EVE Online I Friendship Machine

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CCP Games

CCP Games

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Video games are shaping human communication and cultures. At CCP Games we see games as virtual realities. They are about creating experiences unattainable in any other form of media. Virtual reality is about true human interaction and true human emotions in a living and evolving world.
A study of ‪@eveonline‬'s player community reveals a place that provides the building blocks for meaningful real-world friendships.
Play EVE Online for free at EVE.Online/Fly_Now
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#mmo #ccpgames #eveonline #friendship #videogames

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@A.Mac. Жыл бұрын
I miss CCP Guard. Every time you guys use his Friendship reference, I remember he's not there anymore.
@SteelHorse Жыл бұрын
Guard was hands down possibly the best CCP employee ever and the best CM ever hands down.
@DevilishLedoux Жыл бұрын
I played Eve for 17 years and quit without regrets because CCP seems intent on running it directly into the ground and I don't want to be there for its degradation and final ignominious death.
@BulukEtznab Жыл бұрын
Well, I have played since 2006 - on and off with other MMORPGs since I couldn't afford to subscribe to more than one at a time back then - and only returned right now once more to see how things are doing. I think the potential is still there - but the question is: will CCP be capable of focusing (back) again to their core values and act accordingly. Because talking about their intentions and making (business) choices, that are (not) aligned with them, is the ultimate expression of intentions. Words are empty and powerless if they're not empowered by actions accordingly. And it seems, that there are some people out there who haven't quite understood, that merely repeating the very human behaviors, that make REAL Life already (for some "too") hard to bear in a controllable virtual environment, might not be the best of ideas to "get away from real life"! I see this also in the Sandbox in Second Life, which I started to play back then, too. Games can deliver hopeful visions or allow us to explore things, that are either illegal in real Life (like shooting other people - if anyone would truly immerse themselves in pretty much any game with sentient other beings, who are not by nature hostile and were led into a socially engineered "trap" that will make them kill these, and then realize it was all just a ruse, would maybe also be at the least disturbed, if not full-on traumatized, too - again: with enough emotional/empathetic and personal immersion, that makes them vulnerable enough to feel connected with the - even virtual - character/s). From a different perspective though, this same context can allow for people to be slowly and - when "dosed individually right" - under supervision/guidance be confronted with those same human patterns if they went through resilience training before and want to see how well it has worked so far. Because inhibitions are usually lower in virtual environments since there's not so many direct consequences possible/involved for all involved. But as I already mentioned in a comment under the video of a "friendly ganker": people (and all mammals actually) learn much more efficient through *positive reinforcement* rather than negative one (experiences associated with/of pain, suffering, loss etc.). And if they were to truly implement that into their intention for building "a better World inside EVE", the whole game mechanics would need to be re-designed! So, yeah...EVE is a bit dark and scary really...but it has finally some matches in Game Mechanics, that allow for less distressing encounters "No Man's Sky" - which had a bad start, but has improved since to be truly interesting for space explorers with no forced PvP and only some NPC-fights, which seem to be rather less frequent. Plus: walking in stations, VR-Mode and exploring Planet surfaces, building bases, harvesting resources and building items, too. So, the Concept of EVE but *expanded* to what I remember CCP once promised as the "bright future of EVE" - and the only part we ever saw from that after launching the awesome new Character Creator, were "Captain's Quarters"! That's the part I think has been neglected: promises that were deterred into Dust 514 shortly but then faded altogether once more. And to me it seems, the resources, that could have gone into the fulfillment of those