Dota Patch 7.36 is HELL | rant

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Ай бұрын

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@Ascendant2020 Ай бұрын
skill issue
@diobrando5974 Ай бұрын
Rant from herald is a bit funny imo
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
agree, skill difference between me and my team was vast, especially in the last game
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@diobrando5974 my man, you are spreading misinformations!
@elt2666 Ай бұрын
Sounds like a giga skill issue, calm down and don't play ranked until people get used to the patch.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Agree, I'll stick to unranked now!
@AIRPhoenix81 Ай бұрын
With this new patch I feel as though I can't do anything with my team. If I play carry, I can't get farm with supports that don't pull or ward. When I play support and I pull creeps/ward I still get blamed for lost teamfights and sneak attacks by the enemy team. Even If I get farm my team don't push towers while the enemies are dead it's ridiculous.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I feel you man, the change is definitely felt by me too. Hopefully in a week, everyone gets back to normal, or if my hypothesis is correct, all the "one-week-new-patch" players will be gone.
@ViKODiN_ Ай бұрын
Same dude, same. I’m, 8/10 times im the highest impact player and most efficient farmer but it relies on my team coordination to win yk. Like fuxk dude they want me to fight asap but they nuke waves and take the safe farm. I walk or tp to other side of the map so I’m not constantly splitting camps and xp, and they just fuxking follow me and start taking the camps I’m going to end up trying to take in the one minute farm pattern/loop. Then they fuxking obv rage like “bro you picked CARRY and didn’t just automatically win me the game? Bro wtf, “ report” in all chat” etc. it’s hard too cuz I’m trying constantly to communicate with my team mates and they just sit silent or don’t listen outright. I’m between 2-3k rn and down several hundreds. I admit my mistakes and that I have misplays but I can only think of one major misplay I made in the last week.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@@ViKODiN_ word brother, word!! What I hate the most is that many times blame and frustration is targeted at me just because I try to talk and coordinate with my team. Does not matter that we lose the game off a key fight where my Void uses Chrono on enemy Phoenix Egg and we all die because of it, it is my fault because I made the call to go high ground.
@sammyboy8553 Ай бұрын
Average dota experience
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
the void deepens
@rafafanslau5120 Ай бұрын
I can feel u brother. I loss 17 matches in a row. I was 3050mmr now im 2100.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Damn, that hurts.. I wish you all the luck and mental strength to get it back. That is a huge blow.
@Fictionarious Ай бұрын
It really is crazy how much dumber the playerbase became literally overnight as soon as the new patch dropped.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
right?! right?! Hopefully it is better now after week and a half. I still haven't played since.
@ViKODiN_ Ай бұрын
I feel bro. I had a dude play silencer w few days ago and build yasha/kaya, sange/yasha, and Kaya/sange as if he was tryna build fuxking trident 2 or something. When I tried to explain that the redundant buffs from the second copies of each of the items doesn’t stake he flamed and reported me and tried to turn the whole lobby against me. I have people picking greedy ass offlane combos like Lifestaler/Primal beast and grieving my game. That LS/PB combo game, the LS was the support and his first fuxking item was evasion talisman and he went the 2hp per cs talent. He spent most of the game inside Pb just doing nothing. Not farming not using spells nothing just sitting inside our offlaner. In addition he didn’t buy wards or any fuxking utility items or anything. Shxt useless man and obviously we lost the game because he was first to die every fight since he wasn’t farming and had just brown boots and an evasion talisman at 30 min in the game. He was trying to go first item radiance and just sit inside PB but he didn’t even farm or get CS dude had like 40 bonus health from his fuxking facet. I have so many other shxt stories like this. Idk what it is about dota but it’s like the randoms on my team are generally worse most the time than the randoms on the enemy team 😭😭😭. I went on a 17 win streak and was like 25-5 in my first 30 games of the patch but that was with at least 2-3 in the party always. Solo queue is just asking to get Griefed
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Dude, what you described is the hell of all hells, wtf, that is different type of dota entirely! Wish you steel nerves with players like that! Although, it has to be visually pleasing to see all the combinations of Sange, Yasha, Kaya in one inventory :D And congratulations on the party winrate, that 25-5 is god-like!
