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Sadia Psychology

Sadia Psychology

8 күн бұрын

Hi Guys,
For my High Value Man program
One to one sessions are still available.
Just contact me via instagram
/ sadiapsychology

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@sadiapsychology 22 сағат бұрын
For full exclusive content and ability to ask any questions www.patreon.com/Sadiapsychology
@maGnetar333 6 күн бұрын
I am a software consultant. 6'1, fit and easy going. Mortgage paid off and financially secure. Never married, no kids. From my extensive dating experience, average looking women can attract high quality men. All that's required to offset the average looks.....HUMILITY, understated confidence, above average intelligence (immune to peer pressure) and a sprinkling of tradional values. That end result can make any average looking woman much more attractive than the 1% super attractive women.
@stellabellat 6 күн бұрын
Damn! wanna date? 😅
@mann8098 6 күн бұрын
Humility is scarce among women, especially Western modern women. Great comment. I agree completely.
@zrymill 6 күн бұрын
Only way to safely have kids and not have them and your wealth stolen by a hypergamous vampire is to hire a surrogate and then a house keeper.
@ALTheFreeMan 6 күн бұрын
Totally agree. Average guys can’t get average women because the average women are going after the attractive guys.
@rabinraj15 6 күн бұрын
Agreed! Wisdom very well explained... Thx mate 🫡
@linalg10 4 күн бұрын
“Top Woman Don’t compromise! If they do compromise, they’ll punish you for it!” Heavy lesson there😮
@girlgoneverde287 3 күн бұрын
@linalg10 2 күн бұрын
@@girlgoneverde287 Punishment, in the form of infidelity, withholding sex (using sex as a weapon), going silent for long periods of time, openly flirting with other guys, being very cold towards you ie. Turning ur dream relationship into a nightmare.
@CoolmanSilver 6 күн бұрын
Men: seek to be great. Find a purpose worth fighting for, be gloriously dominant and have fun doing it. Push your soul and humanity forward…
@surferscollective613 5 күн бұрын
Yes mate. How many if the bros just dont get this idea.
@ArizonaAirspace 6 күн бұрын
Why? Because weak men, rich ugly men, old rich men spoil them and their adulations at any beautiful women. Very few men try to find out women’s character which has nothing to do with her beauty. A beautiful women could have a beautiful character also but few and far between. Doesn’t mean a plain women have good character either. Every woman is different, individually.
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
@P.90.603 6 күн бұрын
Women math: 20 guys who make 50k are after me.....therefore I deserve a man who is worth 1 million dollars.
@maGnetar333 6 күн бұрын
@TomFox1 6 күн бұрын
@user-yn2eu5im8o 6 күн бұрын
dude...it's so funny because it's true... this is exactly how entitled women think 😂😂
@akherashepsutera2013 5 күн бұрын
Sounds about true for a young, silly woman. Sadly.
@clubofcontentcreators2223 4 күн бұрын
lol 20 times 50k is 1 million right? the math must be correct xD
@thewrestlingroom410 6 күн бұрын
This is gold. Gold. There is so much wisdom here...very uncommon. Much of it is hard truth...hard to swallow by many, but it is reality. We have to live in reality, not in a world that we wish existed. As we teach parents: You must parent the child you HAVE, not the child you WISH YOU HAD.
@sabinelichtenberger1685 Күн бұрын
Yes ❤
@ryanskyy 6 күн бұрын
Bless you Sadia. I gave up porn and masterbating and it transformed my dating life and mental health. Your take on how porn leads to voluntary solitude and the excuses are spot on. I found my spiritual health grew after quitting and I could really see clearly the evil forces. pornography preys on the man’s spirit.
@thepragmatist 4 күн бұрын
Completely agree. All the best to you.
@AgisVision 3 күн бұрын
Really happy for you , glad you choose life 😊😊
@edwardsanchez3708 Күн бұрын
They could say the same thing about social media and the damage it has caused to women and society, but again no accountability for women and the way the world it is shaping the world today
@Thunder9036 6 күн бұрын
Step 1: SAY you want nice guys. Step 2: GO for bad boys. Step 3: ASK where have all the good ones have gone. Step 4: BLAME men. Step 5: Get a subscription for cat food and boxed wine delivery.
@CoolmanSilver 5 күн бұрын
@@Thunder9036 women want sexy, dominant men. “Good guys” are too often unsexy, non-dominant men…they must change what they can or be left behind…
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
The ultimate recipe for unhappy modern women 🤣🤣🤣🤣👌🏾!
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
​@@CoolmanSilver You're right. Bad Boys = Attractive " Nice Guys " = Average/Unattractive
@GermanTaffer 4 күн бұрын
Did you listen to this video? Be aware of your own narcissm when you write this.