awesome visions was kinda "dispersed" into all kinds of other side-projects, that never got enough attention though and many of which have been discontinued. So those resources were lost - and if they do not finally realize that they should NOT *waste* their resources outside of what their players love (basically EVE Online), then I completely agree with you about the downfall and end of this once awesome and beautiful utopian Sandbox, EVE tried to be once! But not realizing the importance of what actually constructive social behaviors are and empowering those instead of empowering non-sportive and much too heated conflict (a good match - even on a grand scale) between rivals is always worth it, if it's not done for its own sake. And through Sovereignty in Null-Sec, those wars and matches actually do become meaningful of course. Yet, I do not feel the same about "gankers" "teaching Rookies" by (painful - through loss) experience how EVE "works", because it's only one side of the medallion and far too many will leave right there and then, when this is one of the first experiences they make after they saw the beautiful space(-ships) and figured out a little bit how to fit them etc. On the other hand, gankers are really helpful for keeping "whales" in check - but since I don't know how and whether they find out whether it's the one (rookie) or the other (whale), I can't speak about the extent/quantification of that help. So, it's a little bit ambivalent, too, how EVE now allows basically for rich folks to ramp-up their characters by buying really expensive skill-point packs and "catch-up" thereby with older players, while time was basically part of the "meaningfulness" of being an EVE-Player in the first place. And with this possibility, it's basically "de-valued" in the present, even though I do also see the point in giving such an opportunity after all. It's a little strange though - maybe giving players PLEX for every month of subscription - like LoTRO and even SWTOR do it for their subscribers at the least (probably others, too, but those are the ones I know myself, too) -, would also help with the incentive for subscribers since subscription fees have also increased quite a bit now that inflation has hit all real-Life Markets... I would really hope, that you are not right in your assessment and that the Devs truly do come around and realize what their CORE BUSINESS and the values connected with this would imply them to act accordingly still. If that video truly does represent these values, it would be awesome - but I will only see in their ACTIONS if those words and expressed intentions are also acted upon or if it's just another ruse and propaganda of an ideal, they cannot or do not truly want to live up to really. Aligning a business to certain values can very much stabilize it and attracts the right people who want to enjoy such an environment then, but will at the same time also attract those, who will want to undermine, test and challenge all that and will need to be kept in check. And that the players who come there to enjoy it, will - for the most part - either not be willing or not be capable of addressing this since it's too much "real-Life-involvement" then yet again, methinks. Because: the need to "get away from reality" and "try out new possibilities" but without compromising the most basic values (like Human Rights, dignity etc.) isn't always as easy as it sounds, when we truly want to keep our Integrity while trying them out. It does actually present some kind of dilemma then for some even...when they realize their "Identity" might not be as "stable" or "rigid" as they deemed it to be...and then decompose in certain chats. It's sad and I feel for them nowadays really. But they would need to get help asap anyway. I remember the suicide-prevention-chat from a couple of years ago, which really seemed like a well-meant approach to that mental health issue, that certainly hasn't become smaller in the last couple of years. But it doesn't need to go that far to be a problem! I think when people lose hope so profoundly, that they can't see a better future for themselves within their Lifetime, they urgently need someone to help them rebuild/-discover such a (plausible) vision within themselves, that they can at least strive for, even with the awareness of the possibility of never reaching it within their Lifetime. But following a "star on the firmament" is all it often takes to keep exploring and dealing with Life and the overwhelming complexity of human behavior and social interaction.