@LnDxLeo Ай бұрын
Guys, remember when we played dota for fun? Yeah, I mean those times before all meta shit, roles, builds etc. I miss those sweet wc3 dota days where all tryhard babies weren't bitching about people having fun while playing the game. Nonetheless, (also despite being clean for 3 years) I agree that this new patch was a mistake. People who enjoy autistically following same scenario with some proscene-influenced meta patterns over and over again, have their fun ruined for ~2 weeks + ~2 weeks to recover mmr. Also, people who got baited for those 2 weeks to try dota or come back to explore new patch will be sucked in for months, before realising that after 2 weeks of fun exploration it crystallises into pile of same stale boring shit it gradually became over years of stagnation and total neglect of matchmaking issues. Just let it die FFS.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
For me the only reason wc3 dota and dota 2 were fun without the rank was because I played with friends. With no friends, the rank is all I have. Also, I will shield Dota with my bare body to save its life!
@xongaming4456 Ай бұрын
I'm Divine rank. One of my friends is Guardian rank, and he once let me use his account because he kept ranting that it's impossible to get out of that rank. I wanted to see how this bracket plays, and I won every single match, reaching Archon in less than 3 days. This proves that my friend was the problem. I don't know what it is that he's lacking. He has good game analysis and even better reflexes than mine, but maybe it's his decision-making. Also, he plays a wide variety of heroes to always try and pick counters. While this strategy has its merits, I advise to focus on mastering fewer than five heroes. Play them extensively until your gameplay with each hero is optimal.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I definitely agree, that I have tons of flaws to work on. It would make sense that a higher ranked player smurfing would have higher winrate. I also do try to play only few heroes, it's just that the patch changed a lot, so I got carried away maybe and tried also some that I don't have that many games on... probably a mistake.
@xongaming4456 Ай бұрын
@@will_neithan find this youtube video by ZQuixotix titled: The Best Mentality to Gain MMR. This video helped me gain MMR and calmed me down when I was losing MMR 😅 If you can, do a reaction video as well as I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
@will_neithan 29 күн бұрын
@xongaming4456 Thanks, I'll watch it! If I have something reasonable to say, I'll make a video:)
@Yamu_168 17 күн бұрын
Youre right. I quit after 12000 hours 4k rating dropped to 0 mmr. Now I play aoe4
@will_neithan 16 күн бұрын
That is some game time you had there!
@simonhrabec9973 Ай бұрын
Finally someone who knows who Dota1 is (aka W3:DotA). I feel you bro. Reminds of playing Valorant in Korea. Ascdendant and people just wanna run everywhere together.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Dota 1, yes, the old memories! I haven't played for a week and a half so hopefully it's gotten better. You played Valorant in Korea?.. tell me more! Or people in Korea who play Valorant is the correct understanding:D
@Dafool11 Ай бұрын
Based on your history page, you're playing too many heroes if you want to grind. 9 Heroes used in 20 games is too many if you want to become a master of the hero and grind mmr.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Agree, I may have been carried away by the patch changes.
@prostagma6055 Ай бұрын
Gg calls at minute 10 sounds like an influx of league players
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@prostagma6055 Ай бұрын
@@will_neithan i will never understand their mindset i had 90 minute turbo games with old techies
@will_neithan 29 күн бұрын
@@prostagma6055 lol, sounds like fun.. always hated the old techies:D
@insidetrip101 Ай бұрын
I feel you I really do. This sort of thing happens to me all the time. I've started taking the attitude that if my team does something stupid, then I'm just going to try and take full advantage of the space they're making. If they're going 4 man for a fight bottom, then I'm going to push out mid or top lane. But yes, the attitude that we're just going to let our team do something stupid without responding to it doesn't work. We've got to find the silver lining of our team running into the other team when they shouldn't. We gotta find a way to make their stupidity work for us.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I've been practicing the same thing. It seems to be working most of the times. The last game before this rant, unfortunately, it didn't work because my team griefed and refused to play with me when defending our base with words, "you didn't play with us the whole game, play by yourself now" and kept jungling while our throne fell. So yeah.
