From The Susquehanna to The Tibor a Mormon Catholic Journey w/ Jeremy Christiansen

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Mormon Book Reviews

Mormon Book Reviews

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On a very special episode of Mormon Book Reviews, Steven Pynakker interviews Jeremy Christiansen author of the book "From the Susquehanna to The Tibor: A Memoir of Conversion from Mormononism to the Roman Catholic Church" . It is published by Ignatius Press, a highly regarded Catholic publisher. This was a really in depth conversation that I believe faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will appreciate for its thoughtfullnes and lack of church bashing. I found the books summary of the last 40 years of Mormon historical scholarship to well researched. He talks about the works of Dan Vogel, Richard Bushman, Fawn Brodie , and Michael Quinn and how they influenced his journey. I hope that this dialogue will generate some positive interactions in the comments section as well.
From the book's blurb:
"Jeremy Christiansen offers an intimate account of life as a faithful-sometimes stumbling-member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Growing up in a small Mormon town, he served as a Mormon missionary for two years in Argentina, raised a young family in the Mormon Church, and served in Mormon leadership positions. But as he grew older, he became unsettled about the principles of his faith, setting him on a long search for God and for truth that would ultimately lead to the Roman Catholic Church.
Based on detailed personal journals, this vivid book explores the highly unique approach to religious epistemology found in Mormonism. Although the faith theoretically encourages the use of reason, Mormons' beliefs, in practice, are rooted chiefly in emotion. Christiansen offers singular insight into life within this system-with all its beauties and its limits. Thanks to the subtle workings of Providence, Christiansen discovered Catholicism through the ancient writings of the Church Fathers, who revealed a robust Christian intellectual tradition, and through the mystical glory of her liturgy."
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@jimherlihy Жыл бұрын
Wonderful, thoughtful and insightful interview. After 27 years as a committed member of the LDS faith, I am home in the Catholic church now as well. I especially enjoyed Jeremy's "pitch" towards the end of the interview explaining why he is Catholic; It is well thought out, and he lays out a compelling case for the appeal of the Catholocism. Thank you Mr. Pynakker, well done.
@jeffk464 8 ай бұрын
Any form of Christianity is better than Mormonism.
@marenlatham4349 11 ай бұрын
I am in the same boat! Born and raised in the Mormon church...very serious about it...very faithful....and then I found out the truth and left. Fast forward to the Easter Vigil of 2018 where I was received into the Body of Christ in the most stunning Latin mass you can imagine. Praise God! I still pinch myself! I can't believe I got out of Mormonism and I am now the most grateful Catholic you will ever meet. I truly believe that Mormons would make the best Catholics. They would love it and appreciate it more than anyone after the wasteland of "putting their shoulder to the wheel" for years on end with no end in sight. I really loved hearing how my brother Steven worked his way through everything. I was completely fascinated.
@annahaight1773 Жыл бұрын
Former Mormon to Catholic convert here! Grew up in southern California and my family raised me Mormon, besides being surrounded by a Mormon culture, we have a pretty similar story and I’m really enjoying this book from Jeremy. Thanks be to God!!
@jeffk464 8 ай бұрын
Californian Mormons aren't so bad, they're forced to interact all day everyday with non-mormons.
@bradleyjoseph6678 Жыл бұрын
Awsome. Im also a former Mormon of 18 years and I became Christian back in 2019. Im a part of the Orthodox Church now. Glad to hear your story❤️
@allen9069 Жыл бұрын
As a Catholic was so pleased to see this interview. Jeremy, you would make for a great interview on the Coming Home Network/The Journey Home. I've only seen a couple of previous Mormons on all of their 100's and 100's of episodes.
@federalist2014 Жыл бұрын
My episode of JH has been taped. Just waiting for it to air.
@allen9069 Жыл бұрын
@@federalist2014 Excellent, will surely look forward to it!
