Do Daleks have a concept of Art?

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Dalek Bumps

Dalek Bumps

Ай бұрын

Despite their nature as hateful exterminators who (allegedly) lack all emotions except hate, the Daleks seem to be capable of creating a wide variety of different styles of artwork, both in their architecture and also in their ships and casing designs. In this video, we are going to explore the rarely-addressed and often-overlooked topic of Dalek art, and discuss the implications of such a thing.
All footage is the property of the BBC. Music by Marty O'Donnell

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@scibus2593 Ай бұрын
I'd imagine that it comes under the perview of a Dalek Scientist. "Drones display 1.222564% more efficiency when surrounded by these shapes, and are 0.908% less likely to succumb to mental deterioration" In other words the Daleks haven't truly been able to purge all emotion bar hate, but they think that they have.
@nicktucker8299 Ай бұрын
I agree - I think they would be affected by art, but would never admit it, and would never make any unless ordered to by a superior. The example you gave is great.
@abravenewclockworkorange.7875 Ай бұрын
Remember in the Chase when a group of Daleks get so riled up they sing together? "Align and advance Advance and attack Attack and destroy Destroy and rejoice"
@dalekbumps Ай бұрын
It's like Dalek poetry, I should do a video on that
@awesomedude255 Ай бұрын
@@dalekbumps Yes! Daleks seem to have war cries/chants that they normally utilize throughout the show as well, similar to human militaries. "Daleks conquer and destroy!" "Seek, locate, exterminate!" and others that to me screams practice and doctrine. Another example is in The Daleks (in colour) when Alydon is ambushed within the Dalek City - they chant in unison "All enemies of the Daleks must be destroyed!" which, again, due to it being in unison and seen as a regularly heard call to action later on in the series it leads me to believe that they must have internal propaganda/morale building exercises.
@lewischerry3552 Ай бұрын
@@dalekbumps where do you think Dalek poetry ranks against Vogon?
@BPBludgeon Ай бұрын
Daleks must have a concept of art, given how decorated they like to make themselves. If Daleks were so cold and efficient, the Red Supreme or Gold Emperor wouldn't go out of their way to have casings that make them look good. Even the Time Controller, who I think pragmatically should look more standard so not to draw attention to itself, stuck one of those plasma globes in its neck to look more important.
@redjirachi1 7 күн бұрын
That makes a lot of sense. Fascist governments tend to like art that glorifies the state and their ideals. Daleks are exaggerated fascists so if they have a culture it's a self-glorifying and boastful one
@jesserizzo6114 Ай бұрын
I like the idea of daleks having a rudimentary concept or art, architecture, and beauty because it makes them feel more believable as a society especially because daleks essentially have inverted sense of right and wrong to humans so they place value and see logic in things that we find evil making harder for us to see those qualities in them.
@IllusivePrime Ай бұрын
Also in Asylum of the Daleks, when the Doctor and the Dalek PM were talking, the Dalek PM said to the Doctor that "It is offensive to us to extinguish such define hatred."
@dark_ops1651 Ай бұрын
this is the first thing that came to my mind too
@icon_uk624 29 күн бұрын
Indeed, followed by the Dalek PM's line "Does it surprise you to know the Daleks have a concept of beauty? "
@lewischerry3552 Ай бұрын
he's only gone and cracked out the HALO soundtrack
@Professor_Toothpaste Ай бұрын
I like to imagine like when they're not doing anything, they do things that humans do, like talk to each other, buy stuff, create art, kinda like in the comics.
@Matthew-123 Ай бұрын
Well they see destruction as beautiful so in some twisted way I guess they see that as art right ?
@BlueSkaro Ай бұрын
Maybe they would see an invasion as an installation or performance piece...
@justanaveragegamer8735 Ай бұрын
My dumbass read the title as “do Daleks have concept art”
@Lone_Cyberman_Productions Ай бұрын
No same 😭😭
@mattheuston9363 25 күн бұрын
Me too
@Lord_No-brainer 23 күн бұрын
Even worse: I was looking for Dalek concept art and thought this was the video for me
@fawziekefli2273 13 күн бұрын
You and me both, bruv.
@lavaarrow7003 Ай бұрын
Dalek Bumps 7k! Celebrate!
