DICE Stop Giving Free Wallhacks in Battlefield

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4 ай бұрын

Included examples of both 3D spotting from myself or teammates showing enemy players through walls, objects, things that can't be destroyed and there are examples of passive/reticle/nametag spotting where no input is made by myself or another player but because my reticle/crosshair was near an enemy they are 3D spotted automatically from my perspective. To be clear this has been a problem going back to Battlefield games that have been developed on the Frostbite engine mainly starting with BC2. Yes BF3, BF4, BFH, BF1, and BFV had these kinds of issues with occlusion culling and I've pointed it out a few times over the years in most of those games ( often times in Random + WTF videos like I do with most bugs ). The point being it's clear that it is impossible for DICE to make 3D spotting balanced or perfect to where it never gives a player free wallhacks so stop putting it in the game and try to correct the issues from other directions. Is it a player visibility issue? Change the lighting, shadows, remove the lens/optical flares, UI clutter taking up screen real estate or lower the textures of the maps, terrain, etc. whatever is needed. Is it because people have trouble seeing prone players or identifying whether it's a prone player or a dead body? Remove prone from the game, it worked great in BC2 and it didn't stop bushwookies from...well being in bushes.
The Q/button spot is one thing, it requires player interaction but that spot also shows up for every other player on your team and requires no input or action from them to get. So all those times you felt like you got randomed from across the map by someone who wasn't originally shooting at you, yeah that is often times why. However the passive/reticle spotting requires no direct interaction other than getting your reticle near an enemy and it works up to 50 meters. It was a problem in BFV when they bumped it up to 25 meters so having it go all the way out to 50 is far worse and just adds to the confusion. Was I spotted? Was it a drone? Was it dumb luck with passive spotting? It's why I don't think a notification of "YOU ARE SPOTTED" would be enough since there are multiple types of spotting.
3D spotting used to be something that enforced the rock-paper-scissors aspect of Battlefield at least up to Battlefield 2. In that game jets, choppers, tanks could only see other vehicles and anti-vehicle stations in their HUD which meant they had to be in first person view and it meant they were more likely to focus those targets ( bombers focusing AA stations, ground vehicles instead of infantry ) meaning vehicles would be focusing other vehicles and not just infantry the entire round.
mus1ck's idea for the video title, all of my ideas for it were way too long like "DICE Please Stop Forcing 3D Spotting into Battlefield"
Why bring this topic up again? Because it continues to feel like DICE is training players to look for and aim at 3D doritos/diamonds/whatever above a player's head and not the players or player models. They can't seem to let players adapt and learn to look for themselves they always seem to fall back to holding the player's hand too quickly.
Oh and yeah I know it's not technically "wallhacks" but trying to explain that and the difference between what it originally meant and things like ESP would be a pointless tangent for the video topic.

Пікірлер: 147
@griffin1366 4 ай бұрын
it's crazy how you're spotted 24/7 in this game. when the maps are this bad + insane verticality and the engagement distances are this long.. it's a recipe for distaster.
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
It was pretty bad in BFV and that was a game that had the Q/button spot removed...It was bad because they instead put in a bunch of other ways players could activate a 3D spot on infantry and when they put in the notification to show you were spotted that message was up the majority of the round.
@TheoriginalBMT 3 ай бұрын
Which is why I preferred hardcore mode. With no radar. Tho with current ttk, hardcore damage is unnecessary. I'd settle for no generic spotting on the mini map. And leave the only spotting for the recon class.
@We_Are_Borg_478 3 ай бұрын
@@Ravic Planes are the single biggest cause. On that snow mountain map, a good pilot can keep the entire enemy team spotted (and repeatedly bombed) for the entirety of the match. I tested it by literally 100% concealing myself on that map, and I was still spotted and bombed into paste.
@Ravic 3 ай бұрын
@@We_Are_Borg_478 Yup.
@Slenderneer 3 ай бұрын
Well, the funny thing is that the maps got smaller (although the verticality was carried through to all the new maps post 'reworks' starting). At launch this wasn't really an issue, even with the larger map sizes, because being 3D spotted required recons to actually use their gadgets. Best you got was a ping from a member in your squad otherwise.
@Ghost_P 4 ай бұрын
They accidentally turned on journalism difficulty for everyone
@telecleez 4 ай бұрын
Do you remember when spotting just put a ping on the mini-map?... Pepperidge Farms remembers.