@blossom7582 Жыл бұрын
@@federalist2014 YAY!!! Can't wait to watch it
@kylerobinson7572 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the video. I found it very interesting and informative. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have experienced many witnesses in my life to the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe we are on this earth for many reasons, to grow, to learn and to serve others. I don’t have an absolute knowledge that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church of God. However, through the witnesses I have experienced, I have a strong faith and believe that it is the true church of God. I also believe that our Father in heaven is fair and just and will bless those who seek to know His will. I pray, the Lord, will be with both of you in your quest for increased knowledge and understanding. Thanks again!
@zacharywallace6164 Жыл бұрын
As a Catholic nevermo that has been following you channel since day one, I was very happy to see this interview and look forward to more engagement with Catholicism. Somewhat understandably, but unfortunately, it often gets left out of the Mormon-Protestant/Evangelical dialogues. Keep on keeping on, Steven!
@MormonBookReviews Жыл бұрын
Thanks, will do!
@guyrob8289 Жыл бұрын
Re: Mormon Book Reviews Discussion with Jeremy Christiansen: From the Susquehanna to the Tibor - a Mormon Catholic Journey Jeremy, I enjoyed, and was fascinated, watching your discussion with Steve Pynakker about your faith journey from a faithful member of the LDS Church to Catholicism (posted on or about 2 Feb 2023). First, I am glad you do not seem to be at all bitter towards the LDS Church or life in general, and am glad you found what you obviously believe is a better path (which probably explains your lack of bitterness). You are obviously a scholarly, deep thinking and high achieving-type person, and I can relate to some elements of your journey and thought processes. To summarize your journey, your conversion to the LDS Church started, or at least took a significant step, when you received what at the time you “knew” was a spiritual witness from God that the Book of Mormon is true (at about 12:30) and later when you had a similar experience when you received the Melchizedek Priesthood (at about 18:15), including the “burning in the bosom” so often spoken about in the LDS Church. You had a similar experience when your stake president set you apart as an Elders Quorum president, promising that, in spite of all your responsibilities, your results at law school would be as good as you hoped and expected in spite of all your responsibilities (at about 26:00). This promise gave you a great sense of relief and other positive emotions. Your turning or breaking point was when you received a poorer grade than expected in a key course, which caused, or started, a downward spiral, leading to suicidal ideation and a full-blown faith crisis. All this happened when you were incredibly stressed-out being a young husband and father, carrying a heavy load at law school and having the added burden of weighty Church callings (earlier you were a counselor in a bishopric at 22). (In other words, you followed the “correct,” “expected” or “ideal” LDS path: serve a mission, marry soon thereafter, do not delay having children, have lots of children, and provide for your family while somehow going to school full time and actively serving in your local ward and stake - an incredibly demanding and stressful path.) Later you reassessed these, and perhaps additional similar “spiritual” experiences, as something you now believe can come through naturalistic means; that “everyone” experiences similar feelings and emotions, even those who are secular. At about 53:00 you quoted Jerimiah 17:9 to the effect that the heart is very corrupt. I think your point was that we should not trust our feelings. At about 53:45 you got to the gist of the issue, I think saying that that there is no difference between our emotions and the supposed influence of the Holy Ghost. Now, I am not going to just bare my testimony, partly because you think it’s a bad idea in this context, but also because I have struggled for many years with my testimony, largely due to ongoing depression, anxiety and other difficulties. However, what mostly keeps me “hanging on” to my hope and faith in the LDS Church are spiritual/mental/emotional experiences I had with what I believe was the Holy Ghost. Notice that I placed “emotional” last, since many secular experiences can produce strong emotions, including those that are sublime. Examples: 1) When David Bowman in “2001: A Space Odyssey” is transformed from an old man on his death bed into a “star child” and then apparently almost instantaneously travels back to earth across many light-years, I feel very full and have even shed tears (the theme music adds a lot to the mood); 2) When “AC” in Isaac Asimov’s “The Last Question” after eons of time learns how to reverse entropy and gives the answer by re-creating the universe, very deep and profound feelings can occur, and did when I first read the story (Asimov himself wrote about this very effect on readers of this story). The experiences I believe came from the Holy Ghost were nothing like