Force Majeure Review! | Ending Theory

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The AtZ Show

9 жыл бұрын

Human Nature = Mother Nature
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@MultiplexShow 9 жыл бұрын
My interpretation of the ending is that it's there to call attention to how people react to heightened situations, as well as show some growth in Tomas and Ebba. First reason I think that is because of Mats. Early in the film he mentions the MS Estonia disaster, but when the bus passengers begin to panic, he is the one who calms everyone down. Then, once off the bus, Fanni mentions that the bus is driving down the hill okay despite everyone's worries. To me this is calling attention to how Ebba reacted not just to the bus, but to the avalanche. For the duration of the film we've analyzed and picked apart Tomas' psyche, but haven't really considered Ebba's reaction as well as whether or not it was too extreme. Lastly, as everyone walks off into the distance and Tomas is smoking the cigarette, his son asks him if he smokes. For the whole film Tomas has been lying about himself to his family, hiding the negative aspects of his personality when he can. But in this moment, he chooses to be honest and tell his son, "Yes, I smoke." Just some thoughts though, the film is definitely very thought-provoking and worthy of analysis. Nice review AtZ!
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Multiplex Yeah! I noticed how Tomas would lie about being on his phone and other little things like that. Some really awesome acting/directing. You feeling it for the win?
@MultiplexShow 9 жыл бұрын
I preferred Two Days One Night (only slightly) but a lot more people are talking about Force Majeure so it's probably got a better shot. Sometimes foreign goes in a weird direction though, so I'm unsure. Wouldn't be surprised if Ida won either.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Very true. Plus, it's not like the Academy members watch them all. How many watch The Great Beauty? haha
@MultiplexShow 9 жыл бұрын
AtZ Reviews just posted a really interesting article about how movies get nominated actually! From the article, "volunteers from all branches of the Academy (the “general committee”) participate in a first round of voting that helps narrow the field down to nine shortlisted films. The weekend before Oscar nominations, the shortlist will be narrowed to five nominees by 10 randomly chosen members of the general committee and 30 hand-picked Academy members in Los Angeles, New York and London, who will view all of the shortlisted films and vote." So it definitely seems like getting noticed early is key.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Multiplex Oooh. Checked it out, interesting stuff! And yeah, I've noticed by the amount of screeners studios start sending out in the fall lol
@sara-hi9dm 6 жыл бұрын
I have a very different interpretation than what you have explained. She stops the bus and speaks up and sort of get all the passengers out of the bus and 'saved 'from a potentially dangerous situastion. And Tomas does nothing to speak up again i.e. like he said the avalanche was not dangerous. So I agree that the fakes the rescue towards the end of the movie to restore balance and order in the family after the father fleeing the avalanche and crying like crazy and all during the vacation. But then, again, in a life threatening situation, its the mother that has to take control to save them and its all back to the order where she is more responsible than Tomas. Also she gives the sleeping child to Mats because, she views him as more reliable than her Husband. Tomas is back to being okie with being weak. And it shows that nobody grew after all from this experience.
@MockeryManor Жыл бұрын
I agree on your take 100%. To me, that scene revealed the shaky ground the family was on in the first place. So even though Ebba, tried to repair the family dynamic by pretending to be hurt and have Tomas save her, it was for nothing because another potentially dangerous situation happened and Tomas did not take control. So now on the bus, she decides...f$ck it, I can't depend on my husband for protection, I'm taking over until I can find someone that can be the protector I need. To me the joke was Ebba choosing Mat to be the protector carrying his daughter. Matt's 20 yr old girlfriend sees this and starts to walk by his side, acknowledging that she believes and trusts him as the protector (when earlier in the movie, they had an argument about her initially believing that he's cowardly, just like Tomas). Another joke is how Tomas's son keeps looking at him and asks him if he smokes.....but how about you carry your son, like your friend is carrying your daughter? 😆. I found all of that hilarious.