@onemorescout 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, that was in games where huge opaque bushes didn’t take up half the map and let people lay prone in them with LMGs and snipers.
@jakehawthorn7920 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for uploading this, I thought I was crazy thinking I was seeing pings through stuff... These clips make it painfully obvious something is broken with the ping system
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
I'm not sure you'd call this a ping system. Those icons are live and directly above the player model. It's 3D spotting and this issue has been in previous Battlefield games on the Frostbite engine going back to at least BC2.
@imsidi 4 ай бұрын
@jonszab431 3 ай бұрын
Random bro: Nice wall hacks, where'd you get them from. Me: DICE
@JasonHill94 3 ай бұрын
The honored tradition of shooting Doritos
@winlover37 3 ай бұрын
Honestly we're not ready to talk about our problematic depictions of Doritos in games yet. It's all fun and games until Dorito violence bleeds into the real world.
@TermIANator 4 ай бұрын
i miss bf3/4
@PrasathMGM 4 ай бұрын
G428 with ironsight is a beast
@JP-Lg54 4 ай бұрын
Yes, just with the ironsight though. Otherwise, it's having a normal one.
@jesusa1112 3 ай бұрын
“I wanna give a special thanks to DICE for sponsoring this video and providing me wall hacks”😂😂
@Acheron.426 4 ай бұрын
Mama and papa holding our hands again. One day we'll get the training wheels off and get to wear our big boy pants.
@winlover37 4 ай бұрын
My question is who decided in the past decade that PVP FPS games were too hard?
@Shyvorix 2 ай бұрын
​@@winlover37Probably those who got shit on playing Quake and counter strike of the ye old days. We need 3d spotting either heavily nerfed or removed entirely or SOMETHING. Or leave it to Recon only, idfk. Passive spotting I don't mind to an extent but it should be within a certain range tbh.
@Viktorsmg 3 ай бұрын
What boggles my mind is that this was literally better before. After the update that let everyone spot, making all those spotter seats useless, there wasn't as much spotting through walls. And then around Season 3-4 I believe this got worse. Why?!
@apdj94 3 ай бұрын
You know it’s bad when it’s trained you to click on little red triangles instead of people
@scarletrain7114 4 ай бұрын
Do you enjoy playing 2042 more than BF1 or 4 for example? Watching you play is pleasing for the eye but i cannot bring myself to touch that garbage again
@linecraftman3907 4 ай бұрын
1, 4 and V are overrun with cheaters :(
@jisf0rjosh 4 ай бұрын
@@linecraftman3907 You'll have to somehow find a community run server in 1 and 4 that isn't full but that's not an option in BFV
@xtinctkingo 4 ай бұрын
I don’t understand why people rate games off of how the were released not how they are being improved, I’ve gone to a game didn’t like it and then left, came back a while after some updates and it’s my favorite game now
@ghoond1314 4 ай бұрын
@linecraftman3907 i dont think that bf 4 have that much cheater than bf 1 and V, but bf V has much scarier cheaters though
@juicyy8783 4 ай бұрын
@@linecraftman3907 I have not experienced this at all. Been playing BF4 and BF1 on PC for the last few weeks and haven't come across any blatant cheaters.
@Mzerron 3 ай бұрын
If they'd just get rid of 3d spotting altogether, I'd say it would be an improvement. I'd even feel better if only squad spots counted as 3d spots. Do you think when the distant player models disappear, it's like the low definition distant textures (for saving memory) are misaligned to be over the actual ground?
@onemorescout 4 ай бұрын
The problem isn’t 3D spotting, the problem is it’s always bugged to hell. If 3D spots couldn’t be seen through smoke in most BFs, or through map geometry like in 2042, they’d be fine. Otherwise you get the BFV problem where you can’t see enemies at all due to all the visual clutter and increased camping. Bonus points if you’re notified of being spotted as well, enabling counterplay.
@spas6128 4 ай бұрын
I love bush like any other, but thanks for pointing out the hard truth; the prone needs to go. It adds nothing to gameplay ❤
@AisAis-dy9ug 3 ай бұрын
I really like the slomo before you activated the hax rav. 😀
@Maloviel 4 ай бұрын
I honestly thought the original spotting system was just fine. Granted, I've not played this game hardly at all, but I liked the "danger ping," rather than the 3D spotting nonsense. It felt more engaging, cause it wasn't just "Here they are!" but was much more "That's the general area that they're in, be careful!"
