Hating Kids Isn't a Personality Trait | Rant

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@mercurielle7693 2 жыл бұрын
Dunking on children is only socially acceptable when your little cousin comes over to visit, they want to play Smash Bros and their parents won't take "no" for an answer. I told you, Karen. I don't throw games for some six-year-old.
@Thewaterspirit57 2 жыл бұрын
Luckily this never happens to me, because anytime I meet my cousins, it’s when we’re at a place with no internet XD So I have the option to say yes, by my own means. ….but I still won’t throw the match lol
@TombNGloom 2 жыл бұрын
HOLY SHIT YOU ARE SO RIGHT I swear there's always that little cousins that your family forces you to play with even though they know that child is a asshole to
@eeveefan132 2 жыл бұрын
I approve. Never throw a game for any reason. It is disrespectful to yourself and your opponent, possibly even moreso than 3-stocking your opponent.
@gothkurata 2 жыл бұрын
yeah but thats in your personal family environment not the internet
@solareclipse1468 2 жыл бұрын
@Northflowo 2 жыл бұрын
Even funnier when the people hating on kids are still kids themselves
@moonlightartrist6098 2 жыл бұрын
So true lmfao
@dianamations9371 2 жыл бұрын
Right!! They end up making fools of themselves
@hammywoods 2 жыл бұрын
11 year old Xx.Gachamoonlight.xX wants to know your location
@shuk0rina444 2 жыл бұрын
they think because they’re 13 and not 11 that suddenly they’re just not kids anymore lol
@hellod2870 2 жыл бұрын
Im one of them •_•
@maxcrow890 2 жыл бұрын
I don't want kids, but that is a personal issue. I can not manage my own health, and I do not think I am ready for the responsibility. Even when I heal, I think it's better for me if I just have plants or something. Have a happy life, and care for others. If you want, and can care for a child/children, go ahead. I respect anyone who cares for children properly.
@Twist3dDisast3r 2 жыл бұрын
Here here
@serenity5702 2 жыл бұрын
@@Twist3dDisast3r Why do people say that? "Here,Here"
@angelspiritfoxx 2 жыл бұрын
@@serenity5702 it used as basically "I understand"
@serenity5702 2 жыл бұрын
@@angelspiritfoxx Ah ok, at first I thought it meant something derogatory or mean
@fabplays6559 2 жыл бұрын
@@serenity5702 In the UK, it’s what you say when you agree with something. In parliament, that’s how people vote lol. “All in favour?” “Here here!”
@yourmourningstar 2 жыл бұрын
I don't want to punt disruptive kids. I want to punt bad parents. Take care of your kids. And if you can't- if you had a child knowing you'd be a terrible parent. Wtf.
@themaskedtalker2171 2 жыл бұрын
@everybody1211 2 жыл бұрын
Except some people don't ask to have kids and it is forced upon them so they may resent the children, but I agree! There should be books about this for teenagers so they know how to handle kids when the time comes, and what to do if they're stuck with kids and don't want them.
@coebaltraizure6137 2 жыл бұрын
please don't tell me you're one of those people that think that every negative personality trait of a child can be blamed on the Parents. There's only so many times you can 'sit a child down and have a talk with them' or some other benign punishment before you realize the child needs stronger discipline that is frowned upon now a days.
@20luchian 2 жыл бұрын
@@coebaltraizure6137 I agree that it isn't always just parents who are at fault, sometimes it's the environment outside our home that could affect us (friendship groups, teachers, bullies...etc). My parents did their best to be as affectionate and loving, but couldn't understand why i had at time bursts of anger, running away from school and hiding my bad grades, or moments of complete silence and isolation back in elementary and high school. They only found out later when i started Uni that i had been severely bullied throughout my childhood and adolescent years which made me into a bitter and closed up person. I only had the strength to tell them the truth once i actually began working on my mental health and self-asteem, thanks to studying psychology and finally surrounding myself in a normal and healthy enviroment. It took years of self reflection and work to change my mentality and develop more healthy and positive traits. My parents still feel guilty and personally responsible for turning a blind eye, but we're all doing our best to support each other now and look only at the present and future.
@kinka9883 2 жыл бұрын
@@coebaltraizure6137 The way a child behaves is dependent on so many factors including parenting, their environment, and even just themselves. And of course you can't always blame the parents because sometimes they are doing the best they can and nothing is working. But I've seen plenty of times where the parents WERE to blame, like most of the time I've personally seen, you can clearly see what the parent did and how that is affecting their child.
@FenneCat 2 жыл бұрын
Hearing some adults talk about children like they're "lesser people" really hurts my heart. Like dang. They're grown adults bullying a smaller human who can barely defend themselves. No one says you have to like kids but there's a big difference between one and the other. And where's the cut off? Age 18? 13? When do you stop feeling like you wanna drop kick them in your local super market because one of them throws a hissy fit? :/ I've seen plenty of large adults who are money leeches and throw hissy fits too. It's not exclusive to children.
@tikimillie 2 жыл бұрын
I hate kids. And i hate those people too… I dont wish harm on kids though, i just want them to stay the fuck away from me cause they stress me the fuck out as an autistic person. Though i want the best for them of course.
@tikimillie 2 жыл бұрын
When you’ve been literally teabagged by a brat you’ll understand….
@whaleofathyme 2 жыл бұрын
@@tikimillie oh yeah. I understand. It's not easy to deal with kids when sensory issues and sometimes straight up abuse puts you in physical pain. There's just some points where you had enough and no longer enjoy them. Pushed to the limit. I compare my relationship with kids to leaving a dog with kids. It is gentle until it is provoked or physically hurt by the kids. Dog gets blamed for biting the kids when the kids were too rough with it. Yes the kid is still learning, but that doesn't mean it was okay. So some dogs and some people just can't be around kids that's okay. 💙
@andrheathecat 2 жыл бұрын
My stephdad sees kids as his personal workslaves tbh, like he wont givz you respect and he just wqnts you to do what he wants done. He doesnt even see other people as even to him, anyone is a lesser to him. A real a hole 👀
@Kryptidcreative 2 жыл бұрын
They're going to be the new boomers, give it time.
@wynautwarrior2161 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who is not fond of kids myself, WTF is wrong with these people? I understand not liking kids, but there is a difference between not liking them and being an abusive prick.
@Twist3dDisast3r 2 жыл бұрын
@scarletlight2763 2 жыл бұрын
As a child myself I don’t really like other kids but then again I don’t really like people in general, and I think your right and that it’s very different.
@insaneproductions9117 2 жыл бұрын
@@scarletlight2763 I’m 13 turning 14 this march. I’m finally a teenager! Time to bully kids because there kids, and pretend I was never a kid!
@scarletlight2763 2 жыл бұрын
@@insaneproductions9117 what?
@cassius.of.the.operahouse 2 жыл бұрын
@@scarletlight2763 The joke is bashing people who believe they have the right to attack children because they are now "13 or 14". It is mocking those who think hurting those younger, is okay.
@whaleofathyme 2 жыл бұрын
Personally I don't really enjoy little kids, but that's just because I'm the oldest child, I don't like screaming or shouting, and as a kid, I couldn't tell the difference between kids being kids not knowing better and other people intentionally trying to hurt me, and I was also just usually irritable. I don't want kids, but I find animals relaxing and nice to me. I wouldn't say I hate kids, it's just a me problem I have. Kids can be ok, especially when you grow up with family members you love.
@cheese4979 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I agree. Granted, I wouldn't mind having a child but I've gone through the samething to understand where you're coming from. EDIT : I wouldn't have a kid (by myself) because I know myself and I know that I wouldn't want to put a kid in the enviroment of feeling like it's there fault because I can't find away to deal with my apathy and depression. If I had a partner and I was better with my mental health, that would be the only way I would have a kid.
@gunkie 2 жыл бұрын
This is exactly me
@Crystix 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed 100%
@the_feathered_goat6172 2 жыл бұрын
@boringvidz 2 ай бұрын
As the oldest child, my lil siblings made me regain faith in children and love them more. Including my baby brother who I was able to successfully program him to love me
@wispisang 2 жыл бұрын
This is why kids are trying to mature so quickly now, because all these adults a bullying them for acting their age. Trying to pressure these kids into doing things they aren’t developmentally ready for or mature enough for is just so petty and damaging.
@ameliasellers6396 2 жыл бұрын
Children have always been pressured from a young age to grow up more quickly than they’re ready to. However this sentiment really does grow stronger and stronger over time to the point where many people now have downright unrealistic expectations for children (pre-teens and adolescents are absolutely included in this as well). Speaking as someone who had to grow mature at a young age, it actually seriously stunted my emotional growth and ended up in me not maturing at all. Kids need to be able to grow up in a timely fashion and deserve far more kindness than what society’s general attitude gives them.
@PancakeTheKat 2 жыл бұрын
I myself am a kid(I’m younger than 18) and honestly this is true. My parents do love me, but they pressure me a lot to be older than I am. To them, I’m actually 18 years old and I can do everything and understand everything they can. I know they mean no harm but they are doing a bit of harm.
@thearlgrey 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, teenagers and adults bully kids for doing ''cringe'' things when they are literally playing, It's okay to look back on YOUR childhood and think about what an embarrassing gremlin you were, but judging others is just hypocritical, you went through that stage in life yourself so allow others too.
@pastellseok4121 2 жыл бұрын
fr. I remember wanting to grow up quickly so people would start taking me serious
@sal5354 2 жыл бұрын
As a pre-teen, thank you for the message. This type of subject buggles my mind a lot, again thank you. :)
@EvilCarrotSauce 2 жыл бұрын
I don't want kids myself but that's just personal preference. Everyone was a child at some point, why be needlessly cruel to one? Screw that.
@naraku971 2 жыл бұрын
Miserable people want other people to be just as miserable, and it's sad. I guess the phrase misery loves company has some truth behind it.
@Quarter_BeetheSkid 2 жыл бұрын
Oh sorry, I read what you said wrong, whoops! You said everyone “was” a child and I though you said everyone “has” a child. My fault for reading late at night lmho
@Crystix 2 жыл бұрын
@@Quarter_BeetheSkid I accidentally read it like that too 💀
@evey8178 2 жыл бұрын
i misread it as “everyone wants a child at some point” 💀💀💀
@-kurow-7113 2 жыл бұрын
Thing is,childhood wasn't a happy experience for everyone.
@MikuMikuNi39 2 жыл бұрын
Hating anything isn't a personality trait. It's hate.