@BulukEtznab Жыл бұрын
Yet, when I learned about Non-Violent Communication (by Marshall Rosenberg M.D. [R.I.P.]), I also learned, that this complexity is only in the invention/imagination of strategies to fulfill our needs (enough) to be reasonably happy and content (there are some perfectionists who truly strive to fulfill them 100%, but that usually doesn't really end so well ;-) ), but the number of those (especially the basic) needs is very much finite and can be learned I think. And with empathy (that needs also the courage and resilience to become vulnerable to an extent towards someone - otherwise no meaningful inter-human connection is ever possible!), we can even learn to "see beyond" the "willfulness of someone's mind/ego" and realize the urge to fulfill a/certain need/s beyond that truly. It's really not that hard, but it does really need us to be capable of realizing emotions (which are always data about ourselves and never cause by anyone but our own minds/memories/traumas etc.) and what need they're "presenting" in someone. Since most of us never really get trained/conditioned to realize/observe our own needs from childhood on, it's really hard to do that for many of us by ourselves and we'd need someone we can trust or who is charismatic enough (also dangerous in some cases) to capture our attention and "sees" us in/with our need(s) then and can "nudge" us into the right direction so we can become aware of it again and realize what we truly need (which can be very different from what people say/think/believe they want/need in the first moment). I'd love for people to cultivate more this Emotional Intelligence, because we are NOT rational people all the time and only trying to be that means neglecting if not even suppressing our irrational, emotional sides/impulses. But they are extremely valuable and precious data about ourselves/who we ARE and how well we are aligned with our values/needs. So, ignoring that part, does seem utterly self-destructive to me - and it's happening on a quite grand scale for a long time now. So, I think without re-integrating this irrational part and cultivating it, our species will be utterly doomed really. But it's just the result of decades of (not only but a lot of self-)reflection and some more, some less constructive discussions and conflicts among people (some involving me, some just observed frequently), so "who am I to talk", right? ^_^
@smgxellos Жыл бұрын
Imagine, if we could walk in stations!
@Krautkopf89 Жыл бұрын
lmao CCP YOU are not my friends. "Friends" don't destroy their friends favourite video game and then go on to increase the subscription fee to 20$ for those few of our friends that are still hanging on. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
@jogyrt1858 Жыл бұрын
its can be 13.6$ per month if you buy 3month pack for 2 accounts. or its can be 16$ you buy 1month pack for 2 accounts. they add discount if you pay for 2 or more accounts.
@Krautkopf89 Жыл бұрын
@@jogyrt1858 or i could buy one or two new AAA games every month for the effective cost of playing EVE lmao. Why i would pay even half of that after CCP craped all over the game for the last three years is beyond me. I had already moved on before the price hike. And then i see this train wreck of a marketing video. These people really have no self awareness lmao.
@allawa Жыл бұрын
Lmao CCP destroyed all my friendships when they did jackshit but ruin the game for the last 4 years
@TheWaffleRadio Жыл бұрын
If not playing Eve was enough to destroy your friendships, they weren’t really that close. Otherwise you could just… keep in touch and do other things together.
@SaB0TaG3 Жыл бұрын
I used to play this game with my friends and made videos about our adventures together. I met some cool people over the 15 years I played Eve, but I also met a ton of sociopaths, who were drawn to a game that advertised that they can be the villain without the fear of reprisal from the law. My advice to people reading this comment is that you can make good friends in Eve, but be careful your new friend doesn't turn you into a monster or steal your stuff. The most valuable thing about Eve to me was the life lessons I learned cheaply for the cost of a few 1s and 0s. I kept the friends I made, but we mostly play other games together now.
@yashaze586 Жыл бұрын
Met some of the best people I have ever known on Eve, your right on the hard life lessons, I miss the old days.
@SteelHorse Жыл бұрын
Alienating times just like how you alienated your entire player base with bait and switch tactics? Then proceeded to raise the price of the game while simultaneously giving everyone the finger during these "hard times" that you have just said yourself?
@TheDeltaboss Жыл бұрын
CCP will do literally anything, including a cringy video, instead of fixing their game.
@rake483 Жыл бұрын
This. They are refusing to make any new conent. All they do is rebalancing and tinkering around the edges. This is the main reason why i quit. I am not paying 50€ a month for a game in maintenance mode.
@TheDeltaboss Жыл бұрын
@@rake483 yeah. A buddy of mine showed me the cyberpunk anime spin-off and I was shocked at how far a studio will go give their fans content. Especially since it's not a sub based game. I wish CCP brought the same energy but it's such a different corporate culture.
@TheBraddigan Жыл бұрын
I wanna play with my friends from Eve but I don't wanna have to play Eve with them.
@user-zu4ft8yw9e 2 ай бұрын
The Friendship Machine in EVE Online refers to the game's ability to forge strong social bonds among players, helping them make friends and establish connections within the game. This sense of community is crucial for player retention and enjoyment. Players can solve problems at different stages of the game by seeking out help and support from others, particularly within corporations where members can offer assistance, advice, resources, and collaborate on common goals. The Friendship Machine fosters a supportive environment where players can rely on each other for help, making the game more engaging and enjoyable.
