesting, but I prefer to just take the episodes as they are and largely ignore War of the Daleks for the most part. It's a decent attempt to rewrite Dalek history with retcons but I don't consider it canon, not least because Big Finish also seems to adopt the same policy of respectfully ignoring War of the Daleks. Dalek Universe, for example, completely contradicts War of the Daleks on almost every level, and I much prefer the story of Dalek Universe, and that's just one example. Terror Firma also wouldn't make sense if it was another planet that was destroyed in Remembrance instead of Skaro. I'll happily read War of the Daleks as a fun 'what-if' story, or like a snapshot of an alternate universe or something, but it's difficult to reconcile it with later works involving the Movellans, the Dalek Civil War or the post-Remembrance era.
@harogenkitnsg2474 Жыл бұрын
@@dalekbumps it seems like I'm a rare War enjoyer then haha, also I don't think it majorly retcons every 80s Dalek story, Revelation is just that Davros did his own thing with wanting to make a new race of Daleks loyal to him instead of going off and destroying Skaro (Antalin) earlier. I have a Dalek story that I wanna make a reality one day that majorly retcons a bunch of stuff from Moffat era Dalek stories so I guess that's why I like the novel
@harold5337 Жыл бұрын
Destiny is a heavily flawed mess, with some great moments of brilliance and some moments of idiocy (Daleks aren’t Robots, seriously Douglas, Terry explained it for you, and the two characters who SHOULD KNOW THIS EXPRESS IT). It is an enjoyable story, and nostalgic to me, but compared to its superior older sibling, it will always be in its shadow.
@akshaytrayner1960 Жыл бұрын
Great review
@AnubisX1 Жыл бұрын
i do like the light grey colours of the daleks and there are parts of it i do enjoy but the production side of it is a utter mess, as you say the daleks props are in one of hell a state. The writing for the Daleks is really off, they are made to be fully robotic and the doctor seems shocked to remember that the daleks are organic when he finds the kaled mutant. The actress who plays the movellan agella in a fair number of scenes it stands out how bored she is. Davros prop and mask The Daleks lift up their shoulder sections, when moving. The obvious Vacuum filled dalek dummies(what happened to all the goon props from Planet and Genesis? The Kaled bunker looks nothing like it was in genesis. Daleks being carried by visible legs and hands pushing them. Yet it do find its a good one to put on and just chill. That scene where the movellan commander bitch slaps one of the prisoners is priceless.
@robertwatling8570 3 ай бұрын
Wasn't a fan of destiny of the Daleks wen I first watched it but I like romana 2 in this being her first episode newly regenerated. I actually visited where destiny was filmed at whinspit quarry the caves they used for skara and romana being captured and put to work inthe mines. Not the best story I got genesis of the Daleks aswell on dvd but haven't seen it yet. The caves at whinspit where this story was filmed are amazing well worth seeing in dorset
@deaththekid8700 Жыл бұрын
I just love the line of look rocks
@rightside Жыл бұрын
It was as if David Gooderson done zero research into his character
@Concreteowl Жыл бұрын
I think Movellan battery pack aside it's one of the best. Great central idea, iconic Dalek reveal. Lalla really sells the Idea of being frightened by the Daleks. The pretty people being equally monstrous and locked into a logic war is brilliant. I couldn't disagree with this more.
@mdbboyd Жыл бұрын
Watch Derren Brown playing rock, paper, scissors. Might change your mind?
@DomWeasel Жыл бұрын
Criticising the Dalek props is really low-hanging fruit considering how miserly the BBC were about giving the show anything like a practical budget. My cousin and uncle built a Tom Baker era Dalek out of plywood and an old shopping trolley which is pretty much the materials the BBC had to make do with. It still cost around four hundred pounds which would have been the equivalent of a fifth to a sixth of the budget of a whole episode in the 70s. (I believed in 1963, an episode got the equivalent of £2000 and it hadn't risen by much ten years later) That's for one Dalek.
