[HARD RANT] BRUTALLY HONEST on Dragon Age Veilguard...

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@skyex4701 Ай бұрын
Thank you brother for keeping it 💯 this is the sad reality we are seeing not only in the gaming space but other media too…. Just gonna be happy for people who do like it but this is not Dragon Age for me..
@pedromoreira6218 Ай бұрын
im glad you remembered my point about the camera i sometimes thought to myself "am i the only one notice the camera feels fucked somehow ?" also the Baldurs Gate 3 jab they throw for no reason "stole some of dragon age's thunder" i was like "well they took 6 years and made a masterpiece you took 10 years and made a piece of garbage"
@Dunderard Ай бұрын
These people do love their archers. We got 3 rogues and a mage in the GAMEPLAY trailer. THREE rogues!
@ReplicatorFifth Ай бұрын
Boggles my mind that a whole game based in Tevinter might not have Dorian in it. nothing about the companions is interesting. And the art style massacred our boy Varric ;_;
@jeice452 Ай бұрын
I'm wondering where is Dorian? The one interesting character from DA I
@MarwolfAeducan Ай бұрын
Where's fenris
@camael4209 Ай бұрын
they gave him a beard :( my boy got a beard.... The only dwarf in all of dragon age without one (though he had stubbles) gets a beard because he's old? man baby dwarves even have beards, he didn't not have one because he was young, it had reasons. It's not that i dislike beards btw, i have one myself lol. it's just one of those things that made Varric unique but uniqueness is bad according to EA
@gloryshadow8710 Ай бұрын
Im not sure I want to see cartoon Dorian. I loved his look in Inquisition.
@ReplicatorFifth Ай бұрын
@@gloryshadow8710 great point!
@ignaciomelo1934 Ай бұрын
the moment i saw the "veil jumper" girl i almost cry of rage , wtf have they done to my epic and dark series man , breaks my heart
@adayexpired6370 Ай бұрын
Copy paste phoebe from andromeda, go into ruins and stuff and be super edgy and quirky. guess they looked at Andromeda, and thought we need that most controversial annoying character to return to spice it up. Definitely a lazy way to give you a class of missions for busy work - to go into ruins to turn off some switch over and over like in Andromeda. How will they bring Jacob character back since he was hated almost as much as Phoebe? Maybe the MC is Jacob? And gives bad advice to him/yourself that gets half your squad killed if you follow it? Lmao.
@CBonduMiel Ай бұрын
its why im not pre-ordering and waiting to see how they gonna explain the veil jumper faction. because if they trivialize entering the veil as something that's now no big deal, I'm not gonna buy. if they don't i might consider it provided they don't butcher the lore. So I'll probably watch streamer play through the game just to see if there is any bs and if there isn't I would probably buy when its on sale. Either way with EA being in the picture, I'm waiting to see how they gonna charge for it and if they gonna have scummy monetization tactics for pre-order, like giving gear that makes you more powerful early on if you pre-order, like in dragon age 2. I'm not trusting either the dev or the publisher, but if they did make a good game that doesn't butcher the lore, i would consider buying it. I just want them to respect the source material people before them established. Hopefully it they don't screw this up, because the gameplay once you get more abilities seems to look good from what i can tell from having read more details about it on their website, but tbh, even the gameplay trailer wasn't showcasing that very well. Like they putted a system where you can pre-set abilities and switch between those pre-set for your companion and yourselves. so you if you want an companion to use another ability you can just switch pre-set and then use that ability when you get in combat. I'm not sure if you can do it in the middle of combat or if you'll have to set it up before combat, but either way, your companion will be able to use more than 1 ability, that's what their website said.
@ignaciomelo1934 Ай бұрын
@@adayexpired6370 i think the problem here is how mrhardcore says , this are transgender "queer" (im south american so i dont even know wtf is queer) activist that have to impose a way of view the world and only the 8% of the word population has , its pretty sad to have to see no care for the "men" im not even white im just a brown south american that wants an epic history and wants to have a masculine character and a femenine romance and just an epic lord of the rings experience like dragon age was created as , i can be very open and dont care if you can be gay or whatever u want, but what about us ? what about heterosexual normal dudes , since when purple color is the color for dragon age ? u think that is a coincidence? since when dragon age has been a transgender game ? wtf is the director talking about its preetty sad man
@gdc4736 Ай бұрын
More like the blight spreader (if you know, you know).
@ignaciomelo1934 Ай бұрын
Guys did u see the interview with the lore girl? The game director said all fucking charaxters are pansexual , they are not playersexual they are all literally bisexual , sad day for dragon agr
@muzien87 Ай бұрын
i will never understand this thing these game developers and studios do where they make a game and it does gang busters, then with each entry they release each game deviates further and further from what made their game famous. final fantasy comes to mind, could you imagine a modern FF game with turn based combat? there are, i would comfortably assume, millions of people out there who grew up on turn based combat who no longer buy final fantasy who would come out of the wood work to buy a modern final fantasy game that had turn based combat. Dragon age origins is old enough now there are tosn of people whove never even given it a chance and dont know how perfect that game is, if more modern gamers went back to play these classics i think they would more understand where people like us come from, we arent just grumpy old sticks in the mud, there is a reason we have a fondness for older games, sure their graphics arent that great, shit a lot dont even have voiced dialog, no hand holding quests where the reward for figuring out and completing a quest on your own was part of that dopamine reward.