@franciscollorens7832 Жыл бұрын
I get what you two are saying. And it’s much closer than what he says in the video to what I think. I think the final scene shows that there are roles in relationships and it also tells you that not always the person that stands up against adversity is always the man. In this case the wife has the more protective instincts. So getting the bus to stop is not at all opting out. It is the other way. It is embracing her role in the relationship and taking care of the family when things are tough. The scene of the planned rescue for me shows that after his breakdown with the kids and his new sincerity with her made the relationship much stronger than before. It is just that they accepted the real dynamics of it instead of pretending and trying to follow society’a model of a “perfect relationship “
@Nicksterpwn Жыл бұрын
@@franciscollorens7832 I really like this interpretation of events. This whole movie made me think of gender roles and how they come into question in a relationship, with Ebba being hardline about her expectations for the majority of the film. But what do you think about the theory that Ebba selfishly stopped the bus? As she got off first and was the only one to speak up really, and didn't help her kids or husband off the bus. Maybe her greatest fear was falling off a cliff in a bus, not an avalanche. I think the idea that she stopped the bus and escaped first on purpose to get back at her husband (as some other commenters have stated) is extremely machiavellian and would make her a horrible person, so I don't agree with that.
@martinlozev9868 Жыл бұрын
This is bs interpretation because she is panicking in the bus and do not go for the kids when bus opens the door but she run outside as fast as possible and sobs while Tomas is telling the kids to take their stuffs
@dong6839 11 ай бұрын
This couple needs to accept their roles in their relationship and embrace them, and the only way to do this constructively is for him to become a submissive cuck and have her peg him.
@BrunoFernandes-zs8hc 8 жыл бұрын
Quick note I thought it was interesting that Ebba's friend that is unfaithful to her husband decides to saty in the bus, I think it represents he mentality to pick the easiest way despite the danger to her relationship with her family and in this case her life since the bus could crash at anytime while the rest of the passengers decide to stay togheter and take the long and hard route but also the safest one
@TheAtZShow 8 жыл бұрын
Great point! Can't wait to revisit this film on Netflix soon
@RedBlob88 9 ай бұрын
This is soooo true. In my job we see the souless people who do not care but for each other but themselves
@glebzvonkov8454 6 жыл бұрын
I thought in the ending the mom did not leave the kids, but she chose what is best for them which was stopping the bus. While the dad did nothing, he didn't tell the bus driver to stop, he just sat there. When everyone began to get of the bus, the dad ran of after his children, not allowing other children to get of first, which is what the bearded guy recommended. I thought this once again proved that the fathers instinct was to save himself before thinking of his children. When they walk down the road, the bearded guy carries the daughter, this shows that the mother does not trust her husband to keep their children safe.
@7somekindofsomething Жыл бұрын
Nah cause the driver could have kept going. She just got flustered, demanded to get off and ran out the door. And of course the Dad is going to usher his kids off too. It would be irresponsible to let your kids go ahead for risk of people becoming agitated and them getting hurt, or the kids panicking and starting more commotion. He didn't push other kids out of the way. That's why he's so content at the end. He realises he's attained a bit of redemption. And I think that's what the cigarette represents too - embracing a bit of the dangers of life for the reward of living a life on his own terms and one that he can be more proud of.
@wWeFaN031694 9 жыл бұрын
I think in the final shot of the whole group walking down the mountain, Ebba immediately realizes that she messed up because when their daughter got tired of walking, rather than asking Tomas to carry her, she turns to Mats instead. It felt like she didn't want to bother Tomas at that moment because she knows he's probably repressing his anger because she guilt-tripped and punished him so much for opting out of the false-alarm avalanche when she, too, ended up leaving her family when placed in a similar situation. Now that she's in his shoes, she finally understands that she might have been too harsh on Tomas. I think Tomas' admitting to his son that he smokes show that he doesn't feel the need to be the perfect father/husband anymore (that his wife expects him to be) because he saw Ebba was just as flawed as him, maybe even more so for being self-righteous and hypocritical. His admittance, to me, symbolizes that he's done trying. I'm really curious as to what happens to them after they come home. I wonder whether they would come with a compromise or would it further damage their marriage.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Karin Medeiros Nice input! I definitely think they won't bounce back. But interesting to wonder what would happen once they're back home and he goes back to work, leaving his family once again like Ebba stated earlier in the film. Thanks for the comment!