@ZanaldBeihart 4 ай бұрын
OMG Ravic is cheating caught in 4k 😋
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
Does this technically mean I'm using DICE sponsored hacks?
@legxcii4778 3 ай бұрын
​@@Ravic yes
@AkiyamaKatsuko 3 ай бұрын
Ravis pls
@Bagardichh 4 ай бұрын
I think Spotting overall should be deleted from the battlefield games it kinda makes the game unplayable atleast for me but Im no Battlefield gamer I just like to watch you play however I did play alot of BF1 and BFV but that was because I like the history of the wars and so on. Take care Ravic and I do hope the game gets better in the future!
@shazb0lt 3 ай бұрын
Spotting is a core gameplay mechanic since the franchise's inception, they just need to get rid of the 3D aspect and improve the visual clarity of the game.
@Ravic 3 ай бұрын
@@shazb0lt 3D spotting is not a core gameplay mechanic since the franchise's inception. Calling spotting or more accurately the commo rose ping system a core gameplay mechanic is like calling Hovercraft's ability to fly or climb vertical surfaces a "core gameplay mechanic", ENEMY BOAT SPOTTED.
@shazb0lt 3 ай бұрын
@@Ravic There seems to be a misunderstanding, I didn't say 3D spotting is a core feature, I thought the OP was implying that spotting as whole should be removed regardless of its implementation even if it wasn't 3D. Also, Enemy Submarine Spotted (in El-Alamein)!
@Ravic 3 ай бұрын
@@shazb0lt I'm pretty sure you could remove all forms of 3D spotting and still have the 2D mini-map and large map spotting in and people like that wouldn't notice.
@Bagardichh 3 ай бұрын
@@Ravic I agree with the last part 3D spotting is a broken thing but 2D on the mini-map I do not mind that. Like both team having a "Commander" that can send in UAV's for a short time at a specific spot that would work just fine I think or having the Squadleader being able to sent a UAV at the spot where he his for a short time but it should cost squad points or something
@xXOPxLunaXx 3 ай бұрын
You're just so good at the game that it has decided to just start spotting people for you.
@zerophoenix8312 4 ай бұрын
3D spotting is getting out of hand, almost every time I see an enemy icon pop out of nowhere and dump a whole mag on it, only to realize the guy is behind cover.
@bombsforzombs2371 3 ай бұрын
I've had this also happen to me a couple times lately its weird it's like the game prioritize the ping over the textures.
@Conargle 4 ай бұрын
I'm not gonna say it was worse In X game and compare them, BUT i will say that this persistent failure of a spotting system is the reason i moved away from my usual sneaky playstyle and also makes me glad that the sniper-one-shot-range-mechanic hasn't come back
@jackrabbit8255 3 ай бұрын
Unbelievable. Just when I thought DICE couldn’t get any stupider.
@gwety4496 3 ай бұрын
been this bad since at least bf4 nothing new lol
@2Can-Dan 3 ай бұрын
I don't seem to have this "problem". Is it universal? Or selective? Or even player configuration specific? :/
@raymondcervantes6252 4 ай бұрын
My critique in this game and most other fps is that gamers aim for the gamer tags, and follow hit markers. Instead of aiming for the enemy avatar.. maybe imm not making sense but these games can be a bit too user friendly.
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
That is something I mentioned a bit about in the video description. The games are training players to look for these icons instead of human shapes or player models, without the players realizing creating odd dependencies at times.
@Shyvorix 2 ай бұрын
​@@RavicYou can thank a lot of this to the COD crowd cause they've had it for a while and it became almost the de-facto standard in modern gaming. I'm not sure if I like it, but thanks to visibility being a shitshow in so many modern games (whether intentional or not....looking at you roze skin from 2019...)....I'm not sure what other alternatives work. I'm down with reductions in various ping types or whatnot, but variations in game settings being able to heavily dictate player visibility overall (which was a huge problem in Arma and even DayZ for example where you can almost turn grass off and render ghillies worthless...), along with tricks like turning off anti-aliasing to make it so players peeking from afar are way more noticeable, or shrubbery being less dense to counter bush wookie campers, etc etc, I'm unsure where I'd align with all this taken into consideration.