@slaynyoung 26 күн бұрын
OMG really?!?!?
@deebee9383 2 жыл бұрын
The amount of people who simply forget that children are not mentally fully formed and there for cannot understand how to control their actions, especially if they have bad role models in life, is so astonishing to me. People don't pop out fully grown with a fully formed brain, and yet so many fully grown people see this as a reason to hate on children. This is negative for a multitude of reasons, but one that I see that no one talks about that directly effected me as well, is that if you're hating on a child for simply being a child and not having the mental capacity of an adult, they will start trying to expose themselves to harmful things made only for mature minds because they believe that's how they mature.
@GremlinJohnny 2 жыл бұрын
@AmpleParking 2 жыл бұрын
@Eggfriend omfg people are Gross
@justradicles4337 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it really sucks that there are adults who aren’t mature enough to realize that kids are still learning. The reason why they can’t act mature is because they aren’t full grown adults with the same experiences. Maybe someone doesn’t have the skills or patience to deal with kids, but that doesn’t mean going out of your way to hate them or bully them.
@justradicles4337 2 жыл бұрын
@@angelhanachi That sounds rough. I hope you’re doing okay now.
@scrotum_666 2 жыл бұрын
But there's nothing wrong with disliking them, it's just another opinion. I personally have a strong distaste for children but I absolutely love and cherish my 6 year old brother. I'm the type who never wants to have kids and definitely question why people have them anyways but I'd never discourage of shame anyone for doing so. I know children are still growing and can't really control themselves and their emotions but I don't really care they're still extremely annoying.
@yummygutz9124 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that my friend said it was weird that I liked kids shows how normalized hating children/mistreating children is.
@hisu6311 2 жыл бұрын
someone said i was crazy because i wanna adopt a baby 😭🤚
@JewelWildmoon 2 жыл бұрын
I would be like "listen bro. Everyone has a kid trapped inside of them. *Let me enjoy me toons* " 😆
@Mylesledragon 2 жыл бұрын
Its sad how normalized it is, I have autism and I still fucking love cartoons at heart. I wanna become a cartoonist and make cartoons for all ages! Yeah little kids can be annoying but it's just how they are, you can dislike them and it doesn't have to be for you. But it's gross how people wanna mistreat them, hug them. Give your kids loves, selfish people
@Crystix 2 жыл бұрын
I like kid shows too because they comfort me and my friends bully me for watching them :’) its sad how its normalized
@Mylesledragon 2 жыл бұрын
@@Crystix same, but nobody bullies me for it fortunately. If your friends don't support your likings then are they REALLY your friends?
@videokilledtheradiostar4142 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when I had to explain to people that I wasn't "anti-kid" when I said I didn't want children. these were other students, so it took half a second for them to get what I was saying, but sometimes, just wow
@ameliasellers6396 2 жыл бұрын
Power to you for realizing you don’t want kids.
@Kotifilosofi 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, people confuse not wanting children with being anti-children so often. I have seen people on so many occasions bemoaning about how "everyone" hates children, and when they give examples, it's not the actual abusive behavior towards children they describe, it's people who simply do not want children. Which is so frustrating, since I dare to say that the majority of people who don't want children of their own still don't hate children in general. And also because many people who actually display the abusive anti-children behavior are the parents of their own children. There's just such a strong stigma against people who don't want children (especially if you're AFAB), and on the other hand so many protective falsities towards parents (especially if you're AFAB).
@sarahgoesvroom 2 жыл бұрын
same just same
@AmaterasuFox 2 жыл бұрын
I personally don't like children or infants because I get sensory overload so easily when there's screaming, crying, and whining. I'd rather not deal with it for my own mental health, so I just stray off from them and hope that they don't bother me LOL No issues with anyone having kids though, but I just personally will not want to be around them at all.
@Twist3dDisast3r 2 жыл бұрын
That’s very understandable and not really what I was trying to talk about. I also have sensory issues
@bloodandguts 2 жыл бұрын
That’s about how I feel. I do not dislike kids, I just don’t like being around them due to sensory issues and general social awkwardness. But even then, it’s not all the time I don’t like being around them. Only when they’re being loud. I have a little cousin who I love seeing, and my band directors have kids who I love giving high fives to and talking to.
@bloodandguts 2 жыл бұрын
I’m also still 15 so that can also factor into it what with social awkwardness and all of that
@theautismrizzler 2 жыл бұрын
My exact thoughts. I don’t hate kids per say, just how loud they can get sometimes. The age I actually start to dislike people are like, 12 to 13.
@ioan.c8868 2 жыл бұрын
@@theautismrizzler Yeahh, I remember having to join my mother's friend's 8 y.o. because she wasn't allowed to go to the park alone. I was pushing her on the swings when these 11-13 y.olds were picking on one of them's younger sister. They didn't actually do anything damaging, but would kinda ignore her or make her do things that they thought would be funny before bicycling away from her. All this time they had that "I'm the older one, so cooler one" look on their faces, and because of how I myself have had that phase I just kinda... cringed- unless there's a better word to explain how I felt? The 8 y.o I was watching was acting more mature than them. I get that being forced to tag your sibling along might be annoying, but from an outsider's perspective treating them poorly just makes you the bad guy, like there wasn't anything funny about it.
@blxssingss 2 жыл бұрын
Future social worker here 🙋🏽‍♀Fun fact: I don't like kids nor do I want kids because I was raised in an *incredibly* abusive environment. I still to this day struggle to be hugged by my younger cousins as a result of said environment. I grew up being told I was selfish for not wanting kids from a very young age then being forced to practically raise kids (my siblings). It scarred me and I can honestly say my mom's parenting MESSED me tf up. *BUT* I've now come to terms through therapy where these nasty feelings came from, and that kids are not a burden or a nuisance and need to be protected at all costs. Hence why I'm hoping to be a social worker by 2026. How you were treated, your traumas, and your hang ups are under any circumstances NO EXCUSE to take those things out on others. Especially vulnerable people that have 0 way of defending themselves against a literal grown ass person's wrath. You don't want kids? Valid! You hate a literal vulnerable human being and wish to let them know that? GROW TF UP OR GO KICK ROCKS YOU PRICK. I honestly feel like the whole societal push for having kids from the previous generation has caused these people to just go towards the other extreme and feel justified in doing so. These people are the definition of "taking candy from a baby".
@bigboy2671 2 жыл бұрын
wishing you the best with your career!! im shooting for social work too :D hope you're doing well xx
@okr7944 2 жыл бұрын
goodluck to you
@-kurow-7113 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah this whole hate on kids might be a reaction to the pressure of "you must have kids or else you're a failure because life is about reproduction".
@akiramomoiro3083 2 жыл бұрын
@@-kurow-7113 I kind of felt like it also had to do with being convinced by the adults around you yourself, that you were less of a person because you were a child, so then it gets ingrained in them, causing them to grow up to have the same feelings towards children, and feel like now they themselves have more value as a human because they are adults, compared to their child selves. Notice how a lot of these same people who say they hate kids, are extremely disparaging of themselves from when they were kids? Saying they were a bad kid, etc? It's because their parents put those words into their head, making them believe these are inherent characteristics of not just themselves as a person, but especially children overall. If they don't act like little adults, they are bad children in their minds, because that's what their parents taught them.
@Limacinablues 2 жыл бұрын
If you really need to express your hate you don't need to fabricate your past for get attention. Curb your ego
@jelly_elli 2 жыл бұрын
Huge difference between “i’m not good around kids” and “i’m not good around kids because I proudly say i’d punt one if I got the chance.”
@scrotum_666 2 жыл бұрын
I would punt one
@SketchingPandaRen 2 жыл бұрын
I don't like kids, but more often then not I'm more annoyed by the parent then the child. Getting mad at a child is like getting mad at a beginner.
@vinny464 2 жыл бұрын
''Getting mad at a child is like getting mad at a beginner.'' this type of stuff i see very often in games coming from ppl who played the game for bazillion hours or some shit, bashing on someone who just installed acting like their ruining the community like theyre the plague or smth, like OF COURSE THEY DONT HAVE EXPERIENCE THEY JUST ARRIVED HERE and it pisses me off so much, thank god there are some pure souls who see these beginners and help them thru out, theatching them and stuff, and i just whished those tryhards would learn to help others but no, they never do.
@badtzmaro 2 жыл бұрын
@@vinny464 they also act like they werent kids before, like bro 🧍‍♂️
@scrotum_666 2 жыл бұрын
What's wrong with disliking children
@SketchingPandaRen 2 жыл бұрын
@@scrotum_666 Never there was, I even said I dislike kids. I ment being mad at a kid for something you learn from experience/being told.