@luckydude424 Ай бұрын
PMA my guy. Everyone is in the same boat, everything is new and are learning. The one constant is your attitude and mindset you bring into the game. This is the first video i've watched of you so i won't judge whether you're toxic but having a red play button tells me you're heavily tilted and should probably take a break, you're bringing the same tilted energy from previous games to the new ones and it's affecting you, evidently from this 'rant' video. I'm legend 2 and I get all the griefers, trollers, and smurfers you have said in this video yet I have a 85% wr from my last 20 games. Maybe you think you know everything about the game, more so than the people you play with but it seems you still have a long way to go if you're herald. Heck even i'm still learning how to play better and I still suck at some things. This the classic 'i'm only losing because of my teammates' trope... the issue is; the majority of the people you play with are not on lose streaks, one or two losses/one of two wins, you're the one who's 'griefing/trolling' their game. The problem is you. Take a break, de-tilt and stop going into your games prepared to blame your team for not playing how you want to play the game. You're as Herald as they are.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I take your wise words to the heart! Also, asking myself what I could have done better is something I definitely practice. Cheers mate.
@xiSnappleix Ай бұрын
i gained 1300 mmr 1700-3k in the past few weeks, the key is to look inward & not outward. if someone is bothersome & arguing mute them. arguing/flaming is just gonna distract your team. the hardest thing to accept is everyone in your bracket is there for a reason. if you take the righteous path of kindness & acceptance, focus on your own game, never give up, you will start to slowly outrank these kids. also youtube guides really help to understanding pro concepts. Khezu in particular has really informative stuff from my experience. oh & also, have fun! having fun and picking heroes you like rather than those that suit the game/meta has also helped me. in the words of n0tail "remember the reason you sat down to play the game in the first place"
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@@xiSnappleix I hear you bro! I like BSJ coaching videos, where he explains on a in-game example some improvements that the player could do. Before this patch and my horrible 12 games, I had gained 500 mmr, so hopefully when the chaos of this patch settles, I will continue this trend. Thanks for the advice!
@kiosacademy9665 Ай бұрын
Honestly same shit in Divine / Immortal XD I lost like 600 MMR but gaining some back now as things are stabilizing. Lots of games were extremely one-sided and chaotic. Even at 6k, quite a few people looked like maybe Guardian players.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Oh my God, I certainly am not glad that you lost mmr, but I am definitely glad to hear that it is not just me, who has experienced this sudden matrix shift. I was starting to question my sanity. Hopefully, you will get the mmr back soon!
@xenotyphon Ай бұрын
Just don't rank for the first week. Hell, I will even take 2 weeks off to just experiment in turbo and unranked if patch's big enough until the chaos die out, especially since we have an ongoing event where people think it's a good idea to farm tokens in ranked. Major releases like this one invites too many returners who would either quit again soon after trying out the fun or learn to adapt the current meta and get their MMR adjusted accordingly.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I believe this is the best idea, unranked for now.
@suspendedanimation9458 Ай бұрын
I know it's hard, you were just unlucky consecutively.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I am going to try some pubs in the next few days, hopefully I'll see some green!
@m.k.9879 Ай бұрын
Maybe try using dota plus, it should help a bit with the matchmaking since u can basically pick your matches
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Thanks for the tip, I've been doing it since the change. When I see behavior score below 4, I decline.
@DigitalYojimbo Ай бұрын
The only way i can win consistently is to pick a core that scales, start off as a support for my hc. After hes done laning i transition to ganking all the while buying items to semi carry late game while front lining fights.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
If it works, it works! When I play supports I also pick scaling heroes that can farm and buy items that are needed that my teammates ignore, like Pipe, Halberd, Shiva's, Cuirass. So often in my games there are free lanes that my cores ignore.
