High Tenor Singing Lesson

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13 жыл бұрын

John Paul Miles teaching high tenor Matt Wilding
John Paul teaches in London and Berlin!

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@trrill 10 жыл бұрын
VISITORS TO THIS VIDEO, TAKE NOTE: What the teacher is doing may seem foreign to you, but this is *the* way-quite nearly the ONLY way-to achieve a superior classical singing tone, especially on middle-upper notes. This is simply put a very old Italian method for addressing registration balance. It works for all voices types, male and female. You can find versions of it in countless bel canto singing manuals 19th century and earlier.
@JussiPaul 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment! It is great to get positive feedback on what is essentially my life's work. It is has taken me about 25 years of research and work on my own voice to finally re-discover the 'old way' (I won't say Bel Canto as that term is used by many teachers with absolutely no clue of the old school teaching methods) and though I've met some good teachers, none of them were fully aware of this method. It stands to reason - where are the great singers these days? There are none!
@za1580 10 жыл бұрын
This is the best voice lesson i've ever seen on youtube. You are a very good teacher.
@JussiPaul 10 жыл бұрын
@wetbobo 12 жыл бұрын
As a record producer, I'm so glad to see JPM really emphasizing the point about HOLDING the breath back in order to get the stronger 'hooo' around 2:21. Everyone, can you hear how much more resonance you get? It's such a powerful tool and how I get my vocalist's tones to change throughout the song - that resonance really HITS the ear in a great way on record.
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
One begins training falsetto with breath pressure just to free everything up and then gradually one learns to create a 'breathy' falsetto timbre without breath pressure and gradually bring in the feeling of 'in-breath' tension ie. one simulates the feeling of in-breath with the body as one sings which enables the tone to be created without any breath pressure. Once all this is in place then one can proceed to making a brighter falsetto tone.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@mrcriollitas He begins in falsetto on an 'oo' then changes to full voice on a modified 'ah' vowel before dropping down the octave to an 'ah' vowel.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@oliveranthonyrowland There are two registers ie. the speaking register (usually referred to as chest register) and the falsetto register (sometimes called 'true' head voice). The singing voice is a blend of these two functions. The falsetto function stretches and thins out the vocal cords whereas the chest function shortens and thickens them. When the stretching mechanism is dominant we experience head voice and when the thickening function is dominant we experience chest voice.
@rossmsng 11 жыл бұрын
Should the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage be separated when producing/exercising falsetto? Is a lack of space between them when producing falsetto an indicator of incorrect falsetto production? Thanks in advance.
@JussiPaul 13 жыл бұрын
@danformica No, that's a different type of function. It may sound a bit like it because at the time of filming this voice had yet to develop enough 'oo' vowel stretch to keep the throat fully open. Once the 'oo' vowel is fully developed then we can work on the 'witch's cackle' in order to add more bite to the voice. The note you refer to is 'full voice'.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@oliveranthonyrowland I find it useful to practise 'vocal fry' or 'schnauben register' as Hustler terms it in his book on the anatomy of singing but I wouldn't bother with the very high notes at the moment. The best range to practise falsetto is B below middle C to B above (one octave) and once that range is flexible and free work upwards to about high F and downwards as far as you can go without breaking into chest. I sometimes sing 'Gethsemane' (with a heavy rock high G) just for fun!
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@oliveranthonyrowland A healthy voice is a voice with optimum stretch and the ability to thicken those stretched cords throughout the entire range to enable crescendo and decrescendo at will. When singing mezzoforte I feel my chest resonance to be dominant up to an A below middle C and my head resonance to be dominant from F sharp (above middle C) upwards. The inbetween notes feel like there is a tug of war between the stretching and thickening mechanisms. I hope this makes sense!
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
@JussiPaul Thanks for all the advice. That's really helpful. Your point about how pure head voice is not necessarily the best term for the falsetto because it's felt in the chest was interesting - and true. I was trying and managed to get it down very quietly to my lowest tenor notes. If I go up as far as possible I can squeeze out a top A or so, but I reckon unless I was aiming to sing countertenor, there's not much point practicing it too high, would you agree?
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
If a student is really forcing the breath then I sometimes use literal 'in-breath falsetto ie. breath in and create a high falsetto tone literally on the air going into the lungs. It's amazing what a powerful tone one can create like this. One can sing from high falsetto straight to vocal fry like this but it is impossible to sing anything in between. I don't recommend doing this for long periods but it does help to give an idea of how the voice can be created without breath pressure.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@ternitamas I agree. The tongue wiggling is a great exercise to reduce tension. He has come a long way since that lesson. Have you heard his 'A te o cara' yet?