@akiramomoiro3083 2 жыл бұрын
I have a theory as to why there are people that hate children, and I think it boils down to how we were raised, and how our parents responded to us at the common stage where many of us start to hate those younger than us. When we don't get to be socialized with others around her age enough when we are between the ages of 6 and 14, then we can create this animosity towards anyone younger than us. When there's not enough adult intervention that doesn't include any sort of harsh punishment and only a good talk to, then this could lead to either resentment because of the parents not seeing things from your point of view and being extremely punitive and painting you as a monster, or they are so uninvolved, that you just continue on your way of being hateful and bullying, and also the urge for this kind of sensation oftentimes comes from again, deprivation of socializing with those around your age. I know I felt this way when I was around 8 years old, I didn't like 4-year-olds, I found them extremely annoying, and I found it extremely unpleasant to hang around them for any longer than 5 minutes. I think because this is a crucial time for our brains as a child, in order for them to develop properly, we need those brains to be around other brains that are around the same development, not someone who is still learning the ABCs and still likes blue's clues. When you're eight, you need to be around other children that have a similar understanding of the world, similar development, etc. Not that you can't ever interact with someone who was younger or older, but in order for the brain to develop properly and become more mature, it needs to be exposed to others who are in the same or similar field of development. I remember preferring to be around children between the ages of 7 to 10, as we had a similar understanding of the world at that stage of life. Some of us may have been still learning how to read and write, but we absolutely knew our abcs. We were at the stage where we didn't just find iron Man cool because he's iron man, but because we were starting to get an intricate understanding of the marvel universe, and started to actually play the marvel universe Xbox games, and we're starting to read comic books. We were starting to get exposed to more involved, more mature content than before, and our brains were ready for it. When a child at the stage is more exposed to those who are younger than them, at a stage that the child themselves have finally come out of, it feels frustrating, annoying, belittling even. Then, when you express any bit of this annoyance, when your parents brush you off and tell you you are being ungrateful, not being gentle enough, etc, tell you to be nice to your brother or whatever, this only creates more resentment, and not more respect for children younger than you. A good parent would notice this sense of deprivation from you, and maybe try to involve you in a more mature activity, and might separate you from your annoying sibling, and try to find a way to make sure both of you got healthy interaction that each of you needed, instead of telling you guys that you had to work it out yourself, and that you had to be more patient with your littlebrother. How can you be more patient at 8 years old with a 4 year old brother, that you live with all the time, and have to make compromises with all the time, because they are still too small to have an understanding of things? You want to reach out farther, develop more, you want to have more intellectually deep conversations, you don't want to just talk about how iron Man can blast lasers out of his hands, you want to talk about a more intricate side of his story, you want to look into all the various iron Man suits he's had in the past, but all your little brothers capable of doing, is making flying sounds and repetitively explaining how cool iron Man is on the basis of that he is simply cool. How much of this can an 8-year-old take? When a parent doesn't respect the developmental stages of each of their children, this could lead to problems, and if prolonged enough, can lead to a long-term animosity towards those greatly under matured from yourself, thereby creating the hate for children. Another aspect that can play into this, is if the parented themselves project a lot of their own hate of children unto you, with every little childish thing you ever did, being bad or disgusting or annoying. They hourly expressed it to you, and so you internalize the message that, because you are a child, you are annoying, undesirable to socialize with, and are disgusting. When you grow up, you feel like you are finally outside of that, so you are more willing to be disparaging of children, because that was what was framed for you. Not that these things can't still impact you on a personal level as an adult simply because it was modeled as a childish thing, cuz it does become your integral and your voice whatever your parents believed or thought of you, if it was mainly portrayed because you were a child, a lot of your sentiment of negativity towards yourself will largely be due to the fact that you were a child. Part of what makes me come to this conclusion, is the fact that almost every person I've met who said they hated kids, whenever they speak of their own childhoods, it actually sounded really really horrible. Whenever they describe themselves as a child, instead of seeing themselves as innocent and naive, they tend to see themselves as idiotic, annoying, gross and just straight up evil little gremlins, why? Because that's exactly what their parents made them feel about themselves especially for being a child, thereby making them a child hater as an adult. And then, their parents ask why their kids as adults hate children, which every abusive parent seems to wonder how their children end up the way they do, it just seems really silly to me when these parents just don't see the errors of their ways.
@StarOfRaven 2 жыл бұрын
When I was younger I thought I didn't like kids, turns out I just don't like their parents and the parenting. Geez, kids are just running around and the parents don't give a shit. Last time I was on a bus there were two boys wrestling and and shouting. The bus was full and it was disturbing people. The father just sat there, didn't even look at them.. I was fuming! Sometimes you see good parents with kids that are polite and nice to talk to. Those kids are great! I feel like they are a minority though 🤷‍♀️
@user-ooop 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I feel like somthing like this is why I don't want to become a parent. Alot of parents & non parents pressure folks into having kids but it's not tht easy cuz not only do u have to pop them out & provide the basic food water & shelter but u also have to raise them & and be available emotionally & mentally for at least 18 years if u want to be a GOOD parent & I just don't want to put that burden on myself Like in that situation the dad was in I'd probably just think of walking away & leaving my kids. A parent can do tht but a good one certainly would not
@emilyann4549 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, but if we tell our kid to sit down and behave someone else is gonna call us a monster abusive parent. Yall childless people are impossible. No sympathy. Like sorry children exist and are disruptive to your 30 minute bus ride. Poor baby.
@StarOfRaven 3 ай бұрын
@@emilyann4549 I don't have kids, but I have six older siblings and they have kids so I have always been around kids and I have been their babysitter sometimes. I know which of my siblings that are strict, their kids are fine, the other ones are not well behaved on any level. I understand that there is a lot of opinions being pushed on parents but would you rather have kids that are well behaved and you being criticized for being "a monster" or would you rather not tell your kids to behave and have kids that always disturb other people one way or another (which would be criticized too in another way). The example I used was just one of many incidents. We're talking about a full buss, people were standing even. The boys were wrestling and punching each other and bumping in to other passengers. And they were screaming and shouting. The father didn't care one bit. Some passengers told the boys to stop and that lessened the screaming and wrestling a little. The father didn't say anything. But this was just one example. Things like this happen all the time. On the street, on the bus, in the store during social gatherings, in church, on the beach etc. And no I'm not talking about children being tired and whiney. I'm talking big disturbances.
@emilyann4549 3 ай бұрын
@@StarOfRaven Yalls judgments either way dont count because you dont have kids. When no one else in your culture is having kids, everyone has an opinion with 0 expirience. I do not take you people seriously. I have no people in my life, my age with real life experience raising kids. Strait up winging it with the advice I get from elders and online. I'm 27 and have 0 friends with kids. If you want your opinion to be heard, join the club or shut up. Yall child free people decided you don't want the responsibility, so you don't get to make the cultural rules around parenting kids because you chose not to join the family class. You want to see perfect shiny kids and parents, but you don't want to contribute anything to child rearing or parenting in the culture? Not how it works bud. Do I have complaints about other people's parenting style? Yes. But I actually know how it is, so I'm not so damn cruel about it. You have no idea whats going on in that man's life. Parents have their give up moments, especially in this culture where no one gives a damn about each other anymore. If it was me on that bus, I'd try to spark a conversation with the kids or just get over myself. An bad behaved kid bumping into me isn't ruining my day.
@luciel234 12 күн бұрын
​@@emilyann4549Discipline isn't the same as abuse. Discipline is the opposite of abuse, actually; parents who never discipline their children, or parents who only discipline their children behind closed doors, are teaching their child that obedience is conditional to being able to get called out on it. Those children will turn into adults who only take accountability when they're caught, regardpess of how horrendous their actions were. Train your children to feel genuine empathy and respect for other people, and you will not have this problem. Saying "sit down and shut up" isn't teaching them anything, but telling them "these people are trying to concentrate and you're disturbing them" reminds a child that they aren't the only person in the room, and that respect of other people's personal space is the quality of a good person. Raise good kids, don't start slacking off now just because us "childfree people" are "impossible." Us childfree people don't know your child, so don't use us as an excuse to slack off on your parenting. If you choose to have a child, at the very least know the difference between abuse, discipline, and punishment.
@neonyami 2 жыл бұрын
There is also people who see kids as not humans as in they don't know shit, yes kids don't have the same understanding of the world like some adults but they are way smarter then you think. They may not know what PTSD is but they know what PTSD is in the sense that someone is hurting and they are upset.
@Junebugdraws 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, people don't give kids enough credit. Some people think that just because someone is younger than them that means that they are dumber than them. When that isn't true. Seriously, there's some grown adults who are as dumb as bricks out there. There's even some kids shows and movies that dumb themselves down just so the kids can understand the moral of the story. These kids can figure it out on their own and them shoving their cheesy message of the story down your throat just ruins the movie/show. Kids are honestly smart, accepting, and understanding...until some of the adults in their lives corrupt their mindset. But that's a whole rant for another day.
@spaceaster 2 жыл бұрын
Kids are SO much smarter then what people give them credit for It’s really infuriating when I see people do or say terrible shit in front of a kid and say “their young they don’t understand/won’t remember” like ??? The fuck???
@afanofcupheadfnafandundert857 2 жыл бұрын
As a minor, I agree, besides, they were kids at once too, not realizing that they were kids once too makes them even more stupid besides, why do people forget something called “their brain is still developing”
@daniboy4153 2 жыл бұрын
@@spaceaster You said it. There's always children who are smarter and maturer than anyone else out there.
@leavemealone7159 Жыл бұрын
I relate because I have anxiety and younger kids make me feel uneasy
@mercy5004 2 жыл бұрын
Often I find those who openly hate children are often the ones who try to portray themselves as some kind of saintly humanitarian types. Aka: People are suffering in the world so how dare you reproduce, when you could be spending that time and effort onto improving other peoples lives! Meanwhile they neglect to see that their treatment of kids is *contributing* to human suffering. A LOT of welfare is centered around kids, because extreme poverty leads to adult trauma, and lifelong complications. To best help the adult, you have to first care for the kid. Women's rights issues start in childhood, for instance, with young girls being barred from education, forced into marriages, being abandoned after birth, etc. In fact most societal issues at the forefront of worldwide movements are contingent on the fact that it is the effects on *children* that perpetuate this suffering. Could abstaining from having children be their modus of helping the humanitarian cause? Sure, absolutely! But its when you cross the threshold of making a personal moral choice, to traumatizing and harassing those around you that it becomes a problem. Of course there are those who say "But people have harrassed me about having kids!" Yeah. That sucks and shouldn't happen. However, just because you were made a victim in the past, does not give you the right to victimize someone else, especially if that person is innocent, IE. a child.
@nuotatorre8741 11 күн бұрын
Also if people were to stop having kids there wouldn't be anymore adult to help at somepoint. Just saying. Babies don't get delivered by storcks
@mewtuwu6980 2 жыл бұрын
What bothers me is that a lot of them are just very awfully insensitive to neurodivergent people. My nephew is on the spectrum and has had meltdowns which he cannot help. Also, while not neurodivergent, due to abuse me and my siblings faced from our parents I had a tendency of lashing out and being aggressive towards adults when I was a kid, if not just being extremely dismissive and shutting down entirely. It's fine to not want kids or even dislike taking care of them or being around them but absolutey hating the existence of kids and going out of your way to be a prick is just kinda.. extra. Mistreating children is how you get adults with anger issues and other problems.
@thatradfailure5197 2 жыл бұрын
Hi! Don't like children here! Why the hell are people sticking their noses in another family's business? Those people aren't your family, shut up, let them have kids if they're good parents! Kids are innocent youths that deserve, almost inherently, happiness. They are OWED safety and good health. And even though I don't like them, I still occasionally enjoy their antics. But I'm not good with kids. My lack of responsibility and sensory issues makes being around kids nerve-wracking.
@tamsalisbury4667 2 жыл бұрын
I agree! I love kids, but I don't think I'd ever want my own, sure they can be little spawns of evil, but that's what people always pick out, why not see the wholesome things kids can do!
@connycrayy 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I personally like kids, as I babysit for my aunt and sister-in-law from time to time, although I could never ever deal with them as a parent would. I love my niece and cousins to death but sometimes I need a chill-pill to just do me. The crying and yelling that occasionally happens can get my anxiety levels far to high for my liking.