@frinsjunior7303 22 күн бұрын
I don't how long you been playing Dota but it's common sense in Dota that you don't play rank when new patch is out unless you're a god at this game. New patch in Dota is literately a new Dota where you have to relearn things and when many people don't how the game work your match is gonna be hell
@will_neithan 19 күн бұрын
But that is the thing, I had never experienced before such confusion and noobery after a patch. That was why I was so flustered, because compared to other patches, this situation was extreme!
@xongaming4456 Ай бұрын
In this rank, don't play support. Find a hero that can at least 1v3. Personally, I would spam Necro, Timber, and BB.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, if I want to play role queue, I have to play also supps.
@tyronetorres3359 Ай бұрын
Just because its new its trash. Everyone is new to this patch so its a bit chaotic it will take a while for everyone to play good and efficiently.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I pray it is true
@mike6888 Ай бұрын
There is a lot of behind the scenes manipulation done by the matchmaker to *try* to fit people together based on predicting if you are a smurf, griefer or low behavior score player.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
So the Matrix is here to get me!
@DigitalYojimbo Ай бұрын
That's why I report EVERYTHING. A sarcastic tip from anyone is chat reported, don't do objectives report for not griefing.
@funkwolf Ай бұрын
Crusader, I pray for you brother. Elo hell is real, no matter what people say. Yes some people belong there but some people really don't deserve to be there. Honestly, just play a hero that recks shit up by himself, and don't touch support. Buy your own wards, fuck it. Go full ape-shit in solo play and try to destroy your lane. Pick mid and beat your lane then go gank and snowball from there. You can't rely on your team in lower MMR. I know that feeders make it very very difficult, but you can try to neglect the feeders by ganking the enemy heroes.
@sande2316 Ай бұрын
just skill issue
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I'm 100% with you my man, that is how I got from Herald.. I pick heroes that can solo kill, solo push, and have escape.. gabe's trinity.. I just don't understand the change in people, these last few days. I'll try ranked in a few days, until then just unranked.
@DavidGlendaleArdenaso Ай бұрын
4:90 miss the times last decade where literally no one bought wards and if you gank the enemy from your ward vision they scream "map hack!!!!"
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
golden times :D ... back when gaming cafes were a thing in my country and we played with my friends against random guys over LAN and yelled at each other across the room.. ah, memories
@mantaschodosevicius6490 Ай бұрын
I feel u man! :D DotA2 MM is like a fakin lottery…. Who gets more ruzzians in team - loses the game…
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Sometimes it is like that :D .. or I meant to say.. Что ты сказал, нуб?
@ananddaddea Ай бұрын
Get a grinding buddy dude, solo grinding is a dream that won't be accomplished.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
But my friends have lives now and don't play dota that often :'(
@MC-yo6kz Ай бұрын
Solo ranked is literal aids. You need to find a nice party to play with.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
But I'm the only loser from my friend group that does not have life and keeps playing dota :(
@jacquesblignault332 Ай бұрын
What a 5 loss streak does to a mf
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
brain mashing! .. 17% win probability, that is more representative of the situation than 5 loss streak
@MrManOverThere Ай бұрын
Pick a hero and spam it. It doesn’t matter the role, know you’re hero. I picked snapfire first round and had to play 1 bc my team was drafting for their own desires. Still won the game because I know how my hero works and what to build with the direction of the game. I’m similar mmr, it’s better to have less variety but have the confidence and knowledge of your hero than try to adapt to whom you’re queued with. Be mad at the patch all you want, but people are going to experiment. You got your own stuff going on in your life, that’s not Dota’s fault. On my comfort picks - ~60% WR On my experiment with the new patch -
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I agree, though I feel a bit insecure on some of my spam heroes because they are a bit changed now. But I am definitely going to stick to a couple only. Good luck in climbing!