these, but were more about the spirit and mind. Two such experiences stand out far above the rest I have enjoyed (no, I have not had many such experiences, and wish and pray for additional similar experiences). During both of these experiences I felt that I was “sanctified in the flesh,” having no desire for sin, and felt that I could not sin, even if major temptation was placed directly in my path. During the first experience I walked to school and, as usual, socialized with peers before classes began. When I heard someone take God’s name in vain or something similar I did not feel to judge or otherwise condemn the person, but experienced spiritual sorrow that he would say what he did. During the second experience I was in a YSA ward after my mission, and it was, of course, very much my time to seek a spouse. As I looked at the young women around me, those I normally found attractive were even more attractive, and my desire for physical intimacy was enhanced (i.e., my libido had increased), but at the same time these passions were refined and purified so that the idea of fulfilling them outside God’s bounds (i.e., outside of marriage) seemed repugnant. Unfortunately, these states only lasted for about 15 to 30 minutes. So, can the human brain and body, acting by themselves, conjure up such experiences, or can Satan instill such things within us? If so, then we could never know the source of such things and could never trust anything except for, perhaps, hard, “objective facts,” things we can see, feel, hear, taste or touch, but even then we might be deceived (an extreme example of this idea was illustrated in “The Matrix” movies). Before your first experience with what you at least believed, or, at the time, “knew,” was the Holy Ghost (as you were reading the Book of Mormon), had you felt similar feelings before, perhaps even in a “secular” setting? If so, why did your Book of Mormon experience seem so remarkable or special to you (as it obviously did, and is what seemingly inspired you more than anything else to serve a mission)? Have you had similar feelings after joining the Catholic Church? Your testimony of said Church, and Christianity in general, seems to be largely intellectual, though there is a clear “feeling level” of your devotion. (The Gregorian chant during Mass seems to deeply affect you, as well as other elements of Catholic history, tradition, ritual and doctrine, including “transubstantiation” and God being totally “other” - my words.) I have only attended a few Catholic services, but have seen more in movies. The chants in Latin, the iconography, splendid vestments, the soaring spaces with light filtering in through stained glass, and other elements do produce feelings of awe, wonder, humility, mystery, ancient origin and devotion -- things that few, if any other churches, can match (LDS temples don’t come close, though the intent is not the same). At about 1:03:00 you mentioned Tad Callister’s talk/article in which he reasoned that those who leave the LDS Church have no place to go since every other church’s teachings fall far short. You found this “lamentable.” It is unclear if you found the fact that almost all who leave the LDS Church do end up as agnostics and atheists lamentable or if Callister’s opinion that they will do so is lamentable. If the former, I agree. Such people apparently never developed a sufficiently meaningful relationship with God and Jesus while active in the LDS Church to continue to believe and, after leaving, to feel to seek out a new church to attend or at least to remain Christians. However, if they had developed a sufficiently meaningful relationship with God and Jesus while active in the LDS Church to do so, why would they leave in the first place? As I said, I still have hope and faith in the LDS Church mainly due to experiences I have had with what I believe was the Holy Ghost. Another reason is the teachings and doctrines of the LDS Church answer far more questions, make far more sense, are far more just and fair, and are far more beautiful than those of any other church or faith tradition of which I am aware. Just one example that, for reasons I do not understand, is rarely mentioned/asked, even by atheists: Why did/does not God create all human souls to be saintly, or even as strong/perfect as Christ? After all, if God creates souls out of “nothing,” then, presumably, He could make them anyway he wants. Why did God create Cain’s soul with so much weakness that he became a devil while Abel’s soul was much more heavenly in nature? If it was God’s plan and intention that Adam and Eve and their descendants live forever without sin in a paradise, why did not God create their souls to be sufficiently temptation and sin-resistant so they never would partake of the forbidden fruit? (For that matter, why did God even place such a tree in the Garden in the first place?) Now, I would be very surprised if people far smarter and more insightful than me have not already addressed these issues and, perhaps, supplied plausible answers, but, if so, I have yet to be enlightened. Actually, I have already been enlightened and received satisfactory and understandable answers to these and many other issues, and that was by a man named Joseph Smith.
