German VS American BOYFRIEND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES 🇺🇸🇩🇪 | Body, Dating, Marriage, Being Approached...

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Hi from Hamburg

Hi from Hamburg

3 жыл бұрын

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In this video, I compare the differences that I noticed between my German boyfriends that I've had and the American boyfriends that I had! (US vs Germany). So: the dating differences. I've lived in Germany for 2.5 years so I've had some time to collect some differences :) I also talk about subjects of: Body hair, armpit hair, hair style, compared to California style, directness, shorts, dating apps, meetings in bars and clubs, being approached, the talk: asking will you be my girlfriend?, who pays for dates, being TOO honest, WhatsApp communication style, pet-names: Schatz, Babe, Sweetie, Süßer, Süße, longterm differences: marriage expectation 5 vs 10 years, not getting married? Married before age 30?
Please subscribe, like the video, and follow along every week for a new video. :) I give expat tips for living in Germany, cultural difference videos, and tips on how to learn German!

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@HiFromHamburg 3 жыл бұрын
Hi guys. Comment approval is on. If you leave a comment that is hateful, criticism without constructiveness, or anything that is not kind, think carefully. I hope you liked this video. :)
@Malte133 3 жыл бұрын
Dont worry about being attacked online. its comon here cause people here can be very toxic online. but in general noone has anything against negative arguments or if you got other experience in live. just dont take it personal if someone feels offended and stay above stupid people who are not willing to comunicate in propper ways (greeting from germany)
@andywhiteman7886 3 жыл бұрын
Please ignore the attackers. There are trolls who will attach anyone for any reason on the internet. I ignore those who attack me on social media.
@tasminoben686 3 жыл бұрын
@@Malte133 Moin, dem kann ich nur zustimmen!
@karinland8533 3 жыл бұрын
Germans are to honest to be polite, US Americans are to polite to be honest. Do not get to much frustrated. Germans also like to complain...
@jross4622 3 жыл бұрын
@@karinland8533 she literally gave this example in her video. It's kind of an annoying "excuse" for Germans to use. She even seemed frustrated by it if you did not realize that.
@klauskleber5154 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to hear everything, even when it's "bad" stuff about Germany. :)
@Malte133 3 жыл бұрын
Guter name :D
@tasminoben686 3 жыл бұрын
Moin Klaus, bin ganz deiner Meinung. LG Ben
@tasminoben686 3 жыл бұрын
@@Malte133 He Malte, der heißt wirklich so! XD
@reko7264 3 жыл бұрын
Blöderweise können viele damit nicht umgehen
@wasnjetztlos2953 3 жыл бұрын
Uhm okay... 😐
@IWishIHadThatOne 3 жыл бұрын
I am a German woman, aged 30, and my first reaction to some of your points was "No, that's exaggerated". But on second thought, your observations are quite accurate, I think. I am truly shocked though that you were called out on your armhair by some guys. Makes me wanna apologize on their behalf 😅 Take on a little of our German bluntness and tell them to shut up, if it ever happens again 😏 Men over 40 are usually the exact opposite. They don't shave any of their bodyhair and mostly wouldn't expect their girlfriends/wives either. Keeping your pubic hair for example is totally normal for men AND women born before the 80's. I personally dislike the social pressure to shave (almost) everywhere very much. And yeah, we still have some old-timey traditions for unmarried men who turn 30 and unmarried women who turn 25 ( 🙄 yeah, I know). But those are just an excuse for a fun party and drinking games in public 😄 And I realised only now that there are a lot of couples in my circle of friends who have been together for about 10 years before they got engaged or married. Those are all couples that got together in high school or their early twenties. They would usually wait until they are in their thirties before getting married. But when you are already a little older and know your place in life, you might tie the knot much sooner. Ooohh, and yeah, most German men won't approach you easily in a bar, let alone somewhere else. That can certainly be frustrating when you are open to flirting but too shy to make the first move yourself. If you do dare to initiate it's usually rewarded, though😉 There's also hardly any catcalling here, at least nothing like I experienced while travelling. That's the upside. Sorry for the long text. I'm extremely bored in this endless lockdown. Have a nice sunday!
@IBex__ 3 жыл бұрын
Krass. Ich kenne keinen über 40 Jährigen, der sich nicht die Körperbehaarung entfernt. Ich bin 48 und mein Freundes / Bekanntenkreis auch so zwischen 30 - 60.
@marcot.1160 3 жыл бұрын
@@IBex__ Genau... ich werde demnächst 50 und bin auch kein Freund von zu viel Haaren.... Im Winter nehme ich es vielleicht nicht ganz so genau , aber im Sommer ab, was über ist :-)
@rainerm.8168 3 жыл бұрын
@@IBex__ It takes a gay guy to appreciate body hair on a man. Nothing more sexy than this treasure trail on some of these eye candies. 👁
@KoRnChEn 3 жыл бұрын
Bin 30 und rasiere mir nicht die Achseln und auch nicht die Beine. Und die sind teilweise echt fies (weswegen ich aufgehört habe sie jeden Tag zu rasieren, was nötig gewesen wäre). Ich werde betrachtet, wie ein Alien. Mein Freund unterstützt das zum Glück und wehrt sich auch gegen Stereotype. Aber, als ich Mitte 20 war, waren die Blicke und Sprüche von allen Seiten echt schwer auszuhalten. Fast genauso frustrierend war, dass meine Elterngeneration meinen Struggle nicht nachvollziehen konnte. "Rasier dich doch einfach nicht." Ja, als wenn das so einfach wäre in meiner Generation, Mama.
@katastrophenweg8515 3 жыл бұрын
@@KoRnChEn , wenn sie Dich wirklich stören dann lass sie weglasern
@Pewtah 3 жыл бұрын
8:33 You speak about a very interesting point I was not always aware as a German: speaking the english language while thinking the german way can confuse native english speakers because of cultural differences. When being in foreign countries I try my best to learn the culture, but I am not always aware about every difference.
@SArmst2547 3 жыл бұрын
Hi from Massachusetts. I find your commentary to be very sensitive and thoughtful. Please do not worry about "internet hate" or negative comments. Good luck on your studies or work!