@Tripnotik25 Ай бұрын
Don't know why this was recommended to me, but i've quit the game all the way in 2018 after playing since the 2012 beta (still have the ascendant gem) for the exact same reasons. Solo queue became brainrot galore, every 10 games youd find a couple half decent players that can play and communicate, you win the game, actually enjoy playing it, and then back to the same ol same ol for the next 6 or 7 matches, this was all made worse when they introduced the conpendium dailies and that kind of thing, people would join ranked with stuff they had no idea how to play "because its my daily"....why is this guy in ranked? nobody had the answer. Was 4903 MMR when i stopped (probably still am, or maybe mmr changed since i never even heard of "herald"), after falling like a rock from about 5400, last nail in the coffin for me was watching n0tail get hamfisted into a team with similar people and lose his game. When a pro that was playing at like 6.5k MMR and still had these issues i knew it would never get better, said goodbye, never returned, do not miss Dota 2.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I like Dota stories! 5400mmr back then was a lot! If you don't miss it then all good. One can get a lot done when not playing Dota:D To my knowledge and perspective, Dota has changed, since you quit. People got better, not only pros, but also regular players and it raised the bar in general for the whole community. Also there were systems put in place to fight negative behavior in games. Reporting, behavior scores, smurfing intolerance. And from watching twitch streams of high ranking players it has been working. Watching the streams three years ago, every other game was ending because someone gave up and the remaining four players had no choice but to stay afk. But now, when you watch streams, it is rarely the case. The reason why I stay in Dota are the tournaments and the caster community. High quality pro dota is the only thing in life where I feel the competitive rush. I don't get it directly myself from playing sports anymore, I don't like to watch sports much, so at least like this as a Dota viewer. And the casters and analysts are amazing group of people with great chemistry, really makes my day, just watching them interact with each other. I told myself 1-2 years back, that if I want to keep playing I have to make some other value out of it, otherwise it is kind of wasting time, given I want to do a lot in life. So I starting making some Dota videos and stream. So, we'll see how that will go. Anyways, video was recommended to you, because Gaben wants you back playing Dota! Think about it. A few games each saturday morning:D Cheers mate.
@HalIOfFamer Ай бұрын
weird. Ive had more cooperativ teammates in 1k mmr. They listen to callouts, they make their own calls, they seem to be trying out new stuff in a safe way. and the patch itself is just pretty good.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Patch is cool, I just don't understand what's happening with people I play with, because it's day and night before and after patch.
@shengloongtan229 Ай бұрын
Some game you team with some good teammates and some games you team with role abuse hard support, rng
@HalIOfFamer Ай бұрын
@@shengloongtan229 1st bad game since patch, 3 feeders and a mediocre player. I was the only person with any kills at minute 20 as a 4 undying. I double killed enemy 1 and 5 a couple times in lane but at minute 25 I had 12 kills, the rest of my team had 3 combined and the enemy had 35, 30 from my 3, 2 and 5. The only other player that played to win was my 1 but he wasn't good enough to bounce back. But other than that I am 300mmr up, I am playing crazy good and teammates are pretty good.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@@HalIOfFamer this!! what you described, that was most of my games!! No matter, I'll do all the work myself!
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@@shengloongtan229 Maybe, I'll rng the schrodinger way, if dota keeps ruining my life.
@xxEchoDecayxx Ай бұрын
This is a combination of skill issue and new patch syndrome
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
a sad combo unfortunately
@miracooolflopson7247 Ай бұрын
i've been playing dk on offlane or mid excusively this patch u should copy me im divine . dk is so easy to play honestly u just buy bkb and blink then u can build whatever item u want and push early , just dont go 1v2 or 1v3 thinking ure invincible . even if u get counter picked u just outpush the hell out of enemy and thats it . i have 80% winrate btw
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I am going to explore this option, your numbers are intriguing for sure! Thanks!
@Ufureg Ай бұрын
time to take a break forever
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
But I can feel Gabes fingers grabbing for my soul when I don't play!! It's so scary!! I can't.. I.. I need to play forever to escape his terror!