@camael4209 Ай бұрын
If Fenris, Dorian and Bull aren't in dragon age the veilgaurd, I'll be mad. They specifically said those characters will go to tevinter and are heavily involved there. So... Where are they?
@enightc Ай бұрын
Check the comic and books, they used other media to bridge the story. It's not how I would have done it but it's bioware
@Ryi0n. Ай бұрын
Agreed. Am I really supposed to pick between Elf twink and gramps?
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
thats alot of angry gay people if dorian doesnt show. im not gonna be between that shit storm.
@xy-te9db Ай бұрын
Definitely not going to be companions
@sugoiboi8160 Ай бұрын
I watched the cinematic Battle at Ostagar again and compared the darkspawn back then and now... the Ogre back then is fcking scary but the new ogre looks like a random spirit from Coco 😭
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
@user-ep2nl9tg5x Ай бұрын
DA was not even turned base.. It was much easier then BG3 combat and for sure didnt need to be changed to cater to other people. Bro, honestly, if you are not making new DA game for it's playerbase and fans, why do it at all. majority of new players won't even understand what tf is going on without playing prior games, unless they butchered the story and lore too
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
DA Origins was a CRPG with real time combat. Much like BG 1 and 2. If DAV was tweaked and upgraded with Origins Dark Fantasy and BG3 complex story telling, it would be a massive hit point plank period. But I ain't seeing anything worth eating in this game.
@MarwolfAeducan Ай бұрын
​@@MrHardcoreModeda dread wolf all had to do is follow the mechanics of da origins update them and take the combat from da2 fast paced real time with tactics and craft your potions armor and weapons and make choices matter like bg3 it would be great but this ea Neo bioware.were talking about.
@user-ep2nl9tg5x Ай бұрын
@@MrHardcoreMode DAO combat was amazing. You also could always just f it all, go into close 3d person mod and just press buttons wow style. DAV is such a waste
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
@@MarwolfAeducan Neo Bioware. Lol 😆
@Orillah Ай бұрын
Fans from previous games most likely buy it anyway and they can appeal to new audience with their mmo/action/ live service approach. Win/win in mind of a salesperson.
@marcomongke3116 Ай бұрын
I think they might just make straight white male characters somehow incompetent or bad. Looking at Solas, Alistair, Cullen, etc.
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
if they kill sola early ALOT of fans are going to be pissed
@taylemgames2652 Ай бұрын
Looks horrid to me if I am honest. I hate the color scheme and environments. Doesn't feel like Dragon Age. It feels like CW level fantasy.
@juups86 Ай бұрын
Alphabet mafia worked really hard to destroy the image of demons in this piece too..Pride Demon was reduced to being a carpet with light sticks attached to it...The level of disrespect toward previous works is astonishing.
@alexsamurai1230 Ай бұрын
When they say they don't want you to have to remember proper nouns it means they don't want to hit newbies with a load of words like Venatori, Evanuris, Qunari etc because it will make them confused and they'll stop playing. Instead, they want you right in there from minute one hitting things and being stimulated by shiny particle effects. They want it to be casual friendly, essentially.
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
thanks for that. now i know going forward
@brainwashed1232 Ай бұрын
what worries me most is that the fans who had to wait 10 years for a new Dragon Age will settle for something like this and fall completely into the nostalgia trap that Bioware has laid for them! People... DA:V is not what you deserve after such a long wait, not at all
@xy-te9db Ай бұрын
Nah, not buying this. 10 years gave me enough time to distance myself from this franchise.
@fightingddog Ай бұрын
This is EXACTLY what happened. Game was a hero based PVE destiny like. Someone knocked a little sense into the decision maker and they had to come up with a single player game off what they had. Even before the trailer they put something out saying “yes we made a multiplayer version of this game early on” the biggest tell was the camera. I couldnt see varric or harding in ANY fight. Both off screen and neither one of them really shooting much.
@RagnarTheRed-x5s Ай бұрын
They definitely should've showed some combat from later in the game using more of the abilities and fewer cutscenes. If I'm a dev I'd want to show off some of the most spectacular stuff I've got to hook people in and get them hyped up. It makes me wonder if the game is as finished as they've said it is. The whole thing just didn't feel polished to me and really kind of lazy. At least half, if not more of it, was cutscenes. Just compare it to Elden Ring's DLC trailers to those Bioware just dropped. Even Bioware's marketing department doesn't seem to be in the same league as some other studios at the moment.