@Professor_Toothpaste Ай бұрын
@paladinboyd1228 Ай бұрын
I do like the idea hinted at in the first Dalek story that there is more to them than what we see, the idea of them making art and other things in their own way. I think I remember them being said to have shops as well.
@Stoatmaster Ай бұрын
I think the art that depicts parts of Daleks (Eyestalk carvings, the decorational bumps) are to remind enemies who they are up against, to make them fear everything that looks like a Dalek. Maybe that’s why the Doctor tells scared people that scared is a superpower (Listen)/scared keeps you fast (The Time Of Angels)-so they aren’t as scared of the Daleks.
@Squid1562 Ай бұрын
I like to think that Daleks still do have a wider range of emotions, however their genetics and their conditioning just make these emotions so wildly different from ours that they may as well not have them. But because of this, the Daleks do still have the concept of art. It's just been so warped and twisted that it comes off as another form a narcissism for them. Constructing buildings and ships with hemi-spheres, elegantly curved doorways that only fit a Dalek, The sculptures of their eye-stalks and crude polygonal statues in the city. They all seem to scream "We are the Daleks. We are the greatest beings in all creation. Marvel at us before we destroy you"
@hamishwhitehenderson5197 Ай бұрын
it's actually a very interesting concept form an aesthetic philosophy point of view. I'm particularly reminded of the demons in CS Lewis' the Screwtape Letters and their "lowerachy"
@LonelyGamer4 Ай бұрын
I love the Halo music. Peril is one of my favorite songs from the Halo 2 soundtrack.
@Sany_Tarn Ай бұрын
Huh. I have just been thinking about dalek art, and you popped up.
@RealMagmaDash Ай бұрын
great minds think alike
@idontlikeitproductions3509 Ай бұрын
There is a benefit to having an artistic sense, as you can inspire awe and fear in your enemies, and fear and awe are a very effective weapons. The SPAS-12 shotgun for example was designed specifically to look scary as much as be an effective weapon. I don't know if there's a dedicated class of Dalek but I do think there is an artistic flair to Dalek things, if they were truly pragmatic, their ships would be square steel corridors, many human ships look more pragmatic than Dalek ships.
@timecontroller8800 Ай бұрын
Very good question and might be a good story to it, an interesting bit of law surrounding one of the statues in the daleks is in the lights of skaro a great audio where Bernice learns that is what made by a kaled artist during the end of the war who sadly was selected to become a dalek this story goes heavily into what originally motivated the first daleks and is kind of sad when u learn all they wanted was to be left alone in their city to invent things when a dalek meets a kaled it killed her because it was jealous of her maybe admitting there hipocracy as the supreme beings
@PerovNigma Ай бұрын
* interesting bit of lore
@MRWALL.i6732 Ай бұрын
I think the best way to describe it is 'self-art' The Daleks believe they are the supreme beings, so they reflect that in their culture
@eepy_lb7798 Ай бұрын
I’ve always felt the Daleks are very emotional creatures but hate was there strongest emotion because we’ve seen many time Daleks showing more than just hate but since they pride themselves on their hate they pretend they have no other emotions, I also feel like this nicely contrasts the Cybermen who truly are emotionless.
@wolfgangwilcox2323 Ай бұрын
My interpretation is that Daleks want the universe to know they are there. It’s one thing to wipe lifeforms out, it’s another to have the ones who survive know they’re coming for them. By building such monuments full of Dalek iconography, the lesser beings know the Dalek overlords reside there and that they will come for them.
@GreaterGrievobeast55 Ай бұрын
We already know Daleks have a concept of beauty, even if they aren't usually open to admit it. I can recall the Dalek prime strategist's little chat on such with the mechanist scientist. Would the stained glass Dalek travel machines count? They were built due to necessity but it does seem like they had a sense of stylistic placement on where certain iconography would go.
@tommyfox854 Ай бұрын
As I think about it and read some of the comments here, Daleks do indeed seem to have some kind of sense of art in them. It's certainly not what we humans know it as, but I think that works best for them; it's something familiar, but not quite like we know. An example I can think of for this is the bronze coloration of New-Who Daleks; I don't know if there's an in-universe explanation for the coloration, but if The Daleks turely were purely pragmatic and practical, then the Renegade Daleks coloration should be what they'll go for. . cold, emotionless, fairly able to blend in with a night time enemy town, and is not colorful in any way.