@meiqurorez8677 Жыл бұрын
hahahahahahahaha oh boy hahahahaha oh man, this video.
@prity777 Жыл бұрын
SOOO Oldschool and nice :D "to know more, contact us now" :D
@AwexDerErste Жыл бұрын
imagine paying 20€ for a month of a gametime
@Spiritt_Daphiti Жыл бұрын
.....i pay for cigaretes 10£ everyday mate :( beter to pay 20£ per month for game ...ill have fun blowing things ;) and will less smoke ..beter for me :)
@jogyrt1858 Жыл бұрын
its 13.6 per month. buy 3 month for 2 accounts. they add 15% discount if you have 2 omega accounts.
@rake483 Жыл бұрын
20€? Who plays EVE with only one account? You need alts in EVE to get anything done in a reasonable time. So you are looking at 40+ € a month for a game that hasnt gotten any new content in 3+ years.
@Spiritt_Daphiti Жыл бұрын
There is new content !!! Abbysal space , Pochven ...factional warfare , aye true that 1 acc is not enaf , but if you wanna be good at eve ..for pvp is needed( pve easy 1 account ) . It would be good to have a chance to get soverenity space .....for small corps/ alliance / .....but a dreaming is not like playing....make all of that space ..pure to need to invade it again ...thats i call content!!! Btw the game need income , to get payed on those where made the game .
@jogyrt1858 Жыл бұрын
@@rake483 ccp now have discount if you pay 2 or more accounts. -20% for 1 mounth pack and -15% for 3mounth. 32€ for 1mouth for 2 accounts. or 80€ 3mounth for 2 accounts.
@Asdayasman Жыл бұрын
Have you removed injectors yet?
@Amicsification Жыл бұрын
I remember autumn 2010 or 2011, Moscow, big redbeard ccp developer, beer and i. I was translating russian speak to english. Thank you, it was wonderful
@Quzxpon Жыл бұрын
Fix the game? From a lover of eve online, I would like to see some of the clear issues of the game be fixed. CCP, you're doing a great job on the FW expansion so far, but there are things that need attention and have needed it for a long time. Cheers
@timmontoya4567 Жыл бұрын
Bring on, the friendship machine
@crediblehawkin Жыл бұрын
well when you sub cost 20$ vs the 15$ it use to be you are going backwards
@jogyrt1858 Жыл бұрын
its 13.6 per month. buy 3 month for 2 accounts. they add 15% discount if you have 2 omega accounts. 80usd for 2 accounts for 3 month each. good deal
@austone4401 Жыл бұрын
@@jogyrt1858 not really. If I don’t want to spend $20 a month, why would I want to spend $80 for two accounts for 3 months? You sound like spectrum wanting me to bundle my internet with tv and phone. It still costs more money for me.
@jogyrt1858 Жыл бұрын
@@austone4401 you can spend 32$ for 1 month for 2 accounts. 16$ each. i think 90% players have atleast 2 accounts.
@austone4401 Жыл бұрын
@@jogyrt1858 still more money then I would want to spend.
@rowly5587 9 ай бұрын
eve is a great game
@findingrusty Жыл бұрын
@cspaceinfinity0116 Жыл бұрын
Where's nova
@jackhay4478 Жыл бұрын
Alone not lonely!
@CrispyChestnuts Жыл бұрын
EVE Online | Hate Machine
@squidly1117 Жыл бұрын
Thought it was a parody, then they quoted the World Health Organization.......so it's just satire then.
@ryaninnit5688 Жыл бұрын
I love EVE online, I’ve been loving it for 10 years
@blazept567 Жыл бұрын
Ok, but why is Chester Bennington in the thumbnail?
PSST! Can you guys bring back Dust 514?! That was so different!