@JewelWildmoon 2 жыл бұрын
The sad thing is you can tell them this and they'll respond with some excuse like "they posted it online and therefore we have a right to give our opinion" while also silencing others from giving their opinion about why the response was uncalled for.
@tamsalisbury4667 2 жыл бұрын
@@connycrayy I totally agree with the anxiety thing, it does stress you out thinking you did something wrong
@legendgames128 2 жыл бұрын
@@JewelWildmoon Tell them "and I also have a right to my opinion."
@DearlyCryptids 2 жыл бұрын
I use to absolutely despise children, I found them annoying & just in general hated them to no end. Never made it a personality trait, it's honestly the fact I was an only kid. It wasn't until I started working with kids (worked K-6) when I realized my whole perception of them was wrong. Just working with them is so humbling because they start trusting you & they open up to you. So many of them had home lives that make you wish you could do more for them. Some of the kids would accidentally call me mom (& it's silly but heartwarming) but a lot would tell me how I was a lot like the mom or sister to them. They knew a lot of what I did was never out of anger but instead guidance. I was honestly the considered the cool councilor for everything I did, I rarely had to get onto them, they ended up being really good for me. Mondays and Fridays for the last 15-30 minutes I had them in my group before we'd go to breakfast, I'd let them on their phones and listen to music or watch videos with friends as long as the audio wasn't very loud or they had headphones. Last year was my final year working with kids (new boss made work unbearable) so I spent one of my paychecks on buying card/board games for them and Pokemon cards to trade with them. Doing so helped them understand respecting other people's belongings, I still have these games and they're still like new & these kids played with them all the time.
@melonitaa 2 жыл бұрын
aww.. i really liked your story, i personally don't want to have kids, but i don't see why some people hate them so much... like, they're not mentally formed yet AND if they do bad things, it will be the parents fault for not educating their child
@luvlyaurora3279 2 жыл бұрын
@@melonitaa I am very shy with new ppl and it makes me sad that people are like that
@eternal_m1dnight140 2 жыл бұрын
I have a little brother and I still find him annoying
@leavemealone7159 Жыл бұрын
Nice story! :)
@UMMH2000 Жыл бұрын
I loved working with kids but had to quit aswell due to my manager not treating me well and laws that don't seem to really protect teachers. I just couldn't anymore, but have no problem caring for anyone I personally know kids when their busy.❤
@xx3creations70 2 жыл бұрын
Children screaming/crying is a huge sensory trigger for me, but I know that’s a personal problem and the kids can’t control it they’re experiencing big scary emotions that they haven’t gotten the hang of. But wanting to hurt and abuse kids for that reason and doing kid things??? That’s just messed up on so many levels and I genuinely fear for the children in their lives-
@themaskedtalker2171 2 жыл бұрын
When I hear a kid cry in public, I don't want to lay a hand on the kid... I want the parents to act like parents, and comfort their kid, or if it's a temper tantrum, to teach the kid. Young kids don't have impulse control. Been there. Done that. Obviously I was that way too. So were you, probably. So, donf bully kids over it. Its hypocritical. And at that age? The parents are responsible for raising their kids.
@daniboy4153 2 жыл бұрын
If they say that... They'd be the next child abuser on the news.
@akiramomoiro3083 2 жыл бұрын
I think it all boils down to how we were raised. I know I posted this somewhere else, but I think if we get a fundamental understanding of the psychology behind adults hating children, perhaps this is something we could break down. My idea is, it has to do with one of two things, and even perhaps both simultaneously: lack of proper socialization between the ages of 6 and 14 with like-minded individuals at similar or the same developmental stage, often coupled with being forced by their parents to mostly socialize with their much younger siblings, and the second aspect that can play a part, is how their parents treated them as a child themselves, and what messaging they gave them as a child, for example telling them that they were gross, annoying, or bad, causing them to not just look at them as a child in a bad light, but every child other than themselves, especially as they grew up. First, I would like to address the first example here, which is a very very often phenomenon, we're either the parents are so unattentive when there is conflict between say, and 8-year-old older child and their 4-year-old little brother or sister, or are so heavy-handed about negative behavior from the 8-year-old child, that the child only feels further negativity, and doesn't get their true need met. When we are between 6:00 and 9 years old, we kind of go into an awakening, so to speak. We have finally walked out of our little kids stage of life, we are starting to have a more conceptual, more adult mentality of the world, even though it's at its infant stage up at all. We have learned our abc's, we are currently learning how to read and write or at least have an elementary understanding of it, we are way more advanced than we were not too long ago. This is an exciting and adventurous time of our development, causing us to yearn to socialize and interact with those who are like-minded, others that are at a similar thinking capacity as our newfound brain capabilities. That being said, many of us grew up with younger siblings, and many of us grew up with bad parents. Putting all of that into consideration here, when let's say in this case, an 8-year-old child is stuck with their four year old sibling all the time, it can be quite draining and frustrating, as their 4-year-old sibling is only capable of a certain amount of intellectuality, for example 8-year-olds are ready to talk about their favorite media franchises in a more mature manner than they did prior, for example maybe the 8-year-old's brother likes iron Man just like they do, but on a very superficial level, and only believe iron Man to be cool by virtue of him being iron Man and being a superhero. The 8-year-old, on the other hand, is starting to like iron Man for more intellectual reasons, starting to get into the true backstory, and is not just watching some Saturday morning cartoon about iron man, but is starting to get into marvel comic books, and the whole marvel cinematic universe as a whole. When you are at this brand new stage of maturity, Way beyond your younger siblings, it can feel mentally exhausting and anxiety provoking to be in their presence, especially for extended amounts of time. If you ever tried to have a more mature conversation about iron Man rather than just talking about how cool his suit is, or the fact that he could fly and beat up bad guys, it is very annoying. This could eventually lead to the 8-year-old snapping out of good behavior, and causing lash out. How a good parent would deal with this scenario, is not punish, nor tell them to behave better, but will intervene by maybe talking about how that was mean and inconsiderate of them, but also at the same time recognizing the underlying need that is behind this negative behavior, and tries to talk it out with the eight year old, as well as the four year old. Trying to find a compromise, for example engaging the 8-year-old and something more mature, maybe the parent themselves talks to the child with newfound levels of intellectuality about their favorite franchise from a more adult perspective, so then they don't have to be stuck with the four-year-old perspective. In the meantime also, maybe try to get the eight year old to socialize or be around more with other 8-year-olds interested in the same thing, or even 7 year olds or 10 year olds, as they are all at a similar stage of life, with a new sense of intellectuality and maturity, and equally might get easily bad tempered around those younger than them, out of mere frustration of them not having the same understanding of the world that they just discovered. children at the stage, so desperately want to run as far away as they can from the previous maturity that they had not too long ago, trying to reach greater heights. That feels bothered, when there are little kids in their presents, and they are the only ones that they can socialize with besides their parents. Another solution again, could be the parent seeking out other children around their 8-year-old's age, whom are also into marvel comics, where they are all at a similar development developmentally, understanding the world, intellectually, etc. Being in this environment way more than being in the presence of their little brother, makes the presence of their little brother a lot easier, and when they have the urge to interact with something a bit more of their maturity, perhaps maybe take them to the library after school, instead of just hanging around at home, the 8-year-old can perhaps run into other kids around their age and talk about marvel comics, can maybe look at and check out some marvel comics, while maybe the parent and the four-year-old child can go into the little kids wing of the library, and read books together there. if you're wondering what a bad parent would do in the situation, and overly permissive parent will just be uninvolved, and not do anything to intervene when the older child gets annoyed, and just tells them to tolerate their brother better. In the household of strict parents, the parents will not just do that, but verbally abused the 8-year-old, and might give them a hard punishment, leaving the child feeling unfulfilled, and even more angry, and even further hating the presence of those younger than themselves.
@rerenanabanana 2 жыл бұрын
I remember I saw people using sensory overload as a reason to dislike children. When I said that's not a valid reason and that the kids are probably in sensory overload they started throwing buzz words at me and ironically being ableist and sexist by assuming my gender and assuming I don't have mental health issues.
@xx3creations70 2 жыл бұрын
@@rerenanabanana yea^^ 90% of the time if a kid is screaming or crying in public it’s because they’re overwhelmed and tired and just want to go home, not because they’re being obnoxious or anything. They aren’t doing it to overwhelm people, they’re doing it because they need a place to calm down and destress
@caysy9156 2 жыл бұрын
So many people on the internet think it's funny to terrify young children or think it's funny when they get hurt. It makes me sick to the stomach
@thecheshire5762 2 жыл бұрын
Same. They’re little and they barely understand the world around them. It’s cruel to laugh at them suffering. Some people just disgust me.
@fae3561 2 жыл бұрын
Kids also can be really irritating, and all over the place, because they're STILL developing impulse control. Not even a teenager has fully developed impulse control. Emotional regulation also isn't fully developed at either of these points. Things like empathy also don't exist from birth, and take a while to develop. 9 is the average age that children even are able to consider the perspective of other people. They aren't EVIL, their brains are just developing.
@scrotum_666 2 жыл бұрын
Nahh bro they evil
@thearlgrey 2 жыл бұрын
@@scrotum_666 You're actually looking a lot more like the evil one here y'know. I think you've misunderstood the entire idea of a child, Think maybe you should go reflect on what an ''evil'' child you were even when you literally didn't ask to be born
@legendgames128 2 жыл бұрын
@@thearlgrey I can't tell if they is joking or not.
@thearlgrey 2 жыл бұрын
@@legendgames128 Think for yourself, it doesn't take much IQ to understand
@CreativaArtly 2 жыл бұрын
Hating anyone isn’t a personality trait! Thanks for the great video Michie! I wish more people would learn this especially when it comes to kids! Also: I’m one of those people who would rather adopt but that’s beside the point.
@legendgames128 2 жыл бұрын
I just compare hating kids to hating blacks, gays, the disabled, the elderly, women... I could go on forever.
@peggedyourdad9560 2 жыл бұрын
Cursed take: adoption is just thrift shopping for a child.
@Star-The-Werewolf 2 жыл бұрын
An ex friend of mine had to remind everyone on the daily how much she hated children and would willingly beat one up if she got the chance to the point of constantly drawing art of her characters hurting children. It's really gross behavior.