@TrevorMiller754 Жыл бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed this interview! Sad to see Jeremy leave but happy to see him committed and fulfilled
@valentinat3250 Жыл бұрын
Terrific interview! Thank you for presenting the RC view of faith🙏🏻
@1Andelina1 Жыл бұрын
Great interview, I learned a lot about Church history, a conversion story, long talk, but I stayed engaged.
@soctejedor-qh3kd Жыл бұрын
What a great discussion. Thank you Jeremy for sharing the faith!
@joostvandegoor150 9 ай бұрын
A very interesting episode for me, as I was born and raised in a catholic world., long ago. And I have been walking through the LDS world for months now, to see if I could find a home there, after being religiously homeless for decades. So it was very interesting to see both worlds combined in one person. And Jeremy is really a deep thinker and great speaker, so I loved listening to him. I went ahead and ordered his book. Looking forward to reading it. So thanks for this, Steven (and hi from The Netherlands).
@MormonBookReviews 9 ай бұрын
Have you ever been to the town of Pynakker?
@joostvandegoor150 9 ай бұрын
@@MormonBookReviews Yes I have, but that was many years ago, so I don't remember very much of it. Pijnacker (as it is spelled these days) is a very small village, and it's very old (Middle ages). Your family must have lived there, in the old days. 🙂
@MormonBookReviews 9 ай бұрын
@joostvandegoor150 I hope to maybe get there next year. I probably will be speaking at Sunstone UK next fall and I hope to get to the Netherlands as well!
@joostvandegoor150 9 ай бұрын
@@MormonBookReviews Nice! Should be interesting for you.
@MormonBookReviews 9 ай бұрын
@@joostvandegoor150 Also, keep me posted on your Faith journey!
@ultronversee Жыл бұрын
Well i just finished this 2 hour interview. I must say that i did enjoy it. I can respect jeremy for seeking all sides of mormon theolgy and found his home in catholicism. Sad to see him go but I'm glad he's progressing in his spiritual journey. Also convinced me to eventually check out no man knows my history.
@calebdavis6498 Жыл бұрын
Jeremiah 17 is a beautiful chapter worthy of a thorough study. I believe verses 5 through 8 of Jeremiah chapter 17 set the stage for verses 9 through 11 (verse 9 was referenced in this interview around 52:39). Other scriptures related to the heart: Deuteronomy 15:7; 1 Samuel 6:6; 2 Chronicles 36:13; Proverbs 28:14; Isaiah 6:9-12; Ezekiel 3:7; Matthew 13:14-15; Matthew 15:8-9; Mark 3:5; Mark 8:17; Mark 16:14; Acts 28:26-27; Ephesians 4:18; Hebrews 4:7. I caution that those who believe/understand that God’s Holy Spirit communicates primarily or exclusively via emotions will one day find that this simple understanding does not hold true against the complexities of this fallen world. When that day comes, we can decide to study why our simple (perhaps imperfect) working definition does not hold true, or we can decide to abandon the simple working definition and apparently relieve our souls of the turmoil it caused. I know that if we choose to study why our simple definition does not hold up to the complexities of life, we can arrive at a more complete and simple understanding on the other side of complexity. “For the simplicity on this side of complexity, I wouldn’t give you a fig. But for the simplicity on the other side of complexity, for that I would give you anything I have.” -Oliver W. Holmes I now know God will tell me in my mind and in my heart and pure truth eventually makes sense spiritually and intellectually. I know that God is the source of all truth and will reach our reaching. As we nearer ourselves to God we will understand more than if we nearer ourselves to any other source. Thanks be to God that Jeremy found the Catholic Church and has not abandoned God.