@djtsinopoulos 11 жыл бұрын
Im getting on it immediately!!! Should the larynx stay down for the falsetto "oo" all the time? I tried the in breath falsetto very interesting, it was weakish around the High C got stronger around the A4 area and got weaker under the lets say E. Lip formation on the "oo" or not? I read somwhere that Rosa Ponselle advocated using the "oo" with scales but with a slight smile so that the lips would not take part in order to get that deep "oo".
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
As a tenor, can you tell me, if I try improving my voice by working on some scales in falsetto and chest voice to get both of those a little stronger, then going back to trying to blend the chest into head more for connected tenor high notes - how long would it be best to go on trying them separately before trying to blend high notes again, and also what range is useful to aim to work in to get the right balance between straining the voice and not stretching it enough?
@johnhaggai3921 11 жыл бұрын
hey Paul,i stumbled on this one could you upload more or a longer version for a dramatic tenor/lyrical tenor too.am from Kenya Africa .
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
Ok, got your music file. I'll respond asap. Yes, I teach in London for about ten days each month and the rest of the time i'm in Berlin.
@danielformica-yourvocalteacher 13 жыл бұрын
hey john ok around 5:24 that exercise. whats happening on the first aah sound is it a pharyngeal ahh (sort of falsetto) or is it just full voice. so confused? i still would love a lesson :0
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
There are 3 more teaching videos on my channel including one for a dramatic tenor.
@LordOfHadaikum 11 жыл бұрын
good job!
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@oliveranthonyrowland Once the voice is functioning well it will feel like one voice throughout and there will be no breaks into pure chest or pure falsetto unless of course one desires this for dramatic or comic effect. One will feel the interplay of muscles as one goes through the range and depending on the voice type each note will have a different balance between stretching and thickening. Ideally all voices should be able to take head resonance down to the lowest note and vice versa.
@UzairKhan-qd3xu 3 жыл бұрын
hey sir do you think the high tenor voice is closer to female voice in mechanism than to male! because i feel my voice has registration issues of what a textbook soprano would have when starting training, just an octave lower!
@JussiPaul 3 жыл бұрын
We need to get out of this idea that male and female voices are different but yes one could say that the high tenor is closer in character to a soprano than it is to a bass. The soprano only has registration issues an octave higher if incorrectly trained. The registration issue for all voices is middle C to E (five notes in total). Once this issue is resolved all voices start to develop naturally.
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
You can also try 'in breath' falsetto ie. make a falsetto sound as you breath in. Start at about Tenor high C and establish those high notes then gradually work downwards. It is almost impossible to sing low when breathing in but it is possible to do vocal fry and this will be very powerful with the in breath. Only practice 'in breath' singing for short periods though as it is very tiring on the voice.
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
Apparently I sing in a way that's not connected enough to the body - can you explain how I could improve on that? Is it essentially about using more chest resonance?
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
@JussiPaul It does make sense, thanks, though I notice that while you say you don't like to call falsetto pure head voice, because it isn't always felt in the chest, you do seem to equate here falsetto-head-stretching/thinning as opposed to chest/thickening-shortening. Also, perhaps to state the obvious, but although you say the singing voice is a blend of chest and falsetto functions, in fact in tenor singing a pure falsetto is only used in exercises...
@orlando098 12 жыл бұрын
@JussiPaul That's interesting. At a young age I went to a couple of teachers who were dead set against doing anything falsettoey, which I think prevented me from being able to go high for years (which I can now, though not as well as I'd like), and I still tend to think of classical singing as being about singing in the chest register and never the falsetto, but stretching to the higher notes by incorporating some of the falsetto lightness and headiness without changing register.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@oliveranthonyrowland That's correct. The typical countertenor sings in a re-inforced (usually constricted) falsetto. The female voice is interesting since the falsetto register falls in the middle of their range and most voice coaches are unable to tell the difference between a female falsetto and their singing voice. In my experience women find it easier to go in and out of falsetto and are able to engage the 'full' voice without as much compression as a man would need.