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@warrenloving1141 Ай бұрын
I’m having great time, I’ve won my last 6 games in a row
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Maybe the curse has been broken for me too, I'll try to play some pubs this week!
@Thebart3nder Ай бұрын
first no letter patch?
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
first patch no letter, that one
@emmanuelnicolotagle8600 Ай бұрын
welcome to Dota 3 bro
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
my insides scream
@martincarlson4881 Ай бұрын
Did you consider making some friends to team with and solving problems instead of blaming the patch, the people, the game, the world? Best of luck
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
No, I hated life at that moment, so the world had to fall!
@christophershields837 Ай бұрын
Take a break. You are playing too much. Promise you'll win
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I took a 10 day break.. winrate is 50% now! Normal Dota is back!
@ImOkWithThis Ай бұрын
crusader gaming
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@ahnjoshua1377 Ай бұрын
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL let it out brother let it out brother
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@noahjohann4909 Ай бұрын
2k mmr talking about how their mates are bad XD
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
My dude, what mmr is allowed to start vocalizing comparison between you and your teammates? So, I don't make this mistake again in the future!
@alwaysthisnicknames Ай бұрын
it's kinda funny. i have to play 100 hours outside of ranked because of new account. i'm pretty sure people outside of ranked are more skilled.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Tell me the difference between your new mmr after the 100 games and your old mmr.. I'm curious if the calibration will treat you as a completely new account or the old one will weigh in too.
@Bossing.Sa.Kalsada Ай бұрын
thats easy bro just find someone who can boost you
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
No! The path of a sigma male is a solo one!
@lithiumgo7487 Ай бұрын
well 1:30 into the video i can tell its a skill issue... im not that far away from you (2030 MMR) and everyone is confused by the changes but i manage to get wins :)... and i know a lot of other people who do... but belive me when i tell you i also was at that point of madness like you... just take a break for some days and try to get better again... only being mad just makes your own plays worse
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I'm taking a breather and will play some unranked tomorrow, I agree, that is for the best.
@commanderyeti3646 Ай бұрын
Hey man, I am immortal and could maybe help you if you want
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I appreciate your offer, bro! Although I will decline, I have still a lot of things that I know I can improve on, on my own. So I am going to keep grinding to see how far I can get with my own ideas.
@ojamamask Ай бұрын
someone send this to ZQuixotix please
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Please, ask ZQuixotix to make next video in the series on how to get out of Crusaider rank.
@krzysztofukasik9281 Ай бұрын
stop playing rankeds dude why tf you keep going on a lose streak
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I came to the same conclusion. I'll try to chill with the Crownfall quests on unranked for now.
@drewjozz Ай бұрын
crazy im 90% winrate with warlock and venomancer spam. the winter wyvern is 100% you skill issue tho
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Good sir, could you elaborate on what issues with skills I have with my Winter Wyvern so I can get better?
@prostagma6055 Ай бұрын
Lol bro is playing ranked
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
no ranked no life
@Jellyman916 Ай бұрын
my man, you're 2k, YOU don't know basic things in dota XD
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
My dude, looks like, it's been a long time since you played a herald game! Let me tell you, there is huge difference even between Herald, Guardian, and Crusader on EU servers.
@Jellyman916 Ай бұрын
​@@will_neithan lol, I never played a herald game, nor a crusader one. I can tell you, FOR SURE that what your teammates do in those games doesn't matter, so any complaints towards the quality of those teammates are just whining. I can guarantee you that you don't know why you lose the fights you lose and why you win the ones you win, which plays your teammates do are good or bad. *creatures* that call gg at 3 minutes have nothing to do with your losses. at this level you can *literally* and I mean *LITERALLY* improve your lasthitting, agro mechanics, and resource efficiency and you will win 70%-90% of your games. in fact, you can improve those fundamentals almost endlessly. *YOU* are the reason you lost those games and until you understand that, you'll remain 2k
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@@Jellyman916 My dude, I agree with the generalities that you have written up, but you are deflecting off your original comment. You said: "..YOU don't know basic things in dota..", so your last comment on the topic of "how to improve in Dota" is off-topic and in no way corroborates your original comment.