@SiliaCanev Жыл бұрын
You are miss, because you are loved. Our Savior will always, welcome us and precious family with open arms.
@weirdlanguageguy Жыл бұрын
I've been of the opinion for a while that if I ever left the latter day saint movement, I would become Catholic. I've even been to a few Latin celebrations of the Mass with a Catholic friend of mine recently! I found myself very much enjoying the liturgy, the reverence, the beauty of the church, and the use of Latin. The theology of the true presence of Christ in the eucharist does make a certain sense to me as well. That being said, I'm not planning on changing religions anytime soon, and if I do, I'm most likely to join a different restoration denomination (probably the Church of Jesus Christ (bickertonite)). I love the book of mormon too much
@six1nyne Жыл бұрын
Not me if I left mormonism I'd go the way of all the earth. I'd feign ignorance of a Supreme being and wear the dunce cap I don't know. Athiesm is pretty damn close to mormonism if u ask me. Definitely Joseph would be the author and finisher of my faith. Whether by my voice or the voice of my servants it is the same. But dude we don't have to worry about that. Mormonism still rocking and a rolling in 2023 can't be too much longer till this world goes to heaven or hell. I'm riding with Smith man he definitely ride and died with Christ.
@davidjanbaz7728 Жыл бұрын
Different religion: your right as there is only ONE Christianity with different traditions. The Catholic church has the same problem you all have claiming you are the ONLY true church. Switching Mormon sects isn't changing much: SDA, JW'S and Oneness Pentecostals are also Restoration churches/ groups. Jesus said the TRUE CHURCH would never be overcome by the Gates of Hell so the Great Apostasy never happened but will in the Latter days when the Antichrist is Revealed who Jesus slays in his Second coming.
@catherinemcdavid1533 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this !
@aadschram5877 Жыл бұрын
Amazing vid!
@cvs-podcast Жыл бұрын
@pauloriess Жыл бұрын
Great interview... Thanks for sharing... But I can't be the first to think it's Tiber and not Tibor
@MormonBookReviews Жыл бұрын
You're the first!
@VirtuaBros Жыл бұрын
When I was in high school, I had a friend who was Catholic. To my shame, when I found this out I began to bully him. For a couple of years I had been castigated by evangelicals for being Mormon and I guess I took my frustration with them out on him and on catholicism. One day while reading the book of Mormon I realized that my attitude and behavior toward this person and his religion was contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Though I stopped attacking my friend's faith and tried to make ammends, I regret my past actions to this day. There is a ton of stuff this guy said that I strongly disagree with and feel that I can demonstrate to be in error or at least logically inconsistent. However, I never want to take even a single step towards doing what I repented of doing years ago. The only thing I want to say is that I hope he can one day come to appreciate the book of mormon again, and that it will help to make him a better Catholic.
@MormonBookReviews Жыл бұрын
Thanks for opening up and sharing this!
@contraheresy Жыл бұрын
I love the bluff here: “I could totally demonstrate how this guy is wrong but will not do so out of humility”
@VirtuaBros Жыл бұрын
@Andrew Diaz it's not a bluff. I don't like tearing down people's beliefs, especially their beliefs about jesus christ. His criticisms of my beliefs in favor of catholicism are hard for me to respond to without feeling like I'm doing just that. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. It wouldn't make me feel good and it wouldn't be helpful.
@contraheresy Жыл бұрын
Jesus did not shy away from tearing down the faith of the Pharisees so your piety signaling is not noble it’s cowardly. Even one of your apostles said: “If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.”-J. Reuben Clark.