@Kross415 Ай бұрын
The only thing I believe is fully curated is their community council of people telling BioWare for years how good DA Failguard is. Even their shills are praying to get a hot romanceable ally because the only companion that gets a pass is Harding, that's how low the bar is 🤣 The combat combos are the same as they were, Ice Grasp+Rock Sling= Shatter they're just trying to sound like is something new and amazing, and yeah the monster also have resistances and vulnerabilities and the 3 attacks are the top is just, harding attack target, Bellara attack target and both companions attack target, it's nothing fancy 🤣 Also I love how they focus so much on the importance of the companions and it's the FIRST mf DA where you CAN'T directly control companions, you can't make this sh*t up man... Busche mention's women fans at the end because 90% of the people speaking possitively about the game and their community council is women gushing over Varric, Solas and Lucanis.
@LowTaperSypherPK Ай бұрын
Love these rant videos!!!! I'm so glad you pointed out that Rook had Solas's dagger. He's definitely gonna die in the beginning.
@xaxaxaxaxa6417 Ай бұрын
At the end of the gameplay next to Solas in the Vail you can see 2 figures . Probable the old Gods that will kill Solas at the start of this crap .
@rsick266 Ай бұрын
Saw this theory around that they won't be able to kill him outright but weaken him significantly that Solas, our Inquisitor and Varric would become our new advisors team. Which ever it is, Solas's rein as a villain would be kind of short. Should be at least 1 full Act with him as a villain before WE decide his faith as we waited since Trespasser ending.
@Klantfan-1 Ай бұрын
Hopefully it is not as bad as we think. But i have my doubts sadly. I also think this game was either partly remade one or two times or they had a much darker game they totally scrapped and remade just to cater to the "greater mass". Initial reaction from presentation trailer and the gameplay video i felt it more of a hero-shooter than Dragon age, that this is just Mass Effect but fantasy. As you said, Inquisition took a step back to what Origin was but missed a lot of things. And now they release this? Sure, if you judge Veilguard for what it is, i am problably going to have fun with it, but to judge it as a Dragon Age game? Ooooh boy, what a mess it became. Party reduced to only 3 now? Where have we seen this before? Yup, Mass Effect. Combat system? Yup, Maa Effect. More fast paced? You Mass Effect. I could go on. It is the easier way out to do it this way if you are going to release it on console. But it lacks the soul what Dragon Age once was. And then"welcoming in an enterily new generation of fans" is just utter BS to justify wanting a easily played game that they can sell to as many as possible instead of having their niche as Origins had. It feels all like round 2010 where a lot of big titles releases games catering to as broad audience as they could with easy gameplay. "Push one button to win fights" i used to call it. Remember Fable 3? Assassins creed 3? Mass effect 2? They were all dumbed down. Fable and assassins creed basically had a much more dumbed down combat mechanic. Mass effect 2. I remember they almost scrapped armour and gear because it was easier for a non rpg audience. This is basically what Veilguard feels like now. And i have a slight feeling that when Baldurs Gate 3 was released, it scared the s**t out of devs of Veilguard because they know they lack the skillset in their team to compete with it. And might be a reason they gone the way they did. The name change said it all They went from Dreadwolf to Veilguard..... From dark and gritty to the band Cartoons with the song witch doctor 😂😂
@unknowniam121 27 күн бұрын
I just hate how the playable races simply became Human, Pointy-Ears-Human, Short-Human and Horned-Human. Despite all the shit it can get, to quote DA2 and the great concept arts about the races that it brought on the table : "Distinct racial physiology is an opportunity to explore different standards of beauty". Look where we are now.
@alexavier1696 Ай бұрын
this rant was hilarious, good commentary. Edit: Favorite quote “This insults my eyes, this giant wheel.” 😂
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
Good rant. I'm on board with you. Only difference is - I think when they're repeating "it's curated, you're going to love it" - they're not lying to us, they're trying to convince themselves. They don't believe it themselves.
@dreamingflurry2729 29 күн бұрын
Yeah, compared to the women in modern Bioware games (Looking at YOU Dragon Age Inquisition - you after all hit beautiful Cassandra with fugly hammer! In DA2 Cassy was a 9 or even 10, so a stunner/supermodel and in DAI? At best she's a 6, because she still has a killer body, but that face? Damned, did they "remodel" her with a baseball bat?) even SHALE (and she's a walking piece of ROCK, being a Golem and all!) is attractive -.-
@Ale55andr082 Ай бұрын
"Disneylaied" shit
@vlastapiatimuzik5686 Ай бұрын
I absolutely agree with you. Where is the blood, where is the dark fantasy. And why are those women so ugly. Well, let's wait for the next game from Larian studios and then no one will even remember the Dragon Age fiasco
@Jan_von_Gratschoff Ай бұрын
Hooray, they're releasing a tunnel run extraction shooter in an uber lite fantasy setting appealing for children. But hey, you gotta hit rock bottom before you can rebuild something better, so maybe the next Dragon Age will get back to what made the series great in the first place. But this one sure isn't going to be worth my money or time.
@anyoneanyone3808 Ай бұрын
I am an older gamer.I have noticed a shift in games.I.d.k if i'll get this .I loved origins and played the hell outta it.This feels dumbed down.