@johnhaggai3921 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks,i will definately check it out...i really need help with the Arias am learning,in Africa its unfortunate especially Kenya where i come from classical music isnt taught to greater levels,i really would need your help on these field.thanks.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@honestopera I don't know how it is possible to lower the larynx without depression of the tongue. If one cultivates the 'oo' vowel in order to sing all vowels through that shape then one will experience more space between thyroid and hyoid but lowering the larynx won't create anymore space in itself. I work with an osteopath in order to release any tension that restricts the amount of space between hyoid and thyroid. Any attempt to physically lower the larynx only contributes to that tension.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@oliveranthonyrowland That's part of it but the body needs to play a part too. Push your fingers into your solar plexus (the soft bit below your sternum) and try to resist the pressure of your fingers by stretching the solar plexus outwards. Try this as you vocalise. It will feel strange at first and you will feel no connection but after a while you will notice something happening. You should also feel a little stretch in the lower back as you do this.
@rossmsng 11 жыл бұрын
What is the purpose of the 'in-breath' falsetto? I have never heard of that being used as an exercise.
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
Ideally there should be a little space between them but it is unusual for that to be the case since there is usually movement upwards (swallowing action) or downwards (depressed tongue). One can inhibit the tongue depression to some extent by keeping the tongue against the teeth (or in extreme cases by sticking the tongue out) but it is difficult to inhibit the swallowing action. I recommend holding the thyroid cartilage down with the fingers until those (elevator) muscles give up.
@MaestroRigale 11 жыл бұрын
My earliest experience with learning to keep a low laryngeal position involved using the tongue to force it down. This caused tongue tension problems for years, that I'm only just now conquering. This, however, leaves me in the uncomfortable position of only having a vague idea of how to lower my larynx properly and less idea of how to teach my students to do so. Thoughts?
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
As to the clicking sensation I would have to see you in person to be sure. I work with an osteopath who manipulates my larynx and it clicks then but I've yet to experience it whilst singing. As regards the tonal change, at what note do you feel it change? There is usually a small change from B flat to B then a bigger change from C to C sharp. Yes, feel free to send a file. You can email me via my website at the address above.
@shakaama 12 жыл бұрын
ok what's happening, when I go for a long jog, I can hit high C without even thinking, full support, full head voice. conversely, I can warm up for an hour or two or three and .... nothing, not even a Bb?
@oneillwinchester6658 8 жыл бұрын
My teacher said I was a high tenor is that leggiero or lyric? I'm confused, my voice is light I can go to E2 (G2 most controlled) and G4 sustained (I'm new with singing but I have hit Bb4) when I sing above Bb4 it mixes automaticly I can mix to G#5 sustained and falsetto to C#6. When my friend joined choir the teacher said she was a soprano and I thought I was one too but I didn't knew. I also thought I was a countertenor because I have similar voice to Mitch Grassi and Adam Lambert but countertenor is a classical voice. Also I know high tenor and he has a darker voice. So I'm confused about what my voice type is.
@JussiPaul 8 жыл бұрын
+Oneill Tomlinson I would have to hear you.
@orlando098 12 жыл бұрын
That involves going through a very thin, but still connected sound and into an even thinner squeakier area that is probably "whistle" voice (none of which is much use for classical singing though, I wouldn't have thought) somewhere around the soprano high notes. I have heard guys who can make a small sound up beyond the C an octave above soprano top C.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@orlando098 I think you're right - you're definitely a tenor. Let me know how you go on after a period of separate register work.
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
Or do you use "head voice" for the sound you get by easing the voice behind the soft palette into the head cavities while keeping it connected to the lower voice? Or could we call that "mixed voice"? ISTM one could call the typical countertenor either a (reinforced) falsetto or (with less derogatory implications) a pure head voice sound. It bothers me a bit there is this term meaning "false and small" that, at least in some usages, refers to what seems to me a natural function of the voice.
@aldrianresco6625 8 жыл бұрын
can i ask something , I dont know if i am a baritone or a tenor ? my low notes is G2 and my high note is up to D#5
@JussiPaul 8 жыл бұрын
Range doesn't define a voice. I would have to hear you to give you an answer.
@aldrianresco6625 8 жыл бұрын
+JussiPaul im from the Philippines .what I gonna do to hear me?
@aldrianresco6625 8 жыл бұрын
Ok sir, I will post a video.
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
How about, for example, low Bb to middle Eb for chest voice and top Eb to middle C for the falsetto, and then the full range blended? Too much, or OK, would you say? I generally find it pretty hard to do decent notes anything much below a B or Bb (and the B is small) - is that quite normal for a tenor who's not especially dramatic?