@Jellyman916 Ай бұрын
@@will_neithan what a sad, desperate attempt to cope
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@@Jellyman916 sure man, you win
@yerug Ай бұрын
Patience dude. Dont spam games if youre in a bad spot, play maybe 1 or 2 a day with a hero youre really good at is how i do it. And btw wowwww dota2 players are the most toxic ever
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I'm finding my zen.. unranked for me now!
@faessle4067 Ай бұрын
The fact that your search button is red tells me everything. Instead of focusing on other you should look at yourself. Yeah you cannot win a game alone but you can increase the chances by every thing you do. If the game is mentally challenging for you then you should stop or take a break. If all you focus on is your rank then you are doing it wrong. Watch replays of the games you lose and look at what happened and what other thing you could have done. You will never win all games. Not even 70% and not even 60%, if you can just get more than 50% then that is all you need. Take a step back and think about how if your teammates are all so shit then how could the enemies win if there are in the same bracket ? Sorry to break it to you but Dota is not fair and it never was.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Thank you for your wise words my man, I agree with most of it. Only first sentence, I would comment with: A man, who thinks in absolutes, is a man destined to fail. I hear you, but my thoughts were specific to the shift in players' behavior and skill now, compared to before the patch a few days back.
@gamersrevenge6528 Ай бұрын
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
lol indeed mate, lol indeed
@ninkanoob416 Ай бұрын
Try playing in SEA
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Oh boy, my condolences poor human!
@RoketNek Ай бұрын
Git G00d
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@lf1558 Ай бұрын
U kidding u are 1k ...Skill issue
@antonyguy9808 Ай бұрын
Dude complaining while if he knew how to properly support he would win more games 😂.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
My man, this is slander!
@antonyguy9808 Ай бұрын
@@will_neithan who ?
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@@antonyguy9808 YOU are slandering my support reputation with no proof!
@antonyguy9808 Ай бұрын
@@will_neithan bring it on let me see the ID 😉. I’d be pleased to see what you could do, and would publicly apologize to you if it’s not your fault .
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@@antonyguy9808 That's not how it works.. your claims are unfounded, so you should be acting chill until YOU have the proof that support your thesis.. hence the slander. The proper way is that you back off, then collect your evidence, and AFTER you have it, you shit on me!
@kenneth7239 Ай бұрын
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
@Ornthemycelianth 27 күн бұрын
@will_neithan 26 күн бұрын
@bin4709 Ай бұрын
time to quit bro. This game is kicking old timer players.
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
But Gaben said I must!!!
@loop4737 Ай бұрын
2k trash lmao
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
My man, you are insulting 90% of Dota community.
@sepprotzfrech93 Ай бұрын
maybe get a life?
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
What do you mean by "get a life".. like creating a character in a long lasting MMORPG??
@Seranuelian Ай бұрын
if you are so much better than ur teammates, how can you not carry them? its literally herald mmr, its so easy to solocarry
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
You are mistaken, it is not Herald mmr, it is high Crusaider mmr.
@spectre2126 21 күн бұрын
is it worth wasting your time and nerves on this shit? There are too many factors in it that affect the outcome of the game and it always put me in a state of despair. No matter what role you play, there will always be micro-moments that changed the outcome of the game.
@will_neithan 19 күн бұрын
I believe it is worth it for me. There is nothing else in my life that gives me this competitive edge, something where I rival against another to see who is better at it. I could pick up again once a week football with my friends, but I'm getting old, last time I hit my wrist so hard that I couldn't use it fully for two months and my pinky knuckle has deformed for life :D
@caramelfries868 Ай бұрын
Why do we have the same match history. 🫣
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
I feel your pain mate :/
@lf1558 Ай бұрын
U kidding u are 1k ...Skill issue
@will_neithan Ай бұрын
Good sir, what do you mean by skill issue? Could you please elaborate?
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