@JoshuaLundquist 9 жыл бұрын
Karin Medeiros I like your take on it, although I wouldn't just say that his wife *expects* him to be the perfect father/husband, as much as they only know each other in roles where they have both been trying to be perfect. I wouldn't blame her, she seems cool, so does he. If anything its the gender roles they played in the marriage that caused expectations. Probably did a pretty good job of it too until this trip. I think this film captures the subtle nuances that are also so important in modern gender identity / marriage roles that are no less important just because we're not our parents generation. I think what women won't get (that's a polarizing thing to say I know) is that men in a marriage also *want* to be perfect -not just out of pressure from their wives. Men want to live up to an image just like women want to live up to an image, but men are less open to admitting it. We don't exactly live in a culture that fosters open disclosure by men of their feelings. A perfect example being when Tomas asks his friend Mat on the mountain "Can we just talk?' and is met with "What do you want to talk about?" --deflecting the invitation on a condition (instead of saying "Sure, what's wrong?") and gives a recommendation for a quick fix --Mat tries to help telling him "just scream it out". That's how we men often end up talking to each other. "What, you have an emotion thing? Umm, here try this." This movie speaks in subtle ways about how necessary it is for a man to feel like he at least is brave and gets to be a hero sometimes. That whole scene of him carrying his wife back to the kids after she got stranded on the slopes -he didn't need to carry her, she was fine, but he got to play that role. Its lame but I felt that pride he felt, carrying his wife back. I wouldn't say that with a straight face back before I got married or had a kid, but I knew exactly what he was going through now that I am a father & married. Him running during that avalanche threatened not only their marriage but his identity as a protector / hero. So much so that he denied it, less out of guilt and more out of actual denial --not wanting to be that guy who ran. He even said 'I hate that guy,' referring to himself in that moment. Like Mat's 20 year old girlfriend in the film, referring to how Mat and Tomas are 'that type of man' -she likely could mean cowardly men. Neither man wants to be seen as cowardly. I also don't think Tomas seem to be suppressing anger after she bolts off the bus. His look is more like 'See? You would do it, too. We're human.' Now he gets to go back to being a man in the traditional sense, and in that sense equilibrium is restored. Regardless of how far we've come, the archetypes we live with in terms of a marriage often insist that men be one way and women another. We don't have to follow these, but in the film it's an example of a modern marriage where they did. It's not either gender's fault, but it's a shame when both genders are not able to break out of that image. It sounds ludicrous but its necessary for a lot of people. Anyway I'm sure you get that, I'm just speaking to whoever.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Excellent comment!
@_SPREZZATURA_McGEE_ 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, that's a really good take on the film,Thanks. I thought the same but felt mebbe I was overthinking it.. Cheers
@7somekindofsomething Жыл бұрын
@@_SPREZZATURA_McGEE_ With good films, you're rarely overthinking it. A great storytelling director plans everything meticulously in a film.
@runningohfive 8 жыл бұрын
Just watched the film. I would say the awkwardness makes it comedic. I would point to fear as the force majeure. Ebba's friend who stays on the bus doesn't have such fears as the Tomas and Ebba do. She goes out with other men despite being married yet she isn't concerned about their relationship. Tomas is afraid of being seen as less of a man. That's why he consistently denies the events of the avalanche, and Ebba is afraid of breaking apart the family. That's why she's a bit reluctant at first to talk about the avalanche. Anyway that's my sort of interpretation.
@7somekindofsomething Жыл бұрын
Definitely agree on fear as the force majeure
@cigolsimons1768 9 жыл бұрын
I don't think it was a first world problem at all and to think that is silly. This could apply to any marriage. If a father fails to follow through with his instinctive duty to put the safety of his own children above his own then that would would cause any mother to worry about him being a worthwhile partner. Financial standing can't change human nature.
@matty6848 2 жыл бұрын
Especially when in some 3rd world countries a father would happily sacrifice his kids to save his own skin. I’ve seen it while serving in Afghanistan. A father will happily give up his child, especially if it’s a girl to save himself.
@tredor111 8 жыл бұрын
As someone else wrote here i think Tomas smoking in the last scene represents him accepting his flaws and accepting not being a "perfect" father. Its a beauutifull scene.. The whole film is brilliant in uncovering the male role. One thing i wonder about is if Ebba faked being hurt in the fog and perhaps even planed getting off the bus in the end without her children to make up for Tomas avalanchefail. So much you could discuss about this movie. Its such a painfull and funny process for the guys to hang on to their on self image.
@sartanko 8 жыл бұрын
I really don't see the last scene that way. As he "lost" his manliness when he ran for his life I see this as the scene where he regains it, at least in the eyes of everybody around him. He did not accept his flaws, he just perfectly hides them to himself and everybody else.
@vtembekar 7 жыл бұрын
ebba cannot pre plan what happened in the bus. it was all impromptu.she left the bus cause she was terrified. she is onlyt human just like Thomas was. u cannot tell what happens in an unexpected situation.
@munckymagic 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the review, I just thought the ending was a very simple joke that after all the fuss she had made about him abandoning his family in fear, she does the exact same thing. Also the beardy guy inadvertently proves his manful protecting nature to his girlfriend, it's funny how convenient this incident is for them as a family and them as a couple. This feels like the film sending itself up and makes you realise that it's a black comedy after all and would be good to watch again with that in mind.