@shellamanalastas6434 10 жыл бұрын
hi im a baritone my range is c3 to c5, and i am a member of a choir group can i be a tenor 1 by this voice lesson,, please teach mo how to became tenor 1, this is the only video wich is better than any other videos posted in youtube
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@orlando098 That's the speech level method in which the female voice is trained pretty much like a male voice and works ok but will never produce the beauty of tone required for classical music. I think modern classical teaching can learn a lot from the speech level method though because they do at least try to produce a natural sound (ie. without depression of the larynx) and they also do work with falsetto although not to the degree that I do.
@orlando098 12 жыл бұрын
@JussiPaul That's right, I'm thinking of speech-level singing. Interesting that you are familiar with that and find it good to an extent. I also like that they aim for a natural sound, but doubt it would be ideal for singing beautifully enough for classical. When you say "modern" though, there were some great singers in the first part of the last century weren't there? Gigli, Lauri-Volpi... the overly depressed larynx production seems to have become more popular after that - would you agree?
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
.... whereas in the lowest notes one does sing pure chest, would you agree? Or would you say in a well trained tenor voice in fact there is no pure chest either? (I'm thinking of how you said to think of the falsetto as the base). Having asked if that would theoretically be the case, however, I can't really imagine how, say a (tenor) low D or E in my voice could normally feel anything other than "chesty" (unless, eg. trying to take the falsetto super low as an excercise).
@orlando098 12 жыл бұрын
@JussiPaul That's fascinating about women's falsetto being in the middle of their voice. I guess it's due to them having typically less chest voice extension and more of the connected high voice extension than men. Having said that I've seen vidoes of pop/rock singers or teachers able to make a connected, but generally very thin, sound to a higher range than they can do with falsetto (which I also managed while experimenting with that, at one stage, but stopped as I thought it not healthy to do
@danielshaindlin9463 11 жыл бұрын
TRUE. Corelli was a God. Glorious high notes. Domingo........
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
I teach singing in London and Berlin. Let me know if you've any plans to come to Europe.
@ternitamas 12 жыл бұрын
@JussiPaul I know what you mean but the guy is pushing way too much pressure when blending into full voice and therefore producing a tense sound. That's a long way run to Bellini. There was only a good release and good breath support exactly at 5:40. That is what should be encouraged!
@djtsinopoulos 11 жыл бұрын
Every time I watch this I am more intrigued. One thing I'm noticing is that my ability in falsetto has dissipated the past 2 years. That is not a good thing right? Is there anything I can and should do about that?
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@oliveranthonyrowland If I said seven years would you believe me and more importantly would you do it? The old singing teachers would recommend seven years! My advice would be to do it for 6 months then have a go at blending again. If the voice feels balanced then continue to mix. If not then go back to the separate registers. Every voice is different.
@JussiPaul 13 жыл бұрын
@danformica That's full voice. It sounds a bit strange due to the tongue waggling but that's what is defined as full tenor high voice. It's a light tenor so it may sound more falsetto dominant just as a female full voice is still falsetto dominant. Anything above middle C is falsetto dominant really as the chest voice acts more like an anchor from there on upwards. Interestingly, this voice is still a little too chest dominated and needs to develop more 'oo' vowel stretch for optimum function.
@stebolian 3 жыл бұрын
I'm late here but really need this . I am sick of singing with falsetto in rock songs and pulling or pushing chest as an alternative
@danielformica-yourvocalteacher 13 жыл бұрын
Is it like voce di strega? Witches cackle sort of?
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
Re. falsetto, there is a lot of confusion, it seems over this term, and some people only use it to mean a very breathy unattractive sound. For the sound that is pure and quite pleasant, but allows you to sing the highest notes with the most ease and least effort to blend or stretch or place the voice in a certain way etc, would it also be appropriate to call it pure head voice?
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
On the other hand it seems to me, a typical countertenor sings mainly in a reinforced falsetto as their basic mechanism. Though it doesn't make much difference to me personally, I am also curious as to how women train and whether they also avoid a pure falsetto mechanism or not. I would guess that, especially coloratura ones might use it for high light notes?
@bradleymonroe6443 8 жыл бұрын
Woah that sounds like a leggero tenor voice. Is that excercise for all tenor types or only lyric and leggero tenor.
@JussiPaul 8 жыл бұрын
Yes, he is a leggiero tenor. The exercises work for all voice types.