@CoolmanSilver 3 күн бұрын
@@GermanTaffer in some ways thunder9036 is right, but “being a nice guy” is not what attracts women…
@adg8269 5 күн бұрын
“top women… if they compromise they'll punish you for it” Women in general will show passive aggressive behaviors if they compromised with you, like public or private ridicule, harsh or subtle criticism, or exclusion with family, friends coworkers , leading to shame and embarrassment of being with that man. That’s why becoming your best version and find with someone who admires you is key.
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
Unfortunately I’ve seen a lot of relationships like this. Woman settles for man and then clearly doesn’t respect him. It’s impossible to hide and is the guy really even happier for “dating up” if it comes with disrespect and lack of genuine attraction? Probably not
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
You just described my Father/Mother relationship. Its sad to see my dad that way, yeah it just makes me angry to see him being disrespected...
@NoMoreNarc 5 күн бұрын
It takes a great man to love/ accept/value a great woman, a high value woman won't be easily influenced by trends, others and money, but she still needs to feel femenine and looked after. Money should never dictate the value of a person man or woman
@genocidelves 5 күн бұрын
Its like old 4chan green text from like 20 years ago. Find a woman who loves you more than you love her and hold on to that.
@jonb4722 4 күн бұрын
Yes or just be lucky. That really helps too
@onlyone2948 6 күн бұрын
A woman in another department once said that people are a mess. I found it amusing, and the best definition for people. 😃😄
@Jo_240 6 күн бұрын
@zrymill 6 күн бұрын
If you want kids hire a surrogate to carry them for you or you'll end up seeing them every other weekend and some other guy will be raising them and boning your ex. A life of total celibacy is not natural or healthy, its ok for periods of time, but not for decades.
@andreatorluemke4982 5 күн бұрын
Please heal brother. Your woman needs you. There is more in life than sex. But not all women are drama. Most women bust their ass for their man. Men have no idea. What’s possible
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
@lockjaw3388 5 күн бұрын
​@@andreatorluemke4982 what's the percentage of women like yourself.. very few.. maybe 1% the odds are not in men's favor
@BMC_377 Күн бұрын
I’m not in denial about what I can get, I just want a woman who isn’t fat!
@andrewstewart9063 6 күн бұрын
Following the Onlyfans logic... the drug dealer isn't the problem the users are.
@jadenc5 6 күн бұрын
Basic economics isnt it? If theres a demand someone will fill it. Create a lonelyness epidemic and you can sell a lot more porn, create poverty you can sell a lot more drugs. As long as people are willing to escape their problems rather than face them there will be a demand, cause it all boils down to escapism, and someone will fill the demand as long as its profitable.
@Glyn23 6 күн бұрын
I don’t use only fans, but if I can get what I want for a couple of dollars, why not. I bought the ex a house.
@M3NZOTUBE 5 күн бұрын
Not all logic is transferable to different scenarios. Like yourself, I definitely would not agree that this logic applies to the issue on drugs. However, on the topic of onlyfans I do agree with Sadia, purely because as men it is on us to lead by example. Too many men are lead by what is in between women’s legs. If we collectively made the decision as men to stop watching such content, producers of it would have no audience. Sure women/producers have their part to play in all of this, but I don’t believe as men we should sit around waiting for them to take accountability. After all, we could be waiting for a very long time lol.
@lisao6928 5 күн бұрын
Without the users, there's be no dealers is what she's saying. I think both are in the wrong, but there it's basic supply and demand is the point she is trying to make.
@normangoldstuck8107 4 күн бұрын
It's perfectly logical. In the Swedish model buying sex is a crime and selling isn't. Only the John's are charged. Many countries are adopting this.
@karenc.9298 6 күн бұрын
Love your content Sadia and Mark
@cozyandahalle 2 күн бұрын
Someone needs to give Sadia a hardball interview. It sounds as if she is advocating polygamy. The happiest women are those in competition for the attention of the man. How many managers of harems is she consulting for? What is her personal experience with polygamy and what is her attitude towards it?
@jonb4722 4 күн бұрын
She only wants to help "successful men". She said it herself. That tells you everything you need to know about her.
@adrianboyddodd8007 3 күн бұрын
I think she wants to help all men, but that this particular program is aimed at successful men because they are the ones who find it most difficult to get what they are looking for. Average guys find it easier because they are less choosey.
@jonb4722 2 күн бұрын
@@adrianboyddodd8007 That's complete drivel.
@cristobal.ashton 2 күн бұрын
She'll probably give you a discount if you ask
@megsley 20 сағат бұрын
someone sounds like a bitter bob!
@megsley 20 сағат бұрын
someone sounds like a bitter bob!
@lugaritzbrown2250 5 күн бұрын
Shortness DOESNT make men less attractive.
@laurinantonio7948 5 күн бұрын
Not at all. I've seen quite a bit of women leave taller guys who were nice dudes for shorter guys that had a higher level of confidence. So it makes me believe that confidence does win height in most cases once it's evident
@skepticalbutopen4620 4 күн бұрын
It does to many women. Especially if those women are taller than the man. Not always, but most women want a taller man.