@nineinchthread 2 жыл бұрын
Now that is messed up glad she doesn't have kids
@thepinkestpigglet7529 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like that's something to report
@daniboy4153 2 жыл бұрын
Call 911 or get her a psychiatrist, do it before she actually harms a child cause she sounds sadistic.
@dimondoldchannel 2 жыл бұрын
There’s a point where it becomes illegal.
@Blazdragon34 2 жыл бұрын
That’s gross! Why would she want to hurt a child? They’re weaker then you, it’s called child abuse. I happen to like kids and babies, I don’t understand sociopathic people who want to harm a child.
@Foxesheart 2 жыл бұрын
As a student who is currently taking an early childhood education course, I was appalled by the amount of people who despised kids in that class. And it wasn’t that I was judging them for not liking kids. It was the idea that they are taking a class centered around children and are constantly yapping about despising them. If you can’t handle kids, or you flat out don’t like them to the point that you openly voice your disinterest in front of these poor little pre-schoolers, who have no choice in who in that class looks after them, then clearly you should switch out. It’s incredibly difficult to simply voice the idea of “ I enjoy the company of kids! “ around my friends without getting grimaces or scoffs. Not to mention various comments of wanting to kick or punt children. It’s kind of disheartening. If you don’t like kids, it’s understandable. They can be a lot. They are noisy, they are messy, they are honestly pure bundles of chaos. But personally, that’s what appeals to me. They don’t know any better, and it’s up to you to show them how to be better. They’re still growing. You can’t fault them for being born. Just like how I can’t fault someone for not seeing them in the same light I do. Would I ever have kids? No, probably not. I am an extremely severe emetophobe, and to me that is a major road block to taking care of children. I know they’re going to get sick. Everyone does. But I can’t handle that. And in my eyes, that makes me unfit to have a kid. However I thoroughly enjoy babysitting or teaching them their colors and how to count. Those little aha moments make my whole day. I could never ever imagine wanting to hurt a child simply for the reason that “ you don’t like them. “ Some people seriously can’t remember that they were a child at some point, huh? :(
@user-uj6nq8bi3p 2 жыл бұрын
Why are they working with kids if they don’t like kids? I mean people that work for kids don’t even really make that much and it isn’t easy in the slightest, theres no upside for them working with kids unless you LIKE kids 😅
@Foxesheart 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-uj6nq8bi3p exactly my thoughts! It really confuses me considering the fact it’s not an easy class in the slightest too.
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
Good for you! I hope you end up pursuing the role, we need more positive adults in the childcare industry! Somehow, it's more common than you'd ever believe for people who genuinely seem to hate taking care of kids go into these fields.
@ZundelArt 2 жыл бұрын
I will say as someone who, in their teen years, went through a very strong "I hate kids" phase that it is at times a sort of overblown reaction to realization that you are a person who does not want and may never want to have kids in a world where that is very much expected of you. Sort of "not like other girls" situation where you try to distance yourself from a thing you feel others are pushing on you by largerly overeacting to it. I thankfully grew out of that, am even working towards a career in child psychology, but I still do not want to have my own kids. I think the ability to discern that you may have nothing against kids and still do not wish to have them is something that sometimes comes with time. Sadly not always.
@katherinedonovan974 2 жыл бұрын
It's OK if people don't want to have kids but having an absolute hatred for them. One time, a commentary KZfaqr did a video on children on KZfaq where there were some adults telling some of these KZfaqr kids to go k*ll themselves. It's awful! And nowadays it's getting worse, like what did this child do to you? My biggest pet peeve about kids is they act wild and when their parents tell them to behave and stop, they don't. It's annoying yeah but what can you do? But to hate them and see they're doing nothing except being a kid...excuse me? ashamed
@vivvy_0 2 жыл бұрын
my only theory is for them maybe having been bullied in their youth a ton so now having long lasting resentment towards kids. those people not getting/seeking help dealing with their issues.. but it's either way nonsensical. i too was bullied my whole childhood & still fear kids a little from time to time but hating on complete random unrelated children makes no sense to me either 🤷‍♀️
@katherinedonovan974 2 жыл бұрын
@@vivvy_0 Could be that. I get annoyed with kids that don't listen, do I hate them? No way! I'm not emotionally ready for kids.
@vivvy_0 2 жыл бұрын
@@katherinedonovan974 the internet seems to bring out the worst of side of some humans :(
@katherinedonovan974 2 жыл бұрын
@@vivvy_0 Oh yes, unfortunately.
@Blazdragon34 2 жыл бұрын
Holy fucking hell!!! Don’t they know that cyber bullying is one of the reasons why a lot of kids commit suicide?! Fuck those commenters!
@barf_lord_9399 2 жыл бұрын
Holy crap, I hate it when people say things like that. I remember being little and hearing adults in public or on tv and stuff say that kind of stuff and I would get so upset with myself because me just existing made them feel bad 🙄
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
I always felt like that too!! I once wrote a birthday card to my mom basically saying "sorry for being a bother to you" as a kid lol
@rainandhail67 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been seeing more and more “fuck kids” from Gen Z personally, and it’s kinda funny because most are kids themselves. I’ve played phasmaphobia games where I’ve been excluded and bullied because they thought I was a 13yr old boy thanks to my voice and it sucks. Either that or they do the same because I sound like a woman which is an entirely different topic but my point is it’s stupid, petty, and honestly entitled to treat kids like you’re better than them when literally 2yrs ago that was you.
@TheCristalWolf 2 жыл бұрын
I like how these type of people act like they popped out all grown up while being worse than a 6-year old having a tantrum in a candy store.
@musicalhearts2879 2 жыл бұрын
“I hate kids! They’re always having tantrums!” “But Billy, you also went through a bunch of tantrums when you were little.” “Shut up, Karen!” The fact that there are children more mature than these “adults”.
@Stickboy321Go 10 ай бұрын
Exactly, someone older than me was ageist to me for being young when I didn’t do anything wrong yet they call me immature when they’re the childish ones.
@jhelp_the_fig 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t hate kids, I’m just scared of the responsibility of having to like…be around a small, breakable, impressionable human. Kids are pretty cool, and are more interesting that a lot of adults.
@RadiantBleu 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! It pisses me off when people blame the kids and not the parents
@aysamisnotlegend33 Жыл бұрын
Me to
@emilyboyland2680 2 жыл бұрын
I don't like children... Haven't done for years. However, never would I ever put down a child or someone else based on MY problems and opinions! While walking to work one day, a child from my local school walked beside me and said hello and asking where was I going. I look young for my age and assumed this kid thought I was from his school I was polite, smiled, and told him I was going to work When I told my coworkers about this, I was told "I thought you didn't like kids." As if me disliking children meant I had to put this kid down emotionally... Sure, I don't like kids. I don't know if I could ever truly enjoy children like I should. But that's MY problem and I could never put those problems onto anyone else, especially children and parents/expectant parents. Even if you dislike children, I don't find it to be an excuse to abuse them.
@kritrom 2 жыл бұрын
It's okay to not like children, it's okay to not want children. What's not okay is treating them like actual garbage, because last time I checked, they are, in fact, capable of feeling emotions and deserving of respect and love.
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
@quibee2882 2 жыл бұрын
I really don’t get the hate against children. Of course they’re annoying and such, I’m not about to argue against that, but people are being so hateful to the weakest members of our society just for existing. I watched a video of a baby with a condition that affected how they looked and I decided to look through the comments. One of the top comments was someone saying that they think all babies look ugly, and it made me feel upset. They could have said that on any other video of a baby, yet they chose the video of a baby with a condition. I really don’t get why it’s so hard to keep your opinions to yourself rather than letting the parents of that baby know that you think they’re ugly. It’s just basic respect.
@slowyourroll1146 2 жыл бұрын
People who hate on children are the weakest link
@JulianRodriguez-sn6nr 2 жыл бұрын
This 💯💯 I get it, kids aren't for everyone but people especially adults who hate kids are weirdos in general.
@pontiacGXPfan 2 ай бұрын
Save the hatred for the politicians.Because it's not like they don't deserve it
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
I like their attitude, "It's not because you're disabled, I just hate all babies equally." 😭😭
@kalkdog8809 2 жыл бұрын
Do people realize they're talking about literal human beings??? These kids WILL hear you and how you talk about them. Do they ever consider that they're going to grow up to be adults that internalize everything everyone says around them? If I ever have kids, I'm listening now to know which people are NEVER going to be around them which sucks for them because I already know my kids are gonna be cool af (no matter what they do)
@kalkdog8809 2 жыл бұрын
by the way, the way you use lines is super cool!!
@galaxyjam3742 2 жыл бұрын
You're one of the cool pog adults who doesn't believe in cringe culture and remembered what it was like to be a kid, you're KZfaqs cool aunt (Also, kids deserve more bodily autonomy, STOP HIDING AND LYING TO YOUR KIDS)
@spooky_times635 2 жыл бұрын
vouch- kids deserve more respect
@LeaveMeAlone3omgIgotloggedouta 11 ай бұрын
@dustyumbrella6266 2 жыл бұрын
I seen people who literally have just turned 18 immediately talk about how much they hate minors
@Basedorthodoxchad 13 күн бұрын
Fr not like they were 17 like 1 day ago.
@kobayashimaruu1 2 жыл бұрын
I used to be an anti-kid jerkhole like that, but then I started therapy lol. I realized just how much my parents resented me because I'm disabled (thus costing the family a lot of money on procedures) and a failure in their eyes because I didn't end up exactly as they wanted me to. Plus I think my mom was just one of those who felt obligated to have children, because she's completely uninterested in me ever having my own, lest she have to babysit or whatever. I took all that pent up anger out on the idea of other children because I didn't get the love I wanted. That was stupid and unfair, why pass on the misery? The world is hard but that doesn't mean I have to make it harder. I believe these anti-kid people really need to analyze themselves and their reasons, and shift blame onto bad parents like you said. A kid unfortunately has very little to no power over their situation, and it's easy to forget that when you're no longer a kid yourself. Now I personally don't want to have kids, partially because my disability is genetic and partially because I just don't feel like I'm that great with them, but I'll protect a kid with everything I have if I have to lol. My cousin has two babies and I feel a protective pull towards them like I've never felt before. And I hope someday you'll get to have one yourself and fulfill that dream. :)
@legendgames128 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you recovered!