@bigpiglove 4 жыл бұрын
Could you please make a video about how to do falsetto "oo" from the beginnig to the top (for example from the middle C to high C). Could you cover how much air we should blow on each note. I'm asking you because I think I tend to overblow air and I think it's damaging my voice. When I come close to B4 (below high C). I "hit" this note but with lots of air and breathe support. It would be usefull for all of us to know how hard and loud we shoud push, how much air we shoud use on every note. I would appriciate every aspect given by you. Watching this video I've come to understand that hitting Bb4,B4, C5 could be much easier than I thought and less airy. thanks. Looking forward to your answer ;)
@JussiPaul 4 жыл бұрын
The B just below high C needs a huge amount of air. The secret is not to resist it. The vocal folds need to be quite passive for the falsetto. The air should flow freely through the folds. This is ultimately the sensation you will feel with full voice ie. the air needs to flow freely but with incredibly thin vocal folds gently resisting it in order to create that beautiful bright resonance that you hear in those old recordings.
@bigpiglove 4 жыл бұрын
​@@JussiPaul But the problem is that in this video you once said "Think in breath, but try support. Control your blowiness" (I hope I got it right). As far as I understood it means that we should limit our breathiness (air) through the vocal cords at least on high notes. The questions is What if we will be practicing falcetto with litlle air? Will it cause something wrong? Thanks!!!
@JussiPaul 4 жыл бұрын
@@bigpiglove Yes, once the falsetto is free you need to practise the same sound with less air so yes, hold the air back a bit!
@bigpiglove 4 жыл бұрын
@@JussiPaul Thanks! I see!
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@ternitamas Singing Bellini.
@oliveranthonyrowland 12 жыл бұрын
Also, I can squeeze some sort of noise down to a bottom E, but I should think it's counterproductive to do that with my voice not being suited to it. ISTM there's a happy medium between stretching the voice and overdoing things pointlessly. There are videos of people claiming to have anything up to six octaves, but to sing 2 or so well is more desirable than squeaking and grunting several more, though I guess it's desirable to be able to practice a little higher and lower than you'd perform.
@kaonesetsiba9179 9 жыл бұрын
Hi. This is really good. I am 21 and struggling to learn how to sing. I never know if i sound good or not. I dont even know my voice type. Sometimes sing high sometimea too low...please help. And if u are in London,i would like to join your classes..
@JussiPaul 9 жыл бұрын
Kaone Setsiba I spend about 8 days each month in London and I teach in Streatham SW16. I've just got back to Berlin but will be in London again 27th February - 7th March. Let me know if you'd like to book a lesson. I charge £50 for a one hour lesson.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@oliveranthonyrowland Yes, that's fine but try taking the falsetto as low as possible. Ideally one should be able to exercise falsetto over the entire vocal range. Think of falsetto being your baseline voice then bit by bit add chest resonance to it. Don't be in too much of a hurry to sing the high notes - good high notes take years to develop.
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
One should never try to lower the larynx or encourage one's students to do this. If I have a student who raises his larynx when starting the tone I will place my thumb and index finger between their thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone. Eventually the swallowing muscles will give up the fight and allow the depressor muscles to take over. One needs to do this to eliminate the downward pressure (more common and persistent) too. The larynx will eventually remain in a floating position during singing.
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, larynx should stay down but be careful not to push it down with the tongue. I advocate the use of 'oo' lips for all vowels to begin with.
@orlando098 12 жыл бұрын
.... but from what you say, one should think of the classical voice as always being something of a mix, not fully falsetto, but not fully chest either (unless for effect). So it's not that falsetto is the big taboo, it's too much of either that is not desirable. BTW I can do falsetto quite well and sound countertenorish, but I don't think I am one as my voice seems to tire quicker if I practice only that, as I tried at one stage, and tenor singing feels more naturally expressive to me.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
I suspect that your technique is not correct. When the voice is right then a top C is possible even with a hangover. Having said that I do recommend good diet and fitness and the top C will sound better when conditions are perfect. I don't recommend warming up for more than about ten minutes. I am able to sing for about two hours now but I don't do that often. My top C is usually at it's best after only about five minutes singing.
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@orlando098 Yes, I would agree with that. Corelli and Callas, despite being great artists, usherered in a new era of bad singing.
@gammacentrum1264 9 жыл бұрын
What type of tenor is he? (opera) is he Leggiero?
@JussiPaul 9 жыл бұрын
Gammacentrum12 Yes, Leggiero.