@mauricecarreno82 4 күн бұрын
Correct, actually the best weapons are Confidence, Trigger emotions and be the leader by building the ladder below you.
@lugaritzbrown2250 3 күн бұрын
@@skepticalbutopen4620 it's what they say but to me attraction is more intrinsic....you can be the tallest man around but if you display a certain type of vybe you become a turn-off.
@skepticalbutopen4620 3 күн бұрын
@@lugaritzbrown2250 well that’s obvious. I’m talking about on average. Most women want their man taller than them. That’s just a fact.
@userdbldip83 5 күн бұрын
I like the way you look within that background set. And I personally longe to move and evolve and be me and what I too bring to the relationship.
@helafinwe 6 күн бұрын
Sadia, you state that being a woman producing onlyfans stuff is really bad for their ego and mental health multiple times and then you go on to say that you condone it... why? You can understand the reasoning behind something without needing to justify it. Seeing as you are fully aware of the mental health effects behind this it just makes no sense to me I also don't understand how you cannot condone men subscribing to something you understand and condone women producing... how can you just blame the subscriber and not the producer? If the men are the real issue in society in this regard then isn't the producer also at fault for producing this? It's like being fine with pornstars voluntarily producing porn or drug dealers selling drugs but holding only the drug victim accountable or the porn addict. Both parties always should be held accountable, no?
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
If she’s said that then that’s a really dumb take on her part
@M3NZOTUBE 5 күн бұрын
I think you make some great points and agree the producers are part of the problem too. The only reason why I side with Sadia’s views on this topic is because as men, we are meant to be leaders, something lacking massively in society these days. A large part of leading, is leading by example. If collectively as men we made the decision to stop consuming such content, the producer (women) would have no audience.
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
M3NZOTUBE I absolutely agree. Men are the leaders. If there’s a change in culture it will be because men decided for it to happen. We have so much more power than we think. But that also doesn’t mean that women are completely absolved of their responsibility. They can still behave badly and it doesn’t mean they get off scot free
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
@@M3NZOTUBE So true.
@YuniS772 3 күн бұрын
99% of women that I know would not care about the high and I am 5,7“ and I never cared. I think it‘s his Character and charisma that matters. ❤
@naimasophie 3 күн бұрын
That you know. Most important words here
@Yosef_Maharat 6 күн бұрын
@cornwallismorgan874 22 сағат бұрын
"Stop looking for unicorn behavior if you're not a unicorn." Sad when 'unicorn behavior' is simply having good morals, respecting and valuing people, and wanting a healthy, happy, stable relationship.
@user-rx7ms7iz3w 5 күн бұрын
They are entitled because, people make and put them in that position
@squeakytoyrecords1702 2 күн бұрын
@Sadia Psychology To your point about shaming and holding OF subscribers accountable. I recently read a report published by OF. In it they stated 90% of their paying customers are married men. Based on this claim, It would seem the epidemic is of sexless marriages from my perspective. Could you tell me what you think is the reason 90% of paying subscribers on OF are married rather than single men?
@timhanline7435 2 күн бұрын
I appreciate and agree that consumers of onlyfans and porn are the problem. Men are supposed to be the leaders of society, and when the leaders act this way, there are big problems. The content creators are not to be let off the hook, however.
@user-wp5sv8fe3k 5 күн бұрын
Average woman here. Fine. I'll settle for an open person with a beautiful heart 🙃.
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
Open relationship 🤣😏 ??
@naimasophie 3 күн бұрын
Same, it's refreshing to have some honesty
@user-wp5sv8fe3k 3 күн бұрын
@spartanghost9713 No. Open to receive. Open to love. Open-minded.
@devildog3799 6 күн бұрын
I thank you, you hit a nerve when I was in a debauchery stage for months in Brazil. I was just scrolling and never had heard of you. I cleaned up all the addition non sense - going on 6 months and back in the States. Not easy but it’s possible to control your impulses. One impulsive behavior creates another. Hard to wake up and realize i associated and dated nothing but impulsive alcoholics and addicts for decades. Just like me! Self reflect and get some discipline fellas.
@bobbyhollowayiii4684 6 күн бұрын
I can listen to her talk all day it’s so informative and soothing.
@sherrymsri 6 күн бұрын
As a fairly attractive independent woman, I've always tried not to use my looks to manipulate men. I've tried to treat them with respect and be understanding towards them. However, I often see them being intimidated by me or as soon as I start showing interest or emotions they back off. Maybe I am the problem but I really don't understand how we went from a society where men were the breadwinners and had to take on the entire responsibility for their families to what we are witnessing today. Men who want all the benefits that come with new feminism but at the same time get intimidated by independent women and would rather be alone, than dealing with the challenges of a real relationship.