@Vi0let_crystal 2 жыл бұрын
On another side of the coin I see soo many people use their child to fill out their missing personally. And have endless feed of their kids on all social sites AND on top say that people will never understand the meaning of life or will ever experience real love or feel in any way whole unless they birth a child. I don't understand shaming people for having kids but I also don't understand people that think children is what defines a "fulfilling life"
@whoahanant 2 жыл бұрын
I feel this comment with my whole asexual being rn XD Having children doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of life. You can live fully satisfied with children or without children. It's so annoying to hear people push having children on teens/young adults when no one is ready for that. That also contributes to bad parents being created cause not all of us can handle the stress of caring for another being for 20+ years. Like dang my bird is 20 years old. I would be paying 3x the money if I had a child just for all the food, schooling, medical bills, entertainment, space, clothes ect ect ect. Having a kid is really expensive and a big responsibility. I don't think a teen/fresh adult should be thinking anything about having a kid right after highschool lol.
@Vi0let_crystal 2 жыл бұрын
@@whoahanant OHhh gods yes Or people have kids to "fix relationships" or think it would keep a couple together. No if you argue now you will argue with a child. And a lot of people in 2021 do not have any financial security or have own home to provide any stable life to a child. And I am sorry but if people have kids while in no way being able to provide for themselves is incredibly selfish imo
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
I can agree with this. Having a child and a relationship is great, but real fulfillment comes from within, not outside, not to sound like some goofy inspirational poster, but if you don't have anythting going inside yourself, your kids / family life isn't going to be fulfilling either. You have to love yourself and care for yourself before you can present that love and care to someone else.
@criptyckcw 2 жыл бұрын
Damn imagine being that passionate about hating kids 😐
@conwaytwitty8018 Жыл бұрын
Do I like children? No. Do I wish harm upon them? Absolutely not. That having been said: don't try and push your kid onto me and then get pissed because I want nothing to do with them. Just because they may be the apple of your eye doesn't mean that I feel the same way.
@Freddy87-fazbite 11 ай бұрын
This is so Pathetic this comment should be removed
@Freddy87-fazbite 11 ай бұрын
If you don’t wish harm to them your an Miserable Person
@NyanSukaato 6 ай бұрын
​@@Freddy87-fazbiteyou're just going after air at this point
@kioraslate9273 2 жыл бұрын
I can't see myself having kids (sometimes it's enough just to take care of myself), but holy hell the smug audacity of people who will go so far as to call kids "demons" or even "things," acting like poor parenting is the kid's fault, fantasizing about hurting kids, flexing on parents for having more money than them...it all just reeks of deep insecurity if they wouldn't dare pick on someone any less small and defenseless as a literal child. I also find that they're a lot of the same people who will glorify animals as these divine angels who would only misbehave under abuse or bad ownership, go figure (and I love animals, but I wish more people realize you can love animals without hating humans). Also, "Kids are money pits." And buying $2000 worth of Pokemon cards isn't? Let's face it, we're all stuck with a capitalist society, anything that brings you joy is going to cost money. Just because someone finds joy in raising a family and is informed and smart about it doesn't mean they're "wasting" their money any more than you are.
@legendgames128 2 жыл бұрын
"Kids are money pits" the mothers of those people shouldn't have had them then.
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
​@@legendgames128 I feel like this is where it starts, a lot of these insecure people are probably from abusive / neglectful homes and internalized the kind of pain and rationale their parents had against them as being "normal". so now they carry on that torch.
@arsonzartz 12 күн бұрын
one time i saw a video of a kid like- praying to skibidi toilet and it said: "should i disown him??" imagine you come apon a video of you when your like 7 doing something really cringey, and seeing that your parent said they wanted to disown you because you were doing something that they found cringe, idk about you, but that would probably make me absolutely angry and i would walk up to my parent and go: "hey why the hell did you threaten to disown me and post me on the internet for millions of people to see???"
@Will-C 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve worked with kids a few times and I’ve loved it. I have a lot of respect for them and I have an interest in child psychology. Seeing people responding to children throwing tantrums or breaking things is horrifying and really not as funny as they think. I don’t personally want kids but people making jokes about hurting them is honestly a vile behaviour. Thanks for talking about this!
@Blazdragon34 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly! How will they feel if someone were to joke about how much they wanna hurt a puppy? It’s like that! They’re sick and need therapy!
@daniboy4153 2 жыл бұрын
@@Blazdragon34 You have a point. They can cry and get upset over a puppy getting hurt, when children are just as defenseless as a puppy. Both can't fight back and can get hurt easily.
@maxXxine0101 2 жыл бұрын
@@daniboy4153 except puppies are actually cute and not annoying 🥰
@jovyisbizarre6668 Жыл бұрын
@@maxXxine0101 nah they can be. My mom used to have one and it keeps pooping and at the point he scratched her.
@Kryptidcreative 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone else deal with the kind of family that are so insistent on you having kids that you had to just keep upping the "I wouldn't be a good parent" to "Yup you're right, I hate kids. Hate em." to get any kind of peace? Made family gasp when I saved and picked up one of their kids from a bad fall. Like, no? This is a living being. I'm compassionate to living things and don't wish anyone harm, good lord ya'll! I've just avoided them so much because every time I interact I'm interrogated about pregnancy. Edit: I'm afab lol
@p3anutbutt3rtoast11 2 жыл бұрын
Okay but why is it so hard to explain to people that I don’t want to give birth, but I still want kids?? Like,, I’m terrified of biological children but I will gladly snatch another kid up (legally) that isn’t biologically mine
@thepinkestpigglet7529 2 жыл бұрын
ME I plan to adopt one day, maybe a slightly older kid so yo my future kid may be out there already and like oh my God thats just so weird to think about I hope they're happy I hope whatever leads them to me isn't traumatic
@jaslynnazario2166 2 жыл бұрын
You do you! Giving birth is pretty scary to be honest! I do want Biological children and I actually don't mind adopting either but, listen just enjoy life and live it how you want! 🌸💕
@Blazdragon34 2 жыл бұрын
Giving birth sounds painful, I love babies but nope! I’m not popping one out of me!
@JaelynnRenee 2 жыл бұрын
@@Blazdragon34 Same! I also want to adopt to give a kid a home
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
That's honestly pretty noble. Lots of people have this obsession with blood attachment to their kids, but I hope you are able to adopt in the future.
@themaskedtalker2171 2 жыл бұрын
If I go to the store, and I hear a kid upset, I die a little on the inside. Parents, be the freaking adults you are and teach your kids! I wondered why I don't vibe with most other guys my age... but I reckon this is part of it; I want to be a dad one day, and the absolutely awful treatment will not be replicated. If you come to my house, treating your kid this terribly, I will tell you to "Never talk to me or my child ever again." to your face. I've known I've wanted to adopt since I was a little thing, and seeing just how normalised the absolute bullying of literal kids by adults makes me utterly SICK.
@genehen6495 2 жыл бұрын
Being mean to kids is how you get cruel adults. Having no empathy or patience for a child as they struggle through a very difficult world where they have no power or choice, don't have the mental capacity to understand whats going on around them, where nothing makes sense and everything poses a danger that they can't survive alone... Who the hell wants to be an adult like that? Someone who can't spare even a scrap of care for a small human whose only form of defense is to lash out and be annoying? If they met someone who wasn't a child that was also struggling in a world that they can't fit into are they just as cruel and cold towards them?
@evaab2292 2 жыл бұрын
Ohh....that makes its a loop.
@yanni9922 2 жыл бұрын
Very well put
@user-lr7wd2um6x 11 күн бұрын
Close,but no joint.you almost got it this time though!
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
literally how cycles of abuse are in a family. and yes, usually they are.
@PurPoll620 2 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile in the sims 4: *has “hates children” as a trait*
@danila.5181 2 жыл бұрын
@CrennyCanon 2 жыл бұрын
then this video just got rebutted
@BlueInk1287 Жыл бұрын
With all those overly priced micro transactions
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
@grimpaleta 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been honest with my friends that I don’t think i could see myself having kids wether biologically or adopted; who knows it might change later. But I have made it crystal clear that I would be there for my friends if they have kids and help them out if they need a free day to themselves. For a 30+ year old man or woman to hate on kids to the point of flexing or harming them…they need a reality check and grow up mentally. I have seen kids acting out and being horrible but clearly it was from bad parenting, never did I once blame the actual kids. Hating children is not a personality trait, it’s an excuse to hide the fact the person is mentally immature.
@vivvy_0 2 жыл бұрын
It's a bit like hating on dogs for bad behavior, in the end it is on the owner to teach their animal the good way
@gamergurl3648 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely disgusting that there are adults who genuinely act like this Edit: I have had a lot of experiences growing up. Being a kid was hard. Being a kid on the spectrum was harder. I have a lot of sympathy and compassion for others, so hearing that people act like this is really hard to believe, but it’s real.
@IAmBuddythedecibwave 2 жыл бұрын
I used to be this bitter (not hitting kids and being abusive, just judgmental and cynical): time and personal growth fixed that. I've come to the conclusion that if you hate something so much it turns you into a jerk the problem is you, not the thing you hate.
@mariahs6 2 жыл бұрын
I love kids (platonically) so much. Yes, they’ll cry and whine and throw tantrums, but every one of them is different in that front. Just recently I was on a plane ride with my sister, brother-in-law, and niece, and she was the most well behaved child I’ve seen on the trip! I do agree you won’t ever be financially ready for a kid, but time wise, you definitely will be! The reason why I’m an aspiring Children’s Book Author is because I read some really dang great books as a kid, and I’m hoping to make the next generation feel the same way!
@Cicadas_dead_channel 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for saying this! I haven't heard anyone else talk about it and hearing people say they constantly hate kids is pretty annoying.
@rindrr 2 жыл бұрын
For me personally I do not enjoy little children, I biologically do not want to have a child I don’t mind being around them but I do not want one of my own. But for someone to go out of their way and tell a parent or someone else who wants a kid that they would throw children or hit them or just generally state ABUSE because hitting children is abuse, that is a childish mindset. Coming from someone who used to have this horrible mindset which I’m not proud of though I grew up and realized it’s childish. Do not tell someone who is planning or has a kid that you hate children and they are absolutely horrible and you would want to beat them up. It isn’t nice and it’s highly uncomfortable.
@therookesystem3930 2 жыл бұрын
I vividly remember someone who hurt me a lot in my childhood having this mindset. Like literally expressed to me as a small child that they hated kids.