@jeffclarkofclarklesparkle3103 Жыл бұрын
Can we please have our best shooter ever made back ffs?
@StykeWarden Жыл бұрын
You are not immune to propaganda.
@Xianenberg Жыл бұрын
movie about nothing, meh.
@spaceghosto Жыл бұрын
It's true. That is why we need more people to play it and not less people :(
@lesthodson2802 Жыл бұрын
Give us EVE Classic and it'll happen
Жыл бұрын
Lmao the last players I met in EvE told me about his army of alts and how much time he spent playing alone, to manage all those PI. Maybe start putting effort in game design focusing character per player instead of large corps made by alts and whales injecting plex. Also when my friend and I finally went null in a big corp and asked around someone to stand by in FAX so we could mine using Rorquals the answer we got was "make an alt and inject skills until you can fly one, duh uh"... so yeah.... multiplayer my ass.
@Thisone95 Жыл бұрын
I mean i get what you mean. But do you want to sit in a fax in station with your one character while your friends make isk in a belt?
Жыл бұрын
@@Thisone95 we would pay a cutt and the fax is not only for us. It's a corp rule and also to save crabbing ships. But we found out people don't communicate for that .. even with a dedicated channel to ask fax support... People just shove money into the game and play .. alone. All those roles and jobs should be made by players... That's the whole point of a player built economy. But when you do it all by yourself the economy is just an illusion... Like the game itself and the wars which are just people logging in to get ally ticket of participation
@23dghunter Жыл бұрын
Ok..... Does this video seem creepy to anyone else? Or is it just me? Especially the first minute was super creepy
@nuclearsimian3281 Жыл бұрын
CCP do anything with NFTs yet? Is Hilmar still pushing that shit?
@bratatatatat Жыл бұрын
Remember, the best ship is Friendship.
@kineticdeath Жыл бұрын
been along time since i played internet spaceships. Though i still have my old legion as my user pic on a few places. Though, I am struggling to understand the concept here. Unless CCP is working on a whole new game thats imminently about to release, im confused. Eve Online is the most opposite you can get from "building friendships" in video games. maybe an anarchy minecraft server is the worst, Eve trails very closely behind. A game that advertises itself in trailers based on deceit, "wrecking players dreams", corporate backstabbing and sabotage just doesnt seem like it. Even the whole "go smash rookies in their t1 cruisers" seems counter intuitive. Imagine feeling like you wanted a "connection" only to be dumped into the midst of "i drink your tears" etc. All the stuff that belongs in Eve has its place, but its not a "fun and friendly" place. Thats probably why it hasnt been sunsetted for good. Theres still enough "anarchy" types who want to "wreck their dreams" and not play minecraft
@paske1924 Жыл бұрын
Killing is just a means of comunication
@sometwat 11 ай бұрын
Here's a ide on How to implement hacking in eve online. Make the hacking passive like the old deus ex and the length of waiting determines the yeald of currency, you make it active it needs to be like a raid hour long mini games (maze traversal or tower defense or reverse tower defense), strong shapes need to choose between ships of modules and hacking stealth modules fragile ships get both, strip stealth makes it harder to detect by players, hacking stealth makes it harder for the internal game system to rat out the players to the players being hacked, at least one mini game or failure state for hacking stealth, if you're caught in hacking stealth you're still in the system and if you can take the bullets and missiles and lasers you can still hack and steal, death holds the same losses. The banks standard detection system in addition to a hacking detection system, it's a popup saying "you are being hacked" for every hack, now I am unsure if the space stations are intractable on the same level as elite dangerous, no man's sky, rodina, or the outer wilds, so if it's not physically intractable remote hacking with the before mentioned mechanics and you stop there, if it is intractable in that manor then, the closer you are to "the central storage unit" the "quicker" and "smother" the hack gose, the methods of defense you run your anti hacking system as usual or you destroy the ship, drone Frigate whatever they use. And the reason newer ships are saved it's because they are lacking the correct technology to be hacked.