@eyeeyeoh 3 жыл бұрын
I am a man from Middle East and from my childhood I was taught to pay for my date. But I find splitting the bill fair and transparent way to display that there are no obligations at this point. I am now married to a German woman and I pay the bills because we are a family now and my income is much higher.
@izabel5502 3 жыл бұрын
As someone from CA w a German husband this video is super accurate! ♥️👍
@HiFromHamburg 3 жыл бұрын
Oh I'm glad I'm not alone with my CA-->DE experiences haha :D 💕
@kristymedina3611 3 жыл бұрын
Hi! I am also an American living in Hamburg 🇺🇸🇩🇪 I find your videos very humble and honest! I love it. 😊 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@Lofimusic3783 2 жыл бұрын
Are you single?
@user-op6wp3sh3i 4 ай бұрын
@steinmetzaesthetica4709 3 жыл бұрын
I guess I am quite a bit beyond your typical age group, but I find your videos interesting because I am a German who has spent several years in various places in the US ( mainly Ohio and California). Therefore this idea of comparing everyday life in the two countries is well known to me. Most of what you say in this vid, I agree with. I always found it funny, how a lot of American guys are quite obsessed with girls’ body hair ( mainly legs, armpits and pubic hair), but never even consider shaving their own body hair. Still, your experience regarding hair on arms or hands is kind of unusual, I’d say. I can relate with the thing about being rude by being honest, but I really think that your interpretation regarding the subtleties of the English language is quite spot on. Many Germans speak some English, but maybe not as well as you might think based on first impressions. Paying for dates: I never let a girl pay when I asked her out for a date, but I guess I am kind of old school in that respect and probably was so even at a younger age. 😉
@thomaswolf2896 3 жыл бұрын
"Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold" ist aber schon dicht dran an "better say nothing at all"
@Akkordeondirigent 3 жыл бұрын
Richtig. Ich finde eigenartig, dass Leute schreiben, es gäbe kein Äquivalent.
@viktor330 3 жыл бұрын
@@Akkordeondirigent Haben es wahrscheinlich selten gehört und dann irgendwann vergessen. Ich selber kann mich nur an zwei Momente erinnern, das gehört zu haben, die beide in der Grundschule stattfanden. Das ist jetzt aber auch schon 15 Jahre her.
@voodjin 3 жыл бұрын
"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all" "Wenn du nichts nettes zu sagen hast, dann sag lieber gar nichts"
@TomTomson81 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. But I don't turn into a liar if you ask me. That doesn't help anyone if you keep quiet about things that are just shit. And if there is nothing positive to say, then so be it. And either the criticized person accepts it and knows how to appreciate my honesty or not and never has to have anything to do with me again. The same people can then also be sure that if there is something good to say, then I am just as honest. With me everyone knows where they are at any time when I am asked. Dem stimme ich zu. Aber ich werde deswegen nicht zum Lügner, wenn man mich fragt. Das hilft keinem weiter, wenn man Dinge verschweigt die einfach mal Scheiße sind. Und wenns nichts positives zu sagen gibt, dann ist das so. Und entweder nimmt die kritisierte Person es hin und weiß meine Ehrlichkeit zu schätzen oder eben nicht und muß nie wieder etwas mit mir zu tun haben. Die gleichen Leute können sich dann aber auch sicher sein, dass wenn es etwas Gutes zu sagen gibt, ich dann genauso ehrlich bin. Bei mir weiß jeder woran er ist zu jeder Zeit, wenn ich gefragt werde.
@angiechan87 3 жыл бұрын
@@TomTomson81 I do agree with your mindset, but I also think that, if someone thinks this way, if you like to dish it, you also have to take what’s been served to you. And most people can’t. Actually, that Lila often says people get angry or leave angry comments is proof, that many can’t take what’s served, but only like to dish out.. Now, I don’t mean you with this comment, I’m only speaking in general. Also, what most people don’t get is, there’s honesty and then there’s inconsiderate rudeness. Just because you say every hurtful thing that could be technically true, that’s not being honest, honesty doesn’t exclude consideration. (Again, I don’t mean you personally) Lila is a good example of honesty, when she’s addressing differences in behavioral patterns or cultural differences, she is honest with what she’s saying and it’s obviously true, but she isn’t inconsiderate about how she’s saying all that.
@janfrankfischer2479 3 жыл бұрын
A nearly equivalent is the older german phrase : Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold - Talking is silver, say nothing is gold.
@saphirekleemann1000 3 жыл бұрын
@@janfrankfischer2479 dude that phrase is meant in a different way. -Reden ist Silber schweigen ist Gold. Man soll auch mal zuhören. Vom zuhören kann man was lernen. Man soll über das nachdenken was man sagt bevor man etwas sagt. Oder man sagt nichts weil es nicht angebracht ist etwas zu sagen. So wie das komprimieren von information um schnell auf den Punkt zu kommen ohne um den heißen Brei zu reden. @hi from Hamburg Meistens haben Weniger schlaue Menschen oder ADHS Kandidaten so wie viel Redner oder Dumm Schwätzer den Satz an den Kopf geklatscht bekommen. 😌😅🙈
@kristiwyckoff1636 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting hearing about current body hair trends in Germany. I was there several decades ago and women there did not shave. The teens our group was staying with criticized us for shaving - even giving us an article about how shaving is unhealthy. I was surprised what a big deal it was to them. Oh, I am American.
@sk.43821 2 жыл бұрын
@@urlauburlaub2222 Hi 🙂 I want to add, that in East Germany (GDR/ DDR) before reunification the number of people shaving body hair was much smaller. The reasons are probably much less influence from abroad and the lower living standard, which is usually accomponied with a more conservative opinion. Actually for men at this time shaving was no consideration at all. So East Germany was perhaps two decades behind West Germany (FRG/ BRD) in this development.