@VirtuaBros Жыл бұрын
@Andrew Diaz Thou shalt not say unto thy brother thou fool. Whatever you do unto the least of these my brethren you do so unto me. Do not lay a snare for your brother. Do not dig a pit for thy neighbor. Be meek and humble and lowly of heart. Remember faith, hope, and charity. Reprove with knowlege, temperance, and brotherly kindness. This is not the doctrine of christ to stir up disputations and contention one with another, but this is his doctrine: that such things should be done away. Plenty of catholics will probably make it to the celestial kingdom. It's not my place to judge another person's journey. My place is to encourage belief in Jesus Christ and in the word of God. It's not cowardly to follow Jesus, it's the bravest walk there is.
@six1nyne Жыл бұрын
Im Sorry I'm commenting as I'm watching this train wreck. I'll stop. This dude right here is truly a marvelous work and a wonder. I'll give u props for sticking with Jesus bro thats more then most ex Mormons do.
@blossom7582 Жыл бұрын
I was raised catholic, left and came back. In high school they made us read anti-catholic stuff (luther, Henry VIII etc) so we knew why we knew they were wrong, with references. Mormonism blows my brain apart - I know the church is true - How exactly do you know that? No real apologetics whatsoever, its a joke. The fact that the LDS church doesn't want the members to read 'unapproved literature' is a massive red flag that it must be BS. If something is true and historical you can prove it, if its not then you have to brainwash people.
@Forestgump12able Жыл бұрын
Who wrote the Book of Mormon.
@calebdavis6498 Жыл бұрын
“The book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation… In due course the plates were delivered to Joseph Smith, who translated them by the gift and power of God” (Book of Mormon, Introduction, paragraphs 2 & 5). The Old Testament and the New Testament witness of Christ as Savior of the world. The Book of Mormon is “Another Testament” that Christ is the Savior of the world. The Bible and the Book of Mormon are companions which witness Christ as Savior of the World. “The crowning event recorded in the Book of Mormon is the personal ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ among the Nephites soon after His resurrection” (Book of Mormon, Introduction, paragraph 3). One fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy in Ezekiel 37:15-17 is the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon also adds power to God’s word in Matthew 16:16 and John 10:16 (as well as the whole John 10 chapter). You can read the Book of Mormon for yourself at:
@davidjanbaz7728 Жыл бұрын
@@calebdavis6498 it's a total Apostasy of fan boy fiction and you R just another fan boy.
@calebdavis6498 Жыл бұрын
@@davidjanbaz7728 Thank you for sharing your perspective on the topic. I think the conversation is richer when people come together and share their different perspectives. Much love to you!
@contraheresy Жыл бұрын
Great discussion. Jeremy is very articulate and well read. Important to note that Jeremy never claimed he read essential Catholic dogmas in the church Fathers such as universal jurisdiction and infallibility of the pope. In fact Catholic Church teaches such things are doctrinal developments. This historical discontinuity, the modernist slippery slope the Catholic Church is currently on, especially with frank in charge is why all Mormons seeking after the Ancient Faith should become Orthodox not Roman Catholic.
@federalist2014 Жыл бұрын
You don't understand development. Sorry.
@contraheresy Жыл бұрын
Solid rebuttal. Papist copium: “you don’t understand development” Not to be confused with Mormon copium: “you don’t understand continuing revelation”
@federalist2014 Жыл бұрын
@@contraheresy please call an ecumenical counsel. Love to see it.
@twoody9760 Жыл бұрын
In a 2 hour discussion you expect Jeremy to hit on everything Catholic. How disingenuous. As far as the Ancient Faith, St Jerome who was born in 342 AD said "As I follow no leader save Christ, so I communicate with none but your blessedness, that is with the chair of Peter. For this, I know, is the rock on which the Church is built! Obviously, It is the Orthodox that have discarded the Ancient Faith.
@Truthatallcosts777 Жыл бұрын
I see no beauty in this story. Mormonism is works based as is Catholicism. But at least the Catholics have the correct Jesus though…..Anyways, only true Christianity offers true GRACE.
@federalist2014 Жыл бұрын
@soctejedor-qh3kd Жыл бұрын
@MichaelGlowacki Жыл бұрын
What do you mean by this new word GRACE?
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