Has Efficiency Ruined Hobbying - Hobby Vlog EP3

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5 ай бұрын

Hail Kin! Matt here bringing you another Hobby Vlog video where I discuss how I feel efficiency has discouraged my hobbying all while painting my Einhyr Champion model.
Have you ever felt like efficiency and optimization has discouraged you from starting new projects?
#hobby #leaguesofvotann #warhammer #warhammer40k #rockandstone #ageofsigmar #theoldworld

Пікірлер: 34
@HMS_Kaiser 5 ай бұрын
Glad to see you are growing! So close to 1k. Love to see it!
@VotannVersus40K 5 ай бұрын
Thanks Kaiser!! I’m honestly humbled by all the support the channel has gotten to reach this point… really didn’t expect to see 1000 but it’s quickly creeping up! I have some really exciting plans for the channel that are in development and I can’t wait to get them finalized in the near future! We’ll see how things shape up
@synapps.filip.gorczynski 5 ай бұрын
You mean growing according to channel or glowing according to painting? ;)
@Jordan-Iorth 2 ай бұрын
I totally got you man. I was fully into researching a warband for Mordheim because Devs and Dice released a video about it, while I just a week before I decided not to invest my time into it because I simply don't have it at the moment. Weird how the urge for something new works sometimes.
@VotannVersus40K 2 ай бұрын
Yup totally feel you. I usually end up immediately reselling most one off project kits I purchase because I realize afterwards that I'll never have the time to work on them :(
@NBeaver-bx4yl 5 ай бұрын
Just to say, I am a Votann played 40k only for a long time. But I started out Seraphon a couple months ago and they are an absolute blast to play. They have been my favorite models to paint out of everything I own. Its so much fun. The models looks awesome. The fun with Seraphon in AoS, you can play 2 completely different playstyles. So whatever you wanna do, you got a build for it !
@VotannVersus40K 5 ай бұрын
That’s awesome to hear! I really love the aesthetic of the Saurus units and the big dinosaurs. I honestly might pick the squad up and try it out. At the end of the day, I can always just keep some as a painted item on the shelf. Do you have any small 500-1000pt lists you would recommend?
@NBeaver-bx4yl 5 ай бұрын
@@VotannVersus40K Honestly, there is so many possible builds for a good 1000 pts list. But at that point, you should probably go with a Coalesced army with Koatl's claw. (Basically a saurus heavy melee brawl army). I would probably go with; Saurus Oldblood on carnosaur Skink Starseer for support buffs. 1 unit of 10 Saurus Warriors 1 unit of 6 Aggradons. you could cut the Starseer and put a couple skinks in there or another unit of Saurus, but imo casting spells is super fun and useful. Old blood gives you easy command abilities( give 2 units the command ability instead of only 1). Skink Starseer gives you Advance and charge for mobility and a 5++ FNP(ward) on a couple units once per battle. He also remove FNP(wards) for the enemy. The saurus are just your backbone objective holding unit. Able to tank well and dish out good damage. Your aggradons are your mobility and your punch, 6 aggradons are heavy brawling cavalry that gets bette the longer they are in melee. the other playstyle, Starborne is focused around the mages, but is designed for 2000 pts. You basically need 800-1000 pts of Wizards, to make the army function well ( by casting spells, you grow a currency that you use for very powerful abilites, like summoning new units, healing your infantry, 5 plus feel no pain or simply a lot of mortal wounds). But at 1000 pts you will really struggle to use the army.
@VotannVersus40K 5 ай бұрын
@NBeaver-bx4yl thanks Beaver this is great! It’s good to know that there’s actually a build for what I was hoping to field - and that’s it’s viable at that. I think I will lean into the Saurus side and sprinkle in some mage support for now. It’s always interesting to jump into a new game system because of the unfamiliarity with lot building. Thanks again for the suggestions, you’ve given me a great starting point!
@NBeaver-bx4yl 5 ай бұрын
@@VotannVersus40K Pleasure ! honestly I don't regret jumping into AoS a couple months ago, its even more fun than I thought it would be.
@mikefish1124 4 ай бұрын
Format is great - keep it up! I am going through a similar situation in my area, but the game is Warmachine, rather than Old World The difference for me is that I want to PLAY Warmachine a lot, so it's worth it to me to make up cool looking terrain and demo armies to try and rustle up some interest. I'd say just get some random Lizardmen and give them a paint. Stuff like that is a great pallette cleanser, and you never know what the future might bring.
@VotannVersus40K 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Mike I definitely sympathize with how you feel. You’re absolutely right that small projects can be a nice pallet cleanser. Best of luck with your Warmachine endeavours!