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
I agree that the state that the Daleks were in was the fault of the higher-ups at the BBC and not the production team, but regardless of whose fault it is the end result is still shoddy. And it's not like Destiny of the Daleks had a minimal budget - it was aired during one of the heights of Doctor Who's viewership, and they had enough budget for multiple interior sets and a full-size Movellan ship exterior set, so I fail to see why funding could not have been allocated to restore the props. They wouldn't have needed to make new ones from scratch - they could have just restored the ones they had. The ironic thing is, they did just that only a few years later, giving us the iconic 80s Dalek look we see in Five Doctors, Resurrrection and Revelation. It's just unfortunate that they were only prompted to do that restoration after realising how truly awful the props looked on-screen in Destiny
@DomWeasel Жыл бұрын
​@@dalekbumps I believe the show got a cash injection at that point... Before being ruthlessly slashed... Notably, the TARDIS console is refurbished in the Five Doctors after being neglected for nearly a decade. Like the Dalek props, the BBC's attitude seemed to be that if something was breaking down but still functional; it didn't need replacing. My workplace has a similar attitude. You are right though that the presence of duck tape on the Daleks, slats visibly flaking off and deep scratches is very shoddy. Even a cheap coat of paint could have made a big difference.
@borusa32 Жыл бұрын
I think if it wasn't for the Mechonoids The Chase would be pretty low down on my list.I still think Steven going back for his teddy bear just about takes the cake.
@MrSniperfox29 2 ай бұрын
The serial where the Daleks first did "comedy" One Dalek couldn't do basic maths One Dalek was even more homicidal than any other Dalek The Dalek leader was like "WTF did I do to get these two idiots on my team"
@JakeandElwood1980 3 ай бұрын
Why everybody hates destiny of the daleks I thought it was good story
@cyberdalekmorton4685 Жыл бұрын
HOT TAKE: i think genesis of the daleks is the worst doctor who episode
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
That's certainly an interesting take, what don't you like about it?
@cyberdalekmorton4685 Жыл бұрын
I didn't like the character of davros he was the final nail in the coffin for the dalek for the rest of the classic series but i like the performance from all the the davros actors and i don't think you should explain the daleks backstory it should have been left for interpretation
@paulbeardsley4095 Жыл бұрын
@@cyberdalekmorton4685 I think Genesis is severely overrated. There's a scene with the Doctor and Harry running the gauntlet which looks something out of The Goodies. Sarah Jane survives machine gun fire at point blank range; later she singularly fails to die of radiation poisoning. I was 12 at the time of broadcast, and even then I knew the "Do I have the right?" speech really meant, "We can't kill our cash cow!" The sets are all horrible, and the first ever Dalek was as advanced as they get - it would be like the Doctor calling on Benz in 1886 to discover the first car was a Porsche Taycan saloon.
@bobby_the_ps2 Жыл бұрын
I have a lot of nostalgia renting old Dalek DVDs from my Library. My opinion is Day of the Daleks is the worst classic Dalek story only because recently bought and rewacthed the classic DW dalek stories and felt that one was a slog(than again I watched the special edition as a kid and watched the unedited version recently). I do find destiny bad but in more of a fun cheesy way especially with the premise being: robots can't play rock paper scissors.
@Howyaduing 9 ай бұрын
Shame that it introduces Romana II for the first time
@Eltonlaleham Жыл бұрын
I was 10 when Destiny was broadcast and I thought IMO it was marred by the return of Davros, and IMO Daleks work better lead by Emperor Daleks and or Supreme Daleks who are genuine and proper Daleks unlike Davros who is part man and part Dalek.
@someguy3752 11 ай бұрын
I agree that this story is kinda bleh (though I disagree that it's the worst classic Dalek story), but (unless you count Shada) it's the definitely the second best story of Season 17.
@nicholasdickens2801 Жыл бұрын
Well I love it.