@kiowafourty964 3 ай бұрын
Yo does anyone know if Ravic still streams? Thanks
@sadayukinaga9363 4 ай бұрын
That would explain why I’ve been getting lasered so damn fast
@ghoond1314 4 ай бұрын
Maybe the nametag box should be separated from hit box if thats the case, the longer the nametag you can get spotted easily like 0:45, ravic's view are blocked by the wall but the enemy's nametag are a bit longer and he can see the enemy from couple meters away because of the nametag
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
The nametag showing definitely should be disconnected or not shown. In previous games it didn't really exist in this form it was just the player's health bar for enemies. But it still had the same issues shown here, seen through objects, walls, etc..
@jarurn_7326 3 ай бұрын
so, shorter nametag have a slight advantage than the longer ones?
@ghoond1314 3 ай бұрын
@@jarurn_7326 if the real problem is the nametag then yes, but not sure if thats the problem or not, but from the 0:45 you can see it that the enemy has a little bit longer nametag
@Lance-Sylis9 3 ай бұрын
​@@ghoond1314 his name is smaller but seen even more than people with big name 1:08
@roymuerlunos2426 4 ай бұрын
I agree 3D spotting is busted. I think a really easy fix though is that you shouldn't be able to see who/what you spot. Maybe still get a small beep or your character calling out what was spotted, but you should not be able to see your own call-out, certainly not in a world-spawned 3D marker that not only tells you what you're looking at but actively updates to give you their current position. I still appreciate that it does give a good identifier to teammates, and can really help out newer players (though let's be honest, that's an increasingly rarer occurrence), but giving everyone free walling is really a detriment to the gameplay, especially if there are people that know how to ab/use that. I'm curious to hear more about your thoughts on removing prone Mr. Ravic; I didn't play a lot of BC2, admittedly I may just not have been really good at it, but I enjoyed a lot of BF3, BF4, and BFHL (I was better by these times). However I did like BC2's lack of being able to prone, and Bushwookies were still able to find a place on the Battlefield if they knew how to properly place themselves.
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
Like any additional thing they've added to the movement system in Battlefield games they usually cause more harm or issues than they resolve or improve. Long story short it makes things inconsistent or creates more chances of things breaking.
@SirCuddles55 3 ай бұрын
Can't wait for Ravics Sraw videos again 😁
@BEARTAC0S 4 ай бұрын
I’m calling it, this is why i always die. Definitely not a skill issue 😂
@cyborggunslinger4230 4 ай бұрын
Oh this explains alot for me
@Katruto71 3 ай бұрын
even though the 3d ping broke, still better then battlebit remastered rn.... Also hi again
@melvin4524 3 ай бұрын
I thought they removed prone in bc2 because they hadn't solve the problem of a player mesh clipping through an uneven surface when they go prone. Which got fixed in bf3
@Ravic 3 ай бұрын
That was their reasoning for removing prone in BC2 and it made for better map design as they only had to account for two player positions. The player mesh clipping through uneven surfaces when prone didn't get fixed in BF3. It didn't get fixed in BF4, BF1, BFV, or BF2042.
@jclinton4473 3 ай бұрын
Damn Dice, Back at it again with the Broken Spotting.
@derpmanaveragegamer7791 3 ай бұрын
"and when everyone's super, no one will be"
@starsound_5184 3 ай бұрын
Another thing i've noticed is that actively pressing Q to spot at 300+ meters tends to not work all the time, but you get wall hacks closer than that? Bruh.
@GraphicJ 4 ай бұрын
Yep, this crap started really bad with BF1. DICE doesn't learn.
@ozzmosis210 3 ай бұрын
I giggled at "remove prone from the game"...
@ThatWhichObserves 3 ай бұрын
2042 looks like it has so much visual diarrhea that they can't physically manage visibility checks..
@adewunmi18 4 ай бұрын
I thought they fixed this spotting behind walls. is this new footage?
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
Yes this is recent. Also they never fixed spotting behind walls/objects/whatever in previous Frostbite Battlefield games. They've always been left in a broken or unbalanced state.
@infinitynakashima6664 3 ай бұрын
in the yeah 2042 the wallhack tecnology becomes real
@NaughtyShepherd 4 ай бұрын
If they removed tagging players and forced everyone to recognize enemies via what they’re fucking wearing… oh but then they wouldn’t have skins to sell… $$$ Oh look it’s another way micro-transactions have destroyed games.