@mikefish1124 4 ай бұрын
@VotannVersus40K rules are transitory. Models are forever. Just because you can't use your Saurus right now, doesn't mean that you can't use them ever, essentially
@Jkurtz15 4 ай бұрын
I've gotten a could kill teams for just painting and hobby. It has lead to me now expanding my votann because I really liked the models
@VotannVersus40K 4 ай бұрын
That's how I started too!
@Petru_Mita 5 ай бұрын
Man do I understand this so well. Especially that "you look at a model from another faction and really like it, but your brain tells you , you shouldn't get it unless you're intending to start an entire new army" And not even that, simply looking at my votann, who are my number 1 love, and I'd die for. Sometimes maybe I just want to buy another unit I like, but I simply won't because "its not good on the table" or "you should get another 10 hearthguard instead "😂
@VotannVersus40K 5 ай бұрын
Oh yeah 100% agree on your experience with even just trying to expand your main army. I remember a long time ago when I first started collecting and had Tau, I really liked Broadsides and disliked riptides, but back then the meta was riptide focused so I ended up buying that instead. Sold the army shortly after because I simply didn’t enjoy it. It sounds so silly but it really can be hard to purchase the things you WANT vs the things you NEED, and I do think that takes away from the hobby experience as a whole I’m happy that at least for Votann, I tried doing something different and made my first purchase on the thunderkyn because they were cool models! And now here we are 2000points later!
@trenthof5931 4 ай бұрын
Your not crazy. I magnetize my miniatures as it's cheaper than buying multiple boxes (very expensive in aus) I used to play Warhammer fantasy but too expensive as a young lad. Only got back into it after buying leviathan where i had two armies to use.
@VotannVersus40K 4 ай бұрын
I agree, it's definitely gotten a lot more expensive as a whole. I am extremely happy that the votann kits allow for easy weapon swaps without even needing to magnetize for the most part
@PoYi-fi1zt 5 ай бұрын
It takes a while to get better at producing video similar to hobbying ~ you do a great job at explaining things. Keep up the nice work.
@VotannVersus40K 5 ай бұрын
Thanks PoYi for your kind words, it really does mean a lot! Happy you enjoyed the video!
@ICYKCBlue 4 ай бұрын
this!!! freaking me with votann.
@gd3710 4 ай бұрын
As far as a hobby project goes that will only sit on a shelf would be way cheaper to get a 3d print of a non gw model, could even look better if you get a good stl
@toooldfortwowheels2048 5 ай бұрын
This has become an increasingly frustrating issue for me. I'm in my mid forties now and I've played tabletop wargames for over 3 decades now, I'm a recent returned player to 40k after over 25 years away from them. I 'm really tiring of the "math-hammer" or "stat-hammer" view to the game, nbow don't get me wrong I like to play somewhat competitively but this situation where theres a "meta", "viability" considerations and "autoinclude units" is really eroding my enjoyment, after only 6 months back. People looking for exploits in rules, how they're written or min-maxing armies is really sucking the fun out of the hobby. Yes, as people keep telling me, I can ignore people like this, but it's so intertwined in the hobby now it's virtually impossible to ignore.
@VotannVersus40K 5 ай бұрын
I can definitely sympathize with this. As someone who is in their mid 20s, I feel like competitive format is basically the norm across most games I engage with. I wonder when the shift occurred. That's not to say I don't like it, mind you. I actually do quite enjoy mathing things out and trying to optimize lists as for me it is part of the fun of engaging with this game. However, I do feel like this mindset has sort of "seeped" into other aspects of the hobby that I think can be best enjoyed when you put optimization aside and simply enjoy things for what they are. Like picking up a nice model or making a small force just for fun
@toooldfortwowheels2048 5 ай бұрын
@@VotannVersus40K if you look at the majority of content creators and "celebrities" in the hobby an alarmingly high amount of them are about "tactics", "combos" or stats from the latest big tournament. Like the game has become a sport rather than a hobby. I'll continue to play and enjoy it but the current arc we're on might push me away again. Well see. 🤞🏻
@VotannVersus40K 5 ай бұрын
That’s a fair point and completely understandable. Have you taken a look at The Old World stuff? I’m super tempted to pick it up as a game on the side and it looks like it might fit your style for more narrative/casual. A lot of customization and modelling choices!
@scrumptiousbutternut6129 4 ай бұрын
I think it's definitely the cost that does this, if 10 saurus cost 10$ would you even hesitate to buy them just for hobbying?
@VotannVersus40K 4 ай бұрын
Yup 100% agree. Warhammer is definitely an expensive hobby and if you can’t find a good deal on a product, you’ll likely be paying a pretty serious markup. It also feels like a lot of kits are sold to encourage you to instead buy a bigger bundle, which while it has better savings value, means you pay more upfront for more models instead. Makes purchases a bigger commitment
@ICYKCBlue 4 ай бұрын
gained a sub from me! enjoy the rant cause this is where i am now. i just embraced the suck!