@sk.43821 2 жыл бұрын
@@urlauburlaub2222 I can only laugh. Obviously you have a big goal - to spread the maximum of rubbish. 🤦‍♂️😄
@barbsmart7373 2 жыл бұрын
@@urlauburlaub2222 Ive just finished replying to you, and now I am not sure I should think about such resentful views. No, that is all I have to say. But I certainly get a whiff of the hostility directed at... it seems to be Americans, or is it feminists, or who else the projection is aimed at. Wherever you are from, you don't seem smart enough to be anything like a German. I see why this lady gets uncomfortable about nasty comments on her podcast.
@kasiaaz6910 3 жыл бұрын
Girl your are so cute, intelligent and smart person, I started watching your channel and I definitely stay with you for longer :) I am so into America, American English language and American style, live in Germany with my German boyfriend (close to HH) and I am originally from Poland. I send you a big virtual hug! :) Kasia
@charlievetta1385 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Kasia. I hope you get to visit us in America. Welcome. We have love for Poland here. There are many Polish businesses and some Polish foods available in the stores. We are open minded here and multicultural. Identity isn't an issue when we are given the principles. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness not matter your beliefs or if your conservative or liberal or something else as long as this is respected you will be fine; That guy is incorrect. There are consquences for racism here. The cons or pro depending on who you ask is we don't force people to pay for health insurance or for colleges because we have massive influx of people who move here out of necessity. It wouldn't be fair to everyone. Education is truly a privilage here. Its expensive but I went to Brazil for my medical needs. It was very nice. I qualified for assistance through STEM program funding. There is assistance even for foreigners. The waitlist is 7 years for visas right now but priority cases can be made for sooner visas. Taxes are low here 22% if single, 11% if married this is common if your income is less then $100,000 a year or so; Depends in the state. Business thrives here but not all businesses are fair to their employees. Wages are very high. Even gas station workers get paid bonuses for being hired. Everywhere is hiring right now. Good luck to you if you try out the lifestyle one day. Its alot of work but you can get ahead quicker and retire quicker if you plan out your goals and stay diligent. I promise you that you can make friendship easily. Not many people get offended easily. I appreciate the love. I hope this information was helpful. Poland is truly a unique and beautiful place with delicious food. 💛🌟 Wishing you happiness.
@barbsmart7373 2 жыл бұрын
@@urlauburlaub2222 "Without a clear identity leads to all the problems we see on the news". Really? My experience has shown me that extremely clear and narrow parameters can be dangerous in quite a few situations. Of course Germany comes to mind first, followed by the apartheid South Africans. America describes people as black or white, although I haven't met anyone who is actually black OR white. Many people claim to be conservative or democrats, instead of a bit of both. It is a reason to be free of a 2 party system. I don't know where you are from, and that doesn't matter. But my life has involved ongoing changes in a multicultural country. I have changed partners, jobs, cities, homes, and beliefs. I have followed different belief systems and different aspects of my genetic makeup and family traditions. I am not a Maori, but am strongly influenced by our treaty partners here in New Zealand. My children and grandchildren are all tangata whenua. My partners have been English, Maori and Pakeha, and more. They have had various occupations. We have moved from city life to a rural community. We have been South islanders and North islanders. We have been Aucklanders and then part of the Waikato. As the family scapegoat, the family I had for several decades I don't expect to ever see again. My five family members plus nieces, nephew, brothers in laws and sisters all vanished from my life within a few months. Many cousins and other relatives are more far off than ever. I have found new families, new sisters... I had to. If I moved to a different country, I would be staunch about my identity. I wouldn't want to lose it. But in time I would assimmilate, and hopefully it would be a country that accepts newcomers. I have Jewish ancestry hence my love of these extraordinary people. I have Scottish ancestry and many Scottish ancesters. I have a Polish first name and British surname. My partner is a bushman and we spend time in our native bush. But I'm also a city girl. Adjusting to change is important as well as keeping all the foundational core of ouf identity. That is my 2 cents worth today. Ata marie. Shalom. From New Zealand, with its melting pot of people. (There are no Maori here who don't have non-Maori genes. I was once very young and now I'm an elder. I am just saying that various things change. We once fought the Italians and Turks. Today we love them, just like our Maori). Once we could spend a two cent piece. Now we have none.
@JS-iy4zb 2 жыл бұрын
You are so insightful and have such a deep understanding of nuance.
@angiechan87 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t get how anyone could be angry about anything you said in your videos so far.
@saoirse7167 3 жыл бұрын
I think you might be right that people are often more direct in their second language. So much attention is on just being able to say something that there’s less left over for consideration of social niceties and the connotations of words don’t weigh as heavily.
@javieralmenar1703 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! It's wonderful to be able to compare different cultures!!
@hppc116 3 жыл бұрын
Loved this! So interesting !
@LiebeNachDland 3 жыл бұрын
Cool. Good to hear some of this. I've seen some videos recently from Hamburg; like watching one of those car ride videos through town to keep getting familiar with the city. It looks like that cold freeze had melted and many people were out with one another, enjoying parks and so forth. It was great to see things somewhat returning to normal, and I don't think I really saw one person with a mask on after watching a long car ride and walk through the town on a weekend day. Many people walking, bikes, parks, football etc., which was nice, to me. I'm possibly even looking to start looking at the areas of Altona or Eimsbüttel for living, but have some other places in mind. I think it will be nice to meet some German women and see how they react.
@zaxarus1415 3 жыл бұрын
Hello, greetings from Hamburg. I really like your channel so far, especially the "naturel" style. I first started with similar channels from the other side, so to say, like "German Girl in America", if you know the channel. Now i'm interested in channels with viewpoints from both sides of the pond. About this record: I think nowadays more important than the marriage question is the decision about having children. I've met a couple of (mostly female) colleagues who even left their partner because they wanted to start a family and the other half wasn't as intertested in that. 10 years is a bit long, i would ask those questions after 5-7 years at most (married my wife after 4 already, had a son after another 4). Americans are too polite to be honest, Germans are too honest to be polite. I really liked that. :) And yes, body hair seems to be very important to many people. I remember how it started around 20 years ago with more men reading "Men's health" and similar mags. I'm only surprised that it's supposedly different in the USA, the world center of cosmetic surgery and serials like Baywatch. Please continue your work. My favourite was your record about your experience with the health system in Germany. And by the way (hopefully not sounding too creepy): gorgeous eyes.