@Pheenious 4 ай бұрын
I'm absolutely certain you're right. I'm also sure people can see how BF2042 "attempted" to copy COD Modern Warfare elements, which Dice shouldn't have done in the first place, they should've stuck to a truly "only in Battlefield" formula in the first place.
@winlover37 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, this is something I rarely see talked about. Factions and distinct silhouettes matter.
@NaughtyShepherd 4 ай бұрын
@@winlover37 thanks. I really just want a more down to earth first person shooter. You can still have micro transactions for skins, they just don’t need to have glowing fluorescents, or on fire…
@winlover37 4 ай бұрын
@@NaughtyShepherd Good luck. They make too much money. Best hope we have is if a "Disable DLC content" button becomes a standard. MCC did this and it works beautifully. If these goofy ass armor sets and skins make people happy, fine. But I don't think having a filter to just keep the base game content intact isn't unreasonable either.
@NaughtyShepherd 4 ай бұрын
@@winlover37 oh that’s a beautiful idea!
@berpyderpy9301 4 ай бұрын
I mean if you give everyone wallhacks then the actual cheaters don't have as big of an advantage. I bet they're giving spinbots in 5 to 10 years. Hooray for Dice! Great features guys. I didn't know it was this bad as I don't play the game. That sucks.
@jamalwilliams8031 4 ай бұрын
Wow! But maybe it’s just me, I don’t run into this issue on PS5
@Valteim 4 ай бұрын
@dannyx2737 4 ай бұрын
It is a small counter to bush wookies being dirty
@JustAFox2183 3 ай бұрын
Either they need to go back to bf4 spotting or remove it from the game or they need to make a dedicated bug reporting site and a dedicated bug fixing team. But ea won't let dice do what they want to
@jerricksoriano5412 3 ай бұрын
Nice ravic professional battlefield all series gamer veterans status
@rainiernqc 3 ай бұрын
It was a really bad on older games but for some reason it's even worse since BFV and on BF2042 is just...
@457dragon 3 ай бұрын
well that explains quite a lot for me honestly, DICE PLEASE!😆
@AAK540 4 ай бұрын
Idk I kinda get the vibe that back in the dorito days it was just as bad? - Could you compare this spotting with a previous title? _(also ily Mus1ck/Rav/Fedge)_
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
BC2's 3D spotting was certainly more broken but it was also much lower player counts so you were already at a much lower chance of getting randomed by someone.
@MichaelAussie05 4 ай бұрын
It just works.
@Ravic 3 ай бұрын
It's magic.
@Rodikaku65 4 ай бұрын
Tbh, they should only appear if you look directly at them or if a teammate marks them for you. Anything else is just straight up wall hacks by the devs
@ThePepe969 3 ай бұрын
It should only appear if they're not hidden by something
@zoecarlibur 3 ай бұрын
Ravic makes this game look fun.
@zzabec4266 4 ай бұрын
@The_Post-It-Note 3 ай бұрын
Isn’t this because other people ping their location I think it’s alright if it works like that but if this is because of a bug then it needs to be fixed
@Ravic 3 ай бұрын
It's a active/live 3D spot, it's not a ping. As it mentions in the video description this is something that has been an issue in pretty much all the Battlefield games on the Frostbite engine.
@The_Post-It-Note 3 ай бұрын
@@Ravic right But surely it’s essentially a mechanic by default. I mean why wouldn’t they have fixed it by now if it’s been around for previous titles. Don’t get me wrong, I can understand why it would be annoying. Wait, no. It is a mechanic however it’s overall buggy and sometimes allows you to see things that aren’t in peripheral vision. Is that what you mean
@Ravic 3 ай бұрын
@@The_Post-It-Note In the video you can see examples of it showing enemy player's 3D spot icon and health bar through walls, objects, things where no visible part of the enemy player model is shown. That is at minimum a bug associated with occlusion culling although likely other systems/parts are involved since it happens with more than one type of spotting. Why wouldn't they have it fixed by now if it's been around for previous titles? Because it requires fine tuning and identifying or specifying every piece of geometry, object, texture plane, etc. on a map which is something that can take a long time to get perfect for a large map but that is assuming there is a developer willing to do that kind of work. Not sure what you mean by "essentially a mechanic by default", being able to see enemy identifiers or icons through walls is not a normal mechanic. 2D spotting or more accurately 2D pinging has been a normal mechanic since pre-Frostbite Battlefield games, 3D spotting of infantry has only come about when graphics and textures became so complex that casual players could no longer easily identify enemy infantry on a map and DICE decided to hold their hand instead of addressing the issue in better ways like I mentioned in the video description.