@VotannVersus40K 4 ай бұрын
Buy a model you won’t regret it! I learned to embrace this slightly more now thanks to some of the recommendations here and picked up a slyvaneth start collecting box to paint for fun :)
@StarkMaximum 5 ай бұрын
Bro, are you kidding me? You play Votann _and_ Blood Angels? You mean to tell me we play _the exact same armies?_ Right down to the _Space Marine chapter?_ That's ridiculous, dude. It's like it was meant to be. Regarding the core question about efficiency ruining the hobby...well, I'm gonna be real blunt, this seems like a you problem, and I don't mean like "you're the problem, you're being dumb", I mean this is a problem only you can solve. I completely understand getting into that Mathhammer mindset, where you wanna buy the one box of models and now you're thinking, well how would I expand this into a full army? But there _is_ a fallacy I think I can pick at and hopefully give you an in to help potentially change this. You act as if buying, assembling, painting, and displaying models means you're not getting value out of them, that you're not getting value out of them unless they're on the table being played. That's a fair argument but I do think it's fallacious. You put work into those models, you made them your own, and when you put them up on the shelf and look at them, I would imagine you probably feel a sense of pride seeing them up on display. That is value! If you ever have people over where your models are, you can show them your display models and say "look at what I did", and they'll remark on how cool they are, and that's value! That's a creative outlet and just because it's not numbers on a sheet doesn't mean it has no value, it just has a different _kind_ of value. Do you care about that value? When you walk by your shelf and see those models, do you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment from having painted them, or do you just look at them as game pieces not being used? If it's the second one, then yeah, buying and painting models and putting them on display is just going to lead you down that "but how do I use them" path, and it might be better to just not bother. But if that isn't a problem and you can draw upon that joy that completing a creative project can bring you, that's something no one can take from you. "Is the unit even good?" Who cares, dude. It's a side army. You gotta let yourself play by vibes sometimes. Your main armies, you should absolutely get as competitive as you like, but when it comes to an army you're painting up because "the dudes look cool", you GOTTA use the dudes that look cool. When you start getting into that competitive mindset for a side army, you are going to optimize the fun out of your list (unless the units you like are super strong in which case HELL YEAH brother that's a blessing and a half). It's like fighting games; if you have one specific character you want to get good with, that character has 100% of your focus and time. Every time you want to learn a new character, you have to split your focus between them, and while it doesn't have to be 50/50, it means they both can't get 100%. The question is, what percentage are they getting at any given time? And when it comes to a side army you're playing for aesthetics, that's a perfect opportunity to let yourself turn that percentage down low so you can just enjoy the ride and spend your precious time and energy making sure your main armies are at their peak while the side army comes out during the casual game nights with the boys. And like I said, it's totally possible that you just can't get over the "they're just game pieces and if they're not being used it's being wasted" mindset. I don't think it's an unfair mindset to have! It just means that yeah, you're gonna optimize not the fun, but the freedom out of your hobby, I guess. And that's gonna suck, but it is kind of a trade-off. It means you're gonna have to put all your focus on your main armeis that you're actively using, but those armies are going to get honed to a fine point and they're gonna feel great to play.
@VotannVersus40K 5 ай бұрын
Hahaha a person of fine taste, I see. Funny enough, there are a lot of viewers here who also only play Votann AND Blood Angels, so there must be some subtle similarity between the two armies that has gone unnoticed. Perhaps that they are both "nice" and angry? I definitely agree that this is a problem I have created for myself. I know that there is objective value in getting pleasure from accomplishing/working on a project that I am interested in completing. However, it always feels as if, even if there is value in the building and painting stages, that I have not optimized the value of the kit because it is not being played. You're right that this is arbitrary because who is to determine what is value and what is not? It is us, or in this case me, who can decide what I want a kit to be and at what stage of the hobby I achieved "value". I think you hit the nail on the head with the side army and fighting character comparison. In a lot of ways, a side army is supposed to be a "break" from having to optimize, refine, and practice, and can instead be a means to relax and simply have fun rolling dice with your friends. I do this a lot with other video games I engage with and feel no sense of loss, so I wonder why it was more difficult to come to this realization with wargaming. Maybe the cost? Thank you for taking the time to type all this up and help me see things a little more clearer now. You're totally right. Sometimes we just have to do the things that will make us happy and not overthink it. I decided to make a small force of my favorite Lizardmen models and can't wait to get them in the near future! They may even make an appearance on the hobby vlog series!
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