@tasminoben686 3 жыл бұрын
Moin, kennst du den Kanal von 'Jay in the USA - Mein Leben in den USA' Berlinerin, die nach Arlington geheiratet hat und Vids auf Deutsch macht. Wir waren, in den 80. 3 J. zusammen, bis wir geheiratet haben. Tochter kam pünklich 9 Monde später. Grins.. 2. Heirat nach 9 j., da war 2. Tochter 3 J. alt und eines der Blumenmädchen. Grins LG aus stormarn
@tugboat2 2 жыл бұрын
German Girl in America had to change her channel name to Feli from Germany
@nourkim3648 3 жыл бұрын
now i know why my german boyfriend left me without a good bye he even didn’t told me he’s my boyfriend
@topqueen1531 2 жыл бұрын
Love it 😁helped me out alot thank you 💗💗
@tugboat2 2 жыл бұрын
You’re doing good! I enjoy your honesty without being rude. We can tell you are not rude by nature.
@melanieold1639 2 жыл бұрын
this video was scary accurate. I have noticed a lot of what your'e saying. your observations are spot on when it comes to dating.
@astrangerwhocares7577 4 ай бұрын
Heyy girl, I loved your video and learnt a lot, nice learning about these different dynamics in dating, both before and during so thank u😊 I'm sure you have viewers from different places and cultures but i kinda feel like the people who were hateful to you in their comments have limited 'your freedom of speech' (pardon my lack of a better term) Making u rethink what you're gonna say or having to reframe it for them, and it's unfortunate. Hope you can freely say what you like and don't like irrespective of what whoever is gonna say, because most people will appreciate that & still love you and your content. This is your channel, it is your perspective (so nothing bad about it if it's not common) and if you make a blunder once in a while then so be it, we learn along the way, nobody is perfect & we are all learning & growing, & haters, well, are just gonna hate and put down instead of help (by providing constructive criticism) sending you love❤
@PowerOfAIandMotivation Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this 👍🏻
@khevaG 3 жыл бұрын
Hello from SI. Love your video. :)
@annekaplan3589 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Lila: I LOVE your videos. You are so charming and love seeing your adventures inGermany. I am also obsessed with Germany, but I’m way too old to learn the language. Keep up the good work 😀
@HiFromHamburg 3 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for your nice comment! :'D I'll keep sharing my adventures in Germany :) hehe no one is ever too old to learn anything but I understand how you feel since German is definitely not so fun to learn I'll agree XD
@julian65886 2 жыл бұрын
A gentleman does not allow the woman to pay.
@Pewtah 3 жыл бұрын
About german honesty & directness. In Germany dishonesty for the sake of politness is percieved as impoliteness. When growing up in Germany I never heard the slogan "Say nothing if it is not nice." Instead I learned "Say critics in an honest, constructive and friendly way.". I like that way much more than saying nothing or saying lies because where is the chance for improvments and for trust when hearing fake answers? Example: "You're invited to my birthday party the next weekend. Will you come?" and your answer is "No": Non-german style: "Yes." (always, even if you can not come; in Germany that is percived as a lie and lies are impolite) Germany style: "I'm sorry, next weekend I'll have another plan and can not celebrate with you. But what about a meeting at the day after that to make a little post-celebration with just two of us?" Close to the slogan "Say nothing negative." are the german sayings "You do not need to say everything that is true, but what you say should be true." and "Talking is silver, silencing is gold." knowing that silver is worth less than gold and meant as: Unnecessary or inappropriate things are better left unsaid. But if you ask a German for an opinion no German will become a liar, instead he/she will speak the truth.
@theCosmicQueen 3 жыл бұрын
haha now i know where i got that from! i am considered blunt and impolite because i speak the truth, when others would not. i am many generations American,but i have a german great grandfather, he was very strict and forthright. A pure soul, for the most part. i am also called fearless, as nobody else will dare to say what i say. Or, i say it first, and others then feel it's safe to say too. Have i been punished for it? YES.
@albin2232 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. Really interesting 👌
@Entewickler 3 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Germany. I like your videos, even if you say "bad" stuff about it. It is just how it is, different. Would be boring otherwise. Pls just ignore the haters, you are doing nice Videos. 👍
@biancafelton6087 3 жыл бұрын
Im not american nor am i german. I also noticed that germans are really sensitive when people say something about germany and they preceive it as an attack to them. Ive been asking questions on the german sub in reddit and whenever i ask innocent questions, germans would always be sarcastic and try to put me down and not give helpful answers. There were one or two who were helpful but forty other commenters would say negative things. I dont know why they are like that. Its kind of annoying and disrespectful. If they didnt want to answer my questions they could just opt not to answer hut they choose to attack and insult me instead.
@halbgefressen9768 2 жыл бұрын
Ohh, r/de and other German Reddit communities are not representative of Germans. It's a toxic shithole. If you go to e.g. a bar or a cafe and ask people directly, they will answer your questions better.
@HesseJamez 7 күн бұрын
Not really...we 're just fed up with any kind of nazi stuff and dumb questions on it.
@andreascammin5619 3 жыл бұрын
that sweeping/doorhandle polishing at 30 is a regional thing in North Germany. I dodged it because when I moved north I had already been 30
@durutticolumn6002 2 жыл бұрын
love your dry humor 😆
@johannesheinsohn6956 2 жыл бұрын
8:37 You nailed it perfectly here. As I was watching other americans learning german language here on YT, I realized we have the same kind of little tweaking words in German that we use to either twist or dampen some statements. It the high art of mastering a language, if one is actually able to intentionally use those. I get why we - as a culturally more direct people - can be recognized as kind of rude or harsh not mastering the English language up to that level.
@chicknorris-vo3tf 2 жыл бұрын
i think, here in germany, you do that hair-on your-hands-thing, not to be unkind in a relationship, but to show, i see EVERYTHING of you and i love it. hope you do the same with my "special gifts", faults and unbeautyful personal extras. so it deepens the bound and the acceptance between the two. and takes away the fear of "i hope, he doesn't recognize, what's not perfect with me". seems unpolite, but means to be nice and loving.