@yanderearies485 2 жыл бұрын
I personally dislike children as I often fear saying something to make them cry or them asking questions I can’t answer , but I would never threaten to harm a child, or even be rude to one and in fact love when my friends talk about their younger siblings or kids because they are happy and I like to listen to their stories and what they want to be. These people who make it their personality to hate children confuse me, I understand not liking kids but don’t make it a big deal, kids still deserve to be happy and get what they want as well without a grown adult being just as childish as the kids and doing stuff like this.
@electrofonickitty823 2 жыл бұрын
I am learning disabled and I was told I couldn't have kids because well...that's what the sp.ed teachers told me that I was born sterile. I wanted to have kids, but I know I can't. I have so many friends who decided to have kids and love my choice, but keep calling me the auntie. Yeah I spoil my friends' kids and I still want a kid and petrified also because I was 41 and I am way past my prime. I would still love to be a mom, even with my LD, I would just hope I don't pass it on. I want to read books to my kid and share my love for art and books. Though I do not like some people let their kids go wild. I remember being horrified when a former friend called his daughter an idiot. She was curious about some art work and a tentacle kitty toy. I was just feeling awful for that child because she is prefect and I would have loved to be her mom.
@Kiara-dx8jg 2 жыл бұрын
TwistedDisaster: hating kids is not personality traits! The Sims 4: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that Seriously though that's terrible I understand not wanting kids, and maybe thinking they're annoying, but discouraging other people and threatening kids is unacceptable!
@ffawn 2 жыл бұрын
It's so funny there's so many children-hating people here trying to JUSTIFY themselves not having empathy for a *human being* that has existed for less time than them. XD
@depositstomach1816 2 жыл бұрын
Id be a horrible parent and having children would be incredibly dysphoria inducing, but I’m really looking forward to when my sister gets kids, I’d absolutely love being an uncle and my sister will be such a great mom
@thecheshire5762 2 жыл бұрын
Same with me. I couldn’t care for a kid due to sensory, responsibility and dysphoria issues, but I’ll absolutely spoil any nephlings (children of siblings) or grandkids of mine I might meet in the future.
@crimsonmoonwolf Жыл бұрын
I don't like kids, I don't want kids, but I applaud anyone who does👏
@Twist3dDisast3r Жыл бұрын
* hugs* good on you!
@thelonleyUchiha1 2 жыл бұрын
Not wanting to have kids is fine and maybe getting annoyed when you see a bratty kid acting up and it angers you isn’t out of the norm but if you see like a...10 year old chilling at a restaurant and you get angry and want to smack him when their not even doing anything...you need to seriously look deep inside yourself cause that shits not normal...we need to be better than the generation before Also I think your talking about the antinatalist people (?) and those guys are..,something else...their exactly the people they fought against just the opposite view...I agree with some of their views but being an asshole to random people on the internet and trying to force them to do what you want is disgusting no matter what you believe
@mdtisthebest6249 Жыл бұрын
Bratty kids are better than little miss goodie two shoes. Don’t at me
@jovyisbizarre6668 Жыл бұрын
@@mdtisthebest6249 bratty kids>>>>teenage mfs who are "not like other girls" or adults having edgy teen mentality
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
​@@mdtisthebest6249 lmao someone got snitched on as a kid one too many times
@sugarc8699 2 жыл бұрын
I thought we were talking about people around my age who don’t like kids . Not 30 year old harrasing kids for existing omg
@katechavez9400 2 жыл бұрын
I work at a toy store and we sell pokemon cards. Every time we get a new shipment in of the cards literally all the adult boys buy all of them before any kid can. Ive had to see so many kids sad faces when they see the empty display and tell them we ran out. When i asked one of my co works why they don’t leave any of the cards for the kids he told me that they were from HIS chidhood, so therefore he deserves them more.
@vivvy_0 2 жыл бұрын
that's so sick
@slaynyoung 26 күн бұрын
it’s valid money is money?
@ivorywind9739 2 жыл бұрын
This has really bothered me for some time, as I’m in high school and there’s literal 14 year olds around me that say they hate children. I understand not wanting to have children, and why some people can’t, but come on, when you’re 14 you’re still a kid. They don’t beat kids or anything, but they complain about it a lot. Which is sad to me, because getting married and having kids is one of my goals. I guess I just don’t get it. Why excessively hate on kids?
@vivvy_0 2 жыл бұрын
because they are innocent and free before the world crushes them, maybe those angry teenagers are envious of this state of mind =/
@maxXxine0101 2 жыл бұрын
@@vivvy_0 no it’s because they can’t shut up
@anonymousperson1771 2 жыл бұрын
Because they're easy targets that can't defend themselves. Kids turn into psychopaths without a moral compass and parents have long abdicated that responsibility to the internet. And guess what's on the internet? More sociopathic kids.
@scythescythe884 2 жыл бұрын
i grew up in a home with a single mother who had too many kids... i spent my childhood raising my siblings. not to mention my stepdad's abuse and coercion into pregnancies. i dont think ill ever want to have children. i like children, but i'm not financially or emotionally equipped to deal with them. i would like to sort of explain where the resentment of having kids comes from: if you are poor having a child is a death sentence if you get sick. just like what happened to my mom. Hating kids is an immature reaction to some very harsh realities. they feel as if they *Have to have children due to social stigma and anti abortion laws, but don't want to for the reasons listed prior. this is a genuine fear reaction. Its a symptom of a bigger problem in society. this is also why i went from hating children as a teenager to being firecely pro choice and demanding unserved reproductive rights as an adult. like let me get my tubes tied already so i can move the fuck on with my life.
@hyacinthlia31 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for saying this. it concerns me that there are grown adults who think it's okay to bully children because "they're annoying". "joking" about physically harming children, or insulting children and making them think they aren't important is mentally damaging to them. it will cause them to develop self-esteem issues, and will probably traumatize them in one way or another. bullying someone in general is fucked up, but bullying impressionable children simply because they're acting like children is extremely fucked up.
@GremlinJohnny 2 жыл бұрын
While, of course, the older you get the more you can control your actions, please realize kids are not fully developed in their brain. It is much harder and for certain things pretty much impossible for a kid to perceive certain things or do certain things. As a child (13) I honestly really dislike people who say they hate or even dislike kids. We're individuals. We're not some sort of THINGS that are just selfish and whine all the time. We're smart individuals who feel complex emotions and things. You can dislike being AROUND loud children, but that doesn't mean you just have to dislike children as a whole....
@teritt 2 жыл бұрын
I had to half raise my brother who is a sensitive and dramatic child, because of that his emotions get ignored and I’m the one who ends up having to help him. He gets big emotions for “small things” but they’re like the average thing a kid gets upset over. Losing a video game, homework stress, the like. He literally told me himself he thinks he has anger issues, he doesn’t like having them, he himself has asked my mother if there’s any sort of diagnosis or guidance he could get. And each time she says “there’s nothing wrong with you” and it really just looks like her not wanting to admit those problems come from her, cause she has anger issues. Basically. I am therapist sibling who has to constantly step in, get yelled at for stepping in, and have a parent who always says “oh I’m the bad guy” the second you criticize her. For the love of god, prepare yourself for kids if you want to have them. And if you have trauma. Goddamn heal, cause neither of my parents did and it fucked up my emotional development and extremized my brother’s.
@saccharinefrost 2 жыл бұрын
Instead of complaining about how kids cost money, we should be asking WHY kids cost money. It's a natural thing to procreate so why does it cost money to birth a child? It's really fucked up that it costs so much to just be allowed to have a child in a safe environment where they are mostly guaranteed to survive. I used to be one of those immature people who complained about how children were a waste of money, but my perspective has changed since then. It is so fucked that everything around kids is so expensive, such as hospital bills, diapers, baby formula, mandatory vaccines for babies, honestly everything. Why do we have to spend so much money just to be allowed to have a child be born, sure spending a lot of money on a child can be seen as a form of love, but what about the people who can't afford that but want one and are ready for one? I hate american health care and the economy, everything is about money even things that sometimes we can't control.
@briar1624 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when Jaclyn announced her pregnancy and I was nothing but happy for her, and I was really astounded by the reception she got from anti-natalists and pro-lifer fundies. It was so bizarre. So much over someone making the choice to have a child! My fiance gets extreme sensory overload around young children and will sometimes makes snide comments to me or our group when one is screaming for seemingly no reason (as they sometimes do, lmao), but it's Never directed to the parents and Absolutely Never to the child. They adore their niece and my little nephew, and always keep their interests at the forefront when thinking about gifts or where they'll be in our wedding. Neither of us are mentally capable of kids and that's okay. We're going to spoil the crap out of every other kid in our lives to make them as happy as possible with the people who chose to have them.
@peachdoesart7175 2 жыл бұрын
Basically weve got people out here really looking at Ms.Trunchble from Matilda and saying "Yas queen slay bitch slay 💅"
@Lemon_Demon_Fan 20 күн бұрын
I feel like all of these people meet the requirements to be a roa roald dahl villain
@karimuffin 2 жыл бұрын
I don't like children, purely because I don't like people. They're just tiny versions of people who no ability to censor themselves. However, I don't treat them like trash just because I dislike them. Why dash a kid's dreams or flex on a kid? It's really pointless and mean spirited. I have to add. As someone who gets a lot of "oh you should have kids they're life changing" it can get really old really fast. I used to say to those people that I hate children and that typically stopped them from constantly harassing me. (I am not someone who should be a parent.) So I imagine some of these people are bitter of that sort of situation, but that's probably wishful thinking.
@Kryptidcreative 2 жыл бұрын
Same here. We get forced to escalate so much, you're definitely not alone. My husband's family were making 'holes in condoms' jokes, knowing our stance, and damn near were kicked from the wedding & planning. We just want to be left alone.
@legendgames128 2 жыл бұрын
"oh you should have kids they're life changing" Well I mean yeah, quite literally. Whether this change is positive or not is another story.
@bichitenshi6696 2 жыл бұрын
I want kids but I'm terrified of anything having to do with my body, which includes pregnancy. It's been a fear I've had ever since I was young. Would I do anything embarrassing while delivering? Would my parents judge me? What would my parents think when they see me on the hospital bed? Will they try to visit me after the baby is born? Would something be wrong with me? Would something be wrong with the baby? Would my partner understand my fear of pregnancy? Why do I feel embarrassed about pregnancy? Those are some of the many questions I've had which have driven me away from having children despite me so desperately wanting one. Whenever I open up to people about me wanting to have children, I'm always shamed and told that "you're doctor is going to have to see your privates," "why would you want to have children? They're annoying and can't do anything," etc, which is incredibly hurtful to me and fuels my fears. It makes me feel as though I would be selfish for bringing a child into the world since they would just annoy other people, even though children are the light in my life. The people who just open their mouth and make such comments after their friend came to them about wanting to have children just disgusts me. No one ever took into consideration my severe anxiety which I'm always open about. It saddens me that other people are going through the same thing.