@akaakaakaak5779 22 күн бұрын
I think I'd argue that it's not for them, its for their enemies. A unified aesthetic to their architecture would instil fear to any that saw it, even if no daleks were around, which you could argue has tactical advantages
@engineerforthefuture8593 Ай бұрын
I listened to Order of the Daleks based on your recommendation, and really enjoyed it!
@nicktucker8299 Ай бұрын
Maybe killing in creative ways could be considered art. A dalek might not describe it as art, but if they're doing something beyond function to express themselves or convey a message, that's a pretty good definition of art. For example, the metaltron killing many at once with electricity and turning on the cameras to show the 9th Doctor. It was intentionally showing off, it was saying "a dalek will always win against humans". That's performance art IMO. Chants, too. They don't need to yell "Daleks are the masters of Earth" over and over to eachother, but they do because they have some emotional capacity, even if it's 100% hate. That's like a rudimentary national anthem. I like when stories show that daleks aren't robots, and I think giving them a little art helps that. They're a warning against xenophobia that's applicable to us, the IRL human audience. Plus I think it's kind of funny if they hate themselves for accidentally doing art or being affected by art, like it's a vestige of their Kaled ancestry that they would erase if they could.
@BlueSkaro Ай бұрын
Always thought of the sculptures on Spirodon as non Dalek but the remnants of a conquered race..
@SocieteRoyale Ай бұрын
that was my thought always, that the Daleks had built a base below an old temple. I do like the idea that the designs resemble the eye sticks, I had never thought of that before
@Browncoat7969 Ай бұрын
That also includes the cyberman as well
@odinlindeberg4624 19 күн бұрын
Daleks do have emotions beyond hate and anger, for instance they get a sense of joy from defeating their enemies and beating the doctor in particular. They also have what passes for poetry in their many war cries. So it's not beyond imagination that they view their mechanised shells as something perfect, a la renaissance painters and their love of the human form.
@RomLoneWolf23 Ай бұрын
I think I read somewhere something about a Dalek chanting about the Exterminations it was doing, in something resembling a form of poetry.
@LoadOfWhoha 28 күн бұрын
I'd think that Dalek sculptor would be in a Society of Daleks, kind of like the Daleks with a flamethrower. It would be interesting to see that. Also Congrats on 7k!!
@lordeden2732 18 күн бұрын
Welding and cutting torch not flame thrower
@abravenewclockworkorange.7875 Ай бұрын
Davros clearly has a sense of art and poetry, he demonstrates repeatedly how elegant he finds the ideas of supremacy and mass-destruction, the daleks, in turn, inherited this from Davros, I believe that the Daleks in their constant hate, find what they are doing to be artisticly beautiful but admitting it outloud would ruin it,
@redjirachi1 Ай бұрын
Pretty much every issue the Daleks have they got from him. The petty little narcissist tried making a species of Davroses...Davrosi?
@antonberkbigler5759 12 күн бұрын
This is part of why I find daleks so fascinating, even if it’s somewhat under explored. They are a people, a race, a culture and ideology. They are not mindless cyborgs like the cybermen, with brains that are suborned and suppressed. Their minds are mutilated but free. Stripped of things we’d consider foundational and integral like compassion and joy, so that they’d be creatures purely of hate and xenophobic self-supremacy. And yet they are individuals, with their own takes and relations to dalek ideology. The metaltron committed suicide in order to uphold dalek genetic purity, whereas Sec abandoned it in order to create something better. I’m getting a little off track and veering into a different angle of retrospection of this. Back to art. Even though the things that would make them people were gouged out of their genomes, the ghost of those things remain. Art, philosophy, community. Culture, society. They aren’t simply spreading like a plague, the way a paper lip maximized would, but they are an empire here to invade and conquer. To build monuments to their primacy over the broken ruins of those they’ve exterminated. Pageantry, pomp. They are people, not machines. Twisted, broken, and vile people, but people nonetheless. And people will make art and seek community so long as they remain people, no matter how bent or broken. Even at their lowest, when twisted and rebuilt into something unrecognizable to what they were before, people will create art just as surely as trees create oxygen.
@TelestoTheBesto 28 күн бұрын
I always figured Dalek art was a remnant of their Kaled genes. I see it as a bit of irony, no matter how much the Daleks obsess over purity, they'll never find it. Because once they're done killing everything else, they'll just start killing each other. And I also see it as a brief glimmer of hope for the Daleks, the potential for them becoming a peaceful species like Sec tried to make them into. Or the Human Factor Daleks from Evil. There is such thing as a good Dalek, but it's very rare.