@rexmcstiller4675 3 жыл бұрын
I also dosn´t like voice messages as a german. Eather text or a phone call.
@ContinuumGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Lila. Thank you for another nice and liekable video :). Close to anything is debateable in this kind of video, but I would say you are not really wrong anywhere. It happens like that in Germany... it does not have to be always the norm (10 years of being together before getting married if you want to marry at all is pretty long here too for instance ;). I would say 5 years is pretty common here too) but I really liked the video. Nicely done.
@vbvideo1669 3 жыл бұрын
An nice and interesting Video! :)
@sauderolga8845 2 жыл бұрын
Классное видео, спасибо!
@arnodobler1096 3 жыл бұрын
"Sag, was du sagen willst, morgen!" Japanische Spruchweisheit "Ich weiß nicht, was ich gesagt habe, bevor ich die Antwort meines Gegenübers gehört habe." Paul Watzlawick
@rainerm.8168 3 жыл бұрын
Oder ganz kurz: Nicht reagieren!
@anja7223 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, thank you to be honest, I don't need to be pampered and it's interesting to hear your point of view. You've been polite although you brought up some critical points about Germany. I've been in touch with some Americans last two years and I think we could learn frim each other, even it is "just" to be a bit more open minded. I think you make a good job - go ahead
@honibee6145 2 жыл бұрын
This is incredibly accurate.
@Vecordia 3 жыл бұрын
Nice video and don’t worry abt telling „bad“ stuff abt the country. It’s ur opinion when u didn’t like or like things or whatever and that’s ok. Only small minded people will get angry or rage abt this.
@Pewtah 3 жыл бұрын
About splitting the bill viewed by me german man: in my generation (1970) it was a good manner the man pays for both. In later generations (I think it started in the late 80s) women want to be seen as independent from the man and do not want to get the feeling of "owing something to the man" and insist on a splitted bill - not every woman, just be prepared.
@karinland8533 3 жыл бұрын
And the more i like him the less i would have him to pay. Because I do want to start as equals. Not dependent and as I owe him anything
@HesseJamez 7 күн бұрын
If she earns the same - or even more - than I do, why not splitt the bill?
@malikabuhajar419 3 жыл бұрын
Wooow. Do more vids of comparing, i like them more
@lawrencefox563 3 жыл бұрын
Yes do more some American observations I expected ,Burmuda shorts versus Euro shorts, didn't know German men shaved anything but their beards.
@emmawilding9484 3 жыл бұрын
i think there is a difference between honesty and rudeness sometimes. like its polite to tell someone (constructively!) if their work wasn't good enough because then they can improve and you're not bullshitting them and leaving them thinking it was great while everyone else thinks it was terrible. Its very rude however to point out something like body hair etc. i think when it comes to appearance the "if they can't fix it in 5 minutes or less, don't point it out" still very much applies. like its rude to point out a pimple because they can't fix it in 5 minutes and itll only embarrass them
@lawrencefox563 3 жыл бұрын
Well that's be very generous Ms Wilding
@nimlen2258 2 жыл бұрын
8:01 YOU SHOULD CRITICISE GERMANY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! We germans and anyone else deserves to hear also the negative not just the positive. A lot of the time I think criticism might hurt at first but ultimately it makes you think. Thinking about the criticism you recived will in the end make up for all the hurt feelings because it allows you to either disagree and thus strengthen your opinion or it allows you to see that the criticism was justified. And if the latter happens I think you might change something and maybe - if possibel - improve something. This is why I like to hear criticism in your videos so criticise as much as you want. I know its easier said than done due to the back lash but at least you now know that you've got my support!
@tariqalexanderwaheed476 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this topic and the video about it 🤗🤝 I was born in Germany and live my life here. One thing I noticed right away was that my Mind works more the American Way 🙈 Strange but happy about it 🙈
@clecabral 3 жыл бұрын
Here in Brazil almost everyone has stopped calling each other and whatsapp is used for everything. I agree with you that recorded voice messages in whatsapp are strange. I'd rather go back in time when people called each other. It is SO rare to call someone on the phone that last week my cousin sent me a message asking "if she could call me", can you believe that? Here, if you call someone, it is more or less like "bothering" the other person.
@elenablack2845 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! It was interesting for me. I like to learn about different cultures and different languages. Originally, I am from oversees and now I live in the US. I agree that Americans more sugar coat things but sometimes it is good because certain things nobody wants to hear especially from strangers . You are a beautiful and attractive girl and disregard any comments about your arm hair. Some people just like to project their own negativity and unhappiness on other people. Just stay positive and let those "well wishers" mind their own business or save their toxic comments for someone else.
@sk.43821 2 жыл бұрын
I am a German in my 40s, and I was very surprised about the arm hair address. Either I am more polite than average or Lilas sample was to small or younger men have applied more directness and less courtesy than their parent generation (cultural change due to individualization, thus changes of attention on politeness and manners).
@doloresmey 3 жыл бұрын
Ich denke, man kann Unhöflichkeit nicht auf ein Land reduzieren. Egal welches. Das Gegenteil auch nicht. Ich bin mit dem Spruch meiner Oma groß geworden, die immer zu mir gesagt hat: was du nicht willst, das man dir tut, das füg auch keinem anderen zu! Daran halte ich mich bis heute, ohne dabei zu heucheln. Man muss nicht jedem sagen, was man mag oder nicht, vor allem dann nicht, wenn es nicht relevant ist. Sowas nennt man gutes Benehmen. Allerdings sollte man davon nicht allzu viel im Internet erwarten.😉 In der Anonymität fühlen sich menschliche Abgründe ziemlich wohl.
@GetRevived3 2 жыл бұрын
Because you're speaking in a general way it's easy for the people to judge you. (many times saying German / American or Germany /U.S) but you shouldn't be worried, scared, or anxious because you're saying your experiences! Be strong, wise, and continue your dream.