@natewelch1643 Ай бұрын
I’ll also go against you on the open world shit, a lot of inquisition was just busy work, I got super bored doing the same shot over and over I’ll be honest, but I did it because it was there and the map was telling me too, this seems like a step towards origins mission structure, taking you to a distinct area, which will lead you through a linear story path with some choices to differentiate the experience, such as the Bhelen vs Harrowmont leading into the deep roads section or Redcliff. I vastly prefer that to inquisitions mini open world mmo zones, give me shit to do that actually seems to matter to characters please, not just busy work.
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
True. I'd prefer the BG3 route where there is a story (not so much a quest) in one area of the map in stead of just open nothing but demons and bandits everywhere. Why is it always blood mages and demons. Bandits pirates factions slavers and necromancers. I hope there is variety
@natewelch1643 Ай бұрын
@@MrHardcoreMode agreed, but seeing as this seems Tevinter heavy, I expect Qunari, darkspawn and lotsss of mage and mage adjacent folks
@rsick266 Ай бұрын
I definitely do not want Bioware to remaster DAO. I have zero trust they could do it without actually "reimagine" it with their "vision" shown in "THE Veilguard". The IP, hopefully, sold to a company that respects the franchise because they are sinking even deeper. Hopefully also before ME4 and save it from getting this treatment as well.
@SonAlexander Ай бұрын
This sounds like it's just gonna be a Dating Sim with some minor combat.
@AbeFroman19861 Ай бұрын
They made all the characters so ugly that nobody will want to date them.
@fenrikgames2459 Ай бұрын
EA has ruined my favorite franchise. You can't change the artistic tone and atmosphere of the game, it ruins the perception of the game universe and creates a huge dissonance.
@jasonnchuleft894 Ай бұрын
Dragon Age Origins was a game about choice and consequence: Your origins, your actions and the influence you have on the world .. Veilguard is a game about a choice: Either you play it .. or you don't and probably have a better time 😶
@eb1900 Ай бұрын
so I checked it out on google and apparently there have been like 5 creative directors on this game each of them quitting after a little while and the lady from the article she has been the director now for 2 years. this game is def gonna be some kind of Frankenstein
@dreamingflurry2729 29 күн бұрын
DAI...yeah, a diamond in the rough! It needed healing magic (to stop the god-awful waste of time spent on backtracking for potions!), more ability slots (like DAO) and more abilities! Oh and BLOOD-MAGIC!
@Shadowhunterbg Ай бұрын
It was to be expected. We still have Origins. They can never take it from us.
@hayatojin2886 Ай бұрын
Sadly i will be single in this game just like DA:I , which sucks as romance adds quite a bit to the story, quests and ending. As a straight dude none of the females interest me, the ladies get some nice choices though, some cool looking dudes.
@cookiebrain129 Ай бұрын
I disagree as a gay man. Ima be celibate and or let me companions die.
@wompoo7967 Ай бұрын
DA:O was easily the best in the series (I also enjoyed the story of DA2), and I am sad to say with the cretins who are now pretending to be BioWare we will never see games like DA:O again. I'm going to pin my hopes on Exodus, being developed by James Ohlen and co at Archetype Entertainment (which has a strong ME vibe) a lot of old BioWare vets.
@docmacabre Ай бұрын
"Hand-touched", "hand-crafted", "highly curated" "moment-to-moment" experience? Did ChatGPT write this?! That's a whole lot of words meaning nothing! ETA: Got curious and looked up that fanart. Lo and behold, the character looks better in almost all of the fanart than he does in the damn trailer. That tells me people like a dark-haired assassin dude with a beard, not your ugly-ass art style, BioWare. And what's with the mention of women liking DA? DA always had female fans. I would know. I'm one of them. To me, this sounds like a poor attempt at manipulating potential new fans. "Look, we got the ladies playing our shit, too!" Same as with the fanart. Though here they're trying to manipulate old fans. Oh, and Eve? Hot! Would the art style of Stellar Blade work for DA? No, but I'd still prefer it over the style they chose for Failguard. Plus, we have Morrigan! And I know I speak for a lot of women when I say that we also enjoy looking at hot women (some just for the aesthetics, others bc they're bi or gay). I don't know who got it into their head that we don't?! Because of some random "feminists" screaming se*ism?! If it's beauty standards, well, guess what? Vast majority of male characters also exhibit beauty standards many men irl don't fulfill. You don't hear anyone crying about that! (Also, props on rolling high on Lae'zel. I save-scummed till I got her on her back!)
@TatarovPles Ай бұрын
Dear autor of this video, it's only 7 minute after i started to listen what you saying .. and i already want to stand up, applose to you and that OH MY GOD YEEES! YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT, DUDE! I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!!!!!
