Don't be a foolish Galatian! Know your covenant! Full book study.

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Rev. Elation

Rev. Elation

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Why did Paul nearly freak out at the Galatians? Was he concerned that they were forgetting the basics of salvation as we commonly see it today? Or is it something more? See what you've missed about Galatians that the New Covenant perspective explains!
00:00:00 - Introduction to Galatians in the light of the New Covenant
00:14:55 - Chapter 1
00:21:07 - Chapter 2
00:39:19 - Chapter 3
01:10:32 - Chapter 4
01:27:24 - Chapter 5
02:06:00 - Chapter 6
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@ReverendElation Ай бұрын
Thanks for going through Galatians with me! This primarily focuses on what we can understand better with the New Covenant understanding! Join the channel and be a member!
@Smurph60 Ай бұрын
Love the videos
@knt5434_SF Ай бұрын
wonderful teaching❤
@djb3h Ай бұрын
Great teaching, God bless you
@ReverendElation Ай бұрын
Gracias Jose! I'm so happy if it brings any life or light to this awesome book!
@wittymystic7361 Ай бұрын
Can't make it for the live, but will definitely watch it later.
@ReverendElation Ай бұрын
It will be waiting for you :) I go through the whole book so it's longer, but if we want to get the whole picture of an epistle or Bible book, that's what we gotta do! And hopefully it's encouraging and fun. Thanks for your comment!
@scottfranson4215 Ай бұрын
that the New Covenant perspective explains!the New Covenant understanding!
@llwagar Ай бұрын
AMEN!!! 👏🏼👏🏼
@jediaha788 Ай бұрын
God bless you brother Praise God for the Awesome teachings. I would love teaching on “generational curses” . The Word states “we have been redeemed from curse of the Law through the Blood of Jesus” but I hear so much confusion about Christian being “cursed”. Thank you🙏
@ReverendElation Ай бұрын
Bless u too bro! That is a great topic and the New Covenant perspective would introduce a new angle to the discussion. Some like Curry and others would say that generational curses are over for the verse you mentioned, while other deliverance ministers have experience dealing with it first hand and casting out demons that would be considered generationally present thru curse. I'll do more looking and consideration on this, but first thought is that the verse about Jesus becoming a curse for us and redeeming us from the curse of the law specifically refers to THE curse of the law, or of breaking the law/covenant, which is that sin results in death. But in the New, "the wages of sin is death but... " right? So then, in context, the metaphor of Jesus becoming the curse refers ONLY to the curse of death and judgment that was part of the OC, while judgment in the NC is against the enemy, and we have eternal life. All of the scriptural comparisons about sin & death point to the covenant curses, and ultimately death. If so, and I'll do more digging, then the NC defines relationship and blessings but does not, on its own, change everything in life--though it can to the degree we receive it. Plus, interestingly, the New Covenant church is about storming the gates of hell that can't withstand it, and since authority over demonic influence is exercised by faith in Christ and is part of the commission to preach and demonstrate the Kingdom, then the sickness or generational demonic oppression would remain, but could then be remedied by the finished work of Christ ministered or accepted by faith. I'll check more into it, and thanks for the idea! It will make a great vid! Bless ya
@jediaha788 Ай бұрын
@@ReverendElation “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3‬:‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬ The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.“ ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭18‬:‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬ In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge.“ ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31‬:‭29‬ ‭KJV‬‬ These verses “generational curses” OC . I look forward to Holy Ghost teaching/ Revelation. God Bless
@ReverendElation Ай бұрын
Yeah! Those are often put together, but without the idea that references to "the curse of the law" refers to the curses listed in Deut 28 and ultimately death. But, something that deliverance ministers refer to as "generational curses" fall under the definition of either a spiritual attack made against someone or a pact one entered into--which is completely unrelated to the idea of "the curse of the law." Thankfully, Christ has provided freedom from both--but one is about ending the covenant, and the other is like physical healing that can be exercised by faith in the setting of spiritual warfare--and I think teachers of both perspectives could benefit from this specific idea of the terms of the Old and New Covenants. Interestingly, the "father eating sour grapes" passage that is used on one side demonstrates some very cool New Covenant style thinking beforehand, and the chapter ends saying, “Therefore, you Israelites, I will judge each of you according to your own ways, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, people of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!" Eze 18:30-32 New heart! New Spirit! And earlier the idea is individual righteousness being better than group/lineage righteousness or unrighteousness--so again, God is using Ezekiel to forecast the New Covenant like in chapter 36 and elsewhere. Such a great idea and study--thank you so much again for bringing it up! This seems to be a place where different Christians groups can benefit from accuracy and context, so that we get exactly what the Bible is saying--and we can all unite in the truth! Ill definitely be making this a video soon. :)
@jediaha788 Ай бұрын
@@ReverendElation Amen, God Bless.
@ferranetienne9275 Ай бұрын
Dear Reverend elation, as I was Reading Luke 16 this morning, I had a feeling that it was somehow all connected to what you have developed in your recent videos about the new covenant and more particularly grace and justification. The particular passage that got my attention is Luke 16: 14-16. It seems to be several 'disconnected' sayings from Jesus but I suspect it is all connected to the same idea (even the whole chapter). But being quite new to all of this, I can't articulate it well in my mind. Could you do a video on this passage someday? I thank you for your great work and your fire. This is helping a lot 🙏
@ReverendElation Ай бұрын