@gammacentrum1264 9 жыл бұрын
JussiPaul Can you tell me how a leggiero's voice develops? Basically the stages. I know that leggieros actually have a lot more baritonal qualities than the lyric tenor in the lower registers, and they have this upper extension. I'm just 16, recently my voice cracked and got a little higher than before. My speaking frequency pitch also got higher. I started to develop this weird upper extension that enabled higher pitches (I can only access it if I'm singing very light). I don't really know if I'm developing into a leggiero tenor (hope so). I just need to know how a leggiero's voice develops starting when he enters the "pre baritonal phase" or "settling baritone." If you could provide that, that would be nice :)
@JussiPaul 9 жыл бұрын
Gammacentrum12 Yes, it's true that often a leggiero tenor will have a bigger chest voice than a baritone. This can cause difficulties as it is very tempting to use too much chest voice in the middle and high notes. The upper notes of the leggiero tenor will feel like falsetto to begin with but they will develop into a fuller sound with time. You need to be very careful at this stage as you could set yourself back years without the right training.
@gammacentrum1264 9 жыл бұрын
JussiPaul I've noticed that my upper notes feel like falsetto. (with the exception of my zona di passagio which is E-flat4 to A-flat4). I know I shouldn't really classify in my age. About how low can a leggiero go? In my case, without pushing my Larynx down, I could weakly go down to F2. If I push my larynx down, I could reach E2. (I don't do it because it hurts. I used to reach D2 regularly). I just think there's a huge chance I'm developing into a leggiero. What do you think?
@JussiPaul 9 жыл бұрын
Gammacentrum12 It's ok to still exercise your chest voice just don't push it up too high. Once you get to around middle C then the falsetto needs to start taking up more of the work. The chest voice carries on as a holding mechanism but will not play a dominant role once you get beyond middle C and from the A5 it will feel like there is no chest resonance left at all though in fact it still plays a tiny role. Not easy I know but I wish you all the best.
@ternitamas 12 жыл бұрын
and this leads you where to...?
@JussiPaul 12 жыл бұрын
@honestopera Since those two great singers we've just had poor imitations of them. I think the rot had set in already and these two singers were a little bonus at the end of an era. Read the rest of the discussion. I actually like those singers but the purists will agree with my diagnosis I'm afraid.
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
Ok, seen your videos now. Yes, I think you are a tenor but you need to work on your chest voice in order to balance your voice. It is a little bit falsetto dominant at the moment but that's not a bad thing. Once you bring a bit more chest resonance into the mix then your voice should sound good.
@JussiPaul 11 жыл бұрын
No, it's not a good thing. The more falsetto the healthier the voice. Yes, you should be exercising in falsetto daily. Start with a breathy 'oo' vowel and gradually cut back on the air until you can still sing a dark 'oo' without the push of the breath then try to form the other vowels out of that 'oo' position. Eventually you will be amazed at how strong the falsetto becomes.
@brt1050 12 жыл бұрын
What in the hell are you talking about? His high register was one of the strongest in the business when he was in his prime! If you're looking for someone to beat up over dodging high notes you might want to look at Domingo instead...
Daniel Carberg teaching a tenor
Daniel Carberg
Рет қаралды 51 М.
How to Belt High Notes Without Strain (Pull Chest OR use Mixed Voice?)
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Рет қаралды 4,2 МЛН
Opera Singing Warm-Up Routine
Lucas Meachem
Рет қаралды 340 М.
Free Voice Lesson Warm Up  Tenor
Jeff Rolka
Рет қаралды 226 М.
How to Sing in Head Voice - Tenor Range
Jeff Rolka
Рет қаралды 118 М.
Neal Harrelson Voice Teacher Master Class
Рет қаралды 92 М.
Michel Galan
Рет қаралды 406 М.
Find Your Singing Voice Type | #DrDan 🎤
Dr Dan's Voice Essentials
Рет қаралды 297 М.
How to increase vocal range for musical theatre singing
Dan Callaway
Рет қаралды 9 М.
Singing: how to hit the high notes
Рет қаралды 482 М.
Say Mo - LIL BIT & 1 shot 2 (Waysberg Music Remix)
Waysberg Music🇰🇿
Рет қаралды 401 М.
LISA - ROCKSTAR (Official Music Video)
LLOUD Official
Рет қаралды 98 МЛН
Iliyas Kabdyray ft. Amre - Армандадым
Amre Official
Рет қаралды 763 М.
Sadraddin - Jauap bar ma? | Official Music Video
Рет қаралды 8 МЛН
Serik Ibragimov - Сен келдің (mood video) 2024
Serik Ibragimov
Рет қаралды 1,5 МЛН
IL’HAN - Pai-pai (lyric video) 2024
Ilhan Ihsanov
Рет қаралды 172 М.