@Gabriolus Ай бұрын
I feel like a majority of the people who played all the dragon age are still in love with origins. I like all 3 games for what it is. But part 2 seriously had a lot of problems and part 3 cut them down. Some things a little bit different. I did not like the big a** open world. Now, with this new addition, I've always wanted more pets, which they kind of gave us in the Griffin. They also wanted like a mubari warhound, maybe a cave spider, two birds or something and a dragon.. I also wanted to interact with new races and classes of characters. And I think they should have broken up the road until archer and assassin. I definitely think that they should never put in the part. Where bianca gets destroyed and sold, it looks like he's in trouble for whatever comes out the portal.. And I don't like the fact that we have this wheel for powers. And abilities, but Tony limited the 3. It's always been a problem for me
@pedroxdev Ай бұрын
Loved Origins. Played the demo for DA2, then decided to skip it (due to the combat changes... (mostly)). Tried out Inquisition, but quit quite early, the single game campaign felt like a bad mmorpg without the multiplayer . Will for sure skip this one.
@briars83 Ай бұрын
The game seems really dumbed down and hand holdy to the player. Did we need a companion reveal? Isn't it more fun and immersive to find and recruit companions on your own, sure the game can lead you to meet up with the potential recruits but give us the choice to do so. Not force us through a quest to catch 'em all. I don't like the digalogue wheel so far, will it be three choices everytime with those symbols? I know DA2 and DAI had them and I didn't like it then. We can only choose between a diplomatic, comedic and serious answer, boring! I wish I can unsee the gameplay reveal trailer too! It was the second chance I gave to this new game after that terrible companion reveal trailer. All the companions swinging both ways, boring! I like that the companions in DAO and DAI had preferences, like us the players should. It gives us an individual and custom experience at least. I am a woman who likes men, so my choices would be Lucanis, Davrin and Emmrich. I liked Dorian from DAI but sadly I wasn't his cup of tea romantically which was fine! I'm glad Cole was not a romantic option because he seemed so child like. And I'm not one who uses the cringey " I can fix him/her line". I don't think the ppl behind this new game is proud of their product, they are promoting and focusing on the wrong things. I'm embarrased to admit that I will give this game a third chance and tune in once it launches, and maybe watch some real gameplay with little to no spoilers unlike the controlled one that they showcased cause I am so very attached to this series and story and waited so long to some sort of conclusion to what happened in DAI and Tresspasser dlc. No pre-order or day one game for me which is wild to me because up until the 2 new trailers I never would've thought possible.
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
Yeah. In my first playthrough of DAO I didn't even know Wynne was a companion. I went to the tower with Morrigan, Wynne threatened Morrigan, I killed her and got on with my quest. And that's brilliant! I made a choice and it had lasting, impactful consequences. Only discovered she was recruitable in my second playthrough. This new game is telling me to collect characters like Pokemon and how much I'm going to like them all. Don't tell me that. Let me decide for myself.
@poddterapeuten Ай бұрын
So here’s the thing in modern gaming. Either they make loads of money on low quality games made for kids with tik tok brain. Games made by AI with low cost to create. OOOR they make high end games like “Gucci” and “Fendi”-quality and that has high cost to make but that caters to gamers that will buy the product simply because its goood! BG3 is Gucci. Fortnite is AI for kids with attentionspan like a gold fish that buys stuff with parents money. But here Bioware tried to do both PLUS forcefeed high end gamers DEI-agenda. This is not gonna end well…
@natewelch1643 Ай бұрын
Proper nouns is a short form way of saying in Universe lore terms such as Fade, The Veil, Gray Wardens, Tevinter, in universe concepts which new players generally will need to grasp while playing Veilguard.
@natewelch1643 Ай бұрын
Basically they don’t want to overwhelm new people with a bunch of old game lore so they’re just gonna start it in an action set piece and then people can read the codex later to catch what any of the proper noun terms mean
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
​@natewelch1643 that's just lazy. Well now I know
@117haseo3 Ай бұрын
You wonder why they changed the name from Dreadwolf and then you look into there creative director and just go 'ah yes so the usual kind of person is responsible for this....'
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
like "who the fuck calls themself a Gendermancer?" like seek help
@thess25 Ай бұрын
Hi, I'm still watching the video, but i must say that i really laughed at 34:18 with the "women" thingy hahahahahaha, and i am a woman! ffs...
@Jellycubist Ай бұрын
This game is going to live or die on the strength of the writing for me. The trailer is so squeaky clean, and with how much of their politics they're stuffing into the game, I'm going to be pissed if they try to retcon the elves being the cause of their own destruction. Or if they don't show the true horror of Tevinter of all places - it's looking like a dystopian sci-fi city right now, not a place of slavery and blood magic. Those screenshots look like the Grand Necroplis in Nevarra. So the pessimist in me is saying they've uploaded those to show 'hey guys, our game is still dark and gritty!' when really it's just where we'll meet Emmrich like in that terrible companion trailer. And nah, on behalf of the ladies, I'm going for Davrin 100% (weird square hairline and all). Lucanis looks like a copy & paste of the protag from Sifu.