@JolPil 6 күн бұрын
They reject you because they are NOT truly attracted to you! If they truly wanted you, all the intimidation will burn off with the fire of raw manly desire. A desire you have obviously NEVER experienced.
@sherrymsri 6 күн бұрын
@@JolPil You're completely WRONG! I've always been desired by men. They've all been attracted to me, both physically and intellectually ... They just can't handle dealing with a powerful woman and the responsibilities that come with being in a relationship. And I have been in long-term relationships before, you don't know me or my experiences so your comment here is irrelevant.
@gauravbhan 6 күн бұрын
I don’t see any benefits of modern feminism, and so, I am not sure what is there in it that I would want to enjoy.
@surferscollective613 5 күн бұрын
You haven't explained your point clearly. If it is that men dont do hypergamy, correct for most.
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
Men may be nervous to approach you because of looks but I’ve never seen a man actually be intimidated by a high earning woman. Because income isn’t really a factor for men.
@FirstName-qr2ke 6 күн бұрын
why this kinda camera angle? maybe entitled yourself?
@khadijamasood6580 6 күн бұрын
This is really making me question if she’s actually authentic
@hey_kudisco_podcast 6 күн бұрын
Context is key here! This is a clip from a longer interview on Soft White Underbelly - a page on YT. All the interviews on Soft White Underbelly are framed this way. She’s on someone else’s show here.
@dinobravo852 6 күн бұрын
I was asking myself the same question...
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
I mean her outfit is a little much but I don’t blame her for the camera angle
@v9b23j 6 күн бұрын
Evolutionary biology significantly influences a woman's choice of a man, favoring traits that indicate healthy genes and the potential for successful offspring. Financial stability ensures provision, pro-social behavior indicates protection, and physically masculine characteristics (e.g., strong jawline, muscular body, large shoulder-to-hip ratio, and taller height) signal good genetic health. On the otherhand, women with large eyes, a small chin, and full lips (traits indicating youth and fertility) are considered attractive to men as they signal healthy genes and reproductive potential. Studies also show that the ideal waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) for pre-menopausal women, from a male perspective, is between 0.67 and 0.8. This preference is believed to be a cognitive adaptation, as a woman's WHR provides information about her age, health, and fertility.
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
@Boababa-fn3mr Күн бұрын
Ev psych is just a theory. Don't invest too deeply in it.
@jdcharlie 14 сағат бұрын
If there is no customer, there will be no business. The issue is truly the subscribers not just the OF content creator
@lukassmok4310 3 күн бұрын
Men, never take any advice from attractive women without husband, children and family life experience! Amen.
@megsley 20 сағат бұрын
she's married.
@joshuastanaland7099 6 күн бұрын
Top women don't compromise which is true but average women think they are top women.
@Nordic_Sky 6 күн бұрын
Exactly. In southern California, where I live, 4s think they are 9s. They end up alone and bitter.
@Boababa-fn3mr Күн бұрын
They do compromise, because the mythical perfect men they demand don't exist
@surferscollective613 5 күн бұрын
Geez bros. Simple life and stick to your mission, the woman will come and add value to your life. A woman is someone to give your love to...she isnt your mission. And a mission doesnt need to be money based. First rule of magic....know thyself.
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
@joedimaggio3687 4 күн бұрын
I love you, Sadia.
@megsley 20 сағат бұрын
7:44 thank you for saying this - men get so hypocritical about this shit sometimes its exhausting.
@viragcsillag5280 Күн бұрын
It doesn't matter how big to us someone's trauma. What matters is how big to them.
@MrArdytube 2 күн бұрын
An entitled woman is like an expensive car… the price can imply value and increase demand. But, sooner or later, low quality, unreliability, and high maintenance costs reduce initial enthusiasm. Then what you have is a used car
@rickclark7508 Күн бұрын
I cut zero slack to the men subscribing to only fans and such but to say that the content creators are Justified and the men are the real problem is like saying the drug addicts are the real problem and the dealers are understandable because they have a profit motive. I would have expected better from Sadia.
@SeniorAdrian Күн бұрын
@willek1335 6 күн бұрын
I would be a bit concerned if I was a male OF consumer and a client of hers, and she can't understand what's going on. While I'm not consuming any OF, I think it's as simple as doing the same cost-benefit analysis for men, as she does with women. While I personally don't subscribe to this, I can understand why a guy looks at the initiators of divorce, consequences, and then judge that it's not worth it. Besides, a study I read a while back, women at the bottom will outsource what they need from several men. Women at the top will find all they desire in one man. What man would voluntarily share a woman with several men walking in and out of her life? I thus suspect Sadia is either pretending she doesn't know, to get guys like me to comment, or lack wisdom. In either case, I feel like a fool for remaining a subscriber. Unsubscribed.