@enimativd9106 Жыл бұрын
FIX YOUR GAME. people are leaving en mass
@Alucard15423 Жыл бұрын
Cool! All my friends left EVE because SOMEONE had the brilliant idea to make the game that is begging you to have Alts the most expensive Subscibtion Game ON THE PLANET. SOMEONE also hasn't released any meaningfull content in 3 YEARS. The same SOMEONE also nerfed a LOT of fun Playstyles into oblivion and ruined the ingame economy and industry gameplay. And seeing as Playernumbers are now scratching on the four digits I'm not the only one that gave up on the idea that SOMEONE might wake up from their delusions. Seriously CCP your game is close to critical mass in Playernumbers. You need to do something drasic soon or EVE won't live to see the year 2024. The FW update won't save anyting. The current Sub cost and ingame plex prices just can't stay as high as they are if you want the game to survive. Or you need to add some serious value to the Sub. (like an adition character per sub or general MCT)
@speedy5622 Жыл бұрын
Here's an idea. Cut your price in half. You get double subs. and a better game bc players make the game in eve
@jousephcustodio3455 Жыл бұрын
@Equulai Жыл бұрын
That's an old video from over a year ago when CCP jumped on the Corona bandwagon.
@captainharlock31 Жыл бұрын
3:56 nice shirt :o
@99999bomb Жыл бұрын
How ironic that this was posted by the developer of a game which a large amount of players spend all day no life dabbling in space virtual politics with people getting so bored they decide to curb stomp new players in an area specifically designed to protect noobs while not lucrative enough for older players to stay for too long
@oneevilchef Жыл бұрын
Pester CCPBEE to assist with this friendship problem, he has the ability to bring all the nerds to the yard and have people enjoy his content.
@synetic Жыл бұрын
all EVE did for me was rob me of 8 years of prime social life - and I regret that. Forget games kids, get out and see the real world, meet real people.
@then33k4 Жыл бұрын
real people drop useless loot
@TFASplbtttt Жыл бұрын
I miss Rookies Alliance. Goshee too Maybe not Goshee
@chaadlosan Жыл бұрын
Ya know if they actually did WIS (walking in stations) and ground play. Oh and not charging ever more for the game. I think it would have attracted a larger audience. But we have Star Citizen. ;) Eve Online requires second job like hours to do correctly. Otherwise don't bother. There is a lot to like and admire in what CCP has created. But what is the ultimate vision for the game? will we ever get out of our spaceships again? (No). Will there ever be another DUST ground game that compliments EVE? Maybe???! Project Legion was talked about 6 years ago. Did anything come of it? Don't know.
@seanfinlayson8633 Жыл бұрын
Fighter make no friend of fighter.
@endezeichengrimm Жыл бұрын
So when is Dust514 coming back?
@whitesquirrel4131 Жыл бұрын
patting yourselves on the back, CCP? you're like that company that gives itself an award and then advertises it like its real.
@michaelvillada4116 Жыл бұрын
theres other space games with better gui's
@EVOXSNES Жыл бұрын
The best Ship in Star Citizen is friendship
@nuclearsimian3281 Жыл бұрын
Fifteen easy payments of $999.99 a month, and you can fly our new ship that will launch in six months, we're serious this time! - CIG, probably
@EVOXSNES Жыл бұрын
@@nuclearsimian3281 It's free dude. Get good.
@bwsimonson Жыл бұрын
Eve before the pay to win was the Friendship machine. Once you could pay to accelerate your learning Etc it became just another toxic shooter.
@petterikihlberg5219 Жыл бұрын
I must disagree. Ability to get SP faster does not make EVE pay to win. SP is just tool, you still need skill and friends to excel in Eve. Due the long history of the game there must be away for the new players to catch up and take part. More SP and one can be included to more activities.
Жыл бұрын
@@petterikihlberg5219 when the only gameplay mechanic is flat numbers how can you even argue? Someone with more skill will make any activity better than someone with less skills which affects said activity. People like you are the reason the game is in such horrible state.
