Digimon TCG | BT16-EX6 | Alphamon Ouryuken! X-Antibody Power!

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BT16 drops in officially one week from today and with it I'm looking at another oldie but goodie due to some success it saw at a regional last week. I've made a few adjustments and also provided some additional considerations. But the original mastermind? Lichi himself!
Lichi's Alphamon Deck Profile: • Digimon TCG Core TCG O...
Anticss Fenriloogamon Inspiration: • Digimon TCG Core TCG U...
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@TeamDeathSlingerTCG Ай бұрын
Great profile! I have been playing with using bt13 dorugreymon to tuck bt15 omekamon under my bt16 dorugoramon, dedigi is definitely the way to go in an armor purge meta.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
So far the only decks that seem to struggle most in the coming format is going to be Red and Green. I get you can suspend stuff.. but man the removal is extremely limiting on opponent's turn.
@anticss Ай бұрын
I enjoyed this video a ton, and I greatly appreciate the shoutout! Might have to give this list a try myself 🤔👀
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Of course! I have to give credit to the inspiration ;)
@anticss Ай бұрын
@kyubi427 Ай бұрын
I can see why you chose some of those cards on your list but I think Kosuke maybe still might be a good choice to add. He does offer a bit of the final zubagon punch effects by giving your Digimon blocker and also gives pierce. Think it makes things a bit more aggressive then the mutiswinging checks of the usual alphamon builds. I like what you said and off suggestions of in this build but I think probably best if I try out your build and maybe my own, get a perspective of both. Probably just comes down to different play styles? Good vid!
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
I agree with you on all accounts! I think Kosuke COULD be utilized, my only concern is because of the format largely being armor, there comes the issues of Armor Purge. Meaning if you attack into something even with more DP they can just purge and no checks happen. That's my only reason for not utilizing Kosuke - because in some match ups the piercing will not do anything. The builds I post are typically builds that I've been tinkering with and experimenting with the overall results. They aren't perfect by any means and I want to help players establish a foundation before tinkering!
@kyubi427 Ай бұрын
@@DIGI-PANDA ok I can see what you mean by that and I understand now why more of the bt9 alphamon cause de-digivole could shut down alot of the armor purging Digimon
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
@@kyubi427 Right on the money! But when it comes to Magnamon X... there's not a whole lot you can do there. More than likely, they'll block the big swings and armor purge.
@DarkusFireBlaze3582 Ай бұрын
I actually got top 4 at Evo Cup using Alphamon not too long ago. I went all in on Sunariza tho, but I'll probably update and see what works out. I think the new Doruga might be useful mainly due to the fact that it helps with cycling and it's cheaper to hard play compared to the blocker one, which doesn't come up that often.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, when you mention New Dorugamon, my mind is on BT16. That being said, I think I understood you meant BT13. Congratulations though on your placement!
@DarkusFireBlaze3582 Ай бұрын
​@@DIGI-PANDAI actually did think that. It's cheaper at 5 cost compared to the first Dorugamon, and another way to send Ouryu to trash if needed.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
@@DarkusFireBlaze3582 That's fair! I did get tunnel vision for awhile trashing Ouryumon but with BT13 Dorugreymon, Ouryumon is hilarious!
@ThePedro1604 Ай бұрын
lot gonna lie, i thought for a sec this was gonna be the Dorugora deck list
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
But.. it says Alphamon!
@ThePedro1604 Ай бұрын
@@DIGI-PANDA yeah, and i didn't read that lol
@Schlipperkind Ай бұрын
The main issue with protoform is the brickyness of piece reliant decks like alpha. Alpha pretty much only loses to itself similar to wargeymon because u r not able to build up your tower fast and consistent enough.Thats why I am playing full search mode with 4x trainings, 2 boosts and even 3x ukkos bt16. Worked wonders for me so far. Always getting my explosive combo of. Besides that, the one memory gain due to protoform is kinda wasted because with boost, trainings AND alphas own line will do the job easily. Recovery is nice but in this meta with less removal than usual, your 20k dp ouryuken with blocker and reboot (zubagon) gives fat better defense IMO.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
It's not perfect by any means, but it is a fun element to incorporate. I felt in some regards with some players discussing that they lost out on a level 3, this does also help rebuild the stack and the protoform is searchable via Cool Boy.
@thegoateedragon4085 Ай бұрын
I think what would have made the bt16 Dorumon line and Kosuke Kisakata mix well with Alphamon would be if they had collision as an inherent ability
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Agreed! One other dilemma I found was that the Dorugreymon doesn't cheat up to a Royal Knight but only Beast Dragon, Undead and SOC. More limiting factors.
@thegoateedragon4085 Ай бұрын
@DIGI-PANDA fingers crossed they try doing that for Reptiledramon and Grademon, I guess.
@alex_fields Ай бұрын
I've been wanting copies of final zubagon punch for my build too. I still have some games where I build up an alphamon with no sec+ effects and it feels bad.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Luckily, it should be fairly cheap!
@captingamer29 Ай бұрын
Final Punch has been a staple in Alpha for the longest time
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
I hadn't been using it is the thing - most of the time it was Sunarizamon. But I can see the justification now.
@shadowjeric Ай бұрын
Guys if you play a searcher and it gets you 1 card you didn't "plus" you went neutral.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
My apologies. You are correct. The only card that can plus you in this deck now is going to be Cool Boy.
@shadowjeric Ай бұрын
@@DIGI-PANDA You're good man. I hear it a lot from other players too and I'm like "That's not how that works. . . ."
@bobakitty6575 Ай бұрын
Looks like I should build Alphamon again!
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Very linear in build style. I think it may have issues with the release of Magnamon X.
@323chesco Ай бұрын
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Lot of fun elements to this! Lichi's deck is definitely a great baseline to start with and tinker.