@m.bustock5265 6 күн бұрын
What is your age?
@willek1335 6 күн бұрын
​@@m.bustock5265 Mature enough to recognize that when an individual attempt to take an argument to a personal level, they show you that you have the upper hand, and that they're going to come off worse.
@vasilisavirovka7499 5 күн бұрын
Woman just as friends can defintly also be entitled towards each other.
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
Yeah my wife had a friend like that. She hurt her and I feel bad cause my wife is such a giver and that girl was a complete taker
@vasilisavirovka7499 5 күн бұрын
@@awsambdaman That is why strong boundaries towards people in general also girls and woman are so important, I believe!
@LJN-jz6jy Күн бұрын
Since now women have freedom to make her own money and live independently without men, Men need to be above average to truly get women of high value. Gone are the days where Money can do everything.
@xeropunt5749 6 күн бұрын
to creatively express yourself to a live natural/civilian woman is such a pleasure & creatively satisfying thing. to see what DOES work for both. as the saying goes “all is allowed but not all is beneficial” is so helpful to not feel any shame about seeking women online - but men, you can have so much more if you just make a little more effort. you can finally experience reality vs just pure imagination & ridiculous findom (financial domination)…go broke on a real date 😂…just intend to do something & you’re 3/4s there.
@TomFox1 6 күн бұрын
Looks matter if your emotionally weak and entitled. The heart and looks matter, both.
@defiantrascal6214 6 күн бұрын
What do you mean by:"the storms we are about to face"?
@ALTheFreeMan 6 күн бұрын
Metaverse, AI, Neura-Link, etc….if we think adult content is a problem now, we ain’t seen nothin yet!
@WallaceAhtone-sq6ty 4 күн бұрын
​@@ALTheFreeManAI girlfriends will spell doom for most of the population. Combine this with open borders, automation, promotion of other social changes. It will be Armageddon for the society that has already been.
@davelightsaber1621 3 күн бұрын
“top women don’t compromise” …dam…that’s real .
@Boababa-fn3mr Күн бұрын
And yet they do... it's not even true
@6lackmage810 5 күн бұрын
i love this..
@Seasonedman513 2 күн бұрын
Men have to understand that women are usually the ones that end relationships. At the beginning of a relationship tell the woman that this relationship will end some day. Never get attached to any woman and put her on a pedestal. When she leaves(and she will) let her go immediately and you won’t be hurt. She will come back eventually but never take her back. You will be the most sought after man from women for your masculinity and men seeking advice.
@cristobal.ashton 2 күн бұрын
@1.618Golden 6 күн бұрын
Please explain one thing to men, this will help more than anything else. Just explain this one thing please: Women. That is all, please explain that. Nothing women do make any kind of sense, even to other women. So please explain that.
@vettie 6 күн бұрын
Chaos is the absence of order.
@sheknows9704 6 күн бұрын
it doesnt make sense because you are looking at things logically. Try and understand people by understanding them emotionally. You will understand both men and women. Go read the art of seduction by Robert Greene.
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
There isn’t really a “secret” to women. I guess if there’s anything I’ve learned: she needs to feel like she’s dating up, she needs to feel listened to (most of the time don’t try to solve her problems), help out around the house if both of yall are working. And also you as the man need to be the leader. That’s about what I’ve learned so far
@HadalsameTV 3 күн бұрын
Even if u listen her u realize that you can never understand wt women want. If you lov her she will hate u, but if u don't love her she will hate u too anyway.
@edwardsanchez3708 Күн бұрын
Exactly. That's what no one ever understands. You always have to keep doing something only for it to eventually backfire on you
@Boababa-fn3mr Күн бұрын
So never take them too seriously
@paulinas6176 3 күн бұрын
Another coach says that it's the man who should love a woman more in a relationship 😂
@chewonthisfishing 5 күн бұрын
I trained for many years to get my black belt in Jiu jitsu. Many times my wife would be jealous of the effort I put in to accomplish that goal. Even though she received time after and the training was a direct benefit to her. However she modeled for many years and I always supported her in going on casting calls and other modeling jobs.
@shtanna 3 күн бұрын
Very common for guys who train a lot and are married or in serious relationships. Hope you are still training.
@chewonthisfishing 3 күн бұрын
@@shtanna sure thing now it’s time to give back to all the up and comers
@daliad-us4gk 6 күн бұрын
That's how humans' brains work, always was like this and is always be... I think
@Housestationlive 6 күн бұрын
that sucks. life sucks. have a good day anyway.
@nody31 5 күн бұрын
Chasing a TOP WOMAN appears to be akin to digging around in cat litter trying to find something worthwhile!
@lugaritzbrown2250 5 күн бұрын
What happens is to this day society is unfair to women...and women see that there power is in the dating and sex scene.