@DanAvenell Жыл бұрын
And after beardy man does the calm and protective thing, his gf shuns him. Maybe she preferred it when she could accuse him of being the cowardly, every man for himself type.
@gorana4011 6 жыл бұрын
great review!
@gabzpot 9 жыл бұрын
Good analysis.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Gabriel Campos Thanks!
@matty6848 2 жыл бұрын
A foreign film that has subtitles? Who would of guessed it. Not everyone in the world speaks English!
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Rex The AstroDog Oh no. I wasn't diminishing the gravity of the situation ( I loved the movie). I was just bringing up what the director mentioned in an interview on how the middle class people saw those at the resort. So, not necessarily a silly thought when it comes from the source lol
@KelineChannel Жыл бұрын
@calvinmccullough9499 11 ай бұрын
I saw it as completely different from most. This is about the wife natural instincts to protect the family overshadowing and dismissing her husbands decisions and actions. 1) He told her the avalanche was controlled, not to worry. She didnt believe him, freaked out, kids freaked out, created doubt in his mind and ended up he was right 2) She wants him to admit to his weakness and fear, and when he breaks down and shows vulnerability she doesn't know how to respond, respect, or even comfort him bc she wants him to be strong. 3) Then she critics the bus driver, male, for how hes driving causing everyone to freak out, again, and now everyone is walking for hours down a hill....did anyone see the bus crash or break down. He clearly got to where he was going and the woman on the bus trusted him to do what his job clearly was. In summary her overthinking and constant doubt creates a bigger problem than situation calls for. Let the man be a man!! PS funny she complained about his clothes on couch but she leaves toilet seat up😂 She voices her frustration and he just deal with it and fix it bc its nit that bigba deal. If you are married then you know. If only he trusted himself, didnt run, and sat he could of been like see....what did i tell you!! Its funny movie from a man perspective bc we see it daily in relationships
@Themonkeymartin 8 жыл бұрын
It wasn't even nominated to the Oscars, that's so stupid.
@Mona-ww5se 11 ай бұрын
No, I agree with you
@motibennun3416 Жыл бұрын
The saving scene! Guess it was all staged for the kids. Why would he carry his wife while we see she can perfectly walk back uphill to bring her skies? Becaue they are pretending. They have decided to play the roll society dictates and restore the fathers menly image in the kids mind. This explains the ending scene as well. The wife can follow her insticts and fears. The husband can support and manage the bus escape operation, the red head friend can prove that he prioritzes women and children. They all learnt their lesson for the avalange run away incident. The director let her friend stay on the bus and probaly arrive safely to evoke the question - was it jusified to get down from the bus at the top of the french Alps or panic reaction? Walking down instead of riding the bus can be even more risky because of the freezing temperature. But the important thing is the each individual behaves like society expects, this allows you to be a hero and smoke a cigarete.
@bhcbhc 9 жыл бұрын
Concerning the ending: A film about masculinity, and a definite satirical take on how women these days have a double standard on gender equality. Director visually made it clear repetitively at the ending. 1) Despite the trouble she gave her husband, the Wife scrams off the bus when its in danger, abandoning the family; 2) Not enough? Mats verbally saying women and children off first, like when Titanic sinks. 3) On the road walking down, you see father/son and mother/daughter split, a clear visual messege about gender. 4) To top that - Mother doesn't even want to carry the daughter, asking a man to do it. Like it or not - these are all written in the screenplay and the actions are all planned out and filmed with an underlying messege. The intention of this film is clear enough - and its not for all feminists.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
bruce chen Actually, if you listen to the director and actors interviews, a lot of it wasn't written in the screenplay, so that's a pretty broad statement...unless you have a copy of course. I definitely see the double standard, however, again within their interviews they mention the definition of the title, and how it's about one party making a compromise for the betterment of others. So since Force Majeure is the title......what force majeure is there in that ending? No reason to name the movie that (about compromise) and then not have a compromise at the end. As we see, the husband saving his wife was already a staged act for the kids to convince them about their dad being manly. The final act on the bus was from the wife to convince her husband now that he was still manly. She makes the comprise, the force majeure of the film.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Travis Harris Yeah...I think we're agreeing on similar points lol. The wife 'sacrifices' (aka the Force Majeure) her being right in order to make the husband feel better. So he can feel more *masculine*. That way he can feel better and forget about the fact that he ran away and left his family, cause now his wife did the same. However, as I noted from the director, the scene where she gets "lost" is actually all supposed to be a setup for the children. That way they can see their father as a hero again.