@thepinkestpigglet7529 2 жыл бұрын
First. You're not alone. Thats why I intend to adopt. That an asexuality. Second. God my mom once worked with a lady who asked her "Ew why would you have kids?" And my mom was about to throw hands if it wouldn't get her fired. Not alone on that front either.
@bichitenshi6696 2 жыл бұрын
@@thepinkestpigglet7529 I've never really thought about my fear of pregnancy being related to asexuality, but it makes so much sense since I've recently discovered I'm aegosexual! That gives me a lot of peace of mind. Thank you so much!
@formlessentity 2 жыл бұрын
When I was younger I despised children. I was 11. I hated children, I was convinced we were all shitheads who cause our parents only misery. I still think that I'm partially the reason my parents are struggling. My parents have always said the opposite apart from a few jokes here and there, but they've always made it clear they love me, so I can only come to the conclusion that I did pick it up from the Internet and it still affects me. This comment is not well written or paced but I hope you get the idea; don't hate kids for being kids.
@tokyobateman6610 2 жыл бұрын
It’s even worse when it’s a parent saying it and it’s *even worse* when they say it near their actual kids
@digitmidget6973 2 жыл бұрын
I don't really mind kids, but if they're being loud it's a major sensory issue for me. Despite that though, I'm extremely protective over children and if I see an adult or another child act aggressively towards a child for acting out, I get a huge amount of rage and can get violent. Though, I think that is because when I was young I got yelled at and punished by many of my teachers and classmates because of my mental issues (I have ADHD, Anxiety and stuff). Plus, there have been a few times where I would go superhero mode and jump in to save a kid in need. So, basically, my avoidance towards children is more of a fear of children than it is hatred for them. And even so, I'm still protective over them even if I am a little fearful of them.
@tenshinewman1468 2 жыл бұрын
I will sometimes make jokes that dunk on kids. However, at the end of the day, they are jokes made in a close circle with my best friend. Because they know I dont actually hate kids. I actually adore kids. I dont want my own, but I don't actually hate them. People who actually say they hate kids and are genuine about it.... are some of the most frustrating people.
@crewofchaos7169 2 жыл бұрын
As a minor watching this i am glad someone’s making a video about this earlier this week someone online said “why are nine year olds saying they’re bi or gay or lesbian they’re nine they’re to young to be lgbtq” that’s what they said I thought about saying “You know that you’re technically saying that kids don’t have feelings” like I hate when people say stuff like kids under 13 can’t feel whatever like bruh.
@clownrat5759 2 жыл бұрын
I can agree with both sides. Nine years old is far too young to begin questioning relationships and sexuality, let alone dating. I felt the “crushing” on both genders since I was a kid, but I never outright questioned if I was bisexual until far later. I don’t think sexuality should be a factor for kids until the parents decide they’re ready to start dating, or until they decide to have that talk. In a perfect world that talk could just be a flat statement of “I will support and love you no matter who you decide to love”. Nine is.. just a bit too early, and I’d say the same for straight kids
@crewofchaos7169 2 жыл бұрын
@@clownrat5759 I mean yea but like it’s technically saying the same for other ages too 9 was an example
@JaelynnRenee 2 жыл бұрын
@@clownrat5759 It depends in my opinion, Kids usally discover sexuality around 10-11 from what I know. I dont think its important to go in depth until they are around the dating age but having talks about sexuality at nine is honestly something I wished happened in my house hold. Of course this is my opinion and that may just be because I matured fast but hey.
@amoththatisflyingatyou 2 жыл бұрын
@@clownrat5759 things the Bible said would happen has and is happening
@amoththatisflyingatyou 2 жыл бұрын
@@JaelynnRenee things the Bible said would happen has and is happening
@FortunAdlaich 14 күн бұрын
I think another part of it is that people think they're "cynical" for being mean to kids, and that makes them all "edgy" and "cool"
@carmy2155 2 жыл бұрын
I don't like taking care of children (younger cousins, etc) and I don't want any of my own, but that's a me thing. It's not ok to literally BULLY young young humans.
@vicenteisaaclopezvaldez2450 2 жыл бұрын
I think in these people's minds this may be, in part, excused by the "they won't remember when they get older" notion, like, it's true, they won't remember what happened in, say, 10 years, but they will sure as hell remember all the way there: There is not a point kids just forget something happened, there's not a point the game just "starts". people have to understand that the developmental process is gradual and continuous, it doesn't cut; It doesn't skip; all that occurs remains forever, in one way or another, what you say to a kid is permanent, what you do to a kid is permanent, how you treat and look at them, all the time you spend with them, all the tears, all the laughs, all the emotions, all remains, you may forget consciously, but your bones, your hands, your face, the way you draw breath: they will *never* forget.
@pzkitty6783 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, that last sentence...props to you, that's some good prose. And it's true, too.
@leggoyourego2981 2 жыл бұрын
I remember seeing a video on KZfaq, and it was a very weird video that was semi-clickbait for kids but turned into a horror movie clip, and a bunch of people where saying they were gonna purposely traumatize other children and even their own little siblings because they didn't like them and i was so..disgusted. maybe some of it was jokes but i couldn't help but feel terrible for those kids because they have such horrible siblings. Another thing- I also remember seeing people prioritizing animals more than children, and im not saying valuing animals is a bad thing, but when you start seeing people say they care about animals dying more than human children, it's a problem. Children are humans too, and everyone was a kid once. A lot of people like to excuse their bullying of kids because of their own trauma- but like.. wouldn't you want to help kids instead of hate them and give them the traumatic childhood *you* had? like wtf
@salemzarves 2 жыл бұрын
Pedosadism is a thing, I knew a guy who got off on scaring kids or finding ways to disturb them, he chased one child off his yard with a torch
@Umur23 Жыл бұрын
@Snowstriken 2 жыл бұрын
I don't like kids but at the same time they are generally the only people I can get along with (I'm a teen btw) it feels like they don't judge me for my things and honestly that's the thing about kids. They aren't too judgmental and they are generally nice. I jsut don't personally enjoy the cry aspect
@ASweetShortCake 2 жыл бұрын
11:48 TL; DR Social Media and the use of “Cringe” makes kids grow up faster, and not test the waters like they should. All the bad (tantrums, Etc.) is necessary. I feel like social media is making kids grow up sooner than they should. Grown people look at a child being a child and call them cringe, making fun of them online. Middle Schoolers especially, they are still testing the waters, yet “testing the waters”… Cringe… So they are damaged and force themselves to get their act together faster than they can. I hate the word cringe, because most of the time it’s directed towards someone who’s just living their life, not hurting anyone (I hate when people call Gachatuber’s cringe, or Furries cringe like… they are likely a minor just being a minor? And even if they aren’t it’s SOMETHING THAT BRINGS THEM JOY). If you have nothing to say that’s nice, that isn’t going to “help them in the long run” and “make them a better person”, than DON’T. SAY. IT. I love children, and seeing people thinking it’s funny to “want to drop kick a child” is disgusting. I believe tantrum’s, tearful moments, anger, it’s not a bad thing. It annoys people, but I believe it’s a key part to development. The child is testing the waters, you expect them to be fully able to breath in and out and control their emotions? MOST *ADULTS* CAN’T DO THAT! Yet they also expect teen’s to be able to take a step back when that type of acting is never demonstrated by the adults in their lives! I don’t understand why they expect of children what they can’t even do themselves. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. I am stating facts with a bit of a opinion in the mix. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
@pockychu887 2 жыл бұрын
Gonna be honest here. I don't like kids because they're loud, go on my, nerves and most of them are unhygienic. But I would never hurt a kid. Never.
@mariedit9935 2 жыл бұрын
I may be exaggerating, but I'm genuinely scared that some of my friends will abandon me if I get to have kids. Most of them don't want to raise a family which is cool especially at such a young age, it's a sign of emotional maturity to be sure about not wanting kids. But I do want them and always have, it makes me feel selfish.
@vivvy_0 2 жыл бұрын
find friends that are socially open and family-friendly, don't let your life be dictated what other closed off minds think is correct
@anonymousperson1771 2 жыл бұрын
F_ck "selfish", have kids if you want. Any decent *empathetic* friend will understand you have new obligations to work around. Just take care until you're ready.
@rosesapling72 10 күн бұрын
You should never feel selfish for wanting to make your own decision to have kids. If your friends are real ones, they'll help and support you even if they don't have kids of their own, many people who don't want kids simply don't want that commitment 24/7. And if they don't want to be around you and your kids, that is their loss. It's a wonderful thing to grow up with your friends especially as they start their family, and you share different experiences in life. I wish you the best, and I know you got this ✊💕
@Streamstresss 2 жыл бұрын
Finally, someone who calls this out. I've lost count of how many times in stories where the main character snaps at the idea of having a kid and I say in the comments that I'm frustrated with this mentality and I just have people shoot back with "well there are people who are disgusted or scared of the idea of having kids" and it's like, cool, can we just have an in between? Like, the character isn't wanting it now but is okay with the idea? We're not going to be the same people 10 years down the line so that hard no, never, just might change. I always see either the hard no or the characters are already having a kid and I just want a simple, "not now, but maybe in the future" And don't get me started on the people that say they'd physically harm children. I know so many people and even friends that say they'd gladly drop kick an orphan, hell it was even last night that some were joking about that, and it honestly made me sick. Makes it worse that I can't make an argument for the life of me so if I spoke out against it they'd get pissy or smth...
@Jeltea 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I've never been a huge fan of kids, even though I'm really good with them, but in all of my years I would NEVER scream, hit, blame, or shame one for just simply being a kid I was treated like shit as a kid by everyone, it didn't help that I had issues with learning, so I could just never see myself giving another child the pain I was given by everyone around me, it's unfair and cruel and they should never have to go through what I want through at such a young age
@Jollynn177 Ай бұрын
Kids hater:🤡 Kids:🗿🐐
@Numbuh8578 15 күн бұрын
People who think hating on kids is a personality trait sound like codename kids next door villains
@_Jiwan_ 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just someone who could never handle children, especially with my sound sensitivity but I don't hate them.
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