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
Unfair how? Is society more unfair to women than it is to men? And is it because of biology or society? Are the “unfairnesses” rooted in traditional gender roles, and are we better off now that we’ve degraded traditional gender roles? I’m definitely answering no to that last question
@WallaceAhtone-sq6ty 4 күн бұрын
Explain how society is unfair to women. What I see is the exact opposite.
@andreatorluemke4982 5 күн бұрын
All Women in my experience know that there are good men out there.
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
But they often don't choose them.
@cnote3580 5 күн бұрын
What she says about the opposite sex liking each other is correct
@Vadderax 6 күн бұрын
Content creaters and there subscribers go hand to hand in a cycle. if its anyone's fault. It the men that justify to subscribe to there desires of women. And women that desire to justify the money from men. It is a hard habit, and cycle to break. In order to break this. It would take something to dramatically happen to society that would be more than likely bad ti happen in this world than something good to happen. It would be a culture shock to how people live. What it would be can vary depending on the circumstances and stiuation.
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
@enrico.alaggia 6 күн бұрын
Should be 1% entitle women It actually is 99.999999999999999% Good luck to all of us
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
Vote with your feet, ignore entitled women and praise humble women
@teapot6711 2 күн бұрын
Why do we need a slow pan down of sadias picture?
@MeltedBrain777 18 сағат бұрын
Yeah, kind of hypocritical - like OnlyFans light!
@jewaldron1575 4 күн бұрын
men , in my experience, like/love entitled women especially if they are loud they seem to believe that means high status
@FBICPS 2 күн бұрын
Most people have a job not a career
@alicevalkyrie 4 күн бұрын
I’m 5 5 and while I’ve always been pretty decent looking the height was such an issue while living as a man. It kinda hurts to hear still. I really feel for the short kings. But I think it’s a tough pill that is so much better when swallowed. At this point I’m far hotter and of higher value as a woman. My enthusiasm for this gender really unleashed my potential as well as the aesthetic social benefits of presenting like a conventionally attractive woman. I experience two interesting types of men. The men that fetishize trans women and beg for their shot at one that looks like me, and the ones that see my transness as a sort of deformity. The later is one I saw play out with my mom who only has one eye and is an immigrant. I’d say my mom was exceptionally attractive compared to her peers and always presented very high effort. But because of her eye it attracted these exceptionally gnarly men who thought they were like doing her a favor and thus treated her horribly. I’ve sorta come to terms with the idea that women that present a certain way in Scottsdale where I DJ often will probably only be into a very specific type of person. And it’s not a polyamorous trans woman. Oh yeah btw I’m a Lez. To my short kings I’ll say this. I’d never be with a woman that thought less of me because I don’t have a V. If all you want is a woman that looks a certain way and you run into enough money you can pretty much buy that experience for a night or on occasion. But if you wanna be truly loved for who you are and not for what you have then maybe check your expectations on the aesthetics. Would you want an 11 that’s just bitter you’re not a billionaire? Or a n 8 or 9 that’s just happy yall don’t have to argue about money all the time? Also one thing I’ve learned from being exceptionally attractive as a woman with no surgeries under my belt. The 9s & 10s or the trans woman world and cis world who invested in the plastic eee look are often messed up in the head and like caraaazy insecure. It’s so sad how gorgeous they are in person with such incredible bodies and all they can see is their flaws. That kind of insecurity is gnarly to be with and live with. Be careful what you wish for. I hope as I do progress with the procedures I want done that I don’t lose touch with my confidence, body positivity and self love. Unfortunately so many bombshells do. I’m a pretty happy confident 6. Should I ever see 9 I hope I can handle it.
@byronryan4216 6 күн бұрын
Yes yes yes exactly so you should only consider dating people within your own social status and CLASS … 😊
@danstoica2824 3 күн бұрын
A super attractive woman is like a beautiful dream that ends when you wake up disappointed. Few people can live a dream in reality. Beauty itself does not demonstrate anything valuable if you have not developed sensitivity and emotional intelligence. Unfortunately, most beautiful people love themselves more and are very incompetent at loving, especially when it comes to women. Women in general, by their nature and by the evolution of humanity in general, are selfish beings and capable of falsifying feelings easily, and who are capable, through their averagely more irrational attitude, of making many wrong choices compared to men, who although started wrong in their development through evolution, they developed over time a greater capacity for empathy. In the past, as in the present, men made the mistake of controlling women either through excessive brutality or by putting them on a pedestal and in this way one can dominate, not through love through leadership and appreciation or exchange of mutual learning in - a very ideal condition, but through manipulation and self-manipulation through lies and denials of reality. Because it is very tempting and easy to pretend and cheat to get what you want than to bear the pressure of disappointment and the effort to become. It is true that every person wants the best from life, but do we know how to understand, deserve, or be prepared to appreciate everything we want or get? For this reason there are these prejudices, that the woman who loves more (and wrongly I might add), fights for the relationship, and the man who loves the woman more becomes unattractive and loses his masculinity, when in fact, if love is given how it is needed and to whom it is needed (that is, who knows how to love at a certain high level), is appreciated as it should be.