@misremembered72 9 жыл бұрын
AtZ Reviews so do you believe that the wife wasn't scared on the bus? Because she definitely didn't seem to me like she was acting (within the context of the move)scared as a way of compromise? Maybe the compromise is between your own desires such as to be a good parental figure, and the compromise of living as a mortal human in a world that will eventually kill you
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
I believe so. I mean, remember how bad the husband freaked out? She had to do something on that same level to make *him* feel better. The fact it seems so believable, shows that she pulled off exactly what the title says.
@misremembered72 9 жыл бұрын
AtZ Reviews hmmm interesting, I don't know if I see it that way because if I remember correctly she sits down after the first couple complaints and I believe other people on the bus were gasping and frightened themselves (not just frightened because she was frightened) but I only saw it once so I could very well be wrong. Great review and channel!
@SpaceMuffin 5 ай бұрын
I think the ending on the bus shows Ebba stepping up once again doing what Tomas should have done. She asks the friend to carry the daughter rather than Tomas as if she’s completely given up on Tomas as the protector at that point. Tomas smokes the cigarette because he knows it’s over for him. So “fuck it”.
@annaromualdez6057 4 ай бұрын
Yeah. I see the ending as roles being reversed, Ebba is now the dominant one and took control by stopping the bus for their safety. I don't think she left her kids, the bus is stopped anyway. It's a different situation from the avalanche. I too also think Tomas smoked because he knows he's getting a divorce or some shit lol
@serenityq26 9 жыл бұрын
this sounds too deep/over my head lol.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
serenityq26 It is a pretty simple story. But yeah, a lot of little nuances here and there
@serenityq26 9 жыл бұрын
just hearing your review i was waiting to hear what genre you would put it in: drama, comedy. i get that the family is going on a vacation but is it like a satire on family films or on affluent people? what was the main struggle/conflict in the film? it seems to be a lot of different things going on and can be taken from the film
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
serenityq26 I'd say more of a character study of a family, so drama. Some funny parts, but I didn't see it as satire. Pretty much the conflict is- A controlled avalanche happens during breakfast and the mist covers them. Everything is safe, but it's how the two (parents) react. The mother stays and covers her children, while the father dips lol. So what happens to the family then? And thus, you see this small reaction breakdown the family.
@serenityq26 9 жыл бұрын
ah gotcha. that scene was kinda funny. ill see if i can watch it this weekend
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
serenityq26 Let me know what you think!
@pocogirl1 9 жыл бұрын
Ebba loses it in the bus, she is forced to realize she might have done the same as Tomas. She has Mat carry the child, knowing that Tomas is high on his horse for being vindicated.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Brenda Kern That's one way of looking at it. Or the other when you factor in the force majeure- her compromising to save her family
@pocogirl1 9 жыл бұрын
Nice take on the true meaning , I was a little foggy when I stabbed at it
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Brenda Kern It's a movie that definitely has many layers and really, at the end, is left up to interpretation. But thanks for sharing your viewpoint of it! Always here to talk about movies!
@mladenkulic446 9 жыл бұрын
I agree with you how you viewed it. I saw the movie couple days ago the movie felt long and boring for me. There was that one scene where the husband is crying,that scene made me laugh.
@TheAtZShow 9 жыл бұрын
Mladen Kulic Gets funnier the second time haha
@JoshuaLundquist 9 жыл бұрын
Funny but also true
@trikeisawesome 7 жыл бұрын
Honestly? Why do you feel the need to have a disclaimer about a movie having subtitles or being "long" or "artsy fartsy"? Tons and tons of movies throughout the course of time have been long, slow or whatever, but why the need to add this "disclaimer"? Because of the millenials watching? No offence, but people with ADD who can't handle an intelligent movie should stay the fuck away from cinema and keep their noses in their iphones.
@TheAtZShow 7 жыл бұрын
It's exactly for them. They get the message, leave, and then I can discuss it with people who actually care.
@trikeisawesome 7 жыл бұрын
Nice. Well, I like what you said about the film. I like what you're doing. It's thoughtful, critical and honest. Subbed.
@TheAtZShow 7 жыл бұрын
Look forward to talking movies with you, sir.
@NorthSea0il 6 жыл бұрын
Poor review. Sorry.
@LetMeExplain Жыл бұрын
The American Remake spelled it out for you. Poor comment.
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