@Nicottia Ай бұрын
You've got a lot of good points... especially about the combat. Just to imagine that mages were once capable of a wonder commonly referred to as healing magic and how much "improvement" that wonder has received across the games. From dedicated healing spells and subclasses in DAO and DA2 to 1 ultimate ability in DAI (knight enchanter's no less lol)... to chugging potions in DA the Veilturd... Also, as a woman I do not understand the article writer's argument there either. On top of that, wasn't Stellar Blade's Eve's body and face scanned, as in based on an actual person (actress)? So what's so unrealistic about that? I seriously do not understand what they were going for with the female designs. Imho the prettiest of 'em is Harding and her jaw could still cut glass (as opposed to her more feminine features in DAI)... and the guys? Emmerich is a no, not into grandpas, so that leaves Davrin (the elf which imho is actually hot) and the Zevran's cheap antivan brunette knock off Lucanis, which sure is handsome but yeh, an obvious trap that one, so no thanks... But yeah, nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the overzealous modern thought police... I have been banned from both DA and ME subreddits about 2 years ago: for "internalized misogyny" that was me sarcastically joking about one Miranda cosplayer's outfit choice. Made that joke (and took screenshots of my exchange with the mod too, trying to explain it to him/her that I broke none off their rules, but he/she ended up muting me for a month so I couldn't continue trying to speak some sense into him/her, I am still perma banned ofc 🤣) on ME subreddit, got perma banned from both ME and DA subreddits cause that's justice for you (that mod seemed to perma ban me on all subreddits he/she is a mod of, got a lot of spam in my reddit's mailbox that day, getting banned from all kinds of subreddits I didn't know existed 🤣).
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
first of Mirandas hot af and second they downgraded with the removal of camera butt shoots of her. you know who like butts? men. who else? women! I thought we were supporting women! "sorry ladies the butt shoots got to go. were doing this for you!" Women: "......thanks -__-" lol
@Nicottia Ай бұрын
@@MrHardcoreMode Agreed on all counts! I always chuckled when my femShep encountered Miranda's legendary buttshots! 🤣But you know what is weird? If they had to change anything, why didn't they change goddamn femShep's sitting animations when talking to Garrus? She's still manspreading her legs, even in a goddamn dress where you can see her undies! That didn't get changed one bit in legendary edition, like come on, make her sit like a woman! 🤣But nooooo, "artistic integrity preserved, so no angles were adjusted either"! 🤣 And not only do we like butts, but also breasts, too! In every single game that allows me to change my character's body shape, what do you think I change and adjust first? 😜 Apparently Veilturd will allow us to sculpt Rook's body, well, I will see how far I can push my lady Rook's breasts and butt! 🤣Pretty sure that will cause a riot among the lady companions! 🤣"How come the developers gave me sagging breasts? And she gets perky D cups? I can't work in this environment!" 🤣
@Nicottia Ай бұрын
@@MrHardcoreMode I agreee on all counts, heck I even wrote a lengthy reply but youtube seems to have deleted my comment, or put it in your "for approval, too spicy of a comment" box... heh.
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
@@Nicottia its pretty lengthy. 3 paragraphs right? reply to this and repeat what you said. ill read it.
@Nicottia Ай бұрын
@@MrHardcoreMode Yup, if I remember correctly I wrote that I agreed with you, and that we women indeed not only look at the behinds of our characters but also at their chests... And I also mentioned that of all the dumb things they changed in MELE, they did not change femShep's sitting animations when talking to Garrus... basically femSheps are small scale exhibitionists since forever, flashing their underwear at poor turians and other passersby. You'd think they would maybe change some things like that, that would be welcomed, but nah, better change Miranda's camera angles... And I also made a joke at that Bellara's (that female elf chick who's jumping out of tentacles) expense, basically she has the body type of a very fit grandmother... and I also wrote that in any game that allows body adjustments I generally give my characters D cups and sizeable cushions for behinds. 🤣Oh and I wrote that allegedly Veilturd is going to have adjustable body sliders... and ofc I am gonna make the hottest lady Rook I can think of that will put all of Bioware's current creations to shame. 🤣
@numalustosa4477 Ай бұрын
at the start of the 51:26, i'd start to smile from ear to ear... that was nostalgic, thank you
@afroman5160 Ай бұрын
I think we have not seen enough gameplay too judge. We have only seen a lv 1 character. Imo I like what we have seen far. I like that we have seen Solas already. The ending of the gameplay made me curious what happens next with Solas.
@r.e.z9428 Ай бұрын
I’m getting Andromeda/Borderlands 3 vibes.
@loreofmetalenthusiast Ай бұрын
So far I'm not hopeful... But dammit I want it to be good! I grew up with mass effect and dragon age origins. 😟 Sidenote, nice looking headset, would you happen to know what type it is?
@xy-te9db Ай бұрын
Yo, the "keep" is the online choice simulation
@Megaphy 20 күн бұрын
Speaking of food, guess we're starving with this one.
@dreamingflurry2729 Ай бұрын
You do that, mate! I'll cover you :D
@thallesmedeiros8841 Ай бұрын
a lot of truth being said here, agree with almost everything. The thing is, this game isn't for us anymore, I'm starting to think that even the story will not be enough to make me able to play this colorful shit. Miss the time where I wanted to take all the characters to battle, because all of them were cool. Now I don't even want to take 2 to the fight, they all look boring.