@StimParavane 4 күн бұрын
Women crave emotional drama.
@cristobal.ashton 2 күн бұрын
good or bad unfortunately
@StimParavane 2 күн бұрын
@@cristobal.ashton Took me a long time to realise this.
@miguelpatrick6192 6 күн бұрын
This is something that I don't agree with because both people should be EQUALLY attracted to each other and both people should be 100% about each other. What Real Gentleman is out looking for or hoping for a Woman that wants Him more than He wants Her? That's BS! And, that Man has some issues. That's just not how relationships that last work... ... And, this Entitlement Thing for anyone that feels Entitled is ruining people, relationships and the World... ... Sadia, You say some Good things but this topic is something that You seem to condone to an extent. And, I hope that I am wrong but I feel it is because You are Attractive and because You are one of those Entitled Women. Again, I hope that's not the case because I do respect quite a bit of what You say... ... Sadia, I would also imagine that most of Your followers are Men because of Your attractiveness. Yes, You may have some Women followers but not as much as the Men... ... I continually say this, I have met, know and have romanced many Gorgeous Women and they tend to be some of the most insecure individuals I know. Their attractiveness is just that, a shell and no depth beyond that. I would Love to Truly find that Sadia is just as, if not more, Beautiful within as She is outwardly... ... I once had an older Gentleman say to Me as We saw a Very Attractive Woman walk by, '... It's ashamed that She will most likely Always be invisible. Because most Men will only desire Her for Her appearance and never care to know Her heart'.... (DEEP)
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
Most relationships have someone who is the adored and someone who is the adorer. Sometimes you can tell immediately, sometimes you can’t, but if you interact long enough you’ll know who’s who
@Goddessctata 4 күн бұрын
Men need affirmation and sex Women need love and affection Why do we complicate things?
@user-fd3lb8jr3w 6 күн бұрын
That is not true. Most women are caregiver, which is why you should choose a man that love you more because anyway you're going to do more in the relationship. Woman gives ( her time, her body, working for paying bills of his sick mother 🙄...) men takes advantage and then cheats on you. :(
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
Only if you're with a narcissistic man but 90% will never take advantage of you.
@rhanna12 4 күн бұрын
Not necessarily. A woman has to have the love and motivation there to be providing so much, she has to sacrifice herself to make him happy in many ways, including her body and time in producing and raising his kids, that also carry his characteristics. If a man loves more than a woman, his actions will mostly run the relationship, and if he suddenly can’t be consistent, her feelings run the risk of also not remaining consistent as well.
@Boababa-fn3mr Күн бұрын
No. She's wrong about a lot, but she was right in saying that the vvoman should love the man more.
@FirstName-qr2ke 6 күн бұрын
14:50 very interesting haha
@nellyndal 6 күн бұрын
Man, they are all the same. And they've always assumed themselves (each) as the centre of the universe. And they always show, when you watch keenly or give enough time. This is not to take away from her brilliance, and which logic I don't fully agree with.
@H.H2424 6 күн бұрын
I dont think the majority of women are entitled (some may be but not the majority) the majority no matter how they look they just wanna find a man who can love them and treat them nicely. So wanting affection, words of affirmation, gratitude and respect are entitlement? Because lacking these are the reasons why a lot of women file for divorces.
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
I agree that most women probably aren’t entitled but we absolutely see a lot of it from younger women on social media. Unrealistic standards but I don’t really take what they say seriously cause they probably just thought of something on the spot. If a hot guy came along they’d forget about salary completely lol
@H.H2424 5 күн бұрын
@@awsambdaman for a young mind and inexperienced women - yes :)) But if you really are a wise woman, you will know what last what doesnt.
@Boababa-fn3mr Күн бұрын
Lol no, they really are entitled
@tarigel-kithiri6619 5 күн бұрын
Humans see only forward...try to look back too much, u get dissy .....ride or wait...
@Torombolo9696 5 күн бұрын
"Blame the ®F subscribers" 90% of them are married So we need to blame marriage!
@lalaurienne 4 күн бұрын
In much of American culture, average women tend not to find average men attractive and prefer to dabble in relationships or to remain alone. An increasing number of average American men are finding love and committed relationships abroad, primarily, for now, in the Philippines. But we're talking about a materialistic, spiritually destitute culture of ego-driven, unsustainable values. Relationships between men and women await the coming economic collapse and impoverishment of much of the West. Mutual need for survival may, ironically, restore a measure of humility to today's iinsanity. Those four or five village girls will look awfully good, and those girls may once again value the guys they can realistically partner with.
@amorosogombe9650 5 күн бұрын
I cannot understand how anyone can pay for only fans. Unbelievable. But I think some of those men are so rich they don't care about $10K for dirt.