@Leonardovideogoes Ай бұрын
Cool boy He is Alphamon's enemy in the story and together with poorly written Omegamon, they will kill all Digimon X. I already said that Omegamon from X Evolution is much better
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Me waiting for the next DeathXmon to play itself for free while your opponent has a level 6 Digimon with X-Antibody in its traits in play.
@pleffman Ай бұрын
but this is the same list i was running prebt16
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
The most you'll even change is the Dorumon from BT16. But even then, it's not absolutely necessary because I don't think Kosuke is necessary for the deck. Meaning in essence you're just going for the extra bling from BT13 Dorumon.
@dlscrub6207 Ай бұрын
cant wait for ex6 demon lords gonna reign supreme
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Just a a little over a short month away.
@steveng6721 Ай бұрын
You dont need 11 rookies because its going to fuck up your later draws. A lot of the teally good lists are down to 8 but you have yo max out on trainings and cool boys, which your deck isnt. Ymmv but i feel like you're going to lack the gas you need to otk, and yuji should still be run as a one of.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
On a personal level, if you're spending your first couple of turns looking for a rookie, you're in trouble. And moving into BT16 and beyond, there's just so much your opponent can do with deleting, DP reducing or bouncing your level 4. Chances are it's not going to stick. Even watching Lichi's build in action during Ultimate Cup there were noticeable instances where he was missing the rookie to start his entire chain. With only 8 rookies in your deck, you have a 59.9% chance to draw at least one in your opening hand. A mulligan increases this to 83.9%. With 10 rookies, you have a 68.9% chance to draw one in the opening hand, and 90% with a mulligan. At the bare minimum. I would run at least 10. In regards to trainings and Cool Boys, you can absolutely run these at higher counts. Notably, I don't see too many players on the protoform play. But in regards to Yuji, this one's a definitive no in my book because while this provides combat tricks to tuck another source, the BT13 Dorugreymon has you covered at end of turn. Because while the combat trick can be nice, the ultimate flaw in my mind is you have to either play this tamer or hope it's hit in security. This card does not provide searches like Cool Boy which is why I'm against it.
@steveng6721 Ай бұрын
@@DIGI-PANDA Yuji exists as a means to end a game in that turn, not wait around. You gain so much memory that putting a yuji on field after resolving an ouryuken to guarantee a third swing by tucking an ouryu from hand is huge. Also helps justify running the ryudamons. Not to mention if you can drop it early, you get +1 mem and an extra card when you push. That can be huge with retaining turn so you aren't forced to burn your end of turn extensions in less optimal situations. I think yuji is a card you run one of, and if you have enough gas you will have gone through about 80% of your deck by the time you are lining up your kill shot. As far as hard droppimg 4 costs, yes it's not ideal. But if you have a mem boost out you can still make it work and get up to a dorugrey to have a form of protection active. Also, no kongou or ultimate flare means you will die to the swarms of d police, numemon, and red hybrid. Even if it's just slotted as a one of it can save you in those matchups.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
@@steveng6721 I also want to stress that deck profiles on the channel are to provide foundation of the deck along with tech choices that I've been testing. They aren't the gospel of perfect decks to play by any means. You can choose to adjust your ratios how you see fit along with your tech choices.
@aimlessgaming4619 Ай бұрын
Fine, you convince me to play alpha again
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Welcome back to the wombo combos!
@Kwaed Ай бұрын
So would the BT9 Alphamon with BT13 Dorugreymon be a good answer to Magnamon X? As the tucking happens at the end of your turn, the same as Magna X's protection effect, we'd be able to dedigivolve him, right?
@Schlipperkind Ай бұрын
Sadly not. Because the protection of magna x lasts until your of turn effects are over, so both effects are overlapping.
@Schlipperkind Ай бұрын
Sadly not. magna x protection ends after all of YOUR end of turn effects have been used. So your devolve end of turn with new dorugrey and BT9 alpha whiffs against magna x. But you don't really need it anyways. With zubagon and 16k base dp ouryuken, magna x can't push through :)
@Kwaed Ай бұрын
What's up with the 2 invisible comments? Can't even read them.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
They're invisible? I can read them fine. It just mentions that protection of Magnamon X lasts until end of your turn effects are over so both are overlapping. Meaning it whiffs.
@Kwaed Ай бұрын
@@DIGI-PANDA Ahhh that is a massive tragedy... Thanks for letting me know!
@XxXShadowchanXxX Ай бұрын
So the bt16 dorugamon's trash 1 draw 1 is not enough to merit use huh.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
You can use it for the cycling of cards. I didn't because of the fact that I have some Ryudamons for searching.. and that would cost 3 for Dorugamon.
@plutonash2545 Ай бұрын
....not a single one of the cards on this list is BT 16..
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Overall, when I was testing the BT16 elements of Dorumon, Dorugamon and Dorugreymon, they don't offer anything that I really liked. I explain why I did not run them in the end and ultimately Protoform was the most interesting find for me. You can sacrifice some consistency to get rid of Ryudamon for Dorumon. But the new Dorugamon is best utilized IF and ONLY IF you utilize a tamer with the SOC trait. Kosuke Kisakata in my mind isn't necessary and the 3 memory is ok but comparatively to Cool Boy, Cool Boy is better. One more quick edit: While Kosuke does give piercing and you could argue this is valuable for Alphamon, remember the format will largely be filled with armor related Digimon and piercing does not trigger with Armor purge.
@ArcJamneel Ай бұрын
@@DIGI-PANDA if anything just replace BT13 Dorumon with BT16 Doru for the bling. xD
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
@@ArcJamneel Pretty much ha ha. I just left it alone because there's no purpose for it if you don't run Kousuke and you're not running purple option cards either, so in terms of cost BT13 Dorumon still works.
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