@MarwolfAeducan Ай бұрын
I wished baldurs gate 3 turn based was alot like final fantasy or fire emblem. I hated the divinity combat
@jasonhammitt8660 Ай бұрын
I can't wait to play this. I can understand this is not a lot of people's thing. If it isn't and this doesn't sell well, you can kiss this franchise and this studio goodbye.
@MicacoGames Ай бұрын
The gameplay trailer gave me some d&d dark alliance (the new one) crap vibes. The "levels," "moment to moment , " and "mission based" bs just confirmed it.
@Sylentmana Ай бұрын
I’ll be honest, I always turned the persistent gore off in all the DA games. I even modded it out in BG3. I just hate it. Personal preference.
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
thats understandable.
@fenix648 Ай бұрын
This trailer makes me feel like I did when Dungeon Siege 3 came out. It is a completely different game and I was extremely disappointed!
@jeice452 Ай бұрын
Dragon Age 2 was my favorite
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
@MarwolfAeducan Ай бұрын
Merril is wifey
@techlorknight338 Ай бұрын
Merril best girl
@BittermanAndy Ай бұрын
By the Dread Wolf!
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique Ай бұрын
So it’s not even zones like in ff7 remake? 🤔
@MarwolfAeducan Ай бұрын
Real time combat is a must for crpgs
@jasonhammitt8660 Ай бұрын
How do you know that after a 20 minute Trailor?
@pensador6953 Ай бұрын
0:08 God bless you honored warrior. My soul cries for the agony you shall endure. Move forth to the gate of queer hell and may the straight god watch over you. "salutes"
@nohud6233 Ай бұрын
Disappointed on avowed and dragon age, only hope left is the wayward realms
@InfernosPhantoms Ай бұрын
Doesn't look or feel like DA in any kind of way, they killed it and then they sprinkled in their DEI to finish it off.
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique Ай бұрын
So… Now we have a woman that just happily jumps in and out of the fade? 🤦 And the darkspawn now have goofy faces 🤷 A sad state from what it once was. The Darkspwn deserved better.
@desuryu548 Ай бұрын
I've never played any Dragon Age game but my friend played them all so I know few things. Im more of an Action RPG/JRPG players so this type of combat is more in my personal taste BUT I fucking hate the purple color everywhere, the ability wheel looks aweful and the neon demons... lets not talk about them, not to mention the lack of good looking womans besides Harding. I also agree Trash seriously looks like a male and thats not even an untasteful joke but straight fact. Different topic tho HOLY SHIT that Origin trailer makes me want to play that game, I absolutly LOVE IT and that makes me really sad when I think about how this VileGuard would look like as a pure Dark Fantasy with my preferred combat system with a badass name like Dreadwolf.
@MarwolfAeducan Ай бұрын
Brother bioware is no longer the company we loved its all ea.
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
i know...
@AbeFroman19861 Ай бұрын
Bioware added nudity to the game and then made all the characters so ugly that nobody wants to see them naked.
@rl1585 Ай бұрын
bioware like square chased this idea that action/fluid is the ideal. No you made games with tactics and paced deliberate actions. Now both are unrecognizable. BG3 proved very successfully that non action combat is in fact good.
@LucasRibeiro-po4pb Ай бұрын
Proper noun is just a name. Be it for a person, place, object, event etc.
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
thanks for the info. now i know.
@SomeUniqueHandle Ай бұрын
Stating that their fan base, many of them women, are looking forward to the game's release isn't a bad thing. It's nice to know that some companies realize that women play games as well, and not just Stardew Valley-type games. Many games are still very guy-focused, with little recognition of women existing except as prizes to be won when the mission is over. The fact that guys are screaming, "You're virtue signalling!" just for stating there are women gamers is really disheartening. How do you feel about the guys screaming "Virtue signalling!" about the demo specifically because the demo featured a Black guy?
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
what does recognizing women play video games do?
@mgxzazfbyjuchrisclarkvpz236 Ай бұрын
I seriously HATE this industry
@MarwolfAeducan Ай бұрын
The only character is attractive is Scout Harding
@ShikaRoddy Ай бұрын
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if combat was hack n slash, I just wish it wasn't a dogwater hack n slash straight from dnd dark alliance. This is my main gripe, it looks horrible.
@yc_knight6370 Ай бұрын
I hope we can romance sum NPC 😂
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
@theresaplatypuscontrolling5464 Ай бұрын
A proper noun is an individual, place, name etc like Larry, Texas, the Boston Red Sox etc they just meant there's lots to remember, nothing to do with pronouns.
@jeditricks7605 Ай бұрын
They could honestly have shown gameplay in an open world you know new area with a fully deck out abilities to witness and please a person that's actually plays good would have respark my interest... the companion trailer was straight ass and only getting 5 mins of gameplay out of 25 is bs.