@NWR_astrotrain Ай бұрын
I think the do. Daleks are pretty monolithic for the most part but do have at least a minimal amount of individuality. They have names, personalities and despite claims otherwise they do seem to have a spectrum of emotions. I find the daleks most interesting when seen thru the lens of being a complete society not just any unstoppable army. I think in their own twisted way Daleks may have hobbies, best friends, literature, etc... Cybermen are scary because they are murderous have no feeling at all and are striped of individuality and will try to make you just like them. Daleks are scary because the like being murderous. Daleks enjoy and take pride in the suffering they bring.
@redjirachi1 25 күн бұрын
It's possible that, even if just subconsciously, Davros didn't want to remove everything that made Kaleds human (psychologically) when engineering the Daleks. Some rudimentary sense of art and culture remained partly because Davros' genetic engineering isn't perfect and partly because, as evil as he is he's still mentally human, albeit sociopathic
@Sany_Tarn Ай бұрын
I'm a roleplayer, and I have a renegade Dalek character. Recently that character was, in a meta-twist, a DM for a dnd game. What was the big bad of it? A beholder. I like comparing daleks and beholders. One-eyed tentacled xenophobic monstrosities are kind of fun to play.
@GreaterGrievobeast55 Ай бұрын
I was just thinking of how cool it would be to see Dalek VS beholder in a death battle scenario. Also have a Dalek OC too but good Doctor who rp's are hard to come by!
@sglenny001 26 күн бұрын
I love this idea
@oldhammer824 Ай бұрын
I would imagine the Daleks have to have art and culture or else they would have nothing to do when they conquer the universe, unless all Daleks go mad and kill all other Daleks.
@AnubisX1 Ай бұрын
I am unsure if you have heard the 7th doctor and benny audio Lights of Skaro. Its a good audio and covers a lot of the daleks history and that in the original timeline pre genesis and before "the Daleks", they were in fact content being scientists which is a form of art. Also in that audio it is revealed that the statue was made a Kaled artist who was one of the first daleks. As for Spiridon, i have seen or read the dalek base is actually the Spiridon city which the daleks, occupied and refitted to their own ends. So that the statues are of spiridon in origin. I do think daleks do have an concept of art, they just won't admit it. Its like a Dalek isn't meant to understand pity and mercy which they are seen to display themselves, even before the series 9 opener. I have a question for you. Have you done a video covering the Emperor's role in the time war, as i have found it confusing. Now bearing in mind i havent heard the galifrey series. But he's involved with at the start, dies at some point as according to some of the war doctor and time war sets, the Daleks are lead by a Dalek Prime, Supreme or the time Strategist at various points. Again i haven't heard all the war doctor audio's, I think he in some of the war doctor begins sets. He then seems to dissappear again. A Multiverse Emperor is return in Restoration of the Daleks. Is this the OG emperor, or an emperor made up of the many possible dalek emperors from the multiverse? The Dalek emperor's timeline during the war seems very complicated.
@williamholtzclaw3029 Ай бұрын
Everyone knows that the daleks venerate Shakespeare
@MatthewCaunsfield Ай бұрын
The cult of Skaarchitects - love it! 😁
@Buy_YT_Views.880 Ай бұрын
This is everything!
@annapocalypsezero4719 17 күн бұрын
Well, daleks are not really emotionless they try to claim that but they have anger, fear and important here a desire to project their authority and to intimidate each other and their enemies. They also see theirselves as perfection so you get eye stalk and bump sculptures. Perhaps the sculpture in the Dalek city symbolized something like a long forgotten weapon or defeated enemy. Plus we have never seen a builder dalek to see if they are more inventive than standard daleks.
@hamishwhitehenderson5197 Ай бұрын
I wrote a little world-building drabble a while back speculating on why Dalek's may actually have. concert of culture and it mainly boils down to the concept stated here that Daleks are not as perfect as they think they are. it was also inspired a bit by the depiction of demons in CS Lewis' the Screwtape Letters, it's perhaps quite pretension but I've been meaning to post it somewhere for a while.