@Stratigoz Жыл бұрын
Exactly the time that I stopped playing.
@Stratigoz Жыл бұрын
@@petterikihlberg5219 blah blah bollocks. 2 people with the same level of skill, the one with the injectors will have massive advantage over the one with a default character. Spare me the bullshit.
@YeetThyBaby Жыл бұрын
Yeah the hordes of high sec gankers are really friendly to me in my marauder I spent years grinding the shit pve for
@oliverzeballos3551 Жыл бұрын
Recagado el juego
@Xenuria Жыл бұрын
lol lmao
@akreaton5095 Жыл бұрын
is this a joke? just add some cat ears already
@notusatsu4424 Жыл бұрын
Dust remake when
@cspaceinfinity0116 Жыл бұрын
Fill you there miss dust i leave the same massage on every video (Where's nova)
@InnocuousRemark Жыл бұрын
I actually met my IRL best friend on EVE
@solsticeprojekt1937 Жыл бұрын
This company preys on the lonely and depressive.
@JohnHavlasek Жыл бұрын
Greetings fellow humans, This game is truly a masterpiece. Sadly well for me it is sad that so few human players play this game. I guese its too complicated for most. I mean in this game you have to use rationality and logic and foremost even creativity. In this game what is important is not body mass but brain/mind mass when i say mass i mean mind IQ. I dont want to sound lilke some type of genetist but genetics do play a big role in human intelligence at least that is what i learned from playing this game. One more thing i want to say is that i dont understand why dont people learn to play this amazing game, i think its becuase people have too short attention spam and they hate to read as that is just my normal opinion on this topic. Todays gaming is all about killing well that is at least my view on the gaming market. In Eve Online you can become a trader or this or that its almost like if CCP well created one of the best scientific sc fiction in all of human history. I wonder or my advice to CCP is to write books of the world of Eve online or make a seriel or some super cool film to get people interested in intellectual material. Thank you for making this masterpiece and im now thinking of playing again. I mean today a good player i mean a interesting person can make money by playing a game and teaching how the game functions and in case of your CCP game called Eve online they can learn how economy or politics and hencefourth works and well sometimes im confused why only 100k subs your channel has and how come at max that i seen was just 20k players and so fourth. With good regards, John
@paladinrpg Жыл бұрын
I agree, the political/economic simulation aspect of EVE is truly unique and unmatched. That's what always keeps me around, as shooting internet space pixels can only entertain so far.
@satinthrone Жыл бұрын
Better Than Life XD
@pheonixjr1788 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if this garbage video is the type of content they hyped and promised us at fanfest, when they decided a 20 year old game with a dying player base and dwindling content was worth raising the sub price
@bynick1127 Жыл бұрын
@item6931 Жыл бұрын
lol EVE is a spiteful salt machine. not exactly where I'd go if I was lonely lol
@LordXxar Жыл бұрын
It's time for a game reset on some level or perhaps a fresh new server. Just my 2 cents.
@The69Oskar69 Жыл бұрын
Just sad.
@freyahEVE Жыл бұрын
Let's cut the BS. You only want money!!
@micnolmadtube Жыл бұрын
Eve is dead. After having accounts since 2003 I have finally quit. CCP has killed anything meaningful the game had to offer
@TheArchitectOfDreams Жыл бұрын
I smell the Soylent Green from here. This is a mockery of the real meaning of "The Friendship" in EVE. What's next? To fight climate change, we'll be shutting down server nodes in these locations for 4 hours. They bring out these tree-hugging PR videos instead of making music and music videos. Music with lyrics that had meaning to the players and the people at CCP. "Virtual reality is about true human interaction and true human emotions in a living and evolving world." I don't drink this transhumanist garbage.
@stevenplatt2679 Жыл бұрын
Dang eve really is trying to tank the content and mold people into a pacifist follow the rules type of youth.
@lesthodson2802 Жыл бұрын
EVE Classic when?
EVE Online: Re-designing the Cormorant Destroyer
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