@simeonyves5940 7 ай бұрын
Watched it Tonight... it is indeed Extremely Flawed, but, it is also still Plenty Fun enough to be a very watchable "B-Grade" Romp IMO! It could certainly have done with Adams Reigning in his sense of Humour to prevent the Mood Whiplash it induces with the Grim Lore behind why Skaro is so Ruined, and the Genuinely Horrific Nazi Concentration Camp and SS "Retribution" Slaughter Allusions in Several Scenes, (Adams humour is just too light-hearted, Saward's utterly *Gallows* humour from Resurrection and Revelation is a much better fit for the Daleks, yes, like You, I am a big fan of Eric Saward as a Screenwriter, and, I think he is often underrated as a Script Editor, some of the Scripts that got plonked on his desk for him to Edit by Auntie during his tenure as Editor were *Bad* Fanfiction at best and had to be near totally Rewritten, so given the base Material he often had to rewrite from, he did a pretty stellar Job! he also got Robert Holmes back on board and all Who Fans need to thank him for that, IMO, as it gave us "Caves of Androzani" one of *the* Great Dr Who Stories, after all!) and It utterly boggles me why Terry Nation went against his own Lore (absent Mindedness?, just not giving a Hoot anymore? Sheer Spite as the result of a Blazing Row with Auntie? we may never know!) and made the Daleks pure Robot and forgot about the "Seething green Lump of pure Hatred" that is inside the "Tank", that really did Weaken the Daleks to a terrible Degree! It is indeed also let down by the many technical issues they had with the Dalek Props (such as the notable Wheelies that they pull when moving away! and let us not even return to Davros's Pedal-Car chair...) and indeed, the Bad Paint Job on the Dalek's does not work here where the Daleks are supposed to be at the peak of their Pomp, they should be Pristine and Gleaming like in "Day of the Daleks" , but, on the Flip Side, the Props being in such woeful condition worked *Brilliantly* in Resurrection (where the same Faded, Scratched, Dented, "junk" condition of the Props (which, apparently, was Re-Created as the props were supposedly Fresh off the Production Line!) just *sold* them as the Desperate Survivors of a catastrophic military Loss!) and had they been Repaired and Repainted Properly for Destiny, Resurrection may not have worked as well as the Props would have maybe been in "too good" a Condition had they Recreated the "Restored" look on the New Props rather than the "Junk" Look! ) , however, I will say the "Phoned in" Extra's Performances as the Slaves actually kind of Works, it does somewhat sell the fact that the People, are, Tragically, utterly Broken, and now view death as a relief... Still, it is a Fun Enough "Take your Brain out and Enjoy the Exterminations" B-Grade Adventure, and is a Vital chapter in the Davros Saga to Introduce the Dalek-Movellan War, and Davros being Frozen, which are at the core of the events in the Stone Cold Classic that is Resurrection of the Daleks, and, good Point, it did start the Updating path on the Dalek Extermination Effect that lead the the Iconic "Remembrance" one that is still used to this Day, and there is a line from Davros about upgrading the Daleks with new Weapons of Incredible Power that can be Interpreted as the first Seeds of the Idea that lead to the Special Weapons Dalek! It is a Fun enough Watch, but... it is *Far* from a classic. Agreed. However, given that, although to Swap from one "Metal Meanie" to another, I also Enjoy Revenge of the Cybermen and Silver Nemesis, and consider Attack of the Cybermen to be Criminally Underrated.... what do I know! maybe I am more of a Rolykin than I like to think! Note: Nu-Who Rant Removed as we are not going to see Eyestalk to Eyestalk on it at all and I don't think the Universe can afford another Renegades Vs Imperials Spat!
@smartgenes1 2 ай бұрын
Douglas Adams wrote it, not Nation.
@simeonyves5940 2 ай бұрын
@@smartgenes1 So was Nation involved at all? or was it all just Adams?
@grahamturner1290 Жыл бұрын
@DalekGiratinaUniverse Жыл бұрын
I really..... REALLY... don't like it I did back then, but man this episode is So..SO.. unbearably..SLOW, poor gooderson. I prefer Genesis tbh
@xsm5525 Жыл бұрын
no, Destiny is the 2nd worse. 1st worse is Resurrection of the daleks - why? cause so many people overrate it to be one of the best. yes it's dark, but the plot is an absolute shambles. at least the plot in Destiny makes sense and isn't full of 1000 plot holes
@user-wn2fh7cr3x 8 ай бұрын
I like destiny of the daleks.
@pandaphil 2 ай бұрын
This whole season was a bit of a mess.