@hamishwhitehenderson5197 Ай бұрын
It has long been a common misconception that Daleks have no society- or perhaps that Daleks have no society that is not based on brutal efficiency in service of Dalek expansion, completely free of concepts like culture, politics, religion and other social mores that the Daleks consider extraneous and inferior. It should, however, be noted that these traits and activities themselves are social mores and customs. The belief in absolute Dalek superiority is obviously itself a political ideology- rather than an objective truth- and it is expoused with religious conviction. The submission of everything that Daleks do and create, and obviously destroy, to the pursuit of genetic purity and expansion, is in itself a method of structuring society- one that like all idealised philosophical notions has been weathered by reality and forced to compromise- it is based not on fact but faith, and not on scientific efficiency but orthodoxy and custom- a twisted and eldrich culture that derives from the word “Exterminate” in same way that others derive from “Justice”, “Order”, “Equality” or “Freedom” I am not the first to argue that the idealised image of the Daleks and their civilisation as perfectly pure, efficient killing machines exists only in the delusions of Daleks and Dalek apologists who seriously suggest Yarvelling Davros was a great man. Do not mistake my meaning- the Daleks are certainly the greatest threat to universal life currently known and they are capable of wiping out all life in the galaxy in a single solar cycle if other species are not vigilant enough. However, this has less to do with actual evolutionary perfection and more to do with specialisation, luck, and it has been shown, utter hypocrisy in the actions of successive Dalek Supremes and Emperors. Dalek efficiency is a delusion and a propaganda myth that they must drum in to themselves as much as their victims. It has been argued by an exiled Sontaran philosopher comparing them to his own society that if Daleks truly were genetically the most efficient warriors in the galaxy they would need no Emperor, no supreme council and no hierarchy as all Daleks would already be innately aware of the best course of action and would strive towards this common goal of their own accord. The Dalek’s entire existence is based on an insane lie, a flawed understanding of evolution concocted by a dying, horrifically interbred lunatic scientist on an isolated planet that had been at war with itself for so long that the declaration of hostilities was ancient myth. Skaro was not an advanced society, and the fact that it’s brood where not snuffed out as soon as they developed space travel is probably the most compelling evidence that Davros actually was an unprecedented genius in purely scientific terms. The fact is that Daleks are not genetically uniform, and this is not just the reason for their hierarchy but also their survival. They are by their own standards genetically impure as hundreds of thousands of cycles of artificial reproduction have lead to a slow shift in their DNA away from that of the original creatures created by Davros in the Kaled bunker. As a result of this taking place over a very long period of time and the general inaccuracies of early Dalek genetic testing, the Daleks themselves only discovered this when deviation was already widespread, and this lead to a series of developments in Dalek hierarchy that continue to this era. The first Supreme Dalek was also one of the first to become aware of this deviance as a result of its own heightened intelligence and individual will, the very attributes that allowed him to dominate other Daleks and act as a mostly undisputed commander. The began with genetic impurities apparent in the first batch itself. It was this ability to reason independently that lead one of the first five Daleks to conclude that Davros, not being a Dalek, was therefore inferior and to be exterminated. It was this Dalek’s DNA line that the Supreme was grown from. If the Dalek race at large where to ever discover the fact that where essentially non-Dalek they would destroy themselves in purges and bouts of self loathing existential madness- on top of the fact that they had been created by an inferior Kaled, degenerate even by his race’s own standards who had then been exterminated. The first action the Supreme took was to prevent this was to use its heightened intelligence and its ability to act outside of usual Dalek behavioural conditioning to place itself in a position of unquestionable authority. Mainly this was achieved by exterminating any Dalek that questioned or threatened it, surreptitiously or otherwise and having a good enough success record that any similarly “degenerate” Daleks supported it out of pragmatism. Some more intelligent Daleks where in even more denial about their deviance where placated by the second act- The creation of the Eternal Caste, who monitored the entire Daley race for degeneracy, deviancy and disobedience. However, from the beginning their copy of the base line genetic code, already based on incomplete knowledge- in fact deliberately sabotaged by the first Supreme Dalek- even himself being mostly ignorant about the actually ancestors of the Daleks and the events of last few hundred years of their history. So the Supreme ensured that the methods were inaccurate and based more on a quasi-religious reverence for the holy (1) Dalek form- the travel machine that would become just as important as the creature- any deviation from it’s design would be monitored by the Eternal Sect not for any changes in actually equipment or means of propulsion but in design, number of panels on the skirt, number of bars on the midsection, eye stalk length, overabundance of the strange balls with a use lost to time that where now used to house completely unnecessary etheric beam locators. Even these would be subject to change as more forceful Emperors decided that certain designs created by Davros during his return would be of use no matter how heretical (2) they were and how low the life expectancy and high the degeneracy of the operating mutant was when sitting directly behind a gigantic nuclear cannon. Eventually this would lead to civil war or essentially, political tension between the Eternal Caste and the Emperor- there was no democracy, even on the supreme council, as Daleks considered rule based on majority to be utterly immoral (3) and instead preferred a system that can best be described as “when shouting reaches high enough volume, begin shooting, survivors win debate”. Considering the Emperor often ensures his travel machine is the most heavily armoured and lethal, or that his stationary casing is surrounded by fanatically loyal guards he almost always wins. The brutal methods of purging hatchery stocks of impurities would become just as much about the Dalek’s ill designed manipulator arm to avoid dropping the newly hatched mutant when transporting it to the travel machine as any of its actual traits. 1. 1. Daleks do not have a directly translatable word for Holiness, they simply refer to something as being Dalek. 2. 2. Daleks do not have a directly translatable word for Heresy, they simply refer to something a being Un-Dalek.