@tamaraplimak 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Lila, I think you're wonderful! I'm so sorry about those ignorant, nasty haters! I've really been enjoying watching your videos. Du bist voll toll, weiter so! ;-) :-*
@karinland8533 3 жыл бұрын
About the messeenger stuff. In the Us 80% use apple phones so they use I-messenger. In Germany 80% use android phones and the most used app to communicate is WhatsApp. WA has much more options too, like massage, pictures an voicemails
@halbgefressen9768 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't know my phone could massage me. Will try!
@karinland8533 2 жыл бұрын
@@halbgefressen9768 LOL🤣 that would be really nice!
@YujiroHanmaaaa 2 жыл бұрын
This whole " DATING CONCEPT" like in USA doesn't exists in Germany. In Germany it takes maximum 1 week to get to know eachother well before deciding for a serious long run relationship..... USA's dating concept feels like you Date = *RENT* eachother for dozens activities and finally having a relationship after 6 months 😅😅
@mrs_st.rawberry1341 2 жыл бұрын
That thing about swiping the place in front of the city hall (For men) or cleaning doorhandles (for women) when you turn 30 and aren't married is actually only a custom in northern Germany and mostly done in smaller towns or villages. As a northern german girl who moved to southern germany a few Year ago, I think that many of the points you're adressing (e.g. the honest vs politeness thing) are a lot more common in northern Germany and totally different in the south.
@StepHanie-fb9nn 3 жыл бұрын
Hiii! Lived in the US (East coast and West coast) and forever in the UK. No idea who you met who‘s that obsessed about body hair 😂 Dating over all is totally different…yet it depends who you‘re hanging with. The dating all these people and hopping in the sack with your dates is an English speaking country thing. In most European countries you like someone, hang with them and are focusing on that person, rather than trying out who might feel right, righter, rightest and then have the talk. What I found is that Americans/Brits go "3rd date = sack". And that part seems very important. Ghosting is another of those things. The tradition your bf‘s parents talk about is a local one and not represented throughout Germany. There are quite a few religious people but Germans don‘t talk about it or don’t openly identify as such. Again, depends on the region. This avoids confrontation; just like barely any German will have a flag or bumper sticker of there political party anywhere (maybe the extreme right/left do🤓). And yes, women pay bills on dates or go "Dutch" as they (not all) don‘t want to feel like they owe anything. Dated guys in the US and usually some request came up later. Nevertheless, you have that everywhere. Enjoy HH but also visit the South - it‘s slightly different 😉
@MesEspeoe 2 жыл бұрын
Historisch bedingt haben viele deutsche Probleme Gefühle offen zu kommunizieren oder dazu zu stehen. In vergangenen Tagen galt es als Schwäche Gefühle zu zeigen. Zum Glück ändert sich das Bewusstsein und Kinder werden mehr und mehr Bindungensorientiert an die Gefühlswelt herangeführt ♥️👋😊
@cd7848 Жыл бұрын
Depending on which part of America you live in that can be the same. I live in the New England region which is a few states in the northeastern corner and we have a reputation of being more rude. I myself am not sure but Ive found people in both the south and in places like California to be more polite. I wouldnt consider the rudeness to be an indication of honesty however.
@VandamBerbecu 2 жыл бұрын
I had THE talk with one girl when I was in middle school, never have I repeated that! :) (Only if you count proposing my wife) I'm from Romania
@BuffySummer 3 жыл бұрын
So sorry about you getting hate comments.. I totally appreciate your honesty and I don't understand why people get so hurt, it's just your opinion and it's not like germans are perfect or anything (far from that actually) or better than americans 😅.. I grew up here and there are many things about people's behavior that I find bothersome, especially how rude some people are in public services 😅 like people in service hotlines or at doctor's offices.. Honesty can be good but the bluntness or rudeness can be a bit much sometimes 😅 Maybe I just notice it more, because I am a more sensitive person but yeah, I would love to see a change there and I hope you had better experiences when it comes to that 😄
@TheMll1985 3 жыл бұрын
I'm all for men shaving their armpits especially after experiences in hot yoga
@sysrun 3 жыл бұрын
"men doing hot yoga" - Snowflakes should be careful...
@rundelhaus3378 3 жыл бұрын
We just need to leave 3 nice comments for every bad comment, so here is my contribution: keep going, you have a lovely way of approaching topics (you don't need to apologice for your opinion, you don't owe the haters anything). Btw. we do have unlimited SMS and phone call contracts for years now (even EU wide). We just prefer chatting apps above SMS for the additional functuality. The voice message thing is a late millenials thing in my experience. People at my age (arround 30) don't use these and rather call you.
@b.h.7423 3 жыл бұрын
You are awesome for your real ness! You are your boyfriend are lucky to have each other.
@deanambrose9 3 жыл бұрын
The internet in general can be pretty brutal :D
@stella05783 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@binyersno3381 3 жыл бұрын
That was interesting 🤔👍
@xYaYYaJx Жыл бұрын
"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all!" - we have a saying for that, which comes from the movie "Bambi". There the little rabbit literally says "Wenn man nichts nettes zu sagen hat, soll man den Mund halten" which basically translates to the American saying. I think most German 90s kids and older generations will know that saying :) Also there's the saying "Was du nicht willst, dass man dir tu, dass tu auch keinem Anderen zu!" - "Don't do onto others as you' wouldn't like to be done to you". Also regarding the hair comments, maybe your boyfriends were just saying that as an observation rather than a judgement? As you mentioned you have blonde hair which is not easy to see, and when they got closer to you and had the time to look they just noticed and wanted to share "oh wow, I've never noticed that before"? Trying to make you change that in this way seems very untypically indirect for a German, most would probably just say "I like it better if you don't have hair there" lol. We can for sure be too honest to be polite sometimes, and even though we don't mean it in a bad way it often can come across like that or hurt someones feelings. I think Germans value truth and (direct or indirect) honesty a lot, whereas Americans try to make every interaction *feel* good in that moment, even if that means withholding some truths (a German may would like to know)
@firely7 2 жыл бұрын
I think you are really cute and the video you did is quite accurate and sweet. I do think though you should probably care less about hateful comments. All in all this is your opinion and if someone does hate it, they should do a video of their own. It's what I think. Hugs!