@therandolorian4812 3 ай бұрын
Listen, this is my favorite episode. I love how the old mask makes Davros look like he's decaying and deformed. I love how beaten up these daleks are, showing that they are the battle damaged Movelen war veterans, sent back to Skaro from the front. And this story does something I wish more did, it uses different types of daleks, with an older grey unit commanding, and the new greenish grey units as footsoldiers, my favourite dalek color scheme until the renegade daleks. This perfectly introduced the seeds of the dalek Civil War with davros's desscust at the Supreme Dalek's existence. The idea of the logical impass is fascinating. As to the daleks being described as robots, it works here. These daleks are slaves to their internal computers, almost entirely devoid of their kaled nature, the final stage in dalek evolution without davros. Genesis is the story of the beginning, destiny is the story of the future. After their loss, the daleks learn to stop relying on their computers and cybernetics, which is why they are horrorfied by the cyborg imperial daleks. I would argue that this is the episode that sets up remembrance best. I do think it might have been better with less Douglas Adam's, as his humor definitely hurts the story, which is why Terry Nation wasnt happy with it. but all and all, it's pretty good. Oh, and I like this one better than Genesis of the Daleks and Resurrection of the Daleks, so there
@matthewbolitho-jones Жыл бұрын
I like Destiny of the Daleks
@TheValarClan Жыл бұрын
absolutely honesty on the female doctor not working is the issue of changing the gender of the doctor. I was used the idea when Tom Baker suggested it way back when. But with the current writing style of directors trying to write for a “modern audience” usually is code for really crappy writing coming. Personally I would’ve loved to of seen a spinoff series on Romana. I still wish she would return. Potentially as a spinoff, possibly working with Jack Harkness and torchwood. Since she was dealing with multiple universes with the gates at E space I would love to see an expansion into other universe for story content.
@randomcenturion7264 Жыл бұрын
@ahumanbeingfromtheearth1502 Жыл бұрын
Imo, I think death to the daleks is worse. I can at least enjoy this if I don't take it seriously and just view it as a bit of fun
@mattmorley4887 3 ай бұрын
I love thus story srltill rate ot a 10 out of 10 this guy talking. Knows nothing
@10thdoctor15 Жыл бұрын
I put it about on par with Resurrection and Revelation as the worst of the Classic Who Dalek stories, probably followed by Death to the Daleks. The idea of the Daleks having to fight another logically thinking race is interesting. It's a shame the props are so tired and the operation of them is not so smooth, but I can forgive that for the story.
@x-fun3149 Жыл бұрын
I always thought Revelation a rather fantastic little story.
@dalekbumps Жыл бұрын
To each, their own I suppose, I find Resurrecrion and Revelation to be among the most enjoyable classic Dalek stories, Eric Saward's wit and dry humour (not to mention the extensive body counts) make those episodes really fun
@Oliver-fu1go 8 ай бұрын
My feeling on Destiny is that it is badly written, performed and executed. But it is not the worst Dalek story primarily because it’s got fun and it’s short. That’s not great praise but much better than planet of the Dalek which is just long and boring
@Stansman63 Жыл бұрын
When the young me first saw this story around 1979/80 I thought it was pretty great although even then I missed the presence of Michael Wisher as Davros. These days I see it as a rather tatty and silly effort that easily ranks as the weakest Dalek story of the 70's.
@mdbboyd Жыл бұрын
Romana regenerating at will at the start. Not exactly canon!
@llewelynshingler2173 3 ай бұрын
a) Doctor Who canon is famously inconsistent. b) Romana is better at Time Lord things than The Doctor, so it's not (entirely) unreasonable to say that such mayhem is not impossible.
@robburdlow4301 10 ай бұрын
I would definitely rate The Chase way lower than Destiny. Terrible!
@mickeythompson9537 Жыл бұрын
Romana isn't a female Doctor... she's a female Romana.
@turbodolf 9 ай бұрын
The issue isn't that a "female doctor doesn't work", it's that gender and race swapping characters for political reasons is ridiculous - and in many cases the intentions behind such decisions are malicious.
@dalekbumps 9 ай бұрын
under normal circumstances, I agree that swapping the core attributes of a character for a remake or reboot is a cheap and tacky ploy, but in the case of Doctor Who the fad doesn't apply. The precedent for having a female Doctor has existed for decades, people talked about the possibility of a female Doctor in the '70s (with Dawn French being a popular choice according to newspapers from the time) and it's honestly baffling that we didn't get a female Doctor until the late 2010s. The unfortunate reality is that bigots online will bung the female Doctor in with other garbage Hollywood gossip when it's a completely distinct entity with it's own thing going on. In an ideal world, the Fifth Doctor would have been a woman and this pointless debate would be long behind us, but alas, here we are as a fandom debating the validity of a female incarnation of Doctor Who in the current year
@gumdeo Жыл бұрын
A poor story, but the Movellans were sort of interesting.
Remembrance of the Daleks is fantastic
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