@Brit-One 25 күн бұрын
All characters are frying pan sexual great, just great… what a cringe!
Ай бұрын
This is Mass Effect not Dragon Age. It has the exact same gameplay as Mass Effect 2/3.
@brutalborat5468 Ай бұрын
@Orillah Ай бұрын
Basically DOA.
@addy9282 Ай бұрын
@gorantamburic2000 Ай бұрын
Its a woke Disney DA like Star Wars The Acolyte
@user-pr6qo6hh8r Ай бұрын
The New Dragon Age looks like Big DRAGON doo - doo 💩💩💩
@MarwolfAeducan Ай бұрын
@pocketphrog1777 Ай бұрын
What I like about Veilguard: the environments are pretty and the dragons look like dragons. What I dislike: everything else
@gottinrod Ай бұрын
Fucking hell that last old ass trqiler rocks.... WTF where are the real professionals to make a money printing machine modern game of that trailer???????? Goddamm imma go play that old ass game right now. Fuck me!
@gottinrod Ай бұрын
Holy shit i thought you had edited it out somehow and tried hard to make a point. THAT IS THE ACTUAL FUCKING TRAILER???? Thats it imma go play it right the fuck NOW
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
have fun my dude
@gottinrod Ай бұрын
@@MrHardcoreMode godamn this is good shit. I played for 6h straight. That king got wrecked by the monster you mentioned lol. I see why it is so sad we aint getting a game like this instead of this fortnite bullshit!
@MarwolfAeducan Ай бұрын
Da inquisition has worst the combat ,no healing spells , no area attacks no specialization like shape shifter , ext.
@TwistedwithPower Ай бұрын
Lots of tissues i see 😂
@Riotaki1 Ай бұрын
Busche .... more like Buscher of Dragon age series ....
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
this game will be as fake as his gender
@xaxaxaxaxa6417 Ай бұрын
Yes Eve that character that it´s based on a real Korean woman it´s unrealistic F... of
@trendqiang3921 Ай бұрын
Dragon Age became a classic not for its combat or open world but for BioWare's captivating stories, rich histories, and interesting companions. Even at its release, Dragon Age: Origins faced criticism for its combat mechanics, falling short compared to BioWare's earlier works. BioWare's strength lies in its cinematic storytelling, unlike Bethesda's reliance on props and scenes. Many fans loved Origins for its epic narrative, a point new players often miss due to KZfaqrs who don't appreciate this style of game. Modern influencers tend to chase trends and focus on combat mechanics, favoring games centered on gear grinding like Diablo. While I doubt the new Dragon Age will be a great game, I believe it’s moving in the right direction. With most of the original team gone, it likely won't match Origins' excellence. Currently, no game fills the void for a BioWare-style narrative with detailed plots and characters. For those focused on combat, Baldur's Gate 3 is a good substitute, while the Pathfinder series suits those who dislike turn-based games. Still, no game satisfies the craving for BioWare's choice-driven storytelling.
@thekraken4886 19 күн бұрын
Don't buy it
@fliplife67 Ай бұрын
The game sounds so downgraded I wonder why it took so long to make.
@CurtOntheRadio 10 күн бұрын
It looks soul-less and shit. Meh - we're all 20 years older, or whatever. None of it gels. None of it is convincing. Where is this world? Doesn't look anything really like earth, does it? Nor is it "in space". Does it seem at all real to you? Not to me. Some dwarfy, steam-punk kinda place with neon lights and vaguely medieval european architecture. It looks totally made up - and badly so. It has no time, and no place - and not in a good way. None of it exists off-screen, at all. It's generic. In this fake plastic medievalism, where social relations are such that everyone is polyamorous (without negative consequence?) there's also a world of cartoonish 'demons' intent on destroying it...because.....well, just because. But the world looks entirely fictional and there are no social relations. Why would anybody be interested in it? Why would anyone care if the unscary 'demons' even destroyed it - and all its "people"? And where would the fun come from in preventing that, judging by the mechanics? The combat looks laughably simplistic and bad. How is that combat going to keep anyone interested? And you just know it's going to be rinse-repeat of those pathetic wavering ghouls, or whatever they were. Archer, mass the button for attack, heal. So exciting! Man, it all looks so bad. And soul-less. It's going to be a disaster. They're wheeling out the Joe Biden of RPGs. This is what ya got?!?! This is what you're giving us???!!!!!? It was better twenty years ago.
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique 23 күн бұрын
Dragon Age Pronouns
@bambi5738 Ай бұрын
This guy is stuttering and struggling to find reasons to hate the game that isn’t even out yet 😂 all of these dudes always come to the same complaint of the women not meeting their sexual fantasy lol
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
i get nervous when I make videos. quit being a bitch and grow up.
@bambi5738 Ай бұрын
@@MrHardcoreMode you made an hour long video talking in circles and raging hard enough to make yourself glitch. It’s not you being nervous bro 😂 sorry the game isn’t going to have enough chicks with their tits out since that’s what you’re whining about
@LowTaperSypherPK Ай бұрын
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