@nauxsi 3 жыл бұрын
I just can't use dating apps. I did think about it.. something about them.
@lynnsintention5722 3 жыл бұрын
I have been in Germany 14 years and I am never approached by men...Not only that when you try to chat with them they don't get it! LOL It is so extreme that if a guy did start to talk to me I would get scared that something is wrong with him because it is just so not done here....I miss it though
@languagelolli 3 жыл бұрын
Do Germans understand how adorable she is? How can they be mean to her? 💋😘❤️
@sk.43821 2 жыл бұрын
Well, the generalization would be a big misconception. It's a minority that is obviously annoying.
@CriticalRelativist 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you about circumcision! I, too, hope that the United States will continue to follow the rest of the world's lead and stop strapping down healthy children and removing a sensitive, functional, and deeply private body part in the name of tradition. So unnecessary, and it takes away something that has value without giving the body's owner any say -- and there is no need to rush that decision, someone can make it at any age if they somehow think it would be worthwhile. But you can never undo the damage of cutting it off.
@Str8Water73 2 жыл бұрын
11:00 I think, that's just i difference in definition. For me it sounds like the dating before "The Talk" in germany is not called "dating". We say "hang out with friends" or "going to meet new people". Somtimes there will be a little more than that and if so "The Talk" is needet to clearify you are NOT exclusive. I think we germans point out to just stay friends or maybe friends plus and, i may be wrong, in the USA it's the other way round.
@MsMarwalous 2 жыл бұрын
I understand that too! I don’t like “dating” multiple people either - it would just not be called dating
@all_in_for_JESUS 3 жыл бұрын
Voice messages are the best thing ♥️
@BernalAzul 2 жыл бұрын
I moved to Canada and have lots of cultural shocks, especially since I moved to Montreal, but I can’t speak of those shocks because they come out as critique.
@LouisaMarit 2 жыл бұрын
that 30th birthday tradition is stil pretty strong outside the cities, I feel like. My sister is 25 and her boyfriend of almost 5 yers is soon 29 and I know their whole friend group does this tradition still
@PogoDarnexx 3 жыл бұрын
The nuance, that must be the reason why my american GF and I had quite a lot of Argues back in the years lol. She always got off so quick, maybe because I don't know how to be nicer in English XD my sister uses Voice Messages and it's so annoying lol I don't use it and I don't like it. But yeah, my GF didn't know what WhatsApp was aswell, kinda strange, thought Americans would know it. Also don't let the haters get to you, let them talk, delete their bs and keep on living, they are just sad creatures. ^^
@svenb.85 3 жыл бұрын
I Love your Videos 😉😊👍❗
@Mamaki1987 2 жыл бұрын
Doesn't it get complicating meeting up with muliple people to find out if you like any of them enough to get in a real relationship? How does that even work? Do you let the other people know that they are not the only ones you meet? Or do you keep it to yourself?
@KoRnChEn 3 жыл бұрын
"Wenn du nichts Nettes zu sagen hast, halt lieber den Mund." Hat Klopfer* von Bambi mir im Kindergarten beigebracht. (ok, ich glaube es wurde zu ihm gesagt, aber wer weiß schon, wie die anderen da hießen, dumdidum)
@user-wx8tq9cw6o 5 ай бұрын
Can you please tell me about the stare please? what does it mean when a young German guy stares at a girl whose a foreigner? It’s so intense and he kept doing that that. And we’re practically strangers other than I’ve talked to him once before for self introductions when my professor forced us to. Is it just the common everyday “Germanic Staredown” that they normally do in Germany? Or something more? I have a class again with him this quarter. I hope he doesn’t hate me, personally!
@raccoon-wq3gv 2 жыл бұрын
I’m old enough to remember a time where German women never shaved. I don’t know how or when or why it became a trend that they started shaving. I see more young guys shaving their pits here, especially around spring break time at beaches where there armpits are exposed. It actually looks pretty good. I hope it’s a trend that continues here in the states.
@iuciubbb 3 жыл бұрын
6:49 that should be taught that couple of landlords I used to live with, until six years ago. Even if they did not mean me harm, they were often painfully mean and judgmental to me about every little thing. Btw, I find kinda nonsense that men shave their armpits. I'm myself proud of my "fur" and won't allow anyone to tell me I should get rid of it, since body hair has a function. I did it a couple of times and ended up with surgical visit because of an infection.
@jessicayoung7132 3 жыл бұрын
Instead some Americans talk behind your the south compared to the north and their passive aggressive ways. Personal experience. Although some Americans in the North as well. I also realized in myself I have in the past. I catch myself now thankfully.....I'm a work in progress as we all are. Blessings. Like your videos. I miss Europe and travelng. I'm so grateful for the US Army allowing me to be stationed in Germany for 8 years. Wish I was better at the language. I wish you well Woman. Keep being you. Stay well and true. :-)
@jessicayoung7132 3 жыл бұрын
Also I love your blue eyes...beautiful.
@flimsyenthusiasm5769 2 жыл бұрын
Americans in the north speak through body language (in my experience) a lot of Europeans don’t really know how to read body language so they don’t realize we are being rude when we are. Southerners however are very mean if you disrespect them.
@tugboat2 2 жыл бұрын
I was a military child & traveled all over the U.S.. I was surprised to hear that U.S. southerners don’t like U.S. northerners because of their bluntness/rudeness. I never really saw what they’re talking about. I guess the ones claiming this had more experience than me or had a bias already.
@shahriarmosle2805 3 жыл бұрын
I like the video. you're so cute, first Thing is that, I think Germans try to be polite.. that's why they don't come approache you at first maybe. Aber es wäre schön in der Nähe zu sein und einfach etwas schön sagen. Deswegen findet eine Frau sich hübsch, wenn jemand ihr so sagt. Zudem finde ich Sie sehr ehrlich mit diese kommntare . The other Thing is that, I think talking on the phone and hang out makes a relationship much more stronger than Chat. when you have more time together in Realität. It's for everyone The last Thing, you're not bad at words,trust me. Okay. your Videos are simple and natural ,what many people like. That's all my roo many comments.and I believe that you are strong to say anything that your question is on the video and share it with everyone, that they can know too. Sorry for 2 language, because I practice too much german and forget how to correctly say it in English, it's crazy I know but Wish u Best
@hockeyinalabama 2 жыл бұрын
I think it would be interesting for you and Feli from Germany to do a video together.