@hamishwhitehenderson5197 Ай бұрын
TL;DR: Daleks are not uniform and not perfect, and the more intelligent ones among them (like the Dalek Emperor) know that if this were not the case they wouldn't survive. As a result the Daleks actually have to have a culture of obsessing over Dalek supremacy to cover up this lie, especially to the rank and file. also dalek bumps have no fixed purpose but getting rid of them, though sensible, would be idolatry.
@59rlmccormack 28 күн бұрын
Daleks embracing art is real bonkers!
@felwinter5528 Ай бұрын
Id imagine that daleks would have some form of architect. Id say the lore reason they haven't appeared is that they are not frunt line troops
@hk1371 23 күн бұрын
I believe they do and the potential for other emotions is there but due to their engineered nature, its heavily restricted. But, like with any emotion, it will seep through. I'd day that they are even creating the art unintentionally to a degree. That they just do it and treat it as a subroutine but its actually, unbeknownst to them, the expression of that artistic drive that was suppressed. And if you were to point it out, they would probably justify it as a way of warfare to psychologically worry targets (In extreme denial that they don't even know they are denying anything, rather correcting you)
@corytem1994 Ай бұрын
Perhaps some of the art is to intimidate the inferior life forms? That would explain some instances.
@borusa32 21 күн бұрын
Well we know Daleks do not sing but they make hats.
@zaarthwren Ай бұрын
Hey @dalekbumps I’m about to get some citadel paints to repaint my RunningPress Minikits Red Dalek Supreme into a Dalek Time Strategist, and I got to ask what specific colors should I be looking for?
@lordeden2732 18 күн бұрын
Dalek bumbs are a self distruct devise.
@dalekbumps 18 күн бұрын
They are technically part of the self-destruct process, but they aren't self-destruct devices themselves. The bumps are, (for Time War-era Daleks at least) a component of the shield projection system. Notice how when the Dalek self-destructs in Series 1, the spheres detach from the casing and create a forcefield around the Dalek which contains the explosion. The explosion itself comes from within the Dalek itself
@grahamturner1290 Ай бұрын
@nickthepick8043 Ай бұрын
I think them having some forms of art could prove to be another contradiction of their race as a whole. Much like the whole Genetic Purity thing.
@carnivalecretins853 23 күн бұрын
Well they have religion, as the Doctor mentions the Kaled god of War
@android65mar Ай бұрын
DalekArtandDesign drones
@darkhumour741 29 күн бұрын
Most if not all forms of Dalek artistic + architectural expression appear to simply be reflections of their own “superior design” Eyestalk carvings, decorative bumps, their city being largely comprised of globes & hemispheres, doors and hallways shaped specifically for Dalek use…even the hexagonal beehive pattern of Time War era ships could’ve been chosen due to their societies shared caste system Not to say Daleks don’t have any artistic merit, they clearly do. It’s just a very narrow minded and narcissistic form compared to ours.
@DoctorWhoGaming100 Ай бұрын
I mean, they have no concept of elegance, that's a pretty large factor
@llewelynshingler2173 19 күн бұрын
Art without Elegance is doable. Look at what the Humans have made lately
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