Surely! What a cool passage, because it brings into play the purpose of John the Baptist, and connected with the other passages about the law passing away or being fulfilled, there is much insight into the work of Christ as it pertains to the Kingdom and the New Covenant ! Thanks for bringing it up, and I will address it sometime soon :) Bless u
@ferranetienne9275 Ай бұрын
@@ReverendElation 🙏🙏🙏 I'll be on the watch👍. Bless u brother
@Str8Tru Ай бұрын
You sound exactly like Smith Wigglesworth.. Lol. I really do forget that its not him when i listen to your videos. You are a blessing and appreciated. Also the passage that i stand on to reassure myself concerning the New Covenant is in Collosians Chapter 2 16So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. 17For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality. 18Don’t let anyone condemn you by insisting on pious self-denial or the worship of angels,e saying they have had visions about these things. Their sinful minds have made them proud, 19and they are not connected to Christ, the head of the body. For he holds the whole body together with its joints and ligaments, and it grows as God nourishes it. 20You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world, such as, 21“Don’t handle! Don’t taste! Don’t touch!”? 22Such rules are mere human teachings about things that deteriorate as we use them. 23These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires.
@Str8Tru Ай бұрын
Also Acts chapter 15: ◄ Acts 15 ► New Living Translation Par ▾ The Council at Jerusalem 1While Paul and Barnabas were at Antioch of Syria, some men from Judea arrived and began to teach the believersa: “Unless you are circumcised as required by the law of Moses, you cannot be saved.” 2Paul and Barnabas disagreed with them, arguing vehemently. Finally, the church decided to send Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem, accompanied by some local believers, to talk to the apostles and elders about this question. 3The church sent the delegates to Jerusalem, and they stopped along the way in Phoenicia and Samaria to visit the believers. They told them-much to everyone’s joy-that the Gentiles, too, were being converted. 4When they arrived in Jerusalem, Barnabas and Paul were welcomed by the whole church, including the apostles and elders. They reported everything God had done through them. 5But then some of the believers who belonged to the sect of the Pharisees stood up and insisted, “The Gentile converts must be circumcised and required to follow the law of Moses.” 6So the apostles and elders met together to resolve this issue. 7At the meeting, after a long discussion, Peter stood and addressed them as follows: “Brothers, you all know that God chose me from among you some time ago to preach to the Gentiles so that they could hear the Good News and believe. 8God knows people’s hearts, and he confirmed that he accepts Gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he did to us. 9He made no distinction between us and them, for he cleansed their hearts through faith. 10So why are you now challenging God by burdening the Gentile believersb with a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors were able to bear? 11We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” 12Everyone listened quietly as Barnabas and Paul told about the miraculous signs and wonders God had done through them among the Gentiles. 13When they had finished, James stood and said, “Brothers, listen to me. 14Peterc has told you about the time God first visited the Gentiles to take from them a people for himself. 15And this conversion of Gentiles is exactly what the prophets predicted. As it is written: 16‘Afterward I will return and restore the fallen housed of David. I will rebuild its ruins and restore it, 17so that the rest of humanity might seek the LORD, including the Gentiles- all those I have called to be mine. The LORD has spoken- 18he who made these things known so long ago.’e 19“And so my judgment is that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from eating food offered to idols, from sexual immorality, from eating the meat of strangled animals, and from consuming blood. 21For these laws of Moses have been preached in Jewish synagogues in every city on every Sabbath for many generations.” The Letter for Gentile Believers 22Then the apostles and elders together with the whole church in Jerusalem chose delegates, and they sent them to Antioch of Syria with Paul and Barnabas to report on this decision. The men chosen were two of the church leadersf-Judas (also called Barsabbas) and Silas. 23This is the letter they took with them: “This letter is from the apostles and elders, your brothers in Jerusalem. It is written to the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia. Greetings! 24“We understand that some men from here have troubled you and upset you with their teaching, but we did not send them! 25So we decided, having come to complete agreement, to send you official representatives, along with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, 26who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27We are sending Judas and Silas to confirm what we have decided concerning your question. 28“For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay no greater burden on you than these few requirements: 29You must abstain from eating food offered to idols, from consuming blood or the meat of strangled animals, and from sexual immorality. If you do this, you will do well. Farewell.” 30The messengers went at once to Antioch, where they called a general meeting of the believers and delivered the letter. 31And there was great joy throughout the church that day as they read this encouraging message. So it wasn't just Paul's belied, it was unanimous amongst the Apostles and elders that Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the old covenant.
@ReverendElation Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching! Great verse! I'll definitely be doing Colossians from the New Covenant perspective soon. That passage is great for so many reasons, for one, I love how it repeats Jesus' words forecasting the New Covenant reality that it's not something on the outside that makes one unclean. And his conclusion is great that that those outward things don't do anything to stop the sin, echoing the reason why the New Covenant was to come. These and the other concepts in the passage only work with the understanding of the New and Old Covenant that we are discovering, and I love continually seeing how Paul makes it such a priority and an indispensable part of the Christian life. Thanks so much for sharing it!
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