@JS-iy4zb 2 жыл бұрын
I lived near Bielefeld for a year and I’ve heard of these marriage traditions. I heard about the sweeping of the steps. I think it’s before a wedding the single women break dishes and put sawdust on the steps of the courthouse. The single men have to sweep up the mess to show they will be good husbands.
@hannastrau8486 2 жыл бұрын
Hey I am so sorry that German people make u feel uncomfortable talking about this or scared of getting hate. I am German and none of this was hateful against Germans. I loved the video and I would love to hear more about those differences, it is super interesting.
@BernalAzul 2 жыл бұрын
In Mexico we use whatapp all the time, now that I am in Canada, I still just use it, not so much voice messages, but Text, and I prefer that to phone calls.
@kennymac3272 3 жыл бұрын
Do they still wair wedding bands on right hands
@patriciawebster56 6 ай бұрын
I lived in Germany all of my childhood and teens until my 20 s and still go every summer. I have never heard of cleaning at the courthouse if you r 30 and not married
@michaelutech4786 2 жыл бұрын
On marriage: Either a lot has changed, or your experience is very regional. Never heard of cleaning the courthouse. Most of my friends married once they were seriously thinking of kids or got one. If you don't have kids, many Germans just don't see the point in marriage. There is a rather big advantage in tax breaks. On the other hand, without marriage you know you're together because you really want to and not because it's to hard to split right now. I also don't see any patterns in the period people wait until marriage. To me this always seemed to be circumstantial. Those who want to get married because they believe in marriage and found their partner did it fast. I'm born 68, so things might really have changed a lot. I moved to north africa and live with my family there. That gave me kind of an outside perspective on German culture. There is much more continuity between generations in most countries I know - compared to Germany. I guess this is because the hippy movement in Germany tore a huge rift between generations. This was a very violent change in the social fabric. As a result the following generations seem to have adopted a very pragmatic approach to marriage, to the point of disillusionment maybe.
@cz941 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed, i think its a regional thing from northern germany, i once lived in Bremen and learned this tradition there. I never heard of it before
@HolgerGirlich 2 жыл бұрын
This bodyhair shaving stuff came up in the 80ties AND as far as I know it came frome the US. I was a teen in the 80ties and our school made 1 year student exchanges with schools in the US. One of my best friends in that time went to New Jersey for a year and came back with that Body shaving thing like other who came back from the US. After a while it was totally normal that everyone shaved the (underarm) hair . ;-) I love your canel and its always interessing to learn how we germans appear to you or which difference there are to US People...from your perspective. And please give a shit to the "haters" here. they don´t have a they only feel good if the can spread hate. Just block them and do your stuff as you want ;-) Cheers from Düsseldorf
@Thoringer 2 жыл бұрын
Ehm, in the US, we DO use WhatsApp (over 75 million users) - I use it with my fellow students for sure! You may have missed that because you are in Germany since a while. Yes, it started earlier in Germany, but it is also very widely used in the US nowadays. ;-) No hate, just a correction from a German expat in the US. Even my US family uses WhatsApp because when you mix ecosystems such as Apple and Android, you kinda need it.
@k8con 3 жыл бұрын
I was always taught that paying on the first date (esp when it’s a coffee “hangout” situation) was a sign of interest - it was typical in my hometown for the guys to pay but I often liked to be the one to pay to signal that I wanted it to be a romantic coffee and not just a hang out. Was planning to do that when I met my current (Austrian) BF for coffee for the first time. The barista swings by, asks “together or separate,” and before I can even insist on paying for both, my boyfriend asks to split the bill. I actually took that as a subtle signal that he wasn’t interested XD I was surprised when he started texting me again the next day... Also YES about the *talk*!! My BF didn’t realize it was a thing. And for Austrians, there is no difference between “zusammen sein“ and „in einer Beziehung sein“..had some confusing conversations with my boyfriend about that one 😂😂
@reko7264 3 жыл бұрын
My way Was always to pay the first date.. and if she wants to pay i offer the second date... Has worked pretty good back in the days of dating
@karinland8533 3 жыл бұрын
He would not ask to go out if he was not interested... thats how I see it
@k8con 3 жыл бұрын
@@reko7264 yeah i think it's a good way to make sure it's even :)
@k8con 3 жыл бұрын
@@karinland8533 naja, sometimes they just want to get to know you in a friend way!
@karinland8533 3 жыл бұрын
@@k8con yes, first you hang out together to get to know each other . He is interessted in you, how you are as a person ( hopefully you too) that is the most dt important part about dating. Then over time, it might involve into something romanic. It might take some weeks. So German dating is the process to get to know each other. If you are in a romantic relationship it is not dating any more. Then you are a couple. It is more committed without talking about it. In might be a misconseption of my self but for me US dating sounds like: I like your looks- lets date (multiple people at a time)- lets have sex- get to know eachother- maby we put a label on it If you stay just friends it is not a problem , because everyone is paying for them self, so there is no presure
@amochswohntet99 3 жыл бұрын
I think my grammar workbook is wrong please help. Fill in the blanks with the missing endings for the cases indicated. Dative: *meiner dumm__ Bekannten* To me, 'meiner' should be meinen because Bekannten is plural(more than one) So the answer would be meinen dummen Bekannten Is the book wrong? To me it looks wrong.
@Ast151 2 жыл бұрын
what about middle age people? what apps do they use?
@graceamelia1331 3 жыл бұрын
Am looking forward for the man of my dream, who is loving, caring and focus.
@Lofimusic3783 2 жыл бұрын
@Lofimusic3783 2 жыл бұрын
I want a serious relationship
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