@The_Post-It-Note 3 ай бұрын
@@Ravic when I meant “a mechanic by default” I meant that it paints your target on sight but I didn’t realise that the bug was that allowed you to see players without actually seeing them. Either way I understand what the issue is now. And your totally right about it
@spikeychris 4 ай бұрын
It's funny because the passive spotting is either far too powerful or absolute dogshit most of the time. You either see people you shouldn't as they are behind corners and the next second you could be in full view of someone right in front of you and absolutely nothing.
@aomeansblue 3 ай бұрын
bruh the 3 dude dev team of battlebit did this better than dice. really makes you think
@urfxvoritevnmpire 3 ай бұрын
The haters finally win the war. Ravic hacks confirmed!!!
@urfxvoritevnmpire 3 ай бұрын
(satire btw love ur vids)
@hcmdproduction4798 4 ай бұрын
Now I understand why I have been hackusated. Even called a cheater. Its the itself doing that😂😂😂
@hcmdproduction4798 4 ай бұрын
Its the game itself
@CarsNaddict 4 ай бұрын
Not only tht, on console players clip through the walls and then appear behind u, eliminates you and teleport back inside rooms😂 (i play on console)
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
I'd love to see an example.
@CarsNaddict 4 ай бұрын
@Ravic well when ur ping is at 200, you blame the enemy for your bad internet and thts when the cheating accusations start, like if i wasnt the problem 🤣
@dasspanienabwehr4906 4 ай бұрын
Ok so I play on console and I'd tell my friends wait did you see that red ping or GT pop up thinking I was going schizo or something non of them believed me but this makes a lot of sense now 😆
@mikepanda117 3 ай бұрын
What if i told you this only happens when your over 1080p
@Viktorsmg 3 ай бұрын
You would be wrong.
@notslickgaming6015 3 ай бұрын
So that's just a function of a perk one of your teammates has.
@N0P0int 3 ай бұрын
all the time am accusing players for cheating when they go in teh room and find me , turn out it's bad coding
@AntiMatter930 4 ай бұрын
Surely it's a bug that'll be fixed soon?
@Ravic 3 ай бұрын
It wasn't fixed in BC2, BF3, BF4, BF1 or BFV so I don't know why anyone would expect it would be fixed in this game.
@crispy-k 3 ай бұрын
It's a feature ;)
@JaBBerSmack 3 ай бұрын
Some of your haters saw that title and got excited 😂
@djnorth2020 3 ай бұрын
Dorito shooty game bad? It's pretty ridiculous.
Why bother having bushes if their visual cover doesn't work? Does EA have a clue how their old games even worked and why they were popular? Fuck sakes man this is amateurish, untested nonsense. Glad I stopped playing tbh.
@Valskyr 4 ай бұрын
remove paiks wallhacks too
@CryogenicToast 4 ай бұрын
Ravic please get an xbox. You’ll realize this is a waaay bigger issue than what you uploaded. At times i get so many kills from this unfortunate help that i stop playing because it feels unfair. But it’s not like your intense skill isn’t also helping you
@Ravic 4 ай бұрын
Is it old or next gen Xbox that is bad regarding this issue?
@CryogenicToast 4 ай бұрын
@@Ravic all 4 gens. Old gen Xbox X, Xbox S, series X and series S. Solid walls act as if they arent there. Using a person that highlights an enemy can high light through the wall sometimes or ping them from behind a wall. Redacted and Spearhead are actual hell at times with how many times i’m shooting at a wall thinking they are right there Only to just be prefiring the poor guy.
@montanafreedomhomestead3949 3 ай бұрын
Go back to BF4 this game is poopoo
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BF3 - I Play For The Chat
Рет қаралды 766 М.
This Railgun is VERY DEADLY in BF2042...
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When Battlefield 2042 Turns Into Movie Scenes...
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Как сбежать от РОДИТЕЛЕЙ в Schoolboy runaway???
Family Play TV
Рет қаралды 294 М.
Brawl Stars
Рет қаралды 36 МЛН