@GermanTaffer 4 күн бұрын
Men throw their lives away for 5 seconds of excitement.
@amorosogombe9650 4 күн бұрын
@@GermanTaffer Ain't that the truth.
@HadalsameTV 3 күн бұрын
If there is no darama...
@DSGQR 5 күн бұрын
Such games
@Housestationlive 4 күн бұрын
you need to find a women who love you more than you love her. that resonnate as one of the most cleaver thought that i never heard on this topic. but women don't love. they're educated to abuse and throw away.
@lugaritzbrown2250 5 күн бұрын
Sadia please TALK ABOUT YOURSELF....your reality is beautiful woman reality....please do a study on dating behaviour based on the following variables (AGE, FINANCES, PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS,CULTURAL OR RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION,INTELLIGENCE e.t.c).
@awsambdaman 5 күн бұрын
Please stop
@vasilyactionboy4522 3 күн бұрын
now she is just illegally beautiful for a psychologist 🤨
@xarkousiosifasa 6 күн бұрын
She is out of Control....unsub....
@stefanosprokopis6974 18 сағат бұрын
The whole thing sounds like too much trouble. Thats why 90%of men shoukd stay single.
@B_knows_A_R_D-xh5lo 6 күн бұрын
👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿❤❤❤❤❤❤👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿❤❤❤❤❤❤ I am 💯💯💯 male this lady 💯💯💯💯 emotions over her judgement 0:43 😂😂😂 awesome ❤❤❤ oh my God 0:56 0:56 lady please to much knowlege 1:04 1:04 load me up on them FACTS ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ get the queen 1:19 of knowledge 1:24 1:24 to talk pure facts 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿💯💯💯💯👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿💯💯👏🏿💯👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿💯👏🏿💯👏🏿💯👏🏿💯
@mjane2128 2 күн бұрын
Men are EQUALLY entitled Women are EQUALLY entitled All of this non- expert “influencer opinions” online are hurting our world more than helping. Humility is a major issue for ALL people. Be a good person and look for a good person. Stop placing so much value on what random, non-expert, influencing strangers are saying. She has an opinion just as much as I do, you do, and everyone else does. Place value on being humble and not entitled yourself. Seek to be good and seek a partner woman/ man that is also good. It’s a compromise in a partnership.
@Nordic_Sky 6 күн бұрын
In southern California, 4s think they are 9s. It's ridiculous. The real 9-10s want sports and rock stars. I know lots of tall, good looking, rich, highly educated guys who are with women who are WAY below them. It's not balanced at all.
@stevensolof7058 Күн бұрын
You can't put it all on porn. That's an oversell. Of course it can be a major contributing factor, but that's an extremely narrow viewpoint. Just even asking why men would consciously choose that path would help provide a more well rounded take.
@TerriTie 5 күн бұрын
This “podcast”? was very weird to watch because only one woman is shown. It’s easier to listen when we see the other person as well, at least in my opinion.
@zrymill 6 күн бұрын
You should stop making videos and start a family. Go forth and multiply.
@ggsengh 5 күн бұрын
The most beautiful thing about sadia is her mouth breathing into the microphone
@soydansogukcesme470 5 күн бұрын
Sadia you talk somethimes about men and woman and how one side hase it hard and so on... Did you ever read Esther Vilar?? Why is it that no one in the whole media talks and shows the bad sides of woman. Even we all can see it in the day to day life.
@AndrewDaniele87 6 күн бұрын
These videos need a better editor, seems very unprofessionally made, the abrupt ad announcements (both cutting in and cutting out) and then randomly a picture of Sadia in a full body shot that slowly pans down, what was the purpose of that?
@Ancientlaws 6 күн бұрын
This is a clip from the channel softwhiteunderbelly. The channel features peoples stories, which often showcasing the dark and unfortunate side of humanity that we like to forget. The channel is run by Mark who is into photography, hence the full body portrait.
@GerardoDelValle. 4 күн бұрын
So she is telling you they are children. Be careful out there.
@Sheyto0nak0123 6 күн бұрын
Sadia has lost the plot 🤦🏼‍♀️
@FirstName-qr2ke 6 күн бұрын
14:50 🙃
@dreday77764 6 күн бұрын
She never had it. She uses her looks to get her point across
@Boababa-fn3mr Күн бұрын
​@@FirstName-qr2kelol yeah wtf was that about?
@michaelgreco1175 22 сағат бұрын
I agree with a lot of things Sadia said, but I can't agree with her when she says that wntitlement is reserved for the 1% girl. That's such a turn off
@Glyn23 6 күн бұрын
Hi Sadie, 50 year old single man. I don’t date, because the juice is not worth the squeeze. Like the three stooges said “ are you happy, or are you married “.
@spartanghost9713 5 күн бұрын
I choose to be happy so i know what i need to do.
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